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17x02 - Do the Right Thing: Part Two

Posted: 10/15/23 09:14
by bunniefuu

- No, you you can't

- No!


I don't think your aunt is sick at all.

Can you tell him that George Crabtree called?

The detective and his wife have gone missing.

(JULIA): We have a child at home.

(MATHILDA): As long as you cooperate, your child will remain safe.

(MURDOCH): What do you want from us?

(JONES): I need to save an innocent woman from the noose.

Hilda Fanshaw.

You're convicted of your husband's m*rder.

The courts believe I did.

We need to get that woman out of jail

and deal with the consequences later.

(WATTS): "What you are

witnessing is retribution.

The deaths of Robert Foster

- and Ned McGuire have been avenged."

- (CRABTREE): Good lord.

(WATTS): "Three dead, the next to go,

the butcher, the baker

and the candlestick maker."

You know what this means.

These two murders are connected.

(MURDOCH): What can you tell

me about this Rachel Wiggins?

(FANSHAW): She k*lled my dear Frederick.

She was innocent.

I don't see how that

matters. She's dead.

Forgive me.

Nothing you can do can hurt her now.

But you can help me.

And your child.

- (BRACKENREID): You found him?

- (ROBERTS): Yes.

Our k*ller is on this boat.

The Young man, Trevor,

seems very morose since

the m*rder. The trollop


- Yes, the redhead.

And what about the other two?

- Penny and Caroline?

- The two fought constantly.

I think they're sapphists.

- (BRACKENREID): And what about the captain?

- I don't think so.

- Why?

- He's the captain.

(FANSHAW): I should

like to propose a toast

to Detective William Murdoch

and Doctor Julia Ogden.

I am a free woman today,

thanks to them.



Bloody 'ell, Margaret.

You best not be snooping around.






Help! Help!


I know I should care about

these terrible murders,

and I do, but right now, all I

want to do is find the Murdochs.

I know, George. But

your job is important.

I don't care about my job right now.

- What


What was that?

- What was what?

- Shh.


Oh, dear lord.

Susannah. Susannah.

- Oh, my goodness. Susannah.


I know. I know. You're all right.


(FANSHAW): As I said:

A woman of my word.

Your child is safe.

By all accounts, she is an

inquisitive little thing.

You're both very lucky people.

- If she's been harmed in a

- I can assure you she was not.

And I'm to believe a m*rder*r?

(SCOFFS) But I'm not a m*rder*r.

Rachel Wiggins is.

She k*lled my dear husband

and then took her own life.

You and your husband proved that.

And, as I cannot be tried

for the same crime twice,

I am now a free woman.

For which I thank you most sincerely.

Now go home,

before I change my mind.



It's a nasty blow.

We need to get her up

and keep her conscious.

What do you know about it?

I trained to be a

nurse and I know people

who suffer this type of head injury

need to stay awake

or they may slip away.

So, let's get her up

and into the fresh air.

Gently, gently, gently.

Come on, Margaret.

We're going to get you up, darling.

Come on. Help us.


One of you lot did this.

And when I find out who it was


Everything's gonna be all right.


Do you believe Hilda

Fanshaw k*lled her husband?

Yes, I do. And the maid.

I very much doubt she k*lled herself.

My feeling as well.

She was k*lled.

Under the direction of Hilda Fanshaw.

- William

- I know.

We can't let what we've done stand.

We can't go to the police.

We've compromised evidence.

Hilda Fanshaw has

gotten away with m*rder.

And we're responsible for that.


(EXHALES DEEPLY) But our child is alive.

I can't let what we've done stand.


we can't risk Susannah.

Then we won't.


- No one saw anyone bring Susannah in?

- No.

- Where is she?

- She's fine. She's with Effie.

But still no word on the Murdochs.

- What do you have?

- Constable Tucker is keeping close

to Paul Young of Young's Bread.

- You know, it's a shame. I liked that place.

- Yeah.

I sent Higgins to keep an eye

on the butcher, Gilbert Ward.

Oh, his meat packing plant

has a terrible safety record.

- Do I want to hear the details?

- Ooh, likely not.

I'm working on identifying

our candlestick maker,

though I haven't had much luck yet.

A business owner with

a spotty safety record,

- that's for sure.

- Indeed.

Apparently, Young's workers

walked off the job a year ago

claiming unsafe conditions.

None of them were hired back

and now injuries among

the new, untrained workers

are at an all-time high.

It's shameful. And these

are the men we're protecting?

Well, they're also

the men getting k*lled.


Inspector George Crabtree.

Inspector now?

Well, things certainly have changed.

Sir! It's sir! It's the detective!

- Oh!

- Ah, sir.

What a relief to hear your voice!

I have to admit I was starting to think

you and the good doctor were dead.

Oh, no. We are very much alive.

Ah, George,

was Susannah delivered

to the station house?

Yes, just this morning.

A-And is she all right?

- Sir, picture of health.

- Very good.

Very good. Uh, George,

you mustn't let Susannah

out of your sight.

Sir, no worries there.

Effie's fallen quite in love.

All right. Uh, and Bethany?

The nanny?

Uh, no sign, I'm afraid, sir.

Are you coming home?

Yes, Doctor Ogden and

I are on our way home,

but we have something to tend to first.

Well, sir, hurry if you can.

There's more than a little

trouble happening here now.



Where am I?

Margaret, you'll be all right.

You suffered a blow to the head.


Did you see what happened?

They came at me from behind.

The redhead saw me go into the cabin.

You need to let her rest, sir.


- Oi!

- We'll talk later.

What do you know about this?

What? Nothing.

My wife said you were watching her.

- Is that a crime?

- Why?

I wanted to know what she was doing

snooping around my husband's cabin.

Your husband?

You seem surprised.

I would say so, the way that

you two have been carrying on.

Oh! And you find that shocking?

I was a police inspector,

very little shocks me anymore.

My husband and I are what

some people call libertines.

Ah, they have a name

for it now, do they?

Mm. In truth, it's a convenient

arrangement for both of us.

Being together suits us,

but it does not complete us.

Monogamy is a very dull

state, wouldn't you say?

No, I would not.

Mm. Then you're cheating yourself.

The world is a banquet

and both Charles and

I indulged ourselves.

For a woman who's just lost her husband,

no matter what the arrangement,

- you don't seem very affected.

- Oh, I am.

I will miss Charles terribly.

Despite his faults.

Why the secret?

I get much luckier when

I pretend that I'm single.

Imagine how it's going to

be now that I'm a widow.

You, madam, are Arctic cold.

Hm. I assure you, sir,

I am the furthest thing from the Arctic.

- Come with me.

- Where?

To the Equator.

- Ha! I jest.


My late husband's cabin.

I want to show you something. Hm.


You do not have to be here!

You are wasting your time and mine.

We believe you may be

on the k*ller's list.

Why would someone be after me?

You run an unsafe

business, according to him.


That's ridiculous!

It's not my problem half

the workers here are idiots.

Be that as it may,

I've been told to place

you under police protection.

This is my protection.

Much more effective than you, I'd wager.

I'm just trying to do my job, sir.

Well, if I'm going to be

burdened with your presence,

you can make yourself useful. Come on.

Give me a hand with this.

- Oh, really?

- It'll just take a moment.




No one's supposed to be here.

Well, the door didn't

close by itself. Hey!

Open up! Police! Open up.


- (WARD): Hey, let us out!

- Open up! Police.

- Open up! Let us out!


- Open up right now! Police!

- Hey!


Are you sure about this, William?

We need to be able to

live with ourselves.

And for that to happen,

she cannot go unpunished

for what she's done.

You're right.

Bring it 'round to the front.








What on earth do you think you're doing?

My job. Up.

You can't do this.

Let's go, Julia.

Wherever we're going,

my men will find us.

Get in.


- (JONES): They have Mrs. Fanshaw! Stop them!


Tell our friends in Toronto

that they have taken Mrs. Fanshaw.


(FIONA): Uh! It's ah!

Oh! It's wedged in there pretty tight.

- Do you need a hand?

- No. No, I think I have it.



Not the time or the place, Inspector,

but I'm sure that could be arranged.

Okay. Ah

- Darn.

- What's wrong?

Well, Charles always

travelled with money.

There was at least $10,000 in there.

Who else knew about that?

Only me. Or so I thought.

Although Charles did mention

that Trevor was badgering

him after that incident

during the card game.

Perhaps he caught wind

of the money somehow.

(SIGHS) Charles did

have a tendency to brag.

Nothing untoward at the bakery.

Constable Paul is there now.

Want some?

Do you know how many workers

were injured making that?

Mr. Young insists he

runs a safe operation.

The list of people maimed

at his factory belies that.

I don't know what to tell you.

Mr. Young's a liar. Three

people died there last year.

And so I throw this bread out

and that all goes away, right?

All right, that's it.

Tucker, that's enough.

Let's hope Higgins has

come up with something.


Save your strength.

There won't be anyone

here 'til tomorrow.

I can't believe I'm going

to die in this damn place.

We are not going to die in here.

Oh, we are.

Someone deliberately closed

this door, didn't they?

It wouldn't have closed by itself.

And there's no other way

out of here, is there?

Are you thick?

Of course not.

You know, I'm not a monster.

I'm just trying to run a business.

People don't want to work

here, I'm not forcing them.

Well, you could have

treated your workers better.

If you had done that,

we wouldn't be here.

(WARD SIGHS) I'm their boss.

Not their benefactor.

People want a free ride;

They're not getting it from me.

(BANGING) Open up!



(TREVOR): What are you talking about?

(BRACKENREID): The dead man was carrying

a considerable amount

of money. Now it's gone.

Well, I didn't take it.

Look in my cabin all you want. How much?

That's none of your business.

Look, sir,

I need to get home. My mother is ailing.

He pointed a g*n at

ya. He humiliated you.

My life has been a

series of humiliations.

Everything I've ever

done has turned to dust.

And now I get to go home

and tell my dying mother

that I am a failure.

So, you could use some stolen money.

And I am telling you that I had

nothing to do with any of it.


Is that all?

For now.

He's not the only one

that needs to get back.

This line has a schedule to keep.

- With one ship out of commission

- If we go back,

I'll have to throw the lot

of you in jail when we dock.

Certainly, you don't mean me.

You were on this ship

when the m*rder happened.

That captain's hat doesn't

excuse you from suspicion.

I had nothing to do with this.

And, apparently,

neither did anybody else!

But somebody on this boat did.

Now, I don't care how

many bloody days and nights

we sit here in the water,

I'm going to find out who it was.


(MURDOCH): See that a guard

is posted at all times.

I have been forcibly

abducted by these two.

- I demand

- You would be well advised to stay quiet.

I insist on calling

my lawyer, immediately.

Mrs. Fanshaw

- Your concerns are not ours.

- (CRABTREE): Sir!

George! (LAUGHING)

Good to see you, sir. Doctor!

I'm so relieved to know you're safe.

Thank you, George. Where is Susannah?

- Right this way.




I'm so sorry to have left you.


Thank you so much.

My pleasure. She's an

impetuous little imp.

So, sir, you were

captured by that old lady?

Oh, she is much more

dangerous than she appears.

- Oh.

- Are you still acting inspector, George?

I am, sir. Until Inspector

Brackenreid returns.

You should know, sir,

that he left England

the minute he found out yourself

and the doctor were missing.

Oh, I see.

Uh, well, then, as acting

inspector of Station House Four,

will you accept my request to

return to my former position?

Sir, I was hoping you would ask.

Request granted.

Felt quite naked without this, actually.

Now, you say there's been trouble here?

And plenty of it, sir.

Well, then, let's get to it, George.

- Right.


And you are a very brave little girl

and I love you.

- Yes, you are.


He was hanged.

Bruises around his wrists and mouth

suggest he was also bound and gagged.

And the second victim?

Oh, it was quite nasty, Detective.

He was k*lled with a sandblaster.

So, no trace evidence to be found?

Nothing usable.

And the first victim?

I preserved what I could,

but as you can see from my report,

the cause of death seems clear.

Hm. Indeed.


Did you retain in your

possession the victim's clothing?

From this victim, yes.

From the first victim, some

blankets, and from the second

Just the tarp he was covered with.

Could you retrieve them for me, please?

Of course.

I don't know, Inspector.

There are very few businesses

that fit the description

of candlestick maker.

It has to be a metaphor of some sort.

- Mm.

- Where

Where's Higgins?

I haven't seen him.

I haven't seen him since I

sent him to the butcher's.

- Will you check on him?

- Of course.

I was in fear every day.

- If anything had happened

- Thank God it didn't.

You all right?


We broke the law.

William and I.

And it didn't matter.

We would have done anything

to keep her from harm.

Is that why you brought

that woman back with you?

Her name is Hilda Fanshaw.

(SCOFFS) We got her out of jail

and set up another

woman for a m*rder that

I am sure she committed.

What happened to that woman?

I think Mrs. Fanshaw had her k*lled.

And, Effie

- I wrote a false confession.

- You had to protect your child.

Yes. I had to save my child.

Why did you bring Mrs.

Fanshaw back with you?

We're charging her with

kidnapping us. And Susannah.

We're going to make sure she

never sees the light of day.

Well, I do have some friends

at the crown attorney's office.

Thank you, Effie.

I have another favour to ask.

Of course. Anything.

Would you take Susannah just

for a little while longer?

I hate the thought of letting

her out of my sight but

there are some loose ends

that I need to tie up.

Of course. We'll go to the park.

Before we go,

I have a bit of news.

It's more like gossip.


Miss Hart is broke.

- What?

- Arthur Carmichael's family

sued for his fortune and the

judge ruled in their favour.

She's lucky she didn't get jail time.


- Are y-you pleased?

- No.

It just seems that Miss

Hart and I are peas in a pod.


Ah, the ammonia please.

Would you care to let me in

on what it is you're doing?

According to George, the victims

were all owners of factories

that suffered a number

of industrial accidents.

Now, if the k*ller

visited these factories

or worked in one of them,

it's possible that he

transferred trace amounts

of chemicals to the victims

when he confronted them.


Mm-hmm. The second tray, please.

Mm-hmm. And the third victim.


There you have it.

There are traces of arsenic

with all three of the victims.

- Meaning?

- It makes possible

that their assailant also

had a large amount of arsenic

on his clothing.

Where would that have come from?

Arsenic in large amounts

is used in metal refining.

The candlestick maker?

- Possibly.

- Detective.

It's good to have you back.

Oh. Strange as it may

seem, I am glad to be back.

- Sir.

- What have you?

The woman you brought into the cells

is in a highly agitated state.

She demands to see you.

Does she now?

She's causing quite the commotion.


What do you want?

Out, obviously.

You let me go, and

you'll never see me again.

That will be happening, regardless.

You'll be tried

and jailed for the rest of your life.

How much will it take for you

to open that door and walk away?

There isn't enough.

You are a murderess.


How many years would it

take for you to earn that?

I've never been motivated by money.

You should know that.

I can double it.

Seeing you back here behind bars

is all the compensation I need.



You are making a terrible mistake.





Help me get these two out of here.

- How're you feeling?

- Mm.

My head aches

and I just want to sleep.

- You can't.

- Mm.

Did you find out anything about

the person who did this to me?

- No.

- (PENNY): It was that woman, wasn't it?

I don't think so.


What is it?

One of the lifeboats has gone missing.

Keep an eye on her and

let's get everyone on deck.

- Mm-hmm.

- Show me.

You'll be all right, Mrs. Brackenreid.

But take this as a lesson:

Many people prefer that

their affairs remain private.



And you didn't see anything?

Just noticed it had gone

missing after I'd done my rounds.

What about the young lad, Trevor?

On the lifeboat, I'd imagine.

I'd say we found the k*ller,

but we failed to capture him.

Would he have known how to

detach one of these boats?

Apparently, he did.

In broad daylight?

Well, you were in your cabin.

I was on the bridge.

Wouldn't have taken more than a moment.

Mrs. Griffith and the other lady

were taking the sun on the back deck.

Notify the authorities on shore.

Will do. And?

Let's get back to Toronto.

Right away.



- Can I help you?

- No.

Well, you can't be here. This

area's closed to the public.

Thought you were the police.

- Yeah?

- So, that means you work for us.

Why don't you get out

or I'll lock you up.

Keep your pants on. I'm going.

(WATTS): Inspector Crabtree?

Henry! Are you all right?

Oh, yes. Never better.

Someone tried to k*ll the butcher.

Uh, me, as well.

Sir, you're alive!

- Yes, it seems we both are.

- Yes, barely.

Gentlemen, I-I may have something.

Sir, we can use the inspector's office.

Or my office.


Uh, George?

Yes, sir, I know. I've been busy.


Williams Electroplating.

They deal largely in

residential products.

Uh, electroplating?

It's a process of covering

an object in metal.

- Right. Like silverware.

- Like a candlestick.

The candlestick maker.

And likely our target.

I checked the hospital records.

There wasn't any mention

Yes. Because victims

of arsenic poisoning

go largely undetected.

They are assessed at the

hospital and then released.

But I checked the mortality rolls,

and look at this.

Two men in the last 18 months.

Both worked for the Williams Company.

So we put them on our watch list.

More than that.

Watts, could you post yourself there?

- Of course.

- Anything else, sir?

Yes. The two men that died

whilst in the employ of Mr. Williams

died of arsenic exposure during

the process of electroplating,

and they were related.

But a third man, a Blake Redmond,

complained of similar symptoms.

And he was let go

from Williams' Company three months ago.

It says here his chances

for survival are unlikely.

Hm. He is the son

- of one of these two dead men.

- Uh-huh.

- Well, that's worth a conversation.

- Indeed.

Watts, anything untoward happens

at that electroplating

facility, I'd like to know.


Ah, so you're here to do

what your husband won't?

(CHUCKLES) And what is that?

Let me out of here.

How could you do what you did?

thr*aten a child.

I wanted my freedom.

You don't deserve freedom.

Well, that's not how I see it.

Some of us are above the law:

Kings, queens, nobility,

captains of industry.

We have made the world.

Laws are for lesser people.

No one is above the law.

Don't be naive. It doesn't suit you.

My husband was a horrid man.

He deserved punishment

and I administered it.

You're going to die in jail.

And that you deserve.




- How are you faring?

- Oh, much better, thank you.

Do be sure to visit your physician.

- Make sure you're not concussed.

- All right. I will.

(CAROLINE): You must

pay us a visit sometime.

Oh, please. We would love

to have you and Thomas.

Oh! Of course. I'd

love to. It would be


(SCOFFS) If you'll excuse me?

- Of course.

- Thank you. Thomas!

He wants two dollars to take us home!

Thomas, look!

That woman has an

extra piece of luggage.

- How can you tell?

- I saw her board.

She had two pieces of fine luggage.

Not that ratty old thing.

- Are you certain?

- Oh, I'm positive.

You were in your cabin.

I was on the bridge.

Wouldn't have taken more than a moment.

Mrs. Griffith and the other lady

were taking the sun on the back deck.

He knew.

He knew what?

He knew that Charles Griffith

and Fiona were married.


The way those two were carrying on?

Forget about that, Margaret.

Are you interested in another mission?

You know I am.

(KNOCKING) Driver, follow that cab.

Come on!



Operator, Station House Four.



Excuse me.


Ah! What a coincidence

finding you two here.

- It is indeed.

- Huh.

It's nice to be off that boat.

Oh, yes, indeed.

You two seem to be bearing

up well after your loss.

Well, I do hope that your husband

will be able to find the

man who k*lled Charles.

Oh, as do I.

Captain Roberts. Fiona.


Please allow me to buy you lunch.

- Uh, that's not necessary.

- Oh, I don't mind.

I've recently come into a

considerable amount of cash.

That is Charles' money.

Found in your possession.

So, I'm assuming that Trevor

had nothing to do with it.

What did you do to him? k*ll him?


He needed off the boat,

I let him go.

And turned him into a suspect

for something that you did.

- His choice.

- Is that so?

I tell you what:

Why don't we continue this

back at the station house?

I suggest we skip lunch and proceed

straight to the cells, shall we?


We'll do no such thing.

Oh, yes we will, sunshine.



What was that for?

Hitting my wife.

I didn't do that. She did!


- Finally!



Sir, call Inspector Dawkins

at Station House Two.

Get him down here immediately.

I'm not ruining my homecoming

with these two lowlifes.


- What a woman!




(MAN): It'll be over soon.

No. No!

Let me guess: Arsenic.

Who are you?

Detective Murdoch, Toronto Constabulary.

Put the syringe down, Mr. Redmond.

No. I'm almost finished.

If you do that, you

will be facing the noose.

I'm already a dead man.

You can get help.

There's no hope for me.

He k*lled my uncle!

My father.

No! No! Let me go! Let me go!


Sit down!

You're under arrest.

He deserves it.

They all deserved it.

They all treated us like

we were less than people,

the men and women who

filled their pockets.

- What do you want?

- Where are the cells?

Are you hard of hearing?

Where are the cells?

I trust you are aware

of what this can do.

So, answer the question.

- They're back there.

- Get her.

- What's going on out here?



- Ah-ah. Stay where you are.


Mrs. Fanshaw. You're well?

You took your sweet time, didn't you?

Where's Murdoch?

I don't know.

You. Where is he?

I don't know.

Give him a taste.

All hail the conquering hero!



Sir? You're back.

And you're alive.

What's happening?

There's armed men in the station.

With some old woman.

Hilda Fanshaw. She's my prisoner.

Well, she's not a prisoner anymore.

Take this man to Station

House Number Three.

Let them know that I've

charged him with m*rder.

I'll be in touch shortly.

And tell them to send backup.

We need more men, armed men.

- Sir?

- McNab, can't you see that I'm busy?

- It's from inside the station.

- Give me that.


Doctor Ogden?

- Are you all right?

- Yes.

What's the situation?

There's at least four men,

all armed with William's

weaponized capacitor.

Both George and Henry are being held.

And one of the men is the man

who kidnapped us, a Quinton Crisp.

(BRACKENREID): Stay right where you are.

Oh! I don't think so.

- Murdoch, where are you going?

- I'm going inside.

- Stay put. That's an order.

- I thought you retired.

And I heard you quit.

I suppose things change.

Make sure he doesn't go anywhere.

- We're going outside.

- Are you sure?

There's very little I

do that I'm not sure of.

Bring him.


This will not end well.

Let us pass.

I don't think so.

Safe passage or this man dies.

You have five minutes

to clear your constables.

She's the one who's taken

over my station? Bloody hell.

More coppers out there now.

They'll back away.

sh**t the stupid one.

(CRISP): Which one is that?

(SCOFFS) You decide.

You don't even know me.



You have two minutes to clear your men.

You're surrounded. Surrender.

Your choice.


- Higgins.

Next time I'll be

dialing it up to eleven,

and I think you know what happens then.

You, give me a hand with Higgins.

- The name's Tucker.

- I don't care what your name is.

Just give me a hand.

McNabb, you all get around

the back of the station.

Our automobile's out back.

Mrs. Fanshaw, you should take it.

We'll delay the police.

Your best option would be to surrender.

And who asked your opinion, pray?

Take me out there with you.

I'm the station house inspector.

I can order those men to back off.

Get Mrs. Fanshaw to the automobile.

I can take care of myself.


who's going to bother

with an innocent old woman

out for a pleasant

drive in her automobile?

I'll meet you three

back at the safe house.

Grab him.

Here's your chance.

Get your men to back off.

And Quinton?

No need to be gentle with this one.

(CRISP): My thoughts exactly.





you doing, Higgins?

I feel all tingly.

Stay there.


Sir! There's a prisoner

escaping out the back.


Just remember:

It didn't need to end this way.


Truer words were never spoken.

- The old lady went out the back.

- Yes. Have you seen Julia?





Start, damn it.


Start, why can't you?

(JULIA): I think you'll be needing this.

Oh. I see.

Get out of the car,

or I will drag you out!

It's over, Mrs. Fanshaw.

You see the fireplace?

We missed you around here when

you were a little bit sick.

Can we put this on your toe?

No? You don't want it on your toe?


I can honestly say, sir,

I've never been so happy to lose a job.

Ah, you would have

grown into it, Crabtree.

Although, you were left with

pretty big shoes to fill.


How's the missus and the

little one faring, Murdoch?

I suspect it will be difficult

to pry the two of them apart

for the foreseeable future.

I can see why.

Susannah's a lovely child.

- If she ever needs minding

- Oh.

(CHUCKLES) What do you say, bugalugs?

Seems like someone's got the itch

and you're not getting any younger.

Well, sir, we have talked

about starting a family.

Talking's not the action

that's required, is it?

(LAUGHING) Thomas!

- Apologies.

- (HIGGINS): Hello, everyone.

- Uh, George?

- Higgins.

You need to see this.

(MURDOCH): What is it, George?

My father. Uh, sirs

A-A moment, if you don't mind.

Yourself as well, Effie.

- Excuse us.

- Of course.


- when was your father last seen?

- Uh

Sir, the last I

The last I heard from

him, he was in Winnipeg.

Do you think him capable of m*rder?

Sir, I shouldn't think

so, but I don't know.

I know some men at the

Winnipeg constabulary.

I'll see what I can do.

Sir, give me a leave of absence.

- George?

- Effie, you saw the poster.

Dead or alive?

I have to find him

before somebody else does.


Go. Find him.


all the time you need.

Thank you, sirs.

I-I'll be back,

regardless of the outcome.

Those shoes might need filling someday.