Fremont (2023)

Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.

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Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.
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Fremont (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[whimsical music]

[scribbling sounds]


[engine revs]

[jazz music]

[music fades]

Joanna: I was watching that

TV show last night.

-That guy won a million dollars.


Just general knowledge


Maybe you should try it.

You went to college and stuff.

You're not gonna need a million

dollars when you're old.

Hey, Fan.

What would you do

with a million dollars?

-I would build a community pool.


[door closes]

[door opens]

[both in Dari]

[crickets chirping]

[child babbling]

Donya: [in Dari]

[in Dari]







Suleyman: [in Dari]

[jazz music]

[brakes squealing]

[faint chatter]

[door squeaking]

[in English]

Can I leave earlier tomorrow?

-At what time?

-1:30 P.M.


-I have a doctor's appointment.

-Ricky: Of course you can.

-Thank you.

Joanna: Want me to see if he has

a friend he can bring?

We could go

on a blind double date?


-You sure?

I think I would hate

a blind date.

You don't know anything

about him, right?

Joanna: Nothing.

[jazz music]

Donya: Where is he taking you?

Joanna: It's a blind date,

so we agreed upon

a specific location.

We're going to

a Mexican restaurant.

If it all goes well, eventually

we'll even move in together.

Then we can share the rent.

Donya: Where will you

put your mom?

Joanna: I don't know.

I'll just get her an extra bed

and put it somewhere, I guess.

Do you have an extra bed?

Donya: No, I only have

one single bed.

[music ends]

[cell phone rings]


Having a single bed

is very wrong,

according to

The Laws Of Attraction,

because it doesn't invite

the possibility of company.

You should be sleeping

in a double bed,

even if you're sleeping alone.

I can't fit a double bed

in my bedroom.

Okay, well, I'm gonna finish

the chapter

and then go to sleep.

-Good night, Donya.

-Good night, Joanna.

[soft snoring]

I have an appointment

with Dr. Anthony.

Your name?

Well, the appointment

is not in my name.

It's in the name

of Salim Dabiri.

He made the appointment for you?


Do you have

an appointment card?


But this is an appointment

specifically for Mr. Dabiri.

I know, but he couldn't make it,

so he gave it to me.

I don't think that's possible.


Well, if someone can't make

their appointment slot

they need to

call us and cancel.

Then, we would allocate

the appointment

to another patient.

I'm another patient.

Yes, I understand,

but there are other patients

of Dr. Anthony's

that would be given

the appointment

if there's been

a cancellation.

Give me a moment.

[knocks on door]

[opens door]

[closes door]

To be honest with you,

this isn't really

the way things work.

It's not like a movie ticket

where if you can't get

to the 3:15 showing,

you give the ticket

to your friend.


It's not like that

with a doctor's appointment,

and Salim knows that very well.

I'm here to ask for something

to help me sleep.

All right, well...


Are you--

Do you live in Fremont?

And are you also from


Yes, I am.

On the Special Immigration Visa?

Yes, I was a translator

in Afghanistan.

Well... [clears throat]

the way it works,

we have a certain number

of appointments

for, uh, self-payers

or, uh, the insured.


our paying customers.

And then I have a few slots

that I do pro bono.

Those spots are at a premium,

and so we have to follow

the protocol

to make sure that it's fair

for everyone.

So, the people

who have been waiting,

or the people that

are already in the system,

-get to see--

-I'm here now.


Well, I can see that I--

Yeah, I understand

you're here now,

but there is a protocol

that we need to follow

to make this system work.

I'm not leaving.

[clicking pen open and closed]


Um, well...

Let me just get some general

information from you, then.

Um... name?

Donya Massoudi.

Uh, date and place of birth?

Thirteenth, June, 1996.

Kabul, Afghanistan.

And how long have you been here

in the United States?

Eight months.

And, um, did you work as

a translator for the government,

or was that private sector?

For the United States Army.

How long did you do that for?

I just want sleeping pills.

-How's your general health?


You have nightmares?

Not so much.

I can't sleep well.

Do you have a lot of thoughts

when you go to bed?


[crickets chirping]

Joanna: You should just

go see my palm reader.

She never has a waiting list.

She reads and understands people

better than any psychiatrist.

You know what she told me?

She said that

the reason I overeat

is because I don't wanna be like

my mom, who's skinny.

If that's not pure psychology,

I don't know what is.

She can also clean karmas.

I'm gonna go

and get some coffee.

I think a fun working

environment is essential.

I love coming in to work.

You know...

[clears throat]

my father opened

this factory many years ago.

And I used

to come with him

when I was

a little kid.

But then he stopped

bringing me

because I ate all

the cookies all the time.


I love the cookies.

I ate so many.

It was so much fun.


I'll see you later.

-[door opens]

-[bells jingling]

-TV in foreign language]

-[door closes]

[in Dari]

[TV continues]


[water running]

[footsteps approaching]

[Turkington] Go ahead,

take a seat.

Okay, let's see

what we have here.

Tell me a bit about

the situation in Afghanistan

before you left to come here.

Did you live with your parents,

for instance?


Do you have, uh,

pictures of your family

you can show me?

Do you have any family members

in America?


They're all in Afghanistan?


You must miss them very much,

I'm sure.

Was your family ever threatened?

They told them they would come

after my little brother

if I don't come back.

Has any harm been done

to your family,

by that I mean physical harm?


When you were there,

was your family unhappy

about what you were doing?

I only did the work

for the money

and getting a visa to come here.

Nothing else.

Do you feel guilty?

How do you, uh,

like it here?

Is America what you thought

it would be?

I didn't think how it would be.

I didn't even think

about America.

I just wanted

to get out of there.

I would have gone to

Germany, France, England,

El Salvador, or anywhere.

There weren't many women

that were doing

translation work

like you were doing.

In that sense, uh,

you're sort of a pioneer,

so your family must

be proud of that.

I left,

but they are still there.

They have to hear people

talk to them

about raising a daughter

who was a traitor.

Do you think you are a traitor?

I don't spend much time



Too busy with my social life.

[jazz music]

[in Dari]



[playing "Amazing Grace"]

I think I'm gonna stop

with the blind dates.


It's not...

working out.

I'm not meeting


You don't need


You need someone special.

Next time you answer like

a fortune cookie, I'll eat you.

It happened once.

No, it's happened

a lot of times.

It hurts.

You have to keep meeting people.

There is this other guy,

a son of my mom's friend.

He's recently divorced and

she wants to set me up with him.

Maybe I'll go.

[machine beeps]

Did you accompany

the Army on missions?

No, I translated

in U.S. Army bases

when instruction were being

given to the Afghan soldiers

on how to use

new equipment and arms.

Did you see much fighting,


Several bases I worked with

were att*cked

in different times...

and that's fighting I saw.

How did you leave Afghanistan?

On one of the evacuation flights

after Taliban return.

But I know I'm very lucky.

How do you mean?

One translator I worked with

was k*lled almost immediately

after he stopped working

for the U.S. Army.

He was waiting for his paper

to come over here.

One of my friends,

Payam, he was also translator.

He couldn't make it

to the evacuation flights.

I know I'm lucky,

and I know they're unlucky.

I've met with

many former translators

and they have different reasons

for doing what they did.

But in most cases,

they suffered from

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

They're left feeling like maybe

in some way they're responsible.

And so, they're haunted

by bad thoughts, nightmares.

And they feel

that they can't trust others,

so they...

isolate themselves.

Maybe it's just a sense of guilt

that prevents them

from talking to others

and getting the help that

they really desperately need.

Do you know what Post-Traumatic

Stress Disorder is?

I don't suffer from it.

I just have problem with sleep.

If I had some sleeping pills,

my problems would go away.

I-I chose my specialization

for a reason.

I admire people like you

who have stories to tell

of courage and displacement.

Guess which immigrant hero

I love the most?

White Fang.

The dog?

No, he's not a dog.

He's-he's one-quarter dog.

He's three-quarters wolf.

I will give you a prescription

for the sleeping pills,

but I think it's important that

we use these sessions

to talk about

some of these issues.

"Your genuine talent

will find its way to success."

Joanna: "Your financial outlook

is great at this time."

That's nonsense.

[loud thud]

She's dead.

But she was also getting too old

to write about the future.

We are looking for someone else

to replace her.

-Wouldn't you be interested?


[jazz music]

Ricky: Fortune messages

are a responsibility.


or unconsciously,

they are going to act

on the flux of things.

They shouldn't

be too lucky.

They shouldn't be

too unlucky.

They shouldn't

be too original.

They shouldn't be

too obvious.

They shouldn't

be too short.

They shouldn't be

too long and so on.

You get the point?

I think so.

The point is, my father and I

built our factory

according to

a very ancient quote,

"Virtue stands

in the middle."

You know?

I love quotes

very much.

This is a small gift

that I personally prepared

to welcome you

to your new adventure.

Thank you.

Open it.

It is a head massager.

I use it, too.

It helps me

to gather creative ideas.

Try it.

You run it through your head,

down to your scalp.

It's a lot more fun

if someone else does it for you.

I would offer

to do it,

but it is


Thank you.

I've been in this business

for ages.

I've seen message writers

come and go,

and I learned

one thing.

The ones who stay

are the ones who know

how to talk about love.

And the ones

who are best

at talking about love

are the ones

who love themselves.

Do you love



Then you should

say it out loud.



-I love myself.


"The fortune you seek is

in another cookie."

Wise, right?

Yes, very.

Does somebody check

what you write

or can you write

whatever you want?

I can write what I want.

Then maybe you can use

this, uh, opportunity

as an exercise of sorts.

Say, if there's something

that's making you

happy or sad,

you can unburden yourself

by jotting it down on paper.

Of course, obviously,

there's, uh,

there's the fact that you gotta

make it fortune-cookie-friendly

when you condense it

down to one line,

but, um, that can

certainly be done.

Perhaps it would make the whole

thing more fulfilling for you.


[man on TV in foreign language]

[phone vibrates and chimes]

[man and woman chatter on TV]

[in Dari]

How's your literary

production going?



It's time to go, anyway.

I'm coming.

Where's your mom?

She's off taking photographs

in the wilderness somewhere.

She'll be back

in a couple of days.

[gentle music plays]

[Joanna vocalizing]

Just another diamond day

Just a blade of grass

Just another bale of hay

In the horses path


Just another field

to plough

Just a grain of wheat

Just a sack of seed to sow

And the children eat


Just another life to live

Just a word to say

Just another love to give

And a diamond day


[song ends]

I've been working

on a little project.

I wrote some, uh, messages

of the type that you might find

in a cookie.


Of course,

I don't have the technology

or the know-how to do this

on a computer,

so what I had to do was

get a sheet of paper

and a ruler and a pen

and write these all by hand,

and then, uh, using

a pair of scissors,

cut them into strips.

It was a very satisfying

arts and crafts project.


They're all original.

Have a look.

"A ship in harbor is safe,

but that's not why

ships are built."

"A ship in harbor is safe,

but that's not why

ships are built."

-You see what it means, right?


What a joy this exercise was.

[in Dari]

[pensive music]

[music fades]

Daddy, I'm done.

Can I have

the fortune cookies now?


-I'm done.

Can I have

the fortune cookies?

All right.

"You will travel

to many exotic-exotic places

in your lifetime."


-You better take me, too.


Let me see

what mine says.

I'm just a kid,

so how could I not take you?

Well, it's been done.

"Some pursue happiness,

you create it."

[pensive music]

"A cheerful letter or message

is on its way to you."



[in Chinese]

[in Chinese,

then in English] Let's see.

[in English] "No obstacles

will stand in the way

of your success this month."



[in Chinese]

[melancholy music resumes]

"You deserve to have a good time

after a hard day's work."

-Like this.

-Damn right, yeah.

"Your friends will be

truly helpful

in your next month's


[music resumes]

[in Chinese]

[music resumes]

[muted chatter]

I don't understand

what this means.

Is this number

a Chinese omen or something?

[in Chinese]


-How's it going?


What city in Afghanistan

were you born in?


I was born

in Shenzhen.

I was just looking

at the world.

[melancholy music]

Ricky: In Afghanistan,

you have many different

people, right?

Donya: Yes.

Ricky: In China, too.

Did you know

China and Afghanistan

share a border?

Did you know?

Donya: Yes, I did.

Ricky: I think people

who share borders

share many similarities.

Us, we share a border,

so we have similarities.

It's okay to feel lonely


It would be very strange

if people did not feel lonely.

If they did not think

about other possibilities...

about other people.

[music continues]

[music fades]

[both in Dari]

Most Afghans I know

who live in Fremont

work in Fremont.

Why do you have

a job in San Francisco?

I thought it would be good to be

out of Fremont half of the day.

I wake up, I see Afghans.

I go to sleep, the last people

I see, they're Afghans.

And I thought it would be lovely

to see Chinese people sometimes.

You don't enjoy

being with Afghans?

Some of them, yes.

Some of them, no.

Let me tell you a little of

the story of White Fang.

White Fang is the sole survivor

of his family

who were decimated by famine.

And so, he has to learn

to navigate the harsh reality

of the north,

which is k*ll, or be k*lled.

None of his experiences

prepare him for his owner,

who turns him

into a vicious k*ller.

This cruel man has him fighting

other dogs to the death.

And it's during

one of these fights

that White Fang meets his match

in a bulldog

who nearly kills him.

Fortunately, he's rescued

by a man named Scott

who takes White Fang in

and tames him.

He brings him back to California

where White Fang learns to love

Scott and Scott's family.

Now, eventually,

White Fang has puppies

with Collie,

Scott's other dog,

and they live

happily ever after.

He didn't think these things,

Donya, he merely did them.

He wasn't directed

by abstract reasoning,

but by instinct, sensation,

and emotion.

What's the meaning

of "decimated"?

Wiped out.



[in Dari]

[in Dari]

[melancholy music]

I can sell you coffee

if you like.



-No, thanks.


-Black is fine.

-Are you happy working here?

-Yes, thanks.

That'll be $2.50.


[cell phone rings and vibrates]


I think I have a blind date.

I got a text message.

When did this come about?

It's a long story.

Well, this is very unexpected.

Wait, read me the message.

I'll tell you if he's legit.

It's a man, right?

Sounds like he is.

And you're into men, right?

I think so, yes.

Read me the message.

Okay, he says,

"I don't know if

you are still available."

Good, he's polite.

"I would love to see you

at the Asia Blue Pottery shop,

which is on 70 Avenue,


on Saturday afternoon."

Okay, this is getting better.

If he wants to meet somewhere

public, he's not a creep.

And it sounds like maybe

he works at that pottery place,

which is great, too,

because it means he has a job.

So, maybe he's a potter.

He says, "Ask for the deer."


He says, "Ask for the deer."

Someone who has

the nickname "Deer"

can either be very arrogant

or very hot,

-or both of them.

-Or none of them.

I'm gonna lend you my mom's car

to go to Bakersfield.

It's a few hours away.

I don't know if I'm going to go.

Yes. Yes, you are definitely

going to go.

"White Fang, uncompanionable,

solitary, morose,

scarcely looking

to right or left,


forbidding of aspect,

remote and alien,

was accepted as an equal

by his puzzled elders.

They quickly learned

to leave him alone,

neither venturing hostile acts,

nor making overtures

of friendliness.

If they left him alone,

he left them alone.

A state of affairs

that they found,

after a few encounters,

to be pre-eminently desirable.

In mid-summer, White Fang

had an experience.

Trotting along in his silent way

to investigate a new tepee,

which had been erected

on the edge of the village

while he was away with

the hunters after moose,

he came full upon his mother.

He paused and looked at her.

He remembered her vaguely,

but he remembered her,

and that was more

than could be said for her.

She lifted her lip at him

in the old snarl of menace,

and his memory became clear.

His forgotten cubhood...

all that was associated

with that familiar snarl,

rushed back to him.

Before he had known the gods,

she'd been to him

the center pin of the universe."

[blows nose]

White Fang is a very brave dog.

[voice trembling] He's a wolf.

[continues blowing nose]

I relate to him

just like he wasn't accepted

by the other pups...

-[continues blowing nose]

-...because he was a wolf.

I was never accepted

by the other translators

because I'm a woman.

I was separated

from my mother, too,

when I was forced to come here.

It's a very touching story.

I'm glad you love the story

as much as I do.

[in Dari]

I'm Donya.

You're so kind.

Thank you.

I'm happy to be here.

I'm good with anything.

You can order

for the both of us.

[upbeat music plays]

[turns volume up]

[woman sings

in foreign language]

-[song ends]

-[car hood pops open]

Daniel: Hi.

Uh, you need a hand?

No, just

checking the oil.

-You can manage?


All right.

Uh, you sell oil here?

No need to buy it.


-Can you help me?


[grunts softly] Okay. Thanks.

You know how to use

that dipstick, though, right?


Dipstick, yeah, it's...

that right there.

My brother taught me

how to check the oil,

but I never

had to change it.

Well... it's all done.

-There's some oil left in there.

-Thank you.

Dipstick's also an idiot.

It's, uh...

I mean, the...

the word "dipstick"

means "idiot."


Uh, can I leave

the car here?

I'm gonna get

something to eat.

Sure, I was about to go

get something to eat

myself, too, so...

Where are you from?


Where are you headed?

I'm going to


Your accent doesn't sound

very Fremont.

-I'm from Afghanistan.

-You studying?

I'm a writer.

I've never met

an Afghanistani before.


-An Afghan.

You-you're the first

Afghan I've met.

You seem like a friendly people.

[chuckles] We are.

I'm just not a good example.

I'm, um, I'm alone all day,

so that's why I talk so much

during my lunch break.

Actually, thinking I should

hire someone

so I can have someone

to talk to.

I am actually thinking

I should hire someone.

I never understood

how a single mechanic

can bear the responsibility

on his shoulders.

You know, deciding

if a car is good to go.

All responsible jobs,

they're performed in twos.

Right? You think of airline

pilots or surgeons.

Cars carry lives.

What if one day

I'm a bit distracted

or in a very bad mood?


And sometimes,

you just wanna be alone

and eat your sandwich, right?

I have something

I have to do anyway.

Um... can I offer you

a cup of coffee?

I don't drink coffee.

Thank you.

I'm not really

a writer.

I just write

fortune cookie messages,

and usually for

a Chinese restaurant.

I don't eat at Chinese

restaurants very often.

I'll usually

eat my lunch here and, uh...

well, for dinner,

I'll-I'll eat here too.

How much do I owe you?

No, it's on the house.

If you ever come back,

it'll be on the house, too.

Thank you.

It was nice to meet you.

And you.

[woman singing

in foreign language resumes]

[game noises on cell phone]

Welcome to Asia Blue,

may I help you?

I'm looking for the deer.

One second.

[game over sounds]

You work at the cookie factory,


The owner of the factory

is a friend of my boss.

She told me you would've

came today but...

she's been postponing

for one month

and didn't want us

to deliver it.

She didn't wanna pay

delivery fees.

[melancholy music]

Do you want me to wrap it up?

[music continues]

[music fades]

[music plays faintly inside]

[music continues faintly]

[turns music off]

I brought you a deer.

I really wanted one.


[train signal ringing]

[pleasant music]

Just another diamond day

Just a blade of grass

Just another bale of hay

On the horses path

[singer vocalizing]

Just another field

to plough

Just a grain of wheat

Just a sack of seed to sow

And the children eat


Just another life to live

Just a word to say

Just another love to give

And a diamond day


[song ends]

[instrumental music]

[music fades]
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