Exile (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Exile (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Maybe we should just

head home.

You must wanna see the kids.

Oh, I do.

But I'm just trying

to reschedule.

Spend a few nights

with you alone.

That would be good for us.

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.


[car honking]

[child laughing]

Oh. Sorry.

It's okay.

No. I... I should know.

[sighs] They told me that

awkwardness is to be expected.

There's a diner up ahead.

You haven't gone off crullers,

have you?


[voice on phone]


Oh, hi.

Uh... um... I'm wanting to

reschedule with Doctor Frei.

[voice on phone]

Hold please.

[ominous music]


Uh, sorry.

Um... it's been so long. I...

Enjoy it.

I'll be back in a second.

[voice on phone]


Oh. Hello. Hi.

This is, uh, Ted Evans.

I'm calling to reschedule my

appointment with Doctor Frei.

[voice on phone] I'm sorry Ted,

but Doctor Frei

has been missing

for the past two days.

The police are investigating.

It's just so awful.

I know how close you were

with him.

Doctor Pike will be handling

emergency cases from now on.

[dramatic music heightens]

I have no one...

because of you.

I have nothing...

because of you.

From now on...

you're going to be

like me.




[dog barking]

[Sara] Ted, where are you?


I don't...

Don't cry my love,

don't cry no more...

A crashing sky, a rolling


A city drowning,

God's black tears...

I cannot bear

to see you...

She lay under

the midnight moon...

Her restless

body stirring...

Until the magic

morning hour...

Like poison

it succumbs to her...

[wind whistling]

He's early.

You look fabulous.

Oh, really?

It's not me I'm worried about.



I just want another couple

minutes with you.

No, we gotta go.

No, we have a little bit

of time.

[laughing] No, we

really don't.

Come on.

He's here, we gotta go.

But you look so beautiful.

I do but I still can't give you

a compliment.

Okay, two minutes.


I told him not to.

Oh my goodness,

give me that marker.


You're so funny.


[children giggling]


Hey buddy.

[puppy whining]

[ominous music]

Come, boy.

[pupping barking]

Good boy. Come.

[puppy whines]

[dramatic music]

[door closes]

[ominous music]

Like a small bird

on the rise

from the heather...

'Fore you ever heard,

it rose off in

golden weather...

So let it all just cave in,

our world today...

Oh... oh...

[clerk] Great to see you Sue.

Hey, and don't forget the

coconut pie tomorrow night.


Oh, come on down.

I don't bite.

Been a while since

you've been in.

What's your name again?

My dog Jasper goes crazy

for this stuff,

does little backflips

in the morning.

What kinda pooch

you got?

There's a big thing

tomorrow night,

harvest festival, the whole

town's gonna be there.

You should come.

You could come with me.

You can't stay shy

in a town this small.

I could pick you up.

You staying out past

Miller road?

Stop! Enough!

Here. I will need this.

Oh, my...

[keypad beeping]

[shaky breathing]

[dramatic music]

[radio static]

Hey. We got a call from

Marshall's Grocery, right?

[Dispatch] Copy that, 13.

That's confirmed.

Hey buddy.

Can I give you a lift?

Those groceries

look pretty heavy.

I'm good.

Thing is, the manager called.

Seems one of the girls working

the till said you spooked her.

I was doing nothing wrong.

Hey... I hear you, buddy.

If I got picked up every time

I creeped out a girl...

Thing is, they call, I gotta

check it out, get a statement.

You know?

Sorry, what was your name again?



Okay. Come here, Steve.

Station's on the way.

It'll save you 20 minutes

on the road

and it'll take three to write

down that nothing happened.




It's, uh, more paperwork

than I thought.

I'll be out in a sec.

You stole my wallet.



-[bodies thudding]

Not too bright, are ya?


He has no right!


Shut up, psycho.

Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Put him in the back and then

you come to my office.

Right now!


You broke protocol.

His right to

elected notification.

He's a missing person,

not an offender.

Uh... not an offender?

What, did he touch you?

A bit, yeah.


I hear you perjure yourself

again Cole,

you are done here.

You understand me?

You think your father would be

proud of that?


I ran him.

Vehicular manslaughter.


He did a decent stretch.

Three applications for

a restraining order too.


Yeah. A judge denied them all.

Well, who filed them?

He did, against his wife

and kids.


Alright. Thank you.

I want you to go and take

Dawson's statement for that B&E

he had last week.


[clears throat]

I wanna leave.

So, you quit driving, huh?

Easier than drinking,

I suppose.

Here, call your wife.

Call your wife or I'll charge

you with as*ault.

Okay then.

The judge won't be able to

arraign you until the morning.

I'll bring you a pillow.

[dramatic music heightens]

He's in a town called

Powell River,

it's about 10 hours

north of the border.

If I leave now I can be there

first thing.


Are you gonna be okay?

I'm hoping it'll just be

a couple of days.

No, no, no.

Don't worry about the kids.

I've got their schedules,

we're gonna be fine.

Now go.

Okay. I'll call when

I get there.

Just tell them that...

Work conference,

I got it.

You can do this, honey.

Thanks Mom.

Drive safe.

Thank you.

[car engine starts]

Help me find

the silver lining

here at the end...

Run your finger

all along the edge...

I feel worn out,

almost torn,

like an old leather belt...

Broken here but smooth

everywhere else...

Help me find

the silver lining...

What has it meant?

I wonder, was it worth

the fortune spent?

[chief] Hi. He's right

through here.

[ominous music]

No. No. No, no, no!

No, no, no!

No! No!


You shouldn't be here!

Ted, it's okay.

Calm down, Ted.

[Sara] I'm here for you.

[chief] Ted, you really need

to talk to her, man.

[sobbing] You k*lled her!

You k*lled... she k*lled her.

You k*lled her.

Okay. It's okay, I'll leave.

Okay? I hate upsetting you.

I just... I just wanted to see

that you were okay.

[sobbing] He'll see you.

He'll see you.

He'll see you!



[melancholy music]

I'm sorry.

I don't know what the hell's

going on here.

[melancholy music]

The system's failing him.

I'm just happy to know

he's alright.

You know, physically at least.

He really believes this McGrath

character is out there.


I just find it hard to, uh,

to understand how a man

can walk away from his family

without any good reason.

You know?

Ted's accident destroyed

McGrath's family.

His wife and kids died.

I mean, McGrath lived,


It destroyed Ted too.

He can't forgive himself,

can't live with what he's done.

He spent five years in prison.

He could've been paroled

in two... never applied.

I have no real case

for officer as*ault but, uh...

Charging him will get him back

into the system at least.

Please don't do that.

When he was inside...

I know. I read his file.

Thank you for calling.

But... until he stops believing

someone's out there,

he'll never come home.

Well, you came all this way.

I... I wish there was more

I could do for you but, uh...

Could you give him this?

He won't take it from me.


Thank you.


[clears throat]

Okay, she's been gone

for two hours.

But if you insist on

staying here

I'm gonna have to put you

in a cell.

Can I have my backpack?

Right. Be back in a minute.

[dramatic music]

Oh, there you are.

You know, if you need anything

just, uh...

You're welcome.

[branches snapping]

[heavy breathing]

[ominous music]

I did not speak with her!

You hear me?

I'm following your rules!



[dramatic music]



[ominous music]


[Ted] What should I do then?

I'm running out of some ideas.

[child] Um... do a big heart.

Like a...

[Ted] Oh, I know what to do.

Have you seen this tree?


[child] Oh! That's

actually good.

[Ted] Da da da dun!

You have a heart.

-[child] You think Mom's gonna

like this.

-[Ted] I think so.

[child] Needs more glue.

-[Ted] Look. U, R...

-[child] U, R...

-Oh, my gosh it's amazing.

-U R pretty.

[children giggling]

[child] I wanna go back to bed.

[Ted] The sooner you finish,

the sooner you can.

Why can't we do it tomorrow?

Because it's today.

You forgot, didn't you?

No, I didn't.


[Sara] I see nothing.




[child] We're totally busted.


[guard] Single file.

Single file.

I have a message for you.

Are you listening?

Ted, are you listening?

Don't look.

You get out next week, Ted.

Five years.

For k*lling my wife and kids.

Stop man, I need you

to hear this.

Hearing what I say is the only

way to save your family.

Five years.

Not nearly enough.

I have no one because of you.

I have nothing because of you.

From now on, you're going

to be like me.


You stay away from my family.

Your family is safe.

Unless you speak to them.

You speak to them,

you try to have a relationship

with them...

I'll take them away from you.

You try to have a relationship

with anyone...

they go.

I'll be watching.

From today on, you're exiled.

You hear me?

You piece of shit.

You leave this room

and you live alone.

The way you left me.

I don't wanna be a k*ller, Ted.

Like you.

But I will...

if you make me.

[taser zapping]


[dramatic music]

[fire crackling]

What the f*ck?

No. No.

No! No! No!

Sara, you shouldn't be here.

Get me out!

I know this terrifies you and

I know you don't believe this

but you have nothing

to be afraid of.

Did he see you?

You have nothing to fear.

Answer me!

This is gonna be hard for you,

for both of us,

but we're gonna get

through this together.

What are you doing, Sara?

I know you can't see it

but there's no one out there.

I'm staying here with you

and no one is gonna come

for me.

No one is gonna punish you

for being with me.

You'll see.

You don't have to do this.

You're not safe here.

You have to go, now!

I'm gonna get some things

from the car.

No. Wait, wait! No!

Once he sees you... don't go.

I'm not trying to hurt you,


I'll stay 'till you're

not so upset.

No, just... please.

If you take this...

I'm... I'm already taking...

You're not. I looked around.

Okay. Okay.

But you don't go outside,

just promise me.

Promise me.



Why did you come?

You don't know

what you've done.

[crying] I wish...

I'm gonna get you better.

I promise.


Feel better?

I need to go back to the car.

'Kay? It's a bit of a trek.

No. Don't.

You... you promised me.

That was a one-time offer,

just to help you adjust.

Sara, wait.

Wait, wait, wait.


In the drawer.

[dramatic music]

I'll be fine.

You'll see.

No. Don't... don't... Sara.

Take it with you.

It'll protect you.

That's not how this is

gonna work.

Sara. Don't go out there!

Sara! Listen to me!

[muffled yelling]

[dramatic music]

[indistinct conversation]

[chief] ...Well done.

[Officer Riggs] Okay.

Ah, Cole.


You investigate

that Dawson case?

Guy lost a puppy.

What are we, the SPCA now?

Did you inventory the property

of that missing person


Yeah. It's, uh... in...

in the...

Here you go, Chief.

Thank you.



[car alarm chirps]

Sara. Sara, listen to me.

He's here.

Please listen to me.

The dog, I have a dog.

I tied him up.

And he's not here.

He's taken him, I know it.

Dogs get away all the time.

Look, it looks like he chewed

his way out.

No, he's here.

Listen to me.

Look, you have

to cut me loose.

If he comes back I'm not gonna

be able to help you.

I'll go find him.

You... You really think

I'm insane.

I think...

I think you need to ask yourself

a few questions.

How would someone watch you,

out here,

alone in the woods?

How would he even find you?

I had our friends, family,

private investigators...

everyone looking for you

for a year.

Not a trace.

So, how can you think someone's

out there watching you?

I'll go find your dog.

You think I'm gullible?

Like, really how f*cking

gullible are you?

Look, let's be honest.

Has it ever crossed

your mind

that I just don't wanna be

f*ckin' around you?

That maybe I just don't want

our shitty life together?

Or have you just been walking

around like you're a prize?

You just could never imagine

that I would never wanna spend

another day with you.

I know what you're trying

to do.

Yeah? Well, just tell me.

Have you thought about that?

Because I was in jail

for five years

thinking about how

I wasted my life.

And I told myself that I wasn't

gonna waste my life

or do anything that

I didn't wanna do.

Not be with anybody

that I didn't wanna be with.

This won't work.

Look, I'm happy here

in this sh*thole.

So why don't you just leave?

Get outta here.

Leave me alone.

I'm gonna go outside.


And why don't you call Richard

while you're at it?

Need another shoulder to cry on?

Another d*ck to suck?

Hey, f*ck you!

I get it, I was in jail.

I made one mistake,

one f*cking mistake.

You call f*cking someone

a mistake?

It's not a mistake.

Convincing someone

they wanna be with you

for the rest of your life,

that's a mistake.

You think this is about McGrath

and not about you?

How f*cking gullible

can you be?

Stop this.

Why don't you just leave

and go call Richard

or whoever it is that

you're f*cking.



[tranquil music]


Here, boy.

[mysterious music]


Let's see.

[dramatic music]

[wolf howling]

[nervous breathing]

[wolf growls]


[wolf snarls]


[wolf snarls]

Go! Go!


It's beautiful out here.


I realize to you, me coming

here looks like an attack.

It's not what I want this

to be.

I want you to hear me but it's

only fair that I hear you too.

Why don't you tell me why you

believe McGrath is out here?

Why? You saw something,

didn't you?

Actually, I did.

I saw your dog last night.

In the jaws of a wolf.

Sometimes we convince ourselves

we're certain of things

that just aren't true.

And sometimes we need

someone else

to show us another perspective.

So you said McGrath visited you

in prison.

Tell me what happened.

He said he would k*ll you...

and the kids.

Anyone who I tried to have

a relationship with.

It was real.

And it was him,

you're sure?

So, you saw him then,

his face.

He was talking to me through

the prisoner behind me.

But you say you saw him.

I know it was him from what

the prisoner was saying.

There's something you need

to see, okay?

What's this?

McGrath's su1c1de note.

He mailed it to you... at prison

and he sent a copy

to our house.

It was addressed to you.



You can see that he was trying

to hurt you, emotionally,

I mean.

You can see that.

Frei wanted to wait

to show it to you

'till after you were released.

When did you receive this?

Six months before you believe

he visited you.

McGrath is dead.

He has been for some time.

He k*lled himself.

And they found his body.

The handwriting is a match.


The police investigated.

They found his things in order,

signs he was preparing for this.

Cached info on his computer

on how to drown yourself.

He had a boat that went missing.

He did it.

You can't be 100 percent


Neither are you.

You didn't see him.

You haven't seen him.

How come you believe it?

I know what you're trying

to do.

To convince me I'm wrong.

What if I can convince you

that you're wrong?

That you're in actual

danger here?

Then I would leave.

Did you know that there's

a camera out there

in the trees, pointing toward

this cabin.

Now, I noticed it there

about three weeks ago.

And I didn't wanna touch it

because I didn't want him

to know that I know.

Look, if we go out there,

we can know what has happened

to the dog,

we can see everything.

Okay. Yeah.


Now you just have

to cut me loose

and I'll show you where it is.

No, there's no need.

I know where it is.

I can get it.

Wait, no... Sara, please.

You can't go out there. You...

I'll take this.

I'll be fine.

No. Come...

I'll be fine.

I don't want you to get hurt!

Sara, please don't do this!

You leave her alone!

Don't hurt her!

Don't hurt her!


[metal scraping]



[phone alert chimes]

[dramatic music]

[breathing heavily]



What, you tracked me?


I'm just gonna follow you.

Okay? Let's just go back.

I'm still willing to keep

my end of the deal.

Let's just go look

at the camera.

Look, whatever it shows,

you're just gonna fit it

to your story.

You already made up your mind.

Look, that wolf takes the dog

and then buries it at night.

And then the next day

it just digs it up?

I'm not the one

making up stories.

It just doesn't make sense.

The stupid dog getting eaten

by a wolf does make sense.

This... this doesn't make sense.

You spent five years in jail

just to get out and lock

yourself away again.

How does that make sense?

I know you're sick...

I am not-

...and you're here because

you think you deserve this.

But I don't deserve this.

Chasing after you,

trying to rebuild our family.

I've told you, leave!

Well you don't get to tell me

when this life we made ends!

Not then and not now!

Come on, let's just go back.

Sara... I love you so much,

and the kids.

Look, whatever I said

in the cabin...

I didn't mean any of it,

none of it. Okay?


I know he's out to hurt me.

If he hurts you...

He won't come if I'm dead.


I just need you to know

that everything, all of this,

it's for us.

Ted, please don't.

I can't see you hurt.


I can't.

[g*n cocks]

I don't want you hurt.

[g*n clicks]

Wait... wait.

[g*n clicks]


-[taser zaps]




Where is it?

[groggily] What?

Your vodka.

I haven't had a drink

since the crash.


[phone buzzes]

Ah, there you are.

I can't do this.


Maybe you should...

you should think about

coming home.

For the kids.

They okay?

[Karen] Yes, they're fine.

But they miss you

and they're expecting

a pretty big present

for a conference this long.

Maybe a puppy.


It didn't occur to me that...

I might be doing

more harm than good.

If I hadn't removed the b*ll*ts

beforehand, he would...

[Karen] Yeah, but you did,

and he isn't.

You prepared yourself.

I didn't prepare for this.


I didn't think it

would be so...

I mean, I knew it wouldn't be.

I knew that he was sick,

I just...

I didn't think...

I don't know what I thought.

[Karen] Maybe it's best you come

home... for the both of you.

Maybe. Maybe.

I thought I'd leave this.

That you'd eventually accept

what it proves.

I assume you don't want these.

I'm taking the g*n.

And I'll only let you free

if you promise

not to hurt yourself.

I love you, Sara.

[crying] f*ck you. f*ck you.

I'll leave.

I'll leave.

But first you have to tell me...

how'd you choose?

I just wanna know.

I'm done trying to change

your mind, just tell me.

How'd you choose?

Like, you're right.

I can't be 100 percent certain

that McGrath is dead.

You know, I know there's

no evidence he's alive,

no evidence he's watching you.

That he's here or he ever

has been.

I know he wrote a su1c1de note

and hasn't been seen since.

But that's not quite...

I mean, it's not exactly

the same as knowing he's dead.

I can admit that.

And in that same way,

I know that you can't be certain

that you're right

about him being alive.

That even if he is alive that

he's out here doing this to you.

I mean, deep down

you know that.

Right? You aren't sure.

So what I'm asking is,

how did you choose?

'Cause that's what you did.

You chose to walk away from us,

from me, the kids.

You let us suffer.

After the years we stood

with you waiting...

[crying] waiting... for our

life to start again.

Only to have you steal it

away again.

Leave us wondering what

the f*ck happened to you,

where you were.

You're choosing to let our

children grow up without you.

With just me, like this...


That's a choice.

You're making a choice.

You could choose to live with

the guilt that you rightly feel

for what you did and work

to salvage what we have left!

But you're choosing to run!

He'll k*ll you.

See, that's how!

That's f*cking how!

You tell yourself that so that

it's not really a choice, right?

You convince yourself you're

doing it for us, to save us,

but that's bullshit.

And I am gonna make you

own that.

I'll leave.

But not before I take that

excuse away from you.

And then you'll have to face

that you picked a side.

And you'll have to live

knowing that you chose

to walk away from us.

Sara. Sara...

what are you doing?


Sara, you come back inside!

Let's talk, just come in!

Why talk?

You don't believe me,

I don't believe you.

Let's just find out.

Either he'll come or he won't.

Here I am, McGrath.

Talking to my husband.

Breaking your rules.

Sara, you stop!


Look, I'll... there is a reason

why I believe.

You just have to come in

and I'll tell you.

No more talk, Ted.

[music plays

over headphones]

[Ted] Sara. Sara... come inside!

[voice muffled]


[music plays

over headphones]

[woman] Hey big daddy.

You want a date?

Ah, very nice.


Hey old man.

It'll cost more than that.

I just want some information,

that's all.


Don't let that bright face

fool you.

She's no angel.

You know she's missing.

Hey. I don't like it

when that happens

but she knew what she was

getting into.

Always tried to roll the John's.

Get a picture of him.

thr*aten to tell the wives.

You play those games,

what do you expect?

That bullshit's bad

for the rest of us.

You ever see her

with this guy?

A couple weeks

before she disappeared.

He was here.

With her?


And did he ever seem nervous,

like he was afraid somebody

would see them?

He seemed really eager

for some company.

Notice if he...

they go anywhere?

All I know is that he was here,

talking with her.

You think he's dangerous.

[man] Hey! Let's go!

I gotta go.

Thank you.

Mister, you got any more

of those bills?


I, uh... was a friend of


Oh, yeah.

If she's still with us I might

know where she is.

Look, I'm not...

I'm not interested in supporting

your drug habit, okay?

'Kay... 'kay...

It's a ways from here.

[birds chirping]

[tranquil music]

[shower running]

I was thinking that maybe

I should do the same.

Okay. Uh, just...

Uh, give me a minute.

[dramatic music]

[door slams]

You put this up!

You did have doubts!

Look, not at first.

Look, I've been out here

for such a long time

that I just wondered.

So I put it out there

to see him.

How long ago?

What, a month?

Three months?

Six months?

You saw nothing that whole time

and still you stayed?

Of course I stayed.

[crying] What do you think

it feels like

to realize that you might

be crazy?

Wasting all this time.

Away from you, the kids...

I just... I can't...

Like, to think I put you guys

through this for what?


How do you admit it?

If I was wrong, like, I couldn't

come home. I just...


How am I supposed to live

with this, I don't know.

And I know you're here for me.

And you're out there looking

and there's nothing.


Like, I really... I believed,

I believed.

I know.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

It's okay.

[phone vibrating]


How are they?

Great. Good.

Uh... I don't know, Mom,

probably tomorrow.

He's not the same

but it's still him.

It's still him.

[phone beeping]

Uh... just tell the kids

that I love them and,

uh, that I'll be home soon.

Okay? Just that.

I'll call you tonight

when we've set a plan.



Sorry. I didn't mean

to wake you.

[guitar strumming]

Darling, I am the wind

in the trees.

Just a howling my tune

in the leaves.

Here you go.

But the year is getting on.

Pretty soon I'll be gone.

But I'll be back again

next spring.

[clears throat]

We're just closing up.

So... is it, uh, Nicole

or Felicity?


It's Carmen now.


Picture doesn't do you justice.


Nice to meet you too.

Is that it?


There's a lot here that I don't

wanna bring home.

I have to call my mom back,

let her know when to expect us.


You don't have a phone,

do you?


There's nothing here.

I've got a back-up battery

in the car.

Well, why don't we just call her

tomorrow on our way back?

Uh, I told her I'd call tonight

with our plans.

She'll be worried

if I don't check in.


Well, it's a long hike,

so I'll go get it.

I'll be back. Trust me.

I don't.

If you're gonna leave,

you'll leave.

I've done all I can do.

It's a little north of where

we were on the service road.

I know the road.

[ominous music]

[phone rings]

Oh... Yeah.

Hey Cole.

Look, I need you to do something

for me right now.

You know that missing person,



Just... just listen to me.

His whole story was an act,

so I want you to listen

very carefully,

and do exactly as I say.


[ominous music]

[dramatic music heightens]

[thunder crashing outside]

[dramatic music heightens]

[car tires squealing]

[dramatic music]

No. No.


Hey you!


[dramatic music]



[branch snaps]



You sure you can't be

more precise with the location?

It was in the woods

off that road,

I told you.

It's the best I can do.

It's, like... the woods,

you know?

Okay. Take me through

this again.

So, he... he lures you

out to this place.

He paid me to go out

there... a lot.

I mean... it wasn't the most

glamorous thing I've done

with a guy, but...

I don't know.

He seemed soft.

I wasn't as scared

as you'd think.

I mean, the cash helped.

So, what?

Takes you out to the cabin,

you have sex for a couple days?

Not even.

He wasn't interested.

He just wanted to sit

outside together

and go for walks

on the beach.

Five hundred a day

just to go for a stroll.



How long was that?

We agreed a week although

he said he might wanna extend.

But you left after four days.

So what spooked you?

Must've been pretty bad

to make you leave town.

[dramatic music]

[shaky breathing]

[shaky breathing]

[dramatic music heightens]


Well, why the hell would you

think that?

I called her house,

her mom answered.

Said Mrs. Evans

has been gone

since we called her

to the station.

I pressed her a bit and well...

she said she's with Ted.

Oh, for f*ck's sakes.

Ah! Jesus!

[voicemail recording]

Hi, this is Sara.

I'm not able to take your call

right now.

Please leave a message.


Mrs. Evans... Sara.

I know that you have Ted

in the house with you.

Listen to me, it's not safe.

Get out of there immediately

and give me a call.

This is serious.

[breathing shakily]

[sobbing quietly]

Sara! Sara. Hey, don't worry.

It's me.

[bone crunches]


[breathing shakily]


I know what it looks like.

Don't go outside, I saw him.

Give me my keys.

Don't go outside.

Give me my car keys, Ted!

I just...

I don't wanna know.

I don't wanna know what you do.

Just, please just...

I will leave. You were right.

Just please, just give me

my keys.

I'll give you the keys.

Just... look, just hear me out.

Look, we couldn't be together

if McGrath was out there.

I had to stop him.

And he couldn't show himself

unless I broke the rules.

To meet someone,

hang out with them,

and that's what I did.

[crying] I don't understand.

I was with a woman and I paid

her but it wasn't like that.

It was just to be out

in the world, to be seen.

And then I tried

to bring her here.

I wanted her to be safe until

he came so I could k*ll him.

This place was for her to be

safe and hidden and quiet.

Stopping him was

the only way

that I could see you

and the kids.

[crying] I don't know who you

are anymore.

Just please give me my keys.

Okay. Look, I'm hurt.


I'm gonna lower my purse down.



I just want you to just

put the keys in there.


Just put the keys in there.

[groaning in pain]

I didn't hurt her.

I didn't.

I did this for us.

You have to understand.

I do, Ted. I do.

Go to the car and leave.

Don't use your flashlight,

he'll see you.

You promise not

to hurt yourself.


Just take the g*n.

Just take it.


Is anything broken?

No. I'm good, I'm good.


[dramatic music]



[car alarm chirps]


Sorry to startle you ma'am,


You're still here.

Chief just learned some

disturbing information

about your husband and we need

to speak with him.

I'm assuming, ma'am,

that you can point us

towards his location?

He wants to be left alone.

Thing is, that's not really

true now, is it?

Now I know he made a big show

trying to make us all believe

that that's what

he really wanted.

But, uh, some... sex workers

the Chief spoke to

they said he was actually

quite interested

in their companionship.

You already knew that.

Ted hasn't done

anything illegal.

He's a danger to himself,

no one else.

Well part of my job, ma'am,

is protecting people

from themselves.

So, I'm gonna ask you again,

where is he?

I apologize.

I'm sorry.

Now... I know this

can be difficult.

But you gotta understand

that these women,

they gave us where your

husband's general location is.

So, we know he's out here

and we're gonna find him soon.

So... you won't be

betraying him.

You'll be helping him.

You'll be helping us,

all of us,

searching around in these

cold woods for a couple nights.

About five miles straight up.

He's hiding in an emergency


on the side of the mountain.

Thank you.

Tell him I'm sorry.

And he's hurt, make sure he gets

the help he needs.

Oh, I will.

Now I'm not one for giving

advice, ma'am,

but I strongly recommend

you drive home.

I can't imagine this is

still the man

that you've been looking for.

[engine starts]


[groaning in pain]

[branch snaps]

[branches rustling]

[dramatic music]



Sara! Sara!!!


[wolf whines]

[dramatic music]


Sara, are you okay?

You're hurt.

It's not mine, it's his.

You were right.

He was here.

I'm so sorry.

I should've believed you.

Are you sure he's dead?

He grabbed me right here.

He was... he was on top of me

so quickly,

I... I shot him twice

and then he toppled in.

I really wanna get out of here.

I shot a man and the police

are looking for you.

I don't want to get

into trouble.

Why would you?

You didn't k*ll him.

I mean, as far as anybody

is concerned,

he's already k*lled himself.

You have nothing

to worry about.

We have nothing

to worry about.

Thank you.

Let's get outta here.

[Ted] Alright, guys.

Take it easy on me.

Look both ways.

Race you to the park!


[Karen] Didn't take long

to get back to this.

Is he okay?

Much better.

Seeing the doctor,

he's getting healthy,

he's really working hard.

You did good, Sara.

You did really good.

You know what?

I'm gonna head back.

I'm gonna get supper going

for you guys.

Oh, I can do it.

No, no, no, no, no.

You stay.




[Ted] Enemy airplane!

Enemy airplane!

-No, I need your help!

-[Sara laughs]

[Ted] Another turn!

Come on, JR.

No! Hey!
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