Woman in the Maze (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Woman in the Maze (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(dramatic music)

(keyboard clacking)

(melancholy music)

I've been watching you

And everything you do

How you impress your friends

I should be one of them

I should be your friend

I see you checking in

so I'll be steppin' out

I want to see your face

I hope it's not too late

I'm starting to shake

Bad news,

I've got my eyes on you

Bad news,

I've got my eyes on you

Eyes, eyes, on you

Eyes, eyes, on you

I know what turns you on

It's like I'm reading

your mind

I know just what to say

I know you will be mine

It's just a matter of time

I know you will be mine

Starting tonight

Bad news,

I've got my eyes on you

Bad news,

I've got my eyes on you

Eyes, eyes, on you

Eyes, eyes, on you

(alarm beeping)

(keypad beeping)

(lock whirring)

(mysterious music)

(lock whirring)

(phone ringing)

- Hey Tabs.

- [Tabitha] G,

how was your flight?

I can't believe the Land Shark

let you tap off on your own

this time.

- I know, right?

But hey,

at least he's finally giving me

the chance to show him

I can do more

than just file papers.

He gave me the Jerome area

to scout

and compile potential

properties for our investors.

If all goes well,

you're looking at the new

Jerome Project Manager.

- [Tabitha] Dang, from

assistant to manager?

My girl's moving up in

the world.

- Oh yeah.

- Jerome, though?

Isn't that like a ghost town?

I couldn't do ghosts.

- That's just a term

for the population.

It's not actually haunted.

And besides, you know I

don't believe in that stuff.

- I wonder if the house you're

in right now is haunted.

- Ha ha, you're hilarious.

This house is not haunted

and it was actually

a smoking deal.

It's so much bigger than

the photos on the website,

and it was dirt cheap.

- Wow.

The universe really was on

your side for this trip.

Well, show me around.

Let me see the new home

away from home.

- All right, here's the kitchen.

- [Tabitha] What's that door

over there?

- Let's find out.

Ooh, we got lots of food.

- [Tabitha] How about that one?

(knob jiggling)

Where they keep the liquor.

I wouldn't wanna stay there if

I couldn't get to the liquor.

What about the rest of

the place?

- Can we do that tomorrow?

I've had a long day,

and I'm starving.

- [Tabitha] Darn, all right.

Well, congratulations on

the opportunities, babe.

You're gonna crush it

this weekend.

And I wanna hear about every

second of it,

so keep me in the loop,

all right?

- Thank you, and of

course you know I will.

(haunting music)

- What was that?

- What was what?

- That book shelf behind

you just opened.

- Good one, Tabs.

Nice try.

- [Tabitha] I'm not kidding.

I know I saw something.

That book shelf just opened.

- You know I don't believe

in ghosts

and I'm not gonna let you ruin

my stay.

See, nothing is open.

Anyways, I gotta go.

I have an early morning meeting.

- [Tabitha] Meeting?

- Yeah, with an agent that

Landstone wants me to work with,

uh, Mr. Bannister.

- [Tabitha] Ooh, Bannister.

I like the sound of that name.

I bet he's cute.

- Tabs, it's a business meeting.

Calm yourself.

- [Tabitha] I'm just playing.

I'll let you go now,

but before I do,

would you rather wake up stuck

in a cage or a laboratory?

- Tabs, you're a mess.

Not another riddle.

I really gotta go.

- [Tabitha] Come on,

just answer.

- Well, the cage, I guess.

That's better than someone

doing experiments on me.

- [Tabitha] Not me.

I'd rather wake up in the

laboratory as the doctor.

- Oh, you outsmarted me there.

I gotta go.


- [Tabitha] Goodnight.

(phone beeping)

(door creaking)

(tense music)

(furniture shuffling)

(tense music continues)

(door creaking)

(tense music continues)

(door creaking)

(tense music continues)

(light buzzing)

(tense music continues)

(wind blowing)

- There's no way I'm going

down there.

(tense music)

(door creaking)

(intense music)

(phone ringing)


This is Gabrielle Reynolds

with Landstone Properties.

Oh, hi Mr. Bannister.

Sure, Owen it is, and

you can call me Gabbi.

The Palace Restaurant

and Saloon in Prescott.

Sure, I can meet you there

at noon.

Yep, sounds great.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Thanks for calling.

Okay, bye.

(phone beeping)

(crickets chirping)

(water running)

(water running)

(light buzzing)

(water running)

(Gabbi spitting)

(ominous music)

(ominous music)

(birds chirping)

You didn't last very long.

(upbeat music)

(lively music)

- Welcome to the Palace

Restaurant and Saloon.

How can I help?

- Thanks, I'm supposed to be

meeting an Owen Bannister.

Is he seated already?

- He's not here yet.

- Well, in the meantime,

could you point me to

the nearest restroom?

- Absolutely, it's just

around the corner to the left.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome, enjoy.

Nobody's gonna take what sure

is mine

- Oh my gosh.

I am so sorry, ma'am.

I, I was in a hurry and...

no excuse, my fault.

I'm sorry.

- It's my fault.

I should have been

watching where I was going.

If you could just point

me to the lady's room.

- Yeah, it's uh,

right behind you.

- Oh, thank you.

Yeah yeah, yeah yeah

I sacrifice, I pay the price

Nobody's gonna take what

was mine

- Hi, we have a table ready

for you.

It's right over here.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Oh, it's you.

Again, I sorry for being so

clumsy before.

- Don't worry about it.

It was my fault anyways.

Let's just pretend

it didn't happen

and we can start all over again.

- Well, in that case,

it is a pleasure to

meet you, Ms. Reynolds.

- I already told you,

you can call me Gabbi.

- Yes ma'am.

- Stop with that ma'am stuff.

You're making me feel old.

So, how do you know

Mr. Landstone?

- Oh, you mean Mr. Land Grab.

- That's a good one.

You know,

my friend calls him Land Shark.

- Ooh.

- [Gabbi] So how do

you know him?

- Through an old family


- Ah, well,

don't go tell him about that

Land Shark thing, will you?

- Mm, mm.

(both chuckling)

- I'm really looking forward

to seeing these properties

that you found.

- I think you're really gonna

like 'em.

- I hope so.

You know,

I've never been here before,

so I'm excited about the new


- Hi, are you all ready

to order?

- This is me.

(lively rock music)

- Wow, cactuses are so much

taller than I ever thought.

- Now that right there

is a Saguaro cactus.

Now those are truly

magnificent plants,

and some of these are

actually as old

as the town of Prescott itself.

Also uh, it's cacti.

- Cacti.

- Right this way,


Gabbi, mm.

So uh,

where are you staying while

you're in this fine state?

- I'm staying over in Jerome.

- Is that right?

- [Gabbi] Yeah.

- Well that's a big mistake

right there.

That whole town is haunted.

Don't you know?

- Why does everyone keep

saying that?

- Well, because it is.

Has anything strange

happened to you just yet?

- No.

I mean, nothing unusual.

- That's good to hear.

I mean, I've lived around

these parts for a long time

and I have heard a lot of

strange stories about Jerome.

You're not staying at the

Conner Hotel, are you?

- No, why?

- Well--

- What's wrong with

the Conner Hotel?

- Legend has it, about

a hundred years ago,

a Mrs. Anna Hopkins found

out that her husband

was cheating on her

with the school teacher.

Now nobody remembers her name,

but Ms. Hopkins confronted

the school teacher

in the Conner Hotel cafe and

threw acid right in her face.

- What?

- Nobody knows what happened

to the school teacher,

but word is, to this day,

she haunts that place seeking


And that's why it's

called the Spirit Room.

- Oh my God,

that's a terrible story.

- Yeah, I know.

- That poor woman.

Well, thankfully I'm staying

at the big nice house

right outside of town in

Holy Avenue.

- Oh, the Hannah House.

- Oh, don't tell me you know

a story.

- Actually, no, no,

it's pretty nice.

I mean, it's one of the

more historical estates.

- Hm, okay.

- Yeah.

Now let me show you how

we can develop this land

for Landstone Properties.

(dramatic music)

The sunsets here are just


I mean, that is the real

selling point.

- I bet.

So why would we be getting

such a good deal on this?

If there's a fire sale, there

must be a fire somewhere.

- Well, I see now why

old Land Grab hired you.

Very sharp.

Truth is, the owner owes

a lot in back taxes,

so they'll lose the property

if they don't have it

under contract in a week.

- I think old Land Grab

will like this one.

- Mm-hm.

- Owen, I know we're

supposed to tour

another property this afternoon,

but I just can't go on.

Can we start again in

the morning?

- Sure, I can take you back

right now,

but I'm booked up all

tomorrow morning

and I won't have enough time

to show you the other

two in the afternoon.

If you're willing to say one

more night,

I could show you the last

one on Friday morning.

- I'm sure I can change my


- Great.

And I,

I'm sorry I didn't warn you to

wear more comfortable shoes.

- It's not your fault.

I should have known better.

- Here.

- Yeah.

- I'll help.

- Thanks.

- Now are you sure I can't

interest you

in meeting up with me later

tonight for dinner or drinks?

- It's a really nice offer,

but I'm just gonna have to play

it by ear.

You know, work trip and all.

- Mm sure.

Yeah, of course.

Well just let me know and

if not, I'll see you Friday.

- Yes.

And thank you for today.

I had a really nice time.

- You are very welcome.

And don't forget,

comfortable shoes on Friday.

(lock whirring)

(lock whirring)

(tense music)

- Where'd you--?

Interesting management to

come in while it's rented.

(haunting music)

"Welcome to Hannah House."

"We're so pleased you

decided to book with us."

"We hope you have an enjoyable

and refreshing stay."

(haunting music)

(ominous music)

What the?

(tense music)

(phone ringing)

Mr. Landstone, hello.

- How's it going, Reynolds?

- Okay, so far the

properties have been great-

- Bannister treating you okay?

How the properties look?

- Mr. Bannister's been

very nice.

The property has potential.

- Go through the town yet, huh?

Get a feel for the whole

ghost town thing? (chuckles)

- [Gabbi] Well, I did drive

through on my way here,

but I didn't really uh, stop.

- Whoa, drive through?

No, no, no, no.

Listen, I, I gotta be able

to market this place, Gabbi.

I need the juicy details, okay?

This town is historic.

It's a freaking ghost town.

Come on. (fingers snapping)

Unique selling points.

- That'll work out perfect then.

Because of scheduling,

Owen's having me stay

another day

so that he can show me

the property on Friday,

so I can go to Jerome tomorrow.

- Extra night?

Yeah, yeah,

but get me some good content

for selling points, okay?

Creepy ghost stories,

unique shops, something.

- Well, trust me,

there's plenty of creepy

stories to go around,

but you know, ghost's don't-

- [Mr. Landstone] Beautiful,

compile that in a document,

give me all the unique

selling points,

the specs, prospective

properties, all of that.

I want you to compile that in

an email.

Send it to me prior to

getting on that flight home.

Can you handle that?

- I can handle that.

- [Mr. Landstone] Perfect.

I don't need to remind you

this is a hard deadline,

Gabbi, okay?

I'm meeting with investors

on Saturday night.

- All right,

well I'll talk to you soon.

- [Mr. Landstone] All

right, talk to you later.

Keep me in the loop.

Find me some good ghost stories.

- Mm-hm, okay.

(phone beeping)

(lively music)

- You're not closing, are you?

- I am, I am.

What's a pretty girl

like you doing in Jerome?

Are you looking for anything


- Well, actually, if you had

any spooky stories for my boss,

that'd be great.

- Stories?

Oh, I have plenty.

Take that theater across

the street.

- What happened?

- So there was a couple

that got into a big fight,

probably cheating.

She came into the theater

to decompress with a movie,

but little did she know her

husband came in after her

and sat behind her.

When there was a loud scene in

the movie,

he strangled her, to death.

Ever since then, her ghost

has haunted that theater.

- Thank you?

(light tense music)

(floor creaking)



Anybody there?

(dog barking)

(tense music)

- Gabbi Reynolds, do

you know why I'm here?

- Who are you?

How do you know me?

- I'm Desiree.

I'm a seer and I have a message

for you.

I'm here to warn you.

- Warn me about what?

How do you know me?

- Judy sent me.

She has a message for you.

"I want you to leave and never

come back."

- Who's Judy?

- She wants you to leave

and never come back.

- No, I don't understand.

Who's Judy?

- "Leave, never come back!"

(tires screeching)

(horn honking)

(intense music)

(Gabbi panting)

(lock whirring)

(phone ringing)

- Hey.

- Hey G, what's up?

Are you all right?

- Long interesting day.

- [Tabitha] So what

happened today or yesterday?

You still haven't updated me

on how things went with

Mr. Bannister.

- Well, yesterday was good.

Owen's a character,

but we had a nice time.

And then old Land Grab made

me go into Jerome today

to indulge in the culture.

- Land Grab?

- Oh, that's Owen's nickname

for him.

- [Tabitha] Ooh,

I like his humor.

Was he cute?

- Tabs, he's a work partner.

- [Tabitha] Doesn't mean

you can't have

a little work trip fling.

- Tabs.

- [Tabitha] All right,

all right.

Well how's Jerome?

You learned anything creepy?

- Well, something strange

happened to me today

and it was really weird.

- Go on, I'm listening.

- So I walk into this place

called the Spirit Room.

(crickets chirping)

- [Tabitha] And then

she was gone?

- Gone, like disappeared.

I honestly don't even know if

she was real

or I just imagined her.


- Well what?

- Well say something.

- That's really crazy.

Are you sure you just didn't

imagine it?

Sorry, it was your suggestion.

Okay, let's assume it was real.

Do you even know anyone

named Judy?

- Uh, no.

- I honestly don't know what to

tell you

other than I told you so.

Jerome is a creepy place

that attracts weirdos.

Are you really that worried

about it?

- I don't know.

I just wish I hadn't gone

in there.

- G, you've been climbing

stairs for like five minutes.

How big is that house?

- What do you mean?

I'm upstairs now.

- Are you sure you're all right?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

I just gotta get to bed soon

'cause I'm meeting Owen in

the morning.

I'll talk to you later.


(haunting music)

(tense music)

(spirits chanting)

- [Spirits] Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

(tense music)

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

(ominous music)

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

(intense music)

Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

(intense music)

Per ardua ad alta.

(intense music)

(ominous music)

- You need to leave!

(Gabbi gasps)

- That sounds like

an intense dream.

- It just felt so real.

But I think it was because

of that experience I had

with that crazy lady in Jerome.

- Ugh, I'm sorry.

You know,

Jerome's known for its spirits

and spiritual people,

but sometimes you just got

a sick person

who wants to scare the tourists.

- But how would she know

my name?

- Maybe you just imagined

it in the moment.


No, forget I said that.

That was silly.

You know what'll clear

your head?

Those properties I was gonna

show you.

Come on.

This property is actually 20

acres and on the opposite side,

premium view lake front


- And?

- And what?

- And why is it for sale?

- Oh, well the owner slept

with his wife's sister,

so he's trying to sell it

before she could get half of it,

and of course I'm sure he

is gonna hide the money.

- Men.

Why can't you just keep it in

your pants?

- Are you asking me?

- No, but,

I mean, honestly,

it sounds like the kind

of deal Stoner loves.

- Stoner?

- Oh God.

Did I just say that out loud?

I meant Land Stoner,

even Land Grab.

You won't tell him, will you?

- Don't worry, your

secret is safe with me.

Come on.

Now this

is my personal favorite.

- This is beautiful.

- So um,

tell me more about yourself.

How long have you been working

for Stoner?

- Well, I started working

with Mitch four years ago

as his assistant project


The goal is to one day be

a developer,

but until then,

I'm just hoping to be upgraded

to project manager,

which is would I be for this


given everything goes well.

And how about you?

What got you into real estate?

- Well, money's not bad,

but I too want to work in

the development industry.

Even as a kid, I enjoyed

assembling projects and I'd,

I'd even design little towns

on paper.

- Me too.

(uplifting music)

Let's see, if I were

a developer,

I'd put a property there.

Oh, and, and there.



- Oh, I, I just,

I, I think you have a really

good vision, ma'am, uh Gabbi.

I think, I think you'd

be really good at this.

So do you think Stoner's

gonna go for these properties

for sure?

- I don't know.

I hope so.


- I don't know.

I think it might be fun to

spend a bit more time with you.

I mean, you just got here

and you're already

leaving tomorrow

and I always thought

this place was special.

It's a good place to

settle down.

Oh my god,

did I just say that out loud?

That, mm.

- Sure did, cowboy.

I should probably go.

- Yeah, here.

- Thanks.

Okay, so seven o'clock?

Where are we meeting again?

- Uh, it's right over there.

It's called The Local.

Best breakfast anywhere,


Are you sure you're fine

staying in your house tonight?

You know, after the scare?

- Yeah, I'll be fine.

The house is safe.

I'm only scared of real things

like stalkers and serial


I don't have to worry about

any of that here, right?

- No, ma'am.

- Okay.

All right then, I'll see ya.

(visitor pounding on door)

(ominous music)

(visitor pounding on door)

(ominous music continues)

(visitor pounding on door)

(intense music)

(visitor pounding on door)

(haunting music)

(walls pounding)

(intense music)

- Gabbi!

(Gabbi screams)

Are you all right?

- What the hell are

you doing here?

- I got worried.

You know,

I, I had a bad feeling

and you weren't picking up

my calls.

- So you just come here

in the middle of the night

to scare the shit out of me?

- Uh, are you all right?

I, I heard you screaming.

- Yeah, I was screaming

'cause I heard you.

I mean, (stuttering)

did you follow me here?

Did (stuttering) did

you know where I live?

- No, no, no, no, no.

You told me the other day

you were staying at

the Hannah House.

You know, this is the only one.

- Still, you shouldn't

have come over unannounced.

- I called and you didn't pick

up, so I got worried and...

I'm sorry, did you um, did you

wanna put something else on?

- Why?

Are you,

are you planning on staying?

- Uh, I don't know.

Maybe I should.

I mean, you know, until

you've calmed down.

- Thanks, but I don't

think that's necessary.

I'm plenty calm right now.

- I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to scare you.

It's the last thing

I wanted to do.

I just,

I know we just met,

but I really care about

your wellbeing

and I wanted to check in and

make sure you're all right.

I was worried, you know.

I, I was worried you didn't

want to come back to Arizona

if you got scared because I

really like getting to know you,

'cause you know,

I kind of like you.

- Owen, that's very nice,

and I'm flattered

that you like me,

but I, I don't think we'd be

a good fit.

- What do you mean?

- [Gabbi] It's not you.

It's me.

- Wait, um, what do you mean?

Like, wait, do you think

something's wrong with you?

- No.

No, there's nothing wrong with

me, I just,

I, I, I don't want you to get

too invested

because I like women.

- You like,


- Yeah.

- You're a...

- Yes, yes.


- Okay, yeah, got it.

You know, I should get going.

- You should, yeah.

- I, I'm up past my bed time.

- Let's

- Um, are you,

are, are, are you,

are you sure you're um?

- Okay?

- Yeah.

- Yes.

- Okay, yeah.

- Yes, I'm, I'm fine.


I'll see you in the morning for

the best breakfast anywhere.


(phone ringing)

- Hey G.

Ooh, you look good.

What happened?

- I had an unexpected visitor.

- Was it a ghost?

- No, it wasn't a ghost.

It was Owen.

- [Tabitha] He came to see

you at this time of night?

- Well, he came to check on me

'cause he was worried about

me and...

- Is he still there?

- No, no, he just left.

But while he was here,

he made it pretty clear

that he liked me,

like a lot.

- Really?

Tell me more.

Is he good looking?

What happened today?

- Well, yeah,

he's very good looking and,

and he's very nice and

I don't know.

We had a lot of fun at

the lake today

and he's so easy to talk to

and we have so much in common,

but, but I freaked and, and

he was being way too forward

and you know me.

- Oh no, G, what did you do?

- I um, I told him I like girls.

You know, it was all

happening so fast and,

and when he told me he

liked me, I felt trapped,

and so I just...

- So let me get this straight.

No pun intended.

He told you he liked you so

you told him you're a lesbian?

- Yeah.

It does sound kind of crazy

when you say it out loud.

- [Tabitha] G,

you always do this

when you actually find

a good guy.

- Well, I didn't wanna hurt

his feelings.

- G, you need to sort out

your commitment issues

because flat lying to him

makes no sense at all.

Does it ever cross your mind

to say something reasonable,

like, well,

"Thanks for your interest."

"I don't know how I feel now,"

"but let's see where things go

from here."

- Mm, you make it sound so easy.

- [Tabitha] Because it is easy.

- Well, not for me.

I mean, I,

I never know the right

things to say

and then I I always go mindless

robot mode

and just make up some

story to get out of it.

- Listen up, babes.

You need to cut the crap.

You are worthy of love

despite what you may think,

just like you are worthy

of this promotion.

This may be the big

breakthrough moment

you've been saying you needed.

And as they say,

identifying the problem

is 90% of the solution,

and that's what you just did.

- Don't they also say the

last 10 percent's the hardest?

- Maybe, but at least you're

almost there.

Are you seeing him again?

- Mm-hm, yeah, tomorrow.

- [Tabitha] Then y'all get

a chance to go the last 10%.

Fix this and tell him the truth.

- But how?

I don't think I've ever done

that with anyone in my life.

- [Tabitha] I know you, G,

and I know you can do this

and get the promotion.

You've come so far building

up your confidence.

You just need to start acting

like it.

- Thanks for the pep talk.

- You know I'm always here

for you.

- Anyways, all this has

suddenly got me exhausted,

so I should probably get to bed.

Plus I have a report

to write in the morning

on top of all this.

- [Tabitha] All right.

Just remember you got this,

G, and I believe in you.

- Goodnight.

- [Tabitha] Goodnight.

(phone beeping)

(tense music)

- How did you end up back

here again?

(tense music)

(person crying)

(ominous music)

(person crying)

(lamp clicking)

(ominous music)

(person crying)

(ominous music)

(door creaking)

(ominous music)

(person crying)

- [Judy] You should

have left, I warned you.

- Judy?

(door slamming)

(intense music)

(knob jiggling)

(Judy panting)

(ominous music)

(Gabbi gasps)

(bodies sizzling)

(Gabbi gasps)

(house grumbling)

(intense music)

(Gabbi wailing)

(house grumbling)

(intense music)

(arm crunching)

(Gabbi screaming)

(intense music)

(Gabbi panting)

(tense music)

(Gabbi gasps)

(tense music)

(Gabbi screams)

(intense music)


(intense music)

(tense music)

(door slamming)

(tense music)

- I warned you.

(Gabbi screams)

(tense music)

(Gabbi grunting)

(body thudding)

(Gabbi crying)

(tense music)

(Gabbi wailing)

(tense music)

(metal rattling)

(Gabbi panting)

(tense music)

(Gabbi crying)

(ominous music)

(Gabbi screaming)

(tense music)

(haunting music)

(dramatic music)


- [Judy] I know Angus

blames me for the loss.

I don't think he loves me


but I desperately want

to reconnect with him.

(dramatic music)

(tense music)

He left me all alone.

I didn't know where to turn.

I didn't mean to hurt

Angus, I really didn't.

I never wanted him to find out.

(dramatic music)

(door banging)

(dramatic music)

- Judy?

Judy, where are ya?

I've got something to tell ya.

- Not now.


- [Angus] Judy.

- I can't let you in right now.

- [Angus] Judy, open this door!

Get back here,

you yellow bellied coward!

(tense music)

- [Judy] He told me he'd k*ll

me if I ever saw him again.

And then he told me he'd k*ll me

if I ever left the house again.

I feel so trapped and all alone.

(tense music)

(ominous music)

- No.

- No!

Let me go!

(Judy choking)

(dramatic music)

- You wish.

That's too easy.

(intense music)

(Angus grunting)

(ominous music)

(body thudding)

(tense music)

- Sorry, I didn't listen to

your warning.

I'm sorry you didn't make

it out.

(Gabbi grunting)

(ominous music)

(Gabbi grunting)

(Gabbi crying)

(ominous music)

(Gabbi sobbing)

(dark music)

I can't do this.

(Gabbi sobbing)

(intense music)

(phone ringing)

(fist pounding)

(disconnect tone beeping)

- Gabbi?

Are you in there?

I, I waited at The Local for

about an hour

and I just wanted to

make sure you're okay.

I'm not stalking you.


I just got worried when

you didn't show up.

(ominous music)


Are you in there?

Are you all right?

(tense music)

(Gabbi panting)

(tense music)

- Owen.

(tense music)


(tense music)

(Gabbi pounding on window)


Owen, I'm here, please!

(tense music)

(luggage thudding)

(tense music)

- Gabbi?

(tense music)

- Owen!


Owen, Owen!


Owen, help me. (crying)



Owen, please!

Owen, I'm right here!


Owen, please!


Wait, please. (crying)

(tense music)


(tense music)

(dramatic music)

(tow truck alarm beeping)


Hey, please help me!

Sir, sir!

Sir, please help me!

(ominous music)

Wait, wait, wait, stop!

Stop, no!

Where are you taking my car?


(tense music)

(ominous music)

Why is this happening to me?

(ominous music)

(tense music)

(ominous music)

(haunting music)

- No, let me go.

- You wish, too easy.

(ominous music)

By the power of my ancestors,

and the great spirits

in the town of Jerome,

I pronounce a curse on

this house.

(house grumbling)

Give it power to do justice.

(doll cracking)


(doll cracking)


(doll cracking)

And replace all women

who enter here.

(house grumbling)

(Judy screaming)

(ominous music)

(flesh squelching)

(ominous music)

(flesh sizzling)

With my own blood,

I give my life to seal the

curse I place upon this house.

May it wipe away the stain of


and bring forth justice.

(ominous music)

(house grumbling)

(wood creaking)

(Gabbi gasps)

- You want me to know

all of this, don't you?

I can't do this.

To hell, I can't.

(house grumbling)

(house roaring)

(tense music)

- [Gabbi] Owen!

- I knew something strange was

going on.

Look, the door's open and

her car isn't even here.

- That might not mean anything.

She could have left in a hurry.

- Well, I'm not gonna

wait around to find out.

- Okay, first off,

(door slamming)

you need to calm down

and stop running around like

a jackrabbit, Bannister.

You hear me?

Sure everything's gonna be fine.

(lock whirring)

- Gabbi?

Gabbi, I'm coming for ya!

- Hey, hey!

What are you doing?

Get back here!

- [Owen] Gabbi?

Where are you?

Are you in here?

(tense music)

- Slow down, Bannister.

Bannister, where'd you go?

- I'm in here.

I found her phone but no sign

of Gabbi.

I'm getting worried.

- [Jessica] Worried?

Why's that?

Any signs of foul play?

- You mean like all this blood

on the bed?

- Don't touch anything.

Good move, Bannister.

You've contaminated my

crime scene

and now you're gonna be

the prime suspect

if anything's happened to her.

- That's just it.

We need to find her before

anything does happen to her.

- Calm down.

Think for a minute.

Maybe she cut herself and went

to an urgent care in a hurry.

That would explain the door

being open.

(window banging)

(door closing)

There it is again.

Let's check that out.

- Owen?


Help, please!

(intense music)

(Owen screams)

- Oh.

- Settle down, big fella.

Nothin' to see here.

- Help me, please!


I'm in here!

(knob jiggling)

(tense music)

(intense music)

(door closing)

(tense music)

No, no, no, don't go, don't.

Don't go, please!

No, don't leave me!

(knob jiggling)

(door banging)

- Huh?

That's weird.

I could have sworn that

was coming from upstairs.

- Yeah, me too.

Let's check this out first

and then we can go back up

and take a look around.

- Hm.

(Jessica wailing)

Hey, let me help you.

- I don't need your help.

- Well clearly.

Come on.

(both grunting)

Oh, God.

God, no, no, no.

(door slamming)

(air poofing)

- Bannister, I think you

might be overreacting.

Bringing me out here

because your breakfast

date didn't show up?

- No, no, no.

She was so spooked last night

and then she never showed up to


so I came here and

she wasn't here

and I called her like a dozen

times and she never picked up.

- Didn't you only meet this

girl a couple days ago?

You did say she was supposed

to fly out today, right?

- Yes, but listen, her

flight isn't until tonight.

I haven't seen her in like

24 hours.

I mean, we should at least

try to get in the house

and make sure she's in there.

You know,

to see if she's all right.

This is the place she

said she was scared of.

- We can't go in

without the owner's

permission or a warrant.

Besides, look around, Bannister.

You said when you came over

this morning,

her car was here and I don't

see any car.

She was probably running late

to meet you

and now you're not where you

were supposed to meet her.

I think you might be

overreacting over nothing.

- I mean she never picked up

the phone.

- You've never had your

phone battery die before.

Come on, let's go.

- I don't know.

Still got a bad feeling

about it.

- Welcome to Jerome.

Everybody gets that feeling,

but there's always a

reasonable explanation.

Bannister, what's that?

(tense music)

- I have no idea.

- Well now you look suspicious.

Bannister, I'm gonna need you

to come down to the station

for some questioning.

(tense music)

(somber music)

- Owen.



No, Owen!





(tense music)


(intense music)

(tense music)

(mysterious music)

- "To Angus from Judy."

"Angus, remember Hannah's


"We have lost our baby,"

"but we still have each other."

"In the future we will


"Never forget the power

in our family name"

"and the specialness of

our motto."

"Per ardua ad alta."

"Through adversity to

the heights."

"Happy anniversary."

"Love, Judy."


(dramatic music)

(phone ringing)

(phone ringing)

- [Owen] Hello, this is Owen.

- Owen, Owen, it's me, Gabbi.

I'm in the house.

- [Owen] Hello?

Who is this?

- It's me, it's Gabbi.

- [Owen] Gabbi, is this you?

- Owen, yes, yes, yes.

It's me, it's me.

- Sorry, but whoever this

is, I can't hear you.

If you can hear me, I'm

gonna hang up and then-

- Oh no, no, don't.

Owen, no, no, no, don't hang up!

(Gabbi crying)


(phone beeping)

(disconnect tone beeping)

(ominous music)

(disconnect tone beeping)

(Gabbi whimpering)

(disconnect tone beeping)

(ominous music)

(phone beeping)

- [Mr. Landstone] Reynolds?

Yeah, I don't know what

happened to you,

but you missed the deadline.

I don't know if you got caught

up in the atmosphere there

or what, but I needed that file

and now I'm gonna have

to go into a meeting

with six investors who

were depending on you.

I'm sorry, Gabbi, but I'm

gonna have to fire you.

(ominous music)

(Gabbi crying)

(dramatic music)

(tense music)

(Gabbi crying)

(glass cracking)

(tense music)

(glass cracking)

(Gabbi yelping)

(glass cracking)

(Gabbie yelping)

(ominous music)

(Gabbi crying)

(water dripping)

(mysterious music)

- Per ardua...

Why didn't you give him this?

(mysterious music)

(ominous music)

(ominous music swells)

- Let me see that text again.

(ring jingling)

I hope for your sake she's

in here.

(eerie music)

(Gabbi gasps)

(eerie music)

(ominous music)

- You're?

- I am you.

(glass cracking)

- I don't understand.

- So, what's the plan?

- Look for a way to access

the house.

See what we can find inside.

- Could we go in through

an open window?

- Easy enough, if there was one.

- Oh, what about that?

- Right, great.

You wait by the front door,

I'll go in through one of

those windows

and come and let you in.

- No, no, no, not happening.

I'm going up there with you.

- You're gonna do what I

tell you to do, Bannister.

You got that?

(glass shattering)

- I'm here to help you, Gabbi.

The house demands a payment.

Angus demands a payment in

order for you to to leave.

- I don't believe you.

- Someone has to pay the price.

- What are you?

- I'm you.

And I'm here to save you.

- What do you mean, "Save me?"

- If you throw that doll in

the fire,

it'll only seal the curse

in this house eternally.

That doll is the life of Angus

and it'll only anger him.

- Okay, suppose you do want to

help me.

What should I do now?

(intense music)

- Gabbi?

Gabbi, are you in there?

- If you want to leave,

then we must hurry.

- [Owen] We're coming!

- It's now or never.

- Okay.

- Angus placed a curse on

this house

and he sealed it with his blood,

and the only way to break

the curse is with our blood.

This is what's required.

- So what do I need to do?

- Repeat after me.

And when we're done,

we use a knife to cut our hands

and drip some of our

blood into the furnace

and then the curse will be

broken and then you can leave.

(tense music)

(ominous music)

- Tell me what to do.

- Repeat after me.

In the name of Angus Hannah.

- In the name of Angus Hannah.

- We give our life blood

to break this curse.

- We give our life blood

to break this curse.

(tense music)

- Are you in yet?

- I'm going in.

I'll be right down.

(intense music)

(Gabbi gasps)

(intense music)

- That's it.

The price is paid and the curse

is broken.

You can go now.

- That's all?


This house has already

taken more blood from me

than I can imagine.

- I know, because it's

taken it from me as well.

(tense music)

- [Spirits] Per ardua ad alta.

Per ardua ad alta.

(intense music)

(Gabbi gasps)

(intense music)

(Jessica wailing)

(lock whirring)

(tense music)

(intense music)

(Gabbi wailing)

(hit thudding)

(Gabbi crying)

(Gabbi screaming)

(intense music)

(Jessica grunting)

(intense music)

(door slamming)

(lock whirring)

(Gabbi screaming)

(intense music)

(Jessica grunting)

(intense music)

- Bannister,

where the hell are you?

I need your help!

(Gabbi grunting)

(Gabbi panting)

(intense music)

(Gabbi screaming)

- Gabbi!

Where are you?

(Gabbi screaming)

Oh my God.

- What was that?

It looked just like you.

- It doesn't matter,

it's dead now.

We have to get out of here.

- Then let's go.

- [Jessica] Bannister,

well the hell are you?

I need your help.

- Who's that?

- That's Jessica Cooper.

- Who?

- Oh, Sheriff Cooper,

the county sheriff.

I asked her to come help me

find you

and I was on my way to help

her, but then heard you scream.

- Well you better go help

her then.

(tense music)

- Are you Gabbi?

- Yes, let me help you.

- [Jessica] Where's Owen?

- Come on.

- I thought he was with you.

- You okay?

- I think so.

- Can you walk on that?

Okay, well then get up

and let's get out of here.

(tense music)

- Dispatch, D2100 checking in.

Do you read?

(radio buzzing)


(tense music)

Wait a minute.

- Gabbi?

(tense music)

I thought you said, no, I

thought you said she was dead.

- I thought she was dead.

- I'm the real Gabbi.

Don't listen to a word

that things says.

- Owen, I'm the real Gabbi.

We need to stop her before

we can get out of here.

- All right, can, can

we all just calm down?

I mean, no one needs

to get hurt here, okay?

- She's lying.

She's not me.

- Hey!

I don't know what the hell's

going on with you two,

but if you just give me

my g*n back,

we can all go down to the

station and figure this out.

- One step closer and I'll

sh**t you.

- Give me my g*n back.

(intense music)

(g*nsh*t firing)

(Jessica grunting)

(Jessica wailing)

- Let go of the g*n!

(intense music)

- You're crazy,

whatever you are!

(g*nsh*t firing)

(Owen wailing)

(intense music)

(head thudding)

(intense music)

(Gabbi gasps)

(Gabbi choking)

(intense music)

(intense music)

(glass shattering)

(replicant screams)

(replicant panting)

- Owen.

- I'll be all right.

God, Sheriff Cooper's dead.

- We have to get out of

here or we'll die, too.

- Okay.

(dramatic music)

(knob jiggling)

- [Replicant] Hold on.

(door banging)

- Come on!

(tense music)

- This has got to work.

(lock whirring)

(Owen sighs)

- Oh, let's get out of this

hell hole.

(lock whirring)

(dramatic music)

(Gabbi grunting)

(tense music)

(dramatic music)

(two truck alert beeping)

(dramatic music)

(ominous music)

(Gabbi crying)

(somber music)

(g*nsh*t firing)

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

(ominous music)

(tense music)
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