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01x02 - Seeing Red

Posted: 10/17/23 16:50
by bunniefuu
- Thanks for making me a coffee.

- Pleasure.

It's quite temperamental,

this, but I love it.

It's the best.

I feel like that's important.

Everything has got to be kind of



Oh, thank you.

Does anyone use this kitchen?

It looks like it's never been used.

Of course. I was cooking here last night.

Dude, it's like

I know. It's pretty clean.

Because I clean it so well.

I'm not sure it's actually appreciated

so much by my wife,

in all honesty.

The fact that when

everyone's in bed, I then go around,

clean the candles,

turn the lights on to the right setting,

make sure everywhere's tidy,

because I hate coming down

in the morning and there's cups and plates

and, you know, bowls.

It's tiring.

It's tiring,

going around every single candle,

cleaning it, clipping the wick and,

you know, it gets tiring.

You clip the candle wicks?

I clip the candle wicks,

I clean the glass.

That's my pet hate,

the smoke around the inside of a candle.

I know, it's weird.

He's just so perfect.

See? Not appreciated.

That's what happens.

- You are. You are appreciated.

- Yeah?

- You are.

- All right.

I don't believe that for a second.

It sounds so sarcastic when she says it.

Look, he's straightening the chairs.

I know. Well, that's

Darling, where does this go?

Do you remember?

I do.


Of course you do.

Sorry about the cup.

- I'm going.

- You got a busy day today?

- Where are you going? Going to work?

- Heading to work.

I'm heading off

to the fashion factory, kids.

- No, where are you actually going?

- Facial.

There you go.

I wish there was a pill that

you could take that could erase certain


It's a red card for David Beckham.


Argentina go through, and England go out.

Michael Owen distressed.

Paul Ince shedding a few tears.

I feel so sorry for all of them.

I made a stupid mistake.

He can't be seeing

where he's kicking.

- But he still flicks out at somebody.

- He flicks out.

If that's a sending off, I'll eat my hat.

Changed my life.

Had Beckham not been sent off,

we could have probably snatched a win.

It's arguable, isn't it?

He'll regret this terribly.

But he'll have to learn to live with it.

Did you think he deserved

a red card for the kick?

Absolutely not. Absolutely not.

The contact was minimal.

You can see I was hamming it up,

knocked over by David's imaginary kick.

Good actor.

I want to put you in my next movie.

As they passed

England's players and families,

the Argentine team jeered.

England's players'

World Cup dream in shreds.

I felt very vulnerable and alone.

England's World Cup squad

have arrived home

after their defeat on penalties

by Argentina last night.

Watch out, guys.

David! David!

And as I'm walking,

there was this horrible paparazzi guy

walking along.

"How do you feel

about letting your country down?"

"You're a disgrace."

David, do you ever think

you'll play for your country again?

They organized a private lounge

for me to meet my mum and dad.

Are you off to run and hide, David?

He was just distraught.

He fell into my arms and he said,

"I've let everybody down."

I said, "No, you ain't."

I said, "You ain't let anybody down."

I said, "Get your head up."

So then I said to my mum and dad,

"I've got something to tell you."

"Uh, Victoria's pregnant."

And the first thing

that came out of my dad's mouth was

"Oh, blimey. You couldn't have picked

a worse time, could ya?"

Beckham is leaving England,

flying straight out again to New York

to be reunited with his girlfriend,

Victoria Adams.

I'm seeing David tomorrow.

I haven't seen him for two months.

I can't remember what he's like to cuddle.

Like this!

And I'll go

I'll go, "Come on, baby!"

I remember really not understanding

how serious it was,

what had happened.

Because, you know, I

I've never really been into football.

I love watching him play football,

but then I'd love whatever he does.

He could be painting a wall

and I'd love watching painting a wall.

Do you know what I mean?

It was him that I wanted to support.

- Is everybody decent?

- Yeah.

Hello, Daviiiiid.

How art thou?

All right. You?

Good. Nice to have you back on Spice Cam.

I'm very happy for you both,

that you're here together.

- Let's look at a few of these.

- Okay. Just finishing

Not keen on that one.

God, I've got a right face on me.

When he came to me in America,

he felt he let himself down,

he let his teammates down,

he let his country down,

he let the fans down, me.

He felt that he let everybody down.

But when he was with us Spice Girls,

there was a protection.

People couldn't get to us.

We could put a little bit

of cotton wool around him.

I thought,

"Okay, I'm in America. I'm safe."

You know, we were

just about to have our first baby.

And I just thought, "I'll be fine."

"A day or two, you know,

people would have forgot."

It was a bleary-eyed

and deeply upset England

that dragged itself to work this morning.

"A good match," they said, "but

desperately disappointed with one man."

Beckham was out of order, basically.

To get sent off in a match like that

is a disgrace to anybody.

I'm sorry for his career.


Gutted. I mean, you know,

I'm sure the whole country is.

The country needed this.

For one fan here, it was all too much,

sending their television straight out of

their third-floor window after the match.

"Gutted. Devastated."

That's what people are saying.

And most of them

hold David Beckham to blame.


I don't think either of us really

realized what was going on in the UK.

Has there been

any sight of him yet?

As far as we understand it,

David Beckham was flying back

to England later this afternoon.

"Childish. Petulant.

Disgraceful. Stupid."

Some of the politer words

used today by reporters

to describe David Beckham.

David went home ahead of me

because I was still on tour,

and he went from having that protection

into absolute carnage.

And I don't think I've ever

talked about it, just because I can't.

Uh, I find it hard to talk through

what I went through

because it was so extreme.

We're all disappointed

and we'll talk about it for years to come.

He's let his teammates down,

and he's let the country down.

The whole country hated me.

Hated me.

Even the Prime Minister gave his verdict.

After David Beckham was sent off,

the way that they held together

and reformed themselves,

it was an extraordinary achievement.

If things turned out differently,

I think there'd have been no stopping us.

And Glenn Hoddle

didn't come out and try to protect David.

At this level, he's got to learn

that we can't afford to do them things.

You'll get punished,

and we've been punished.

And how old was David, 23?

You're a kid at 23.

And Glenn Hoddle was a man, and a man

Well, I wouldn't call him a man, actually.

He was an older person.

I mean, the absolute hate.

Public bullying to another level.

There was a bang-bang-bang on the door.

Opened the door, and couldn't believe

there was about 30, uh, reporters

and photographers outside.

And then I finds out

that there was a van just up the road

with a massive great aerial

tapped into the phone.

David Beckham's dad says he speaks

to his son on the phone most days,

and he says

his son's just not himself at all.

We grew up together.

You know, I-I played for

Manchester United when I was a kid.

I joined when I was ten.

And obviously, I was smart.

I was like, "f*ck,

I'm not gonna be as good as him,

so I might as well be his mate."

I think the first time we went into

a restaurant after the World Cup,

and it was silence, and everyone looked,

and he got death stares off everyone.

You got the whole room looking at you.

That was only the beginning.

And it just got worse.

You'd walk down the streets

and people would be spitting at him.

You know, people would be,

you know, going to barge into him,

to knock into him, like,

"f*cking this! f*cking"

"You're this. You're that."

We'd take turns taking him to the toilet.

"Who's taking Becks to the toilet now?"

You'd follow him to the toilet,

couldn't leave him on his own.

We probably broke the world record

for the fastest walkers in between bars,

you know, trying to get to places.

You'd go into the car,

you'd get to a traffic light.

It's the worst thing to be in,

traffic lights,

'cause you get people

winding the window down, getting out,

banging on the car, banging on the window.

They're like, "f*cking this, mate!"

But it just It was crazy, you know?

And you're like that,

sat there in the car.

But he never reacted. Not once.

An effigy of the 23-year-old

was hung from a noose outside a London pub

until police ordered it be removed.

It's your dummy, isn't it?

Can you explain what

No, it's not my dummy. I borrowed it.

I guess the police are saying hanging

this dummy outside could incite v*olence.

Nonsense, isn't it? It's nonsense.

It's ludicrous.

Wherever I went,

I got abused, every single day.

To walk down the street and to see

people look at you in a certain way,

spit at you, abuse you,

come up to your face

and say some of the things that they said,



That's You know,

it's difficult. That's difficult.

I wasn't eating,

I wasn't sleeping.

I was a mess.

He was broken.

He was absolutely broken.

He was in pieces.

I didn't know what to do.

You like my singing?

The boss called me.

He said, "David, how you doing?"

I said, I think I got quite

I think I got quite emotional.

He said, "How are you doing, son?"

And I said, uh, "Not great, boss."

He said, "Okay."

He said, "Don't worry about it, son."

And I told him, "Go on your holiday."

"Come back here. We'll look after you."

♪ Then I saw your letter ♪

"Don't read the papers."

"There's no point to it."

"What you can do is you can ignore it."

Can you open this?

The press in England

I live in New York.

We're bad. But the press

in England hammer people.

We get m*rder*d.

Who's this?

I remember him

coming back to training.

Morning, Dave. How you doing?

You all right, Dave?

David always looks a million dollars.

He looked gaunt.

He looked You know, he normally

has a tan. He looked milk-bottle white.

His eyes were drawn. Uh, he was hurting.

Pardon? Yes, very much so. I might

Morning, David.

Was it hard for you to see

England turn on him like that?

I didn't like it at all,

but I've no say in the matter.

I'd love to have said something,

but you can't.

You just keep your You know?

Like I've always done.

He was battered

and bruised.

But Sir Alex created an island.

And any unfriendly that came

near the island didn't get near it.

We, you know, fought them off.

It's like an inner sanctum.

No windows.

We all look after one another.

You never f*ck each other over.

You never leave your own.

You never sh*t on your own.

My kind of game!

We'd never leave

one another in trouble,

and we never would.


Right, okay. As far as I'm concerned,

you look after your defensive duties.

What Sir Alex was the best at was,

"It's us against the world."

"It's Manchester United against the rest."

I don't think

they have a chance against us.

I don't think they have a chance,

what you've got.

"We win despite of, not because of."

And I think we enjoyed being

in that position, that everyone hated us.

You just make sure

you're f*cking ready for tomorrow. Right?

But f*cking enjoy it.

Any questions?

Right, okay. Let's go.

And that's what

Sir Alex did with David.

Us against the world.

It was just kind of,

"Okay, you're playing tomorrow,

so get your sh*t together

and do what you do."

That was the only thing

that I could control.

Once I was on the pitch,

then I felt safe.

There are fears

that the football hooligan group

linked to the stabbing

of an Arsenal fan in '92

is planning to att*ck Beckham

when he takes to the pitch.

That's when Kathy

found b*ll*ts in letters.

So obviously,

the club had to get the police in

because of the threats to him.

He got a b*llet in the mail once?


We I would never speak about it,

so forgive me.

I don't I won't speak about that.

How do you envisage

this match unfolding tomorrow?

Uh, he's going to be nervous.

What you'd expect of any young players.

But he's going to get great help

from the players round about him.

And from me.


- Expecting to sell many T-shirts?

- Umm no.

Not David Beckham. Not at West Ham. Sorry.

Everybody here, if we had the gift

of playing football like he can,

you stay on the pitch for 90 minutes.

West Ham can be as bad as it gets.

And they were lining the streets

in the thousands for him.

Beckham, you w*nk*r!

Beckham, you prick!

You f*cking w*nk*r, son!

You c**t!

You twat!

You f*cking w*nk*r!

You f*cking prick! w*nk*r!

You're sitting there.

Everyone's going,

"Is this for real? Is this what it means?"

"This seems like life or death."

And the fans were giving him laldy.

You know, they were, oh

Number five, Ronny Johnsen.

Number seven, David Beckham.

To Beckham.

It was awful.

I remember, a woman was

sat there with her newspaper, like,

showing him the picture of him hanging.

A United corner, though.

That means Beckham.

Beckham, you bum!

I was getting angry,

the way they were shouting about him.

And there was one guy,

asked me to go outside.

Like, "Come on, then. Outside."

Beckham, you f*cking w*nk*r!

Beckham, you assh*le!

Yeah. It's not nice as a parent

to see that happening.

Yeah, makes me want to cry now.

It brought a lot of attention

that I would never wish on anyone,

let alone my parents.

And I can't forgive myself for that.

That's the tough part

of what happened then, I think.

Why to yourself, though?

You're not

Because I was the one

that made the mistake.

It's only now,

that I'm 47 years old


It's now that I b*at myself up about it.

- Still?

- Yeah.

Your best mate's getting k*lled.

More than I thought.

I knew he'd get k*lled

in the short-term for one or two days.

But it went above and beyond.

This carried on for months.

Well, David Beckham

not the first to find out

that the wind blows strongest

at the top of the mountain.

In that time,

mental health, it wasn't a thing.

Whereas now, the first thing

that gets mentioned is,

"How's your mental health?

Have you spoken to anyone?"

David would've been alone.

He used to drive on the M6.

It wasn't, like, five minutes.

It's, like, you know, three hours.

Just driving in his car, nowhere to go.

He'd get to a certain place,

and then drive back.

They will hit a crescendo

of noise any moment now.

He didn't open up.

He just kept everything inside.

You know, working-class,

old-school mentality,

to like, roll your sleeves up,

you get through this.


When I've gone through

difficult moments,

I'm able to block it out.

But, but inside, it was

It k*lled me.

Here's David Beckham.

How about that for a pass?

And he was really depressed.

Absolutely, clinically depressed.

It pained me so much.

I still want to k*ll these people.

Still getting booed

everywhere he goes, David Beckham.

Personally, I think

the continuing vendetta against Beckham

is quite ridiculous.

And oh, dear.

Any time that I got kicked

during that season,

it was like the team had scored two goals.


But, lucky for Becks, he's got players

on his team that can flatten people.

There's going to be trouble here!

You go after him,

you're going after all of us.

It's inhumane

what he had to put up with.


It would've broke everybody,

it would have broke 99.9% of footballers.

It's David Beckham country, this.

How do you function?

I don't know. I honestly

I actually don't know.

You're a prick, Beckham!


Beckham, you f*cking w*nk*r!

- You're a f*cking w*nk*r!

- You're a tosser!

- You're sh*t, mate!

- You f*cking prick!


Many a time I used to stand here

and watch David play as a youngster.


Seems Seems strange coming here now

and seeing it all change around.

I think I was able to handle

being abused by the fans

I think I could handle it

because of the way my dad had been to me.

Seems funny.


My dad was

absolutely obsessed with United.

They ain't got no Man U pictures up,

I see. I'll have to get them one of them.

That was his dream.

I see a lot of Arsenal jerseys.


His dream was to have a son

that played for Manchester United.

And here comes Charlton! Oh, a great goal!

What a team.

There's the great man.

Back to Charlton. This could be it! It is!

And that could be the goal

that puts England in the final!

Bobby Charlton is my hero.

I'm an instinctive player.

I tend not to think too much about it.

What's David's full name?

David Robert Joseph.

"Robert" is after Bobby Charlton.

A great sh*t!

Did you practice that sort of sh**ting?

All the time, yeah.

Like every walk of life,

football, like everything else, sh**ting,

like everything else, is practice.

I'd love to have been a footballer.

But, you know, I had the next best thing.

My dad

would take me out for hours.

I taught him how to kick a ball

properly. Left foot, right foot.

Left foot, right foot,

over and over and over again.

And it was all about control.

Even when I was seven, eight years old,

he'd boot the ball up

as high as he could and he'd say,

"Control it. Okay. Not good enough."

"Do it again.

Not good enough. Do it again."

- Over and over again.

- Beautiful long kick.

He started playing

for Ridgeway Rovers.

He was brilliant.

From then, he never stopped winning.

Never, ever lost. It was weird.

And people used to say, "Who's that boy?"

He won 92 games without getting b*at.

That's a good 25 yards out.

He was that good.

Oh, my word! It's in!

I said to him,

"See what we've been practicing?"

No trouble.

I was a bit worried

about the size of him,

so that's when we started giving him

Guinness and a raw egg.

To be fair to the boy,

he did it every week.

Whenever he played

Decided to take it.

I phoned the clubs up

and got the videos sent to me.

I've got about 1,300, 1,400.

Games? Wait Say that

1,300 or 1,400 games?

Yeah, on videos.


Unlucky. Go on, Dave! Go on, son!

It was just a pleasure watching him play.

And he loved it, he enjoyed it.

I was more scared when he was there,

'cause I knew

that if I put a foot wrong, he'd tell me.

And he'd always tell me. Always.

Go on! Dave! Kick it! Come on!

Do you ever think

that you were too tough on David?


I used to think he was too strict.

I used to say, "He's only young.

Just leave him. Let him be happy."

But no, because, you know,

if I told him how good he was,

then he's got nothing to work at.

Right, come on! Let's pressure it!

Come on!

Higher! Dave, get up!

I would hear my mum

turn around to my dad and say,

"Stop talking to him the way you're

talking to him. Stop shouting at him."

"Stop telling him off. He did well today."

And my dad would always be like,

"He did all right."

Dave, get up!

Come on, now! Let's go!

Did you ever pull him aside

and say, "Ted, don't be so hard on David"?

I tried, but he wouldn't listen to me.

Go ahead, son!

Come on, now, let's go! Come on, Dave!

I used to get upset

when he used to make him cry.

Can I ask you a question?

Was there ever a moment, though,

where you just wanted to just clock him?

- No.

- Never?


'Cause I know I'd get one back.

Take it in! Take it in!

Come on!

Yeah, so I was hard.

But it turned out, I think,

to be the right thing.


Play it if you're gonna do it!

Help Dave out then!

Have you had scans done

of your babies?

- Yes.

- Are they kicking?

- Yeah.

- Yeah? More than husband, or less?

- About the same, I think.

- Yeah?

Do you think it's a girl or a boy?

Have you found out?

No, I don't know what it is.

I was so pregnant. I was so tired.

I wanted to have this baby.

Get this baby out.

Enough of this pregnancy.

Football now, and the Argentinian

international Diego Simeone

and David Beckham will come

face-to-face again tomorrow night,

when Manchester United take on Inter Milan

in their European Cup quarterfinal

at Old Trafford.

Diego, are you happy

to be playing against Beckham?

The whole talk was about


Beckham versus Simeone.

But in the back of my mind,

we was just about to have our first baby.

This is the main event.

Pull up your chair

a little closer to the set

for Europe's premier tournament.

And I was, I think,

two or three weeks over my due date.

And I'm like, "For the love of God!

Come on. Just, what's going on?"

Walking out to massive expectations.

David Beckham is

the youngest player on the field.

He is one of the most gifted.

But there must have been times

in the last six months or so

when he felt his life

had been made a misery by this man,

Diego Simeone of Argentina.

Was there any talk in,

kind of, the dressing room about,

"Oh, f*ck. This m*therf*cker's back"?

Yeah, there was a little bit of talk.

"Okay, let's see how you do

against this lad now. See how you react."

Now, this is when

David Beckham and Diego Simeone

will shake hands.

They don't have to mean it.

He wasn't happy.

That's understandable.

and we can forget half

of the morning headlines now

and get on with the match.

I don't think we as a team went out

to say, "Okay, we'll do him for you,"

but there's a secret code there that,

"If we get the chance,

we'll smash him for you."

Cole losing it to Simeone.

No foul by Keane on Simeone.

Beckham trying to drive it in.

David Beckham is due a goal.

It's Beckham.

I remember him on his phone

to Victoria during the day.

Beckham's free kick.

He was distracted.

They were at each other.

Victoria was saying,

"If you miss this birth,

if you're not here, if you're not back"

And I went,

"Turn your f*cking phone off."

I said, "You'll be melted

by the time you get to the game."

Gary Neville.

David Beckham.

But I remember saying to him,

"You're gonna have to switch on here."

"This game is too big tonight."

Now Simeone. Got his sh*t away!

Wasn't playing at all.

And then, all of a sudden

One David Beckham!

There's only one David Beckham!

the crowd just started

chanting his name.

One David Beckham!

There's only one David Beckham!

And that was

the turning point for David.

There's only one David Beckham!

Recognizing that the people of Manchester

were gonna look after him.

One David Beckham!

There's only one David Beckham!

That's what families do, you know?

It's what United did.

Beckham's cross. Oh!

David Beckham.

Crossed in towards Cole! Oh!

The noise was just deafening.


Did I detect a little bit

more fire in Beckham's challenge there?

To Beckham.

It's in towards Dwight Yorke.

It's one-nil!

From David Beckham's cross,

and Manchester United

are in charge of this quarterfinal.

Neville to Beckham.

In towards Yorke. Two-nil!

Baggio with the free kick.

Header away is by Beckham.

You could almost see the sparks.

I don't think the baby

will be called "Diego."

Manchester United two, Inter Milan nil.

At the end of the match,

he was sensible enough

to exchange shirts with me.

Did you, like,

sh**t darts at it or some sh*t?

No. I framed it.

In the end, they told me that

I had to have a Cesarean section.

I remember the headlines,

"Too Posh to push."

I wasn't too posh to push.

I was told it would not be safe

for me to be put into labor.

It's the most amazing thing.

My first child.

Someone came up to us and said,

"David, you should go out and announce

that baby has been born,

name, weight, Victoria's doing fine."

I'd had an epidural,

and I remember him leaning over

as I was lying there in hospital,

numb from the waist down.

And I was like, "Can you do my hair?"

Which I'm not sure

she was over the moon about.

David! How's the baby doing?

How's Victoria doing?

Always got to do the hair, though.

Always got to do the hair.

Over here, please! Thank you!

Brooklyn. A boy.

Give us a wave, David!

David, what's the baby called?

It's Brooklyn Joseph.

- Brooklyn Joseph?

- Yeah.

- David, over here!

- David!

The moment he came out,

I all of a sudden thought,

"How am I going to protect him?"

"What am I going to do to protect him?"

That night,

Brooklyn slept next to Victoria.

Victoria was like,

"Come and squeeze on the bed with me,"

and I was like, "Absolutely not."

I said, "I'm sleeping

with my head against the door."

Here, David! David!

Because I was paranoid

someone was gonna steal him.

You know, it's meant to be a happy moment.

And it was a happy moment, of course.

But I was worried.

I didn't want him to come into this life

at a time where I was going through

what I was going through.

- Windows were blacked out.

- Yeah.

This started to happen.

And this was David with Brooklyn,

cradled in a blanket.

Did you feel guilty sometimes,

taking pictures of him and his kids?


Yeah, they You wouldn't do it now.

It's just a

- Times have changed. You wouldn't do it.

- Yeah.

People were paying fortunes

for pictures of our child.

So they were doing

anything possible to get that picture.

We don't want him photographed, you know,

until he's at the age where he can decide.

And, you know,

he's our private little baby,

and that's the way we want to keep it.

- You can see the baby.

- Yeah.

But when there was kidnap threats,

that's when it got scary.

We were getting

kidnapping threats

right from when we had Brooklyn.

And it's I mean, you can't even explain

how that feels, because we couldn't hide.

This was a trip

to Chester Zoo.

I think this was a Wacky Warehouse.

- Yeah, Wacky Warehouse.

- Was that the Wacky Warehouse?


You followed them everywhere.

I know.

These are all things that,

now it's coming back to me,

I realize why

I've found it quite stressful

doing these interviews with you,

because I've blocked so much of it out,

and I think David has as well.

But now it's coming back to me.

I mean, imagine having a baby

and having death threats.

David had to play

knowing this was all going on.

Beckham giving it

away again. Not like him at all.

Just seems, uh,

not at one with himself, Beckham.

Maybe it's been a late night

with the baby or something.

And I was on my own,

in an apartment with a baby.

And so I'd go to the games with Brooklyn.

And the abuse was

I mean, I It's hard to explain.

And then they start

singing songs about Victoria.

And there was one song,

which she'll k*ll me for singing.

Every football fan sang this song.

"Posh Spice takes it up the ass."

Excuse my language. Not very ladylike.

But 75,000 people singing that.

I mean, it's embarrassing, it's hurtful.

I remember sitting down,

and the lady next to me turned to me,

she didn't know what to say.

She said, "Do you want a Polo?"

"Do I want a Polo?" What do you say

when you sit next to someone

and 75,000 people have been saying

that you take it up the ass?

We did not know what to do.

It felt like we were drowning.

David could just about handle

anything about him as a person.

But as soon as they go to your family

and your kids, uh, your wife,

that's when you react.

What did you do?

As horrible as it was

to look up at Victoria in the stand

um, actually

it was the one thing that spurred me on.

Here's Beckham.

It's in! He's done it now!

David Beckham ends the long goal drought.

Still getting booed

everywhere he goes, David Beckham.

When fans felt that they could get

to me by singing songs about my family,

I ended up scoring a goal.

Oh, and surely! Beckham!

He went almost five months

without a finish at goal.

Now he's scored two in two games.

I'd love to tell you

about the chants going on here,

but most of them are obscene.

The criticism he was getting,

it was a waste of time to him.

Absolute waste of time.

Beckham. Oh, a lovely bit of play.

Whipping in the cross, very dangerous.

And it's there!

Another superb ball from Beckham.

The more attention David got,

the better he played football.


He is in the mood.

Beckham refusing to give it up.

for Manchester United.

Here goes Beckham. Brilliant!

That's what Sir Alex

prepared us for.

Here's Sheringham.

Beckham! What a goal!

Well, it was going to take something

to make a breakthrough here

for Manchester United.

He made a mistake.

He got a lot of criticism for it.

What do you do afterwards?

Sink or swim?

Beckham with the corner.

In towards Keane!

Manchester United are in sight

of a European Cup final again!

We went on an away trip,

and we were actually

put in the same hotel as the press.

And there was

one newspaper reporter from The Sun.

And we had a meal on the last night,

and we put it all on his room.


Manchester United

on the verge of true sporting greatness.

A win will make United champions.

A crazy season. It wasn't something

You set out at the start of the year

to win every competition.

Of course you do.

We just kept ticking the games off.

We get to the final week.



It's in!

Manchester United are champions!

The first leg

of this astonishing treble is in place.

Fans of Manchester United and Newcastle

are streaming towards Wembley

for this afternoon's FA Cup final.

For United, it's the next step

in their bid for an historic treble.

It's the 118th final

since the competition began back in 1872,

and it could turn out to be

one of the most significant ever played.

Winning the league,

yeah, it's great.

But winning the FA Cup?

That's a whole different thing.

Sheringham. To Scholes!

Manchester United could

write themselves into the history books.

They've already won

the FA Cup and the Premier League.

If they win the European Cup in Barcelona,

they'll have achieved a unique treble.

The treble was just

Just not possible.

How can any team do that?

It's just not real.

Well, this is This is the suit we wore

for the Champions League final.


That was the suit. That had

That had a That had a badge on there,

but we've taken the badge off

so I could wear it after the

for weddings, et cetera.

I bet if truth be known,

I bet I couldn't even get in this now,

'cause I think

I've put a few pounds on since.

Manchester United are preparing to fly out

to Barcelona to take the European Cup.

We had this mad week.

Photos, the clothes,

the this, the that and the other.

There's blue suits, there's gray suits.

"Try these pants on. Try this jacket on."

Now, has the gaffer got his?

'Cause he's been on to me

this morning about, uh, white socks.

There was jackets and pants everywhere.

I had suits coming out of me ears.

- Down there?

- Yes.

Manchester Airport

was awash with red today

as United fans flew out to Barcelona,

carrying their hopes of victory.

At the start of the season,

you could get a handsome 80-1

on Manchester United winning the treble.

The team traveled in some style,

knowing that a victory

will put them in the record books.

We fly to Barcelona on a Concorde.

It was an experience.

It was horrible. I hated it.

I actually had to go in the toilet

and throw up.

Right now we're traveling

over 1,000 miles an hour.

- What about the flight?

- Fantastic.

Thousands of Manchester

United fans have invaded Barcelona.

Manchester United

and Bayern Munich

are both chasing an historic treble.

Tomorrow night,

one will be named

best club team in Europe.

What would it mean to me? I'd be

I'd be the happiest man in the world.

It's what I've worked for.

This is the moment

that Manchester has been waiting for,

for 31 years.

The fans here

may be too young to remember 1968.

- Okay, are you watching, David?

- Yeah.

- Can you see it, I mean?

- Yeah.


European Cup final.

Portuguese defense try to clear.

It was a massive day for my dad,

watching his team.

This was a big game

for you, right?

Oh, yeah. It was a massive game.

Charlton headed it home!

When you look at the way

Sir Bobby plays, it's unbelievable,

the way he moved with the ball

and the things that he could do.

You know, he was just unbelievable.

The Benfica fire

had nearly been extinguished.

But were United finished?

Not on your life.

Bobby Charlton made it 4-1.

Manchester United

had well and truly done it.

They were supreme soccer champions

of Europe. At last

But victory in 1968

was a poisoned chalice.

Manchester United hadn't won

the European Cup since then.

And the longer it goes on,

the worse it is,

the bigger the legacy of the past

that nobody can live up to.

What a night

for David Beckham.

It's the chance of a lifetime.

A treble chance the likes of which

no English team has had before

or may ever get again.

There is a place in history beckoning.

With everything

that had happened that year,

when the teams were lining up,

I was searching for

Victoria and my mum and dad.

Our parents were never not there.

But I remember looking up,

and this stadium's vast.

Almost 100,000 people here

in the Nou Camp this evening.

If I couldn't see my dad,

something would have been missing.

It unnerved me.

The same with David,

with his mum and dad in the stand.

Seems ridiculous

when you're a 23-year-old football player,

but it became more of a comfort blanket.

"They're there. They're watching."

As soon as I saw them,

I was ready.

Just listen to the atmosphere

welling up inside the stadium.

But they stand here

on the brink of history.

And there's Bobby Charlton,

the man who lifted the European Cup.

Well, for once,

a Beckham free kick comes to nothing.

We were bloody awful.

Shocking. We were terrible.

Oh, that's a mix-up, that.

We struggled

in the first half an hour of the game.

We struggled badly.

Tense moment.

It's Basler. Oh, deflected and in!

First blood to Bayern Munich!

And Manchester United

have made it hard for themselves.

With David,

that night,

there was something inside him saying,

"I'm not going to let this happen."


It was a personal thing

that he had in him.

Perfect for Cole. A good first touch.

That stubbornness and determination.

David Beckham.

After coming through the red card,

the abuse

Here he is again.

and absolute shitstorm

the national disgrace

that he was supposed to be

Beckham's starting to spray the ball.

he'd taken the whack from the country.

But he came out of it

and he grew.

He's really trying to boss

the whole performance, isn't he?

It used to have to be on the pitch

that I'd get him going.

Always talking to him.

More for me than him.

I think that game was the point

where he became a leader.

Here he is again.

And I thought,

"sh*t. He's inspiring me."

This long season

comes to its dramatic finale

with Manchester United still stretching

for an equalizer, and time running out.

Is there a hero in the red out there

waiting to be revealed?

Andy Cole is going to be replaced by

Ole Solskjaer for these last ten minutes.

Tell me your feeling

when he called you.

- "- Oh, finally.

- Um It's It's about time."

Now, has he got a goal up his sleeve?

I can't remember too much of it, but I've

seen myself, uh, running onto the pitch.

And when I run like this,

I'm in the zone, so be ready for this.

This is going to be class.

It's Beckham's corner.

Header away is by Kuffour.

Gary Neville is first to the ball.

Teddy Sheringham onside. Neville's cross.

Oh, the header from Solskjaer!

His first touch!

Oh, what a story that would have been.


Will it happen for them now?

Time was running out.

Three added minutes.

I'm done.

I am I have nothing left to give.

I wanted to fall on the floor

and just sleep,

because it had been one of those seasons.

I was absolutely shattered.

I said to my husband at the time,

before he passed away um,

"Oh dear.

I'm going to make a cup of coffee."

It's not over till it's over.

So they say.

I remember looking up and thinking,

all those Manchester United fans

We're gonna lose this final one-nil

and they're not gonna even jump up.

I remember look at them, thinking,

"What a disappointment this is."

But something happened

from a different planet.

David Beckham.

Now Gary Neville.

Cross deflected.

Effenberg. Out for a corner.

Can Manchester United score?

They always score.

We get a corner.

What are you thinking?

"Do what I did when I was a kid."

When my dad used to make me do corner

after corner after corner after corner.

And put it in the exact

same spot as he wanted it.

And if I didn't, he'd k*ll me.

He used to tell me, "It's moments

like corners at the end of the game

that can create history."

Is this their moment?


In towards Schmeichel.

It's come for Dwight Yorke.

Cleared. Giggs with a sh*t! Sheringham!

With 30 seconds of added time played,

has equalized for Manchester United!

They are still in the European Cup!

They'd scored. And he said,

"We've got to do extra time."

"We'll have to do extra time."

Then I said, "Oh, I'm going then."

Then I went out again.

As things stand,

we will go into extra time,

unless Ole Solskjaer

can conjure up another.

Beckham's corner.


Into Sheringham.

And Solskjaer has done it!

Manchester United

have reached the promised land!

And what happened

after you scored the goal?

Oh, just mayhem and chaos and players

choking me.

History is made.

Manchester United

are the champions of Europe again.

And nobody will ever

win a European Cup final

more dramatically than this.

That year made my son

It made my son grow up into a man.

It was the most amazing football game

I've ever been to. It was fantastic.

It didn't make you fall in love

with football, though?

No. But I do

I love him, and I love to watch him.


- Is that him?

- That's him in the checked top.

Yeah, white glove.

Watch your heads.

He's gonna overshoot the pin.

Pre-match nerves!

Look at this picture

on the front page of The Mirror.

All eyes will be on

Posh and Becks this weekend,

because the couple's

fairy-tale wedding is in an Irish castle,

and it's expected to be

the show business bash of the year.

David Beckham

and Posh Spice may have had

a romantic image of Luttrellstown

when they booked the wedding,

but the venue has taken on

the atmosphere of an outdoor concert.

What do you think of David Beckham?

He's a bit lucky.

Let's talk a little bit

about the wedding, because, um

The f*cking wedding.

♪ There may be trouble ahead ♪

Gary's had his hair done.

Oh, dear.

Oh, dear, dear, dear, dear.

You nervous, then?

No, not at all.

Just been on the toilet about 50 times.

And Gary's the nervous one.

The only camera allowed into

the event will belong to OK! magazine.

It's paid a million pounds

for the exclusive.

What's this I read about guests being told

they can wear anything,

so long as it's black?

Black and white, apparently.

- It's going to be rather dull.

- It is. Oh, yes, it is.

The wedding

was a spectacle.

[ tried to think back to when

I decided to wear a purple suit.

I don't know when that happened.

I think I just took Victoria's lead on it.

But what what were we thinking?

But it was fun.

We weren't worried

about what people would say.

I mean, Christ, how lovely to be that way,

when you just don't really care.

You just want to express yourself.

That was who we were.

And thrones.

And thrones.

I don't know where they came from.

Um, we've got

distinguished guests present.

Ladies and gentlemen,

David said that the Spice Girls

requested that the Bayern Munich team

be present today.

And David was puzzled

at this request and asked why.

He said that the Spice Girls replied

they'd love to meet men

that can stay on top for 90 minutes

and still come second.

♪ I know it's up for me ♪

♪ If you steal my sunshine ♪

♪ Making sure I'm not in too deep ♪

♪ If you steal my sunshine ♪

♪ Keeping versed and on my feet ♪

♪ If you steal my sunshine ♪

It had been

such an emotional and draining season.

I wouldn't have got through that moment

if I hadn't have been

at a club like Manchester United.

But she was the biggest reason

that I got through that time.

I was married to Posh Spice,

and my life had become

something different.

The noise around David,

the noise around Victoria was massive.

And Sir Alex just never liked that.

He thought that I was a distraction

and I was going to jeopardize

David's career.

Being at the apparent

beck and call of Mrs. Beckham

may be difficult for Ferguson,

who has been in control

of his player's life for so long.