03x10 - The Debt

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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03x10 - The Debt

Post by bunniefuu »

I-I left my wallet in the car.

I can get it for you.

Just... just don't hurt me, okay?

Aren't you Clarence Fisk?


Listen close, Adolf.

I got rules.

Bring a g*n to a business meeting, I'll walk away.

Say my name in public again...

And I'll k*ll you.

Lead the way.

(camera shutters snapping)

Kensi, tell LAPD that Fisk and the Aryans have made contact.

They need to hang back.

KENSI: Got it.

I got to say, Fisk does have swagger.


Panache, chutzpah, flair.

The undefinable "it."

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

Kind of style that can't be taught, G.

Game recognizes game.

Float after me, butterfly.

And haters gonna hate.

Our position is completely wrong.

DEEKS: And yet it's so right.

No, no, we should be on foot with Callen and Sam, not stuck back here.

That's what LAPD is for-- no offense.

Are you listening to me?



Hashtag I think I'm in love.

L-O-V-E, huh?

Hashtag my partner's a loser.

Show me the RDX.

Show me how you'll pay for it.

Trail's closed, go home.



If she's smart, she's just going to walk away.

Let's see what the cops have to say about that, jerk.

What, what is that?

Get your hands off me.


Callen, Sam, one of the Aryan lookouts just assaulted a civilian.

How bad?

Bad with potential of getting a lot worse.

All right, hold your position.

You've got to be kidding me.

(both grunting)

Okay, it just got worse.

Hey! LAPD!

You want to die, hero?

Don't, don't!



Go, go.

Eric, op's been blown.

KENSI: Are you okay, are you okay?

WOMAN: I thought he was gonna k*ll me.

It's okay, you're safe now.

You'll be okay.

Where's his g*n?

Deeks, where's his g*n?

Guys, over there.

He didn't have one.

♪ NCIS: LA 3x10 ♪

The Debt
Original air date on November 22, 2011

♪ ♪


How you holding up?

Well, I shot my dad when I was 11, shot a lot more guys as a cop...


And all of 'em deserved it-- life or death situations-- until today.

That guy was a neo-n*zi m*rder*r wanted by the FBI since '04.

Yeah, well, LAPD gave me a badge 'cause I know when not to pull the trigger...

And if I've lost that edge, man, I'm just another thug with a g*n.

I would have done the same thing.


I'm here for you, okay?


KENSI: What do we know?

Cops are blaming us for spooking Clarence Fisk.

Looks like the LAPD is dissolving the task force and going after him without us.

Deeks made a judgment call.

And our target's still out there with over 20 bricks of RDX expl*sives.

Deeks k*lled an unarmed man.

Look, he's LAPD, not NCIS.

They will handle it.

Hopefully this blows over.

Deeks could get suspended.

Can't imagine it'd be for very long.

In the meantime, this might be for the best.

For the best?

Put some distance between us and LAPD.

Fisk has stayed ahead of them for way too long.

He could have bought a mole, cultivated a source.

We're better off without them.

Take Fisk down on our own, recover the RDX before he sells it to the Aryans.

And what about Deeks?

We should be trying to figure out a way to help him out.

We can offer Deeks our moral support but not much else, Kens.

This could get ugly.

It already is.

(siren wailing, indistinct chatter)

MAN: First time I saw Clarence Fisk, he was just another gangbanger out of South Central.

How long ago was that?

15 years.

I want him for a dozen unsolved murders since then, not including the ones he ordered, but nothing ever sticks.

Fisk is always one step ahead.

I'm sorry about what happened out there today, Lieutenant.

My unit's tight-knit.

Deeks had skills, but he was never one of the guys.

Gave it time, but he never fit in, so when you came looking for him, I was naive enough to think that he could find a place to call home.


Now he sh**t first and asks questions later.

What'd you do to him?

In my opinion, Mr.

Deeks saw a threat and acted accordingly.

We'll see what Internal Affairs has to say.

Fisk's business is solid.

I mean, LAPD can't even get a parking ticket to stick to him.

We are not LAPD, and selling stolen military expl*sives to white supremacists is our jurisdiction.



Lieutenant Bates heads the task force that's been going after Fisk.

Bates is a pro, regarded as the best interrogator in the LAPD, but somehow Fisk manages to stay one step ahead.

ERIC: I got a hit on one of Clarence Fisk's phone lines.

He just called his attorney.

Her name is Monica Lee.

Now, she's represented Fisk in court 14 times and has never lost a case.

CALLEN: No lawyer puts together a win streak like that without having someone on the inside.

So who is Fisk's mole?

Well, Angela Tully might be a good place to start.

She's been handling the Fisk case for the district attorney's office.

Okay, so Tully is a major player in this case.

Fisk could have turned her.

Bottom line, this mole is the only thing stopping us from getting the stolen RDX expl*sives back from Fisk.

We need to find him.

Or her.

Detective Deeks.


The LAPD has cut its ties with NCIS.

Liaison duties are discontinued, effective immediately.

I'm sorry.

W-What does that mean?

Hetty just fired me.

Why don't you just quit?

Just resign from the LAPD and apply to become an NCIS agent.

It's not that easy.

He's right, LAPD is going to have Internal Affairs all over me.

They're going to schedule a hearing.

A judge is going to review the evidence and if he finds me at fault, then my career is over.

Wow, that sounds weird to say out loud.

Okay, I should probably get going.

Hang in there.

I'm not hugging you.

It's good, 'cause you haven't wined and dined me yet.

You got on my nerves a lot.

You and I couldn't be more different, but...

You made the team better.

Thank you.


We still have to track down...

KENSI: Angela Tully, our missing DA's investigator and possible mole. Yes.

If you ever need anything...

I know.

I'll be...


That's all you have to say?

I don't know what you want me to say right now.

This isn't easy for me either.

I have something to say.

And I think that if I don't say it now, I probably never will.

So just give me the chance...

To come out and say it.

I don't know if this is the right time to say it...

Well, it is what it is.

Right, and we are what we are.

We were what we were.

And it's over now.

I just, I kinda hoped you'd have more to say.

I don't know. I mean, I think that it just takes maybe more time for me to process it.

Okay, well, then I will, uh, I'll call you.

You'll call me?

Yes, I will call you and we will figure it out.

Figure it out.


We always do.


It's time to visit Fisk's lawyer, bait her, and see how she reacts.

Maybe she admits more than she should know.

Follow up the food chain till we get our man.

I have a special name for this outfit.


Game's looking, Game sees nothing.

Hater's gonna hate.

(door opens)

About time.

Heard all about you from Clarence Fisk.

Then you must know how he feels about people saying his name.

I'm Sam Burton.

This is my business associate, Mr. Carl.

Think about me as an investment adviser.

Mr. Carl cleans my money.

Relax. It's attorney-client privilege, all right?

Mmm, that only applies to attorneys and their clients.

We're neither.

Look, Fisk told me if I had a problem, I call you, okay?

I got a problem, so I'm here.

All right.

I hope you don't mind if I check you out with Mr. Fisk.

Mr. Carl is helping to broker a deal between your client and the Aryan Lowriders.

We're here because he got a visit from NCIS and LAPD.

When was this?

An hour ago.

Are you trying to play an angle on me?

The task force didn't visit you because it no longer exists.

How could she know that?

Somebody must have tipped her off.

Who the hell are you?!

Two guys that are going to smoke out your client's mole in the LAPD.

I'm very busy, gentlemen.

Security will show you out.

(door opens, closes)

I'd say she's nice and spooked.

Time to see where she runs.


BATES: You regret it?

I thought the Lowrider was gonna k*ll the girl and then k*ll me.

I made a judgment call.

I'll live with it.

I meant NCIS.

I thought they'd fight a lot harder to keep you.

Apparently, you don't belong there, either.

I want back on the Clarence Fisk case.

And I can help you.

Get a shave and a haircut.


Dig up your uniform.

You're on traffic duty until your hearing.

I'll get a haircut. (chuckles)

KENSI: It was like he was trying to get away from me as quickly as possible.

Last time I felt this way?

It was a very long time ago.

Are you upset because Mr. Deeks was a good partner...

Or is there...

Something more?

And if it's something more...

Perhaps it's best that he's gone.

(cell phone buzzes)

Well, it's LAPD number.

It's probably him.

Hello, this is Kensi.

This is Lieutenant Bates, LAPD.

Can we meet?

Yes. I will call you later.

Sounds good. I'll be waiting.

Okay, thanks. Bye.

That was Lieutenant Bates.

He wants to meet with me.

(whistles softly)

(tires squeal)

(tires squeal, horns blare)


Stay down!

Well, that was a bit excessive.


Been a long time, Deeks.

Apparently, the class clown has been a naughty boy.

And evidently, the valedictorian still thinks he's smarter than everybody else.

Just for the record, that was the worst tail in the history of law enforcement.

(chuckles) I haven't seen you since the Academy.

That's 'cause I haven't been around.

Well, you been dabbling-- lawyer, wannabe Fed, jack-of-all-trades, master of none.

In the meantime, you're getting paid to bust cops.

How's that feel?

Internal Affairs.

Someone's got to do it.

My boss sent me after you because he thought a familiar face might help speed things up.

And what things are those?

You shot an unarmed man this morning.

You need all the help you can get.

Help from you.

And what's the catch?

Fisk has a mole inside the LAPD.

I need your help taking him down.

It's Lieutenant Bates.


Didn't want that haircut anyway.

(cell phone rings)

Yeah. I've just been hustled by two guys. What's going on?

(camera shutter snaps)

Anything from Kensi?

Yeah, the DA Angela Tully-- disappeared.

So Fisk's lawyer's our only lead.

Eric, can you access Monica Lee's cell phone logs?

Working on it, Sam.

NELL: Whoa, look what I found.

Fisk paid for Monica Lee's entire legal education.

All right, let's confirm that.

SAM: Okay, so who's this?

Can you make out this guy's face?

No, it's a bad angle.

I need him to turn around.

I've got him.


She's watching his back.

Eric, pull up all traffic cams around this warehouse.


We need to I. D. a man wearing a black leather jacket and baseball cap.

Your mystery man knows the area.

He's aware of the traffic cams and sticking to their blind spots.

Wait. He passed something off to her, G.

(camera shutter snaps)

That's an LAPD file.

File's marked "confidential."

Guys, Fisk paid for Monica Lee's entire law school tuition.

So if we grab the lawyer, all we've got is the file.

Fisk owns her.

She'll never flip on him.

DEEKS (on voicemail): Gone surfing. Call me later.


Not easy losing a partner, is it?

Partners come and go.

I wasn't always a cop, you know.

You served as an intelligence officer for the Army.

Conducted interrogations during Desert Storm.

And you just lied to my face.

Partners like Deeks don't just come and go.

What's the story with you and him?

Well, if he ever decides to call me back, I'll be sure to ask him.


You're testing me.


You passed.

I can't work with him if he's still loyal to NCIS.

Well, let me ask you a question.

What do you know about a DA's investigator named Angela Tully?

Well, she's one of the good guys.

That's all that matters.

I always wanted to meet the woman that changed Deeks' mind.

(laughs) He swore he'd never work with a female partner again.


Well, if he ever calls you back, ask him that, too.

(cell phone rings)


(cell phone buzzes)

What do you got?

Kens, I flagged Angela Tully's contacts.

Two of them just received calls from the same hotel in Hollywood.

Which of her contacts got hits?

Her mother in Oregon and Lieutenant Bates of the LAPD.

The hotel's nearby. I'm gonna send you the address now.

Lieutenant Bates has been taking bribes for years.

His big vendetta against Fisk is the perfect alibi.

Okay, you always considered yourself the smartest guy in the room, but I think you're reaching on this one.

This money could have come from anywhere: stocks, investment.

There's no way you can prove this came from Fisk.

That's where you come in.

How's that?

Bates has a personal laptop.

When he's away from the precinct, go into his office and copy its data to a thumb drive.

The Fisk connection's got to be on there.

Why don't you get a search warrant?

I file for a warrant, he'd burn everything up.

Cover his tracks.

Besides, when an Internal Affairs cop shows up, people watch his every move.

Especially me.

That's right. You were not the most popular person at the Academy, as I recall.

If I wanted to make friends I would have become a birthday clown.

Yeah, well, that's something I never got about you.

You had prep school, you had Harvard.

You could have done anything you wanted with your life, instead, you chose to do what?

To be a cop.

There's no rules that say all good cops come from broken homes, Deeks.



Unlock Bates' office and copy his hard drive.

I'll stand lookout, let you know when he gets back to the precinct.

What could possibly go wrong?

(shower running)

(softly): Housekeeping...

(shower shuts off)
Federal agent!

I'm with NCIS.

I'm taking you into custody.

Used to be a girl could go off the grid for 24 hours and get away with it.

Of course, you were in kindergarten at the time.

I wouldn't expect you to remember that.

Fisk has a mole in the LAPD, and you're the prime suspect.

Explain your disappearance, please.

Lieutenant Bates will vouch for me.

Are you sure?


He's one of the good guys.

You're sleeping with him.

Can you put the g*n away so we can talk like civilized women?

I need to know why you're hiding out, Miss Tully.

Call me Angela, or I'm gonna start feeling my age and get to be even more of a pain in the ass.


I had to break off a relationship to be with Bates.

I'm not judging you.

(chuckles): No.

You just don't want to end up like me in 20 years. I...

I'm here because of the breakup.

My ex is too young, but on the other hand, Bates wants a family now.

And I don't know what I want.

I just wanted to disappear for a little while and take a break from both of them.

Well, you're still a suspect, and as of now, so is Lieutenant Bates.

Okay... this is what we're gonna do.

I'm gonna let you stay here, but that's going to mean a full surveillance package: phones monitored, agents on the premises.

The glamorous life of a woman in law enforcement, right?

It's what I have to do, Angela.

(indistinct conversation)

MAN: Hey, Deeks.



Okay, okay.


All right.

(people conversing in hall)

(cell phone buzzes)

Come on.

MAN: Hey, Bates, heard about your informer...

DEEKS: Come on. Come on.

(computer beeps)

MAN: Yeah, well, if Fisk finds out about this...

BATES: Let me worry about that.

Round up SWAT.

Let you know about a go time...


Oh, yeah, right.

(cell phone buzzes)

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

God. Uh, hey, Bates, what's up?

You're in trouble.

I gotta be honest, given the circumstances I think you're gonna have to be a little more specific.

Your ex-partner from NCIS is gigantically pissed at you.

And that's one woman I would not cross.

Wait a minute.

You-you-you talked to Kensi?

Forget about her.

I'm bringing you back into the Fisk case.

Cleared it with the Chief.

Give me the NCIS intel and you're back in play.

You got that?

Uh, okay.

You hear me?




(thud over phone)


Everything okay?

Yeah. Yes, sir.

Everything, everything is fine.

One last thing.

I really hope you're not lying to me, kid.

Because if you get in the way of me taking down Fisk, I'll k*ll you.

I got it.

Let me ask you something.

If Bates finds out I turned on him, you gonna back me up?

Yeah. Why wouldn't I?

(scoffs) Are you kidding me?

You don't exactly inspire trust.

Maybe I'm trying to change that.

Hey, Nell, whatever happened to that file I asked you for?

The one on the Aryan Lowrider that Deeks shot at the park?

Oh, right. Uh, I'm sorry.

I guess I forgot.

You never forget anything, Nell.

Mmm, yeah.

I told 'em this wouldn't work.

Okay, so right after you guys left Monica Lee's office, she called a pay phone located two blocks away from the LAPD Precinct.

I'm seeing a dozen other incoming calls to her PDA over the past few days, all from pay phones within walking distance of the same area.

So the mole's definitely a cop or someone who works closely with them.

And he's making life way too easy for Fisk.

If we don't find him, that RDX is as good as gone.

You kept me in the dark?

Please tell me you didn't waterboard Nell.

The guy Deeks k*lled this morning, he isn't dead.

He's an undercover NCIS agent working out of D. C., who, in fact, just landed in Dulles Airport alive and well.

You stuck fake tattoos on him and made me believe that my partner shot an unarmed man.

Why would you do that?

Had to be convincing for LAPD and Bates or else they never would have taken Deeks back.

Sorry, guys.

The woman Deeks rescued is also one of ours.

SAM: The whole thing is a setup.

That is why you stationed me and Deeks so far away from Fisk and the Aryans.

The op this morning wasn't about them.

It was about your ruse.

I knew something was off.

I knew it!

We suspected Fisk had a mole.

It was a ploy to force Bates to cut ties and take Deeks back from us.

Do you guys have any idea what I've been through today?

It was Hetty's call, Kensi.

This is the man who provided Fisk's lawyer with LAPD files.

It's a black leather jacket and baseball cap.

I mean, this could be anybody.

(cell phone rings)

It's Bates.


Deeks, can you talk?


An off-the-books raid goes down in an hour.

No chance of a leak this time.


Get back here.

Yeah, I'm on my way.

Well, this just got interesting.

Bates got a tip that Fisk and the Aryans are meeting today.

He set up an off-the-books raid.

He waited until right now to announce it to lessen the chance of a leak.

I'll inform Mr. Callen.

How's Kensi?

Your partner's fine, Mr. Deeks.

When the Aryans show up for the deal, we move in.

And remember, Clarence Fisk is mine.

DEEKS: Roger that, Lieutenant.

Eric, inform LAPD we're here, but they're running the show.

Got it.

If Bates is the mole, how's he gonna play this?

We'll find out soon enough.

Here comes Mr. Swagger himself.

(car door opens)

Did anyone ever tell you how cute you are when you're homicidally angry?

I'm not angry.

In fact, I could slit your jugular vein 11 different ways from where I'm sitting and I wouldn't lose my temper.

Nell, right?

Well, I'm sorry that I had to lie to you.

I was protecting you.

You were protecting me?



Our... our thing.

Whoa. So there is a thing?

Can we not talk about this right now?

I just... maybe we could do it over drinks or something.

No, I have plans.

Well, then...

Every night for the rest of my life.

What the hell is Bates doing?

Isn't he leading the raid?


Black leather jacket and a baseball cap.

Bates really is the mole.

(cell phone buzzes)

What's up, Quinn?

You got eyes on Bates?

Yes, I do.

I tapped his phone.

He just got a call from Fisk's lawyer.

They're about to meet at a red sedan outside an abandoned warehouse on Market Street.

Make sure you stay close.

We need your testimony to take him down.

I'll be there to make the arrest with you.

What about the raid on Fisk?

What raid?

Never mind.

I'm on it.

Guys, I'm with Deeks.

Bates is meeting with Fisk's lawyer.

We're going in after him.

We go with Kensi and Deeks, we risk letting Fisk and the RDX get away.

Kensi and Deeks have Bates under control.

Handling Fisk and the RDX comes down to us.

You mean us against Fisk, his bodyguards, a crew of neo-Nazis, and an LAPD SWAT team that may or may not be on our side?

Gotta love Tuesdays.

I'm going to get closer.

Okay, I'll check the perimeter, come in after you.

ERIC: Kensi, Callen and Sam are waiting on the Aryans to arrive at Fisk's location.

(camera shutter clicking)

(phone line ringing)


Hey, Eric, it's me.

I need an I. D. on the license plate I just sent you.

The car's registered to John Quinn.


(cell phone vibrating)

Aw, Deeks, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

DEEKS: Gone surfing.

Quinn had a elite education from the age of ten onwards.

Just like Monica Lee, he had hundreds of thousands of dollars in private school and college tuition bought and paid for by an obscure shell corporation owned by Clarence Fisk.

CALLEN: Here come our Aryan friends to finish the deal they started.

KENSI: Guys, Quinn is the mole.

Let's hope we can do the deal this time.

Got what I need?

SWAT's going in.

(engine starting)

CALLEN: Kensi, we're going after Fisk.

You stay with Deeks.

(cell phone ringing)


QUINN: Fisk, get out of there.

There's going to be a raid.

Fisk, you hear me?

(helicopter whirring)

(engine revving)



Get going.



Come on, get 'em.

Drop your weapons, drop your weapons.


(groaning and shouting)

OFFICER: Move out!

Move up!

On your six!

(g*nf*re continues)

OFFICER: Move in on 'em!

We have one running.

He just went in that building.

(g*nf*re continues outside)

(g*nshots, groans)

Where's your swagger now?

(helicopter whirring outside)

SAM: This is what we've been looking for.

Okay, we got a problem, G.

This was supposed to have 20 bricks of RDX here.

There's only 17.

It should be there.

I swear.

I'm willing to cut a deal.

Only other person who had access to this building was John Quinn.

If the RDX is missing, it's with him.

Kensi, where is Deeks?

SAM: Secure him.

Yes, sir.

This is Detective Quinn.

Leave a message.

Quinn, it's Bates. You better not be wasting my time.

Call me.


You working for Fisk?


(cell phone ringing)

Don't move.

That's Quinn.

Bates, he's playing us against each other, all right?

He's trying to frame us as the guys that are working for Fisk.

The mole's meeting Fisk's lawyer nearby.

Quinn and I are supposed to rendezvous with this red sedan and make the bust together.

I'm not lying to you, Bates.

I believe you.

(tires squealing in distance)

Quinn wanted us here for a reason.

CALLEN: Kensi, Quinn's got three bricks of RDX.

It's the red sedan. Deeks!

SAM: Kensi!

The car's rigged!


SAM: That's him!

You don't want to do this.

Put the g*n down.

You've got a lot to live for.

Think about your family.

You know what? I do, every day.

My parents mostly.

Problem is, I never knew them.

They were gunned down in front of me when I was a kid.

I never knew them, they never knew me.

No one-- no one knew me.

Mom and Dad set me up with a free ride.

But on graduation day, I met a man named Fisk.

Free ride came from him.

Now I owed him a debt.

What was I supposed to do?

Put down the g*n.

If I didn't become a cop-- his cop-- he'd k*ll me.

Fisk never gave me a choice.

So who's to blame here, him or me?


Listen, I know you think it's too late, but it's not.

All right, you put the g*n down, you turn yourself in and we take down Fisk together.

Oh, look at you, Deeks, such a hero.

This is over, man.

Put it down.

You know, the funny thing is, I was going to come clean.

Found someone who'd listen to me.

Angela Tully.

I loved her.

Then I found out about her and Bates.

Guess she didn't know how bad I wanted her back.

Thought I could get rid of Bates and square things with Fisk at the same time.

Okay, we got plenty of time to talk about that, and I'm on your side.

You just got to put it down.

I'm sorry, Deeks...

I guess I'm in your debt now.

You don't owe me anything.

CALLEN: You really want to help?

Let's start with Fisk's lawyer.

You have a home with NCIS-- I see that now.

I got to be honest.

I think it's where I belong.

You're still one of mine.

Remind that tea-sipping Svengali of that.

Just don't let that little ninja lady come after me, all right?

You knew Bates was going to come to me to verify that Deeks' split with us was for real.

You know, the last time I felt so angry and so powerless, was when I was 15...

And the military police informed you that they had no answers about your father's death.

That's why I knew you were the one to back up Deeks'

cover story.

I couldn't take any risks.

I'm in your debt, Kensi.


Well, I'll be cashing it in one day.

So, not a gold Rolex?

You still don't get it.

CALLEN: Or a cool car?

It's more complicated than that, G.

Sprinting through burning car b*mb debris wearing designer clothes to take down a bad guy?



Bates said that you swore off female partners. Is that true?

Oh, I don't really think of you as a female in that sense of the word.

I mean, you're clearly not male, because you've got the...



I don't know-- you're Kensi.

Oh, okay. Welcome home...

I think.

No, no.

That's not-- it's not what I meant.

I didn't mean it like that. It's supposed to be a compliment.

Because females-- I would be...

Come on, Kensi?!

Can you please back me up on this?

Game is looking.

Game recognizes nothing.

Hetty? Hetty, please tell me you have advice for this.

HETTY: Haters gonna hate.
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