02x10 - Deliverance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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02x10 - Deliverance

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously On NCIS: Los Angeles I thought I'd surprise my husband.

He's been living in this country under the name Branston Cole.

You shot him.

You put him into an assisted living facility as your husband, under a new name, so you could keep working him for information.

That is quite a theory, Mr. Callen.

NELL: Kohl allegedly had a little black book on some of his secret operations of the KGB, the U. S. and Israel, Every spook will be looking for that intel, and we need to find it first.

I don't want the book.

I want Cole.

I'm sorry, Herta.

HETTY: My plan is to prevent an onslaught of foreign operatives from tearing this town apart looking for that book.

♪ ♪



(siren wailing)

(siren stops)

Need your license, registration and proof of insurance.


What's up?

Reports of someone dealing marijuana to minors.

Said they drove a red convertible.

It's not us, Officer.

Your plates don't match your vehicle's VIN.

Going to have to impound your car unless you agree to a voluntarily search.

You're kidding.

You want to open the trunk?


No problem.

(indistinct radio transmission)

Open it.

I like g*ns.

Everybody gets excited about the big g*ns.

Me, I like the point two-two.

Goes in the skull, bounces around.

Turns the brain to soup.

No... no... no!


(silenced g*nsh*t)

♪ NCIS: LA 2x10 ♪

Original air date on November 23, 2010


He gets one.

All right.

Next basket wins.

Gotta win by two points.

No, sudden death.

We already did that.

Next basket-- champion of the world.


That's it.

(dog barks)

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

That doesn't count.

That doesn't count.

You're dead.

Champion of the world.

Hetty said you can't bring rescues in here.

It's not a rescue, it's a police dog, and we're training.

That dog cost me champion of the world.

Looks like your dog's got mange.

See, Monty and I do undercover work together, don't we, Monty?

Yeah, he has a way of making the bad guys feel at ease.

Kind of looks like you.

Do you look like me?

Yeah, you do, 'cause I'm your daddy, aren't I?

Oh, they are clearly in love.

Clearly, love is blind.

You know what? One day, this dog will save your life.


Come here. Cover his eyes.


And you...

(quietly): attack. Attack.

Just kidding-- don't attack.

Gentlemen, feast your eyes on this.

You know what this is?

Plastic expl*sives.

Goes in there.

Keep 'em closed, Monty.


Inside the bag.

And now-- all right, you can let go--

Monty... find the b*mb.


Find the b*mb, Monty.

Find the expl*sive, Monty.

Monty, go find the expl*sive.

Go that way.


How old is this dog?

You know what?

He can't do this if he's sensing your hostility.

Aren't police dogs supposed to work in hostile environments?

I don't get it-- this usually works at the dog park.

Yeah, t*rrorists b*mb a lot of dog parks.

You are intimidating him.

Oh, yeah, he looks terrified.


Sam, one day, that dog's going to save your life.

Guys, weird call from Hetty.

Something about a sh**ting.


DEEKS: What's your deal?

It's just us now.

That's how it's going to be?

Now you look.

That's perfect.

Just embarrass me in front of my friends and my colleagues.

Really? You're just going to...

Oh, I should've sold you to that animal testing lab.

(indistinct chatter)

(thunder rolling, rain falling)

BRANDSTON: Who are you?

BRANSTON: Who are you?

Thank you, Rosemary.

I'm Sylvia.

I'm your wife.

Have you forgotten?

You remind me of someone else.

Did you pee?

What sort of question is that?

The sort of question a wife asks her husband when he's having trouble peeing.

Why are you here?

To read to you.

I always read to you.

It's still raining.

(thunder rumbles)

Yes, Branston.

It looks as if it could rain forever.

CALLEN: Hetty.

I knew that nurse.

Rosemary Edmonds.

She was very kind.

She bought me a Christmas present once.

You played Cole's wife that often?

When one's... life is based on deception, my marriage to Branston might be as close as I've ever gotten to the real thing.

SAM: Looks like two different calibers.

Two sh**t, soft target surrounded by civilians.

They didn't need to k*ll the nurse or the security guard in the hallway.

No, but they did.

Without compunction, without compassion.

They've changed the rules.

Branston would be appalled.

DEEKS: Well, this is where it all ends.

It's not that bad.

You can learn a lot from older people.

Their wisdom, kindness.

(licks lips salaciously)

Oh, my God, oh, my God, did he just...?

Retirement communities have the highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases in comparison to any other demographic.

Please stop talking.

Why? Gives you something to look forward to.

Why do you think they call it the rocking chair?


All the security cameras feed into here.

Hard drives have all been removed.

No home movies for us.

Branston Cole was an East German spy who took asylum in the West.

He was a traitor.

Well, sure, 25 years ago.

That's a long time to hold a grudge.

SAM: Not just revenge.

These drawers have been searched.

They were looking for something.

That little black bloody book.

First Renner, now Cole.

They won't stop until they get it.

"They" being?

Any of a myriad of foreign security agencies that believe the bloody book still has value.


If anyone knows about your relationship with Cole, they're going to assume you know where the book is.

Means we'll have to protect you.

I can protect myself.

I'd like to find the men who did this and put their heads on spears.

Is that what you used to do in the old days, Hetty?

They changed the rules, not me.

(knocking on door)

Surveillance was ripped out, but Mr. Shmunger in room 27 was kind enough to lend us his security camera.

It was pointed into the hallway.

ERIC: There.

He turns his head.

Need to enhance that, Eric.

ERIC: I'll run an image trace, see if we can bring out the details.

CALLEN: It's not your fault, Hetty.

I thought that with Mattias in custody, it was done.


I was wrong.

And if I'm at fault, that's why.

And from that, everything that followed, Mr. Callen.

We can't protect everyone.

I said that to you.

My first day on the job.

I remember.

It'd do you some good to remember as well.

So this little black book.

Three decades of Cold w*r treachery.

Names of spies, identities of sleeper agents and traitors from a dozen different countries.

The power to bring down governments.

Yes, Mr. Callen, still.

So everyone believes.

(picks up phone)

(punches in number)

Leave the book to me, and I'll leave you to sharpen the spears.

NELL (over intercom): Hetty?

HETTY: Miss Jones, my office.

NELL: I'm on my way.

Any luck?

Not enough for facial recognition yet.

I know those guys.

You can't identify them from that.

LAPD just put out an all-points.

A cop was k*lled this morning.

Dash-cam video from the patrol car.

Same guys, right?



Ten out of ten facial points match up.

Can we hear what they're saying?

It's too far away for audio.

Can you read them?

Play it back.



I don't know that word.

Bistro, like café?


"Bistro ukhodim."

It's Russian.

It means "We got to move."


Russian Military Intelligence?

They're here for Cole's book.

Eric? Run them through facial recognition.

Compare them to all known GRU agents.

We need to know who we're dealing with.

I'll give Hetty the good news.

Cool table.

It's Victorian, mid to late 18th century.

And I'm guessing, not a repro.

Sebastian Renner's boyfriend had taste.


And deep pockets.

Renner used his friend's business here to hide his arms deals.

There must be a lot of money hidden somewhere.

That's what we're after?

I thought we were looking for the hard copy of Cole's book.

We're after whatever we can find, Miss Jones.

Move to Renner's house and take it apart brick by brick if you have to.

I'll do my best.

I believe you will, Miss Jones.

HETTY: Mattias.

This is getting to be a habit.

I told my director that he might someday regret having passed you on to the CIA.

And one day later?

The regret is all mine.

And now you're asking yourself, why would the CIA free me?

Especially after I tried to k*ll you.

Obvious answer.

You're working for them.

You get your freedom.

What do they get?

The book.

Ah. You said you didn't think it even existed.

Doesn't matter what I think.

The CIA believes it exists.

And by your presence here, so do you.

Although I do find it odd.

This office has already been thoroughly searched.

Then why are you here, Mattias?

Because the easiest way to find the book...

Is to follow me.

You're aware there are other players.

Isn't it in both our interests that the Russians don't get the book?

The Russians.


Then I can trust you to leave my agent inside alone.

She'll find nothing.

And you know it.

It's a shell game.

You want us looking here so we're not looking somewhere else.

I could sh**t you right now, Mattias.

But you're not even worth the paperwork.

(keyless entry remote chirps)

(car door opens)

We've identified the sh**t. They are...

Russians. Tell me something I don't know, Mr. Callen.

No facial recognition.

They're not regular GRU agents.

And we're thinking they could be sleepers.

Been here for years.

Has Nell checked in?

She found nothing, so she moved on to Renner's house.

I, on the other hand, think I might have found the book.

ERIC: I couldn't find any evidence that Sebastian Renner had a laptop.

But that didn't really make sense.

An arms dealer like Renner must have had dozens of offshore accounts.

He'd have to keep track of that money.

ERIC: So I ran a check.

He used internet cafés.

Different computer every time, which means he needed to store his information in cyber space.

Now, there's only one Web connection to Renner that I could find.

He put his house up for sale for a brief period two years ago.

This is the listing for the house.

Renner was hiding his information in plain sight, in all the ones and zeros that make up the code to the photographs.

Now, when I extracted anomalies hidden in this photo...

Now, some are offshore accounts, but look at this.

Cole's book was his "get out of jail free" card.

What's the number next to it?

It's an account of the Certified National Bank in downtown L. A.

The account is attached to a safe deposit box, number 999.

We need the key to that box.

That's why I searched Renner's house.

Where did you get that?

From a little birdie.

Good job, Miss Jones.

Mr. Beale.

Need to get into that bank, Eric.

I can set you up with an ID as Renner's attorney, who's authorized to access the box.

Sharpening the spears is going to have to wait.

CALLEN: Anybody see anything?

Wait a second.

I've got one of the guys who k*lled the cop.

He's at the bus stop across the street.

SAM: Three more guys in a Jaguar pulling up behind you, G.

This is a stakeout.

A stakeout for what?

Us. Cole must have told them about Renner's safe deposit box before they k*lled him.

Without the key, they're stuck.

They're waiting for us to get the book.

Then they're going to try and take it.

They got to I. D. us first.

(cell phone rings)


BLOND RUSSIAN: Do not move, Agent Callen.

Sam, I think they already have.

BLOND RUSSIAN (on phone): Get the book.

Give it to us, or you die.


Tell me you understand.

I understand.

(line disconnects)

DEEKS: sh**t's at the top of the steps, just to the right of the public library.

Okay. Let's take him out.


The laser was to get our attention.

There could be a second sh**t.

Sam, we're going to have to play by their rules.

I can't go into the bank.

You're going to have to do it.

Eric, I need back-stopping now.

I'm going to need at least five minutes.

You've got two.

(phone ringing)


You have an agent at the Certified National Bank.

One of our CIA friends is about to join him.

When your man gets the book, please give it to him.

You are aware that the Russians are also at the bank?


Give me the book, then the Russians are my problem.

Mr. Callen, one of our cousins is about to join you.

Do whatever he tells you to do.

Do you understand me?

I understand.
Mr. Hanna?

Yeah. I got it, Hetty.

Welcome to the party.

You realize we have company?

You wearing a vest?


You should always wear a vest.

Send in one of your people to get the book.

I'm not starting a firefight in the middle of Downtown L. A.

Gonna try something a little more elegant.

What do you have in mind?

Give the Russians something to chase.

Kensi, cross over to my car.

SAM: Eric, how we doing?

Going to need more time.

Go into the bank.

Ask to see the safe deposit boxes.

Just tell them you're thinking about opening an account.

Check out the boxes.

Exit the bank.

Act nervous.

Pretend like you have the book.

Bait and switch.

The Russians will follow you.


I'll have her back.

When you exit the bank...

Escape and evade?

Easy as pie.

One more thing.

Got any gum?

Well, I guess Mattias doesn't trust us after all, Sam.

Eric, the clock is running.

You do realize this is a bank I'm breaking into?

How's the arm?

♪ ♪


Suppose you're wearing a vest, then?


And no, you can't borrow it.

Totally understand.

Forget I even mentioned it.

She's coming out.

SAM: Hi.

I need to access a safety deposit box.

Of course.


Sebastian Renner.

Unfortunately, Mr. Renner's deceased.

I have power of attorney.

Go! Go!

(tires squealing)

(tires squealing)

(g*nsh*t, CIA agent groans)

Sorry about that.

Did that hurt?

Yeah. Bastard.

Sebastian... Renner.

And you have Mr. Renner's key?


And your name?

In case anyone's interested, I'm not ready.

My name?

It needs to be on record.

My name is...

Maurice T. Grayson.

Maurice T. Grayson.

T for?


Tony. T is for Tony.

But I prefer Tony.

WOMAN: Diane, can you authorize this?


♪ Running out of time, Eric. ♪

That's right.


That's all in order.

If you'd like to follow me, Mr. Grayson.

Please, call me Tony.

Can you see the sh**t?

I'm guessing he left with his buddies.

You want to stick your head up there and take a little peek?

Sam, the Russians are going to figure out they've been had, and they're going to be coming back.

We got to make a move.

I got it.

Thought I dropped it.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Can I help you?

He's with me.


The box is empty, Hetty.

And Mattias?


(tires squealing)

(engine revving)

(engine revving)

(tires squealing)

(tires squealing)

(metal crunching, glass shattering)

Oh! That looked painful.

Want to get some ice cream?

Deeks! Look out!

(tires squeal)

Give us the book.

We don't have it.


Told you.

Then get in the car.

Uh-uh. She's not going anywhere.

Then four of us die, and one of us lives.

He's got a point.

All right. Take me.


DEEKS: She's just a cop.

You know? She's not even an agent.

Tell you the truth, no one really even likes her that much.

You know, too pretty for her own good.

Kind of a snob.

Get in the car.

Kensi, don't move.

Nice try, Deeks.


It's okay.

You'll get me back.

Tell your superior-- her life for the book.

Oh, yeah? How do you know I'm not the superior?

I could be.


(air hissing)

Damn it!

(tires squealing)

Eric, I got a license plate for you.

It's Nine-Queen-John-Item, Nine-Zero-Five.

They got Kensi.

Anonymous caller phoned in a Web site to the Navy yard in D. C.

They just forwarded Eric the link.


Tell us you can trace that, Eric.

ERIC: Routing through Europe.

Milan, Oslo, Barcelona, Frankfurt.

These are all proxies.

That's not the question, Eric.

ERIC: Yeah, and not the answer.

This is my fault?


My plan, my fault.

HETTY: The Cold w*r was built on the illusion of power.

Silos with no missiles in them.

Missiles with no warheads.

Little black books that weren't really little black books at all.

They'll never believe you.

They would have believed me in Cole's day.

Well, this isn't Cole's day, Hetty.

And you don't think it's mine, either, do you, Mr. Callen?

(phone ringing)


(ringing continues)

Do you know where these barbarians have taken my agent?

I'm sorry, Herta.

I don't know.

You've never been sorry for anything, Mattias.

Don't start pretending now.

I need the book.

You'll have to get it off the Russians after I've exchanged it for my agent.

The Agency is calling your director.

He'll tell them to go to hell.

For a time.

But then, under protest, he will agree.

You don't know my director.

But I do know you, Herta.

A hundred agents could die, and you still would not hand that book over to the Russians.

I need time to retrieve my agent.

You have one hour.

Mr. Deeks.

We're going to give the Russians what they want, and we're going to get back Miss Blye.

I thought we didn't have the book.

That is a problem.

SAM: Why isn't she moving?

She should be trying to find a way to escape.

She's just standing there.

She knows she's being watched.

(pulls back slide, b*ll*ts clicks into place)

She's waiting...

(Deek releases slide lock)

...for us.

ERIC: Contact. The Russians just posted a time and the place on the Web site.

Exchange is in 30 minutes.

Miss Jones?

NELL: But I'm nowhere near done.

Well, what you've done will have to do.


Well, I've added a single microdot next to each page number.

All taken from Renner's bookmark, but it's names and places mostly.

Like I said, it's all declassified.

You could find out more by Googling the Cold w*r.

How many pages?


But only the first three will stand up to scrutiny.

The others are deteriorated because they're so old.

Three it is.

Bring her home, Mr. Callen.

What about Mattias?

I'll take care of Mattias.

He's working for the CIA.

We're on the same side, remember?

Show time, Deeks.

I hate opening nights.


Los Angeles Olympics.

Jetpacks, pianos, marching bands.

But no Russians.


No Russians.

The last cold years of the Cold w*r deprived us of a famous victory over America.

Come on. We would have whipped your ass, and you know it.

The book.

I don't see her.

She's close.

Microdots beside each page number.

You know what?

Why don't we forget track and field, and just jump straight to the closing ceremonies?

Hey, Dolph Lundgren?

No girl, no secrets.


KENSI: Deeks! Stop!

Switch off the lights.


Now we know why you didn't move.

It's not like a disco ball kind of thing, is it?

They're triggers.

Break the beam, the expl*sives detonate.

Okay. Yeah. b*mb squad.

Deeks, I can't stand here any longer.


No, no. It's okay. It's okay.

We'll, uh... Plan B.

Okay. What's plan B?


I'm working on it.


♪ ♪
♪ ♪

What, plan "B" is to put me out of my misery?

They're laser triggers.

If the collector is receiving light at the right frequency, it's not going to register the beam has been broken.


You've seen this being done before, right?

Yeah-- no--

I mean, kind of, yeah, well, you know, in a book.

It was very helpful.

We could call the b*mb squad.



This one.









Are you kidding me?

That one.

DEEKS: I can't get it.

I think you're going to have to do this one yourself.



Are you sure?


On three.

You ready?



BOTH: Three.


Deeks, status.


CALLEN: Deeks, what's your status?

We're good.

You okay?


I got to pee.

I think I just did.

(both laugh)

(mutters in Russian)

What's he saying?

(speaking Russian)

He's saying, "Help me."

Sam, he's saying it in Russian.

They're not CIA.

Which means Mattias has been playing Hetty all along.



(speaking German)

(speaking German)

Because it could have been me.

And I couldn't stand to live without knowing that someone out there gave a damn.

Next time just sh**t straight.

I used to feel remorse coming here.

And today...

I just feel relief.

Hello, Mattias.

We are getting old, Herta.

Who will be next?

Possibly you when the CIA finds out you double-crossed them.

The Agency offered me freedom; the Russians offered me money.

I took both...

And now I have lost contact with my Russian friends.

What should I presume?

The worst.

Cole's book haunts us all.

Everyone's secrets-- the Russians, the Germans, the CIA, yours...


It should have died with him.

What makes you so sure it didn't?

I need to know you'll never use it, Herta.

Then, for both our sakes, sh**t straight.

There is no book, is there, Herta?

There never was.

Tough night to be working at Langley.

Oh, it's embarrassing.

Russians running around, pretending to be working for the Agency.

What's the world coming to?

Ah, you've seen worse.

Mattias is still out there.

So he is.

He was playing you all along.

I was a fool to fall for it.

You know, I've never actually read this book.

A gift...

From an old friend.

Good night, Mr. Callen.

Should we be worried about Mattias?


You shouldn't, Mr. Callen.

(keyless entry remote chirps)

You've been looking for a book.

We thought you might like this one.

CALLEN: Your wife.

Your home.

Very nice vacation home.

Oh, does your wife know about her?


What about the secret bank accounts?

Everything you love.

Everything you own.

If anything ever happens to Hetty, anything, we will come for you.

I have no reason...

To harm her.

The book... does not exist.

That's a good boy.



It never did.
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