Dangerous Waters (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Dangerous Waters (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(musical blast)

(sirens blasting)

(traffic hums)

(phone rings)

(operator speaks

foreign language)

- [Agent Richard] The

interview is being conducted by

Agent Richard Friedman.

The date is May 14th,

the time is 9:28 AM.

Rose, I'm here to help.

Why don't we just

start at the beginning.

(waves crash)

(sinister music)

(waves crash)

(car engine hums)

(dog barks)

(door clicks)

(door bangs)

(keys clank)

(switch clicks)

(microwave door clicks)

(microwave bleeps)

(water trickles)

(feet shuffle)

(Alma screams)

(Alma and Rose laugh)

- Rose, God damn

silent assassin,

you scared me half to death.

- [Rose] Happy birthday, Mom.

Gosh, the big 4-0.

(microwave bleeps)

- It's the new 30.

- Come here.

- Thank you, honey.

- All right, give me

those car keys, old lady.

I'm gonna be late for work.

- You all packed and ready?

We've got a good drive

ahead of us tomorrow.

- k*ll me now!

(keys clatter)

- It's gonna be fun,

I love you, honey.

- [Rose] Love you.

(door clicks)

(mellow pop music)

(car door clicks)

(car boot clicks)

(car door bangs)

- Morning, sweetie,

how was work?

- Front desk, yes, sir.

Front desk, no, sir.

Front desk, oh, I'm sorry

to hear about that, sir.

Oh, I'll clean the shit

off the floor, sir.

- When I finish

writing my memoir

about eating shit with a smile

you're getting an advanced copy.

We're gonna have fun, let's go.

(car engine splutters)


- It's a sign.

- It's not a sign.

(car bleeps)

(compartment door clicks)

- Mom!

(car bonnet clanks)

(tool bangs)

- No.

- You keep an open mind,

Rosie, it's all I'm asking.

He's a great guy.

- Again.

(tool bangs)

(car engine revs)

(Alma whoops)

(car bonnet bangs)

- We're going on vacation.

(gravel crunches)

Water, sun, here we come.

- [Rosie] Oh God!

(upbeat music)

Tell me something

that I don't know

Give me nothing

but love and hope

I hope I can

find my paradise

Been down under

and all I've seen

- If you tease me about my

peach buzz, I swear to God.

- How much longer?

- We are here, honey, look

at this, it's beautiful.


- So what do you like

so much about this guy,

besides the fact that he's rich?

- I don't care that he's rich.

He's not actually, I like

that he's a gentleman.

- 10-days stuck on a

boat with a gentleman

I've never met before,

and you've known for,

what, a month, six-weeks?

- Don't be such a

teenager, please.

This is exciting, we are

going on an adventure.

Let's do it.

- I literally hate the water,

it's f*cking terrifying.

- There he is.

I've never seen him

in shorts before.

Come on, let's go.

(hands slap)


Let's do it.

(car door clicks)

- Okay, I'll be right there.

- Don't you go

backing out on me.

- I won't.

(car door bangs)


(case clatters)

- Come on board, baby.

- This is beautiful.

- Here, take a seat, I

want you to see something.

- Okay.

- So this is the

course I've chartered.

These are the wave points,

but that here is Bermuda.

By next Tuesday,

we'll be lounging on the beach

with a belly full of rum.

Hey, come check this out,

I wanna show you down here.

- You know, I'm just

gonna wait here for Rose,

so you don't have

to do this twice.

- Is she okay?

- She's great, she's just

stubborn like her mom.

Scared to death of anything new.

This will be good for her.

(tense music)

(seagulls squawking)

- I'm okay, thank you.

That's very kind.

- [Rose] Got it!

- [Alma] Hey, you good?

- Yeah, I'm good.

Saw that dude checking you out.

What'd he say to you?

- He's just making conversation.

He wanted to know where I

was headed looking this good.

- We have options, you don't

need to settle, just saying.

- Hey guys, Rose, so

nice to finally meet you.

- Yeah.

- Look at this beautiful boat.

- Who's Annalisa?

- I don't know.

Bought her second-hand, bad

luck to change the name.

Well, come on.

- Let's go, honey.

("There I Go" - Common Kings)

(water splashes)

There I go

Skanking to the sunrise

Leaving all the bad

vibes slipping away

There I go

Take me on the other side

Ready from my sad time

- [Derek] First mate Rose,

calling first mate Rose.

Need some help us here stat.

- You're silly.

- First mate Rose, can't

sleep all day here.

Your captain could use a hand.

Do you know how to tie

a double slip reef knot?

- No.

- I'm pretty sure you do,

you know how to tie

your shoes, don't you?

- Yeah.

- Grab some rope from

underneath the laptop.

It's in the storage.

I'll teach you some more knots.

Rope is called line.

Rope is called line.

- Great teacher.

(paper rustles)

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday

- Okay, okay.

(Rose laughs)

- [Alma] What's

with the tombstone?

- Better to be over

the hill than under it.

- Sure, I'm going for it.

- Go for it.

(Alma puffs)

- Ah, sweetie.

(lips smack)

- Happy birthday, Mom.

- I love you.

- I love you.

- [Derek] What about me?

- Come here you.

(mellow music)

Me and Rose have been two

ships passing in the night

for the last month.

I've been working a swing

shift at the restaurant,

and she's been on

graveyard at the hotel.

So only time we're both home

is when one of us is sleeping.

I miss you, honey.

- I miss you too.

- How do you like

working at the hotel?

- I absolutely f*cking hate it.

- Okay, let's just say

she doesn't have my flare

for customer service (laughs).

- Got a good poker face.

- [Derek] That is an

excellent bowline.

- Rose is an excellent

student, always has been.

You want another piece?

- [Derek] I would

love another piece.

- He always orders two pieces.

- Your mom tells me about

college, that's so cool.

Does that mean you'll be

leaving the nest in the fall?

- No, I'm going

to defer one year

so I can work and save money.

So one more year in the nest.

- Smart and beautiful.

I wonder where she gets it from.

Oh, hey, I have presents.

That's for you.

- And this, oh, no,

that's for us for later.

- I love gifts.

- And just like I

said in the note,

I'm really happy

that you're with us,

and I'm happy that you get to

experience my love of sailing.

- Sweetie.

- Who knows.

- Rosie!

- Maybe one day you'll love

it just as much as I do.

That is a marlin spike.

It'll untangle any knot if you

ever find yourself in a jam.

- Thank you.

- I love it.

(lips smack)

- Great.

(Alma laughs)

- So you're a cop?

- Used to be.

- What are you now?

- Private security consultant.

(machinery bleeps)

It looks like I'm needed

topside, and I could use a hand.

You can't stay down

here all day, kiddo.

- Yeah, go help

him, I'll clean up.

(water splashes)

You two are cute,

my phone is crappy.

Try this again.

Hey, honey, Derek, just

gimme a little wave.

I love that.

(wind howls)

Video mode.

- Okay, we need to jibe.

Can you feel which way

the wind is blowing?

- We are waiting on dolphins.

- [Rose] That way.

- So we need to turn the bow

so the wind shifts sides.

- Oh my God, I love it.

(mast cracks)

(Alma screams)

(water splashes)

- Mom, Mom!

- [Derek] Oh shit!

- [Alma] Derek.

(dramatic music)

- Go down to starboard storage,

grab a blanket and the

first aid kit, go down.

- [Derek] Grab on

the horseshoe, baby.

Hang on tight, I'm

pulling you in.

(seat clanks)

Give me your hand,

there we go.

- [Rose] Are you hurt?

- I'm okay.

- It's okay, you okay?

- Yeah, sweetie, I lost

your phone out there.

- Well, I don't care.

- You love that phone?

- No, it's okay.

- I'm gonna get you a new one.

- It's okay, it's okay.

(winch clanks)

- Well, at least now

I know what to do

in case of an emergency.

- Wasn't that an emergency?

- I'm okay, honey.

Hey, sweetie, I told you this

was gonna be an adventure.

- [Derek] Okay, no

more adventures.

- What's that?

(thunder rumbles)

(wind howls)

- [Alma] You need help, honey?

- No, you're on vacation,

it's no big deal.

Just taking precautions.

Might get a little rough,

(hatch clanks)

but that's about it.

And it's not gonna come to this

but there's a life

raft in the cockpit,

and there's three

life vests here.

- How far away from home

are we, can we just go back?

- [Derek] It's fine,

really, it's fine.

- It's okay, Mom.

- The wind shifted, they came

out of nowhere, but it's fine.

Everything's gonna be fine.

- Okay.

(tense music)

(boat creaks)

(boat creaks)

(voices muttering)

(Alma gasps)

- [Derek] Oh my God,

you are so f*cking sexy.

(Alma gasps)

Oh my God.

(television blares)

(door clicks)

(waves splash)

- [Alma] Hey, honey,

come and join me.

Come sit.

- Breakfast of champions.

- Yeah, decided I'm gonna

make it a birthday week.

Doing okay?

- What happened to the storm?

- It passed right on by.

We didn't wanna wake you, you

didn't seem bothered by it,

Miss cool as a cucumber.

Here I thought you were

afraid of the water,

I was absolutely

sh1tting my pants

imagining all of us in

that little lifeboat

out there in the ocean.

You want a bite?

- No, I didn't sleep at all.

- You want a cigarette?

- No.

- Rosie, I know you smoke.

- Yeah, I didn't want

to smoke in front of you

so you'd quit.

- Let me smoke, life is

not as short as they say,

and I need my cigarette breaks.

Just love it out

here, don't you?

- Absolutely f*cking not.

- Come on, it's

gorgeous, smell that air.

I'm sorry I couldn't

give you more.

I tried my best, but...

(melancholy music)

- Mom, shut up, you're

incredible, you're

the best mom ever.

- I don't want you

to end up like me.

- Hello.

- I love you, baby.

Smells like bacon.

- Ha-ha!

- Where's the bacon?

- Oh, every time Derek

would come in the diner

in his uniform, I say,

"Smells like bacon."

I think that's

what won him over.

- That's exactly

what won me over,

that and your great ass.

- Get outta here.

- Derek, why do you

have an as*ault r*fle?

- [Alma] A what?

- It's for work.

- It's an AR15, isn't it?

- It is, it is.

Does it bother you

that I have it?

- No,

I wanna sh**t it.

(weight thuds)

- Okay, this is

the ready position.

Safety's on, my finger

is not on the trigger,

it's outside the trigger guard

until I'm ready to sh**t.

Not on the shoulder, inside a

little more, a little higher.

That's perfect.

Now bring the sights

up to your eyes,

not your eyes down

to the sights.

Your head, neck,

and spine straight.

Look at that, kids these days,

we should be afraid of them.

Your off grip hand moving

as far forward as you can.

Right, you're gonna find

the safety over here,

you can release it just by...

(g*n bangs)

You shot before!

- No, I watch a lot

of action movies.

- Well, it looks like

you're a natural.

- See Mom, I'm a natural.

- [Derek] You wanna try, hun?

- Certainly not.

I'd prefer if you

put that thing away.

It's just not how I wanna

spend my vacation, sweetie.

You know her daddy

was a soldier, right?

It is bad enough that

she likes to fight,

I don't want her

sh**ting g*ns too.

- You like to fight, you train?

- Yeah.

One more, Mom.

- Okay, one more.

- All right, stay nice and

tight, keep those elbows in.

Better to negotiate

hallways and doors,

or bump a team member

coming around a corner.

(g*n bangs)

(mellow music)

(Rose laughs)

(waves crash)

(wind howls)

(lips smack)

- Rosie, come here.

Sweetie, come here.

(cork pops)

- Maritime law, you only

have to be 19 to drink.

- Well, she's not

much of a drinker.

Your grandma will

be so disappointed.

- We're Scottish, Grandma

was a cleaning lady.

I'm pretty sure she

didn't drink champagne.

- You know what?

We should have Derek break

out the whiskey then.

- Oh, I got plenty of whiskey.

- God, I love it here,

I never wanna go home.

- Well, let's not.

Let's keep sailing forever.

- Can we go swimming?

- No, we have fair winds

and following seas.

- [Alma] Okay, that

sounds kind of poetic.

- It is.

(lips smack)

(Rose gulps)

(upbeat music)

(Alma laughs)

- [Alma] Rosie,

come dance with us?

- [Derek] Come on, Rose,

- f*ck off.

- ...[Derek] don't be a pooper.

- [Alma] Sweetie, I miss you,

join us, you're missing out.

(door clicks)

(bottle thuds)

(water splashes)

(tense music)

(boat engine hums)

- [Alma] Who are they?

- [Derek] I don't know.

(boat engine revs)

Stand off, stand off.

(Alma screams)

(Rose's body thuds)

- [Derek] Go back,

get to the back.

- [Alma] Derek!

- [Derek] Shit!

- [Larry] Go on, go, go!

- [Alma] Who are you,

what are you doing?

- [Captain] Shut

up, where is it?

- [Alma] What is

going on, Derek,

what are they talking about?

- [Larry] Shut up.

- [Derek] I have

no f*cking idea.

- [Alma] What do you want?

- [Derek] I don't know

what you're talking about.

(g*n bangs)

(Alma screams)

- [Captain] Larry, shut her up.

- [Larry] Yeah, I'm on it.

- [Alma] What are you doing?

- [Derek] Don't you

f*cking hurt her.

- [Larry] Sit down, bitch.

- [Alma] I don't understand.

- [Larry] Sit the f*ck down.

- [Alma] Derek, do something.

Do something!

- [Captain] Del,

get her in line.

- [Alma] What are you doing?

Get the f*ck away from me.

(fist punches)

- [Derek] Leave her alone.

- [Larry] Where are you going?

Now, tell me, where is it?

- [Derek] There's nothing here.

- Hide, hide.

I love you.


- [Captain] Get her up.

- Go!

- [Alma] No, no, no, get off me!

(body thuds)

(Alma screams)

- [Larry] Captain,

it's all clear.

- [Captain] What's done

is done, where is it?

- [Derek] I don't know

what you're talking about.

- [Captain] Really?


- [Derek] No, don't do it.

(g*n bangs)

(Rose gasps)

(g*n bangs)

(water splashes)

- [Captain] Find it.

- [Tug Crew Member] I'm

gonna check the front cabin.

- [Larry] I'll look back here.

(glass smashes)

Found it.

- It's all there?

- [Tug Crew Member]

Oh yeah, we're good.

That bitch sure had a set

of pipes on her, didn't she?

- You should have kept her

and started a cover band.

(door bangs)

- [Larry] Throw one downstairs.

(glass smashes)

(boat engine revs)

(fire crackles)

(dramatic music)

(fire roars)

(extinguisher clanks)

(extinguisher hisses)

(melancholy music)

(boat creaks)

(tap level squeaks)

(switch clicks)

(boat creaks)

(sails flap)

(switch clatters)

(melancholy music)

(Rose cries)

(Rose sobs)

(supplies clatter)

(door bangs)

(boat bangs)

(metal clanks)

(Rose groans)

- Hello, hello!

(dramatic music)

- Help me!

- I am gonna bring

you around back.

(water splashes)

(tense music)

(winch clicks)

- Okay.

(Derek splutters)

What do I do?

What do I do?

- Radio for help.

- I can't, the radio's dead.

- Alma!

- She's dead, you

f*cking let her die.

What do I do?

- Start the gas, get the sail.

- The electrical system's

fried, the sail's burnt off.

What do I do?

(dramatic music)

What are these?

- Useless.

There's a spare

jib under the AR.

- Okay, then what?

- [Derek] Get it up the mast.

- How?

- Climb,


(sail thuds)

(upbeat tense music)

(handle bangs)

(Rose grunts)

- f*ck!

(handle clanks)

(handle clanks)


(sail rustles)

(water splashes)

(whiskey trickles)

(door creaks)

(water gushes)

- [Derek] Rose!

(feet thud)

- What do you need?

- Get the first aid kit.

You gotta clean the

wound and pack it.

Clean it first.

- Who were those men?

- [Derek] Just get the

gauze and pack the wound.

- Who were those men?

Who were those men?

- I don't know.

Gotta get the motors

going, bypass the electron.

- The starter, is it

like a car starter?

Is it?

Oh god.

Okay, are you the starter?

(tool bangs)

(tool bangs)

(tool thuds)

Well, f*ck!

(switch clatters)

(switch clatters)


(tool bangs)

(sinister music)

(stairs bang)

(feet thud)

(knife clicks)

(mast bangs)

(wind howls)

(tense music)

(knife clicks)

(door clicks)

(door slams)

(door bangs)

(door clicks)

(tense music)

- I hope you tied a

better knot on the sail

than you did on me.

The patch is not

gonna hold in there,

we need to find land.

- You know them.

Why did you lie about

not knowing those men?

- They're monsters, Rose,

the less you know the better.

I need to get the engine

started, I could use a hand.

- Can we just go back?

We haven't been

sailing for that long.

Why not?

- Because the current

runs up the east coast,

and we need to stay

with the current.

If you can put the

knife down now, Rosie.

- Only my mom can call me Rosie.

- Okay.

- Can we just sh**t a

flare when it gets dark?

- [Derek] You see a ship?

- [Rose] No.

- You can only see a flare

for three to five-miles.

Okay, this is us more or less.

This here is Bermuda.

- Nothing else around us.

- No, we miss it, we're f*cked.

We run into weather,

we're f*cked.

You are gonna need to crank

it to get the engine going,

but we gotta be

synced-up perfectly,

or it won't turn over.

(crank clanks)

- [Rose] Is this good?

- Wait, yeah, a little faster.

And I'm gonna flip the

decompression lever.

Go crank, crank it.

(crank whirs)

Ready, okay.


(engine splutters)

All right, go, crank it.

- [Rose] Okay.

- Ready?

(engine revs)

f*ck, yeah!

(electrical blast)

(sail thuds)

(case thuds)

(dramatic music)

(Derek's body thuds)

- [Rose] Shit!

- Stay in the cockpit all night.

Keep it northeast.


I'm sorry about your mom.

(melancholy music)

(feet thud)

(Derek sighs loudly)

(feet thud)

I made that for you.

You think I can

get my knife back?

- No.

- You know I gave that

necklace to your mom.

- It's impossible,

she's had it for years.

- [Derek] I've

known her for years.

- She started dating

you like a month ago.

- I've been trying

to court your mom

eating that shitty diner food

since you were in middle school.

I almost gave up after the

thousandth time I walked in

and she said,

"Smells like bacon."

- She was tough.

- As nails.

- I wanted her to

have a proper funeral.

Not just gonna roll

her into the ocean.

- We made some good

progress last night.

And just keep it up.

(water splashes)

(sail flaps)

- [Rose] What is it?

- Wish we had more sail,

that jib isn't enough.

Will you turn the

micrometre drum

a little to the left for me.

It's that little knob there.

Yeah, stop.

- Where's Polaris?

- That is the Big Dipper,

so that there is Polaris.

After some math that's

gonna tell us where we are.

(water trickles)

- [Derek] f*ck!

(dramatic music)


- What's wrong?

- We're going the

wrong f*cking way.

- Why?

(cups smash)

- We're headed into the

f*cking Atlantic, f*ck!

- Well, if we're

going the wrong way,

we can just change directions.

- We can't change directions,

the current is too

f*cking strong.

We're f*cked, okay,

we missed our chance.

We're f*cked!

Ah, Jesus Christ.

(door bangs)


(dramatic music)

Jesus f*cking Christ,

can't f*cking believe this!


(water splashes)

(hatch clanks)

(feet thud)

(mast clanks)

(enlightening music)

- Can you just go?

- [Derek] No.

- Well, I wanna

stay with my mom.

- I need you to row,

I only have one arm.

Come on, Rose.

Come on, you can do this.

Put that oar together, okay.

(oar clanks)

(water splashes)

(oar clanks)

- f*ck!

(water splashes)

(dramatic music)


(water splashes)

Help, help!


- Pull the cord.

Pull the cord, inflate the vest.

(Rose gasps)

(water splashes)

(water splashes)

Come on.

(breath hisses)

Come on.

Ah, come on!

Come on!

(Rose gasps)

(Rose coughs)

(waves crash)

(mellow music)

(life vest clanks)

(waves crash)

(birds chirp)

(leaves rustle)

(birds chirp)

(birds chirp)

(sand crunches)

(waves crash)

(water splashes)

- Derek!

- Hey,

come drink,

this water's fresh.

(water trickles)

We gotta finish this loop.

(water splashes)

- Okay.

What does your tattoo mean,

a knife through a rose?

- [Derek] It's a tagger.

- [Rose] What's it mean,

it's on your AR too?

- Means you're ready to

fight, ready to k*ll,

whatever, whatever,

even something as

delicate as a rose.

- Were you in the military?

- No.

- What's the plan here?


(Derek sighs loudly)

- Let's not talk, okay, let's

just conserve our energy.

(leaves crunch)

(waves crash)

(water splashes)

- Sorry.

(enlightening music)

- Hey, be careful,

there's coral here.

It'll tear the bottom

of this thing up.

Here, eat,

we need to get our strength up

if we're gonna make it back

to the boat before dark.

- What?

Maybe someone's here,

I'd rather be on land.

- There's nothing here.

Our best bet is to keep sailing.

- Sail to where, where are we?

- I don't know.

(tense music)

(waves crash)

(waves crash)

- Where you going?

- We're not gonna make

it back to the boat.

It's getting dark.

We need rest.

(melancholy music)

(cover rustles)

(fire crackles)

(oar clicks)

(feet pad)

You know how to

build a campfire?

(wood thuds)

- Yeah, you keep the

sticks spread apart

so air can get in, right?

- You're one hell

of a quick study.

(Derek groans)

You could probably build

the next one on your own.

You guys didn't get

out much, did you?

- No, we've only been

to the coast like once.

- I can't believe how

quickly you took to sh**ting.

I mean, I've never

seen anything like it.

You sure your dad didn't

give you a little lesson?

- Well, he died when

I was really young.

I didn't really know him.

He was a decorated soldier

though, I know that.

- It must be in the blood then.

- Maybe.

But I lied when I said

I never shot before.

I went a bunch of times

with a guy from work.

I just didn't want my mom to

know, 'cause she hated g*ns.

- Ah-hah, truth comes out.

- My dad enlisted so he

could afford college,

but he never made it,

he got blown up in Iraq.

There wasn't even anything

left of him to send home.

I think that's why

it was so important

for my mom that I go to college.

- I've always been a

slow learner myself.

Had to learn every single

thing the hard way.

I, Derek Stipes,

do solemnly swear

to protect the constitution

of the United States

and the constitutional laws

of the state of Florida

and protect them against all

enemies, foreign and domestic,

so help me, God and Jesus

and Mary and Joseph,

and the Holy Spirit too.

I believed that

for about 10-years

tried to be a really good cop.

But I could never get ahead.

My wife Annalisa left me,

said I was a loser, I was.

(tense music)

10-years of being a

good cop underwater

before I finally realised

that the game was rigged.

I wished I would've learned

that lesson earlier.

You and your mom are

good people, Alma,

she just thought she'd work

her fingers to the bones

so you wouldn't have to work

your fingers to the bone.

But that's not the way it works.

All the hard work

and perseverance and

pluck in the world

don't get you outta

the poor house.

The only way to win a rigged

game is to play dirty,

so I started being a dirty cop.

I realised that's kind

of who I was all along.

And I started to get a

little something for myself,

started to taste a little

of what the good life was,

and then, then I saw

what the bad guys,

the real winners of

the rigged game had.

And I understood that

I was still a chump.

So the first opportunity I saw

to work directly with them,

I jumped at, quit the force,

f*ck you oath and all.

And when I saw

another opportunity

to swindle those same bad

guys, I jumped on that too.

I stole as much as I could,

and I didn't even

feel bad about it.

You know why?

Because the Captain

is pure f*cking evil.

(tense music)

- Who's the Captain?

- He's the man

who shot your mom,

and he has done things you

could not even imagine.

- Tell me about the Captain.

- He likes girls,

very young girls.

- Gonna f*cking k*ll him.

- You wanna k*ll the Captain?

You're gonna need to forget

everything you learned

about playing by the rules.

Fight dirty.

You think you got a poker face?

You were scared shitless,

I could see that.

Learn to lie better.

You were pretty good

with those knots.

You want me to show you

where you f*cked up?

- It's okay.

- Come on, kiddo, gotta learn.

Come on.

This is the knot you

should have tied on me.

(rope hisses)

Try to get outta that.

- What's that?

- It's an EPIRB.

- What's it do?

- Or you could have

tried this knot.

- What's it do?

- You activate it,

it sends a SOS signal

to a satellite,

people come rescue us.

- You said it didn't work.

- Try that out.

Hey, you still think

I'd let your mom die?

- No, I'm sorry I said that.

- Good,


(tense music)

It's a beautiful ring, isn't it?

You want it?

- Did you take that

off her finger?

- I thought your mom was so hot.

Figured we'd have so

much fun sailing around

on my big getaway.

When I found out you were

tagging along, I was pissed,

but then I saw that you

were hot too, so win-win.

I never really knew your mom.

I mean, not very well.

Now she's dead, RIP.

I didn't give her this necklace.

- Why did you say you did?

- I needed you to trust me.

(tense music)

(hands thud)

I'm sorry, I can't

raise both hands.

- Stay down.

- I'm guessing target practise

didn't involve handguns.

- Does the EPIRB

work, turn it on.

- I can't do that.

- Do it?

- No, not yet.

- Why not, do it?

- Because when they come

you'll talk too much.

- What are you talking about?

- I have to k*ll you.

(g*n clicks)

You have no clip.

(dramatic music)

(bodies thud)

(hands thud)


(fast-paced dramatic music)

(g*n clicks)

(g*n bangs)

(g*n bangs)

(Rose gasps)

(Rose screams)

(g*n bangs)

(birds chirp)

(twigs crack)

(sinister music)

(waves crash)

(tense music)

(water splashes)

(g*n bangs)

(dramatic music)

(g*n bangs)

(Rose groans)

- Oh, Rosie, sweetie Rosie,


(g*n bangs)

(branch crunches)

(Derek yells)

(dramatic music)

(body thuds)

(water splashes)

(Rose huffs)

(waves crash)

(foot thuds)

(dramatic music)

- Get me back to the boat.

Get me back to the boat,

and I'll activate the EPIRB.

- Activate it now.

- Not till you get me

back to the boat (groans).

- Give it to me.

(body thuds)

- You need me.

(knife swipes)

(knife swipes)

(Rose groans)

Quit f*cking around.

You need me, and I need you.

Get me back to the boat,

and we're both safe.

(knife swipes)

You can't make it without me.

(stone thuds)

- Why the f*ck did you not

activate the EPIRB on the boat?

What the f*ck were

you waiting for?

- I thought we could get

outta here on our own.

I'd keep you quiet, I was

gonna trade you to the Captain.

Maybe he'd spare my life if I

offered him some fresh meat.

But it turns out this island

is f*cking deserted.

- It's not f*cking working.

(equipment thuds)

- You gotta get me outta here.

(Derek groans)

(dramatic music)

(water splashing)

(melancholy music)

(Rose groans)

(Rose gasps)

(icebox lid clatters)

(whiskey splashes)

(bottle bangs)

(melancholy music)

(water splashes)

(Rose gasps)

(Alma screams)

(water trickles)

(water splashes)

(clothes thud)

(boat creaks)

(water splashes)

- No, no!

(water splashes)

- No, don't leave

me, don't leave me.

Don't leave me, no (cries).

No, no, no.

(water splashes)

(Rose sobs)

(melancholy music)

(Rose cries)

(knife clicks)

(water splashes)

(melancholy music)

(water splashes)

(case thuds)

(water splashes)

(tin clanks)

(tin and knife clatter)

(tense music)

(packet crackles)

(flare blasts)

(flare blasts)

- Help!


(Rose groans)

(knife scrapes)

(boat engine motor revs)

(melancholy music)

- Here's her g*n.

- [John] She's just

in time to eat.

You hungry?

- [Crew] I'll tell the

Captain she's here.

(feet thud)

(plate clanks)

(w*apon thuds)

- You know you

can't take weapons

through international

waters, right?

Just f*cking with you.

- You're new.

- [Larry] Come on, let's go.

- I'm cold, can I

please take a shower?

(water trickles)

(dramatic music)

(door clicks)

(upbeat dramatic music)

(feet tap)

(door clanks)

(feet tap)

(tense music)

(machinery bleeps)

(door clicks)

Hi, can I come in?

- [Larry] That's the

girl we picked up.

You can't be in here.

(door clanks)

- No, it's fine.

What can I do for you?

- Are you the Captain?

- Yes, I'm the Captain.

- I wanted to thank

you for saving me.

- You're welcome.

The fellas told me

what you went through.

You're a brave girl.

- This ship is so much

bigger than the one I was on.

What does that joystick do?

- This one right here

controls the rudder.

- What happens if I move it?

- Nothing, it's on autopilot.

- Where's the autopilot?

- Give me your hand,

it's right there.

These two.

- Is it hard driving

something this big?

- Nothing's hard for me.

- What about for me?

I wanna drive it.

(Captain laughs)

- This ship was built

for deep waters.

We're travelling in a straight

line until we get to port.

(machine bleeps)

(Captain laughs loudly)

(door bangs)

The real world is out there,

this is just a virtual world.

You have to keep

your eyes on lookout

at all times.

- What if I wanna turn?

(Captain laughs)

- Then turn.

You already put us on

standby, we're off autopilot.

Turn it starboard side.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

You know your starboard, huh?

Turn it slow.

That's right, slow.

Turn it slower.

Turn it slower.

Now you see on the

compass how we've turned?

The only problem is

we're headed the wrong way.

- Do I just click it

back on autopilot?

- Just click it

back on autopilot.

(machine bleeps)

- [Rose] Seems pretty easy.

- It's easy till

you get to port.

It's when you're almost home,

that's when it gets hard.

This is pretty.

- I was cut by coral,

is that dangerous?

- It can be, some

coral is poisonous.

As long as you put

the right solution

and the right ointment on it,

the wound won't get infected.

'Cause a coral cut

not taken care of

could last for a very long time.

- Do you have the ointment?

- Yeah, I have the ointment.

Did you wash your cut


Did you use water?

Did you use hydrogen peroxide?

- Just water.

- Do you want me

to take care of it?

Do you want me to

take care of you?

You sure?

Why don't you come over here

so I can take a closer look.

(tense music)

(first aid kit clatters)

(feet thud)

(tense music)

(g*n thuds)

(spanner thuds)

(Captain groans)

- Anyone have eyes

on the castaway girl?

(spanner bangs)

- She's on the bridge

with the Captain.

- My mother's name was Alma.

- [Roberta] She has

one of our g*ns.

Get her now.

- f*ck!

(tense music)

(feet pad)

- [Radio] Anybody seen

the girl, where is she?

(door clicks)

- Hey.

(switch clicks)

Have you seen my g*n,

it's big, it's an AR15?

Are you okay?

- Do you need a g*n?

- Yes.

- There's lots of

g*ns down there.

- Down where?

- In the engine room.

- Okay, how do I get there?

- Straight, right, right,

there's a door on the stairs.

- Okay.

- They're all pumped full of

dr*gs, they can't help you.

- Who can't help me?

- All the girls.

(door clicks)

- [Radio] Just went through

the control room, nothing.

- [Crew Member] I'm

down on the main deck,

I'll search the rooms here.

(door clicks)

(feet tap)

(feet tap)

(tense music)

(g*n clatters)

(spanner clanks)

(spanner clanks)

- [Crew] Hey, don't move.

(feet thud)

Stay right there.

Stay where you are.

(g*n bangs)

(body thuds)

(Rose gasps)

(feet tap)

(tense music)

(door clanks)

(g*n bangs)

(g*n bangs)

(g*n bangs)

(g*n bangs)

(g*n bangs)

(sh**t groans)

(tense music)

(g*n bangs)

(g*n bangs)

(Roberta yells)

(upbeat dramatic music)

(g*n thuds)

(Rose's body thuds)

(Roberta yells)

(bottles crash)

(Roberta's body thuds)


(Roberta's head thuds)

(knee thuds)

(knee thuds)

(bodies thud)

(Roberta groans)

(Rose gasps)

(tense music)

- [Radio] Roberta, do you

have eyes on the girl?

- She's up on the bridge.

(radio clanks)

(tense music)

- [Larry] Shit!

(feet tap)

(g*n clicks)

(tense music)

(feet thud)

(hand thuds)

(John grunts)

(head thuds)

(Rose's body thuds)

(knee crunches)

(John coughs)

(pipe thuds)

(pipe crunches)

(pipe thuds)

(Rose gasps)

(John groans)

(g*n bangs)

(Rose gasps)

(body thuds)

(feet tap)

(voices mutter)

(lock clanks)

(door creaks)

(c*ptive speaks

foreign language)

- Gonna get you all home.

(captives gasp)

- Drop the g*n!

Drop it.

(g*n clanks)

Close the door.

(door clanks)

Lock it.

(g*n thuds)

You're gonna die, bitch!

- I'm not afraid.

I'm not afraid!

(extinguisher thuds)

(body thuds)

(g*n bangs)

(Rose and Tabitha scream)

- [Rose] How many more

of them are on the ship?

- Five plus the Captain.


(g*n bangs)


(g*n bangs)

(body thuds)

(Tabitha groans)

- Let me see, let me see.

It's okay, you're okay,

it just grazed you.

Stay here, I'm gonna

radio for help, okay?

- The Captain's gonna be so mad.

- The Captain's dead.

(feet thud)

(dramatic music)


(g*n bangs)

(hand slaps)

(Rose groans)

- Turns out the EPIRB

worked after all.

Just had to fiddle

with the battery.

Stupid me, right?

- Why hasn't the

Captain k*lled you?

- Because we worked it all out.

(foot thuds)

I told you, learn to lie.

(feet thuds)

(Rose groans)

And all that advice

kind of pointless, Rose,

'cause you belong to him now.

(Rose laughs)

What's so f*cking funny?

- I did take your advice,

I k*lled the Captain.

(foot stomps)

(Rose's body thuds)

(g*n clanks)

(tense music)

(feet tap)

(door bangs)

(feet tap)

(sinister music)

(door creaks)

(feet tap)

(expl*sive blast)

(Derek yells)

(knife clicks)

(Rose groans)

(Rose yells)

(Rose groans)

(Derek gasps)

(Rose laughs)

(Rose's body thuds)

(Rose huffs)

(melancholy music)

(Rose huffs)

(feet tap)

- Are you okay?

Let me get you outta here.

Come on, you need

to see something.

- It's an incredible

story, Rose.

You're lucky to be alive.

- If you say so.

The girls who were with me.

- They are being reunited with

their families as we speak.

And the plan's already in

motion to get you home too.

- No, I don't have

a home anymore.

I have nothing.

- That's not true,

you have a future.

That's something,

(folder thuds)

and you fought for it.

(Rose sighs)

(melancholy music)

("Need You Like That" - EZI)

Hard to stay away

I'll do anything to

stay so I hold out

Just wanted to taste

what I know now

Delicate or rare

Gotta handle you with

care when I weigh out

But I know it's worth

the risk when I come down

I always unfold

'Cause you find a

way inside my head

Hey-Hey oh

Trying to gain control

Gotta get away

while I'm ahead

Hey-Hey oh

I don't wanna need you,

need you, need you like that

I don't wanna need you,

need you, need you like that

Can't get you out of my mind

I don't wanna need you,

need you, need you like that

But I need you like that

You're in my fingertips

Spreading through my system

Feel the jitters in my veins

Air in between my lips

It's tasting hot and bitter

Thinking things

I can't resist

I always unfold

'Cause you find a

way inside my head

Hey-Hey oh

Trying to gain control

Gotta get away

while I'm ahead

Hey-Hey oh

I don't wanna need you,

need you, need you like that

I don't wanna need you,

need you, need you like that

Can't get you out of my mind

I don't wanna need you,

need you, need you like that

But I need you like that

But I need you like that

But I need you like that
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