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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 10/16/23 13:18
by bunniefuu
There's been another one.

What IS the plan?

How exactly are we planning
on stopping this man?

So, it's not just Leeds,
it's Bradford.

Now he goes to Manchester
for t'first time.

It might not be his first time.
Joan Harrison.

She were in...
Where were it? Preston?

Hoban had us look into it
and decided it weren't linked.

Everybody knows the Ripper
att*cks prostitutes,

and everybody knows
the Ripper att*cked me.

Don't matter if it's not true.
That's me scarred. Forever.

"Dear Sir.

"I'm sorry I cannot give my name
for obvious reasons.

"I am the Ripper.

"Up to number eight, you say seven,

"but remember Preston ' ."

That's Joan Harrison.
The one Hoban says wasn't linked.

This is it. This is him.

Nobody knows about Harrison.

This now is the inner circle.

Nobody outside of this room
has read that letter...

Come in, d*ck, sit down.

..and nor do they have to. Not yet.

Not if we're confident
that this is our man.

These have been fingerprinted, yes?

Well, course they have.
It's first thing we did.

"I can feel it coming on again."

Jesus Christ, George.

Nobody knew about Joan Harrison,
not even us.

But she were hit on the head
with a hammer, left on display,

just like the others,
and he knew it.

And he says he posted this
in Sunderland on "one of his trips".

Now, we know he "gets about".
That's a clue, in't it?

So no more bothering with tyres that
may or may not have been changed.

That's done. We're putting
everything into, erm...

Triple area sightings.

He might get about, but he's
only ever in red-light districts.

So any driver seen
in three or more red-light areas

gets a visit from us.
Manchester, Huddersfield, Leeds,

doesn't matter where,
he gets a knock on the door.

we can still check for tyres, then.

That's over now, Jim.

No, cos if you're going
to their houses...

It's a waste of time.

It takes two minutes!
Jim, take the bloody hint.

It's not a hint, it's an order.

Point is, there's thousands of men
using prostitutes.

But they usually go
to one red-light area.

Two, maybe, if they work
in a different town. But three?

That is rare.
That is a very short list.

But one man that you can guarantee
is on it... is the Ripper.

Right, what d'you need, d*ck?
Three teams.


I did tell them to them face
when they come fi knock on my door,

"We're going nowhere.
We have a tenancy agreement."

HOWARD: Yeah, erm... may I see?



Here we go, er,

"Landlord must give
six weeks' notice for eviction..."

He say he want us to come out
Monday. [font color="white"]Yeah. Yeah...

"..unless conditions outlined
in clause b are applicable..."

Er... "Anti-social behaviour"?

"Overdue rent"?

"Or if emergency work is required."

You see, that is what
I've been telling them.

No heating.

All winter, I was saying,
"No heating."

It cold. And they say, "If you
want it fixed, you have to get out.

"You get it fixed,
we come back another time. Maybe."

Yeah, but if it's in the contract,
and you've signed the contract...

No, no, no. No. Go on.

Well, it's clear
that the gentleman...

I'm so sorry,
I don't know your name.

Clearly, Calvin has a case.

They can't evict him

because they need to maintain
their own property.

And they won't be doing it, anyway.

What they'll do is use it
as an excuse to get the rent up.

I had it with that flat on Oak Road.

Tenants out for "renovations",
flat's back on the market next week,

only this time - surprise,
surprise - with higher rent.

Yeah, but the point is,
Calvin's signed the contract.

Well, the point is
the contract's not fair.

That's the point.

And they're relying on the fact
that people like Calvin here

won't seek out local lawyers
like us to challenge them.

But you have. And we will.

Or Howard will, you're his client.
Sorry, but I can't stand it.

This is Ruth, by the way.

SONG: 'Bridge Over
Troubled Water'

Is he here?

Looks ever so smart.
I've asked him to stop for his tea.

Well, he can come up here first.

Mam, I'm .

About to go to university,
I'm allowed boys in my room.

I want him to hear me new record.

All right.
Well, leave the door open.

What? Then we can all hear it!

How far is that, Ben?

That's a six-hour drive
to get there, Mrs Hill.

And they call THIS the North East.

I keep saying
it'd be quicker to fly.

You know, cos he's in the RAF.

They have a scheme
for girls to join.

They even do grants for university,
but Jackie wants to join the police.

Or the Probation Service.

I'm still not sure about all that,
you know?

No? Why not?

Go on, I wanna hear this.

when it comes to an actual career,

there's not many girls
get involved in that sort of thing.

Exactly. And that needs to change.

Well, no-one's saying it
for certain,

but Brian Newton,
who's at Wakefield...

Yeah, I know Brian.

Right, well, he heard Mr Gregory
talking about it on t'telephone.

And Jenny reckons
that's what got Oldfield

shouting the place down
the other day.

Said it straight after
I gave him t'post.

And before that,
he were all... subdued.

So did YOU see the letter?

It would've been in a pile.
Well, she would have done.

But they get that many.


We could always ask Mr Holland.

You wouldn't dare!

Right, gather in round, please.


Plan for triple area sightings
is as follows -

Leeds, Bradford, Manchester

and Rytka, the coloured girl
in Huddersfield, makes four cities.

Now, we divide into two sections,
A-M and N-Z.

John? All triple area sightings
is to go on a list.

Any fella on that list
can expect a visit.

let's hope their wives aren't in.

BOTH: Let's hope they are!

'Ey, listen, if the wives are in,
we tread carefully.

The last thing we want to do
is embarrass these men.

Right, you heard him.

Hey, Meg. MEG! Where you going?

To ask him!

Mr Holland? Mr Holland?
d*ck? Sorry.

Erm, so is it true?

Has the Ripper
really sent a letter?

Well, none of us
can do it all, love. Sorry?

You'll be making calls
all day today, yes?

And I won't need to know
the details of those calls,

cos I know that
if something important comes in,

you'll send it through
to myself and Mr Oldfield.

Just as, if we've got anything
that you need to know about,

that you can help with,
we'll let you know.

Not in a nasty way.

Just we can't have everybody knowing
everything, as that gets confusing.

Does that make sense?

Yes, sir.
Good lass.

We can take that as a yes, then.

It's becoming routine, this.
Sunday morning club.

Morning, sir.

All right, then.
Go on. Lift it.


'The body of another prost*tute

'has been found
in the Bradford area.

'Police have identified her
as Donna DeAngelo

'but have yet to confirm

'if this is another victim
of the Yorkshire Ripper.

'We spoke with her neighbours
following the announcement.'

'Donna did everything for her son.
She thought the world of him.

'That's the only reason
she did what she did.'

'Even with this Ripper
on the loose?'

'That's what she used to say.

' "There's always someone
on the loose." '

What you doing?

You saw it
on the lunchtime bulletin.

I'm just checking to see
if I missed anything.

we can check it again tomorrow.


Yes, Dee!

All right?

You come to buy us a drink?

I will buy you a drink
if you listen.

I found you a lawyer.

I don't want no lawyer.
On Chapeltown Road.

I don't want no lawyer
on Chapeltown Road.

This is different.

I did tell them
about your compensation.

And what them say about you.

And they say fi go see them,
and show them the form...

I can't.
Them will help you, man.

No, I can't take the form.
You scrunch it up, threw it away.

I did keep it.

Just in case.

So you go down there.

And you show them.

This lawyer, whoever he is,
he ain't never going to help me.


Her name's Donna DeAngelo.

She was a prost*tute
found under a mattress in Bradford.

I mean, there's a lot to like,

but David Gee
isn't linking it quite yet.

No? It was on the news.
Yeah, but it's not official.

The injuries aren't quite the same.

You know, I mean,
we're not discounting it,

but she's been lying there
for several weeks,

so it's taken a while to sort out.

And there are others like this?

Ones you're not sure about
that could well be the Ripper?

Yes, there's a handful, yeah.

Some of them, survivors?
Women who'll have met him?

Yeah, but if they've survived,

they've survived
a crack on the head, haven't they?

And some of these women are not
the most reputable types, you know,

what they say and what we believe
are not always the same.

Now, what we don't want to do
is link one of these by mistake,

and that'll send us off
right down wrong path, won't it?

Right, but we need something.
It'll be three years in October.

And there's nothing in the letter
to tell you who he is.

Well... I believe it's him.

It might well be.

But there's nothing
in the actual letter

that gets you any closer
to knowing who he is.

Or am I wrong?

To me, you could do a lot worse
than having someone like Domaille

meet these women,
these... survivors.

Interview them, so you can
either rule them out properly

or rule them in officially.

See if what they say
can't push you along. Just an idea.

But this is your area of expertise,
not mine.

'I'm sorry. Me friend got angry.'

He scrunched it up like that.

Oh, no.
No, in a way, I rather like it.

"My client found your response
to be so objectionable,

"that it had to be fished
from a nearby bin."

It is disgusting, this judgement.

On so many levels.

The assumptions it makes about you,

the suggestion that you in some way
brought this attack upon yourself.

I bet it's changed things, has it?

Every moment of every day.

You drive a fast car. A blue car.

I saw you once.

Music blaring,
not a care in the world...

Oh, I don't always...
No, darling. I like it.


Hello, love.
Oh, Jim. Come in.

Is now all right?

Let me take your coat.

Dennis, love, you've got a visitor.

I'll leave you to it.

'Ey up, Jim.

I, erm...

..I didn't know
if this was gonna be welcome.

How've you been doing?

Aye, I can't complain.

Well, I can, but I won't.

How about you, Dennis?

Oh... not so bad.


I-I know I haven't been there

but I have been keeping tabs
on things...

Oh, no, come on. Let's not...
I'm here to see you.

A-And what you find, you see,

when you have time away...
is perspective.

Aye. Well, you would do.

Start seeing the wood for t'trees.

And now, it strikes me that...

..all this time...

..we've been looking for a monster.

Too bloody right.

What you'll find,
if and when you do,

is someone...


A man who buys t'paper,
like you and me.

Puts up shelves.

Goes for a pint,
bickers with his wife.

Can't speak openly with his mates.

A nobody.

Not a nobody, that's...
that's different.

A normal man.

Otherwise...'d have spotted him by now.

You've interviewed...

..thousands of people.

And what's that tell you?

That we will meet him very soon.

You've met him already.

He's in system.

Bound to be.

He needs to...

..change things, Oldfield.

it's going to get away from him.

He needs to change the way
he's thinking.

Fetch that book.


Open it.

That's all me notes.

Take it with you... when you go.

No, I can't do that.

You must. Show it to the others.

Just till I get back.

Thank you, Dennis.



Millgarth Incident Room?

OK, and when was the last sighting,
you say?

WOMAN: He's been spotted
in both Manchester and Leeds.

In the last four months,

we've had a number of vehicles
spotted in the three cities.

Now, you've got your vehicle index
and your nominal index.

So, if you get a report of a car -

make, colour,
time and place of sighting,

either in part or in full...


Millgarth Incident Room?

Yeah, she's here.

If you get a name -

with an address, or a workplace,
or what have you -

then that's a different card,

and that goes in the nominal index,
which is listed by surname.


If it's both, then it's your
vehicle card, like I described,

but you add the name of the owner
so it can be cross-referenced.

But then you take a third card,

and you fill out
all the vehicle details again. [font color="white"]Meg?

It's your husband, love.
Tell him I'll call back.

Shall I go through it one more time?
Yes, please.

She says she'll call you back.

Don't worry
if it all seems a bit confusing.

Once you get the hang of it,
it'll click.

I wanted chips, but...

chippy were closed,
so I walked home from there.

It's five minutes
if you cut between t'houses.

And this was August the th, ?

Yes, love. A Friday.

I'd come round, I was on our street,

and... that's when I saw him.

Just stepped out in front of me.

He said, "Weather's let us down
again, hasn't it?"

Just like that.

Soft voice. Calm as anything.

You said it were friendly.

Yeah, it were... it were gentle.

Then what?

Well, erm... that... that's it.

I don't...
That's a blank after that.

Two big blows on back of t'head.

My skirt were all up round here.

Cuts on my body with a knife.

They reckon car headlights must've
come round corner after that,

cos he were gone.

So they reckon.

That's when he found me.

The man that got out of his car.

He saw me there...
face down on t'ground.

He'd left me for dead.

You're all right. You're OK.

And this man,
you've not seen him since?

When you've been out,
at the shops or in town?


That don't mean he's not local,

Only, if it's been three years,

you'd have seen him around.

There's no way she'd have seen him.

She's not been out in three years.

NEWSREADER: 'This afternoon,
the police officially named

'the Yorkshire Ripper's
tenth victim as Vera Millward.

'A prost*tute from Hulme,

'her body was discovered
this morning

'by groundsmen working
at the Manchester Royal Infirmary.

'Millward becomes the second victim
in the Manchester area

'and the fifth victim
in under months.'

POLICEMAN: I believe you and Vera
were well acquainted.

That's right, isn't it?

Well, her boyfriend seems to think
you were a regular.

Picked her up every Tuesday
in your van.

You know that's illegal, right?

I wouldn't say it was, no.

Paying prostitutes for sex
not illegal now?

That is, yeah.

But she weren't on the game.
Not any more.

And her name weren't Vera.

It was Eva.
She was Spanish originally.

But you still picked her up.

Still paid her.
Yeah, but not for sex.

I paid...

..for her to sit and talk.

For her company.

f*cking hell...


It's just a bit sinister,
that's all, fella.

Has it really come to that, mate?

Oh, I'm not your f*cking mate.

Do we really live in a world
where wanting to talk to a woman

is more sinister
than wanting to pay her for a screw?

You picked her up
every Tuesday night.

She was k*lled on a Tuesday night.

I was at a birthday party

in St George's Park
on Tuesday night.

I can give you the names
of the people who were there.

Every single one.
That's convenient.

Suppose they'll vouch for you,
will they?


If I hadn't been with them...

..I'd have been with Eva,

and this would never have happened,
would it?

You see, that's what you people
aren't getting.

It's not just about her.

She had seven kids.

Come on, Nick...

Don't start blaming yourself now.
Oh, I'm not blaming myself.

I'm blaming you.

Your lot wanna be taking
a good hard look at yourselves,

asking yourselves, "Why the f*ck
haven't we caught this bastard?"


MUSIC: 'Roll Over Lay Down'
by Status Quo

Oh, look, there's a phone there.

Yeah, yeah, we'll take the number.


Yeah, I'm excited...

Hi, I'm Linda.
I'm Jackie.

Where're you from?
Ormesby. How about you?


We'll leave you in peace.
All right.

Love you. I'll see you soon.

Spare sheets are in the bin liner.

Love you.



GIRL: Hiya.

Hello, I like your dress.

Now look at this.

A second letter,
from the exact same man,

but this time
sent to the Daily Mirror.

Bear in mind that both these letters
are prior to the Millward m*rder.

And he says, don't he,
he says in my letter,

"Whores are getting younger.
Old slut next time."

And at the bottom of the Daily
Mirror, what does it say there?

"Most are young lassies.
Next time try older one, I hope."

Vera Millward were .

She looked it an' all.
She were frail.

She were ill. She'd been in
hospital. He mentions that an' all.

And in my letter, he says, what?
At the bottom, "Maybe Liverpool..."

"Maybe Liverpool
or even Manchester again.

"Too hot here in Yorkshire. Bye."

Not getting much wrong, is he?

I'm beginning to wonder,
can we trust The Mirror?

Well, they came straight to us,
and they've agreed not to publish.

Well, what if we do let 'em publish?

What would be the downside to that?

Don't talk daft.

I don't see what's daft about it.

Someone might recognise the writing.

And if he knew we were reading them,
he might write again,

give us something extra to go on.

No. I'm not having him
think he's in charge.

That letter, it were addressed
to me personally.

He's goading you.

So I get to decide if we go public.

It's down to me.

Registration, Juliet-Foxtrot-Papa,

A Vauxhall Viva.

On a John Minter of Shipley.
What's reg?

We've got him down as
the last statement on the seventh.

there's now a quadruple sighting,

including Bradford
on the night of Atkinson.


He has indeed, sir.
He's been a busy boy.

I can't come home, no.


You do your job,
you do your overtime...

Neither can I!
Because that's my job.

Well, I don't think
it's sustainable, either.

Because if I leave now...

WHISPERING: If I leave now,
then I'm letting them down.

We won't keep you long,
Mrs Rogulskyj. [font color="white"]OK.

So, what myself and Les here
have been doing,

is comparing all the att*cks

that we know for sure
to be by the Ripper.

With those that might
or might not be.

Sort things out properly.
Does that make sense?

You and your mum,
you've been in once before, yes?

Saying you think
that the man we've been looking for

might have been the same man
who att*cked you?

That's right.
As soon as we saw it in t'paper.

But they didn't believe her.

Could you describe him for me?

He were about ' ". Blue shirt.

He had these dark-coloured eyes.

And a dark beard,
like it said in the paper.

I were just walking down the lane...

and so were he, so, you know,
just fell into talking.

And he were nice enough.

He kept hanging back,
to tie his shoe.

Then just as I turned around,
to thank him for his company...

..he started hitting me.

Over and over. On the head.


Grunting from the effort.

But it was only the head?

"Only"? She were covered in blood.

But he didn't attack you anywhere
else? Any other part of the body?

You were hit three times on the head
with a hammer, Mrs Rogulskyj.

Then slashed in the stomach.

That's the pattern
we're looking for.

That is what the Ripper does.
So what are you saying?


You calling me a prost*tute?

No. No.

We're saying he made a mistake.
That when he saw you, he...

..he thought you were a prost*tute.

He's picking up these women
in a car,

and he's doing it in urban areas.

You live in the countryside,
Mrs Browne, yes?

Yes, that's right. In Silsden.

So there's a lot of things here
that do not apply.

He's hitting lasses with hammers.

And then he's ripping them
across their stomachs

with a screwdriver or a knife.

He didn't get a chance.
That is what links these cases.

He didn't get a chance.
And that is not what happened here.

He saw someone coming, and he ran
off, that's what saved her life.

You don't want your daughter
to be known as a victim

of the Yorkshire Ripper, do you?
Course she don't.

Well, then.
But that's what I am.

Why would she make it up?

Well, she's your daughter,
Mrs Browne. You tell me.

We'll be including you
in the series. No.

That'll be the recommendation.
I don't want including.

Look, you were att*cked by a man
who made a terrible mistake.

There's no shame in it, love.

But there IS shame in it.

I'll be left to deal with it.

There'll be folks buying papers
in the shop where I work

who will read all that,

that the Ripper came for me,
so I must be a prost*tute.

And you'll tell them
the Ripper made a mistake.

And I'll tell them
the Ripper made a mistake,

and they'll think, "Well
she would say that, wouldn't she?

"Wouldn't want people to know
what she really gets up to,

"but it's too late now,"
that's what they'll say.

"Her secret's out.
It's in the papers.

"Now we know the truth."
Well, if that happens...

Except it is not the truth!

If that happens, Mrs Rogulskyj,
then I'm sorry.

But none of that means
he didn't attack you, does it?



Grange Moor.
'George, Jim Hobson here.'

Look, if this is about
those letters,

I'm not gonna change my mind.

No, it's not about the letters.

I, erm...

I got a call from Betty Hoban.

Dennis passed away this afternoon.

'Heart complications, and, erm...'

She said, "There's another one".

What does that mean?

'Meaning that he's claimed
another one. He's k*lled again.'

That's bollocks.

Well, that's just Betty's way
of putting it, all right?

Funeral details are to follow,

but I said there'd be a good showing
from our side...

Leeds lads especially.

When you think about it,

this were t'one case
that he couldn't crack...

..that no-one can crack.

'I'll see you in the morning.'




You all right, love?


I need a quick drink, that's all.

Shall I get you a glass of water?

Good idea.

A quick drink and a glass of water.

Right. Stuck in that office
God knows how long,

so this is my idea.

I want you seeing
what this is actually all about

and what you're doing it for.

It's not just bits of paper,
these are real places...

..real people, real crimes.

Now, this became a scene
first thing this morning.

You've got forensics officers here
as you can see,

an area cordoned off

and a roadblock built
all around Savile Park.


Victim was a Josephine Whitaker,
early s...

Did you hear that?

Did he just say early s?

Oh, God.

The initial attack
was around here...

and then he's dragged her out
onto the grass.

What's the matter?

My sister's got the same shoe.

What this is, I'm afraid,
is another mistake.

In our determination
to catch this man,

we're driving him
out of his comfort zone,

and he is travelling further
and further afield

to find prostitutes and...

Er, Josephine wasn't a prost*tute.
Just let me finish, Mike.

He is travelling further afield
to find prostitutes

and such are the number of officers
looking for him

that he is now making
repeated mistakes.

Is it fair to say
that every woman is at risk?


But the pressure's getting to him?

Pressure's on, as they say.

Oh, we sincerely hope so.

WOMAN: That's now three murders
in under a year.

So, Chief Constable,

what would your advice be
to the women of Yorkshire?

Stay home, stay safe.

MAN FAINTLY: Stay home?


Marcella Claxton?
West Yorkshire Police.

Can we have a word?

Now, maybe, Marcella, I'm...
finding all this a touch confusing.

Maybe you can help me out here.

Now you say you were up
on Soldier's Field at, er...

..whenever it was,
silly o'clock in the morning.

You make a point of saying
you're not a prost*tute...

..yet you offer no explanation

as to what it was
you were doing there.

I can't remember.
You can't remember?

But I know it were him.
Do you?


How can you be so certain

if you can't even remember
what you were doing there?

You heard the name Richardson?
I heard the name Richardson.

We know who she is,
if that's what you're asking.

We wouldn't be doing our jobs
if we didn't.

She were att*cked in same place.

Fifty yards away.

Yes, and she was a prost*tute,
wasn't she? So that makes sense.

Either you were there selling sex

or to steal from a man
wanting to pay for it.

It's one or the other.

If you won't admit that... is anyone to believe
anything you say?

I've locked the back door.

I'll leave you to do the front.

If they agree to review
the decision,

you'll need Marcella to sign it.

You know that, don't you?

Don't work too late.


He was seen twice in Chapeltown,

Huddersfield on Boxing Day,
three times in Bradford.

Do their wives have no idea
this is how they're carrying on?

Oh, could they stop 'em if they did?

Incident room.

Yes, yes, she's here. Will do.

No, no, it's not that, darling.

It were Mr Oldfield.
He wants to see you.


Sit yourself down.

Remember I told you,

"If ever we get something
that you can help with,

then we'll let you know?"


I want you to go into that office
and type up what's on here.

I'd ask one of the secretaries,
but we need someone we can trust.

Who's it from?
Just type it up as quick as you can.

There's a good girl.

Yes, sir.

'I'm Jack.

'I see you are still having no luck
catching me.

'I have the greatest respect
for you, George, but, Lord!'




'I'm Jack.

'I see you are still having no luck
catching me.

'I have the greatest respect
for you, George, but, Lord!'

Right, you all know Dave Zackrisson
down from Sunderland.

David, this is Jack Ridgway
from Lancashire.

Look, is he a Geordie?

He's not Newcastle,
but he's North East, no question.

And the writing on the envelope
is a match to that on the letters.

There's no doubt.
So we're all agreed.

Whoever wrote those letters
sent that tape.

And here's another thing -

forensics have done tests
on the letters.

The saliva on the envelope tells us

that the man who wrote those letters
is blood group B.

B non-secretor.

Same as the man
who k*lled Joan Harrison.

Now you want to know how many men
are B non-secretor?

Six percent.
That's one in , roughly.

And, remember, he knows things
that only the k*ller would know.

Then this is it. We go public.

I agree.
Let's not be hasty.

We call a press conference.

We can have it
on television tonight.

Someone is going to recognise
that voice.

I agree. [font color="white"]Look,
putting this out will drown us.

You think we're busy now,
this'll open up the floodgates.

Ah, we've gotta change things,
George. We've got to change things!

We can't just sit here waiting

for him to strike again
and again and again.

How many did you find?
Another three.

Anna Rogulskyj,
att*cked but survived.

Olive Smelt, att*cked but survived.

Donna DeAngelo,
now confirmed att*cked and k*lled.

And not all of them prostitutes,
either. It were never just that.

He's after any lass going.

He wants prostitutes.
He says it himself.

He's says it on the bloody tape.

And if it's not him?
It's him!

But if there was a mistake or...?

Right, then, well,
somebody will recognise that voice,

we'll find him, we'll eliminate him,
and then we can move on,

and that'll be a result
all in itself.

Right, let's have it, then.

How many people in here thinks
that we shouldn't go public?

Only one.

We need action, George.

Eleven women, and you're no closer.

Jim's right. We need to change it.



MAN: Here we go, the Keystone Cops.

The voice you're about to hear...

is the man we believe to be
the so-called Yorkshire Ripper.

Now if you recognise this voice,
or you're...

harbouring this man, then
you need to contact us urgently.

I'm not sure which one...

'I'm Jack.

'I see you are still having no luck
catching me.

'I have the greatest respect
for you, George, but, Lord!

'You are no nearer
catching me now...

'..than four years ago
when I started.

'I reckon your boys
are letting you down, George.

'They can't be much good, can they?

'The only time
they came near catching me...

'..was a few months back
in Chapeltown when I was disturbed.

'I'm not quite sure
when I'll strike again...

'..but it will be definitely
sometime this year.

'Maybe September, October...

'..even sooner if I get the chance.

'I am not sure where.

'Maybe Manchester.

'I like it there.

'There's plenty of them
knocking about.

'They never learn, do they, George?

'At the rate I'm going...

'..I should be
in the book of records.

'I think it's up to now,
isn't it?

'Well, I'll keep on going...

'..for quite a while yet.

'I can't see myself being nicked
just yet.

'Even if you do get near,
I'll probably top myself first.

'Well, it's been nice chatting
to you, George.

'Yours, Jack the Ripper.

'Hope you like the catchy tune
at the end.


MUSIC: 'Thank You For Being
A Friend' by Andrew Gold

♪ Thank you for being a friend... ♪

PRESENTER: 'That was
the Ripper Squad's letter...'

'.. from earlier today,

'where the man known as
"the Ripper"... '

Marcella? Marcella, it's Ruth.

I just need you to sign something.

♪ I hope it always will stay
This way... ♪

Look... it might take a while,

and it will mean going public
with your story...

but I really think
we've got the case.

♪ With walking canes
And hair of grey... ♪


♪ Have no fear
Even though it's hard to hear

♪ I will stand real close
And say... ♪

Well, you know where to find me.

♪ Thank you for being a friend
I wanna thank you

♪ Thank you for being a friend... ♪


♪ Thank you for being a friend
I wanna thank you

♪ Thank you for being a friend
I wanna thank you

♪ Let me tell you 'bout a friend. ♪