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04x10 - Judgment Day

Posted: 10/18/23 09:53
by bunniefuu

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Face to face ♪

♪ A couple

Of silver spoons ♪

♪ Hopin' to find ♪

♪ We're two of a kind ♪

♪ Makin' a go ♪

♪ Makin' it grow ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find

Our way ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ Takin' the time

Each day ♪

♪ To learn all about ♪

♪ Those things

You just can't buy ♪

♪ Two silver spoons

Together ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ We're gonna find

Our way ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find

Our way ♪

♪ You and I together ♪




I got it.

Not too fast.

Right over there.

Over here?



Made it!

You've done your bit

for the church thrift shop.

With this good deed,

I'm on my way to heaven.

You'll be lucky

if you get to Queens.

Boy, some lemonade would

sure taste good right now.

Yeah, it sure would.

Nice try.

I'll make some

as soon as I finish.

Wanna go sh**t

some baskets?

No, thanks.

Let's wait for Dasher

to get here.


William Dasher's

coming here?

I'm gone.

What was all that about?

Who's Dasher?

He's a guy in our

Geometry class.

He kind of gets

on Alfonso's nerves.

Actually, he gets

on everybody's nerves.

What's wrong with him?

He's smart,

good athlete,

he does

everything right.

The nerve of him!

Hi! Ha.

I thought you

were going to play.

I did. I don't normally

let myself go

three years without

picking up a racket.


I ran him ragged.

Want some lemonade

with a splash of oxygen?

Make it a double.


I got it.

Hi. Come on in.

Sorry I'm late.

No problem.

I had to accept this

young achievement award

from the Chamber of Commerce.

I hate to leave

a standing ovation.

I know

what you mean.

Delirious crowds

are a drag.

Dad, Dexter, this is

William Dasher.

Hey, nice to meet you, Bill.

Please call me William.

Excellent taste

in neckties, William.

Thank you.

Who is Veritas?

Some new designer?

No. This is

the Harvard emblem.

Veritas in Latin

means truth.

No lie?

Well, Dexter

ought to know.

After all,

he's a Harvard man.

Great! That's where

I'm going to school.

Oh, really?

Amazing, you know already?

Well, I've made

a few plans.

Hah. A few?

He could write

his memoirs today.

Hey, that's just

the early years...

There's Harvard undergrad,

Harvard law,

associate with

a corporate law firm,

and eventually,

a partnership.

Wow! He's ahead of me now.

He's even got it written

in his appointment book.

"June , ...

Become partner."

Drop on by,

we'll celebrate, huh?

Don't you need mostly A's

to get into Harvard?


You need

A plus, plus.

No sweat.

Ah, that's right.

Harvard men don't sweat.

When you're ready

to apply, let me know

I'm an alumni


I didn't know! Have

I said anything wrong?

No, not at all.

Good thing you didn't mention

missing Geometry Friday.

I was busy winning

a debate tournament.

William can speak

words a minute

with gusts up to .

You have those

Geometry notes?


Didn't you have a test

in that last week?

Yeah, I got a B.

I sure hope

these notes are accurate.

Heh. Hey!

Let's go upstairs and play

some Zork on the computer.

Of course you'd pick that one.

You always beat me.


Let's go get

that lemonade, huh?

I'm not thirsty.

Well, I'll drink

for the both of us.

That Dasher sure

has it all together.

When I was ,

my biggest goal

was to finish my table

lamp in wood shop.

He's exactly

the kind of applicant

Harvard's looking for.

In fact,

he reminds me of me.

What about Rick?

He reminds me

of you.

Isn't Rick

the type of applicant

Harvard's looking for?


is an exceptional

young man.

That isn't an answer.

You know, Edward,

to get into Harvard

or any top school,

the competition

is fierce.

So tell me

about the game.

He slaughtered me.

You still haven't

answered my question.

You saying Rick

isn't smart enough?

No, no...

This is starting

to get extremely personal.

Correction. This is already

extremely personal.

There are three things

friends should never discuss.

Politics, religion,

and this.

I hate these conversations.

Richard is very bright.

He's got a lot

of extracurricular activities.

If he applied himself,

he'll go far.

He applies himself.

He got a B on his Geometry test.

And he hates Geometry.

This is my final warning.

Get off this subject.

A B won't get him

into the top schools.

Not when you're up against

the William Dashers.

Rick'll do fine.

"Fine" is exactly that.


But if he doesn't do better,

certain doors

will be shut forever.

What doors?

Suppose he wants

a profession,

medicine, law, engineering.

Rick's only ,

a sophomore.

He's got three years

till college.


College is here, now.

Every grade he gets

goes on

his permanent record.

Permanent, as in forever.

If he's getting

into a good school,

he'll have to buckle down

before his ship has sailed.

"His ship has sailed?"

You make it sound

so ominous.

That's why I don't like

these conversations.

This is delicious.

Is it fresh

or from a can?

You should know.

You went to Harvard.

Stratton goes

into the pivot,

looks to you, declines,

fakes right, fakes left,

what a move,

three seconds left.

He spins, he whirls,

he slams.




Come in.

Hi, what

are you doing?


With a Nerf ball?

The key to good studying is

knowing when to take a break.

Wanna take a few sh*ts?


You remember a couple

of years ago,

when you said you might want

to be a doctor?

I did?

Yeah, remember?

We were at the beach.

Oh, yeah. I found a crab

with a bum leg

and fixed up

a little splint for him.

"You can do it, guy.

Come on.

You can do it."

Yeah, you were so proud.

He was doing great too,

till that kid

stepped on him.

We buried him at sea

in a gum wrapper.

If you did want

to be a doctor,

you'd want to go to

the best medical school, right?


But I don't want

to be a doctor.

You don't?


I couldn't stand

losing another patient.

Well, okay,

it doesn't matter,

but whatever profession

you decide to go into,

you'll need top grades.

Is this gonna be one

of those conversations

we've had the good sense

to avoid up until now?

Yeah, so let's make it

quick and simple.

You do well

in all your other subjects,

and I think you can do better

than a B in Geometry.

Dad, the only thing better

than a B is an A.

See, you've got

the natural ability...

if you crack the books

and put

the Nerf ball away.

Whatever happened

to that father

who told me to go out there

and have a great time?

Where'd he go?

He went to Aspen

Junior College.

I majored in

Downhill Skiing

with a minor

in Hot Chocolate.

I thought you

liked it there.

I did. I had

a great time.

Then I realized I didn't know

what to do with my life,

and I felt like

I'd been left behind.

Like I'd blown it.

I don't want to see

that happen to you, son.

Dad, I won't.

I don't even like

downhill skiing.

I'm serious.

I want to see you

buckle down.

I don't understand.

First a B is okay,

now it's not.

I'm supposed to have fun,

but then I can't.

You're changing

all the rules.

You're not

years old anymore.

Like it or not, the world

will start judging you,

and you'll have

to start performing.

Ha. I get it.

You want me to be more like

William "Too Good

To Be True" Dasher.

You're capable of doing

just as well as he does.

I just want to see you

fulfill your potential,

for your own good.

For my own good,

I should be miserable?

Getting an A

in Geometry

will not make you


I know

you can do it.

You know I can,

I know I can,

so why don't we just say

I did it?


ladies and gentlemen,

the immortal

Rick Stratton,

the game's

all-time leader,

is hanging up

his Nerf ball.

It's the end of an era.



Boy, guys. These late nighters

are m*rder.

Hey, I think I see

the sun coming up!


it's : .

Oh, I guess

it's the moon.


Hey, Rick,

the water's boiling.

Very good.

That's one out of two.

How many scoops

this time, Alfonso?

Three heaping ones.

How about you, Freddy?

I'll pass.

That stuff doesn't do

anything for me.

I'm fading.

That's because you made me

give you decaf.

My mom says caffeine

isn't good for you.

Makes you hyperactive.

Come on, come on.

That hyper stuff is just

an old wive's tale.

Are you calling my mom

an old wife?

Hey, look

at this, huh?

Studying around

the table,

drinking coffee,

esprit de corps.

No, it's Yuban.

We've only got hours

till finals, Dad.

Don't let me interrupt. Just

wanna grab a couple of cookies.

Let's go,

moving on.

What's the area

of a parallelogram?

The base times

the altitude.


Keep up the good

work, guys.

I'm proud of you, son.

You had to mention food,

didn't you?

Glad I didn't mention

full-contact karate.

Hi, fellas.

Everything okay?

We're studying.


I'll just get a snack.

Just pretend

I'm not here.

What's the next


Number six, come on,

we're rolling.

I-I'm not. I've got

a mustard stain on six.

Freddy, you didn't

even eat anything.

I wonder what it is.

Look, you guys,

if we just concentrate,

we can get this

over with a lot sooner.



When are we going

to finish?

When we know it

by heart.

I already know it by heart.

Really? What's

an isosceles triangle?

Well, it's a certain

type of triangle...

invented many years ago

by a man named Isosceles...

in a country that

was very ancient

and is now underwater.

You have

absolutely no idea.

Yeah, but what an effort.

All right!

When's the burial?



We got a little hungry.




Not funny, guys.

Would you quit it?

Let's get serious.

Maybe you don't care

about your grades,

but I do.

You care about my grades?

Gee, thanks. Heh.

Not your grades.

My grades!

My dad's on my case.

I have to get

an A on this test.

Hey Rick, buddy, pal...

lighten up.

You're turning into a Dasher.

You used to be fun

to hang out with.

This is not hanging out.

This is life.

I don't even know why

I asked you to study with me.

That makes two of us.


I hate

to say this, Rick,

but your charm

has worn away.

Fine. Go on, leave.

I'll get a lot more done

without you.

Come on,


Let's go somewhere

where we're appreciated.

Where's that?

There must be



I'm not here.


All right.

Oh, no.

Kate, did you get the mail

while I was upstairs?

Rick, you were only

upstairs two minutes.

How do you know you're getting

your grades today?

I talked to Freddy

this morning.

He already got his.

Oh. How did he do?

His parents are

throwing a party.

No kidding?

Yeah, he got

straight Cs.

Where is that guy?

Staring out

the door

isn't going to make the

mailman come any sooner.

Where is he? What time

does he usually get here?

On Saturday,

it varies.

What do you mean,


Don't they put the guy

on a schedule?

What's he do?

Not deliver the mail

until he gets inspired?


Just because I'm not

old enough to vote

doesn't mean I'm not entitled to

have my mail delivered on time.

I see no sleet

out there,

no snow,

no gloom of night...

Nothing to stay him

from his appointed rounds.

Rick, can't you relax?

I'm sure

you did just fine.

Kate, I think I blew

the Geometry test.

I went in for the final

and I panicked.

I don't even know

if I put my name on it.

Wait a minute...

that could be good.

Rick, there's no point

in torturing yourself.

It's all over now.

Wake up, Kate! Wake up!

That's what

I'm afraid of.

I've got two and a half

more years of this.

The pressure's

just beginning.

Where is he?

♪ La, la, lu, la

La, la, lu, la ♪

♪ La, la, lu, la

Pasta bazzula ♪

♪ Hey, boy

I gotta tell you ♪

♪ This onion

A-stings a-you eyes ♪

Did you know Rick was

getting his grades today?

Oh, great!

A good soup deserves

something to celebrate it with.

Rick isn't in much

of a festival mood.

Matter of fact, he's

very nervous about it.

Well, that's only normal.


You think it's normal

to rant and rave


the U.S. Postal Service?

Sure, I feel like that whenever

I go into a post office.


this is serious.

He's crazed.

I've never

seen him like this.

He's tearing

himself apart.


Maybe I better

have a talk with him.


Hi, Dad.

Hi. How are you doing?


I'm doing fine. Great.


I'm glad.



Ha. Yeah...

He's scared

to death.

What's he so afraid of?

He doesn't want

to disappoint you.

He's worked hard.

I'm sure he'll do fine.

Well, what if he didn't?

He's acting like his life

hangs in the balance

over one grade

in Geometry.

I never said

anything like that.

You may not have said it,

but that's what he heard.

All I said was

I didn't want

to see him make

the same mistakes I did.

Oh, yeah, and you're

a sad case, aren't you?

Kate, I spent a lot of years

flailing around, you know,

before I

straightened out.

It couldn't have

been that bad.

We're talking

major flailing.

I wasted

eight months

at the Commune

of Love and Trust...

till I caught Brother Sunshine

swiping my stereo.

Well, all that experimenting

and searching

made you

who you are...

Gave you depth

and character.

I like the way

you turned out.

Well, flailing

has its good points.

And working until

you're a basket case

has its bad points.

Mm. Yeah...

How do you tell your son

it's important to work hard

but it shouldn't be a matter

of life or death?

That's a start.

All right.


I'm going to earn

my Father's Day card this year.

Ah... Rick.

Yeah, Dad?


I got it.

Mr. Tuttle, I wondered

where you were.

It's sweepstakes day.

I'm getting sick of looking

at Ed McMahon's face.

I got a registered letter

for you, Mr. Stratton.


Sign it right there, please.

Where's the rest

of the mail?

One thing at a time,

young man.

I know what

you're waiting for.

There you go.

Oh, thank you.


Good luck. Heh.



Ed McMahon...


Richard Stratton,

Shallow Springs school district.


Before you open this,

I want to tell you something.


I want you to know

I put much too much emphasis

on what's

in this envelope.

Got your point.

Can I have it now?

No, not yet.

I set impossible standards

and I was making you crazy.

And now you're not?

Stay with me

on this.

I just realized

I've been putting

the same terrible

pressure on you

that my old man

used to put on me.

That's something I'd promised

I'd never do to you.

Wait a minute.

Are you saying

I did all this for nothing?

No, no,

that's not it either.

It's a matter of...

balancing the achievement

against the price

you have to pay for it.

The important thing is,

you gave it your best shot.

That's all

anybody can ask.

You won't think I'm a failure

if I get a B or a C?

Absolutely not.

How about an F?

Don't push it.

Guess I can open it,

now that

it doesn't matter.

Guess I'll just

go in and...

check on that soup.

I'll just...

see how

that soup's doing.


You did it!

You got the A

in Geometry! Ha, ha!

You did it!

Oh, boy!

Not that it matters.

It doesn't matter, no.

But you did it!

You got the A!

No sweat.

