03x06 - Lone Wolf

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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03x06 - Lone Wolf

Post by bunniefuu »

This is David Forbes. I'm not in right now.

Leave a message.

David, it's me again.

I think I'm being followed.

I need to see you now.

Call me when you get this.

GIRL: Daddy!



Hey, guys. How are you?

(motorcycle engine revving)

(g*n cocking)

No! No! No!

(people screaming)

(tires squealing)

♪ NCIS: LA 3x06 ♪

Lone Wolf
Original air date on October 25, 2011



Third time this week.


When is the last time you got your cholesterol checked?

Last month.

What is it, 250, 275?

Not even close.

If you're at 300, I'm interviewing new partners.

Sorry, pal, you are stuck with me.

Genetically gifted-- 170.

Bacon is my friend.

Have you guys seen Deeks?

Uh, good morning to you, too.

Hi. Have you heard from him?

It's only 9:00.

I know, but he was supposed to pick me up at the airport this morning and he ever showed.

That's right.

How was Hawaii?

It was fine.

Meet anyone? Go to any luaus?

Solve any crimes?

It was fine.

Back to Deeks.

I called his house number, I called his cell.

No answer anywhere.

He's probably just hungover.

Or surfing.

Or he forgot.

Or all of the above.


So, yeah, you guys are right.

Of course.

What you eating?

Bacon, eggs, mine.


That's it?

No phone calls to the hospital or the morgue?

I mean, I could be lying in a ditch someplace.


You slept here?

Yeah, well, it's more of a tactical retreat, because my building is being tented for termites.

Termites or fleas?

KENSI: Yeah, now that you mention it, Monty has been looking kind of mangy.

You ever thought about taking that dog to a groomer?

Maybe get that fur problem checked out?

He's actually there right now, and the fur problem you're referring to is actually called a shaggy cut.

I pay top dollar for that at the Pampered Pooch.

Are we talking about you or your dog?

(bird call honking)

The mating call for the African Red-Throated Loon.

Audubon Society membership has its privileges.

Does it?

We've got an urgent case.

CALLEN: You need some deodorant.

About that ride, shaggy boy.

Hey, how was Hawaii?

No, no, no.

Don't change the subject.

You're going to punish me for this, aren't you?

Hell, yeah.

Because you left me stranded at the airport, I believe I get to be master of the car radio today.

Dear God, no-- not that techno station again.

Reminds me of college with all those foam parties and strawberry-flavored body glitter.

sh**ting in Santa Monica yesterday at 1400.

Victim is Stephanie Walters, 32 years old.

She was a former Navy Intelligence officer.

Retired three years ago.

Lived with her fiancé, Clifford Bosworth.

I'm searching income tax records for a more recent employer.

Any video footage?

Just about every storefront camera caught a piece of the action.

The victim had just left a café.

She had nowhere to run.

KENSI: He took her purse.

Looks like robbery may have been the motive.

That was part one.

This is part two.

The sh**t managed to get away, but the rider, Jose Agosto, died on impact.

Agosto was 25 years old and had just about as many arrests.

He did time for armed robbery and was your average muscle for hire.

Sounds like a job for the LAPD.

Stephanie Walters made a call before she was shot.

It was to her former boss--

Commander David Forbes, at the Office of Naval Intelligence.


Check Agosto's known associates.

You two talk to Commander Forbes.

We'll talk with Stephanie's fiancé.

Eric, send us the address.

You got it.

Oh, and Mr. Deeks--


That blanket that you took from my office--


Actually it's a tapestry that once hung in Mozart's home in Salzburg.

That explains why it smelled so musty.

You want me to dry-clean it for you?

Really? Really, Deeks?

Can I... hand-wash it, cold water?

No? Okay.

Yeah, I need a do-over on today.

There are no do-overs in life, Mr. Deeks.

This coming from a woman with a dozen aliases.

I heard that!


Stephanie called me out of the blue yesterday morning.

She said it was urgent, so we made plans to meet in the afternoon.

She called you again right before she was k*lled?

I was in a meeting.

She said she was being followed, but, by the time I got the message, it was too late.

Any idea who could've been after her?

We hadn't spoken in over six months.

I really don't know.

How long did Stephanie work under you?

Four years-- as an electronic intelligence operations analyst.

She was one of the best-- bright, thorough, great sense of humor too.

Why did she leave?

Like a lot of good agents, she burned out.

We had a grueling operation in Serbia.

I could see it was taking a toll on her.

Any idea what Stephanie did after she resigned?

Stephanie had a big heart.

Six months after she left, she joined a non-profit that set up safe drinking water for people in Third World countries.


Maybe one of her past assignments had something to do with her m*rder.

I wondered the same thing.

She had top secret security clearance and access to a lot of information.

Could this be related to selling that intel?


Not the Stephanie I knew.

Cliff Bosworth?

Yeah. Who are you?

Agent Callen, NCIS.

Agent Hanna.

The police just left.

They took photos, dusted for prints.

Didn't find anything.

We just want to ask you a couple questions about your fiancée Stephanie.

What is there to say?

She's gone.

We're sorry for your loss, but any information you can give us may help us find her k*ller.

I thought this must have been just a random act of v*olence, until I came home and found the place like this.

Anything missing?

Just her laptop.

They must've been looking for something else, 'cause every room in the place was trashed.

Did Stephanie keep her valuables anyplace special?

Well, she's...

Sorry. She...

She was a minimalist.

So the only material things she cherished were a necklace her father gave her and the engagement ring from me.

She was wearing both of them.


They're hard to care for.

CLIFF: That was Stephanie's thing.

She didn't even like me going near the t*nk.

I went to clean it out the other day and she went nuts about it.

I mean, she just liked to do things a certain way, you know.

What-what are you doing?

Think I got something.

CALLEN: I've got gloves.

Open it up.

Singapore, Australia...

Looks like there's a little more to Stephanie than we thought.

Any idea where she got the fake passports and the cash?


No, Stephanie and I talked about everything.

At least I thought we did.

How long did you known her?

She walked into my nursery a year and a half ago.

She said she wanted to start a veggie garden.

We, uh... we worked on it together and things just kind of developed from there, you know.

What did Stephanie tell you about the job...

Nope. Nope. I'm not buying this guy never got suspicious.

His fiancée's leading a double life.

How do you not realize something's up?

Maybe she was good at it-- like we are.

Tell us about Stephanie's job at Emerald Water International.

She loved to make a difference, but the travel was rough.

What was her last trip?

Frankfurt, Germany.

She got back three days ago.

Anything unusual when she got back?


Yeah, she seemed distracted.

I asked her about the trip-- she didn't want to talk about it.

She just...

She just seemed a bit off.

At first I just thought it was the jet lag.

At first?

She started getting phone calls at odd times.

She'd go into the other room to take them, you know.

I asked what was going on, she said she was just...

She said she was just tired.

Then the day before yesterday, she left the house in a hurry, and, of course, I was worried, so I followed her.

She drove to a place in Santa Monica.

Some woman answered the door.

Can you give us an address?

Yeah, sure.


I think he's telling the truth.

I think Stephanie was keeping secrets.

So what was she mixed up in?

Well, she had access to classified material up until three years ago.

And she traveled a lot under different passports.

(computer trills)

ERIC: Guys, I followed up with the café Stephanie visited-- actually an Internet café.

Turns out she uploaded files to a cloud drive that belongs to Cliff.

The account was opened two months ago.

What'd you find?

Well, it's highly encrypted, and I'm working on it, but it might just be easier to ask him for the password.

We need access to your cloud drive account.

I haven't got a cloud drive account.

Stephanie uploaded files to an account held in your name before she was k*lled.

It was opened about two months ago.

The only thing she opened was something to keep the wedding files in, but I never looked at it.

Any idea what the password is?

She never told me.

I just checked with Stephanie's old boss.

Those passports were not issued by his department.

Somebody must've supplied them.

What about her current employer?

Emerald Water International is a completely legit organization.

They've helped set up drinking water pumps in Third World countries for over ten years.

Do they have an office?


Downtown Culver City.

Stephanie reported to a woman named Abigail Johns.

We're on it.

Guys, I've been researching Stephanie's movements.

She was in Frankfurt last week, like Cliff said, but it was just a layover.

She ended up traveling on to Afghanistan for the week.

See if she was working on a water project there.


Found our sh**t yet?

Uh, still looking.

But you know that woman Stephanie visited?

Turns out she's a professor of engineering at Whitley University.

Dr. Calista Colby.

Now, I got a campus security log here.

Stephanie visited her every day since she got back from Afghanistan three days ago.

She also placed half a dozen calls to Dr. Colby.

The last one was just 20 minutes before her sh**ting.

Well, you need engineers to build water pumps.

Could be a colleague.

Or someone she trusts.

Maybe she can tell us what Stephanie was up to.

(indistinct chatter)

WOMAN: Okay.

Abigail Johns?

Can I help you?

Special Agent Kensi Blye, NCIS.

Detective Marty Deeks, LAPD.

We'd like to talk to you about Stephanie Walters.

Is she okay?

Um, I'm sorry to have to deliver the news.

She was actually shot and k*lled yesterday.

Oh, my God!

It would really help us out if you could answer a few questions.

Of course. Anything.

Can you tell us about your work in Afghanistan?


Oh, we don't work in Afghanistan.

Is it possible that Stephanie joined a project that you didn't know about?

Not with our organization.

We haven't expanded into the Middle East yet.

But she was there on a water project only last week.

Oh, I'm sorry, Stephanie hasn't worked for Emerald Water for... six months.



The body's still warm.

Looks like a g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

ERIC (on phone): Yo.

Eric, Dr. Colby's been shot.

Notify LAPD, and have the campus locked down.

Got a passport.

Departure stamp-- Kabul International Airport; dated three days ago.

Three days ago?


That's the same day Stephanie left Afghanistan.

And now they're both dead.

So what were an engineering professor and a former intelligence agent doing together in Kabul?

Maybe he knows something.

Any leads on Dr. Colby's k*ller?

Campus is shut down and being swept.

I'm just waiting to get their security footage.

In the meantime, we were able to access Dr. Colby's bank account.

She received a wire transfer for $50, 000 two weeks ago.

Strangely enough, Stephanie received the same amount on the same day.

That's big lump sum payments.

Same source?

It didn't appear to be at first, but we traced the funds through several shell corporations and found both wires originated in the same Swiss bank.

Do we have any idea who's paying?

Yes. A man named Larry Basser.

He's a former NSA agent.

Any ties to Afghanistan?

He's been all over the Middle East.

Joined the NSA after a career in the Army.

ERIC: Spent lots of time in Russia in the early '80s.

He settled down in L. A.

He's got memberships to three yacht clubs and two country clubs.

Wait a second.

DEEKS: Uh, is that who I think it is with Basser?


(g*n firing)

(shell casings clinking)

Basser and I worked together in the '80s.

He was a courageous soldier and a first class agent, but he considered himself somewhat of a maverick, which is to say that he ruffled a lot of feathers.

I know the type.

So that's why you wanted us on the case.

You knew Basser was involved.

I didn't know for certain.

Did you use us to do your leg work?

You have longer legs.

Why'd Basser leave the NSA?

He was ousted when a, uh, a case he was running in Fallujah ended tragically.

How tragically?

Several agents were k*lled.

Many believed Basser was to blame.

Do you believe that?

I believe w*r is very messy, and unless you're in the middle of it, it's easy to point the finger.

Hmm. So what's he been doing since?

Last I heard, he was running a private intelligence network.

So let's pay him a visit.

Not so fast, Mr. Callen.

Basser is the ultimate lone wolf, and he's a tricky bastard at that.

He is extremely good at what he does.

You won't get through the door.

I will.

And I'll remember to leave it unlocked for you.

(thermos and cup clattering)

What the hell is that?

It's kale lemonade.

You should have some.

Scrape out that bacon grease from breakfast.

No, thank you.

It's fresh.

Made it with my new four-in-one juicer.

How much do you spend every year on late-night infomercial purchases?

You got the upside-down tomato grower.

You got the crystal bulbs that water your plants.

You got the ginzu knife that can cut through glass.

All necessities.

And, of course, the Chillow--

"the amazing pillow that stays cool."

Who sleeps like a baby on a hot summer's night?


CALLEN: And drink up.

It's showtime.

Come in.

Thank you.

(feet pattering on floor)

Uh... come on!

Whoa! Careful, boys.

No running in the house.

I see you've met my two little monsters-- Mark and Ed.

Horrible manners; they take after my ex.


Boys, come back in here.


Say hello to Ms. Lange.



(Hetty laughs)

The ex has custody; I get them once a month.

You know, they make three tours of duty look like a cakewalk, but I miss them like hell when they're not here.

I'm sure.

Henrietta, you look great.


BOTH: Mmm...

HETTY: Thanks.

Ah, that was a great view of Basser's belt buckle.

If Hetty would only...

Tippy, tippy-toes?


Got it covered, guys.

I installed an adjustable camera lens in the old Hetty-cam.

That's better.

How long has it been--

20 years?

HETTY: Oh, longer.

Islamabad was '87.

I remember that night like it was yesterday.

HETTY: So do I.

You saved my life.

BASSER: Nothing you wouldn't have done for me.

Come on in.

Yeah, we had some wild times.

Indeed, we did.

Do you remember that hand-off in Berlin?


And the dinner with the Saudi prince?

(chuckling): Yeah.


Don't remind me.

I still shiver when I think back on those cold winter nights.

Did you ever get the scotch I sent you?

I feel guilty just looking at it.

It's no good to S*ddam now.

Well, I'm saving it for a special occasion.

Classic Hetty.

You always had such restraint.

BASSER: Cheers.

Is it just me or are they flirting?

(glasses clinking)

Nope. Just you.



Oh, come on. Th-The long winter's nights and the, and th-the scotch drinking?


You know what, don't worry if you can't see it.

It's more of a master's class anyway.

(phone ringing)

Yeah, Eric.

I've accessed all of Basser's security cams.

We've got every inch of that house covered.

You and Sam are good to go.

Floor plan?

Sending it to you now.

Basser's office is upstairs.

Master bedroom downstairs.

First door on the left.

Let's do it.

Let's roll.

What's your connection to Stephanie Walters and Dr. Calista Colby?

They were two of my operatives.

Stephanie was one of my most skilled negotiators.

She brokered numerous ceasefires between local tribal leaders in southern Afghanistan.

And Dr. Colby?

She was advising the engineering companies working on the country's infrastructure, namely the building of the highway connecting Gardez with Khost.

You look skeptical.

Contact the CIA.

I was making regular progress reports.

I'll talk to Langley, see if the files exist.

(whispers): I'll search for the files in his bedroom.

Could use a little help here with a password, Eric.

All right, give me a sec.

HETTY: How did you meet Stephanie?

BASSER: Through a friend in Norfolk.

I wish I had more information for you, but, uh...

This is all I know.


Sam, you got a five-year-old bogey down the hall to your left.

Which way do I go?

Uh, he's coming right at you.

Just duck in where you can.

What-What the...?

What are you doing in my playroom?


Fixing the lights.

I'm supposed to scream if strangers talk to me.

What's your name?


My name is Sam.

Now we're not strangers.

Then what are you doing here?

Want to see a cool trick?

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

You do?

Let's see.

I'll show you something.

Got a really cool trick for you.

All right, here, hold the deck.

Hold the deck.

Okay, so I take this card, right?

This four of hearts.

See it?


Okay, so I take that little four of hearts, boom.

It becomes a queen.

That's pretty cool, huh?

HETTY: Do you know this man?

No, I don't know him.

Look, I have no idea who would want Stephanie and Dr. Colby dead.

I do know that there were a number of radical Muslim groups with ties to the Taliban in the region.

And that they don't like American interference, and they don't like women, and they especially don't like the inroads we're making through cease-fires.

Even so, it seems a long way to come to hunt down these two women.

Hard to believe the Taliban has the resources.

These networks are growing every day.

Nothing surprises me anymore.

Almost done uploading, Houdini.

Hang in there.

Give me that ball right there.

Toss it.

Toss me that.

All right.

Okay, watching that?

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

'Cause I've heard that this ball likes to just run and hide.

Okay, come here, ball.

Grab it.

Look at that, look at that, look at that, look at that...


It's gone.

Wait a minute, what's that?

What's that?

What was that doing under that armpit?

(both laugh)

Isn't that amazing?

How'd he do that?

He's good.

(computer beeps)

All right, you're free and clear, Callen.

Got it.

Watch this.

Okay, ready?

Ready? Okay.

Nanny's on the move.

Sam, you might want to take the exit right behind you.

I'm gonna go now, all right?



Bye, Sam.
You knew the danger, but you sent Stephanie and Dr. Colby in anyway.

And you don't put your agents in the line of fire daily?

Stephanie and Calista knew the risks.

They believed in what we were doing.

Look, Hetty, I'm on your side.

I'm using all my resources to find out who k*lled them.

My agents are my family.

You of all people should know that, Hetty.

It's all here.

Hundreds of reports on Basser's network, all sent to the CIA.

According to Nell, Langley confirmed these were all logged.

God, they're not just about Afghanistan either.

Some date back years.

Maybe Basser was telling the truth and he's providing valuable intelligence.

Maybe he's a good guy.

ERIC: Hey.

I got ahold of security tapes from Whitley University.

A man entered Dr. Colby's office after her last appointment.

Meet Greg Reyes.

He's a known associate of our motorcycle rider Jose Agosto.

They were both suspects in a sh**ting two years ago, but there wasn't enough evidence to charge them.

We searched Reyes's phone records.

He received several calls in the last two weeks from a Dennis White.

Who is our mystery man from Afghanistan.

What do we know about him?

He's an executive at Talberton Oil.

That's him in Kabul with two of our m*rder victims, Stephanie Walters and Calista Colby.

He also placed two calls to Reyes within an hour of Stephanie's m*rder.

So what's the connection between Stephanie Walters, Larry Basser and tribal leaders in Afghanistan?

And how does an oil company fit in?

DEEKS: Unless we've got this backwards, maybe it's not about brokering peace deals between warlords, maybe it's all about oil.

CALLEN: Dennis White?



You know a Stephanie Walters or a Dr. Calista Colby?

Never heard of them.

Careful, honey.


Ring a bell?

I meet a lot of people for work.

I don't even know where that was taken.

Well, we'd ask them, but they're both dead.

So, Eric got access to Cliff Bosworth's cloud drive.

Turns out, Stephanie uploaded dozens of documents-- maps, satellite images, geophysical surveys written by Dr. Colby, and a purchase agreement for a parcel 100 miles from the pipeline being built by Talberton Oil.

Well, that's nothing too out of the ordinary for somebody that's gathering intelligence and facilitating cease-fires.

Why go to the trouble of uploading this to a personal cloud drive?

Because Stephanie didn't want anyone else to have access, for some reason.

Maybe Stephanie and Dr. Colby uncovered something they shouldn't have, like a shady handshake deal or a secret pipeline.

And Stephanie uploaded the proof to her cloud drive.

Nell, do we know who purchased the land in that deal?

Uh, we don't, but I'll look into it.

Guys, guys, I'm just getting something.

Okay, the sh**t, Greg Reyes, popped up on a security camera at LAX.

He was heading into the parking garage three hours ago.

All right, let's search all flight manifests around that time, figure out where this guy was going.

Actually, he never even got on a plane.

Cameras caught him leaving 45 minutes later.

Eric, zoom in.

He was picking someone up.


That's Casey Freed.

He's another one of Basser's operatives.

Stephanie mentioned him in one of her reports.

They met a week ago in Afghanistan.

Uh, just flew in from Kabul, cleared customs at LAX.

Swiped his credit card at The Sunset House.

That's a private members-only club.

There's a five-year waitlist just to get on the waitlist.

Shall we?

I think we shall.

How come I always have to be the straight-laced-- thanks-- boring one and you get to be the...

The handsome and witty one?

'Cause that kind of just comes naturally.

No cover is gonna conceal that.


I say that I am a stylist from Paris flying through L. A.

For an awards show, and you get to be my intern.

Your intern?

Are you serious?

'Cause I could be your model.

Or we could just ask Casey Freed why he was picked up at LAX by a hit man.

If he's working with Basser, he's not gonna talk.

He's gonna stall until the deal goes through.

All right, so we're just gonna agree to disagree then?


So, stalemate.

Uh, more like a standoff.

So what are we doing about cover?

(chuckles): Well, like I said, it's a standoff.


Snooze, you lose!


See you up there.

Deeks, wait. I...

I have no idea what happened.

I didn't know they were dead until you told me.

What's your connection with Greg Reyes?

He's private security.

He travels with me to Afghanistan.

SAM: You spoke to Reyes twice last night. Why?

I leave for Kabul tomorrow.

We needed to discuss my itinerary.

And your connection with Larry Basser?


He's the one who introduced me to Reyes.

Basser is a consultant for my company.

As part of his contract, he provides executive security when we travel.

What other services does Basser provide?

We hired him for his contacts in Afghanistan-- people on the ground who have connections to local tribal leaders.

We're constructing a major oil pipeline that runs through an area controlled by a local tribe.

And you were facing opposition.

The tribal leader's against it.

So you needed Basser to negotiate with him.


What was your interaction with Stephanie?

Well, we met for the first time about five days ago.

But I'd call it more a confrontation than a meeting.

She had just discovered that Basser was using her connections to help my company secure the oil pipeline.

She thought she was there to broker peace deals for the military.

Stephanie left the meeting very angry.

Did she speak with Basser after she found out?

I don't know.

I never saw her again.

And Larry said he'd handle it.

Handle what exactly?

The tribal leader.

And when was he gonna do that?



(British accent): Don't be so glum, sweetheart.

Come meet Melissa Peters.

She manages the club.

Nice to meet you, Ines.

I am so sorry...

About your situation.

DEEKS: Oh, don't be shy.

It's all over the tabloids.

The whole world knows that that love-rat footballer dumped you at the altar.

600 guests at Blenheim Palace.

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, uh, Sir Elton, Dame Edna.

I mean, this is probably the worst thing you can do to a woman, am I right?


I just went through a bad breakup myself.

You did?

It'll take time, Ines.

Takes time.

Bikram yoga and burning his photos will help.


I was just saying to Melissa that we managed to avoid the paparazzi on Sunset.

Somehow, they caught wind that Brazil's most famous topless model escaped to L. A.

After her doomed wedding.

We just want to have a quiet bite.

I thought that, um, our club in London had arranged everything.

Normally, we don't have reciprocal privileges, even with the Molton House in London, but I'll make an exception.


Go ahead that way.

You'll find the pool, a restaurant and two bars.

You're an angel.

You are. I'm in love with you.

I am.

Positively in love with you.


That was your English accent?

Yeah, but it kept slipping between Captain Jack Sparrow and Mary Poppins.


And topless model?

What are you talking about?

That's a compliment.

Have you seen those Brazilian magazines?

They have high standards there.


And isn't Ines the name of that burlesque dancer/

professional mud wrestler that you were seeing?

Again, a compliment.

She's both graceful and athletic.

Okay. Oh, heads up.

There's Freed, and he's on his laptop.

Just who we need.

Do your thing, Ines.


That just happened.





Definitely... good.

(indistinct chatter)

(with Portuguese accent): Is this seat taken?

All yours.

I'll have what he's having, please.

Where are you from?

I'm from a small town outside of Rio.

BARTENDER: Here you go.

KENSI: Thank you.

I've only been here one week.

How do you like it?

It's wonderful except the policy at the pool.

I don't know why they require a bathing suit when we are swimming here, you know?

(giggling): It's so silly.


Is that Beverly Hills?

Um, over there by the ocean, and, uh, that's the Hollywood Hills.


Oh, I always wanted to see the Hollywood sign when I was a kid.

Mm... hmm. Anyway, saúde.

So where are you from?

Anything come up on Freed's hard drive?

Yeah, a potential goldmine.

He's another one of Basser's operatives.

We found the usual intelligence reports, but there is one odd thing--

Basser sent the tribal leader classified information on Talberton's pipeline.

I thought Basser was working with the oil company.

That can only mean one thing.

Basser's going to use the tribal leader to attack the pipeline.

(alarm beeps)

Oh, boy.

Someone is trying to access Basser's encrypted site using Stephanie's log-in name.

You got an IP address?



Cliff and Stephanie's house.

You think Cliff's hiding something?

Let's find out.

MAN: Come on, let's go! Let's go! Go!

Let's go! Go!


Federal agents!


(panicked screaming)


SAM: Get out of the way!

Out of the way!

(tires screeching)

Go, go! Come on!

Any luck tracking Reyes's SUV?

Working on it.

What about Basser?

Well, they hit paydirt on Stephanie's cloud drive.

Turns out the land a hundred miles west of the Talberton pipeline is owned by one of Larry Basser's shell corporations.

DEEKS: So Basser helps the local tribal leader blow up Talberton's pipeline.

And suddenly Talberton is looking for a safer route.

So Basser is driving business to the land he already owns.


Why would a decorated soldier and career NSA agent betray his country?

Larry saw his best friend die in Fallujah.

The NSA turned its back on him.

They made him the scapegoat.

He was never the same.

He lost his wife, his career, his reputation...

After that day, I think a part of him decided he would only be loyal to himself.

Nell, how much time before they attack that pipeline?

According to Stephanie's intel, less than two hours.

I'll inform SecNav.

Perhaps we can cut off the militants before they get to the pipeline.

Hey, I just retrieved an e-mail Cliff Bosworth got an hour ago.

From Stephanie...?!

She sent it from the Internet café before she died, but scheduled delivery for today.

KENSI: "Cliff, I'm giving myself 48 hours to figure things out, "but if anything happens to me, "give this log-in name and password "to my old boss at the Navy, David Forbes.

"He'll know what to do.

I love you. Stephanie."

That was her fail-safe.

I checked Cliff's cell phone records-- he made a call to Commander Forbes, which was never picked up.

So he started digging around on Basser's site himself.

DEEKS: Basser wouldn't risk kidnapping Cliff, unless he thought he knew something.

Like where Stephanie hid the evidence against him.

(computer beeps)

ERIC: Guys, I got Basser's guy Reyes.

He's three miles out at sea.

ERIC: Just logged on to Basser's network.

Sam, we're gonna need a boat.

(punch thuds, man grunts)



Either he doesn't know anything, or he's tougher than he looks.

Go to hell.

Yeah, you first.

(boat horn blows)

Please help!

(boat horn blowing)

Take over.



KENSI: Hello!

Over here!

Stay there.

KENSI: Hello!




Help us!

Excuse me, sir!

Please help us!

There's a fire on board.

We don't have a radio.

Can you please help us?


KENSI: We need help!

Federal agent!



KENSI: Federal agents!


Drop your w*apon!

Drop it!

On your knees!

Get down!

You okay?

Yeah, man.

That's quite a swing set.

Yeah, the, uh, the boys just left.

They went back up north with their mom.

I promised I'd have it finished when they got back.

If she ever lets them come back.

I'm sorry you're not going to be able to finish it.

How much do you know?


Thinking of sh**ting me, Larry?

Yeah, the thought crossed my mind.

Why did you come?

You saved my life once.

Loyalty is important to me, too.

They're going to be here in about five minutes, and then my hands are tied.

Five minutes.

Not long in a lifetime.

No, it's not, at all.


I got here too late.

Okay. Oh, what are we...

Heading out already?

You don't, you don't want to grab a beer?


No? Maybe some Chinese food?

Or Italian? Come on, man, I know you love Italian.

Or you and I could do some on-line shopping.

You want to buy some shoes?

Maybe some cutlery?

You got nowhere to go, do you?

No, that's not true.

I just love spending time with you guys.

Is that such a crime?

(zipping up bag)

Okay, fair enough.

Fumigation company called.

They said I can't get back into my place until after midnight.

Sorry, buddy.

I got plans.


Diving trip in Cancún.

Got a flight to catch.

(snaps fingers)

Can... Cancún?


I don't mind a burger and a beer.



If you pay.


And drive.


And do my laundry for a month.


Outerwear only, Deeks.




Hold up.

I'm driving, buying, washing your underwear.

(breathes deeply)

From Basser?


Liberated from S*ddam Hussein's personal cellar.

Care to join me?

I thought you'd never ask.

To old friends.

(stifled gag)

HETTY: Oh! This tastes like crap.

You'd do that for me?


Yeah, I'd like that.

Who are you talking to?

Uh, it's Jake from state farm.

Sounds like a really good deal.

Jake from state farm at three in the morning.

Who is this?

It's jake from state farm.

What are you wearing, jake from state farm?

[ jake ] uh...


She sounds hideous.

Well she's a guy, so...

[ male announcer ] Another reason more people stay with state farm.

Get to a better state.

♪ ♪

Don't. To a B C'mon. State.

♪ ♪

[ sighs ]

[ exhales ]

[ male announcer ] Mcrib is back at McDonald's.

Tangy, sweet hickory barbecue sauce.

Made with 100%, tender, juicy, boneless pork.

Topped with pickles and onions on our classic mcrib bun.

Did we mention the barbecue sauce?

♪ ♪

The simple joy of saucy goodness.

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That's why there's a rinse like crest pro-health multi-protection.

It helps you get a better dental check-up.

So be ready for your next dental check-up.

Try any crest pro-health rinse.

Yeah. It's his thing...

I don't even participate.

Boom! Here it comes.

Bring it back!

Bring it...

[ male announcer ] Some parties need a bowl of queso. Made from creamy velveeta and zesty rotel tomatoes and green chiles. It makes any get-together better.
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