02x20 - The Job

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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02x20 - The Job

Post by bunniefuu »

(distant, indistinct chatter)

(tools clinking)

(soft thud)

(chain fence clinking)

(swiping card through reader)

(two beeps)

(keypad beeping)

(rapid trilling)

(trilling stops)

(door clanks open)

(tapping computer keys)

(computer trilling, two beeps)

(hoarse voice): Gotcha. Aisle 17.

(crate smashes to ground)

It slipped.

GUARD: They're at the warehouse!

(alarm blaring) Move!

(indistinct shouting)

(alarm blaring, indistinct shouting)

Do it now!


GUARD: Halt!

Drop your w*apon!

Drop it!


South exit. Now. (panting)


(groaning in agony)

(brakes screech)

Go, go, go! Where's Asher?


(tires squealing)

Ooh. Good morning.

Now, that is some serious retail therapy.

Did you break up with that guy?

She broke up with the guy.

You don't know. Stopped eating tofu scrambles and doing extra crunches at the gym.

You know what that means? "So long, brother."

These are your personalized survival kits.

What's in these things? You brought us survival kits?

No offense, but survival kits are for urban sissies who don't know how to make a flotation device out of a pair of pants.

Or how to extract the venom out of a horned viper using only a twig and a shoelace.

Or how to make a latte without soy milk.

Last night's tremor just made me realize that you never know when the big one's gonna hit.

There was an earthquake last night?

Crack of dawn. Shook me right out of bed.

You guys didn't feel it? I was on a run.

Deep sleeper. You forget I'm from Californ-I-A.

We don't get out of bed for anything less than a six.

Okay, see, that is the problem.

Everyone is so blasé about earthquakes in this city.

You need to be prepared.

You know what? Kensi's got a point.

Doesn't hurt to have some supplies on hand.

Got a crank radio, uh, MREs and some iodine tabs. Flashlight.

Sweet KA-BAR.

Uh, SPF 70 sunblock, ChapStick and a sea-foam green Slanket?

Really? What're-what're...

What are you trying to say here?

KENSI: Come on.

Everyone knows you're a little... delicate.

Not delicate. I'm sensitive.

And my lips get chapped because we live in a desert.

(air horn blowing) Yeah, right.

We got a case.

Awesome air horn, Kens.

DEEKS: Really, Kensi?

Eric gets a cool air horn and I get cuticle clippers?

KENSI: You whine like a baby every time you get a hangnail.

DEEKS: Okay. In all fairness, that happened once, and it really hurt.

There was a break-in at the Marine base at Pendleton last night.

A secure facility housing sensitive materials was compromised.

NELL: This particular warehouse serves as a depot for anything moving in or out of the base.

CALLEN: Interesting choice with the masks.

Oh, God, I hate clowns.

DEEKS: Portable ID card writer.

They came prepared.

Eric, can you access that computer? Working on it.

KENSI: Looks like they're looking for something specific.

What is that?

SAM: Night vision goggles.

Nell, you said this was a depot.

What else is inside there?

Uh, everything from office furniture to classified documents, to sophisticated laser tracking systems.

We gotta figure out what these guys were really after.

Someone gave them access to this warehouse.

This is starting to feel like it's more than just selling black market goods.

HETTY: You know what that means.

Time for a field trip.

CALLEN: So they came in through the roof, broke through the security gate, made their way down this aisle.

Over here, the clown opened this case of equipment, but he dropped it, which alerted the guards.

DEEKS: They didn't really have time to steal anything, then.

(cell phone rings)

Technically, the clown got away with a pair of night vision goggles till he got shot. (cell phone beeping)

CALLEN (over speaker): Yeah. We're searching the warehouse computer.

It's basically an inventory list of every item in the building.

Do we have any idea what they were looking at? NELL: Negative.

At any one time, there's close to 30, 000 crates in that place.

They were looking for something specific.

Yeah, but what?

I don't know.

We know a clown who does.

Well, for some reason, the Marines said they couldn't wait to hand this guy over to us.

That's never a good sign.

You guys can't do this.

I should be in a hospital.

Somebody should be monitoring my leg.

Oh... Oh, I'm feeling faint.

This is not a good sign. Bobby, they took the b*llet out. You're gonna be fine.

BOBBY: You never heard of hydrostatic shock?

Sepsis? Oh, I feel feverish.

Do I look feverish to you guys?

DEEKS: You're okay. Bobby, listen.

For the fifth time, just give us a name. A name? Yeah.

How can I think of a name?! My whole life just flashed right before my eyes.

You guys ever get shot?

Huh? Oh, right. Probably like a hundred times.

Well, guess what? This is my first time.

And let me tell you guys something, I didn't like it one bit.

This has not been a good day for me, guys.

Hey, listen, Bobby. I'm sorry that you got shot in the leg, because that sucks.

But maybe you should have thought of that before you broke into a military base and tried to steal high-value weapons. The sooner you give us a name, the sooner we all leave this room. It's that easy.

Is this place spinning right now? Oh, my God.

Look, I feel like I'm on a freaking merry-go-round here, like at the fair.

That was like one of my flashbacks when I got shot.

Coney Island... my mom, my dad.

You know what, this is their fault. This is their fault!

I wouldn't be here if I had a happy childhood!

Oh... my shrink even called them "toxic."

Bobby! (slams table) (gasps)

Oh... Lordy... see, honestly guys, Oh, I don't feel good.

The painkillers are wearing off.

You think I can get a glass of water?

Got cotton mouth.

Oh, my God. (door slams shut)

I cannot take this anymore.

This guy has been speaking non-stop.

You heard it. You should be used to that.

What? Was that, uh, that aimed at me?

Are you saying that I talk too much?

Is that what you're implying, here? Because, uh, I've never got that complaint before.

Actually, people say that I don't talk enough.

They say, "You're really charming.

"You should talk more.

You should double down with that talking, 'cause..."

I'm gonna shut up.

This guy doesn't want to talk to us; maybe he wants to talk to someone else.


Kumani. Kumani?

Kumani. I don't know what that is, but, uh, you guys can have all your little... secret words to yourself; I'll just be...

What is it?

(knock on door)

Mr. Asher.

Richard Brown. I'm with the State Department.

This is Kumani Adembayo.

He's with the Nigerian Embassy.

Let me guess: You need help moving money out of your country?

(with Nigerian accent): Here are the documents.

What's going on?

Sign here.

What's this?

CALLEN: This is just a, uh, transfer of custody.

Turns out one of the crates that you broke into was Nigerian property.

The Federal Republic of Nigeria takes vandalism very seriously.

Uh, if you could just give me your "John Hancock" right there.

What? No, no, now.

I'm not signing that.


CALLEN: Yeah, well, um...

Well, it's really more of a...

Formality for the government.

I-I'll just go ahead and...

You are right-handed.

Yeah. What does that matter?

Penalty for vandals and thieves in my country...

We take the dominant hand.

CALLEN: He is all yours. What? Huh?

I'm an American citizen!

I have rights here!

Yes, but with the Patriot Act, there's...

(groans) Let go... This is not cool!

Okay, okay, okay, okay!

Okay. I'll give you his name.

It's Stan King.

That'll do.

NELL: Stan King: 35 years old and a world-class thief suspected of some of the biggest jewelry and art heists in the last decade.

FBI's been after him for years.

ERIC: King was born into a wealthy family in San Francisco.

He's got a college degree from Berkeley and majored in...

Surprise!... Art History. Hmm.

He's charming, cunning, and until now, flawless in his execution of high-end gallery and museum jobs. All right, so what is Thomas Crown doing breaking into Pendleton?

Diversifying his business.

Black market military equipment?

It's pretty lucrative these days.

Something tells me we'll soon find out.

(alarm panel beeping)

(two short beeps)

(lock clicks open)

(p*stol chambering a round)

Put your hands up.

Turn around... slowly.

Lose the mask.

KING (through speaker): Keep moving.

I sh**t you, nobody even hears you die.

Maybe... but you're going to mess up your antique Persian rug.

How'd you get in here?


Everybody forgets to alarm those.

Why do bad guys always have such awesome houses?

SAM: What's the matter, Deeks?

You're not feeling your loft?

This guy's got his own Hobbit's Shire.

And my motion sensors?

Took 'em out.

How'd you know the combination to my safe?

I didn't.

You cracked a two-lock entry system in seconds?

Where'd you learn to do that?

Misspent youth.

Actually, I talked her through it.

Yeah. We never get the credit. Or the glamour.

KENSI: You have a beautiful place. (clears throat)

ERIC: Which is totally overrated because I love my job.

Love it.

How'd you know about me? And don't try and tell me that you staked me out.

Bobby. Asher?

He said you made him wear a clown mask.


Yeah, that's 'cause he's a bozo.

He showed up at my doorstep with a b*llet in his leg.

I thought, "I'll let him bleed out."

But... he owes me money, so...

Aah. He told you that I owed him money, so you came to get it from me.

Well, you're a thief.

Figured you're not going to keep your cash in a bank.

What's your name?

Lisa Roberts.

Okay, Lisa.

Why don't you take me to Bobby?

I want to hear this story from him.

Are you going to give me the money he owes me?

Oh, you're gutsy.

You have no idea.

Too bad I won't get a chance to find out.

Well, it's your loss.

I would make it worth your while.

I'm sure that would be a wonderful few hours...

And then you'd rob me.

You're right. I do like my rug.

Get off it.

All right, let's go. No.

She hasn't said the distress word yet.

Isn't getting shot distressing enough? She's okay.

She's my partner; I know her voice. Something's not right.

She's seducing him.

Maybe you never heard that voice before.

I'm worth a... Shiraz Oriental if I'm not mistaken. Ooh, impressive.

But you're wrong. It's just a cheap repro.


Well, it's very good.

It's flat-woven, hand-dyed wool, 500 knots per square inch at least.

I don't want to sh**t you.

Just take me to Asher.

And we'll talk about my money.


Shouldn't leave your valuables out.

All good.

Okay, So just to clarify, when we said that Kensi was going to seduce him, what exactly did we mean by that?

You jealous?

What, of Kensi?

She's my partner.

Okay. Whatever you say.

She's my partner. (Callen chuckles)

Seriously though, I don't like this guy.

All set, Mr. Beale?

Multiple cameras are set up.

I got the perimeter covered.

Asher in place?

Yeah, but he's nervous.

(video game sound effects playing)

(Kensi clearing throat)

KING: Nice digs you got here, Asher.

ASHER: I'm house-sitting. Huh.

Well, looks like somebody's got some moves.

How'd the hell you get out of there?

Uh, no thanks to you. They shot me.

Job has its hazards.

I thought we were supposed to be partners, man.

You know, "All for one, one for all."

That's The Three Musketeers.

Look, I did everything just like you asked, you know. I wanted to be the Devil.

But no-no-no-no! You had to be the Devil.

I had to be the stupid Clown! And I seriously did not even want to be the Clown, but you always make me... Bobby, shut up.

Tell me about your friend here.


We-we met on a-a job in Marina Del Rey.

Yeah, it was, uh...

BOBBY: Jewel heist. Easy in and out.

The hotel heiress, she had a taste for the Burmese Sapphire.

I was supposed to give Lisa her cut, but...

Daddy ran into some bad luck at the tables in Vegas, you know?

You're bad luck, Bobby.

You still owe me for the two jobs we did.

So you sent her to rob me?

You... you robbed him?

I didn't say to rob him. Tell him that. Yeah, all right.

That part was my idea.

But since it was my money, I don't really consider it stealing.

Hey, man. You know me.

I'd never steal anything from you. I have morals.

You satisfied now?


Eric, what happened?

King just shot Asher.

Why did you sh**t him?

Like I said, job has its hazards.

Get rid of him, and then we'll talk.

Oh. I might even have a job for you.

He's leaving.

Stay with Kensi.

We'll take King.

(car engine starts)

(car engine starts)

You okay?

I... didn't even have time to react.

That's because he came out of nowhere.

No, but I should've seen it coming.

My instincts are all off.

I completely misjudged King.

Why don't you, uh...

Why don't you hang out in the car?

I'll take care of.. No, I'm fine.

You only say you're "fine" when you're "not fine."


As in "I'll wait out front for you."

(speed-dialing, line rings)

HETTY (over phone): Yes?

Hetty, listen, we can nail King on m*rder charges.

We need to arrest him now.

We can bring him in for m*rder anytime, Mr. Deeks. For now, let's just see where he goes and what he does.

I want to know what he was after at that Marine base and who, if anyone, hired him.

This could be a matter for national security.

I'll send someone to take care of Asher's body.

And Kensi?

Keep an eye on her.

Okay. (phone beeps off)

What's wrong with this picture?

SAM: You mean, the fact that King just m*rder*d someone, and now he's ordering a latte?

We're here. Two cars back.

CALLEN: Kensi, you good?

Yep. Good.

CALLEN: He's got company.

Hmm. (camera shutter clicking)


(cell phone beeping) Eric.

Sending you some photos.

Need an ID on the redhead.

ERIC (over phone): Got it.

CALLEN: Looks like they're talking business.

Short meeting.

I got the redhead.

Of course you do.

Any luck with the mystery woman? Still tracking her.

Oh, boy.

Problem, Miss Jones?

Yeah, major.

Looks like someone's been digging through Kensi's "legend."

And it's more than just a... look-see.

NELL: They're on-line now.

Whoever it is has gone through her last five years of income tax returns and is now sifting through her employment records.

Must be King.

NELL: Well, if it is, he's looking for something very specific in Kensi's backstopping.

HETTY: King's a pro.

He's not going to be satisfied until he knows for sure that Kensi is who she says she is.

Well, our records go back about eight years, but at the rate he's looking, we're going to run out of material very soon.

Then I'd suggest you both get back to work quickly.


I need you to put an end to King's web-surfing...


We're on it.

Deeks, stall her.

You got it.



(Deek groaning)


Oh, my knee!

Oh, you just...

(with English accent): Are you all right?

Oh, my gosh. What are you doing?

You just crashed right into me.

Oh, I am so sorry.

You came out of nowhere.

Were you not even looking?

No, I was. I was walking.

You just pulled back. I'm so sorry.

You on your phone? No! No!

Were you Twittering? I swear to you!

I don't even know what that is. (groans loudly)

ERIC: King is still blowing through Kensi's cover.

We're going as fast as we can, but he's just not stopping.

Hey! (grunts) Hey!

Why don't you watch where you're going, man.

Sorry. You just stopped.

I just stopped, or you're texting and not watching where you were going?

What the hell is your problem? Look what you did.

I'm sorry about that, man.

This guy knocked into me from behind.

I wouldn't have knocked into you if you didn't stop for no reason.

Really? So this is my fault?

You had the coffee, okay?

I'm just saying.

Look, I'm sorry about this, man.

I'm going to get you a towel or something.

I got it. Hey, dude.

I spilled a Red Bull on my laptop once.

Get out of here. Just fried the motherboard.

Honestly, you got to get this checked out.

My cousin's got a shop on Pico.

Computer shop. I'll call him.

I'm good. I'll give you his number.

I'm good.

I'd get that checked out!
(groaning) I swear, I checked my mirror.

I just didn't see you.

Man, that is it. My career is over.

You might as well just hand another endorsement to Beckham.

Are you a footballer?

Well, this is America, so we call it soccer, but yeah.

I just got drafted. I was awesome until about seven seconds ago. Oh, my God.

Guys, the woman is Patricia Dunn.

She's a British national working in L. A.

For the Hasperg Auction House.

Connection to King?

Big time.

She's sold several pieces of expensive artwork for him.

HETTY: Mr. Deeks, bring her in.


Okay, what?

Okay, we need to talk.


I have known guys like Stan before.

They're charming and they're seductive, but they're dangerous.

He k*lled his partner, a guy named Bobby Asher, shortly before he met with you today.

Oh, my God.

Listen, here's the deal.

We know that King's got you involved in fraudulent activities at the auction house.

Tell us what you know, and when we hand you over to the LAPD, we will make sure that they know you cooperated.


When I met Stan, he was everything I ever wanted.

You met him at the auction house?

Two years ago.

We were dating about three months when he asked me for a favor.

He wanted me to change the provenance of a painting to lower its value so he could buy it at auction.

And you did it.

He claimed it was because he loved the painting.

And then he turned around and sold it for a profit.

From there, it went to falsifying manifests, altering insurance claims...

By the time I realized he was just using me...

You were in too deep.

When you met with him today, you tried to give him this blank bill of lading.

He contacted me a couple of weeks ago to say he needed my help getting something out of the country.

What did he want you to move?

He didn't say.

He ever mention anything about smuggling weapons?


Why didn't he take the paperwork from you today?

He said he no longer needed my assistance.

So that's it?

He also said this was going to be his last job.

And then...

We'd celebrate with a holiday in the Caribbean.

How did it go with Ms. Dunn?

I believe her.

She's made some mistakes in the past.

We handed her over to LAPD for processing.

Eric, any leads on what King was looking for at the warehouse?

Well, the blank bill of lading was actually tied to a cargo container scheduled to depart for Hong Kong tomorrow.

So I took a shot. I ran a vector search of the warehouse records against anything having to do with China, and I found this.

Li Tan. He's a Chinese dignitary suspected of infiltrating our stealth program.

He was deported two weeks ago.

Tan's personal belongings are being held in the warehouse, pending a forensic review.

Hey, guys!

Okay, so we've been looking for another angle into King.


Turns out several of King's partners died shortly after they completed their suspected heists.

So his M. O. is to get rid of his partners after the job's done.

Just like he did with Asher.

(cell phone ringing)

It's King.

(phone beeps on)


KING: Hey.

You got rid of Asher? Of course I got rid of Asher.

You owe me.

Hmm... good job.

Meet me in one hour at my house.

I have a job for you. Okay.

(phone beeps off)

He wants me to meet him at his house.

Said he has a job for me.

When? One hour.

This guy is a cold-blooded k*ller.

You could be walking into a trap.

I'm going to be with you every step of the way.

Even if you don't see me, I'll be there.

He caught me off guard once.

It's not going to happen again.

I know.

Let's go.


We good?

She's in.

KING (over speaker): Well, you cleaned up well.

KENSI: Thanks.

KING: Come on out by the pool.

KING: You want a drink?

KENSI: No, thank you. I'm fine.

What's the job?

(laughs) Not so fast.

Don't you think we should get to know each other better first?

I think the less I know about you, the better it is for the both of us.

You're assuming that we shouldn't trust each other.

Uh, I don't trust anyone.

Especially not you.

I saw you k*ll your last partner.

Well, Bobby worked for me, but I would hardly call him my partner.

Okay, whatever he was.

I just want to know my part of the job.

Get in, get out, get paid.

But wouldn't it be far more interesting to have a drink and tell each other lies?

Soda water, ice.

Wow. Living on the wild side.

So, your choice.

We talk about infrared motion sensors or we share our sad stories about how we started stealing for a living?


Motion sensors fascinate me.

Well, that tells me one thing about you.

Oh, yeah? What's that?

You definitely need to get out more.

(vehicle approaching) We got company.

(camera snapping)

Eric, we got two cars.

Need ID on the plates.

CALLEN: Uploading them now, Eric.

Got it.

Okay, first car is registered to Michael Connor.

Connor did time for grand theft and forgery.

He's suspected of robbing a gallery in Monaco with King.

And the second car?

It's registered to Kevin Morris.

Arrested for armed robbery.

CALLEN: King's putting the band back together.

Guys, they've got Patricia Dunn.

I thought she was handed over to LAPD.

She was. They must have released her.

She could blow Kensi's cover.

Well, maybe not.

Patricia knows Kensi's on her side.

If she stays cool, Kensi will be okay.

Glad you could make it.

So there's some, uh, cold drinks and some food inside.

Go ahead and help yourself.

Haven't been up here in a while.

Looks like you've been doing some decorating.

I have.

I'll give you a tour later.

It's good to see you.


So, thanks for coming.

I didn't exactly have much choice, did I?

Yeah. Sorry about that.

(phone beeps off) Okay.

LAPD released her, charges pending.

Well, just relax. Go inside, have a drink.

Okay? I'll join you in a minute.

And don't worry.

I'll explain everything to you.

All right.



(grunts) (gasps)

Whoa. What just happened?

I don't know. I completely lost her.

Eric, we're aborting mission.

We're going in.

Stay down!

(expl*si*n booms)

(overlapping conversation)?

(sirens wailing in distance)

(indistinct police radio chatter)

(indistinct chatter)

Three victims.

Only one woman.

But it's not Kensi.

No sign of her or King.

She suffered fourth degree burns over her entire body, but her facial structure's still intact enough that we should be able to ID her.

(camera shutter clicking)

It's Patricia.


We got to find this guy.


Kensi was in the water.

She could have survived.

Blast was more flammable than concussive.

That would explain why we lost contact with her.


King's computer.

What do you think?

Job for Eric.

Any luck?

Well, the shell is completely fried, but the motherboard is miraculously more or less intact.

Only problem is, it's water-damaged, so I'm trying to extract everything I can from the hard drive.

Long story short, it's not looking good.


Keep at it, Mr. Beale.


NELL: So, I searched through all the traffic cam footage in a two-mile radius around the time of the expl*si*n, but got nothing.

What about that hill to the south?

They could have escaped that way. Right.

There are several fire roads from King's house up into the canyons without cameras, so it's possible he could have gotten away with Kensi.

King is cleaning house.

He's gotten rid of his entire crew, including Patricia.

Everyone but Kensi.

Maybe he's on to us.

Maybe he's gonna use Kensi as a hostage.

Either that, or he needs her for her skills.

For one last job.

NELL: He told Patricia the job was canceled.

No, he told her he no longer needed her services.

He didn't say the job was canceled.

ERIC: I got it!

King received an e-mail from Li Tan, the Chinese spy whose belongings are being held at the warehouse.

This was sent two days ago.

It's a blank message with an attachment...

This Chinese dragon.

DEEKS: Seems like a lot of work for a tacky, green dragon statue.

Unless it isn't the dragon statue, but what's inside.

One last job.

(jet engines droning)

(security card swiping, two beeps, door clicks opens)

KENSI: Wait! (gasps)

They've installed PIR sensors.

KING: Recalibrate the settings.

It'll give us three minutes.


(device beeping)


(trilling, beeping)


KENSI: What exactly are we looking for?

KING: Here!

KING: Let's go.

(helicopter rotor blades whirring in distance)

CALLEN: Freeze! Federal agents!

Put your hands up where we can see them!

You good, Kens?

Oh. Better now.

Oh, man.


(grunts, gasps)

KING: Let me go, or she's dead.

Drop the w*apon! You got nowhere to run.

DEEKS: Drop it!

Okay, will one of you sh**t this guy?!

Stay back.


(both grunting)

Nice try.

(grunts) (groans)

(panting) (grunting)


You see that right there?

That's for hitting my partner.

Like you said, job has its hazards.

DEEKS: Oh, that really hurts.

Huh? Yeah.

ERIC: So, the FBI's been working the case from their end.

It turns out that Tan, the Chinese spy who hired King, had a contact at the DOD, an engineer, who was working on a highly classified stealth bomber project.

He embedded the stealth bomber technology inside the jade statue.

Which is why the Chinese wanted King to retrieve the statue before the U. S. government conducted its forensic review and found the hidden intel.

Did they arrest the leak?

Officers are on their way outside Arlington, Virginia, as we speak.

I just got off the phone with SECNAV.

The U. S. government will be returning the dragon statue, along with the rest of Tan's belongings in the morning.

What about the stealth technology?

It's taken care of.

Let's just say that the Chinese stealth bombers won't be wheels up for some time to come.

Good job, everyone, and good night.

KENSI: Good night.

Good night. See you guys.

Good night.

CALLEN: You know, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm starving.

Dinner on you, G?

Anywhere but Chinese.

You guys in?

Rain check. Can't really chew.

I think I'm gonna go home and spend some quality time with my slanket.

Suit yourselves.

You know, I'm thinking, a bone-in filet, maybe a juicy porterhouse.

You're always trying to milk it.

Is it truffle season yet?

All right, couple of ground rules here.

No weird, expensive fungi, no eggs that don't come from a chicken, no Scotch that's older than you or me.

I can still order a seafood tower. Ay.

You okay, Kens?

I'm fine.

Good. I'm... good.

When I can feel my jaw, I'll be really good.


What are you...?

I was gonna call, but I was already out front, so it seemed kind of, uh, redundant.

Come in.

Wow. So you just finished taping an episode of Hoarders?

(wry laugh)

Is there a reason why you're here?

I got dinner.

Got me a burger, and I got you a smoothie.

Oh, I'll take a beer.


Really? Top Model?

Why does every girl love this show?

Because it is awesome.

How is that a TV show?

They're about to start the judging.


Look at this, huh?

Can't get any better than this.

Turkey burger, Top Model.

Can you open my beer for me, please?

(bottles clink)

Thank you.
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