Wrong Swipe (2016)

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Wrong Swipe (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

That's right,

I'm not gonna bid...

Hey Mr. Taylor.

- Hey!

Don't you have your

own home to go to, boy?


- Food's way better here.

Yeah? Well, I hope you left

some for me.

I tried, but you know,

fat Anna over here.

Hey! - Wow, wait a minute.

What are you five?!

No. - Honey,

your dinner's in the microwave.

You guys have a party, huh?

Anna, did they put you

up to this again?

What, no, I swear,

I only gave them each

one glass of wine.

Yeah, so you

could drink the rest.

Hey, we're celebrating

your promotion, daddy.

Without me.

- Yeah.

I didn't finish mine.

Here you can have the rest.

Yeah, I hope not

'cause you still need to go

move your car out

of the driveway

so mom can get

to work tomorrow, all right?

No, Sasha parked it there.

Man, I am so beat.

So I'm just gonna..

- Yeah, right.

You jerk!

Fine, I'll move it.

I'll do it.

Hey. I got it.


You guys just help

your mother clean up

before she actually

breaks something, okay?

Come on!

- Put yourself to use.

Be productive.

I'll be right back.

Bye, daddy!

- Bye.


Hey, hey, you don't

have to do that, no.

What was that?





What the hell?

I swear, that ottoman

came out of nowhere.


Ooh, fancy a midnight match?

We were just at this epic

white knights party at Hosies.

Sorry, we didn't mean

to wake you up.

We tried not to,

but clearly Sasha had

too many White Russians that

just washed away her senses.


You love my

White Russian breath.

Be more careful next time.


Matty, I really want

a grilled cheese.


Sorry, Anna.

Don't worry about her.

She's just cranky old lady.


- No, come on!

Thank you.

- No!

Sorry again

about last night, Anna.

- It's fine.

- You should have come with us.

Yeah, why didn't you?

Yeah, and you should have

come with me to see Mom.

But thanks for making me

go alone again.

You know I can't stand

to see her like that, Anna.

Okay, like what?

I'm not trying to intrude.

it's just she never

talks about it.

Yeah, it's just

ever since dad died,

mom doesn't want

to leave the house.

So I have to go get her

groceries, get her medication.

She's being diagnosed

as an agoraphobe.

Which is just some lame


for being a reclusive mess.

She just lives off daddy's

life insurance,

waiting to join him.

I can't take it, Anna.

You think I like

taking care of her?

Or you, for that matter.

Hey, I don't need

to be taken care of.

- Well, Anna...

- Pick it up.

from now on,

I'll be here to help you,

because she obviously needs

the assistance.

Whatever, Matty.

I take care of you, too.

Remember back in high school?

Back then, you were just boring.

Now look at you.


I wasn't boring.

I was just... I was, um...

I was a wallflower.

Google translated... boring.

Don't listen to her, Matty.

I think you're just fine.

She's just jealous she had

to cheat her way

through senior year.


I mean...

she doesmake a mean bowl

of cereal though, so...

I know, right?

That should have been in

my online dating profile.

You had me at "Lucky Charms."

You had me at "Lucky Charms."

Do I need to be excused?


- Come on, don't be jealous.

No, I'm fine.

You just need

some hugs and kisses

back in your life, too, Anna.

Thank you, I'm fine.

Come on, you haven't dated

anyone since Nate.

You really need to "hashtag

fix your life already."

I'm good.

Just maybe Sasha

has a point, though.

College is meant to be

the best years of your life.

You can't spend it all studying.

Just saying.

Time to set up a Swipe profile.


No, no way.

All the guys on that are

just looking to hook up.

Think I'll swipe "no"

to getting an STD, thank you.


No STDs here.

If she doesn't want to do it,

don't make her do it.

Yeah, but if it wasn't

for Swipe,

you and I would have

never reconnected.

Well, in that case,

if you want a super-sweet,


computer science geek,

then you should download Swipe.

Look, I am really happy

for you guys.

I am so glad you reconnected

and everything,

but maybe if you had have

spent less time Swiping

and more time studying,

you wouldn't be on

the six-year plan right now.


What are you doing?

Helping you out.

That's my phone.

Put it down.

Profile pic.

That hot photo of you

at Six Flags.

Just gotta crop Nate

out of there.


- User name, Anna Banana.

Stop it, Sasha, I'm not kidding.

- User name, Anna Banana.


Criminal law.

Give me my phone.

- Travel.

Give me my phone.

Get her!

And home-made lasagna!

Desired age-range.

- No!



- Okay, fine.


No! Sash!

And we're set!


- Here we go.

Ken, 25, NSA fun.


No strings attached.

Ew, swipe down.

Bye, Ken.

You see, this is what

I am talking about.

Now would you please just

give me my damn phone?!

Todd, 23, "wine and cheese

if you please."

Aw, he sounds honest.

Swipe up.


No! No! No!

I cannot believe

you just did this.

Come on, you big baby, it's fun.

All right,

hate to interrupt this, ladies,

but I think I'm gonna bow out

before this turns into a...

Bye, babe.

- See ya.

Bye, Anna.


What are you doing?

Goodbye, Swipe.

Wait, don't delete it.

Sash, this is just not my thing.

Because studying is your thing.

I get it.

But that's not an excuse

to completely neglect

your personal life.

Law school

is not gonna get any better

and when you start practicing,

it's probably gonna get worse.

You will always have

too much work to do,

so stop using it as an excuse.

You're right.


Okay, a few dates.

Of mychoosing.


Good, now,

I have to get out here

before I'm late for class.

I know that sound.

You have a new crush on Swipe.

See? It's fun.

Don't you want to click

on "crush" to find out who?

About as much as you

want to get ready

for your Art History class.

- Fine. Fine.

Happy Swiping, sis.

Anna, right?

I'm... I'm Todd.

We're a match.

On Swipe.

We're a match on Swipe.

Todd. Todd.

Sorry, just searching

for your profile.


- Sorry, I'm...

No, yeah.

- I didn't know Swipe just threw you

into the lion's den like this.

- Yeah, they do. Rawr.


Wine and cheese connoisseur?

Yes. Anna, right?

23, fan of Italian food

and Inkatrail.




Never mind, sorry.

I'm new to all of this.


I'm your first match?


I'm very flattered by that.


you'll totally get used to it.

It's super easy.

You're on your way to Murphy's

Criminal Law class, right?

How did you know?

I'm in that class, too.

- You are?

Yeah, do you want

to walk together?


sure, yeah.

- Cool, great.

No, it's so crazy,

I was Swiping this morning,

and I was like, my, God,

that's the, like,

really beautiful girl

from my Criminal Law class.

So next class,

I'll be getting you guys started

on the newest module

in which we address

the issue of Mens Rea,

mental state

of a suspected criminal.

Please read the comment

section on your essays

where improvement is needed.

Feel free to see me

if you have any questions.

Have a good one.

Hey, Anna.

So let's go on that date

this week.

Yeah, I'll have to see

if I have time, but...

Great, I'll Swipe-message you.


Your Code of Ethics essay

was impressive.

Very insightful.

Really nice work, Anna.

Thank you.

I'll see you Tuesday.


Guess it could be Nate.

It's kind of strange

he doesn't have a name

on his profile, though.

Why do you care

if he has Swipe anyway?

You're the one who dumped him.

- No, I don't care.

It's just I find it weird that

he doesn't have a real profile.

Maybe he's embarrassed

to have Swipe, you know,

just checking things out,

trying to keep it anonymous.

Well, if it isNate,

it's pretty creepy.

You know, they really

should have a better grip

on what your profile requires.

This woman in Phoenix

got assaulted

after some guy on Swipe

just showed up at her doorstep.

Some crush.

She must be bad at picking men,

that's for sure.

And wine and cheese guy?

He just ran up to me at school.

He's in one of my classes.

He is a little weird.

Okay, so you had a bad pick.

Sometimes you gotta kiss

some frogs before...

Please! You Swiped him,

not me, remember?

Fine. Fine.

Let's Swipe someone

you do like, okay?

Come on, break it out.

Nope. Nope.

Hello, Pete.

"Good guy looking

for a nice girl,

no games,

no expectations."


And a smiley face.

Aw, he gives me a smiley face.

Message him.

Ask him out.


No, I don't think so.


Is that Jake Hart

from high school?

Yeah, looks like him.

If someone twice his size

ate him for lunch.

Swipe up, let's see.

He's already messaged you?

What does it say?

"Yo, gorgeous.

Any plans tonight?"


He wants to go out now?

That's not gonna happen.

Swipe doesn't work if you

don't actually meet the guy.

Yeah, but I have

to study tonight.


I need to study.

Don't I?

Well, I guess...

What are you gonna wear?

Let's go pick out an outfit.

You need to study!

Hey, Jake?

Hey, if it isn't

"straight-As" Anna Taylor.


Wow, you look gorgeous.

Thank you.


Yeah, you want to sit down?

You want a beer?


A white wine, thank you.

Can I see your ID please?

- Yeah.

Yeah, I bet you didn't

recognize me, right?

Yeah, I put on 34 lbs. of

pure muscle since high school.

You want to feel?


- Yeah, go ahead.

Okay. Ooh.

Yeah, it's hard, right?

I mean, you look great.


So what have you been doing?

I'm just finishing up Norton.

I'm about to start law school.

You know I almost went there?

Did you? I didn't know that.

I really like it.

Yeah, it's nice.

I have to...

I have to confess something.

I've had a massive crush

on you since high school.

I didn't know that.


I mean, you were like

the unobtainable good girl,

and I always thought

you were better than me

until you Swiped me.

I never thought

I was better than anyone,

but I was dating Nate Copeland.

Yeah, that actor.


Yeah, theater guy?

- Yeah.

Well, I'm glad you guys

broke up.

I have to take this, excuse me.




There she is.

I missed you, gorgeous.

Well, I'm sorry,

but you're gonna miss me more.

I have to go.

What are you talking about?

You just got here.

You haven't even taken

a sip of your wine yet.

Wow, that is awful.

Um, that was my mom

on the phone.

I have to get back,

talk to her about some email.

An email?

- Or something.

But this was great.

Maybe we can do it

again sometime?

Take care.

Hey, how'd it go with Jake?

Don't ask.

Was she on a date?

I guess it didn't go so well.


She's awake.

So tell me what happened

with Jake.

He is the same big

dumb beefcake he was in school

only bigger and is it possible

he could be dumber?

Are you all right?

Yeah, just light-headed.

It hit me last night.

I felt all groggy,

and then I just passed out hard.

How much did you have to drink?

Only half a glass.

Probably just cheap wine.

Or maybe Jake roofied you.

I wasn't serious.

No, it's just I did get up

to take a call from mom.

I'm glad I didn't finish

the whole glass.

Anna Banana?

You are paranoid.


I'm sure it was just

the cheap booze.

Here, eat something.

You'll feel better.

Hey, gorgeous.


How do you know where I live?

You forgot this

at the bar last night.

Hey, Sasha.

- Hey.

How are you?

- Not too bad.

We were just wondering

whether or not you tried

to roofie Anna last night,

that's all.

I don't know what

you're talking about.

Wait, didyou try and roofie her?

What?! No. No way.

No, I mean, you think

that I would do that?

But you just hesitated

like you weren't sure.


you guys are freakin' crazy

if that's what you're trying

to accuse me of.

Jake, no one's accusing you

of anything.

Nowthey did.

Bye, Jake.

Sasha, what if it

wasjust the booze?

Then he's gonna have

to think harder next time

he invites a classy lady

to some dumpy dive bar again.

Come on, it's nice out.

Let's go for a run.

So did you ever get a message

from the maybe-Nate?

Yeah, it was another stalker.

What do you mean?

It said we were meant

to be together.


I did get a nice one

from Pete, though.

Aw, what did it say?


Aw, that's cute.

Yeah, he wants to go out

tomorrow night.

I'm not sure if I'm ready.


Of course you are.

Okay, so you had one bad


Move on.

Do you know how many bad dates

I had to go on

before I reconnected with Matt?

The freak took me to the store

to buy condoms

on my first date?

- That's still kind of funny.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Laugh it up.

Pick yourself up

and get back out there.

Don't let one rotten apple

ruin it.

Pete does seem kind of normal.

It was honestly the same for me.

My business partner's wife

sat over my shoulder

and made me create

my Swipe profile one night

while we're having drinks.

She said I needed a girlfriend

so we could go on double dates,

so I caved.

I get it.

She was probably sick

of being the only girl.

Hey, I'm sick of being

the third wheel.

Yeah, I get that, too.

It's the same with my sister

and her boyfriend.

They're a lot to swallow.

Well, maybe we can go on

a double date with them sometime

if I don't scare you

off tonight.

I'm not scared.


What's life like

as an architect?

It's... it's great now.

My buddy Max and I used

to work for this big firm

that really exploited us,

so we both quit

and started our own company.

It's actually one year ago today

that we went on our own.

In fact, I...

I cancelled this dinner

with the team tonight

to hang out with you.


Y-you shouldn't have done that.

I wanted to.

I'm glad I did.

Yeah, me too.

So, tell me more about those

law school plans of yours.

Well, I'm gonna UCLA in the fall

for their accelerated

law-degree program.

I want to be out in two years.

- Wow, that seems fast.

A girl's got to get a job.

- I guess so.

It should be okay.

just got to stay focused.

I don't doubt it.

Your parents must be very proud.

Yeah, um...

my dad past away five years ago.

But you're right.

He would have been proud.

He was an attorney himself.

I'm sorry for your loss.

How about some dessert?

They have a k*ller

crme brle here.

Ooh, that sounds good.

yeah, my friend

from work recommended it.

Glad you like it.

Anna, hey.

Nate. Hi.

How... what are you...

I worked late.

I was grabbing some takeout.


- Hey.

Pete, this is Nate.

Nate, this is Pete.

So... how's it going?

Long time no see.


Really long time.

I'm... I'm good.

You still in school?

How's Sasha?

Yeah, she's good, happy.

She's dating Matt Crawely.

I don't know if you remember.

Yeah, yeah.

Matt is... odd paring.

I thought so, but you know what?

It works.

And this is...

My friend.

I'm sorry.

You look really great.

It was nice to see you.

Nice to meet you, man.

Old flame, huh?

Theold flame.

Thought I smelled smoke.


Okay, fine.

You always do that.

- Hey.

- Don't f*cking touch that.



So, how was it?

Do I hear wedding bells?

Are you in love?

Will you calm down?

It was her first date.

But seriously, how was it?

It was really nice.

He wants to go out again

this weekend,

but he's not telling me where.

Ooh, a second secret

Swipe date with Pete.

See, Swipe isn't so bad

after all, is it?

Yeah, we ran into Nate tonight.


You ran into Nate

on your date with Pete?

Yeah, and if I had have

just opened that stupid app,

I would have seen how close

my nearest crush was I was.

I can't believe I didn't.

I was just shocked.

Well, why do you care

if you saw Nate or not?

I mean, I thought

you were into Pete.

I want to know

if it's him, and come on,

I haven't seen Nate

in the longest time.

It was so weird.

If my app's off,

he can't tell

where I am, can he?


And I wouldn't worry about it.

Who cares if it is Nate?

It's time for you to start

focusing on that sexy architect.

Well, I forgot.

I have to work early tomorrow.

I gotta go.

Fine. Bye.

- Bye.

See ya.


- Bye, Anna.


Did you kiss?

Sasha, don't sneak up

on me like that.


What are you doing?

Someone is out there.

- Who?

When I was in my room,

it said my crush

was crossing paths with me.

Maybe it was a glitch.

It can't always be accurate.

It's just a stupid app.

Think about how often maps

take you to the wrong place.

Matty says these things

are full of flaws.

Did it happen when you

were using the app?

No, but if you're so freaked,

why don't you just block him?


What if it was Nate

and he just wanted

to talk about tonight?

I don't want to block him out


Come on.

You need to get some sleep.

Hey, neighbor.


Well, in criminal law class

we are.

I was thinking about you

last night.

Let's have lunch.

You know, I'm really busy.

So I'm just studying

and eating at the same time.

You can't avoid me forever,


We're matched on Swipe.

I owe you lunch.

Plus I made your favorite.

- My favorite?


Todd, what are you doing?

You know we're not allowed

alcohol on campus.

Calm down, it's okay.

It's gonna be okay, I promise.

You know what?

I'm feeling weird

in the stomach.

Maybe we can rain-check?

What are you doing?

What does it look like

I'm doing?

I don't have

those feelings for you.

We should just be friends.

Well, if you didn't like me,

then why did you Swipe me?

I mean, are you just a tease?

Do you enjoy embarrassing me?

My sister Swiped you, Todd.

She was showing me

how to use the app.

I'm sorry, I gotta go.

You're just a tease, Anna.

Evidence shows

that law-abiding citizens

respond to incentives.

So what about criminals?

We know that criminals avoid

knowingly committing crimes

in front of the police,

which explains why the police

interrupt so few crimes

in progress.

So an admission could be deemed...

to be the act

which breached duty of care.

Evans states

that the judge decides

whether there is duty of care

between the defendant

and the victim,

and it's a question

of the threat

of bad consequences,

including retribution

posed by the legal system,

protect life and property

against predation.


your thoughts on this as an

assessment of deterrence?

I'm sorry, Professor.

I didn't hear the first part

of the question.

All right, let's continue

this next time.

Read chapter nine.

You never know,

there might be a quiz.

See you then.

Everything okay?

I'm not really a fan

of phones in class.

I know, I am so,

so sorry, Professor.

I wasn't really thinking.

I had a rough night last night.

No excuses.

It won't happen again.

Anything you want to talk about?

No, no, it's fine.

Thank you, though.

Why didn't you just tell me

you hated sushi?

I could have gotten

something else.

I didn't want to stop you

from having it.

No, I could have gotten

anything else, I'm not picky.

Sorry, I... I'm new

to this whole dating thing.

It's been a while.

Since Nate?

Do you still have feelings

for him?

Sorry, I shouldn't ask that.

No, it's fine.

The answer's no.

We had a rough break-up.

My dad had just died.

I pushed him away.

It was messy.

Life's messy.

Don't beat yourself up

too bad over it, okay?


Work calls.

No worries, I've gotta drop off

some groceries to my mom anyway.


- Then get something to eat.

Where'd you park?

Right over there.

So have you seen

that boy again, you know,

the one you went out

with last week?


- Jake?


Mom, that was awful.

Has there been more than one?

Well, yeah, I'm dating a little.

I saw this guy Pete

who I actually kind of like.

But I'm not rushing anything.

We'll see what happens.

How about you?

How are you doing?

Well, I made another quilt

last week.


You're getting good at that.

Have you called Dr. Fink?

Honey, I told you,

I don't need to see

Dr. Fink anymore.

He's an idiot.

Mom, he's just trying

to help you.

What he's trying to do

is to get me to do things

outside of my comfort zone,

so, no, thank you.


Mom, it'd be great

if you came to our place.

Sasha misses you.


if Sasha really missed me,

she would make a trip

over to see me.

What can I say?

She's stubborn.

Wonder where she gets that from.

I can't believe

he called you a tease.

What a little prick.

Yeah, do you want me

to key his car?


Please, I don't want anything

to provoke him.

If anything, I want to draw

attention away from me.

Hopefully by now,

he's Swiping on somebody else.

Yeah, Anna doesn't have time

for revenge.

She's too busy Swiping Pete.

Yeah, he's home again?

He brought her sushi today.

But you hate sushi.

That's how much

she likes this guy.

Come on, I don't know

how much I like him.

But, yeah, I do enjoy

spending time with him.

Don't jinx it.

Fine, but I think this

is a Swipe made in heaven.

We gotta meet this guy.

Not for a while.

You'll scare him off.


Maybe it's a sexy

strip-tease from Pete.

Who's dating this guy,

you or her?

It's "watching u" again.

Watching you?

Yeah, some freak Anna

thinks may be Nate.

He sent her a cryptic message,

and then the other night,

she imagined

he was outside her door.

Wait, seriously?

My God, he really washere.

I'm calling the cops.


this kind of case is actually

a lot more common

than you think.

There's a lot of trolls

on Swipe, but unless he made

a direct threat or a trespass

on your property,

there's not much we can

do about it at this point.

But he didtrespass

into our yard.

That video looked like

it was taped from...

in the street, Miss Taylor.

Swipe will tell you how close

your nearest crush is.

that night it said

he was 50 feet away,

which means he probably

was right outside my window.

50 feet could mean

across the street.

Look, there's not enough

evidence to get a warrant

to check Swipe's database.

Do you have any idea

who this might be?

Yeah, we thought

it was my ex-boyfriend,

Nate Copeland.

And this Nate Copeland would

have a reason to harass you?


He's just not like that.

I... I don't think

it's him anymore.

Well, look,

we'll have a patrol car

cruising your neighborhood

for the next few nights,

but if anything else happens,

you can call me any hour,

all right?

And I suggest you file

a complaint with Swipe,

get this user banned.

Yeah. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Okay, let's go.

Thank you.

I'm sorry I wasn't in the mood

to do anything fun today.

Don't apologize.

I'm just worried about you.

You okay?

I'll be fine, thanks.

I can stay for a while,

I mean, on the couch.

I know you can

take care of yourself,

but if it would help deter

this creep, I'd be happy to.

I'm sure Matt'll stick around

but if you wanted to sleep

on the couch tonight,

it'd make me feel better.

You sure you're not

just trying to find

a way to make out with me?

Anna, I can't believe

you're letting him crash here.

What's the big deal?

You let Matt stay over

all the time.

Did you ever stop and think

"watching u" could be anyone?

What if it's

your new crush, Pete?


No, you can only have one

Swipe profile per phone.

I'm already connected to Pete,

so there's no way he can be

the one doing this.

Sasha, what are you doing?

Um, did you need something?


with the second phone, Pete?

Is this where you've

been hiding your sick

stalker secret Swipe profile?

She for real with this?

Well, it is kind of weird

that you have a second phone

in your bag.

Um, not when it's

a company phone

used strictly

for business calls.


Prove it.

It won't even let me

download apps.

Pete, wait.

I am so sorry.

Look, I get that you're

going through

a tough time right now,

but I'm not the bad guy here.

I know. I'm sorry.

It's just, well, we don't know

each other that well,

and this whole thing,

it has me so messed up.

If you don't feel comfortable

trusting me, fine.

But if that's the case,

I'm also not sure

we have anything

to continue here.



Sasha feels pretty bad.

You know she has

your best interests at heart.

Yeah... I know.

She can just be a little

tactless sometimes.

Yeah, you're telling me.

This morning, I was

putting on my shirt for work,

and she says,

"Can I see that?"

So I hand it to her,

and she just throws it

right in the trash.


Are you gonna be all right,


I feel really bad

that we accused him.

I should have known

it wasn't him.

Yeah, I mean,

I know you like this guy,

but you don't really know him.

Yeah, well, if it is him,

he's done a great job

of convincing me otherwise.

I really want to believe

he's a good guy.


Well, do me a favor then

and just...

just be careful, all right?

I will.

Thanks, Matt.

Good night.

- Good night.

Mom really wants you

to stop by, Sasha.

Well, tell her if she starts

letting Dr. Fink come back,

I'll consider it.

I kind of know how Mom feels.

I didn't want to leave the house

myself this morning.

Well, well, if it isn't

the twisted Taylor sisters.

Hey, I think I saw your

roofie dealer over there.

That's not funny, Sasha.

Hey, I was hoping we could

go out again sometime.

Come on,

you're my favorite Swipe.

I'll think about it, Jake.

Well, I'm gonna keep asking you

till you say yes.

Offer's still on the table.


Is he for real?

This way.

- Okay.

What if it's Jake?

Who, your stalker?

- Yeah.

I guess it could be.

But I don't think Jake is smart

enough to be cyber-stalking.

I feel like I can't trust

any of the guys

in my life right now.

Well, besides Matt, of course.

How do we know for sure?

I mean, he has a Swipe account,


That's how the two

of you reconnected.

Okay, nowyou sound crazy.

The only Swipe Matt

has on his phone

is the one we used

to find each other,

and we're still connected.

His photos are still there.

It can't be Matt.

But he's a coder, right?

He knows about

all of this stuff.

Does he have

more than one phone?

Anna, Matt was with us

when you got a message,

and in case you forgot,

he's in love with me, remember?


- Hi.


Is it my bed-head or something?


- Hey.

You can go to school without me.

I'll just have Matt take me.

Hi, baby.

Come on.

- Take me to school.

Hey, Anna.

- Go away, Todd.

I wouldn't want you to think

I was teasing you.

I know.

I'm sorry about all that.

I think my pride just got kind

of crushed is all, all right?

It's not every day

that a girl who looks like you

Swipes a guy like me.

Not ever, actually.

Yeah, I flipped out, too.


My life has been

so weird lately.

What are you doing tonight?

Todd, I'm not interested

in a date.

No, no, no.

Not a date, I swear.

Just a screening of my film.

You made a film?

- Me and two other guys

from my environmental

studies class,

we did a film

on green building designs

in emerging economies,

and it would be awesome

if you came.

And I swear...

I swear not as a date.

You can come by yourself.

Leave that way, too.

Yeah, I kind of just

made plans for 8:30.

Well, that's perfect

because it starts at 6:00,

so you got plenty of time.

Um, it does sound

kind of interesting.

Great, I'll see you at 6:00?

Fine, I'll come watch it.

All right, see you there.

Okay, just tell me.

What'd you think?

And you can be totally honest.

It was good.

- Really?

Yeah, I'm impressed.

- You're impressed?

She's impressed.

Can I...

can I walk you to your car?

You know what?

I'm... I'm fine.

You sure?

- Yeah, yeah.

There's Professor Murphy.

I need to talk to him anyway.

Okay, all right.

I'll see you in class.

Great, bye.

- Bye.

Professor, do you mind

walking me to my car?

I'd be happy to, Anna.

Thank you.

The whole thing has got me

freaked out, to be honest.

Well, I can certainly

understand why.

You might want to tell him

your professor knows

some of the best criminal

prosecutors in LA County.

Maybe I should.

- No, I mean that.

I'm always here for you,

whatever you need.

Thanks, Professor.



well, my car is just there.

So I'll be fine from here.

Are you sure?

Yeah, thank you, though.

Okay, um...

see you in class tomorrow then.

Good night.

- Good night.

Pete, hey.

Where are you?

Hey, sorry,

I'm still at this client dinner.

Should be done in an hour.

We can meet for

a glass of wine then.

Cool, yeah...

Are you okay?

Um... yeah, of course.

Just give me a call

when you're done.

Sure thing.

And, hey, Anna?


I'm sorry about the other night.

I think I'm the one

that overreacted.

I know your sister's

looking out for you.

Yeah, no, it's fine.

I shouldn't have jumped

to conclusions.

No worries.

Look forward

to seeing you later.

I'll call you in a bit.

- Bye.



Hi, are you home?

Can you come and get me?

Someone slashed my tire.

I don't know.


Yeah, in the lower east

parking lot.

Just hurry, okay?


- Sasha.

Whoa, what the hell

are you doing with that?

There was a creepy car.

A creepy car?

Did you get the license plate?

No, no.

I was scared.

Okay, well, the important thing

is that you're okay, all right?

Let's just go home.

We can deal with

the tire thing tomorrow.

Come on.

Hi, it's Pete, I can't get

to my phone right now,

but leave a message,

and I will call you back

as soon as I can.

Hey, Pete, it's Anna.

Just wondering where you are.

Getting a little worried.

Call me when you get this.


- Hey.

Have you heard from him yet?

No. He's not answering

his phone.

He probably just got caught

up with some work stuff.

I'm sure he'll call, all right?

Holler if you need anything,



I can't believe the cops

are actually questioning

whether this death is connected

to your creepy Swipe stalker.

It has to be.

- They're not saying it wasn't.

Just that it's speculation.

And I speculate they're stupid.

It's obvious.

It's Nate.

Don't answer it.

Let him leave a message.


Hey, it's Sash.

Sasha, honey, what a surprise

to hear from you.

How are you?

- Not good.

They guy Anna was seeing

was k*lled last night.


Wh... how?

A robbery or something.

The cops aren't totally sure.

My God, this is awful.

Is Anna okay?

Not really, Mom.

Things are pretty

messed up around here right now,

and I can't

really do this alone.

Can you come?


honey, I don't...

I... I just...

I don't think I can...

I can make it honey.

Can you please

just bring her here?

I'll try.

Thanks, Mom.

Sweetie, come on.

Come on.

It's really good

to see you, sweetie.


Are you still mad at me?

I'm not mad at you, Mom,

I'm just...

I'm just tired

of you using your fears

as an excuse

not to live your life.

You know it hasn't been easy

for me or Anna either.

Feels like we lost both

of our parents that night.

I don't know,

just kind of sucks.


I'm trying.


You tell Dr. Fink

to stop coming,

and you can't even leave

the house when Anna needs you.

Try harder.

I'm really

worried about your sister.

She just doesn't look good.

Yeah, well, she hasn't been

getting a lot of sleep lately.

There's been some

weird things going on

with a guy she met online.

- What guy?

That's the problem.

We don't know.

Yum. Food.


Thanks, babe.

So, how'd it go with your mom?

She apologized a bunch,

but I doubt anything's

gonna change.

She's still a mess.

Did your sister hear

from Nate again?


What about "watching u"?

I don't think so.

She actually deleted Swipe

from her phone.

It's about time.

Hey, Matt thought you might...

what are you doing with that?

It's dad's.

Yeah, I know it's dad's,

but what are you doing with it?

It's for protection.

For me, for us.

I don't feel safe.

I know.

I get it.

Do you remember how to sh**t it?

You know, the last time

I went to a range

was with Dad five years ago.

Hopefully, I won't have to.

It's just for peace of mind.

It's the notion ofMens Rea

that renders the accused

guilty or not guilty.

It can be an act of v*olence,

but without a guilty mind,

you do not have

a guilty suspect.

In other words,

did Mathers intend

to arouse fear or apprehension

of the victim's safety?

Same applies to abduction

and homicide.

You can establish a lot

about a criminal

if you trace factors

in their thought patterns

and behavioral processes.

I didn't get a chance

to see who the email was from.

I just saw

the name "watching u,"

and there was a photo of Pete

hunched over the steering wheel.

Well, whoever this guy is,

he's good.

He must have hacked

into your email account

while you were on your way home

and deleted

all traces

of his messages to you.

But at least we know now

that Pete

wasn't just att*cked

in some random robbery.

This is connected

to your stalker.

I can't believe

this is happening.

I'm gonna work on

a warrant for Swipe

to cough up

that user information.

Did you ever file

a formal complaint with them?

No. No, I just deleted the app

entirely from my phone.

All right, I'm also gonna need

a list of any men

in your life that

who you might suspect

in addition

to that ex you mentioned.

Are you gonna question them all?

Yes, but anyone that's innocent

will understand

this is procedure.

It's very important that

you tell me anyone

that could be a suspect,

even if it's gonna upset them.


okay, well,

there's this guy Jake Hart.

He went to school with us.

We reconnected on Swipe.

I had a drink with him

at a bar the other night.

And we think he roofied her.


- We don't know that, Sasha.

I didn't finish my drink,

but something hit me hard

when I came home.

And then there's

that geek, Todd.

Yeah, Todd's in class with me.

I don't know

his last name, though,

so I'd have to ask

Professor Murphy.

Didn't you say you thought

that professor

had a thing for you, too?

- I don't know.

I guess.

God, this is all so crazy.

Is there anyone else?


That's it, Detective.

Well, this a good start,

but if anything else comes up,

give me call, okay?


Three strikes was designed

to put habitual criminals away

as quickly as possible

to protect the public.

Any felony

is its trigger mechanism

for 25 years to life.

It is the last straw.


Why wait for the big crime

that's almost certain to happen?

Only a small percentage

of offenders convicted

under three strikes law

are serving on a third strike.

Most are serving time

on a second conviction,

which doubles the sentence,

mandates consecutive sentences

on separate counts

and requires offenders

to serve 80% of their time

rather than 50%.

So in short, second strikers

are serving a lot of time.

This is very likely the reason

why counties that wink...

You okay?

Not really.

Hey, Nate texted earlier.

He wanted to meet for coffee.

- I hope you told him no.

Yeah, I told him I didn't think

it was a good idea.

Hey, don't you have

an 8:00 class?


Honestly, I just want

to get the hell out of here.

Is that okay?

- Yeah, sure.

Hey, listen, why don't you

just take my car?

Matt's coming by

to drop off my portfolio.

I'll just have him come by

and get me after class.

Hey, Anna!

What the hell is going on?

What's with the cops showing up

at my apartment this morning?

I'm not stalking you,

you know what I mean?

Did you tell them I was

harassing you or something?

They asked for a list of guys

that I've been seeing recently.

I told them that we met

recently on Swipe.

Please, don't take it


How can I not?

They showed up at my door.

It was actually

really humiliating.

I don't want to do this

right now.

Can we please?

I'm not in the mood.

You think I'm in the mood to

deal with the cops at 7:00 AM?

Look, you're not making

a real good case

for yourself right now, Todd.

- I'm not trying to make...

I don't think these ladies

really appreciate...

I'm gonna tell the cops that

you guys are harassing me.

Dude, get lost.

As long as you understand.

You okay?

- Yeah.

You okay, Anna?

Yeah, yeah, thanks, Matt.


Hey, Matt, do you mind

bringing Anna home?


I gotta stop by the office

and pick up a hard drive.

That cool?

- Yeah.

Great, well, I gotta run.

I'm gonna be late for class.

Take care of my sis,

and please make sure

all the windows and doors

are locked at the house, okay?


Who's taking care

of who now, huh?

All right, you got everything?


Parked over here.

- Cool.



I, heard you deleted Swipe.

Probably for the best, though.

So did you hear anything

more from the police about Pete?


You must have really

liked him, huh?

Yeah, I did.

I... I mean, it's just so weird.

I was just with him.

It's unbelievable.

He's... he's was...

he was a good guy.

Gotta keep those off

in class, Sasha.


Okay, I'll be back in a minute.


Take your time.

Can you unlock the door?


Can you unlock the door, please?

Anna? Anna?


You okay?

Yeah, it's dark, and I'm scared.

I'm sorry, I should have...

I should have been

more sensitive just because

of everything

that's been going on...



I really did scare you.

It's fine, I'm fine.


- Yeah.

Okay, let's get you home.

- Yeah.


Thanks for the ride.

- Sure.

Hey, Anna, um...

do you mind if I, um...

come inside and wait

for your sister?

Um... you know,

I just need a moment alone.

I haven't really had...

any time alone since

all this started, you know?



No, I get it, I get it.




Can I talk to you for a sec?

Wait, wait!

I forgot my phone.

- That's okay.

Thank you.

- Yeah.

Hey, Sasha, you got a minute?


So if you want to be a part

of the exhibit,

we would love to include you.

Wow, thank you.

I've never really been invited

to be part of something

like that before.

You earned it.

See you Tuesday.

Yeah, I'll see you then.

Hi, it's Anna,

please leave a message.

Where are you? Call me.



- Detective Thompson?

It's Sasha Taylor,

Anna's sister.

Is everything okay?

- Anna's missing.

What do you mean missing?

- It's Matt, Matt took her.

What's going on? Matt?

- Yes, my boyfriend.

He's the one

that's been stalking her.

He's the guy.

- What?

I know it doesn't

make any sense,

but Anna sent me

a screenshot of a phone

that she found in his car,

and it has

the Swipe profile on it,

The one for "watching u."



Matt, where am I?

No, no, no!

This is so messed up!

Whatever you're doing...

it can be fixed.


I don't think so, Anna.

Matt, whatever you're...

Shut up!

I need to think.

I need to think right now.

You had to get that stupid app!

That damn app for stupid guys!

I'm sending officers over to

Matt's apartment right now.

You just sit tight,

don't go anywhere

and let me know

if you hear anything.

I will.

- I'll call you later.


Hello, honey,

is everything okay?

No, Mom, Anna's missing,

and it looks like Matt

has something to do with it.


Your Matt?


I just called the police.

My God, honey, this is terrible.

I know.

Mom, I'm so scared.

Why... why would Matt want to

do anything to your sister?

I don't know,

but he's the stalker, Mom.

He's the one who probably

k*lled Pete.

Honey, are...

are you home right now?



I'm gonna be right over, okay?

Thank you.

Um, I think that would be good.

I love you, Mom.

I love you too, sweetheart.

Pick up, damn it.

You've reached

Detective Thompson.

Please leave a message.

This is Sasha again.

I know where they are.

I used an app

to locate their phone,

and it says the phone

is located at...

21367th Ave downtown.

I'm on my way there.

I didn't mean

to hurt anyone, Anna.

I don't want to hurt you, Anna.

You're such a good person.

So are you, Matt.

No. No, I'm not.

I mean...

I've done so many bad things.

So many bad things.

But I know your heart, Matt.

Come on, this isn't you.

It's because I love you.


Wherever you are, I want you

to pull over right now.

You hear me? Stop.

Do not go to that location.

I have police on the way.

- I'm already here.

Miss Taylor, do not

get out of your car.

This is very dangerous, okay?

I am sending officers there

right now.

Okay, okay, but please hurry.

And this,

this isn't even my fault.

If you had just waited

in the car and waited for me,

we wouldn't even be here.

She fell for me.

Why couldn't you see

me that way?

She's my sister.

I can't feel for you like that.

Why'd you have to go

snooping through my car?

I mean, you brought this

upon yourself.

You did. You.

I didn't want to do

any of this to you.

Please don't hurt me, Matt.


I'm begging you.

I never did anything to you.

That's the problem, Anna.

You never did anything to me.


No, Matt.



Help me!

Somebody help!

Help me!

No, Matt, don't!


Help me!

Somebody please!

Shut up! Shut up!

It's not my fault.

Please, Matt, don't do this.

That's all you had to do.

That's all you had to do!


This is not my fault.

Get away from my sister,

you psycho!


No, no, no, this wasn't...

it's not...

I'm not... tell her, Anna!

Back away from her, Matt,

I'm serious.

The police are on their way.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.


Get off!

Down! Get down!

My God.

Okay, girls.

All right, we've lost one

or two, so let me do it again.

For my girls.

Happy birthday, my Anna!

Happy birthday!

- Hold on, baby, here we go.

Now, it's official.

Make a wish.


What did dad like more?

Your vanilla cake

or your lasagna?

I can't remember.

You know,

I actually asked him that once,

and you know what he said?

He said, "Honey,

that's like asking me

which one of my girls

I love the most.

You cannot compare

vanilla cake and lasagna.

It's the best

of both worlds."


So what did you wish for?

No, wait let me guess.

You wished that mom

will join us next time

we are daring enough

to try speed dating.

I plead the Fifth.

Such a lawyer already.

God, Sasha.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

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