02x41 - Heart of Ice: Part I

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x41 - Heart of Ice: Part I

Post by bunniefuu »


Your mind is being controlled.

This isn't you!

Wake up!


Stay out of this!

My mission is nearing its completion!

Wait! What my sister said is true!

This has to stop!

You can't be serious.

We're about to expose mankind to the power of light!

What's this?

Someone doesn't know when to quit.

And if you're not careful,

You'll find yourself permanently deleted!

Do I make myself clear?

Now that I control the satellite,

I control the fate of the world!

[Laughing sinisterly]

Who's there?

Hello? Huh?

Jaden, I don't have much time, so listen closely.

[Slowly] ok.

I need your help.

Take this and protect it.

And please, no matter what anyone tells you,

Never return it to me!

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Captioning made possible by kids productions

The light is coming. Hmm?

What do you want?

Aster, we were friends once.

I understand that you can't trust me anymore,

But I trust you.


Now please take this and guard it with your life.

But what is it?


Wait! Don't go!

Uh, sartorius?

I hate when he does that.

I'm only going to ask this once.

Where are the keys?

I can assure you that they're in the right hands.

They're what? You fool!

Do you have any clue what you've done?

We need them to unlock the satellite!

Now, who has them?

Why, the chosen duelists, of course.

I knew I wasn't strong enough to fight you,

So I simply gave the keys to someone who is.

They can't stop me!

Nobody can!

Just wait.

When I'm through with jaden and aster,

They shall see the light!

[Sartorius laughing sinisterly]

You wanted to see me? What is it, sir?

I'd like you to pay a visit to an old friend.

It's time you dueled jaden!

Something wrong?

I'm at your command. Let's do this.

I had a feeling you'd see things my way.

Now, here's something you might need.

If you use this deck correctly, it'll bring jaden to his knees!

I won't disappoint you, sir.

I know.

And jaden has something that belongs to me.

So when you crush him, see that it finds its way back into my hands.

Yes, master!

No way! Sartorius?

Are you sure it wasn't just a bad dream?

I'm positive. Just look. He gave me this key.

Well, what's it open?

No clue.

Aster: you, too, huh?

I was hoping it was his jet. But no such luck.

So wait. There are two keys?

And what are we supposed to do with 'em anyway?

I have no idea. But until we figure that out,

We've got to keep 'em safe.

Jaden: let's go. I hear it's build your own burger day in the cafeteria.

Syrus: cool. I want a tofu burger with soy cheddar!

What ever happened to real meat

And good old-fashioned american cheese?

Jaden: I'm making mine a bacon double!

About time.

I've been waiting for hours!

For me?

Relax. I'm here for the key.

Jaden: wait. But how do you know about that?

Sartorius. He sent me over here to get it back from you.

So why don't you hand it over and we can all move on with our lives?

No way. He gave it to me.

Well, he made a mistake.

So if you're smart, you'll give it to me, or there's choice "b."

You can duel me, and winner takes all!

Could be interesting, don't ya think?

I don't know, jay. This key seems pretty important.

Don't do it, sarge!

Aw. What's wrong? You scared?!


Then what's the problem?

It's just two old buddies playing a friendly game, right?

So stop listening to these two dweebs and duel me!

And if I win, then you hand over the key.

If I happen to lose, then I'll leave you alone.

That's a terrible deal, jay!

Truesdale's right! I say we retreat!

Jaden: I'm sorry, lex, but there's no duel.

You don't have to apologize.

That's not even alexis.


Look at her. Ya see her eyes?

They're completely lifeless and empty.

We're losing her!

And if we don't do something soon,

The alexis we knew will be gone forever.

There isn't much time, guys!

What can we do? Any ideas?

There's one hope. You'll have to duel her.

It's the only way to set her free.

All right. Fine! Then game on!

You sure? You sure?

I'm sure. I have no choice.

I accept your challenge, lex. So let's duel!

Smartest thing you've ever done or maybe the dumbest.

Atticus: remember, her future's on the line here.

Trust me.

If there's one thing I know how to do, it's win a duel.

Atticus, mark my words,

No matter what happens out there,

Your sister's in good hands.

Ya know, jay, not that I have any doubts,

But if you lose, isn't there a chance

That you could get brainwashed also?

Truesdale! Way to have a positive outlook!

Chill out, will ya? Have I ever let you down before?

No. But this duel could be tougher than we think.

Like what if alexis got new cards from sartorius?

Hassleberry: positive outlook, remember!

Although he does bring up a good point.

You have to reach out to the real alexis.

I've got a card for you.

It might help you get through to her.

Thanks. But what is it?

It's called swing of memories.

Sort of a family heirloom.

Ready, sis? I activate my swing of memories spell!

Not again. You always use that card!

Well, maybe this time you'll beat it, lex.

I guess. Well, here goes.

And who knows. I just might win.

And that's game!

No fair! I'll never win a duel!

Hey. You're gonna be a great duelist someday.

Really?! Ya mean it, bro?

I love dueling more than anything,

And I'm gonna practice until I'm the best!

Sounds good.

Let's duel!

And this time, I'm gonna win!

You sure about that?

You bet!

Even back then, she never gave up.

Trust me, play that swing of memories magic card,

And her memories will come rushing right back!

You got it. She'll be back to normal in no time!

Chazz: she doesn't need a card to wake her up.

She needs me!

Jaden: chazz?

The chazz!

Face it, dorks. Only my love can set her free!

You're kidding. Get a grip.

This is all your fault, son!

If it weren't for you,

She wouldn't be in the society of light.

You've done enough.

Hey! Back off!

Stop spreading lies!

She's my soul mate, and I'd never do that to her!

Hold on! You don't remember, do you?

Ah, no.

A big duel. You won. She got brainwashed.

So you mean it's true? It is my fault?!

And they called you slow.

Newsflash! That's why we don't trust you!


No way! You're lying!

I would never hurt alexis.

Atticus, tell them.

Tell them it's not true.

Atticus: no one's falling for this amnesia act!

You did this to alexis, and you know it!

Why don't you just leave?

You've already caused enough harm.

If you really want to do something for my sister, go home.


Let me make it all up to her! I can help!

[Sobbing softly]

Aw. Look. Chazz actually has feelings.

[Deadpan] ha ha.

Hey. Relax.

Yeah, chazz. Cheer up.

Girls love a sensitive guy.

He's right. When the ladies hear you've got

A soft side, they're gonna be beatin' down your door!

Chazz: ya think so?

Well, if they like big crybabies.

Whatever. The only girl I really care about is alexis.


What's this?

It's the key to her heart.

That's right, boys!

It's one of my signature cards.

One look at that, and she'll run right back!

Don't worry. You can thank me later!

Uh, ok. If you say so.

Chazz: you're lucky I showed up when I did.

Jaden: we are?

So how's he helping?

Let's just play along.

Thanks for all your help! You're the best!

There's nothing I won't do to help the woman I love.

Now she'll have to marry me!

Ha ha ha!

You just keep on believing that.

Did ya bring the key?

Yup. It's right here.

Keep it handy.

I don't expect this to take very long.

So I hope you haven't grown too attached to that thing.

Relax. It's all good.

Besides I'm dueling to get my friend back,

Not for some key.

Whatever. Ready, lex?

I'm always ready!

Then it's time to get your game on!

No, it's time for you to get a new line!

If you give me the key now, I'll spare you the humiliation of losing.

I'm not planning to lose.

Famous last words.

I'll kick things off! Ready?

I'll play snow fairy in attack mode!

So if you're thinking of using a spell card, forget it,

'Cause as long as my snow fairy is on the field,

All spell cards are frozen for one turn!

That key's as good as mine.

Sure you don't wanna hand it over now?

You know that I would never forfeit a duel.

You have me confused with one of your dorky friends!

Atticus: oh, man. She doesn't remember a thing.

Just wait. Jaden hasn't played my card yet.

Syrus: chazz? Did ya ever think it might take

More than just one of your cards to wake her up?

I know. Why don't you recite her a poem?

You sensitive guy, you.

All right, lex. It's on!

Ok. Here's a little something to jog your memory.

Oh, please.

Remember chazz?!


Well, this is from him! It's ojama black!

Chazz: and that's not all! I wrote you a poem to go with it!

[Chazz clearing throat]

My love for you is like an ojama.

I love you more than a trip to the bahamas

And even more than a llama loves his mama.

I love you in a dress but also in pajamas.

And you'll always be my little lexi-rama!

Oh, you're too kind.

Syrus: uh, chazz. I was kidding about the whole poem thing.

[Jaden chuckles]

I don't even know how to respond to that.

Can we move on?

You know, I think I'm gonna draw one more card.

All right. I'm gonna throw down a face-down

And call it a turn!

Come on, alexis! Show this chump how it's done, baby!

What was that?

Uh, nothing. Just me trying to be supportive, that's all.

Just supporting.

Oh, yeah, well, the last guy that called her "baby"

Didn't make it to the end of the duel.

I knew that guy.

Oh, yeah, what ever happened to him?

Time to play some real cards,

Like this! So get ready!

'Cause I play the spell card white night fort!

What does that do?

Guess I'm about to find out!

[Society of light gasps]

Settle down, dorks! That was nothing.

Just wait until you see what happens next.

It's f-freezing.

If fact, I can't feel my toes.

That's the least of your problems!

With this on the field, your traps are frozen!

Jaden, thinking: but that means

I can't activate my negate attack card.

It's almost as if alexis knew I was about to play it!

You look shocked.

Didn't you realize you can't hide anything from me?

The light exposes everything!

All right. Time to summon illusion ice sculpture!

What's with all the ice and snow?

What's wrong, jaden? I thought you like to chill!

Oh, yeah. And as long as it's on the field,

It's the only monster you can attack!

There's more!

It can also take the form of any other monster on my side of the field!

Aw. Man.

Not good.

Snow fairy, attack! Take out ojama black!


He's frozen!

Oh, well. So much for chazz's card.

Guess it didn't work. Can't say I'm surprised.

Hold on! I know the problem!

I should have used ojama green!

Hassleberry and syrus, sarcastically: yeah, that's it.

I'm not done!

Illusion ice sculpture, attack him directly!

[Alexis chuckles]

Looks like you're walking on thin ice, jaden!

[Alexis chuckling]

Jaden, thinking: I'm gonna get through to you, alexis!

All I need is a plan...

And a jacket!

Oh, great! Jaden's frozen in place!

It's all your fault, chazz!

If you didn't give jaden that card,

He'd be all right!

Oh, yeah? You wanna take this outside, bumble-berry?

Jaden, thinking: I've gotta destroy ice sculpture

Before it destroys me.

And then I'll need a hot chocolate!

Hey! My move!

Now I play this--

My elemental hero sparkman!

All right, sparky, time to break the ice!

Jaden, thinking: this would be the perfect time to use

That swing of memories card atticus gave me.

But thanks to her snow fairy's ability,

I have to wait one more turn to activate it!


Why don't ya just play it instead of staring at it,

Or did your brain freeze?

Fine. I'll play it!

Are you done?

Yeah, but just wait till next turn!

And why's that, jay?

You gonna convince me I'm nuts?

Face it, dork. You're just jealous 'cause I've seen the light!

Atticus: alexis, I know you're in there somewhere, sis!

It's me--atticus, your brother,

The aspiring pop star.

You sure about that,

'Cause you seem more like a crazy fan than a pop star.

Now on with the duel!

I activate icicle sacrifice!

Thanks to this spell card,

I get a little friend in my monster zone!

It also lets me bring out an icicle token!

Now I can sacrifice it, which lets me summon my white night queen!

That's a level seven monster,

So it needs two sacrifices!

Guess again. Thanks to its ability,

Icicle token counts as two monsters.

No kidding.

And my queen comes with a cool trick, too!

She can destroy a face-down card with every turn!

So there goes your card!

Don't do it!

How, lex?

How could you destroy a card that once meant the world to you?

Who are you?

Your sister! Alexis, sartorius is controlling you.

Wake up!

You belong with us, not with the society of light.

Nice speech, jaden.

But how can I turn my back on someone who gave me the power

To do this?

White night queen, attack his sparkman!

There's more!

Snow fairy, attack jaden directly!


The poor guy needs a scarf!

He's gonna need a lot more than that.

You said it.

Who knows what my sister's capable of!

Uh! Now I've lost the feeling in my arm!


Too cold for you? Well, if I were you, I'd bundle up.

'Cause if you think it's chilly in here now,

Just wait'll you see what I do next.

Let's just say it'll send chills up and down your spine!

Ready, tough guy?

I have to free alexis from sartorius' control

Before it's too late.

Chazz's card was a bust,

And atticus' card didn't help either.

It's all up to me now.

If I don't find a way to save alexis,

We'll lose her forever.

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on
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