Fog City (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Fog City (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

["Sun for a Lover" by Ghost Bike]

With the shimmering sea

Sea of troubles around me

With the sun for a lover

and a bare bodkin

of song in hand

I run for cover

from ash rains yet to come

I run on my own

rather the ills we have

From the colorless plague

That blows smugly

across this land

With the sun for a lover

With the sun for a lover

With the sun's hand in mine

And we hide together


laughing, omniscient

Like lovers' eyes

We've discovered a country

where all travelers remain

A secret beach of our own

that might our quietus make

Should they etch

the whole world

into a Weber deathscape again


Like buried love

surrounds me

I run

In awe from those around me


Like buried love

surrounds me

I run

[rain pattering]

[metal creaking]

[woman 1]

Can I get another round?

Uh, tequila, please.

Ugh, just three more weeks

and I get to peace out

of this God-forsaken island.

I'll be a Hoya

and I won't ever have to deal

with anyone thinking

my father's factory

is gonna blow up

-and poison everyone

to the point of madness.


-Although that would be

kind of cool, right?


-Provided we were

at a somewhat safe distance.

-[giggles] No.

Well, f*ck anybody

who thinks that anyway.

Uh, it's easy for you to say.

Everyone hasn't been calling you

Poison Paige your whole life.

Ah, so your family wealth

comes from some old, secluded,

mysterious factory

-that looks like a 1900 prison.


-Yeah, pretty much.

-And your father's

probably manufacturing

zombie rage gas

or chemical weapons

for the government.

Or worse.

Father never talks about it.

-Girl, I'm sure it's fine.


Fine. People think that it leaks

and makes you crazy

with fits of rage.

Hmm. You do have

a bit of a temper.

-[chuckles] Bite me.


[both laugh]

Seriously, though,

I just cannot wait to graduate

so people can stop accusing me

of having Paige Rage.

-It is clever, though.

-[chuckles] Shut up.


-[rattling in the distance]

[woman 1]

Oh, my God.

You guys smell that?

-God, it's the...

-[man 1] Go! Go!

Oh, what-- my God.


-[man 2] Come on! Everyone out!

-Okay, let's go.

-Let's go. Let's go.

-[Georgia] Yeah.

-[beeping continues]

-[man 3 grunts]

-My God.

Did this place catch on fire?

I don't smell smoke.

-Looks like the old Paige Plant

finally blew up.

-No way.

Holy f*ck! This isn't happening.

-[gas hisses]

-Well, it is happening.

-[Robbie] We're all gonna

go crazy with rage.

-[Georgia] God, shut up!


Oh, no, Poison Paige

strikes again.

-You guys are f*cking jerks.

-Come on.

It's a classic fog in the bar

to make someone think

their family factory

went all Chernoball.

-[Robbie laughing]


I forget how to say it.

Yeah, it's a tale

as old as time.

What, like Beauty and the Beast?

Uh, yeah, actually,

it's, uh, it's just like that.

Except Poison Paige

is the beauty and the beast.

-[Reegan] Whatever.

-Oh, really, Jimmy? Is that it?

-[Paige grunts]

-[Robbie] Shit!


-Dude-- [grunts]

[Reegan laughing]

-[Robbie] f*ck.

-I'm sorry.


Jesus Christ.

You two feeling funny now?

-Not in a good way.

-[Robbie groans]

-[siren wailing]

-Let's go.

Yeah. I'll go get my keys.

-[siren wailing]

-[horn honks]

-[Reegan and Paige chuckling]

-[Reegan] Jimmy and Robbie

should pay for everyone's tabs.

No skimping on the tabs, boys.

Ah, the sun's coming out.

You want to drive?

f*ck, yeah. [giggles]


-[car engine turns over]

-[engine revving]

["Not a One" by The Young Wild]

Nah nah nah, not a one

Nah nah nah, not a one

Nah nah nah, not a one

Nah nah nah, not a one

Nah nah nah

[song playing over car stereo]


Yes, a weekend of relaxing

and drinking

with your wonderful friends

and wonderful boyfriend

is just what you need.

Yes, but does it have to be

in West Craven?


-It's also where my factory is,


And where my uncle's

vacation home is.

My uncle, who never remembers

how much booze he bought

-the last time he was there.


Which is, like, never.

Alright, fine. We'll go.

But we have to take

the long way in.

I don't even want to drive

by that place.

-Uh, yeah.

-[chuckles] Yeah, yeah.

I just hate even looking at it.

It's so ugly.

Ugh, then don't look at it.


look at this f*cking Lambo.

It's not that bad

being Poison Paige.


Don't make me k*ll you.

Yeah, yeah.

Pretty car, pretty boyfriend.

Life is so tough.

JK is a whole other thing.

You guys gonna do it or what?


Do it? Yeah, okay.

Well, yeah,

he's a really nice guy.

You guys should just do it.

Yeah, I know. And thanks

for the Nike ad, by the way.

Well, besides, do you really

wanna wear white to college?

See, that's the thing.

Next fall, I'll be at Georgetown

-and he's going to be at Duke.


Oh, my God,

I think they date r*pe

the freshman girls

with r*pe whistles.


That's disgusting.

Yeah, so is date r*pe.

And r*pe-r*pe,

f*cking Blue Devils.

Well, putting that aside,

I just... [sighs]

I don't know

if I want to lose my virginity

only to break up next Christmas

after realizing

this long-distance thing

was a huge mistake.

Oh, my God,

you guys have been dating

for, like, nine months.

Most girls would be nursing a

baby by now with a guy like JK.

[Georgia chuckles]

Well, um, okay.

We actually tried

a couple of weeks ago.

-What? Really?


but, uh,

it didn't really work out.

He, uh-- We were drinking,

and I guess

when a guy drinks too much,

-it doesn't work.




Um, it was for the best, though.

Whose best?

I don't know. Ours.

Well, what did you guys do?


-Yeah, like...

-Did you blow him?


Nope, not that.

Well, you should've

just blown him.

Somehow that always works out.

Um, I tried to give him

a hand job.

-Yeah? Did that...?

-Um, no.

It turns out he is a lot better

at it than I am, so.

-Yikes. Well, practice.



-I think by next fall,

whether you're still wearing

white or not,

you guys should be able

to work something out

before you start dating

college guys.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah.

Just go get your shit.

Okay, okay. Oh, maybe keep JK

away from the booze.

Just saying.


Back in two shakes. Mm.

I'll make a run

right for the coast


in the great unknown, my love


in the great unknown

They're never gonna

take us alive, my love

They're never gonna

take us alive


in the great unknown, my love


in the great unknown

They're never gonna

take us alive, my love

They're never gonna

take us alive


in the great unknown, my love


in the great unknown

[eerie music]

[car engine revs]




-Hello, creepy K*llers

or Duke students

with r*pe whistles.

Anybody out there?

And now we're sitting ducks.

Hold on.

Reegan, don't leave me here.

Come on, Reegan, not funny.

God. Seriously,

Reegan, not funny.

Reegan, seriously, not funny.


God, where is everybody?

Reegan, come on.


-[dramatic musical sting]

-[gasps, laughs]


-[all laughing]

Oh, God, f*ck my life.

-[car door closes]


I had to find the keys.

My uncle keeps them

in a stupid fake rock.

Hmm, and what's your excuse,


I don't know.

Would you believe rain delay?



-Rain delay it is then.

-[both chuckle]

I'll grab my stuff, babe.

Come on, Reegan,

let us in this bitch.

-All aboard.

-Good old lucky number seven.

Yes, yes, we know,

it's the only house

on the street.

Must someone mention it

every time we're here?

Probably. Where are the lights?

-Ha-ha. Come on.


[eerie musical sting]

[both giggling]

-Two. Yeah.

-[mouths] Two?

Ooof! How's that hand, slugger?

How is the foot is more like it.

Yeah, I heard Jimmy

will be pissing blood

for a week.

-[Chelsea] Oh, Christ.

-I also hear that's not

because of the kick either.

How do you guys all know?

Well, don't look at me.

I've been with you

this whole time.

Everybody knows.

It's a small island.

I also heard that, uh,

Booker made Jimmy and Robbie

pay for everybody's tabs

after you two left.


Yes, that was all me.

Oh, my God. That's so funny.

No. No, guys, it's not.

My dad is gonna be super pissed

and little Jimmy and Robbie

are just gonna plan

more ways

to torment me for revenge.

-Baby, they're harmless.

-Yeah, f*ck those bastards.

Jimmy will wind up

working for his dad

at the lumber yard

after he flunks out of Boston

College and Robbie will...

Well, actually,

Robbie will probably wind up

a lawyer

or something respectable,

but neither will bother you

after graduation.

I need a drink.

Ah, rocks for your soul.

And rocks for your hand.

Ah, thank you. I love you.

Um, and what about me?

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want

some 21-year-old single malt?



Then there's beer

in the fridge there, tiger.

This place is lousy service.

-I'm not a barmaid.


-Now, also, the cell

reception out here sucks.


[eerie music]



-Cheers to--

-[Tanner] To me, right?

I mean, you two lovely ladies

had the audacity

to start drinking without us.

Well, you were late.

Mm. Better late than pregnant,

I always say.

Well, it wasn't

for a lack of speed,

I assure you that.

Eh, never it is.

Oh, nice.

Just take your dad's Cobra

out here?

You know it, rides like a dream.

-Just like Chelsea.

-[JK] Nice.

You wish you knew how I drive.

Oh, I know how you drive.

It's terrifying.

-I said you ride like a dream.

-Yeah, in your dreams, babe.

-I'm just saying.

-Yeah, maybe someday.

-Should I hold my breath?

-Not if you want to survive

the night.


Hey, there's

a lot of booze here.

Uh, it doesn't always help.

Hey, where's Cassie?

[eerie music]

[soft moaning]

[moaning continues]

[both moaning softly]

I really...

...really like you.

I really like you, too.


-[Blake] A lot.


Oh, my God.

So much.

-Oh, my God.

-I like you so much.

[moaning continues]


-No, I decided

I love you actually.


I love you, too.


How much?


So much.

Only so much?

So, so much.




-Oh, my God, what is that?

That, my dear,

is my so much love.

Ew. No, not that. That.

[ominous musical sting]

[siren blaring in the distance]

-[Cassie] Where is

that noise coming from?

-[Blake] What the f*ck is that?

Hurry up, get dressed.

Let's go downstairs.

[siren blaring continues]

-Reegan, what is that?

-I've never heard anything

like it here before.

-[Chelsea] Check Twitter.

-[Tanner] Is that really

what we've come to?


-Like, Siri,

what the f*ck is that noise?

Yes, like that. Do something.

[siren blaring]

Hey, thanks for joining

the party, guys.

-[Cassie] What's up, doc?


Yeah, doc.

They f*ck like rabbits.


Guys, come on.

It's a rabbit thing. [sighs]


[siren blaring continues]

Look outside.

Holy shit. What? What is that?

-I have no idea.

-I mean the g*n.

Why do you have a g*n?

-f*ck, put that away.

-I was a boy scout.

Oh, so the Boy Scouts of America

prepare to carry g*ns now?

-Yes, as a matter of fact.

-I thought you guys

just sold cookies.

We don't sell cookies, Reegan.

Maybe you should.

Okay, where's that fog

coming from?

I've never seen

anything like that.

Alright, enough. Enough, guys.

Let's just go inside. Okay?

[blaring continues]

[siren blaring stops]

Okay, that's better.

Oh, God.

It's still coming this way.

Not to be the sensational

assh*le of the group,

but my phone has no bars.

-No, the service isn't great.

But if you just--

-[Cassie] I want to leave.

She's right. We don't need to

sit here like it's Scooby-Doo

and solve some mysteries.

Sirens don't sound

for a good thing, right?


-No, he's right.

We should just drive away.

-Really, really fast.

-Damn right.

No, it's not safe outside.

Not safe? We don't even know

what that shit is.

Wait, do we?

My factory is

beyond those trees.

Look, it's your father's

factory, isn't it?

Yes, okay, my father's factory,

which, at present,

has a mysterious orange fog


from its general direction,

and it's heading

directly towards ours.

Holy f*ck my life

with a bloody stick.

-Ugh, graphic.

-Yeah, very specific.

Okay, look,

what are we dealing with?

I don't know. Nothing good.


Yeah, Georgia,

you need to come clean.

What is your family cooking

over there?

Zombie gas? Rage gas?

Nuke sauce? What is it?

Oh, my God,

this isn't happening.

-We're all gonna die.

-I don't know.


Come on, Georgia.

You have to just tell us.

Your top secret rage cloud

is headed this way.

It's not a rage cloud.


[ominous music]

Okay, honestly,

I don't know what he makes.

I just know

it's not anything good.

And I, I don't want to find out.

I, I'm with Cassie and Blake.

We have two fast cars

and a t*nk.

-I say we go.

-Yeah, now.

You know, I hope you enjoy

your Lambo, Georgia,

'cause now we're all dead.

I don't think

that's a one-to-one ratio,

Tanner, come on.

Yeah, well, you'll have to check

my math then, Reegan.

This isn't funny, Tanner.

-Funerals never are.

-[JK] Okay.

Okay, hey, look,

let's just drive away, okay?

Come on, babe.

Babe, I really don't want to go.

Okay, well, you say

we shouldn't leave

to get away from it,

but you can't tell us

what it is?

I can't tell you what it is

because I don't know.

If I knew, I would tell you.

Bullshit, Georgia.

I don't believe

daddy never told you

what's in the family's

secret sauce.

-Yeah, exactly.

-[Reegan] Hey, Chelsea,

wha-- what kind of insurance

does your dad sell, huh?

I don't know,

like, house insurance and stuff.

Does he offer flood insurance?

Does it cover acts of God. What?

-Point taken.


What about clouds of toxic gas?

Does it cover that?

Because if it does,

we should go ahead

and give him a call about now.

Oh, that's right.

Our cell phones

don't have service.

We have to just take our chances

and leave

before the cloud reaches us

and makes us all crazy.

Whatever it is, I know

we don't want to breathe it in.

[wind gusting]

And it's getting closer.

-How much time we got?

-[JK sighs]

It's coming, okay?

I-- Slowly, but it's coming.

Let's hit it. We can come back

for the stuff later.

Wait, wait.

Can't we just hold up here?

Come on, guys. We don't know

how far it's spread.

Look, we know

it's spreading here, okay?

Can't we seal this place up?

We could seal this place up,


Oh, oh! There is a bunch of,

um, I don't know, like,

construction shit

from when my cousins were trying

to finish the basement,

we could...

No, we could never

make this place airtight.

Even if we could

make it airtight,

we'd be trapped in a house,

losing oxygen, obviously.

It could pass.

Will it, Georgia? Will it pass?

How would we even know

if it's safe?

We wouldn't.

Our cell phones

don't have service.

The cloud of toxic gas is bad.

We should leave now.

Yeah. Look, we need to go.

We don't even know where to go.

-That didn't stop the pilgrims.


Just saying,

not knowing which way to go

isn't a reason not to go.

-I'll second that.

-Hmm. Lost at sea

ain't no picnic either.


God, it always comes down

to picnics with you.


Guys, let's go.


So much for lucky number seven.


Yep. Lucky number seven.


Come on, Chels.

We may actually make it.


JK, hit the keys. Let's go!

Let's go, okay? Let's go.

-Reegan, you coming?


I, I just need to lock up.

-[Blake] Hey, Tanner,

which way are you guys going?

-We should take to the routes,

maximize our chances.

JK, we should go

through the woods.

We can go off-roading

with this thing if we need to.


Hey, Reegan, hurry up!


I am hurrying.

We're gonna try

and make it back to town.

Yeah, we're not stopping,


God speed.

-[car engine turns over]

-[JK] Reegan, let's go.

-Coming, Jesus!

-[Georgia] Okay, Reegan,

we'll head down along the ocean.

What? No, no, no.

You should come with us, babe.

I want to, but there are

three ways around the marsh.

-We have to try them all.

-We gotta move.

[car engine revving]

[sighs] Okay, just don't drive

through the fog

unless you have to. Okay?

These cars aren't airtight.

Well, maybe the Lambo is,

I don't know.


[car engine revving]

[tires screech]

-Okay, just call me

as soon as you can, okay?

-I will.



Alright, Ramblers.

-Let's get rambling.

-[car engine turns over]

[dramatic music]

[cars revving]

Babe, I'm scared.

Don't worry, babe,

if this were a horror movie,

-none of the cars would start.



Thanks, I feel much better.

[dramatic music continues]

[eerie music]

-You okay?

-I don't think so.

We're trapped.

Okay, well, let's go back inside

and get really, really trapped,

shall we?



[eerie music fades out]


JK, will you please check

all the doors

and windows down here?

And then we tape the edges.

Has anybody heard from Tanner

and Chelsea?

-[Cassie] Nope.

-That doesn't mean

that they didn't make it.

We just don't have service here.

Yeah, they're fine, or else

they'll be back here already.

That fog is coming

Fast & Furious.

Okay, but right now

we just need to

seal this place up tight.

Hello, we still need oxygen,


I do remember, Cassie.

I read it somewhere.

Where I read it...

[clicks tongue]

-...that I don't recall.

-Just saying.

I know, but this is

a big house though.

-We should be fine for a while.

-[Cassie] For a while?


-[Reegan] Cassie,

will you just go upstairs

and double-check

that all the windows are shut?

Oh, and then, Blake, will

you come downstairs with me?

Sure thing.

More booze down there

or just spiders and monsters?

[ominous musical sting]

Definitely monsters.

-Mm, it's better than spiders.

-Well, I don't know,

let's just gather all the tape

and shit we can find

and really secure this place.

What about me?

Scotch. Pour the Scotch.


Glad I could help.

[wind gusting]

[floor creaking]


This better work.

[tape tearing]

["See What You Want To"

by Western Scene]

Baby, I think

I could fix you

How about that?


That shit is never gonna work.

All the AC and everything

is turned off, yeah?

We should get the vents.

[ominous musical sting]

[gasps] I always thought

I'd die hot and sweaty.

-I just figured it

because I was having sex.

-Clearly not.


Oh, babe, babe.

I didn't mean anything by that.

I'm gonna go

check the other vents.

You'll see what you want to

I will try to hold you down

Just see what you want to

Baby matter all is late

[music fades]

JK, will you help me reach?

Yeah, ready?


-[both grunt]

-Yo, Blake,

check that AC in there.

-[toilet flushes]

Can't have any circulation.

It's really too bad that

we can't use the fan in there.

-God, come on, Blake.

-[Blake] Sorry, nature call.

-Yeah, you should

have let it ring.


When lunch called

for heavy doses of sriracha,

I've picked up, twice.

Guess we are not safe out there

and now we're not safe in here.

Just go get your girlfriend

and make sure

the windows upstairs are sealed.

Here, take this.

-[exhales sharply] Good work.


[eerie music]


-[dramatic musical sting]





Babe, you scared me.

What were you doing?

Closing up the doors

and windows.


Shall we join the party?

Come on.

[ominous musical sting]

Did you guys stop again

for carrots?

No, no carrots.

Just tight windows.

I think we're good,


No, we're not. Look.

We're f*cked,

aren't we?

Oh, my God, we're gonna die

in this f*cking house!

No way, if this place

is sealed up tight.

Even if we were sealed in,

which we're probably not,

-we're gonna f*cking

run out of air.

-Enough with the oxygen, Cassie.

I'm sorry, okay? But I'm just

about at the end of my rope.

Then find more rope.

What else can we do?

-What do you mean?

-Just because we're trapped

and it's hopeless doesn't mean

we should stop trying things.

No, that is what it means.

Besides, we've done everything

we can do.

There's no phones,

there's no way out

and there's no help

coming our way.

-What does it do?

-[JK] What?

The gas. The poisoned fog.

What does it do?

Hey, she doesn't know.

Maybe it doesn't k*ll you.

Maybe it just makes you crazy.

That's what people say, right?

Baseless rumors.

Maybe fits of rage

that pass after a while.

But there's a reason they built

that factory on the cape,

in the middle of nowhere.

-[dramatic musical sting]

-I really don't know. I don't.

Okay, just think about it.

Your family has

all the wealth, right?

-Yet they don't sell anything.


Well, the Paige Plant

has never made anything

that we can see or, or, or buy.


So who buys it?

-I don't know.

-Okay, then it's got to be

chemical weapons

-or something awful.

-It's got to be the US.

I mean, they would know

about it, if not, right?

This factory's

been here forever.

Yeah, but the siren

stopped, so--

Or the poison gas

ate through the siren.

Or k*lled the people

ringing them.

It's not eating

through the walls

or k*lling us.


So what?

We should just

embrace the horror

and cry and make peace with God?

Is that it?


[car doors closing]

-[thuds on door]


-[sighs] Christ.

-Hey, guys, come on, let us in.

Reegan, open the door. Come on.

I forget.

Do b*ll*ts k*ll rage zombies?

-Put that down.

-[Georgia] Let them in.


Wait. What if they're...?

What if they're what?

God, don't touch me, Blake.

-We're letting them in.

-Okay? Look, we just finished

sealing the place.

-Hey, guys, come on. Let us in.

-Do not let them in.

-[distant speech]

-You guys are acting crazy.

We're acting crazy?

Yeah, you're waving a g*n.


We don't know

what that stuff does, Georgia.

-Yeah, they're

definitely infected.


Or contaminated.

So what? We just leave

our friends out there

to die?



We don't know

if they're gonna die.

Great. Then we should

let them in.

Georgia, I think

we need to think about

what's best for the group.

If we let part of the group die,

then we're not

that much of a group.

Hold on, okay?


Tanner, go to the side door.

Side door? Side door.

It's locked. It won't open.

Just let us in.

Oh, f*ck! I can't believe

-this is happening.

-Reegan, it's locked.


Hold on! Just hold on!

-[Chelsea] Reegan, come on.

-[Tanner] Reegan!

-[Reegan] Hold on.


-What the f*ck are you doing?

-[JK] That's not a great idea.

-You're right,

it's not a great idea.

-So, don't f*cking do it.

Oh, honey, if people

only did great ideas,

your parents would have

used a condom, my uncle

wouldn't have bought

this f*cking house

and none of us

would be here right now.

[Georgia scoffs]

[ominous music]

-[ominous music]

-[loud clacking]

-[Cassie screams]

-[Blake] Oh, come on.

And f*ck!

-[JK] Shit!

-[door rattling]


Blake, we have

to get out of here.



Baby, I don't want to die.

Not now. Not like this.

We're f*cked!

The good news is that

we didn't really need

the power on for anything.

-[JK] What?

And that's good news?

-[Blake] Is there bad news?


Tanner, make them let us in.

[knocks on door]

More bad news?

Well, it's not the breakers,

so, yeah. Great news all around.

-Yeah, great news.


Open the f*cking door!

-[knocks on door]

-[Tanner] Come on!


Don't do that, Reegan.

And why should I listen to you?


Because I'm a smart f*cking guy.

Be that as it may.

Okay, okay, just, just hold on.

Rel-- Relax.

-You're gonna k*ll all of us.


g*dd*mn it!

Are you serious?

You're fine with this?

You guys are fine with this?

-Reegan, open the door.

-[Chelsea] Shit.

This is bullshit.


We have to let them in.

Shut up. No, we don't.

I do not like this one bit.


Ugh. Jus-- Just--

You guys just wait

until I'm on

the other side, okay?

-[Chelsea] Okay, yeah, fine.

-[Reegan] Ugh.

-Let's go. Shut the door.

-Jesus Christ.

-What the f*ck are you doing?

-[JK] Whoa,

-just take it easy, Blake.



She just let them in

with God knows what.


With what? We don't know.


You do know, and now

Reegan has k*lled us all.

I didn't k*ll anybody.

If anything,

her father k*lled us all.


-[Reegan] Sorry.

Reegan. What the f*ck?

Let us in now!

Do not open that door!

I'm serious.

Let them in now!

Open the door, Reegan!

-[Blake] Stop!


Why do you have

a g*n in my house?

-I thought it was

your uncle's house.

-What the f*ck ever?

Okay, Blake,

just put the g*n down, okay?

Oh, you're all losing it.


We're losing it?

Quick recap. You're waving a g*n

-in this house.


You can't sh**t fog.

-[g*n cocks]

-[ominous music]

Point it somewhere else.

Not if she's gonna

open the door.


Open the door.

Hey! Okay, Tanner, Blake,

everyone, here's the deal.

We, we, we don't know

what's out there.

And we can all agree

that if whatever it is

can get you or get on you

or contaminate you

or anything...'s already done it

to at least Tanner and Chelsea.

But, but if, and this is a big

if, if we're safe in here,

then, then they're safe

out there.


So now, we're all

equally sealed inside.

The best we can be

equally safe or unsafe.

Reegan, unlock this door.

Tanner, if you were somehow

worse off having been in the fog

and we can somehow not be

as worse as you

because you're out there

and we're in here,

then it's only fair

that you stay put.

Jesus, we're fine! f*ck!


Hey, hey! Calm down.

They're gonna think

the fog made you crazy.

Maybe it did.

We're gonna make it, okay?

We don't even know what this is.

[dramatic musical sting]

I'm gonna walk away

from the door now.

Georgia, you're not gonna try

and open it.

And, Blake, you're gonna

do me a favor

and put the f*cking g*n away

before you sh**t your eye out.

God, we shouldn't

just leave them out there.

No, they're fine.

They're no more f*cked

than us now.

-Which is severely.

-They were in the fog.

-The fog never touched us.

-[JK] Wait, babe.

-The fog never

touched you guys, right?

-[Reegan] No, no.

Georgia here is a real peach.

She drives like a dream.


I wouldn't f*cking know.

Ugh, this is a nightmare.

Well, uh,

since we're all definitely

going to die tonight,

I am definitely going to

get drunk before we do.

Maybe you put the safety

on that first, eh?

At least you got laid

on your last night on Earth.


What? Okay, I'm sorry.

Yeah, it's kind of true.


-But, hey, it's not too late.

Easy, sailor. I didn't realize

you were going off to w*r.

Let me just lift up my skirt.

You know what? That would not be

the worst thing.

Oh, God, you are

an unbelievable assh*le.

I actually believe the assh*le

that he is.

We are trapped here

by God knows what,

and you want to use that

as an excuse to get laid.

-Is that it?

-You know what? You know,

you know what? That's it.

-That's exactly it.

-The man has a point.

f*ck off, Blake.

JK, I cannot believe

we're having this conversation

right now, and here.

-We're amongst friends.

-Are we?

Yeah. What? Do you want

to take this conversation


-Yeah, one of the bedrooms,


-f*ck off, Blake.

And no, I don't want

to take this conversation


[sighs] Just f*ck

your boyfriend, Georgia!

God, Cassie, stay out of this.


-[Reegan] No. [scoffs]

She's right, Georgia.

You should just

f*ck your boyfriend,

even if he is being

a d*ck about it.

-Just stop.

-No, I, I'm, I'm not gonna stop.

You want everything

to be perfect.

You expect it to be

because that's what you think

life has to be.

God, and you,

you have this perfect life.

You, you have

your perfect family,

and you always look perfect.

And you dress perfect

and you have your perfect car,

and you're going

to perfect school,

and you have

the perfect boyfriend.

Perfect, perfect, perfect.

Everything has to be perfect.

And, and now Georgia

wants the perfect f*ck, too,

before she'll even consider

giving up her virginity.


God. And you know what?

It's not all

gonna be perfect, is it?

Even knowing

that we may all die tonight,

which totally sucks by the way,

it somehow made worse

by the fact that we may all die

from being exposed to the source

of all your perfectness.

[dramatic musical sting]

Even knowing

you would never dream

of giving up

your precious virginity

for no other reason

than the fact

that it won't be perfect.


Well, uh, I'll save you

the suspense.

It's not going to be perfect.

It never is,

and it doesn't need to be.

-I'm not like you, Reegan.

-[Reegan] Like me?

You, you, you're not like me?


You're right.

I, I am not perfect.

And, and given the

circumstances, perfect or not,

I, yeah, I,

I would f*ck my boyfriend.

We might all die tonight.

God. And you know what?

I wish I...

Never mind.

You are such a slut.

You don't understand at all.

[chuckles] Just because

I wouldn't date a guy

for almost a year

and still not know

whether or not

I want to f*ck him

doesn't make me a slut.


You're supposed to be my friend.

You, you know what?

An another thing,

wanting to be held

and, and kissed

and, and share some kind

of human connection

when you're scared

and, and lonely,

and might die some horrible,

gruesome death

also doesn't make me a slut,

Your Highness.

God. And you know what?

I, I'm not going to apologize

for wishing I had someone here

who wanted me.

And nor will I apologize that

it's annoying that you do

and you don't even want it.

God, just f*ck your boyfriend,


It's not gonna be perfect,

but it'll be normal.

I would.

If you want to f*ck JK so bad,

then maybe you should.

We're all gonna die

in here anyway, right?

At least some of us

can die happy.

-That's not what I meant.

-Isn't it?

Okay, you know what, Reegan?

We don't even need--

Don't you dare even say it.

f*cking say what?

Say that we've been dating

for nine months, 14 days

and what, what, two hours

and you still don't want

to sleep with me?


-Look, and even if we,

if we don't die tonight,

then we'll just spend

next Christmas breaking up

because we spent

a semester realizing

that the long distance

doesn't even f*cking work.


That's exactly

what she said earlier.


God, Reegan, you bitch.


I f*cking knew it.


Come on, JK.

We're gonna die anyway.


God, I'm never gonna speak

to either one of you ever again.

I swear to f*cking Christ

never again!

Well, that won't be

for very long.

Thanks to you and your father.

Now, will it?

-[Georgia sobbing]

-[thunder rumbling]

[rain pattering]

[ominous music]

Poor Georgia.

So they just broke up, right?


Reegan, I, I just can't.

This is all f*cked.

I can't think of anything worse.

Her best friend is going

to sleep with her boyfriend.

We all may die tonight.

-That's what I can think of

that's worse.

-We're fine.

-We were out there

and nothing happened.


Nothing happened to us yet. I...

[exhales sharply]

I really don't feel good.

Don't say that.

[wind gusting]

[thunder rumbling]

[dramatic musical sting]

["Need It" by Half Moon Run]

In a dream

I was untrue

Shouted in sweats

And I knew it was you

All the while

as I traced your spine

Tore out my hair

Through my peace of mind

Well, if you breathe in

I'll breathe in

Slowly let go


If you need it

Then I need it

Only we'll know

Can't be the same

As we lie in a lie

Knowing full well

Your virtue's my vice

In the night we...

Ugh. [chuckles] This has--

This has never happened

to me before.

-Um, just,

just give me a minute, okay?


'Till my race has been run

And if you breathe in

Then I'll breathe in

And slowly let go

And if you need it

Then I need it

Only we'll know

And those sorry words

-It was just stress.


I have an idea.


[exhales sharply]

[rain pattering]

[water pouring]


Come, get in the tub.

And if you breathe in

Come on.

Then I'll breathe in

Only we'll know

Listen, Georgia,

just stop doing the dishes.

[ominous musical sting]

[glass shatters]


I'm really worried

about Georgia.


-[glass shatters]


They've gotta listen

before this gets out of hand.

Blake, open the door.

Damn it, Tanner!

Just f*cking chill.

Can't you see that Georgia's

already coming unglued here?

Hey. Hey, hey, hey, Tanner.

We're gonna be alright.

-Well, is that

what you think, Chels?



Why don't you take

a look around you,

at the situation

we're in right now?

Alright? And your women's

intuition tells you

that everything

is about to be alright?

[eerie music]



I'm so sorry.

I'm the worst person ever.

I, I don't know what to say.

I know

you're gonna hate me forever.

And, and you should.

I'm just, I'm, I'm freaking out,

and I know that's not an excuse.

I just, I don't,

I don't know what came over me.

Maybe it was this fog,

I... I don't know.


I'm just so scared.


will you just say something?

Oh, my God,

your hand, you're hurt.

-Let me see.

-Don't you f*cking touch me.


I'm so sorry, Georgia.

You can call me

whatever you want.

I, I, I deserve it.

It's all true.

It's true?

All true?

You just f*cked my boyfriend

right above my f*cking head.

-No, I didn't.


No? Look at me.

You didn't just

f*ck my boyfriend?



It didn't work out.

We tried, but...

But what? What, Reegan?

I'm the world's worst person,

I know that.

What did you do...

...when it didn't work out

with my boyfriend?

-Hmm? What?

Did you jerk him off?

-No, I didn't.




-I'm sorry. No.

What, Reegan?

Will you please just, just stop?

-You f*cking blew

my boyfriend, right?

-[Reegan sobbing]


Just say it.

Did that work out?

That always works out, right?


Yes, okay?

I hate myself.

[both grunting and groaning]



[Reegan coughing]


Georgia, stop!



[both groaning and grunting]


No. [chokes]


Oh, my God!


Reeg-- Reegan!

-[Reegan groaning]

-[high-pitched whistling]

[muffled chatter and yelling]

[JK, muffled]

Georgia! Georgia, stop it.

-[Cassie] Blake, do something.

-[Tanner] Open the door!

[muffled chatter continues]


and groaning continues]

[dramatic musical sting]

[muffled chatter continues]


Georgia, stop!

[Georgia grunting]

[high-pitched whistling stops]

[JK, normal]


-[Blake] JK!



-[JK] Georgia!

-[Blake] Get her.


Don't touch me.

-Come here. Come on.

-Stop. Stop.

-[Blake] Hey, get

that f*cking handcuffs.


Blake! Stop!

-[Blake] I'm coming.

-Blake! Get it here!


I'm coming, I'm coming.

I got it.



-Stop! Stop!

-Cass, come.


Get her up! Get her up!

-Get her up! Get her up!



Get her up! Get her up.


I can't find it, Blake.

-[Georgia] Stop.


Babe, f*cking handcuffs!

We need 'em.


-[Cassie] Hurry up, Blake.

-[Blake] You got 'em?

-[Cassie] Here, take 'em.


I got her. I got her.

Now keep her tight.

Keep her f*cking tight.

No, I got her.

Watch it, guys. Please...

[cross talk]

-[Georgia] Stop!

-[all grunting and groaning]

-[Blake] I got her. I got it.

-Watch her head. Watch her head.

-[Blake] Okay, go!

-[Georgia] Stop!


The pole!

-[handcuff locks]

-[screams] No!

-I got it. I got it.

-You got it. You got it.

You got it.

Stop! Let go!


Tape her f*cking mouth.

Tape her f*cking mouth.

-f*cking Georgia.

-[muffled screams]

Shit. This is so f*cked.

This is so f*cked.

-[Georgia sobbing]


What the f*ck did she do?

What the f*ck was she thinking?



It's real. It's real.

f*ck. This fog's gonna

make us all crazy.

Or it already is. We're gonna

tear each other apart.

Not, not, not us.

No, no, no.

It didn't get us, okay?

Just, just Georgia and,

and Reegan were...

They were affected.

The fog must have got 'em. No.

Or it's already in here.

No. No, no, we're fine.

We're fine. We're fine.

[thuds on door]

You think this is fine?

-I don't feel well.

-Listen to me. Hey, listen.

The fog, it got...

It got Georgia.

Maybe, maybe Tanner and Chelsea,

but not us, okay?

Yeah, yeah.

We, we've been together

this entire time. We're fine.

Unlock this door

or I'm breaking it down.

-We are fine.

-If you smash down that door

-you will prove that

you are not fine...

-[g*n cocks]

...and I will sh**t you

in the face.



Tanner. Tanner,

it's not worth it.

[door closes]

[muffled straining]

[muffled sobbing]



[wind gusting]

[eerie breathing]

Listen, Reegan didn't lose it.

-Reegan's dead.

-Yeah, but we're not.


Okay, we don't know

if Georgia and Reegan

were out there in the fog,

but we were, and we're fine.

-We gotta get outta here.

-Look, I don't know

what that fog does,

but maybe, maybe Georgia

was the only one affected.

Like, maybe she was somehow

already exposed to it.

I feel like I'm going crazy.

You're just angry and scared.


[JK strains]

[somber music]

[JK whispering]

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


[wind gusting]


I can't let Tanner

and Chelsea in here... matter what.

You understand that, right?


I'm so scared.

But you understand, right?


Please, don't hurt them, though.

I have to protect us.

First, no matter what,

we have to make it

through these together.

I really, really like you.

I really, really like you, too.


I don't know what to do.

I think we're super f*cked.

No, no, we are not, okay?

The three of us are fine.

-I don't feel fine.

-[Cassie] Don't say that.


Hey, hey, look at me.

You're fine.

Hey. We need to handle Georgia.

[muffled straining]

What do you,

what do you mean handle Georgia?

-JK, think about it.

-Think about what?

Normal, sweet, perfect Georgia

just ripped Reegan's throat open

with a f*cking bottle.

-Yeah, we saw that, Blake.

-She's gone.

Georgia is gone.

She's a monster.

No, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no.

No, man. This fog,

this fog is making you crazy.

Maybe so. But what now?

Does it k*ll her?

Is it reversible?

Maybe it is nothing.

Maybe she just lost her shit

because her best friend

just blew her boyfriend

right in front of her.

-What is your point, Blake?

-My point...

is that her life is over.

And we need to end it now.

We can't do that.


You can't do that.

Hey, assholes,

don't even say it.

Am I the only rational

f*cking person here

that realizes

we have to k*ll her?

Why don't you

write that sentence out

and read what you just said?

I don't need to, Chelsea.

I know what needs to be done.


-Dude, best case scenario,

she spends the rest of her life

rotting in a prison cell.

-Maybe an insane asylum.

-Okay, babe, there's that.

Or she's down there,

she's getting worse.

And she will come up here

and k*ll us all.

-It's not gonna happen.

-No, one of those

is gonna happen.

Dude, she's handcuffed

to a pipe.

And she's likely chewing

through her arm

-as we speak.

-What? What? She's a rat now,

-is that it?

-Probably something

much worse, yeah.

[Georgia sobbing]

-[bones crack]

-[muffled groaning]

[muffled screaming and sobbing]


JK, she can't just slit

her best friend's throat

and blame Daddy's

family secret recipe

and go on with a normal

and happy life.

JK, I like Georgia.

I do, but we don't know

if she's down there infected

or contagious in every minute

that she is breathing our air

or breathing at all.

She is hurting our chances.


[tense sting]

My God, just do it. You have to.

Do you, do you think you can?

Yes, the three of us

have to survive.

We don't know how long

until this fog passes.

I really loved her.

-And you chose Reegan.

-[angrily] It wasn't...

-[normally] It wasn't like that.

-What was it like?

Guys, it doesn't matter.

If nothing else,

she's taking up our good air.

[inhales sharply]


We have to do something.

Even if he's right,

I won't let him

just execute her.


And us?

How long before Blake decides

we're taking up his good air?

[ominous music]

[g*n cocks]

Hey, Blake! No!

-[thuds on door]

-[JK] Just stop, Tanner.

-[JK] Blake.


-[Chelsea] Tanner!

-[thuds continues]

-Tanner, stop!

-[JK] Blake, easy, man!

-You fucker!

-I'm telling you.

-[g*n cocks]

-You don't have the balls.

Last chance.

Hey, f*ck you, Blake.


-[Cassie screams]

[thuds upstairs]


Tanner, stop it!


Tanner, Tanner, no!

We're all in this together,




[screaming in anger]

-[Blake] Tanner!

-[Cassie] No!

-[screaming continues]

-[g*nshots continues]

[muffled heavy breathing]


Oh, what the f*ck?

-[Blake] JK! JK!

-[JK] Blake. Blake?

Grab the duct tape.

Cass. Cassie? Baby?

-Hey, look at me. Look at me.


[wind gusting]


I, I, I don't know

what to do, Tanner.


You guys-- You got--

You gotta stop the bleeding.

-I know, I know. I'm trying.

-You gotta plug the hole.

[stutters] No, I can't.

I can't.

I need to keep pressing.



Look at me.

I'm not gonna get any worse

if you do it, okay?

-You gotta go.


I need you to duct tape

all the holes in the wall, okay?

-Okay? Okay.


Oh, God. [breathes heavily]

[dramatic music]

Come on.

-[Cassie sobbing]

-[Blake] Hold it together.

[Cassie groans]

Okay, put it. Get it up.




Okay. Holy f*ck.

I f*cking told you, Tanner.

f*cking told you.

I f*cking told you.

f*cking told...


Your life is over, Blake.

He att*cked us.

No, assh*le. You started

firing at him and me

in this f*cking room

that you trapped us in.

You're crazy.

Maybe, Blake.

But you're not. Right?

Right, that's what

you kept saying.

You kept saying

that you're fine.

You know, in fact,

I even heard Cassie

and Tanner and even JK say that

they don't feel well,

but not you assh*le.

You just kept saying

that you are of sound mind

and body.

f*ck you, Chelsea.

f*ck me? No! f*ck you!

You're going to jail

forever, Blake.



[music box playing]

What can I do?

I cannot believe how crazy

you're acting, Chelsea.

f*cking nuts. f*cking nuts.

I am okay.

I'm a little cold, but I'm okay.

Hey. You look okay, yeah?

You're lying.

No. [sobbing]

Tell me more.

Tell me more lies.

Tell me that

I'll take that ride someday.

We will, Tanner.

Just as soon as

we get outta here. Okay?

Like a dream.

[music box stops]

Jesus Christ. What do we do now?

We don't know how much fog

is in here.

-What about Georgia?

-What about her?

-Well, we still have to go ahead

and k*ll her, don't we?

-No, we don't have to k*ll her.

-Why? Because you shot Tanner?

-No, because this fog

is her fault.

The fog isn't here, bro.

Yeah, but we don't know how--

We don't know anything, man.

God, look what we've done.

We know nothing.

[eerie music]

[thuds on door]


-God. Chelsea, how's Tanner?

He's going to die, JK.

If you don't help me,

he's going to die.

-What can we do?


I need you to help me

get him to the car,

-and then I will get him


-Chelsea, you'll die.

Cassie, the only place

people are dying

is in here.

We can't go out there.

JK, Tanner is your friend.

Now help me get him to the car,


It's not gonna happen, Chels.


Look, we,

we can't go out there, okay?



[banging on door]

-[g*n cocks]


What? What, Blake?

You, you just shot him

and now you're going

to just let him die?

People will understand.

I don't think that they will.

Shut up, Chelsea.


-[banging continues]

Stop that.

Or what, Blake?

Are you gonna m*rder me too?

Because that's what you did

to Tanner.

-If he dies, you are a m*rder*r.

-[g*n cocks]

-No, the fog.

You'll let the fog in.

-Christ, Cassie.

Not "don't sh**t

my friend in the face,"

just "please, don't let

the scary fog in." f*ck.

Blake, do something.

She's going crazy now too.

[grunts] You guys are

the ones going crazy.

Cassie, tape.


Come on, you guys.

[dramatic music]

Open the f*cking door.

Just stay with me, okay?

Okay? I'm gonna get help.

Oh, my God! Please, help!

[muffled shouting]

-[glass shatters]

-[music stops]


[blood spatters]

-[JK] Cass.

-[Chelsea choking]

Tape it.


[siren blaring in the distance]


The sirens, Blake.

What are you gonna do?


I'll handle it.

[groaning softly]


[muffled splashing]

[ominous musical sting]

Finally. What?


I have to f*cking handle


Always with the f*cking thing.

-[Chelsea grunting]

-[siren blaring continues

in the distance]


[breathing heavily]



[ominous music]

[knocks on door]

-[JK] Easy, Blake.

-It's the police.

Please, open the door.

No, we're fine.

Please, just go away.

Is anyone hurt or injured?


We're fine.

You don't have a warrant.

Just go away. You can't come in.

There's been a report

of g*nshots.

I don't need a warrant.

Is everybody

going f*cking crazy?

No. You-- I can't do that.

You cannot come in right now.

Please back away from the door.

I highly suggest

you do not do that.

-Listen, kid--

-[g*n cocks, sh**t]


What the f*ck?

Holy shit.


-[indistinct radio chatter]


-[Cassie screaming]

[dramatic music]

[indistinct radio chatter]

-[Blake] Cassie!

-[rock music]



[g*n cocks]


JK, get the f*ck out of the way.

JK, move!


Oh, shit!






-[J. Gonis] Ah!

[Cassie sobbing]


Cassie. Cassie. Cass. Baby. Hey.

It's okay. Cassie.

He shot me.

It's okay, it's okay.

We just gotta clean it, okay?


-Blake. Blake,

the fog's getting everywhere.

Alright, we gotta

get upstairs, okay?

We'll lock ourselves upstairs.

There's a massive bathroom.

It's, it's in the corner

of the house.

-If we can seal it,

we'll be fine.

-[Blake] Okay, come on.

[Blake grunts]

Come on, babe. Come on. Come on.


-[Cassie sobbing]


It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Come on.

-Come on.

-[Cassie sobs]

[tense music]

[Chelsea groaning]

[crying in pain]

[indistinct radio chattering]


7-3-5-6, South-East division...


[man 4] Patrol 3-2-A,

can you put me down

at the scene of the accident.


radio chattering continues]

[Chelsea sobbing in pain]

-[J. Gonis grunting]


[glass shatters]


-[J. Gonis groans]

[eerie music]


radio chatter continues]

[eerie breathing]

[muffled radio chatter]

[muffled dispatcher]

...let me call you on this.

[Georgia grunting]

[dramatic music]

[J. Gonis screams]

[both grunting and groaning]

[breathing heavily]


Here, mate. Blake.


What's up?


I'm gonna check on Georgia.

No, no. We have to keep

this place sealed up tight.

[dramatic musical sting]


I'll be right back.

No. If you leave,

I don't know

that I'm gonna let you back in.

You will let me back in.


-Blake, you're gonna,

you're gonna let me back in.

Hurry up.

f*ck. f*ck.




[dramatic music]



Baby? Babe? Argh. Georgia?

Babe, hello?

Put-- What?

Where are you?

Georgia, I'm sorry.

Georgia, I'm...

[Georgia groaning]


[JK groaning]

[both groaning]

-Babe. Just-- No. No, no.


[JK groaning]


[axe clatters]





[clears throat]

Baby, how you doing?

I've been shot by... a policeman

in retaliation

for my boyfriend murdering,

I assume, his partner.

So, not great.

Don't say m*rder, okay?

You can't say m*rder.

Semantics are the least

of my worries.

You can't say m*rder.

[creaks in the distance]

And it f*cking hurts.

Nobody was m*rder*d.

[door rattles]


What is that?

[music box playing]

Hey. Hey, JK?


-[Blake] Hello?

I'm scared.

It's okay. I got it.


[door rattling]


Get back!

I'll f*cking k*ll you, alright?

I'll f*cking k*ll you.

-[loud bang]


-[bangs continues]


f*ck. f*ck. f*ck.


No, they're gonna get in.

[music box playing]




[Georgia grunting]


Get off, Georgia!




It's okay.

You know it's okay, baby.

It's okay, alright?

f*ck you!


I'm gonna k*ll you.



I'll f*cking k*ll you.

-[Cassie] Blake.

-We're okay. Okay?

I'm right here.

[Georgia continues grunting]






Get the f*ck back.

Georgia, no. Please.


This is your fault, Georgia.

This is your f*cking fault. Ah!

[grunts and pants]



Georgia, please. Please, stop.


-Please. We're suffering.




Georgia. Georgia, stay back.

-[Cassie] We're sorry.

Please, don't.

-[Blake] Georgia, please.

-Just... just give me

a second. Just give me a second.

-Please, don't. Please.


Georgia. Georgia. No, no, no.

Please, Georgia, stop!

No! No!

Please. We're sorry, please.




[axe clatters]

[Georgia laughing maniacally]

[Cassie screaming]

["Stuck On You" by Mars Argo]


Stop! No! Stop! No.

No! No!

[Georgia straining]

[water bubbling]

[both grunting]

Won't you see

I'm your queen

Come with me

I'm a thief

Float with me

Lie to me

Make me think

I'm your queen

You say I'm young

You say I'm dumb

You say it's true

But I'm stuck on you

I think you want

to see me numb

It's nothing new

But I'm stuck on you

[Blake groaning softly]

I see you over me

[g*n clicks]

In my dreams

-I'm asleep

-Eat balls.

Make me think

I'm your queen

Lie to me


You say I'm young

You say I'm dumb

You say it's true

But I'm stuck on you

I think you want

to see me numb

-[music stops]

-[g*n thuds]

[ominous musical sting]

[water running]

[wind gusting]

[eerie music]

[bottle opens]

[Reegan] God. And you know what?

It's not all gonna be

perfect, is it?


We need to handle Georgia.


Just do it. You have to.


I really loved her.

[glass shatters]

-[car engine turns over]

-[music playing over car stereo]

I'm looking for

a straight answer

Are you down...

[Robbie chuckling]

I'm f*cking hungry.

[muffled chatter]


Yo, Georgia. What the f*ck?


What the f*ck happened to you?

What the f*ck happened to me?

To me?

Are you, are you okay or...?

Nope, I am pretty not okay.

What happened?

Well, Jimmy. You got your wish.

My father's factory leaked

and everyone here went mad

with rage.



No. No, it didn't.

The factory didn't leak.

Where, where are all the cops?


The cops are dead?

Yeah. Everyone here is dead.

Everyone's f*cking dead?

All f*cking dead.

What? What the f*ck?

Oh, my God.

Had nothing to do with it.

f*cking Christ!

I'm pretty sure

he can't help either.

They're all f*cking dead.

We were just f*cking

with you guys.

Yeah, we just wanted

to get you back, man.

We rented some

f*cking fog machines.

We found a tornado siren online

and everything. It was just...


So they sell tornado sirens

online now, do they?


Yeah. I...


-None of our phones worked.

-Well, cell phone jammers

are easy to find Georgia--


-[Jimmy] Yeah, online.

What the f*ck, G--


-I don't know what to say.

-Oh, Jesus.

What the f*ck are we gonna do?

I feel awful.

Awful? Everyone here

is f*cking dead.

And you feel awful.


We're sorry, okay?

Yeah. Yeah, you're sorry.


Whoa! What the f*ck?

[dramatic music]

[Georgia grunting]


[dramatic tense music]

For f*ck's sake.

Ugh, f*ck.

You want Fog City?

I'll give you Fog City.

I'm looking for

a straight answer

[woman 2 sobbing]

["A Good Night's Sleep

and a Cab Fare Home"

by The Strypes]

I'm looking for

a straight answer

Are you down

am I in with the chance, or

Are you just keeping grip

'for I zip up my jeans, see?

Well, I'm with a fast girl

I'm ready

But I'm too well on

to keep her steady

And I think we should get

hot and heavy

Baby, don't you agree?

Tie your loose hands

around my neck and pull me in

'Cause I've got nothing

but a keen eye for ya

and a need to sin

You've got me baby

I'm sold

So let me take you back

and I'll make sure

It ain't just my heart

that you stole

Oh, it'll be

a good night's sleep

and a cab fare home

Well, I'm hoping

for a quick text

Sayin' you ain't going

back with rest

Well, I'm waiting

for a wild wasp's nest

Think success, baby

get your coat

I wanna go outside

And get away

from the Saturday night

But baby I think

the future's bright

If we beat the lights

to the final road

Tie your loose hands

around my neck and pull me in

'Cause I've got nothing

but a keen eye for ya

and a need to sin

You've got me, baby

I'm sold

So let me take you back

and I'll make sure

It ain't just my heart

that you stole

Oh, it'll be

a good night's sleep

and a cab fare home

Slow tunes are miserable

She got you floating baby

thinkin' 'bout you

Tie your loose hands

around my neck and pull me in

'Cause I've got nothing

but a keen eye for ya

and a need to sin

You've got me, baby

I'm sold

So let me take you back

and I'll make sure

It ain't just my heart

that you stole

Oh, it'll be

a good night's sleep

and a cab fare home

["Vanishing" by Bassett]

I'm looking

for a straight answer

Are you down

am I in with the chance, or

Are you just keeping grip

'for I zip up my jeans, see?

Well, I'm with a fast girl

I'm ready

But I'm too well on

to keep her steady

And I think we should get

hot and heavy

Baby, don't you agree?

Tie your loose hands

around my neck and pull me in

'Cause I've got nothing

but a keen eye for ya

and a need to sin

You've got me, baby

I'm sold

So let me take you back

and I'll make sure

It ain't just my heart

that you stole

Oh, it'll be

a good night's sleep

and a cab fare home



-[siren wailing]

-[people clamoring]

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