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03x05 - Something to Share?

Posted: 10/16/23 12:23
by bunniefuu
Agh! She's here!
She's up here now!

OK, everyone, sh,

Happy birthday!

Gosh! This is the
best birthday ever!

We haven't done anything yet.

I thought, as a
special treat tonight,

we could watch your
favourite film.

Wizard Of Oz! Yeah!
Ah, Dorothy...

Now, come on, let's get
on with it, shall we?


Morning. Morning.
It's Kitty's birthday.

Yeah, I heard. She's 200 and...

Come on! What?

Well, Julian said... Sorry,
he's the one with no trousers.

Yeah, I know which one he is.

Well, he just said...

No, no, I know there's
more to you than that.

Are you sure you need a cake?
Cos because you can't eat it.

OK. Sorry, what was I saying?

Forget it. What? What?

I just wish I knew what you and
your mates were saying sometimes.

They're not my
mates. Not my mates.

OK, but you'd have to fall out
of a window and bang your head,

and I can say, from
experience, that.

No... I'm not saying
we're not mates, just...

Yes, I know that is what I
said, but it's not what I meant.

No, we are not more than
mates, Thomas, either.

OK... No, Kitty, obviously...

Yes, of course, we're mates...

That brings our meeting to a
close. I have a quick announcement.

We don't know whether we'll be
back in the church hall next week,

so we can check the website on
the meetings list for details.

Thanks, everyone. Thank you.

That was certainly more interesting
than the knitting group.

Gary's story was so sad!

Mary, you're supposed
to be anonymous.

We're not allowed to say "Gary".

Well, it's not going to
leave this house, is it?

He's not a proper alcoholic
anyway - he only drinks beer!

Yeah! As long as you've
got your seat belt on,

you can have three pints.

Vanessa, on the other hand...
Well, she's clearly drinking

because the husband's
fornicating with the neighbour.

I mean, what is the point
of a bunch of people,

sitting around, telling
each other their problems?

I think they're very brave.

What's brave about talking?

Well, talkings can
be very dangerous.

No way!

There no Zumba today!

Nonsense. I
gotta work on my core.

How long is this going to
go on for, do you think?

I mean, how long does it take
to fix a church hall roof?

Hopefully a while, cos
we're getting paid.

Some of the delinquents
coming through these days!

There was a group yesterday
of people addicted to

the act.

You don't have to
be there, you know.

Oh, believe me, I
don't want to be.

You know, someone's got
to keep an eye on things

or goodness knows
where this will end.

Well, there's a life
drawing class later

you might want to avoid
that one. Oh, I will!

What time?

Did you get her WhatsApp?

No. I messaged Lucy last night
and she still hasn't replied.

I would have replied
straight away. Yeah.

I just want to go out
and put it all behind us.

Oh, I wish I could
go out with you.

Sister's going out together!

I was invited to a ball
once with my sister,

but... there was an incident.


I've noticed you often
talk about your sister

and it seems like maybe...

Kitty, uh, there is
a balloon upstairs!


Balloon! Not you, Robin.

But I want to see balloon! There
is no balloon. Well, then...

OK, what was that about?

Could not have escaped your
attention that Kitty's sister

was not as nice as Kitty
would like to remember?

She was a horrible wench.

Real cow. Not a real cow, but...

We just think it's best
not to rock the boat.

Yes. If she realised the truth,

goodness knows how
it would affect her.

I mean, do you remember
how she reacted

when they cleared out
her old teddy bear?


Bunty bear!

I mean, she cried for a week!

Was it only a week?
Seemed longer.

So just don't ever
talk about it? Mm-hm.

Let her... lock it up?

It's actually really good
to talk about things.

I know it might seem alien
to you, but to my generation,

talking about our problems is...

It's not the talking
- it's the crying.

Well, I...


Oh... Hello.

Yeah, speaking. Um...

You'd have to fall
out the window and bang your head...


"Your cats can see ghosts"?

People will tell
you you're crazy,

but if you believe
in ghosts at all,

is it really so crazy to believe
that certain people are able

to communicate with them?

Robin, can you
keep the noise down?

Not crazy at all. Yes, I know!


There was no balloon.

Oh, well, you never know.

Maybe later.

Uh, Kitty, you do know that
if you ever wanted to share

anything with me,
you know you can?

Like a yoghurt?

Um, no, because you can't share
a yoghurt with me, can you?

Oh, yes. Yeah.

I meant sharing your thoughts.

Like, you were starting to tell
me about your sister and a ball.

Yes, I was. Yeah.

You often mention your sister.

Yes, we were very close.

She was terribly pretty
and terribly nice.

A bit like you, actually.

Kitty, what an absolutely
splendid house of cards!

It's taken me hours.

You're so talented
- and so pretty!

Goodness. Thank you, Ellie!

You are the kindest
sister in the world.


Oh, no!

Oh, a gust of wind
must've blown it down.

Oh, how simply
awful, dear sister.

Never mind.

It was then we were summoned
by our strict old governess.

Girls. Your father wants to see
you in his library. Quick, quick!

Father was very formal.

He liked to be in charge
and to be respected,

but he was very kind of heart.

Ah, girls! My dear girls.

Now, since you have
both come of age,

I've decided to get
my affairs in order.

As you know, your dear mother and
I raised you equally as our own

and I have continued to do the
same ever since she passed.

And I just wanted you to
know that in the event

of my, um... death...

I have given you
equal inheritance,

as I'm sure you would expect.

Yes, Father.

Now, in happier matters, we
have been invited to a ball.

It is to be held
by Lord Bummenbach,

whose balls are the most
magnificent in the county.

I rather think
it's time that you

ventured out into
society, don't you?

Oh, yes! My goodness, yes!

And I'm delighted to be
sharing this moment equally

with my sister, as equals.

If anything, I wish she could
have more inheritance than I.

No, you should have more
than I!

Girls, girls...


I suppose... I
mean, I don't want to,

but perhaps I should.

Since I am her true daughter.

Kitty? Kitty?

It's fine to explore
this, you know?

It's important to be
honest about how...

What's going on?

Nothing. Uh...

Kitty's just sharing
some memories...

Well, I hardly think it's fair
to single out Kitty now, is it?

Well, quite!

Well, do you have something
you'd like to share?

Uh, what?

I once stole a key
ring from the gift shop

at the Amberley chalk pits.

Goodness gracious!

Well, we all did stuff like
that when we were kids.

I was 36, Alison!

Ah... I put it on my keys to
see what it would look like

with my other key rings from
the Wensleydale Creamery

and Huddersfield Town.

And then I had to take
Duncan Leach to the toilet

and, after he'd done his business,
we were 12 minutes behind schedule,

so we had to run to the bus.

And it was only when I put my keys
in the ignition that I realised

what I'd done, but we couldn't stop
because we had to get home by four

for parents' pick-up.

Well, I would never have had
you down for a thief! Mm!

Would it have mattered
to be a few minutes late?

Well, then that would've just
thrown the whole day out of whack!

You scheduled your
whole day? Oh, yes.

It's the best way to make use of
your time. You're quite right.

6.30 - wake, ablutions.

7.00 - breakfast, read paper.

7.30 - shower with a show tune,

something from Annie
or Guys and Dolls.

9.30 - a chapter of
Sharpe, cocoa and bed.

Didn't you ever do
anything spontaneous?

Like, unplanned?

Yeah. That's it, Sheriff.

You watch out and don't get
stuck on that ring road.

I'll try the toll road.

That's a big 10-4.

Pat? Pat, love?

Standby, Sheriff.

What is it, petal?

I was just thinking about that
new Italian on the high street.

I thought we could
try it tonight.

Friday night's fish
and chips night, Carol.

Oh... How about Wednesday, then?

Shepherd's pie
night?! Are you mad?

OK... Well, I might
go to bingo, then?

OK, love.

This is The Big Bad
Butcher Man, come alive.

Hello from the Big
Bad Butcher Man.

Oh, my God.

What did I do?

I drove her into Maurice's arms!

I mean, literally. I
gave her a lift to bingo.

You've had quite a breakthrough
there, Pat. Well done.

Kitty, were you...? Oh, hello.

We're doing this, are
we? Fine, I'll go first.

My name is Julian Fawcett

and I've been sober
now for 27 years,

three months and 11 days.

Uh, no, that's not what we...

Hold on. Isn't that just
how long you've been dead?

Uh, it's a technicality.

Can't take credit for not
drinking when you can't drink.

I've been sober
for over 27 years,

and you can't take
that away from me!

OK. Well done, Julian.
We're very proud of you.

Yeah, well, thanks,


Before you got here, Kitty was
actually sharing something.

Oh, yes. About when I
was invited to a ball.

Oh, you don't have to tell!

That's all right. I want to.


I remember the day before the ball,
my father gave a little party.

Everyone was there.

Father Matthews enjoying
the wine, as usual...

Which isn't exactly what
she told me in confession!

And enjoying the company
of my aunts Iris and Biddy.

Yeah, she's not all
innocent I'm afraid.

Just this morning, I
saw her with a new pig.

Want some? Here, are you
trying to get me tipsy?

Oh, I wouldn't dare!
Oh, you are saucy!

Isn't he saucy!

I am saucy.

And two gentlemen who'd come from
town to do business with father.

Will you be attending the ball?

We certainly shall.

I do hope to be on your dance
card, Lady Katherine, if I may.

Why, of course you may!

I'm so excited about tomorrow
evening, I can hardly contain it!

What are you doing, Kitty?
I'm going to look at my dress!

It's very late. I know,
but I just want to see it

and dream about wearing it.

My goodness, what has happened?

My dress!

You poor thing!
Those beastly moths!

At least they've left yours.

That's lucky.


It was the moths...

There, there. Dry
your eyes, my child,

I have just the thing.

I can't believe
it! It's beautiful!

She would have been very
happy to see you wear it.

It is even better than mine!

Thank you, moths!


What is it, Eleanor?

Would it not be more
appropriate that I should wear it?

She was my mother, after all.

Ha! Well, that was bally
good thinking of your father!

Those greedy moths!

Kitty, do you think it was a
coincidence that your sister...?

Yes, well, it's funny, isn't it,

how things work out

Was there something
you wanted to share?

W... W... Well...


I'm, uh...


unable to think of anything
that would merit sharing.

Perhaps Thomas could... Oh...

Oh, here we go.

I remember one night in
my cot in the nursery.

Her hands clenched around
the bars of my prison,


Crying out for mother.

Imagine being a baby

and knowing your
mother isn't coming

is gone forever.

Oh, Thomas, I had no idea you
lost your mother so young.

Oh, no, she came
eventually and she fed me

and she cuddled me
and sung me a lullaby,

but the damage was done.

The seed was sown.

She was there, but she
wasn't really there, you see?

And, yes, she gave me
allowance, ample allowance,

and she did make introductions
for me with publishers in London,

but she never really
believed in my work.

She hung it up in
frames about the house

as though it were
mere decoration.

My mother had face bitten
off by wolf in front of me.

So you know how I feel.

Still nothing? No.

I know she read it last night
cos there's two blue ticks. Mm.

What's that? Uh,
just a smoothie.

Hm! What's in it?

It's berries,

and stuff.

Can I have some?

Nah. Cos, um...

It's a

it's all gone, so...


Yeah, I can make another
one, if you like.



Right, what's next?

So, let
me get this clear.

She was your sister...

And the two of you were...?

Right, where were we?

Oh, Fanny want to
know everything.

Uh, no, not at all. I
couldn't care less, actually.

This is your enterprise, Alison.

Thank you.

Um, well, I was just
going to ask Kitty...

About her dreams.

Erm, no.

That's what shrinks
do, isn't it?

Interpret your dreams
like they're messages

from your subconscious
or something.

Well, some people do think you
can learn from dreams, yeah.

Well, if you say so.

I mean, I have this dream where
I take my daughter to the zoo,

but when we get to the ticket booth,
the ticket person is Samantha Fox,

and she tells me I can
"come in" for free. Yeah.

So she leads me in and then,
boom, I'm alone in this pen

and my daughter's gone.

Good luck working that one out.

Maybe you feel guilty
that your affair

separated you from
your daughter.

Oh, right.

I have dreams. Strap in.
Same one every night.

I'm working in the fields,
like, digging up the carrots,

when, in the
distance, I see a man.

His eyes and his mouth are wide
open and he's pointing at me.

And then I feel something moving
in my hand and I look down...

It is the carrots.

They have become
like newborn babes,

crying and squirming their
roots around my fingers.

And I look back up and now,
very slowly, the man comes

towards me, but
he does not walk.

His feet, stay together,
dragging through the soil.

And still he's pointing at me.

And I try to breathe in
to scream, but I cannot,

and my mouth fills with dirt.

And now the man's on fire.

And that's when I wake up.

Yeah, sorry, Mary, I don't
think I can help with that one.

OK, never mind.

Can we play with balloon now?

Kitty, did you want to tell
us what happened at the ball?

Oh, yes.

Let her speak.

Well, it was just more
and more bad luck.

Look, Katherine.
Oysters for breakfast!

It is a special
occasion, after all.

And they're lovely
and warm. They are!

Aren't you having one?

Oh, I've already had mine
downstairs - I couldn't wait!

They were delicious, but I
must have had a sensitive tummy

from all the excitement because

I was very sick.

Oh, you poor thing.

It's all right. In fact...

are you all right in there?

If anything, I actually
feel better than before.

Are you sure? Yes, I feel
cleansed and refreshed.

Oh, I am pleased!


Oh... Eleanor?

The door won't open.


Let this, my solemn
oath, be clear.

For all unquiet souls to hear

I know this power
cannot be unsaid

I open my eyes to the
plain of the dead.

Hi. Hey.

Are they here?

Yeah. OK.

Even after Carruthers let me out,
the wait for the ball seemed to take

forever, so to pass the time we
decided to play one of our games,

which are always such fun.

Eleanor, let me go first.

I can't see a thing!

Well, that's the idea, silly!

Round you go!

Over here! Woo-oo!

Behind you!


Over here!


My goodness, Kitty!


Papa! Papa!

I couldn't believe it!

I was so upset.

The bust was usually
on a high shelf.

Perhaps the maid had
brought it down to clean it.

No, she knew it was
never to be touched.

Or perhaps father had decided
to rearrange the room.

But now that I'm
saying it out loud,

now that I'm really
talking about it


She wanted me to break it.

She wanted father to be angry.

She wanted to stop me
from going to the ball.

It was a mean thing to do.

So very mean.

Oh, well, at least she was
nice the rest of the time.

Yeah. Yeah.


It's you, I can totally see you!

I thought it hadn't worked.

Isn't it... isn't it weird
that I'm talking to you?

Yeah, it is a bit.

Ah! Where are the others?

They're probably on their way.

We don't start for
another five minutes.

Oh, are you doing
your group thing?

Well, I guess I'm going to
be seeing a lot more of you!

Yeah, you are.

Yeah, I am! Yeah!


Well, it's been very interesting
listening to you all share,

and, yes, perhaps there is
something I'd like to share.


No, it's the art class!
I'd lost track of the time.

Right. Well, um,
perhaps another time.

Food club time!

Oh! Or maybe we should do something
completely spontaneous, you know?

Why not?

Why don't we go outside
and dance around a tree,

just for the hell
of it? Huh? Huh?!

But it's food club at one, so...

Yeah, you're right. It
is food club, isn't it?

Art class. Hm!

Absolutely nothing of
interest for me here.

Didn't you say you'd been drinking
champagne the day he died.

Of course. Why?

Well, you stay how you died,

so you haven't been
sober for 27 years

you've been tipsy for 27 years.

My God, you're right.

I suppose, thinking about
it, it was the dream death.

Booze, bit of rumpy
pumpy and out. Ha!

There are worse ways to go, eh?

Hey, guys, come quick!


How wonderful!


I want like these
on my birthday!

Oh, I don't think I can afford
that many balloons, Robin. Sorry.


Oh... Hm? I thought
it would be Lucy.

OK, so it looks like they fixed
the roof on the hall, so...

No more Zumba?

Sorry, Robin.

And, oh, well, no more sordid life
stories, or whatever you call them.

What is it?

I'm an addict, Alison.

I'm addicted to gossip,
to other people's problems

the worse, the better - to
distract me from my own concerns.

Well, you know all
about that, anyway.

What? Well, isn't that what
you've been doing all day,

digging around in Kitty's
relationship with her sister

to take your mind
off your own one?

Yes! There you are.
Good, you're alone.

Listen, you know, you asked about
that drink? Oh, the smoothie?

Except it wasn't a smoothie.
It was a real-life potion.

I found a spiritualist online

and they had these mad
instructions to follow,

and I can see ghosts.

Can he? I saw the one
with no trousers upstairs

and I'm going to go
and find the others,

see them with my own eyes. Ah!

Ah! Mi... I'm going
to see a caveman!

That guy needs help.


I had Mary's dream.

I'm glad I can't see them.

Agh! I had Mary's dream!

Me too!

I had it too!