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04x22 - A Family Affair

Posted: 10/18/23 10:16
by bunniefuu


♪ Here we are, face to face ♪

♪ A couple of silver spoons ♪

♪ Hopin' to find

We're two of a kind ♪

♪ Makin' a go

Makin' it grow ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ Takin' the time each day ♪

♪ To learn all about

Those things ♪

♪ You just can't buy ♪

♪ Two silver spoons together ♪

♪ You and I together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ You and I together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ Together ♪




I don't believe this.

I actually wish I was a pencil.

This is getting gross.

Why don't you just

go over there and talk to her?

I don't wanna bother her.

Come on. See that uniform?

She goes to

the Eastman Academy.


It's an all-girls school.

You know what they say

about those girls.



You know.

All day, every day,

without men.

They're really lonely...

if you know what I mean.

Then I'd better get

right on over there.


What's that supposed to mean?

Nothing. Nothing.

I was just trying to...

Hey, forget it. I'm sorry.

It's never gonna happen again.

Hey, wait a minute.

I'm sorry. Come on, sit down.

My name's Jeannie. What's yours?


I'm really sorry

I was being rude,

but a lot of guys,

they have this idea

that if you go

to an all-girls school,

you're an easy target.


No. That's disgusting!

You know, I've seen you

in here before.

Heh. You remembered me, huh?

Heh. It was hard not to.

You sat

on my girlfriend's pizza.

Don't worry.

I thought it was kind of cute.

Yeah, well,

that's why I did it.

Oh, gosh, I gotta go.

Um, maybe I'll see you

around sometime.

Yeah, listen,

I was just going myself.

Can I walk you home?

I guess it'd be okay.

Great. I'll be right back.

She wants me to walk her home.

Wow! They must be

lonelier than I thought.

Let's go.

Excuse me...sir.

Uh, this is Lyle.

He's our chauffeur.

Hello, Lyle.

Does he drive the cars

or carry them?



Hey, Dex, what's the good news?

Your company

is about to collapse.

Hope you don't have

any bad news.

The picket line

goes up tomorrow.


It's not definite yet.

The union won't go

lower than percent.

I told them

they'd have to settle

for percent.


They told me to blow it

out my briefcase.

I swear, I've never

met such a bunch

of uncouth,

unreasonable, uncivilized--

Well, I know the union's tough

to work with sometimes,

but there was a time

the workers didn't have


from bad working conditions,

exploitative bosses--

Yeah. The good old days.

We'll have Kate talk to them.

Last time this happened,

she did real well.

You have to know

how to approach them.

Appeal to

their sense of fairness,

treat them as equals...

and wear a sexy blouse.

Works for me.

Hey, all's fair in love

and labor disputes.

I'll go get changed.

I need some coffee.

Hi, Kate.


Boy, did you guys look outside?

I mean, really look.

It's gorgeous.

Bright blue sky.

Big, bubbly clouds. What a day.

New girlfriend, right?

Dexter, not just a girl.

The girl I've asked to the prom.

You've known Jeannie four days,

you'll take her to the prom?

Yeah. If it's okay with Lyle.

Who's Lyle?

Her chauffeur.


He's more like a bodyguard.

When I walk home from school,

he drives that limo behind us

the whole way.

A Rolls-Royce doing

miles an hour?

Maybe it needs a tune-up.


I've got a date with Jeannie.

And I hate to keep Lyle waiting.

See you.

Bye. Have a good time.

RICK: Yep!

Listen, you better

go over these papers.

Yeah, let me get my notes.

So who is this girl

that she has her own chauffeur?

Her father must be loaded.

The name's Joe Bolens.

You know the name?

Hmm, Bolens. Oh, my Lord. Ack!


What's with you?

Bolens. I do know that name.

He bought

the old Kemberly mansion.

Edward, there are rumors going

around that he may be connected.


To what?

You know...

What's that?

He's got ties to the Mob!

Oh, come on. No way.

I'm telling you, I heard rumors.

Oh, rumors

from the same source

that told you

that Loni Anderson

was actually a man?

That has yet to be disproved.

You remember Charlie Younger,

who owned the Big Y

meat packing plant?

Yeah, I remember

reading something about him.

Joe Bolens made him an offer

he couldn't refuse.

Now it's the Big B meat packers,

and no one's seen

Charlie Younger since.

Well, Dex, maybe he

just left the country.


You can believe what you like,

but I know I'm never

eating another hot dog

for as long as I live.


Come on, Rick.

Here's your grapes.

It's your turn.

This is stupid.

Alfonso did it.

Yeah, I rest my case.

Come on, please?

All right.


Sorry, Lyle.

Isn't it kind of creepy to have

him follow you everywhere?

You get used to it.

Yeah, he's great at the beach

in case you want some shade.


Come on, don't pick on Lyle.

I mean, he helped

choose my dress.



I bet it's beautiful.

You know, it is.

It's all satiny with ruffles.

It'll look great

with your black tux.

No, I'm wearing a plaid tux.


Yeah, it's gonna be a real goof.


Yeah. I don't wanna

look like some geek

that's serious

about dressing up.

Oh, you're saying I'm a geek.


Oh, come on,

I'm talking about guys.

Girls are supposed to get crazy

about that stuff.

Crazy? Oh, so now I'm crazy.

Jeannie, you know what I mean.

Yeah. You think

this prom is a big joke

and my feelings don't matter.

No, not at all.

Good. Then you'll wear

the black tux.

Boy, you don't give up,

do you?

Isn't this embarrassing?

Shh! This is good!

You know, you do this a lot.


Tell me what to do.

JEANNIE: I do not!

Yes, you do.

Every time we go to movies,

you've gotta pick it.

We've only gone to one movie.

And who picked it?

Shattered Hearts

and Broken Dreams. Ugh!

I liked that movie...

and so did Lyle.

Well, maybe you should get him

to wear a black tux.

Look, you don't have

to take me.

That's right, I don't.

Well, don't.


Okay, I won't.

That's fine with me.

Me too.





Now, if the strike

should happen,

and it won't, because

Kate's gonna handle it,

but if worst comes to worst,

how long do you think

Eddie Toys could hold out?

Fred, this isn't

a laughing matter.

Hi, Dad.

Oh, Rick, good.

I need to talk to you.

Can it please wait?

I'm not in the mood.

This is kind of important.

What is it?

Well, son, you know I'm not one

to meddle

in your private affairs.

Oh, no.

But sometimes a parent

has to speak up.

Take, for instance,


You can forget Jeannie.

We've broken up. We're through.



I'm sorry to hear that.

Yeah. So, what about her?

Uh, I...

I just wanted to say

that sometimes

I have to meddle,

and this

isn't one of them.

Hope you don't feel too bad.

No, I don't feel bad.

I feel good.

I did the right thing.

Good for you.

And now I'm going upstairs

and getting another date

for that prom.

That's my son, getting

right back up on that horse!

I'm gonna call Sheila Becker.

She'll go with me.

Good idea.

Uh, wait a minute.


This Sheila...

what does her father

do for a living?

He's a florist.


Have a nice day?

First they were rude.

Then they were obnoxious.

Then they

were impossible!

Oh, I know those guys

can be difficult.

What guys? They sent a woman

in to negotiate for them.

Blouse didn't work, huh?



I'll get it.


Yes, this is Mrs. Stratton.

Oh, hello, Mr. Bolens.

What? Jeannie came home crying

because Rick wouldn't

take her to the prom?


Well, what makes you

think it was his fault?

What? You're being ridiculous!

Oh, you would, would you?

Well, that would be just fine!

That would be even better!

What would be even better?

Joe Bolens is on his way over

to talk to you.


Now, let's just stay calm.

There's no reason to panic.

It's all very simple.

He just wants you to order Rick

to take his daughter

to the prom.

Well, the nerve of him!

I mean, who does

he think he is, anyway?

A very dangerous man.


Listen, Joe Bolens is a...


Dexter, we don't have time

for nose squishing.

Joe Bolens is a gangster.


Come on!


He specializes in taking over

successful businesses

and forcing out

the original owner.

That's right.

He muscled Charlie Younger

out of his meatpacking business.

Who's Charlie Younger?

Now he's on his way over here.

Just because

my son breaks a date,

I'm gonna be sharing a hot-dog

bun with Charlie Younger.

You're having lunch

with Charlie Younger?

Great! Just great.

What? What?

Sheila Becker is going

to the prom with Brad.

So you don't have

another date yet?

It seems like every girl

in this town is taken.

Except Jeannie.

Wait a second, Dex.


It's just a suggestion.

It's not a very good one.

I don't know.

Maybe it's not so bad

if I wore a regular black tux.

Black tuxes are so nice.

Jeannie really was looking

forward to that prom, guys.

Well, who wouldn't?

Proms are so much fun.

Isn't that right, Kate?

I don't know.

I thought they were boring.

Oh, what do you know?

I guess I could go see her

and try to patch things up.

Well, I don't know, son.

No, I've made up my mind.

I'm going over there

and apologizing.


That was close.

Why should I apologize?

I wasn't wrong. She was.

Details, details!

I wasn't the one telling her

what to wear or how to act.

Well, that's true--

That does sound awfully pushy.

If I go over there now,

she'll think she can

just walk all over me.


Dexter, it's her fault

as much as mine.

Why isn't

she apologizing to me, right?

Well, yeah--

Thanks, Dad.

I'm glad you agree.

I'm dead.

I know.

Thanks for your support.

You have my complete support.

After all, at times like this,

friends have got

to stick together.


Oops, sorry, gotta run. Ciao!

Fair-weather friend!

Come on, Kate.


I'll get it.

In the library. Heh.



Hi there.

I'm Edward Stratton,

father of Rick.

Well, of course

I'm Rick's father.

I'm sure as heck not his mother.

Ha-ha-ha, yeah.

Hello there.


Who are you?

Joe Bolens. How you doing?

Good to see you. Heh-heh.

Oh! You're...

I thought you were him.


I guess a lot of people

make that mistake.


Of course not. Why would they?

So you're in the, uh...

toy business.

Yeah, yeah.

Well, it looks like

the toy business

is a good business to get into.

Oh, yeah. It's a pretty--

Terrible business.

Kids don't like toys anymore.

Last year was a terrible year.

Almost worse--

As bad as this year.

You know, I heard you were

having some labor problems.

Massive labor problems.

Big, big labor problems.

I wouldn't worry

too much about that.

Those things have a way

of working themselves out. Heh.

They do?

Take my word for it.

The main thing here,

the main thing

is to be reasonable.



Like this problem

with the kids.

I'm sure we can

handle this in a...

reasonable way.

I agree!


Reasonable is my favorite way

to handle things.

Good. Good, good, good.

I'm sure my Jeannie would

feel a lot better

if she knew Rick was willing

to make the first step here.

Which I'm sure

he'll be willing to do

once he gets the proper

guidance and advice,

if you follow

what I'm saying.

You want me to order Rick

to apologize to her.

I knew we could talk.

Heh-heh, I knew it.

Well, maybe not.

Mr. Bolens, I think

we have a problem here.

Edward, could I speak to you?

And this is Mrs. Stratton.

That's right.

We spoke on the phone.

Nice blouse.

Mr. Bolens, I don't think

you're gonna want to hear this.


Excuse me.

Yeah, hello.

It's for you.

Oh, thank you.



Oh, yeah. Hi, Lenny.

How you doing?

Hold on a minute.

Uh, I'm sorry.

I'm gonna have to take this.

That's okay. I need

to speak to Edward, anyway.

We'll be in the kitchen.




So you sell the boat?

What do you mean, he wants

to take it for a ride first?

He can see that it floats,

can't he?

I just talked to our union rep.

They're ready to settle.

The last thing I need

right now is-- They are?


They agreed to percent?

Yeah. You know, I'm even

better than I thought.

Can I have a raise?

Honey, that's great!

Ha! That's great!

No! It isn't. It's terrible.

Terrible? Why?

He forced the union to settle.



He told me our labor problems

would work themselves out.

You mean it wasn't me?

He pulled strings

so I'd owe him a favor.

Well, it isn't gonna work.

I've had it with this guy.

I'm going out there

and tell him where to get off.

I thought it was me.

How do we know he's not just

looking for a free boat ride?

Yeah. Oh, of all

the unreasonable, ungrateful...

Listen, if that's how he feels,

you're gonna have to take him

for a little ride.

Yeah, the East River's

as good a place as any.


Boy, oh, boy.

Oh, you were saying?

Saying, uh...

Yeah, you were saying

something that I wasn't

gonna like hearing.

That's right.

You tell him, Edward.


We have had it up to here

with your arrogant attitude.


I mean, who the heck

do you think you are anyway,

going around acting like

some sort of godfather?


And that goes for you too!

Ah! Ooh!

What's with her? I'm just trying

to fix things for my kid.


Look, Mr. Bolens,

I can't make Rick

go out with her.

What's the problem? Tell him

what to do, and he'll do it.

Heh. That's how

things work in my house.

No, you don't understand.

I don't think our kids

should go out together.

Why not?

You know why not!

Because of your...


What's with your nose?

I have a little problem

with your line of work.

You a vegetarian? You have

something against meat packers?

Oh, meat packers, huh?

Meat packers don't take

people for rides up the river.

How else am I gonna

sell my boat?




I got it.

Oh, Rick, I am so sorry.

I just have this bad temper,

and I just let it

get the best of me.

I was about to say

the same thing.




Now, princess, I can explain.

Don't "princess" me.

You promised you

wouldn't meddle anymore.

Well, you know, I wouldn't

actually call this meddling.

I would. And you're in trouble

with Mom for selling the boat.


She knows?

Yes, and you know

what she told you

about butting in

to my personal life.

Listen, you think maybe

we could talk about this later?

So this is how things work

at your house, huh?

Don't push it.


Dad, who's that?

How can I make it up to you?

Tell me what to do,

and I'll do it.

Well, you can start by

apologizing to Mr. Stratton.

Look, I have no idea

what's going on here,

and I'm not sure I want to.

I just have one question.

We going to the prom or not?

Now, how could I turn down

an invitation like that?

All right. I better

reorder your corsage.

Hey, we'll use

the phone upstairs.


Yeah, you guys, why don't

you guys wait outside?



Listen, uh, I'm sorry

I came in like this.

I was just

looking out for my kid.

Well, I think we both were.

Yeah. Well, I better

get home to face the music.

Before you go, do you mind

if I ask you a question?


You remember when you said

that my strike would end?

Well, it ended.

I thought that you ended it.

You didn't end it, did you?

Are you kidding?

Last year, the union

nearly broke my back

with a four-month strike.

That's great! Heh!

I mean, really?

Ah, honest. Honest.

Well, that just goes

to show you,

you shouldn't believe

rumors, huh? Ha-ha!

Oh, hey.

Can I ask you something else?

You know, you ask

a lot of questions.

Well, this'll be

the last one. Heh.

What ever happened

to Charlie Younger?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe he just got...nosy.


It's kind of nice

with Rick at the prom.

We've got the whole house

to ourselves.

Hello there.

Soft music, candlelight,

chocolate mousse.

Getting ideas, Edward?



Me neither.



Uh, Rick. Ha!

Uh, what are you

doing home so early?

Uh, Jeannie and I

had a little fight.


Boy, you two

are like oil and water.

Actually, we're more like

gasoline and matches.

What happened?

She didn't like my outfit.

Why not? You look great!

Yeah, I thought the shoes

were a real nice touch.

Me too.

The woman has no taste.



answer that.

