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02x51 - The Hands of Justice Part II

Posted: 10/09/23 05:54
by bunniefuu
Hassleberry: get back here with those keys!

My leg!

You've been through enough already!

Let me handle the prince!


This is just an old battle injury that's all.

I'll be fine.

I've got dino blood in my veins!


It's show time.

Ladies first!

Losers second!

Got it!?

So I summon mystic egg!

An egg!?

What's next a side of toast!?

Maybe some bacon!?

Bon apeétit!

Play with your food all you want, kid!

But I'm in this thing to win!

You're lookin' at the next champ!

So sit back...and watch!

I'll start with this!

Beetron-: beetletop!

Next I'm kickin' it spell-card style!

With my frontline base!

Let's face it kid... Why have only one monster

On the field when I can have two, right!?

So I'll double my fun...with this!

Beetron : beetleturbo!

And third time's the charm!

'Cause this spell card...

Lets me play

Beetron-: spider base!

Alright boys!

It's breakfast time!

So beetron three... Scramble that egg now!

Next up...beetron two!

Attack that dork directly!

And don't forget...beetletop!


Come on!

The poor kid just graduated elementary school!

So give her a break!

Ha ha ha!

If it's a break she wants...

Then all she had to do is ask.

Beetrons...merge together!

Meet as*ault cannon beetle!

Now...about your big "break."

Cannon, break her down!

Don' count your chickens yet!

What's the deal!?

I already cracked that rotten egg!

Exactly, chazz!

I was hoping you'd do that!

'Cause now the monster that's inside...

Can come out and play with us!

Let's just hope he's in a good mood!


Ready pal?

Then come on out!

You call that thing a monster!?

Come on!

I've seen boogers that were tougher than him!

Speaking of boogers... It's your "pick."

Think you're funny?

Think again!

I activate the spell mystic revolution!

So guess what?

My little dragon has a growth spurt!

Now mystic dragon...

Attack his as*ault cannon beetle!


Alright... Now you got me mad!

Ha ha ha!

Your mind is like an open book!

And I can see exactly how it's going to end!

Yeah right!

Look dude...i know you think you know everything...

But some things in life...

Just can't be predicted!

So pipe down!

I activate my r-righteous justice spell card!

So your barrier's history!

Which means...all my monsters get their powers back!

You'd like to believe that wouldn't you!?

Well you're wrong!

Thanks to my emperor's staff!

For the duration of this turn...

All of my cards are safe from harm!

And that includes my barrier!

Your trap lets me draw a new card.

I summon my neo-spacian aqua dolphin!

You okay, bro?!

I'm afraid it's his light barrier.

It's drained my powers.

Oh just great.

Ha ha ha!

So much for your neo-spacian friends!

It serves them right.

They should've stayed on their own planet!

This one is mine!

But he needs them!

Otherwise he can't win.

Exactly. That's why

He needs to recharge their strength!

By getting rid of that barrier once and for all!

Yeah but how!?

Sartorius can predict jaden's every move!

If jaden's taught me anything,

It's that no one's destiny is

Written in stone.

Hey prince!

Where are ya?!



Drop those keys!

Hmm? Oh!

Gimme that!

Too late!

Oh yeah?

I'll show ya "too late!"


What'd I tell ya!?

Nuthin' ta worry about!

Except that!

The satellite's already been activated!

Sam hill!

Ha ha ha!

Once it starts...

The satellite can't be stopped!

Ha ha ha!

What's so funny!?

I feel stronger than ever!

Ha ha ha!

Which is more than I can say for them.

But don't worry, I'll put them out of their misery

Soon enough!

Just go!

I'd be careful what I wished for.

Now let's give my light barrier a spin!

Feeling lucky?

If it lands upside down, the barrier is destroyed!

But don't get your hopes up!

Just as I predicted... It stays!

Is that all you've got!?

You know better than that!

So I summon this!

Arcana force four-- the emperor!

And now for its special effect!


It's right side up!

So both of my monsters get five hundred points!

And as for you...

Let's start with your air hummingbird.

Arcana attack!

My barrier has another power!

Whenever I destroy one of your monsters...

I get all of its points!

And your hummingbird had eight hundred!

Now watch...

As my emperor takes his turn!



Ha ha ha!

I'll take his points as well!

What's he gonna do!??

Syrus: one by one, jaden's losing his best monsters!

Ha ha ha!

There's not much you can do, but go ahead.

Don't mind if I do!

I'll throw down a facedown...

And call it a turn.

Just as I suspected!

You're completely out of options!

As for me... I activate...

Cup of ace!

Since it's right-side up...

I draw two cards.

So let's see what I've picked up.


I activate...

Arcanatic doomscythe!

And to activate its power...

A card from my hand...

Goes to the graveyard.

Then I'll attack!

Arcana force four...

Destroy his aqua dolphin!

And thanks to my arcanatic doomscythe...

You lose points...

Equal to your monster's attack strength.

I count six hundred, how about you?

Oh no!

Ha ha ha!

Of course, thanks to my light barrier...

Those points go to me!

But it gets worse!

Because my arcana force twenty one!

Is about to attack you directly!

Not gonna happen!

'Cause I play this!

It's my hero signal!

And it lets me summon my clayman to protect me!

You seem to have forgotten my doomscythe!

Now your clayman's attack points

Come right out of your life points!

Uh! Aah!


Of course your loss... Becomes my gain.

Come on jaden. Time's running out!

You gotta fight back!

Yeah but with what?!

Alright...i need a plan.

Come on jaden think!

I've gotta deactivate his light barrier.

I can hear you.

You might want to think without speaking next time!

If there is a next time!


My satellite laser!


No way!

My plan's already begun.

As soon as it reaches full power...

Light shall envelop your whole planet!

And everyone will worship me!

Hold on!

I'm not finished yet!

Ha ha ha! You poor naive boy.

You were finished before we even started dueling!

It's fate.

I've seen your future.

You'll suffer a devastating loss.

And because of you... Earth will be reborn!

Where am i?!

Is this earth?

'Cause it sure doesn't look like it!


It's duel academy!




Tell me, how did you like your vision

Of the future!??


That was wicked!

Have you lost your mind?!

I showed you a vision of your future!

And you just laugh?!


'Cause if that vision was true...

You wouldn't be here dueling me, now would ya?

So tell me...why should I believe you?


Yeah yeah.

How many times ya gonna use that line!?

"Destiny's" just a myth!

And I'm here ta prove it!

Silence human!

Your ignorance is matched only by your lack of talent!

Sticks and stones!

Hurl all the insults you want!

But as for me...

I'll be hurling my cards!

And trust me, they hurt a lot more!

Want proof?

Then let's get our game on shall we!?

And I'll start.... With this!

Pot of greed!

And you know what that means!

I get two more cards!

Next I play...

My o-oversoul!

I get to bring back an elemental hero from

My graveyard!

And I choose my sparkman!

Then I'll hook him up with five hundred bonus points

Courtesy of my h-heated heart spell card!

And now...payback time!

Take out his emperor!

And remember...

Your light barrier's effect helps me out, too!

And last...

I'll throw down a facedown and let you go!

Ha ha ha!

So ahhh...what was that you were just saying

About destiny?


Are you suggesting I didn't foresee that?

I see everything!

And I'll prove it!


See that card up there?

It will land right-side up.

What?! Upside-down?!


How 'bout that?

I guess your foresight's not as good as you think!

[Thinking] then it's true!

Jaden is the boy who can alter destiny!

The chosen duelist with the power to extinguish the light!

Of course, to do that...he first needs to win!


Stop your laughing!

Lighten up!

This is what dueling is all about, bro!

Having a good time!


Hate ta break it t'ya...

But it's true!

Not everyone duels for world domination and ultimate power!

I gotta teach you about a little thing

We humans call "having fun!"

Let me tell you.

It sure beats being a maniacal nut-job!

It's true!

If you're not having a good time...well then...

You don't know what you're missing!


I just wanna help!

If ya just chilled out...

You'd see that this world isn't such a bad place!

Uh syrus...?

Does he realize he's reasoning with a psychopathic alien?

You know jay.

He loves giving this speech.

Are you done?!

If so...then listen closely!

I have some words of my own!

Arcana force twenty one, attack his sparkman!

Ha ha ha!

You were right!

Dueling can be a great deal of fun!

Jaden: go hero counterattack!

Now let the good times roll!

Since you destroyed sparkman...

You pick one 'a my cards!

And if it's an elemental hero...

I get to summon it!

Oh and as an extra little bonus guess what?

One of your monsters is destroyed!

It doesn't take a fortuneteller

To figure out what you're gonna choose!

'Cause I've got some bad news!

I'm only holding one card!


Which means you hafta pick it!

How's that for destiny!?

So come on out... Elemental hero neos!


Now is your chance to defeat sartorius and seal away

The light!

Only then can I use my powers to stop the satellite!

Foolish boy!

The end has already begun so I'm afraid you're too late!

Guess again!

A duel's not over 'til the last card's played!

So this on!

And I summon neo-spacian glow moss!

Now neos...

Merge with glow moss using contact fusion

In order to create elemental hero glow neos!!

But that's not the only surprise!

Every round my glow neos wipes out a card on your side

Of the field!

And the type of card he destroys...

Determines his effect.

But wait!

That's right!

Light barrier's all you've got left!

Correction: all you had left!

Glow neos, do your thing!

So it's time for that effect I told you about!

He can attack you directly!

Guess what?

I can see your future.

And it's lookin' bleak!


Take 'im out.


♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on