02x38 - Pro-Dueling

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x38 - Pro-Dueling

Post by bunniefuu »

Uh! Uh!

One, two, three... Another win for me!

Five, four, three, two...mathmatica wants

To duel you!

Whoa! Whoa!

Who is he!?

A top-ranking duelist league pro!

And don't forget "mathematical genius"!

Sheppard: we have a problem, gentlemen.

Only a select group of our students

Are actually winning their duels.

The others aren't exactly helping this

School's reputation.

Crowler, how do you think we should handle this?

Simple. If professional duelists are making all your

Pupils look like slackers...

Wait. I know!

Stick all the pros on a boat and bid them adieu!

But we invited them!

Think of something else.

And if you can't find an answer then you two can find

A new job!

We better get to work on our resumes!

All we need are students

That can beat professionals!

Oh is that all!?

And where do you suggest we find these students?

You're right.

It's completely hopeless.

Unless...i call upon a few "old friends"

To help us out.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

And then there's sartorius.

I just can't seem to figure him out.

For instance why would he enroll here?

Just...so he could duel some prince?

And why hasn't he dueled anyone since?

I'll tell you why.

Ahem. I don't usually talk to myself.

It's just that i--

I work for prince ojin and something's gone wrong sir!

When he faced sartorius the two of them made a bet.

A bet?

Yes, the prince wagered our laser satellite and lost!

Now it belongs to sartorius!


He who controls this satellite, controls the world!

I shall open everyone's mind.

And help the entire planet see the light!

No...it's too dangerous.

Silence, you fool!

We must obey the light!

This is the only way to save mankind.

With these two keys... The new order...can begin!


What am I doing!?

I have to fight this.

But I can't!

That was a close one.

There's no way he'll find us out here!

Five, four, three, two, one...

I hope you duel better than you run!

Then again I'd hide if I were you.

Since the chances you'll lose...

Were ninety nine point two!

So who will it be, gentlemen?

[Tarzan yell]

Huh? What's that!?


Well...looks like some things never change.

You still talking to "space men?"

Give it up!

Jus' listen!

It's not a space man.

[Tarzan yell]

In fact...sounds like an "ape" man!

[Tarzan yell]

You want duel?

Me damon.

Me duel man with big hair.

Well "me" suggest...

That you invest in some deodorant!


I knew I'd find him here!

Well he'd better be good!

'Cause otherwise... We're out of a job!

Great! He's already losing!


Damon has a "unique" way of dueling.

I play this!

It's called illegal summon!

And it lets me summon a level- monster to your side

Of the field, jungle boy!

My mid shield gardna will do!

Time for a mathematical rhyme!

So here goes: two to the power of three equals eight...

Now gravity bind will activate!

Let's see you rhyme like that!

Rhyming lame.

And now to even the playing field...

You get to choose a monster for me!

Me pick this one.

Next I'll play...my fatal abacus trap card!

Just in case math isn't your subject,

This helps you count to your defeat!

You can count, right?

Because when I send one of your monsters to

The graveyard, you lose five hundred points!

And of course sacrificing your doron also lets me attack

You directly!

Huh? Uh!

Transistor the warrior, attack!

Aim for the cro-magnon man!


Don't worry!

The more that damon is knocked down...

The harder he fights back!

My career's in the hands of someone who was raised

By wolves?

So damon is back!

I guess civilization wasn't his thing.

Now math-man, me play trap!

You no stop this one!

Miracle draw me ticket to victory!

First, me guess card.

If me right, you lose thousand point.

Me wrong...

Then damon lose thousand life point!

Yes. Me get point.

And me guess me pick drawler!

You're risking the whole duel on a random card

You might draw?!


Damon no agree with viewpoint!

There no "might!"

The sun no "might" rise!

Me no "might" poop in woods!

You watch!

Me draw...and me right!



No underestimate me!

Damon: now me play pot of greed!

Now me draw two!

Then play this!

Me drawler!

To get points...

Me send six cards from hand back to

Bottom of deck.

Then me multiply by five-hundred!

That equal big number!

Sure...damon no good at math...

But me real good at dueling and that what count!

Now attack!

Oh, my!

That's not fair, see?

Two plus ten minus three equals nine...

Oh never mind. Oh!

I told you!

He beat a pro!

That caveman just saved our jobs, crowler!

Patience...i'm just warming up!

Wait until you see my next surprise.

You're really going to "dig it, man."


What's crowler talking about?

Who knows.


What's the deal with all the slifers, jay?

They're all so laid back.

Chazz: hold on. It's a duel!

But I don't recognize either of those two dorks.

Well I do.


Jaden: it's the little belowski!

And he's dueling elroy prescot, the memphis pro!

Come on!

That shrimp'll never beat a pro!

Elroy: why am I so tired, little man?

What's goin' on?

Speak up!

'Cause I'm ready to shake, rattle and roll

Right into bed!

Oh! Ha ha ha!

You're starin' at an army of goblins and all you can

Do is laugh?

Boys...show off those moves!

Attack his mokey!

Mokey, mokey!


I just took half your life points!

You should be all shook up by now!

It's all good.

Oh! That's all you have'ta say?

Just go.


Jaden...we gotta chill more often.

Dude...i am so down with that plan.

Guess belowski hasn't lost his touch.

This suit is making my thighs look big!

It'll keep you safe from belowski's spell!

You're a pro, right? But why, dude?

'Cause that's what the establishment wants?

You're just dueling for the man.

Oh and I play that spell card.

Dark factory?!

Dude. Yeah I know.

It's so unchill.

But it brings a'my bros back from the grave.

And you know what they say.

Graveyard's just a state of mind!

Oh yeah. Wait.

I fuse these little dudes with polymerization.

Meet my most potent monster...

Mokey mokey king!

What does that thing do?!

What do you think it does!?

It puts everyone to sleep!

Wake up dude.

We're dueling!

Time to hit the hay little man.

Here. Take 'em.


It's over?


Uh...i mean...

Hey jay, what's the score?

He won!


What's that!?


Bonjour mademoiselles.

I am your maître d'.

So come right this way, ah.

Today we're serving up

A fine course of destruction!

It's jasmine and mindy.

Cyrus: against who?!

It's...the maître d! He's a famous pro.

Yeah but it's two against one!

They hafta win!

Chazz: yeah right!

It could be twenty to one

And it wouldn't matter!

Your goose is cooked!

In a delectable sauce of course.

For my bacchus gains three hundred points!

And so le grand totale is nineteen hundred!


For ze next dish... My bacchus will attack!

Sonic blast!

Oh no! Not our mermaid!

And now...your next course.

Le piece de'r'sistance!

A mouth-watering glass of agony served

In a divine chalice!

So I get a crimson token!

Now attack zat filthy feline!

Uh! Uh!

Oh! Oh!

Ze punishment has only just begun.

No more!

We get it!

We can't beat a pro!

C'est dommage. C'est la vie.

You two are the best this tournament has to offer me?

I expected more from le famous obelisk bleu!

I suppose dueling me is a man's job!

Ze final course will now be served!


Huh? Huh?

Both: alexis?

You guys are pathetic!

You two are an embarrassment

Not only to your dorm

But to girls everywhere!

Let me take over this duel!

As a matter of fact, I'll even take their life points!

Why not. It won't take long.

Especially if you're anything like your two friends.

What is alexis thinking!?

I know!

He's got over twice as many points!

For now...i will play this card....

And end my turn.

I'm confused.

Why's she sticking up for obelisk blue?

Didn't she ditch them

To join that white dorm!?

Maybe deep down...

The old alexis is trying to

Break through!

Well, I sure hope so.

Let's get this duel over with!

I play my machine angel ritual spell card!

Now I can summon any monster with cyber angel in its name.

So listen up, pierre.

'Cause this may get a bit complicated...

Well, for a dumbwaiter that is.

And now...i'll be sacrificing

My cyber angel idaten....

To bring out my cyber angel benten!

Oh please...i have met tougher souffeés!

Oh bacchus...are you feeling hungry?

What's a souffeé?

Don't you dorks know anything about fine dining?

Both: uh, no.

I activate...my ritual w*apon spell!

So benten gets a fifteen-hundred

Attack point boost!

Attack him now!

By the way she's got a special ability, too!

Since that walking toga party bit the dust...

Every one of his defense points is subtracted from your

Life points!

Tough break, jacque.

It's maitre d... Get it right!

And now s'il vous plait mon cherie...

I shall present... Tonight's specials, ah?

Starting with... Your appetizer!

The lovely... Foaming beauty!

Not a bad dish, hah?

And thanks to her ability, she takes away a thousand

Of your monsters points!

Next I sacrifice my token and my beauty to play this!

Big vintage magna mutton!

I give you... Tonight's main course!

Bon apeétit!!!

Still hungry?

May I suggest this spell card?

Bacchus banquet!

Aw man! A field spell!

It's my move, francois!

I play...my cyber tutu!

She may look tame...

But she packs quite a kick!

Thanks to her special ability.

'Cause if you don't have a monster with fewer attack points,

Then my little ballerina does a pirouette

Right into your life points!

"Au revoir!"

Au contraire cherie!


I regret to inform you...

This recital of yours has been postponed!

After all, there's no place for such riff raff

At my banquet.

And thanks to my magna mutton if she tries that again...

You will be personally charged for any damage caused

By your monster!

Simply put madame, your life points will be burned like

A crème brûeée!


That means my cyber tutu is practically useless!

There's only one hope.

My white veil spell card.

But something's telling me not to play it.

What's going on!?


Beat the pants off this stiff!

Yeah! Do it for obelisk blue!

Oh, please.

I'm in the white dorm now.

So why can't I play this card?

Hold on!

That card must be white veil!

How'da ya know?

Just look at her.

Part of her doesn't wanna play it.

And I know why.

'Cause if she did...

It would mean alexis is still

Loyal to sartorius.

That means there's hope!

I'll play this face down...

And let you go.

Merci, mademoiselle! Now on with the feast!


But before he digs in...

My magna mutton receives un petit bonus each round!

An additional

One thousand points to be precise!

Now magna...

Attack her cyber tutu with double barrel blast!

You triggered my trap! Hallowed life barrier!

So my points are safe!

Of course first...i need to discard one card!

Maybe I don't need sartorius's cards after all!

So later, white veil!

Uh! I end my turn!

Did you lose your french accent, gaston?

That's not all you'll lose!

'Cause I play pot of greed!

So I get two more cards!

Next I play cyber petit angel!

And whenever it's called to the field...

My machine angel spell...

Is transferred to my hand!

Then I'll activate fulfillment of the contract!

So I pay points!

In order to summon

A ritual monster from my graveyard now!

It's a small price to pay!

For my cyber angel idaten!


And she comes with a bonus feature!

So a card from my graveyard...comes back to my hand!

And whatta ya know

It's my pot of greed spell card!

You know it!

Go lex!

Next I'll play...my machine angel ritual!

So now I can sacrifice idaten and petit angel

To summon cyber angel dakini!

So now I get to pick a monster on your side...

And send it packing!

And without the mutton chop...

Looks like your banquet's over!

So there's only one thing left to do, dakini...

Pick up the check!


Well mon cherie... It seems our meal is over.

And now the kitchen is closed.

Au revoir.

Good riddance.

We we.


Hey wait!

Aren't you coming back with us to blue?

Come on, lex!

We're besties, remember!

As if!

You two ruined the reputation

Of the obelisk blue dorm!

Both: we did!?


Supposedly you guys represent the best of the best.

Back when I was a blue, it meant something.

What's that about?

Wake up.

She's struggling with her loyalty to

The society of light!

Sweet! Just like you were chazz.

And before long she'll be back with us!

What'a win! So who's up next?

There no next! Damon bored!

[Tarzan yell]

B'lowski? Wake up!

You can't save our jobs by sleeping!

Belowski?! There're duels to win!

Up and at 'em!


Yo, you've got to chill. This dude's done.

But we need you!

My career is on the line here!

Well what are we supposed to do now!?

Only one thing.

Really!? And what's that, bonaparte!?

Finish our resumes!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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