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Volunteers (1985)

Posted: 10/15/23 11:57
by bunniefuu
And so, my fellow Americans,

ask not what your country can do for you.

Ask what you can do for your country.

Ask not what America will do for you,

but what together we can do

for the freedom of man.

Very good, Lawrence.

If you'd like to crawl under the

table, I'll let you see my hold card.

- Cretin.

- Smithy.

All right.

200, and

Three no,

no, no, no

Let's make it an even 500.

Is there an ashtray around by any chance?

Your 500

500 more.


And 1,090.

You better not be bluffing, assh*le.

I fold, god damn it.

Come on.

Wonderful, wonderful.

I can't remember when I've sat

through anything so exciting.

Why don't we get the hell out of here?

Well, we might as well

I've peaked.

Gentlemen, next time, my room.

Hey, wait a minute!

- What did you have?

- I forgot.

f*ck you! You f*ckin'

understand what I'm saying?

- Just barely.

- I'm gonna carve you up in little pieces.

I'm gonna cut up your momma and papa.

- I'm gonna cut up your relatives!

- You have a coat?

I'm gonna stick this up your ass! I'm

gonna open up a dog food factory

- and get rich off your meat!

- Two A.M., game's over.

- We were just leaving, Albert.

- Nobody bluffs this pro!

- Now that's enough.

- Squeeze it.

- You gonna be sorry you was ever born!

- Ciao.

- 2,200 in one hand.

- Not bad,

now you only owe me $14,000.

What the hell, Lawrence, it's only money.

Graduation is tomorrow.

When do you plan to make good?

Albert, my only Italian friend,

by necessity, you will have your money.

The Lakers are playing

the celtics tomorrow

for the championship,

last game of the season.

What say we bet the entire 14 grand,

double or nothing?

You know, Lawrence, I'm gonna miss you.

Ain't many underclassmen with your style.

You run up a tab of 14

gs in one semester,

and now you stand to lose 28 gs

Plus vig

- Albert, it's a lock.

- Yeah

Who's a lock?

I don't know.

Let's see

Lakers, and two points.

How do I know you are

good for it if you lose?

God forbid

That'd be one for my diary.

Albert, please

Lawrence Bourne III,

son of Lawrence Bourne, Jr.,

textiles, lumber, paper, we're the

family that owns the state of Maine,

- so fear not.

- I'm bored now.

Yes, of course, lambchop

Have to hurry, Albert,

- I think she's losing the mood.

- All right, L.A. plus two.

But if they lose,

you've got just the day

to come up with 28 big ones.

A sure thing.


Again, again,

don't stop! Don't stop!

Come on already, Bourne.

Now, now, now!

- Now, now, now!

- No, not yet!

Now, god damn it!

I'm awfully sorry, Lawrence,

but it's after 8:00.



We'd better get down to the

actual sex then, bootsy.

Who is this cutie?

This is my roommate, Kent sutcliffe.

Kent sutcliffe, bootsy weidner.

Bootsy weidner, Kent sutcliffe

- All of this junk is Kent's.

- Where are you going?

- The peace corps?

- That's right.

I was joking.

No, my roomie's joined up.

He's off to expose the

less-privileged of the world

- to self-styling adorn.

- Really?


When do we start?

I'm leaving tonight,

11:00 P.M

Idlewild. Some people are

coming to see me off.

And some people are having dinner

with their parents. I'm sorry, Kent.

If it's any consolation,

though, I am planning

to learn how to spell Thailand.


It does sound like such fun.

Bootsy enjoys the idea of working

with sweaty young men from distant lands.

Graduation breakfast

is at 9:00, Lawrence.

Shit, my speech.

My speech

Christ, I don't even have a theme yet.

I'm valedictorian at Smith.

My god.

It is our responsibility today

to live in our own world,

and to identify the needs

The din in Boston garden is unbelievable.

It's a 107-105 game.

The Boston celtics lead.

But here come the Lakers. Down

the middle comes Tommy Hawkins.

Between the wrong

people, while the real problems

of our times grow and multiply,

fertilized by our neglect.

There is a - dribbling down the

floor, takes it in to bill Russell.

He turns to his left and he is

fouled as he tries to sh**t.

Hello darling, wherever you are.

The second one is good. And we've

got a 108-107 Boston lead.

The Lakers, with only seconds

remaining, come down the floor.

They feed the ball to their

great captain, Elgin baylor.

He takes a three-bounce dribble. He's

in the air. He fires a 32-footer,

a desperation shot.

It is no good!

The celtics get the rebound

Down the floor


vitality, and strength

and he

banks it up and in.

It's 110-107, the celtics.

The Lakers have been defeated

by the world champion

Boston celtics.

The final score:

Boston, 110;

Los Angeles, 107.

What a basketball game, fans

Now, the 1962 candidates

for graduation.

Benjamin Norman

Andrews, Jr.,

Peter cardin-armentrout,

crystal hope brobagos.

Lawrence dautrey Bourne III,

Nicholas cowen,

Joan Chester-carr,

rich Louie diggot

Mr. b said you got

until this evening.

So I ain't gonna f*ck with you here.

But after dark, cool breeze,

your ass belongs to me.

Don't go away. I want you

to sign my yearbook.

Richard Allen arrington.

To my sister's boy,

my father's grandson,

and my favorite nephew.

The eighth generation

to live in this lovely house

and to be graduated from Yale.

- To Lawrence.

- Hear, hear.

Very nice, thank you,

aunt eunice, excellent.

Could we have a little chat?

I could use some fatherly advice.

From me?

When was the last time

we did this sort of thing?

Never, we're breaking new wind.


Lawrence, how have things

been for the last four years?

Fine. I need $28,000 to

pay off a gambling debt

or else I'm a dead man.

Don't worry, though, it'll

never happen again.


That doesn't surprise me very much.

You've been a constant

source of embarrassment,

irritation, ever since your mother and I

brought you home that day

from the orphanage.

Orphanage? Father, I am not adopted.

I am your son.

I know, I know, but please

allow me that little fantasy.

I need the money.

No, not ever.

You're going to have to learn

to be responsible for yourself

and to others. This is an

ideal step in that direction.

See, they're coming

to break my hips, father.

Son, in the years to come,

you'll thank me

for the gift of self-reliance.

And in the meantime,

if that should come to pass,

you'll simply

have to learn to

Use one of those

What do they call them?

- A Walker.

- Lawrence, dad

You don't seem to understand.

I have nowhere else to turn,

if I don't give them 28

grand by midnight tonight,

- they're going to beat the crap out of me.

- You know what upset me

About the graduation ceremonies?

Was how tacky the university

grounds looked.

The lawns looked as if they needed to

be seeded, trees weren't as ancestral.

I don't suppose this

occurred to you, did it?

You are a true peckerhead.

There's a gentleman here

to see Lawrence III.

- A Mr. Cicero.

- He's here for the money.

Well, he's not going to get it.

Mr. Cicero,

Mr. Lawrence Bourne, Jr.

Good evening.

I'm sorry you've had to

drive all the way up here,

but I'm sure we can

conclude these matters

really very quickly.

What do you say to

4% interest?

For five years, and let's say

a down payment of $5,000,

which I am quite sure that Lawrence

can get to you within the week.

Out of my way, you peckerhead.


- Kent!

- Lawrence!

Thank god I'm not at Yale, Kent.

You made it!

You actually made it.

- I knew you would.

- I wouldn't have missed this for the world.

And on that, I have a

special favor to ask.

- Sure, but I've only a minute.

- All the better then.

Kent, old pal, I'd rather take

your place on this old plane.

- What?

- Some very dangerous and primitive people

are after me, and I have no

money and nowhere to run.

You're my last chance, believe me.

Next. Come on,

let's move it.

- I'm serious.

- You are.

Lawrence, you can't.

This is the peace corps,

the most important decision of my life.

Traveling halfway around the world

to help a bunch of half-starved

- oppressed human beings.

- Well, here's the thing, Kent, old pal.

- I'm going to die.

- I've been through training.

- The government is involved.

- All the more reason to expect mistakes.

- But my name is on the list.

- I'll wire my father.

- He'll straighten the thing out.

- What'll happen to me?

Nothing! Nothing. And when the

heat is off, I'll be back

with some tropical, parasitic

disease that might have been yours.



- But on a couple of conditions.

- Name it.

- Next, move it, gentlemen.

- What? Anything in the world.

- Bootsy weidner.

- Bootsy weidner?

Fine, have her.

Everyone else has.

- And your car.

- My car? You shit!

Not just the keys, I want the

registration signed over.

I didn't think you had it in you.

You're a douchebag, sutcliffe.

- My hat is off to you.

- Come on, gentlemen, let's move it.

Well, good luck, Kent.

- Come on, sutcliffe, you're holding up the parade.

- So long, kiddo.

Pan am flight 29,

you are cleared for takeoff.

Runway five


I'm gonna slice off your face

and use it for a dartboard.

f*ck you!

I'll k*ll you!

I'll k*ll you and your mother

and your father, and your kids,

Pan am 29 air, be advised

there is a person or persons

attached to your aircraft.


- Okay, you're clear.

- Roger.

Backs and tray tables

are in ful upright positions.


It's been a hell of a day,

and if you don't mind,

I'd just as soon sleep

through this whole thing.

- That's a good man.

- No problem.

No turning back now?

No, siree.

Yeah, two years or bust.

Tom tuttle, Tacoma, Washington.

- Lawrence Bourne III.

- Hi, Larry.

What's your specialty?

Mine's engineering.

Washington state, 3.95,

but summa cum laude.

I've also dabbled extensively

in a relatively new field

Psychological and motivational management.

You ever heard of it?

Not many people have, really.

In a nutshell, it teaches you

to manipulate human behavior

to achieve maximum productivity.

I'm the first expert on it

in peace corps history.

The higher ups have got

a lot of hope for it.

A challenge?

You bet it is.

But I'm ready for it.

You know, I was president

of the engineers club,

treasurer of the honor society,

then, of course, I was youth of the year

in Tacoma, twice.

- Stewardess?

- I was public works chairman

- stewardess?

- For a while, with the boys' state

- Can I help you?

- Yes, I need to send

a telegram, right now, this instant.

- A telegram

- When I got out of school,

I could relay something

to the captain - there was

- he could pass it along.

- Nothing there to test me.

That's when I looked to the peace corps.

- I liked what I saw.

- To Lawrence Bourne, Jr. number one, Bourne Lane,

- imagine changing peoples' lives.

- Darien, Connecticut.

Lawrence, have made grave error.

Have joined peace corps

and gone to Thailand.

Please arrange for my immediate return.

Your loving son,

blah, blah, blah

- Lawrence.

- Are you sure about this?

Do I look like I'm associated

with this hootenanny?


Thank you.

And when you come back,

bring me anything with alcohol.

Let's not pull any punches.

We're both men, right?

We're both adults.

Let's just say it.

You're scared.

And you've got a perfect right to be.

Albert spear once said,

"fear is

victory's fuel."

You spend a few years with me, pal,

and we're gonna turn

that fear into high octane.

Larry, wake up!

The coliseum!

God is it gorgeous.

It may not be one of the

seven wonders of the world,

but it sure is in the Tom tuttle top 10.

Do you know they had plumbing back there?

Trough kind of things.

Did you ever see a sketch of a

Roman urinal? Let me show you.

Fascinating things.

There were dozens

of them. What they did,

was they built them for midgets.

- Good morning, darling.

- Good morning.

- I'm sorry

- It's no, no it's no problem at all.

We're all here to lean on

each other, aren't we?

Kent sutcliffe?


I'm Beth Wexler.

Beth! Beth Wexler,

yes, yes

- Of course

- Well, you don't know me.

- Do you know me?

- I know the name,

we're gonna be stationed together

Loong ta?

Beth Wexler,

yes, of course, I'm sorry.

You know, what with finals

and then graduation,

and my brother

dying so tragically

My god, I'm so sorry.

Yes, well, he lived that kind of life,

you know, fast cars,

fast times. It was

Inevitable, I guess. I'm just so glad

to have the whole thing behind me.

Kent sutcliffe.

Beth Wexler.

- I gotta tell you

- What?

You're completely different from the

way I pictured you in your bio.

- Really? How so?

- I don't know.

A soil science volunteer,

hometown, canton, Ohio.

I just sort of pictured this

Sweet-natured doofus.

Beautiful tuxedo you're wearing.

Dinner jacket.

- I hope you didn't rent it.

- No, no.

The folks threw me sort of a


good-luck-in-saving-the-world party.

I come from that kind of money,

something I wish you would overlook.

Now, if memory serves me correctly,

you are from

- Long island.

- Long island,

- long island university, right?

- Right.

Say, were you as fed up with the

bullshit of college life as I was?

Yeah. I made

some good friends,

- but I felt that

- I have to tell you, I feel so good

about what it is we're doing here,

without sounding incredibly corny,

but it is amazing.

I mean, here we are,

traveling halfway around the world

to help out a bunch of half-starved

and oppressed human beings,

I mean, I am right there,

you know what I mean?

Please make sure your seatbelts

are securely fastened.

We will be landing in Bangkok

in approximately seven minutes.

Bangkok already.

Well, we've been talking now

for my,

10 hours, 22 minutes.


I'm really lucky to be assigned with you.

You know, Beth,

we're going to be awfully

busy once we get to

- Loong ta.

- Loong ta, yes, of course.

What say we

You and I

take the first night out

just for ourselves?

A bit of dinner, maybe a few drinks,

and then see a little bit of the city?

There really is only one

thing we haven't shared.

Very funny.

Thank you just the same.

Beth, now we've been

moony-eyed since Istanbul,

why fight it?

Kent, why are you doing this?

I thought we were becoming friends.

Well, this is what I do with my friends.

You mean, you've just been

trying to go to bed with me?

Well, I think I've put

in the hours, don't you?

You are the most crass,

arrogant human being I have

ever met in my life!

Hold that thought for

just one minute. Tammy!


How would you like to see a bit of

Bangkok with me this evening

Have a little dinner, maybe a

few drinks, then who knows?

- My god!

- I'd love to, Lawrence, but I'm engaged.

Come on, Larry, let's get a move on it.

- Lawrence?

- I didn't tell you, did I?

Lawrence Bourne III.

You see, Kent and I had to change places,

nasty matter of a

large-scale gambling debt

By the way, you were right about him,

Just get out of my way,

you you Ivy league


I think you're taking the narrow view.

But, I guess

I should've known

Just another sexually-repressed,

guilt-ridden Jewish maid,

running off to hide in the peace

corps so she won't have to face men.

What did I say?

Augustus Clay, Betty cronk, -

Steve Jones,

rozie rousse, Betty cronk,

I want you kids to stow your

gear to the rear of the air



Welcome to thaild.

- What?

- Welcome?

I'm John Reynolds, with the

American agriculture mission.

I help out with the new arrivals.

- Welcome to Bangkok.

- Thank you.

- I'm with the peace corps, Beth.

- Beth Wexler.

- Right.

- You've come a long way from home, Beth.

The least I could do is know your name.

Come on, sugar.

Jesus h. Christ,

we must be a mile from the sun.

Pardon me.

Excuse me. I'm just

going by height of course,

- but, are you in charge here?

- Yes, John Reynolds.

Lawrence Bourne III, Johnny.

Bourne, I've got a telegram for you.

- Last chance.

- Over my dead body.


You must have some friends in

pretty high places, Bourne.

Well, we do consider

Washington our general store.

Damndest thing I ever saw

training waived, location approval.

Just like that, you're

officially in the peace corps.


Hey! John,

John, John,

this is ridiculous,

really, I am obviously

not of peace corps fiber.

It's not that I can't help these people,

it's just that I don't want to.

Looking at you, I think two years

in loong ta might do you some good.

Hi, Tom tuttle from Tacoma, Washington.

- Ere do we saddle up for loong ta?

- He's going, too?

- Hey, Larry.

- I'll be taking you all by chopper.

Chopper, holy cow! I call

shotgun on this one.

I got dibbs on that, Larry, sorry.

- Tom tuttle, Tacoma, Washington.

- Hi, Beth.

- Are you going to loong ta?

- Loong ta? I'll give you a hand over here.

- That's great!

- I'm stationed with him?

John, for what I'm about to

do, you should be ashamed.

I'd like to go home, please?

Please, can I go home? Just let me go home.

Can I go home?

Loong ta is one of the

most primitive villages

in the golden triangle. If we

get a bridge across that river,

it'd change the villagers' life 100 fold.

We want you three to concentrate

on the building of that bridge.

Tom will obviously be in charge of that.

You'll also find we've

laid in all the equipment

you'll need for the job

Cables, saws,

axes, blueprints

You name it.

Is this on?

In a week, I'll have that

town running like Pittsburgh.

Now, the jungle's pretty dense.

I wouldn't wander too far from the

village, there's commie guerrillas nearby.

You'll also hear talk about

an old Chinese w*rlord-

black marketeer, who runs

the whole upper river.

We better not take any chances, then.

We'll run up an American flag.

That ought to scare them.

You're just gonna

have to rely on each other.

Go peace corps, go!

What lovely flowers!

- Opium poppies.

- Poppies.


Well, hello.

Hello. Hello, there.

Yes, yes, Lawrence Bourne III.

I whistle a happy tune,

so let me entertain you?

That's right, that's right.

Rich American?

Yale, 1962. I bet

you're impressed, aren't you?

Hello, hello.

There you are.

Yes, very good.

Say, listen, how were the

crops this year?

Good rainy season?

Plenty of moisture?

We're now approaching the

ceremonial gates to the village.

This is al po. He is

the elder of loong ta.

He's my god,

he's blind!

Well, we're too late to help him.

Maybe the next generation.

Helen Keller was once asked

whether she'd rather have her

hearing or her sight restored.

She said her hearing,

'cause being deaf is so lonely.

You're one

lucky guy. Yes, you.

He looks so wise, so old.

He's probably 30.

Let me tell you this.

In his whole life,

he never set foot on the

other side of that river.

We've gotta build that bridge, then,

- if for no other reason.

- Everything's taken care of here.

They've even prepared a

couple of huts for you.

Other than that, you're on your own.

- You're not going right now, are you?

- I'll be back in a month.

My work is done here

Or maybe sooner.

If y'all need me, you got the radio.

Until then, vaya con dios.


We're gonna miss his wit around here.

Look out, loong ta, here we come.

Well, honey, we're home.


Well, hello there.

Well, now whom do you know?

This is the nicest hut in town.

River exposure?

A view of the swamp.

Tuttle and I are in it.

I'm busy.

I can see. I'm the main attraction

from 5:00 to 7:00 tonight.


I am not going to apologize

for trying to make you. I

do have my principles,

but, I guess

I was just a tad deceitful,

and, in that case, I do deserve

a firm slap on the wrist.

Lawrence, if I accept your apology,

that's also accepting

the fact that you're here.

I don't plan to do that.

It's a small village, but, if we're

lucky, we'll keep missing each other.

And maybe I'll have dinner

with you on the plane home.





All right,

quiet down, quiet down, please.

Quiet down, settle everyone.

Good morning, good morning.

I am Tom tuttle.

Tom tuttle.

Tom tuttle.

Good. We

Will build

A bridge



build bridge..


Bridge, good.

All right,

this is good.

Now, we're going to use

that wood there, the teakwood there.

Yes. No, no, it's good wood.

That listen to me

That is very good wood.

And we will chop, op, chop the wood.

Where are you going?

Where are you

Come back here.

I have not dismissed you yet.


The psychological motivation

course you took

Did you find that on the

back of a matchbook cover?

I don't understand it.

I explained the bridge,

everything was a-okay.

Then I mentioned the teakwood we'd be

using and they went heathen on me.

The problem is you're an assh*le.

All right, let's not get personal.

Who said that?

It should've been me.

You're an assh*le, peace corps guy.

You can't cut down those trees.

They're sacred. The spirit

that guards the village

live in those trees.

Don't they teach you nothing?

He might be just a marvelous mimic.

You speak english?

As good as him.

You better pick another set of trees,

'cause no one touches those, champ.

- Champ?

- Champ?

- Who are you?

- I'm at toon.

I spent four years in

American school in Bangkok,

I'm the sharpest thing

this village ever seen,

so they sent me.

Big deal.

- Less headaches here.

- Astonishing.

Believe it, hot rod.

That wood is teak wood.

- Yeah?

- The strongest fiber we can find.

If we can finish building this bridge,

you won't need to worry

about spirits, little man.

Why do you guys think you can come here

and turn everything upside down?

This is not American city

where you put up an empire state building

over a weekend, you know?

We have a certain way

of doing things here.

We don't rush, rush, rush.

These are my kind of people.

All right, there's some wood over

there that looks fairly sturdy.

All right!

All of you! Yo!

Speak english!

More walking, less talking.


Lawrence Bourne III, ugly American.

You, I like.

He'll be awhile.

You smoke?

This wouldn't be the dung

of one of your ancestors, now would it?


It's okay, it's okay.

Now, I take the four aces,

and put them back in the

middle of the deck.

Where do they go,

you ask? Well,


Where are the aces, you ask?


Ace, Ace, Ace, Ace.

Thank you. I'd like

to thank lady bertrand Russell

for teaching me that trick as

well as one or two others.


This is perfect.

This is what you build Bridges of.

I like this.

I like this.

You're a big kitty-cat.

Yes, you are.

What a big cat.

See? Friend.

Look. A big mouse.

Very nice here.

Good, good kitty.

Okay, baby.

Okay, 'atta babe.

Stay there. Yes,

you a big cat.


Damn! Trapped in a

tiger trap by a tiger.

This could be a setback.

Boy, am I glad to see you.

Tom tuttle, from Tacoma,

Washington, pleased to meet you.

All right, gentlemen.

It is my deal;

Blackjack is the game.

Place your bets.

Guys, wait.

Take it easy now.

We have all night.

All right, here we go.

All right.

Who needs a card?

No one? Well, dealer pulls ho!

Mighty tough to beat. Let's

see what we have here.

Blackjack! A winner,

Blackjack, a winner.

Blackjack, a winner,



What's going on here?

We learn fast in this town.

You owe me.

All right, back, back, back

Double or nothing, redeal, come on.

Come on, come on.

I'm gonna keep my eye

on you douchebags this time.

Lawrence, Tom hasn't come back yet.

I think he's missing.

Guys you know Beth Wexler.


- The guys, they say hi.

I'm really worried. I think

we should go find him.

By going out in the jungle at night?

No, no, no.

Fine, I'll go myself.

Why don't you just relax, Beth?

I'm sure Tom

just went skinny-dipping in the river,

- and discovered himself.

- I'm gonna call John.

That's a good idea. Have him bring the

flash and the green hornet in on the case.

I should've known better

than to come to you.

All right, now,

the name of this next game

is new england baseball.

What it is, is regular five-card stud

except deuces are wild for white men.

Well now, who the hell are you?

I wish

to get into your game.

Well, that'd be all right by me,

but gee, the rest of the fellows

don't look too excited.



I wish to get into the game.

You're in, you're in.

You put up some of that fruit salad,

and I'll put up a comb. You

ever seen one of these?

assh*le! Do you know

who you're talking to?

That's chung mee. He

runs the black market.

He runs everything.

He comes into this village,

we give him whatever he

wants, he is a m*therf*cker.

This is the black marketeer?

Mr. mee!

Lawrence Bourne III.

I really must apologize for my rudeness,

although the hair does look ridiculous.

I didn't know who you were.

But I've heard an awful lot about you.

I was just graduated

from Yale, class of '62

Jeez you didn't

let me finish.

Don't k*ll me! I

haven't had a woman yet!

What a break this is, at,

meeting him face to face

and getting taken right to his home.!

I'm not gonna let him off easy, I'm

gonna ask for a major share of the pie.

- They say he has a testicle collection.

- He's not gonna hurt us.

If he wanted to k*ll us, we would

have been dead on the spot.

- Well, maybe he didn't like us enough to do that.

- No, no, at,

- this is capitalism at its most prime.

- What's capitalism?

At, sometimes you Asian

people just slay me, really.


I'm going, I'm going!

Don't say nothing, Lawrence.

Don't say nothing!

They wanna use me like a woman.

You'll just have to show

'em you can take it like a man.

The bridge you are building

When will it be completed?

The bridge?

You're interested in

In our bridge.

Permit me.

As I said, it would be

very difficult to say.

We do have a very fine young

man working on it right now,

but why do you want to know?

Opium is my business.

The bridge mean more traffic.

More traffic mean more business.

More business mean more money.

More money mean more power.

Well, before I commit

any of that to memory,

would there be anything in this for me?

Speed is important in business.

- Time is money.

- You said opium was money.

Money is money, - well,

then what is time again?

When bridge is completed,

you can have whatever you need.

I see.

And they told me to go on those

business interviews at Yale.

Well, gosh, first of all,

I would like to run

everything in loong ta.

Then, whenever I was ready,

passage back to Bangkok

and an airline ticket

back to the United States.

And this is hardly worth mentioning,

but, 28

$48,000 in cash.

I have some library books

that are overdue.

- Nice knowing you.

- I want bridge finished in six weeks.

Or you are finished in seven.

You're going along with that?

Hey! -

No problem, commander,

the bridge is yours.

You are mine.

Well, it's only fair.

Business is completed.

After business come pleasure.

Pleasure is also my business.

- For me?

- If I say yes and not no.

- You want me to translate?

- No, no, I got that one,

it's a little incentive, isn't it?

You are a slyboots,

you really.

Hello, hi.

Lawrence Bourne III, junior partner.

You must be

What it means is su-ru-sirre.

- Pardon me?

- What it means is su-ru-sirre.

I'm sorry, what?

Lucille, her name is Lucille.

Lucille. Now

that's highly erotic.

I love Lucille. Tell me, how

did you get a name like that?

With mama's engrish.

- What?

- That is her name?

- She's staying for dinner, of course.

- Yes, but you are leaving.

But I just got here.

What do you see in him?

Are you some sort of a

chubby chaser or something?

Lucille is my bodyguard.

She does not like it when

my orders are questioned.

Thank god my fly was zipped.

Thank you for dinner and not k*lling us.

Glad to be aboard,

Lucille, any night of the week, I'm free.

Did I mention that back

home I drive a corvette?

Nothing can stop that boy now.

When the task is done,

you may deal with him.

Do you think you can

find Tom with the helicopter?

We'd never spot him from up there.

What about organizing a search party?

I'll be honest with you, Beth,

I'm figuring on the worst.

There's a lot of ways into that jungle,

and precious few ways out.

So we just give up?

Keep on what you're doing,

Beth. That's best.

Bourne's a sharp fellow,

and, you know, I got a feeling

he'll come through for you.


He's useless.

He's probably down at the river right now

paying the young girls

to wash themselves.

This bridge is going to last forever.

Your children, and your

children's children

will use it and remember you.

In America, Bridges are monuments.

People come from all over to visit them,

to admire them, to end

their lives off them.

Now you people are so gosh darn lucky

to have this opportunity.

Gosh darn

Take advantage of it.

Seize it.

And work quickly.

Thank you.

Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Good morning. I just

put a stick in the ground.

John, welcome back to our

little corner of the world.

Is your chin getting bigger?

Can't you just stay a day or two?

Well, I wish I could. I

really do, but Mike and me

been so goll darn busy these days.

I get lonely. There's nobody

here I can really talk to

Especially Lawrence.

- Who's Mike?

- Mike's my knife.

We been traveling together

ever since I was 16.

A good companion, Mike.

- Your knife.

- Beth

Words come hard for a fellow like me,

but my heart soared when

you radioed last night.

I been thinking about you ever

since you walked off that plane.

Really? I didn't

know you cared at all.

Beth, there's a lot of things I

want to tell you about myself.

I - there's a lot

of things I want to know.

When we get back, we're gonna

make the time, you and us.

- Us?

- Mike.

Yes, Mike.

Until then, I brought you

a little something

I'd like you to keep near your heart.

It's a present,

just from me to you.

It's a Burmese prince.

There's kind of an art store in Bangkok

that specializes in these type things.

I go there a lot.

When you're in the city,

I'd love to take you through the place.

Well, thank you.

Thank you.

This is really unexpected.

See that Mike?

I knew she'd like it.

Tom tuttle from Tacoma,

do you know where you are?

My guess is I'm in the clutches

of the angry pink menace.

I am souvanna.

We will be spending much time together.

You'll get nothing from me but my scorn.

Tom, this is the people's army.

From here, we strike out and

bring hope to the oppressed,

the oppressed who are still slaves

to running-dog, foul-breathed,

capitalist vermin like yourself.

We exist only to spread the word.

Tom tuttle from Tacoma

- You will be brainwashed.

- Me?

America's son?!

That will be a challenge.

You bet.

Our enemies are all those

in league with imperialism.

The bureaucrats, the big landlord class

and the reactionary section of the

inteligentsia attached to them.

Very good, Tom. You quote

the chairman well.

Ouenemies are all around us.

We must always be on our guard.

Sure, we'll lose a lot of

snooze time, but that's okay.

- We'll catch up after the revolution's over.

- That's enough, Tom.

The leading force behind our revolution

is the industrial proletariat.

Our closest friends are the

entire semi-proletariat

- and the petty bourgeoisie.

- That's enough.

- But there's so much more.

- I said that's enough!

The time has come

to tell you your mission.

- My mission. I'd like that very much, comrade.

- Good.

Tom, the bridge you were building

for the lying, malignant,

snake-infested peace corps,

That bridge is important to us.

It gives us an easy

access across the river.

We can drive our brand-new

people's truck across it,

and plaster the words of the chairman

on every tree, rock, and animal

- for miles until we run out of the people's gas.

- Yes!

You, Tom tuttle of Tacoma,

are going to ensure that

that bridge is built,

and that no one in loong ta

interferes with our plans.

In a week,

I'll have that village

running like Peking.

And if someo does stand in your way?

That's enough, Tom.


Enough, enough, enough.

The bridge that couldn't be built.

Well, I say "bullshit" to that.

A bridge is nothing when you've

got strong arms, strong backs,

guts, determination, courage


Take a break.

Take a break?

Wait a minute,

you had a break not two

hours ago, now come on,

hey, hey, Beth, now

Beth, I'm surprised at you.

You're supposed to be

setting an example here.

I don't mind telling you

I'm just a little shocked.

Shut up.

You know, I'm k*lling myself.

You don't even want to be here and

everything comes so easy for you.

Well, I wouldn't necessarily say that.

How did you learn to speak thai?

I have to communicate, don't I?

You know what your problem is, Beth?

You just take things so seriously,

I mean, who says it has to be so tough?


Has he ever done this?

I think not.

You leave him out of this.

I came here to do a job,

something I believe in, the

peace corps helping people.

You're only here

because you're running away.

Beth, nothing is fair.

Wake up and smell the river.

Now, you wanna get this log moved?

First of all, let's get

some more men down here.

Now, the easy way.

Come stand where I'm standing.

Come on, come on.

Now, with great conviction,

say the following

What did I say?

"Move this log, and I'll

sleep with each one of you."

The easy way.

Well, I'm back.

Did you miss me?

Tom! Tom!

Where'd you go? We thought you were dead.

Are you all right?


I'm okay.

I'm a-okay!

I'm Jim dandy.

A-number one, that's me.

Got a little lost, that's all.

Took the opportunity to give

myself a jungle survival course.

As always, I'm the better for it.

Now I'm back,

and able to build that doggone bridge!

I'm back!

It's open.

It's always open.

Miss Wexler,

Lawrence Bourne III requests

Requests the pleasure of your company

on this special occasion.

Would you come with me?

Go where?

For what?

I'm not allowed to say.

No, no, no

Come on

Be a g guy.

Come on.

- This better be good.

- Yeah, yeah.


I call it Lawrence's.

I don't believe it.

Even from you.

It was actually much easier

than you would imagine.

How did you get -

just a few connections,

a little elbow grease is all, and voila,

loong ta's first public service.

Are you as proud of me as I am?

Can I get you a drink?

Wait a minute, I don't get this.

What's this for?

It's for a job well done, of course.

I've got Johnny Walker, Jim beam,

Jack Daniels. The g*ng's all here.

- You've got liquor?

- And wine.

The house white is a

delightfully articulate chablis.

I haven't seen a tube of

toothpaste in two weeks,

and you have a bar.

Good nig, Lawrence.

How about a coke?

You have a coke?

Cherry, lemon, vanilla

Or plain?


A plain coke.

You have more than earned it.


That is fantastic.

I miss these so much.

To friends?


Would you care to dance?

Sam, try that again.

Well, here we are.

I'm having such a good time.

So am I.

Would you

Like to come inside?

No, I don't think so, not tonight.


You see, if I go in there,

I'm going to be tempted

to make a pass at you,

and that's not what you want.

- It isn't?

- No, it isn't.

I like you very much, Beth.

All I ask

Is that you just give me a little chance.

- Good night.

- Good night.

John has come marching home.

John you scared

the hell out of me.

You wanted to know all about me, Beth.

- Tonight's the night.

- John, the clown outfit aside,

- I don't think this is very funny.

- This is no clown outfit,

this is my business suit.

- I beg your pardon?

- Things are starting to happen, Beth,

and I want you at my side when they do.

There's more to me than a

pencil-pushing aggy advisor.

You see, Beth,

I'm not with the rinky-dinky peace corps.

I'm with the company, the a-team.

- You might know it as the c.I.A.

- John

Listen, I like the fact

that you're quiet,

why do you feel you have to play

these weird little jokes on me?

You're not listening to me.

Your John is in charge

of a joint operation

to eliminate the communist

element in that jungle.

The bridge y'all built will

make it a much easier task.

You'll have nothing to worry about, though.

You'll be safe.

Me and Mike'll see to that.

Now come on, Beth, how can you

resist a man in a uniform?

- You're crazy.

- I have to be to outsmart those little pink pagans.

They're gonna be shocked

out of their sarongs.

When they see what we've

got in store for them.

Operation red-belly, Beth.

Operation red-belly.

Very soon, a convoy of trucks is gonna

roll over that bridge y'all built.

And once this spot is leveled,

this village will become an

airstrip, a lair, if you will,

from which we'll be able

to strike at all hot spots

all up and down the delta.

Strong, swift strikes.

One after another.

Again, again

And again.

Where's that Burmese prince I gave you?

I looked through your drawers

and I couldn't find it.

- John, get out of my way.

- Where are you going?

To radio Bangkok. It's for your own good,

you might have malaria or something.

Beth, please

- Don't push me now.

- Don't touch me!

You touch me, and you and

Mike will get 20 years each.

Beth, I must tell you in all candor,

I don't like what I'm hearing.

It's only chloroform.

Beth, honey, you're amongst friends.

Poor Lawrence.

Poor, poor Lawrence.

I, Tom tuttle, of Tacoma, Washington,

hereby declare this bridge

officially open.

How do you like that, Lawrence?

Can you believe I never had lesson?

Where the hell is she?

I haven't seen her anywhere.

Did you speak with her today?

- Who?

- Beth!

Beth? No, I haven't

seen her all day.

That doesn't make sense.

It's way after dark,

she could be lost, maybe

Maybe an animal got her,

maybe the commies got her

There's plenty of places she could be.

At, you are lying to me.

I can tell, your eyes are getting round.

- Get outta here!

- All right, where is she?

Careful, I know the art of kickboxing.

- I know. Where is Beth?

- Okay, okay.

But you're not gonna like this.

I saw Beth last night,

she went into the jungle with John.

Bullshit, with

- You saw them go together?

- She's no good for you, big guy.

You have more important

things to care about.


She led me on.

She led me on,

and then she lets that

weedwhacker diddle her,

that easy bitch!

You know, when you think about it,

there's a lot to be said with

just playing with yourself.

Our enemies are in league

with imperialism.

Imperialism is colonialism.

Colonialism is the

exploitation of the people.

Forget about her, tiger.

You got bigger fish to fry.

You know what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna go back to Bangkok,

and I'm gonna find a phone,

and then I'm gonna call her

parents in New York City collect.

I'm gonna tell them their daughter is

sleeping with a gentile from Texas.

You had enough to drink, Larry.

I'm celebrating now.

Chung mee, you shouldn't have.

Hold your worm, assh*le.

You're better off with Beth. That

Lucille is bad news on wheels.

Take our money and send her away!


All that great, green American currency.

Hey, look at this!

I'll show you what this is

for later on this evening.

And the yes,

the plane ticket home.

Coach?! that

cheap bastard.

My god, I certainly hope

you don't wear contact lenses.

Right, right.

That feels so good what you're doing.

- assh*le!

- At, get out of here now!

Awfully sorry about that. You

really have to excuse him.

He's just jealous.

You see,

he's never had a woman,

and I have to confess,

it's been quite some time

since I've had one myself,

so I hope you don't mind

if it takes me five, six,

seven, eight times

for me to get my legs back.

Larry, I

- Larry, you have to listen to me.

- Shit!

- I she's but wait

- I had more privacy at Yale.

Get out!

That twit has officially broken the mood.

Whatso I get ourselves a drink?

What's your pleasure?


My kind of woman.

Say, have you ever actually

slept with chung mee?

He must be hung like a cocktail frank.

That would certainly explain his

less-than-social behavior.

What say you become a bodyguard of mine?

Not that I really

need one, but

Jesus, at!

What was that? Hey!

- I think I'm getting closer.

- She was trying to k*ll me.

- Were you trying to k*ll me?

- You know the problem? I think I'm left-footed.

Nobody tries to k*ll me

and comes that close.

Yankee blood

Dead meat.

If you touch her Beth is a goner.

- How do you know she said that?

- I'm oriental.


Beth is a goner?

You told me Beth was with John.

Now what is John doing with chung mee?

He must be in cahoots with him.

I bet they have some big deal

going, and somehow Beth found out

so he had to take her away to

make sure she doesn't tell.

That would mean that

Beth doesn't like John!

God, that is a relief.

Lawrence, Beth is in deep shit!

I realize that.

Shouldn't one of us be

saying, "let's go save her?"

Who goes there?

Who goes there?

It's Lawrence. It's me,

it's Lawrence.

What are you doing here?

Guarding my bridge, that's all.

Can we pry you away from it

for just an hour or two?

It seems that Beth is in the

clutches of some Chinese w*rlord.

At and I are going up river to save her

and reluctantly, we need your help.

That would mean I would

have to leave my bridge.

- No, you could take it with you.

- I can't do that!

I can't do that, no.

My mission is here.

Fine. If I get

out of this alive,

I'm never leaving the east coast again.

At, did you knock out

Lucille and tie her up?

No, she did it herself.

- You should've been there.

- I can't believe this.

I'm risking my life

for a long island Princess

who thinks motives are more

important than actions,

father would be appalled.

- Doggone it, I must be doing the right thing.

- Larry, be quiet.

We're right under the walls. We

don't want to disturb the guards.

I bow to your expertise.

What do you see?

I see the holding area.

That's probably where

they're keeping her.

Any guards?

A couple of those fat guys.

Kiss, kiss.


God, you are heavy for an Asian.

So, what's your plan?

- What plan?

- You said you were working on a plan.

- I lied.

- Of course.

I do have an idea.

All we have to do

is distract the guards,

then sneak in and get Beth.

You just come up with that

off the top of your head?

It's my responsibility,

so I'll take the hard part.

- I'll get Beth.

- So, what do I do?

It's obvious, isn't it?

Those guards

They like you.

You just approach them,

and, I don't know, bum a smoke

from them or something,

- and before you know it

- Those those guards?!

- No way, hotrod!

- Come on.

Are you that unsure of your masculinity?

I'd like to keep what I got.

Hiya, fellas.

It's a heck of a night.

Got a smoke?

You guys come here a lot?

Yours is a difficult task.

When you step on one ant,

you allow his brother to go around you.

I appreciate your concern, chung mee,

but I assure you, when we

get done with red-belly,

there won't be one g*dd*mn red ant left.

We all must do what we must do.

For if we do not,

- then what we must do does not get done.

- You betcha.

Well, at 0700 hours tomorrow

we roll across that bridge

and secure the area.

And after that,

you'll be free to fly your opium

in any direction you want.

You'll be international, chung mee.

The well is deep.

I wish you well.


My god

I had visions of you stripped

naked and chained to a wall.

Imagine my disappointment.

Lawrence, hi.

- You found me.

- Yes.



Come on, kiss my little piggy.


Me and Mike'll make you

forget that no-account,

liver-lipped, milk-toast,

scrawny, pencil-necked geek.

You're gonna love me, Beth,

if I got to keep you

doped up from

Here to armageddon and a day.

- Yikes.

- Bourne.

Well now, you're the last person

- I thought I'd see coming to save Beth.

- So

The surprise worked.

Now, you're gonna have to disappear.

Well, I'm going to do my best.

k*ll, k*ll!


You can't do this to me. I'm very

rich, and I have certain rights.

Shit! You ain't nothing now, boy.

You really thought

you was gonna come up

here and save this girl?

You just a smart-talking

little piece of turd.

You been taking up space.

Say your prayers, boy.


- Fool with me Good timing, at!

- Thank you.

Come over here, we have

get her out of here.

Come on, come on, Barbie.

This little piggy stayed home.

- This little piggy had roast beef.

- Put her over my shoulder.

- Way to go.

- This little piggy had none.

And this little piggy

went, "wee!"

- It's dark in here.

- All the way home.

I saw this once on route 66.

Let's go, let's go!

- Which way do we go?

- Surprise me.

- Go!

- At!

Come on, Mike.

We got work to do.

A leopard.

I want you people to

spread out and find these folks,

do you understand? And I want you

to bring that girl back alive.

Move, g*dd*mn it!


I'm sure I came through this way.

Nope. Well, this one

Looks all the same to me.

Oops, sorry.

Sorry, chung mee, I've never

been so embarrassed.

Larry, wait for me!

Larry, if we get out of here

alive, I'm gonna k*ll you.

Well, take a numbe


Look, all right now

If Mr. mee were here,

or if I were mee

I would be the first to say

that this is nothing more

than a grave misunderstanding.

Quite simply, it's

Here we go again.

- At!

- Okay, okay, go!

Go, go, go!

It's the river!

- I can't do it.

- It's not like it takes a lot of skill.

My head is swimming.

That's a start.


- This is wet!

- At! Where's at?

- I'm under you, Larry.

- Downstream.

Back to loong ta. Where'd

we leave the damn boat?

Our bridge

Our beloved bridge

At, are you all right,

my pathetic little pal?

I'm fine.

So, I die before I ever have a woman.

I helped build a bridge,

some fat guys touched me

I've had a full life, Larry.

If you want to enjoy any more of

it, we'd better get out of here

before chung mee and his friends return.

At sun-up all hell is gonna break loose.


And they busted the radio?

Jesus, there's nothing we can do.

- It's too late.

- It's just one of those days, I guess.

I'm gonna get my dope,

what's left of my booze,

you know, the essentials.

- I'm taking my grandfather.

- Fine, fine.

Just pack some of this hooch into

his jumper for me, will you?

What about our genuine persian carpet?

I don't care, just tear it down.

We can always wrap it up

around your grandfather.

Tear it down

Of course

We have the dynamite, we'll

just blow the bridge to bits.

Beth, we are in a hurry here.

Blow it to bits.

That's a brilliant idea!

We'll show those warmongers that the

people won't stand for their tyranny.

Wait a minute Beth, no, no

- yes, yes, yes.

- No, no at, tell her it can't be done.

- It should've been done in the first place.

- Right!

- I'll help you, Beth.

- Thank you, at.

- I said no!

- Put me down!

- No, I'm not gonna let you!

- Why?

Because I love you.

Who said that?

If you love me, you'll help me.

I know I didn't say that.

Lawrence, you can't have me

unless we blow up the bridge.

Okay, fine, I'll blow

up your silly bridge.

- God knows I've done crazier things.

- No, wait.


I'm sorry. I know

that you think

the right thing can be

done for the wrong reason.

But for me, motives are important.

You can't be part of this if

you're doing it for yourself.

What have you learned, Dorothy?

Okay. I'm not just blowing

up the bridge for me,

I'm blowing it up

for you, and for you, at,

and for grandfather, and the people, and

America, and the universe, all right?

But please, now, let's just

blow up the g*dd*mn bridge!

- You really do love me.

- Yes, I do. Can we go now?

- Right away.

- Thank you. Thank you very much.

- What's so funny?

- Nothing.

They weren't too wild about the

bridge in the first place.


All right, now

What say we get the dynamite down

to the river, and let's hurry.

Dust to dust, if we must, we must.

Tom! Tom!

Fools! Yankee

imperialist swine!

Running-dog lackey!

Capitalist vermin!

Foul-breathed, counter-

revolutionary t*rrorists! -

You didn't actually think I'd let

you get away with this, did you?

Hey, tuttle!

This is my birthday. What do you say

you let me blow out that candle?

I'm not afraid to die.

Not for a cause!

Not for a cause!

Sure, there'll be

some things I'll miss

Tuna fish casserole with

little potato chips on top.

And Sandra Dee.

I always loved Sandra Dee.

I've never told anyone that before.

And I know that one day, she

would leave Bobby Darin for me.

I just know that she'd do that.

But that day will never be, now.

Happy birthday, Larry!

I've had all I can take!

I'm gonna relight this

and shove it down his pants!

- What's wrong? Your trying k*ll us.

- The masses!

The masses must unite! The more the

masses unite, the better we are.

The people's army must

become one with the people

so they can see it as their own.

Such an army would be invincible.

All right, stop it, stop it!

I'll read the book, I'll see the film,

I'll wash the people's truck.

I'll do whatever you want!

It was the commies!

It was the commies!

They wanted the bridge,

they wanted

See, I just wanted a little

snooze time, that's all.

Just a little nap every now

and they kept talking to me,

and talking and talking. I

challenged myself to resist,

- but who was I kidding?

- Tom, what are you talking about?

- Let's hit him again.

- The commies! The commies!

The commies are coming. They're gonna

take over the village, and the bridge.

And I helped them do it!

How's this gonna look on my resume?

Peace corps, 1962. Handed

village over to the communists.

Who's gonna hire me?

Why can't everyone

leave this place alone?

Never mind!

It's almost dawn.

I don't think we have time

to wire the entire bridge.

You don't have to.

One charge of dynamite

placed strategically

in the middle of the bridge,

and the whole thing will collapse.

Those dirty red bastards

They'll never take loong ta.

No, not as long

as there's freedom

And justice

And Tom tuttle from Tacoma, Washington.

Come on, come on!

Let's go!

We'll split off right here.

We'll keep these going all the way down.

Hurry, hurry!

Go, go!

Over here!


Where's the wire?

Out of my way!

Give me the wire!


Tom, listen!

Hurry, hurry!

Nice bridge, wasn't it?

- Very nice.

- Blow it!

What have I done?

You screwed it up!

What's wrong?

I don't know. Everything's a-okay.

Must be a loose connection

- Give me the strippers, I'll go.

- Lawrence!

- Got it.

- Don't move, not an inch.

Bourne, this is the end of the line.

You make one move towards me,

and I'll signal my friends down there

and they'll blow us both

to kingdom come, and

- Hey, wait a minute

- I'll tell you what I'm gonna do

I'm gonna k*ll you, I'm gonna skin you,

and I'm gonna use your

shinbone for a pencilbox.

Ain't nobody around this time, Bourne.

It's just you, me

And Mike.

- Well, that's fair.

- Stand up.

You know, there never was a time

when brains didn't triumph over brawn.

Let's see what you got, boy.

I've got brains.

- Is that a Russian mig-25?

- Where?


Hit it!


where's Lawrence?

- Lawrence?

- My god!

Out of the way.

- Lawrence.

- assh*le?


Dear mother and father,

I never thought I'd say this to you,

but thanks, thanks a bunch.

The peace corps has changed my life.

I've learned the true

meaning of self-reliance,

commitment, and yes, even caring

for another human being.

Now, for the first time in my

life, I'm doing the right thing,

and for the right reasons.

I'm opening a casino, dad.

It's called Lawrence's, after me.

And this is just the beginning.

Night elephant races,

professional kickboxing

- It's going to be my kind of town.

- Lawrence! Lawrence!

Well, I've got to run. Time

is opium money.

Your loving son, blah,

blah, blah, Lawrence.