02x48 - The Phoenix has Landed Part I

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x48 - The Phoenix has Landed Part I

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

Who's there?

Hello? Huh?

Jaden, I don't have much time, so listen closely.

Take this and protect it.


And please, no matter what anyone tells you,

Never return it to me.

The light is coming.

What do you want?

Aster, we were friends once.

I understand that you can't trust me anymore,

But I trust you.

Now please take this and guard it with your life.

But what is it?


Where are the keys?

We need them

To unlock the satellite.

Now who has them?

Why the chosen duelists, of course.

I knew I wasn't strong enough to fight you.

So I simply gave the keys to someone who is.

They can't stop me.

Nobody can.

When I'm through with jaden and aster,

They shall see the light.

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Captioning made possible by kids productions

Did you find what you were looking for?

Well, you know, the destiny card.

Yes. And I found something else,

My father!

Your what?

Aster, voice-over: I promise I won't let you down, pop.

Because of me, the most destructive power in the universe is free.

You have to stop it, son!

But how?

The d is just a pawn.

The true evil exists in--inside sartorius!

It does?

But sartorius has been my friend

Ever since I was a kid!

What's that card?

It symbolizes salvation and hope.

And the best part is this card represents you, aster!

It means that someday someone will need you

And you're gonna save them!

You're a hero!

It's true.

Hero? But who will I save, sartorius?

I can't say. Come on!

All right, I'll tell you.

But you're not gonna like this.

It seems the person that you're going to save is me.

I took a look at my future, and it looks bleak.

My destiny is filled with temptation and evil.

And someday, I'm gonna need you to rescue me!

Me? But why?

I mean, what can I do?

Is it possible you just read the cards wrong?

No, aster.

But I don't want anything to happen to you.

It won't, because you're going to save me!

Sheppard, you have to take me to the white dorm

So I can face sartorius!


I know. It's too dangerous, right?

But he needs me!

Take us down!

No way, kid!

Then I'll land my way!


Aster, please don't!

Be careful!




Hassleberry: look! Ain't that sheppard's copter?

It was!

Jaden: come on!

Now what?

Uh, beats me.

Well, call for help!

Jaden: chancellor!

What happened?

We were struck by lightning

Right after aster phoenix made a jump for it

To duel sartorius!

No way! Sam hill!

I know, right?

Can you believe we were struck by lightning?

All right, let's go, guys!

Hurry! Aster needs our help!

Chancellor: aster? What about me?

You can't hide from me!


Glad you could make it, aster.

[Chuckles sinisterly]


Just the man I was looking for!


Why would I be?

In case you've forgotten, predicting the future is my specialty.

Oh, yeah? Did you predict I'd bring this?

Did you? It's plasma--

The card my father designed.

But I guess you knew that already!

You know everything, don't you?

In fact, you're the one who caused all this!

There was something evil inside that card--

The light of destruction!

And when the d gave that card to you,

You became possessed by the light!

Guess what! It all ends here,

'Cause I'm setting you free!

Heh heh. Aster, what makes you think the light's evil?

Because it took my father from me,

That's why!

That's nonsense.

The truth is that the universe consists of light energy and darkness,

And sometimes that light needs to escape.

Every so often, surges of light collide with earth.

In the case of your father,

This particular pulse of light inhabited his destiny card.

Now for the fun part, where I come in.

Grr! Now, now.

I'm just telling it like it is.

After your father's unfortunate accident,

The d brought his card to me.

I was a modest fortune teller at the time,

But he thought I might unlock its secrets.

However, within me, the light found its host,

Its permanent home, if you will.

Together we would herald a new age unto the planet!

Our world is a flawed one.

The light sought to restore justice and peace.

Aster, believe me,

If we want to save this planet from destroying itself,

There's but one choice: we must make the people of earth forget

They ever knew of w*r or crime or want.

And so the light will erase their dark minds!

Alas, it's not easy.

There are billions of earthlings.

But luckily we found a way to reach them all with a single blast.

The satellite!


With your key, the whole world will soon see the light.

So just hand it over.

Yeah, right.

You're not talking about peace!

You're talking about absolute power!

Tell me...

[Sarcastically] master...

What was so important about getting me involved

In all this? Spill it!

You already know!


Ha ha. I was warned of a chosen one,

A child who could change destiny.

A child?

A young boy

Who possesses the power to extinguish the light.

I thought that boy was you,

But I was incorrect.

So it's jaden!

He's the one that's destined to save

The world, isn't he?

I should have known.

So now what happens to me, huh?

You hand over the key.

Not gonna happen, dude!

Did ya think I forgot my promise?

Did you?

I guess you're right.

At least your prediction about the future has a bright side.

So whenever you need me, I promise you I'll be there!

Aster, voice-over: I bet I can only save him by dueling him.

Our future awaits.

Now hand over that key.

This key?

That's right. Throw it.

Jaden: aster, no!

You can't go through with this, bro!

Think! If he gets his hands on both of our keys,

Then he'll be able to activate that satellite!

But I promised him.

You promised him what?

That if anything happened to sartorius, I'd save him.

Mongoose to headquarters. I need more ccs. Stat.

Man: back. Stay back, everyone.

Second man: careful. Third man: easy, now.

Who jumps out of a moving helicopter?

Aster. He said something about facing sartorius. Jeez!

I don't know what he's planning to do,

But if sartorius gets hold of that key, we're all in danger!

He's planning to use that satellite to turn us into mindless zombies!

Jaden's there. He'll help, I hope.

If you'd really like to help me,

Then give me what's rightfully mine!

Jaden: aster, please!

Keep your key away from him!

Aster, who are you going to put your faith in,

Jaden or a friend you've trusted since childhood?

A friend? My friend is gone!

And he was replaced by an egomaniacal freak

From outer space!

And now I'm gonna bring him back!

[Chuckles sinisterly]

Sorry, but I've grown fond of this body.

So I think I'll stay! Heh heh.

You won't get away with this!

Is that so?

And just how, pray tell, do you plan on stopping me?

Ha ha ha!

Too bad.

But despite what I once thought, you have no power over me.

Oh, well.

Big words,

Especially because I'm the one holding the key!

It looks like you need me!

Touche. So now what?

We duel!


Winner gets the key!

Aster, you can't!

Way to take my advice.

Look, jay, dueling him is our only chance.

In order to truly free sartorius from the light,

I have to defeat him right here and now.

I made him a promise.

And I'm not about to go back on my word!


[Laughing sinisterly]

How noble!

Together: game on!

The first move is mine!

I call arcana force iii, the empress!

Yikes! Careful!

The special abilities of my empress are determined

By the position of the card once it stops.

Then stop!

Foolish boy.

Destiny has already played this duel,

And every move has been determined.

Therefore the card will stop right-side up.



Haven't you learned by now?

You're not in control.

Destiny is.

And since the empress is right-side up,

When you play a monster, I can summon another arcana force card!

I'll conclude with this--

One card face-down.

All right, it's all you.

So get your game on!

Sounds good! I'll start with this--

A destiny hero!

Diamond dude, you're on!

And thanks to my empress card, I can play arcana force iv,

The emperor!

Come forth in attack mode!

Now let's see.

What will his special ability be?

Let me guess-- right-side up.

Well, of course, aster.

Therefore all my monsters receive a bonus!

Now they're stronger

By points!

Diamond dude has a special ability also!

I start by flipping over the top card on my deck.

And if it happens to be a spell card,

Then next round, it's mine!

Let's see what fate has in store for me.

It's destiny draw!

So I'll save it for next round

And then play this face-down, and that's all.

Thank you, aster!

Ha ha ha!

You're making this ever so easy for me!

I summon arcana force vii, the chariot!

Round and round it goes.

And where it stops only destiny knows!

Right-side-up again!

Come on, now.

Chariot, offer diamond dude

A lesson in firepower!

Master blast!

You triggered my trap--

Destiny signal!

And thanks to this card, whenever one of my monsters is destroyed,

I'm allowed to summon a new one,

As long as it's a destiny hero that's level or less!

So I chose destiny hero defender!

That's nice, aster.

Now if you'll allow me to continue,

Due to the right-side up ability of my chariot,

I can re-summon your diamond dude as my own!

Now it's your move.

That's a heck of a front line!

It's looking pretty grim.

The duel's young. So chill.

Time to take control!

Remember, I finally get to activate

My destiny draw from last round!

So I send a destiny hero to my graveyard,

And then I get to draw two more cards!

Next I'll summon my destiny hero dunker

In defense mode.

Do you know what this means?

I can sacrifice my empress and my diamond dude

To summon this--

Arcana force xviii-- the moon.

How convenient.

Another card lands right-side up.

So I get a little gift during my stand-by phase.

Looks like destiny has my back this time.

All right, sartorius,

Your monsters may outnumber mine,

But you're forgetting one important detail!

Really? And what would that be?

That it's still my turn.

So I send a card to the graveyard

To activate dunker's effect--

The -point strike!

There ya go!

He may have a shot at this after all!

Told ya.

I'll place this face-down, and then I'm done.

Bravo. You managed to make contact,

Well, barely.


Next time, you may actually leave a mark,

If there is a next time.

On with the show.

So did I mention that when defender

Is in defense mode, its special ability activates?

So I can draw one more card!

Now, remember that little gift I mentioned earlier?

Well, it's about to make its big splash!

And then I'll sacrifice it

Along with my chariot!

Now I'm able to summon this from my hand--

Arcana force xxi-- known as the world.

Jaden: that's his most powerful card yet, guys!

And it's right-side up!

But I'll save that for later.

First, my emperor and my moon will launch an attack!

Oh, no!

Now he's got no defense!


Arcana xxi, attack!

I don't think so,

'Cause I've got a trap!

It's called d-fortune, and your direct attack activated it.

So all I have to do is remove

One of my destiny heroes from the game

And your attack is canceled.

Fine. You leave me no choice.

I send two of my monsters to the graveyard,

So I can activate the special ability of the world.

Sorry, aster, but you lose your turn!

Come again?

Now if you'll excuse me,

I've got a duel to win!

And I will with this!

Aster, face your destiny!

Arcana force xxi, attack!


Sartorius, thinking: poor aster. You'd surrender your key now

If you knew what I had in store for you.

No one can defeat the light!

So any last words before I finish you off?

Bring it on.

[Sartorius laughing sinisterly]

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on
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