03x02 - Cyber Threat

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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03x02 - Cyber Threat

Post by bunniefuu »


Thank you for coming.

You don't have to thank me.

MAN: Mr. Calder, how was the event?

Well, let's just say there's very little "fun" in "fund-raiser."

That's because it's about raising funds, not having fun.

Yeah, no kidding.

If I'm dropping several thousand, I expect a few giggles.

Would have had more fun losing that money in Las Vegas.

Am I right, Nicky?

I don't know anything about that, sir.


But isn't this more rewarding than gambling?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, get in the car, Princess Buzzkill.

(tires screeching)

Whoa, whoa, run, run!

CALDER: Nicky!

(woman screams)

MAN: Get in the van now!

CALDER: Don't sh**t me.


Okay, I'm going.

MAN: Go, go!

(tires screeching)

♪ ♪
♪ NCIS: LA 3x02 ♪

Cyber Threat
Original air date on September 27, 2011

(door opens)

♪ ♪

CALLEN: You reading anything in those tea leaves?

Yeah, somebody needs to wash her cup out.

Be my guest, but you're taking your life in your own hands if you drop it, that being Hetty's favorite cup.

You hear anything?

She's still recuperating, like she was last month and the month before that.

Think something else is going on?

Of course, it's Hetty-- something else is always going on.

Yeah, and here comes the one person who probably knows what it is.

What's the latest on Hetty?

I've been trying to contact you.

She's very disappointed with the repairs on the Jaguar.

What's that got to do with us, Nell?

Mm-hmm, and she told me to remind you about the Philippines.

Actually, it'd be best if you could have someone pick it up today.


She'll be so glad to hear that.


You both owe me a DTS from your last trip.

What's the word on Hetty, Nell?

Hetty is at home recuperating and expecting to return shortly.

Yeah, okay, you said the same thing last week.

And the week before that.

Look, I can only tell you what I've been told.

Trust me, no one wants her back here more than me.

I've got three months of personnel status records to release, a roomful of PIIs that need to be declassified and destroyed, not to mention the quarterly training reviews that are about to become semiannual if I don't finish them.

(whispering): And just because you don't see her doesn't mean she's not here.

Well, looks like your inbox is about to reach critical mass, Detective.

DEEKS: I'm on top of it.

NELL: Really?

Because somewhere in this compost pile are several unfiled NAVCOMPT 2282 forms, along with your last two time cards, so if you'd like to get paid sometime in the near future, I suggest you start digging.

DEEKS: Is it me, or is Nell beginning to sound more and more like you-know-who?

Have we heard anything new on Hetty's condition?

SAM: According to Nell, Hetty's still keeping an eye on things.

Big Brother is watching.

Or in Hetty's case, Little Mother.


Okay, you guys have been doing this too long.

You're getting paranoid.

HETTY (over speaker): A healthy dose of paranoia can keep you alive in this business, Detective.


Did you see that?

I saw you slam Hetty's face shut.

ERIC: Detective and Agents, can I have your attention?

Acting Operations Manager Hunter requests your presence in the operations center ASAP.

Thank you.

What the hell was that?

That was Hunter forbidding Eric from whistling.

HUNTER: There was a kidnapping last night in Beverly Hills.

The man you are seeing is Dennis Calder.

SAM: Guy dropped out of MIT to start his own software company, which he sold for millions while still in his 20s.

He lately... He's been developing intelligence and information systems for the private sector, right?


CALLEN: So what's this got to do with us?

Perhaps if you would allow me A recent cyber-attack on the Defense Department's computer server had all the earmarks of one of Calder's prototype software programs.

He denied any knowledge of the attack, which forced the National Security Agency to put him under surveillance.

The NSA was about to bring him in for questioning when he was grabbed.

(Deeks clears throat)


Just, uh, who's the woman?

She has disappeared and has yet to be identified.

Fund-raiser guest list has her listed simply as Calder's plus one.

What we do know for sure is that she is not his wife.


(clears throat) Calder is married to Heather Marcum.

They have one son-- Shawn.

The driver who was shot is Nicholas Delamico.

Delamico was still in surgery this morning, but he should be out by now, and the van that was used was reported stolen six hours prior to the sh**ting and has yet to be recovered.

HUNTER: The LAPD is taking a backseat in this, and we have been tasked with helping the NSA find Calder and his abductors and to discover who was behind the cyber-attack before another can be launched.

NSA can't handle finding this guy on their own?

We've all got enough on our plates as it is.

As much as I would like to discuss the merits of NCIS involvement with this, I too have a lot on my plate.

I would like a situation report by 1100 hours.

Something el you need, Agent Callen?

Yeah, the data analysis on the laptop from the Comescu compound.

The last I heard, it was being analyzed and authenticated.

It's been three months.

Kind of like to know why the Comescus were trying to k*ll me.

I can't answer that.

You can't or you won't?

'Cause if there's information on that laptop that pertains to my past, I have a right to know.

Not my call.

I will file a request on your behalf.

Of course, ultimately it's Director Vance's decision.

Of course.


Anything else, Agent Callen?


Want to tell me what's going on with you and Hunter?

I don't trust her.

You don't trust anybody.

What else is going on?

You don't get the feeling that she's holding out on us?

You mean like Hetty does?

Hunter is not Hetty.

(doorbell rings)

No, she is not, but I get a feeling they're from the same species.

NCIS for Mrs. Calder.

I can't believe this is happening.

Who would do this?

That's what we're here to find out.

All incoming calls will be automatically forwarded to our operations center for monitoring, trap, tracing, voice recognition, et cetera.

If you get a call from somebody you know, just press the red button.

It'll stop the procedure for your own privacy.

If, however, you get a call concerning your husband, we'll all instantly be alerted and conferenced in so we can hear the call simultaneously.

Shouldn't we have heard something by now?

Every case is different.

Why would someone kidnap my husband?

We were hoping maybe you could give us some answers.

(door opens)

It's quite a security system you've got here.

Yeah, that's Dennis's doing.

Lot of good it did him.

SAM: Have you had security issues in the past?


Is there anyone who might want to harm your husband?

I don't know.

I keep trying to think.

Business rivals, maybe.

Two of his friends from college were trying to sue him for stealing their ideas, but he just said they were jealous and it went with the territory.

I gave the police their names.

Do you know this woman?


Was she with him when he was grabbed?


BOY: Hey, Mom, can I go to...?

Shawn, this is Agent Callen and Agent Hanna.

They're here to help find your dad.

You guys with the FBI?

Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

We're gonna do everything we can to help find your father.


Can I go to Jason's?

No. I don't think that's a good idea, honey.

I need him to help me with my homework.

You were supposed to ask your teacher about a tutor.

Uh, why don't you have Jason come over, okay?

You can order a pizza.

Yeah, okay.

Nice meeting you.

Take care.

Dennis has been away from home so much that Sean and I are both used to him not being here.

But it doesn't make it any easier.

Was your husband seeing somebody else on a regular basis?


If nothing else, he's been discreet.

He spends a lot of time travelling.

Dennis wasn't ready to settle down, but I got pregnant, and he takes good care of us.

He just prefers to live a separate life.

(phone buzzing)

Excuse me.

What's up, Kensi?

So, the driver, Nicky Delamico, is dead.

According to the surgeon, they did everything they could to save him, but the b*llet turned all his vital organs to mush, so he died in recovery.

Okay. Well, see if you can find anything else.

We'll meet up with you when you get back.


Patient's belongings and his chart, courtesy of Nurse Wendy.

Oh, Wendy!




You and your nurses, you know that?

It's an honorable profession for which I have a great deal of admiration and respect.

Maybe while we're here, I should get you neutered.

According to the chart, Calder's driver had cocaine in his system.

Oh, well, hello.

Looks like that's not all he had.

KENSI: Turns out Nicholas Delamico, aka Nicky the driver, was a sheriff's deputy who lost his job following the disappearance of evidence narcotics.

He was never convicted, but the fact they found cocaine in his system at the time he was shot suggests they may have been on the right track.

So, you're thinking Nicky got his boss, Calder, involved in something shady, dr*gs or something?

It's a possibility.

So why hasn't there been a ransom call?

Maybe they wanted him dead?

So sh**t him in the street.

Maybe they needed something from him?

Yeah, maybe Calder's guilty of the cyber-attack.

He knows the NSA is watching, he feels them closing in.

His only chance of getting away is if he disappears.

So he fakes his own kidnapping.

Well, that would mean walking away from his family.

According to his wife, that happened a long time ago.

DEEKS: That would also means sh**ting and k*lling his driver.

Everything has a price.

I got another theory.

Looked at all the other surveillance feeds, and with a little digital enhancement, was able to zoom in closer.

(computer chirps)

Any idea what she's saying, Kens?

ERIC: I ran the footage through a lip reader program.

Excuse me?

(Kensi laughs)

A computer program can't duplicate a skilled human lip reader.

ERIC: Well, the software suggests she's saying something about gambling.


(computer chirps)

It's possible.

Might explain the 20 large he was holding.

Sam and I will take Nicky's apartment.

You check out Calder's office.

Find out if he's got a gambling problem.


SAM: This have something to do with what happened in Romania?


Whatever's going on with you and Hunter?

Nothing going on with me and Hunter.

She recovered some information that I need.

Information about your past?


And you think she's purposely holding out on you?

Yeah, and I think she might not be the only one.

(phone chimes)



Uncanny timing, don't you think?

According to Hetty, the mystery woman from the surveillance video is wearing shoes from an L. A. designer that are only available at a couple of local retailers.

She's trying to help.

If she really wants to help, she can get rid of Hunter.

(phone chimes)

What now?

"Make sure to keep Hunter in the loop."

How does she do that?

WOMAN: I'm sorry. I've never seen her before.


How long have you worked for Dennis Calder?

Four years.

Is your boss a gambler?

Not that I'm aware of.

Does he make lots of trips to Vegas, play online poker?

Read racing forms?

If he does, I've never seen it.

Hmm. We'd love to see his computer.

I'm sorry, I can't do that, not without a warrant.

The chances of finding your boss alive decrease with each passing second.

Oh, my God, it's gone.

MAN: But with you being so tall...

WOMAN: Yeah, that's really good.

Hmm. They bring out your eyes.

You don't even get a whole shoe.

WOMAN: In back?

MAN: Absolutely.

(phone rings)

WOMAN: Great.

Please tell me you have better news.

KENSI: No, it's actually getting worse.

We're watching surveillance video taken less than an hour after Dennis Calder was grabbed.

Two men used his pass codes and swipe card to get into his office, and took everything-- computer, files, the works.

Same guys that kidnapped him?

Could be.

CALLEN: All right, get anything useful to Eric.

We're chasing down a tip from Hetty.


CALLEN: Don't ask.

Someone took Calder's work computer.

May I help you, gentlemen?


You know this person?

Uh, yes. She's a client.

I believe her name is Elizabeth.

Do you believe you know her last name or her address?

It should be in the system.

Let me check.

Would either of you like a glass of champagne or wine while you wait?

We're good. Thanks.



Something tells me if Willy Loman had worked here, he'd still be alive.

MAN: I need the computer.

Arthur Miller?

Death of a Salesman?

No, I get it. Thanks.



(engine revving, tires squealing)

(tires squealing)

I'll cut her off.

(engine revving)

(engine revving, tires squealing)

(engine revs, tires squeal)


(grunting, dog barking)

(tires squealing)

(tires squealing)


CALLEN: Federal agents!

Get out of the car!

(dog barking)

CALLEN: How long have you been dating Dennis Calder?

About six months.

You knew he was married?

We were just friends at first.

We met at a conference about four years ago.

And you have no idea who would want to hurt him?


Was he a gambler?

He used to play in the underground Hollywood poker games with big money celebrities.

But he promised me he'd given that up.

What about dr*gs?

Never. I wouldn't be with him if he was.

Did he ever mention anything to you about hacking into government servers?


SAM: He ever talk to you about the work he was doing?

Not lately.

Dennis has been more interested in spending money than making it.

Is that what attracted you to him?

I make my own money.

Dennis was fun.

He liked to enjoy life, have a good time.

He put things in perspective.

What about these college buddies that accused him of stealing their ideas?

That's old news.

Besides, computer geeks-- they'll attack you online.

They won't jump out of vans with g*ns.

No, but they can hire people who do.

Anything else you can tell us about the kidnapping?


Jewelry? Voices?

I mean, did anyone call anyone by name?

Did you see any tattoos?

I'm sorry.

It all happened so fast.

Once I started running, I didn't look back.

And why didn't you go to the police?

I was scared and had nothing to tell them.

Dennis is in some serious trouble, isn't he?

So, what do you think?

I think she's stupid for dating a married man.

Right, but is she telling the truth?

CALLEN: Probably.

Not that it helps us any.

Well, we still have Nicky the driver's apartment.

Maybe we'll find something there.

ERIC: Hey, uh, sorry to interrupt, but, uh, somebody logged on to the Calder's home security network, using Dennis Calder's password.

Could be the same guys who took his computer.

I can shut them down.


See if you can trace the IP address of the person who logged on and try and find us a location.

I'm on it.

Maybe we should put a security team on Calder's wife and son.

They could be targets.

Unless you're right and the kidnapping was faked, in which case, this could just be Calder checking in on his family.

Better safe than sorry.

Yeah, Sam's right.

But we got to make sure no one, including Calder, knows we got people in his house.

Sounded like the son was struggling in school.

Maybe mom hired a tutor.

If Dad's as absent as she says, he'd probably never know the difference.

I'll go in as a tutor.

Deeks can go in as a dog walker or something like that.

Okay, why couldn't I go in as a tutor, and you go in as a dog walker?

It's called a mirror.

How dare you, sir.

Has anyone else here gone to law school.

Hmm? No?

Anyone here pass the bar exam in the state of California?


KENSI: This coming from a guy who learned how to ties his shoes at... 12?


I'm from L. A.

I grew up in sandals.


You never wore running shoes?

Hello, it's called Velcro.


What? It's good enough for the astronauts.


Calder was cheating on his wife.

Perhaps he wasn't the only unfaithful one.

Maybe his wife, Heather, was cheating on him, too, with the tennis instructor.

What tennis instructor?

You're going to look so cute in those little white shorts.


Each code needs to provide detailed descriptions of what you wish to purchase and from which vendors.

Hetty's still got Nell running around like the Energizer Bunny.

She didn't give Eric a chair for the first two months he was here.

That was just to keep him awake.

Think maybe she's grooming Nell for something more?

Even her ulterior motives have ulterior motives.

Hetty's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, clutching a hand grenade.

Any luck with our cyber Peeping Tom?

Nope, not yet.

How about the laptop that we pulled out of the Comescu compound?

The what?

Excuse me, gentlemen.

These are Agents Callen and Hanna, and this is our technical operator Eric Beale.

This is Ms.

Patricia Michaels.

She's from the National Security Agency, and she is their cyber defense specialist.

She's here to help us with the case.

Eric, perhaps you can bring Ms. Michaels up to speed with where we are.

CALLEN: Could I speak with you alone?

My office-- ten minutes.

I'd prefer to do it now and somewhere a little more private than Hetty's office.

HUNTER: Something bothering you, Agent Callen?

I've got a lot of things bothering me.

Are they work-related, or do you need to speak with a professional?

Bringing anyone outside of NCIS here is a gross breach of protocol.

Ms. Michaels was on this case before we were.

She has top secret clearance from the NSA.

I don't care if she's the Man from U. N. C. L. E.

We don't bring outsiders here.

That's what the boatshed is for.

Deeks is here.

He's just a cop.

Vetted by Hetty.

And I vetted Ms. Michaels.

You may resent my authority, but...

I resent being played.

You familiar he phrase "Don't hate the player, hate the game"?

I don't consider this a game.

Don't mind me, just a worker bee.

Ballistics report on Dennis Calder's driver Nicky.

He was k*lled by a fragmenting expl*sive air entry round.

KENSI: Remember your order of operations.

What do you do first?

Uh, the stuff in the brackets.

Yes, good, anything in parentheticals.

And then what?


You worried about your dad?

When was the last time you talked to him?

Uh, I think he texted me last week.


You carry a g*n?


Can I see it?


You ever sh**t anybody?

I think we have to get back to your homework.

You got a boyfriend?


It's okay; I don't have a girlfriend either.

DEEKS: Ouch.

This kid may be flunking school, but tell you what, he's got his teacher pegged pretty good.

And I, uh, walked the perimeter.

Everything seems pretty quiet.

I'm ready for my lesson.

Oh, wow, look at you with your whole little tennis outfit and everything.

Uh, did you want to work on something, or should I just hit a few balls around, and you can check out my form?

Yeah, no, I think that's a good idea.

We can have you hit a few balls around, and then we can check out your...


(quietly): You're a professional.

You do this for a living.

Lock it down.

Lock it...

Oh, sweet Lord.

I got the balls.

When you're ready, I'll be on the court.

Eric got an IP address for whoever was watching the Calders.

Unfortunately they were using the public Wi-Fi at the Culver City College as a proxy server.

You see the ballistics report?

Those guys weren't messing around.

Does Eric have any idea how many computers are in here?

ERIC: At the moment there are 273 desktops for public use.

There are an additional...

CALLEN: Eric, we're gonna need a little extra help.

I can tell you the make and model of the computer being used.

If his computer has a camera, we can give you a picture of whoever's using it.


NELL: I'm sorry.

Uh, yeah, that, too, but I, I can't guarantee that he won't be alerted to the intrusion.

It's a risk worth taking.

If he logs off, we may never find him.

Okay, here goes nothing.


All right, we got him.

Asian male, early to mid-20s, blue hoodie, dark red shirt.

He's on to us.


(tires screeching)

MAN: Is he all right?

I didn't see him.

He came out of nowhere.

You Kuchan was a Chinese foreign exchange student studying humanities at Culver City Community College.

Why would he be spying on the Calders?

And why did he run?

HUNTER: Probably because you were chasing him.

Of course, we'll never know the truth now that he's dead.

Where are we?

All they found on him was his college ID and a bus pass.

Eric is tracking an address.

What about the laptop he was using?

MICHAELS: Most of it looks like legitimate school projects, a couple computer games, and the usual social networking sites, but we're still looking.

Let me know if you find anything useful.

She's starting to grow on me.

(Deeks grunts)


I'm a jungle cat.



Stop moving.


Thanks for the sitrep, Sam.

I'll tell Deeks.


DEEKS: What, what, what you got?

(Deeks grunts)

(Shawn laughs)

What the hell?

I am so sorry.

No, don't be.

This is the most fun Shawn's had in weeks.


I wish his father would do stuff like this with him.

He's going through a tough age, and now this.

Yeah, but kids are a lot more resilient than we sometimes give them credit for, you know?

SHAWN: Stand still.

I hope so.


Shawn used to try so hard to get his father's attention.

Then eventually he just gave up.

SHAWN: This'll be the one, I promise.

(chuckles) I can't believe your partner got him out.


HEATHER: Shawn spends most of his days stuck in his room playing on his computer.

I guess he gets that from his father.

Last year we caught him changing his grades on his school computer system.

DEEKS: Oh, I think I just pulled a muscle.

SHAWN: Okay, this is gonna be the one. Ready?

Jungle cat-- aah, jungle cat down!


(Shawn and Deeks shouting indistinctly)

(line ringing)

This is Eric.

Hey, Eric, it's Kensi.

I have a laptop here belonging to Shawn Calder.

It's locked, but I've got my IronClad plugged in.

Can you get inside?


Reboot through it.

I'll take it from there.

What am I looking for?

Anything that can help us figure out exactly why his father's been abducted.

What are you doing?

KENSI: Shawn may not be doing too well in school, but he's certainly inherited his father's computer acumen.

What do you mean?

There was a cyber-attack on a Department of Defense computer system a few weeks ago, and...

It came from Shawn's computer.


Shawn, look at me.

Now, I don't know if this was an act of rebellion or teenage boredom or just an attempt to get your father's attention.

He broke the law?


I was just hacking around.

Your hacking around could have disastrous consequences.

Do you understand that?

You think this kid could fix my credit score?

Kid's a computer wiz, not Harry Potter.

Well, this kid may have launched the cyber-attack, but it doesn't explain who kidnapped his dad or why.

(alarm beeping)

This is not good.

This is Eric.

You find anything on Shawn's computer that might help us?

No. Maybe-- ok, I don't know, we may have a bigger problem here.

We were running You Kuchan through the facial recognition database, and we got kicked off.

The DOD is under another cyber-attack, and this one is serious.

MICHAELS: Eric, looks like the firewall's about to be breached.

DOD is going to Protocol Alpha.

Okay, I'm shutting down everything that's not essential, sorry.

KENSI: Who was with you when you hacked into the database?

No one.

Someone just launched another cyber-attack on the Department of Defense.

Not me.

Who else did you hack?

I don't know.

Shawn, we need answers and we need A bunch of blogs, them right now.

Maybe a couple game sites.

Shawn Cameron Calder, you were told to stop doing that.

Any foreign government sites?

A couple.

Which ones?

Uh, Brazil and France and...


You Kuchan was a Chinese national.

All I did was take a look around.

I never unleashed any virus or anything like that.

But you broke their best cyber security.

That's exactly what any foreign power would love to do against the Department of Defense.

If they traced the intrusion back to your home IP address, they would have assumed it was your dad, not his teenage son.

They kidnapped my father because of me?

If the Chinese do have Calder, what are the chances of us getting him back?


On if he's still in the country?

Whether he's still alive.


Status report?

Borderline panic verging on controlled hysteria.

Is this the same type of attack as before?

Better. More sophisticated and multiple points of ingress.

Shawn was one young kid hacking around, albeit it with a sophisticated program of his father's design.

But this is an aggressive as*ault on multiple fronts.

It's like punching holes in the hull of a ship.

When you get a leak, you secure that section of the ship, and patch the hole, but when you get too many holes...

Yeah, the ship sinks.

You need to take a look at the accident footage.

I'm sorry.

We're a little busy here.

We do not allow mailroom employees in our OPS Center.

Do you have something, Nell?


Um, if You Kuchan was involved in Calder's abduction, then we know he had help.

And if he's a foreign operative, then he's probably working with a team.

Let's see.

Here's the car that hit him.

Now, according to the police report, driver's name is Alex Grinkov.

See, he's idling here for a while as if he's waiting for someone.

But the moment You Kuchan comes running out, he pulls away from the curb and then runs him down.

HUNTER: So, the minute that he was compromised, his team took him out.



ERIC: Already on it.

Alex Grinkov.

He's a local real estate agent.

NELL: See if there's...

ERIC: A common denominator between our college student, You Kuchan, and Alex Grinkov.

Already searching.


Nicely done, Ms. Jones.

Apprise me as soon as you find something and alert Callen and his team.

The only common vector between You Kuchan and Alex Grinkov is the Garden of Peace and Wellness.

It's an acupuncture and Chinese medicine center in the Valley.

Both had the phone number in their contacts, and both paid the center numerous visits.

So, either Alex Grinkov and You Kuchan had a thing for alternative medicine or...

Or the Garden of Peace and Wellness is a front of some sort.

Place is a good cover.

Lots of people come and go.

KENSI: Perfect place for operatives to exchange information in private.

And according to Eric, the data flow on the center's fiber-optic line spiked tenfold since the DOD came under attack.

SAM: So, if Calder's being held in there, how do we want to do this?


Could I get a new patient form, please?

Fill out both forms front and back, and I'll need a copy of your health insurance card.

Okay. And is there a restroom that I could use?

Right down the hall, to the left.

MICHAELS: Okay, we're good to go.

We circumvented the DOD mainframes and are getting a satellite feed direct from the Tactical Ground Station.

ERIC: Switching to thermal.

Looks like we got four people in one room in the northwest corner.

Sending the building layout to your phones.

(cell phone chimes)

CALLEN: Eyes on Grinkov, west side of building.

(door opening)

CALLEN (over radio): We need a full blackout on my signal now, just as soon as all the civilians are out.


Not a problem.

You're on, Kensi.

Fire in the hole.

(smoke canister hissing)

(fire alarm blaring)

(woman giving evacuation orders)

Right this way.

(people coughing)

All right, everyone...


Go, Nell.

CALLEN: Deeks, Kensi, clear the front of the building.




DEEKS: East side of the building clear.

(rapid g*nf*re)

CALLEN: Deeks, Kensi, sh**t coming your way!

Grinkov's down.

Federal agents!


Don't sh**t.

Don't sh**t.

I hope you're the good guys.

If we weren't, you'd be dead.

We've got Calder.

Lights, Nell.

How'd you find me?

It was your son.


You just got a second chance to spend time with your boy.

Don't blow it.

(Kensi sighs with relief)

Anyone up for a beer?

Yes, please.

Really? Not you guys?


My treat.

Now we're talking.

I'm in.

You guys are such cheap bastards.

HUNTER: Despite a less-than- auspicious start, you guys did a nice job containing this.

The Chinese government is already distancing itself from You Kuchan and denying any involvement with Dennis Calder's abduction or the subsequent cyber att*cks.

They're blaming it all on a Tibetan separatist group.

Those pesky monks.

So yeah, like I said, um...

Nice job.

Should I have invited her to come with us?

God, no.

I don't know.

I bet she lets that hair down after a couple of cosmos, starts dancing on the table, doing body sh*ts.

KENSI: His favorite movie is Coyote Ugly.

DEEKS: I still cry every time Jersey gets that recording contract.

CALLEN: See you guys tomorrow.

KENSI: Wait, Callen, come on.

Let him go.

Why? Where is he going?

Let him go.

So this is how you recuperate.

I was wondering how long it would take you to visit me.

How are things at work?

Well, I'm sure you know better than me.

You and Hunter playing nice?

When are you coming back?

Soon enough.

You owe me some answers.

Is that so?

Answers to what specifically?

What happened in Romania.

Why I knew that beach.

Who my mom was.

All of it.

You knew things you never told me.


If I didn't tell you something, it was for your own good.

To protect you.

I deserve the truth.

Ah, the truth.

It's not always so simple.

I don't have all the answers you think I do.

The last thing I ever wanted to give you was false hope.

I know how much it all means to you.

Do you?

Something tells me everything I want to know-- everything I deserve to know-- is right here.

Am I right?


But go ahead and open it if you don't trust me.

I will find out who I am and who my family was with or without anyone's help.


HETTY: Yes, you will, Mr. Callen.
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