02x37 - The Darkness Within

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x37 - The Darkness Within

Post by bunniefuu »

Jaden: hey, dorothy!

I'll take seconds on the soup!

Hassleberry: and I'll take thirds

On them little shrimpy thingies!

You boys!

If you eat much more, you'll explode!

Please? We've both got duels today.

We're soldiers.

We can't march into battle on empty stomachs.

[Door opens]

Hold on, guys. It's chazz.

Nice to see this dump hasn't changed.

Hey, come sit over here!

Or don't.

It's nice to see you're back in black again.

Here, have some lunch.

Chazz: burnt fish, rotten seaweed, rancid soup,

And something I can't even identify?

You call this lunch?

It's good to have you back.

I'll take that rotten seaweed if you don't want it.

And the same goes for that soup.

I'll throw it away before giving it to you.

Say what?

And that can only mean one thing.

Jaden: the slifer red dorm

Is back to normal, baby!


So what's with the little dork?

Hey, syrus!


Hey, is everything all right, bro?

Well... Yesterday at my dorm,

Some people were talking,

And they said...

They saw my brother getting off the ferry earlier.

So zane's here?!

Well I'll be.


So that means... I can duel him!

I'm gonna get my zane on!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

[Indistinct chatter]

Hey, what's that noise?

Is that a shark!?

It's a shark, all right!

Watch out, girls!

All: it's atticus!


Take a picture, girls!

It'll last longer!

Ha ha ha!

[Girls all talking at once]

There he is!

Let's get him!

My medals are waiting for you!

No, atticus, take mine!


Wow, I'm touched...

But I can't take your medals.

I mean, I've already stolen your hearts.

Aw, he's so sweet!

It's a stampede!

[Girls all talking at once]


Thanks for seeing me.

Mr. Rhodes, I'm in a bit of a quandary,

And you're the only one who can help me.

But you mustn't tell a soul.

What's up?

It's your friend zane.

He's gotten himself into a heap of trouble.

You see...

There's something about truesdale you never knew.

He is the sole heir to an ancient birthright

Known as "the cyber legacy."

But recently, he got his hands on a forbidden deck

Known as "the underworld deck."


I have reason to believe that zane truesdale

Is under the control of an evil force,

And I can't help him.

But you can.

After all, you're no stranger to battling inner demons,

Are you, rhodes?

Sheppard, voice-over: I probably don't need to tell you this,

But if zane goes too far,

The dark powers of the underworld deck

Will consume him entirely.

If he is truly your friend, then duel him!

And save him from the underworld deck

Before it's too late!

[Thinking] I owe you one, zane.

You and your friends totally stuck your necks out for me...

Back when I was the one having identity issues.

Attack the red-eyes dragons and spear dragon

With scimitar slash!








[Alexis sobbing]


It's him, zane. It's him.


I thought I'd lost him,

But he's back. He's finally back.

[Thinking] you helped bring me back from the shadows.

Now it's my turn to do that for you.

Zane: all right, so you dragged me out here

To the middle of nowhere.

Now what?

How quickly we forget!

This is where jaden dueled against nightshroud.

I realized the only way

To rescue you from the shadows

Is to go there.

I'll use this deck to enter the darkness.

Then we'll escape together.

At least, I hope.

Entering the darkness?

Sounds like there's still some nightshroud left in you.

Nightshroud will always be a part of me.

But now... I'm in control.

Huh. What are you suggesting?

That I'm not in control?

I couldn't disagree with you more!

I'm in complete control!

But you're about to see that for yourself!

Game on! Game on!

All right, zane!

I'll start... With this!

Come out... Red eyes black chick!

Now check out its special ability!

If I send it to my graveyard,

I can play my red-eyes black dragon!

Next I play...

Inferno fire blast!

So that means,

If I don't attack you directly

With red-eyes black dragon,

You take damage equal to his attack points!

Hey, red-eyes!

Show 'im whatcha got!

I'll place one card facedown...

And let you go.

You just managed to pull off

A pretty powerful combination there.

It makes ya think,

Could you have done that... By yourself?

I mean... Without nightshroud's help?

Like I said, he's gone.

And I won't be controlled.

Something wrong? Just wait!

I play... My cyber dark horn!

[Thinking] I've never seen that before!

Now I can take one dragon that's level or below

And remove it from either of our graveyards!

Then I can add it to my cyber dark horn

So I can drain its attack points!

And I think I'll take your red-eyes black chick!

Every ounce of energy your monster had

Is about to get transferred to a real monster!

And then, if its target is in defense mode

And has fewer points than cyber dark horn,

Then the difference is dealt to you as damage.


Then, from my hand, I activate...

The spell card megamorph!

When I have fewer life points than you,

This card doubles the original attack points

Of one of my monsters!

Now its strength is equal to my dragon's!

Actually, mine has a slight advantage.

Ya see, if I sacrifice your little chick,

It can't be destroyed in battle.

Now, cyber horn,

Attack his red-eyes with dark spear!

I reveal my trap!

Negate attack!

I'll place this facedown.

Looks like you're safe for now.

Still in control, atticus?

Or are the shadows starting to take over your mind?

See for yourself.

My move!

[Nightshroud laughing]

You can't hide from me, atticus.

You and I are one and the same.

Embrace the darkness.


All right! Time to bring my a-game!

Later, pal!

I summon red-eyes darkness dragon!

[Nightshroud laughing]

A wise choice!


It was only a matter of time!

Ha ha!

And that's game!

I'll take those medals to go!

No way.

It's red-eyes darkness dragon!

Syrus: jaden!

Did'ja hear!?

Atticus is dueling my brother right now!

So zane's here?

-, Sarge.

But why's he dueling atticus?

Hold on! See that monster?

Yeah! It's the same one atticus used.

Ya know, back when he was,

Well... Having issues.

Let's go! We don't have much time!

Since I sent my red-eyes black dragon

To the graveyard,

My red-eyes darkness dragon gains points!

Cyber dark horn is going down!

Darkness dragon, attack now!

Inferno darkfire!


My cyber dark horn is unharmed.

He used your red-eyes black chick as a shield.

Sorry about that.

Don't be.

Since my monster was sent to the graveyard again,

Darkness dragon gains more attack points,

For a grand total of ,!

Next I play... A spell card!

It's called super rejuvenation.

Now, for every dragon that I sacrifice,

I get a card.

[Nightshroud laughing]


I assume you're finished.

So I change cyber dark horn to defense mode.

Then I'll play...

Cyber dark edge in attack mode!

Just like dark horn, when it's played,

Dark edge can go grave-robbing

And then feed on its victim's attack points.

So I'll be taking red-eyes black chick again!

And with that little scrub back on the field,

Your darkness dragon loses points!

Now dark edge's special effect activates!

By dividing its own attack points in half,

It att*cks directly!

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

You'll pay for that! Mark my words!


Now I activate... Dragon heart!

For this turn,

I can't summon a monster to the field,

But I can do this!

Select dragons from my deck

And send them to my graveyard,

Increasing darkness dragon's strength by a thousand points!

But wait!

Since more dragon cards are now in my graveyard,

Darkness dragon gains another points!

Now, that's what I call power!


Help me!

The shadows are too strong.

They're taking over!

[Thinking] but this may be the only way

To save zane.

If his mind is clouded by darkness,

I may be able to break through to him

If I'm in the shadows with him!

Well, there's only one way to find out!

Say good-bye to your dark edge!

Darkness dragon, attack now!!

Syrus: look, guys!

[All gasp]

Syrus: there's my brother!

Poor guy.

Just wait!

Inferno darkfire!

Even though your dark edge wasn't destroyed--

Thanks to my monster--

I'm afraid you still lose , points!

Might wanna check your math.

'Cause I play this!

And I toss out most of my deck!



What'd he play?

It's called power wall.

I can activate it

When a monster threatens my life points.

Then, for each card I scrap,

Power wall decreases my battle damage by a hundred points.

And since I discarded cards,

I get to keep the , points you tried to take away!

But you...i mean...

You treated your cards like trash!

Why, zane?

In the old days,

You respected the cards in your deck.

I guess I can't get through to you at all.

Nightshroud: not without my help!

Atticus has left the building!

But not to worry. Nightshroud is here.

[All gasp]

I'll start with dragon-fire!

Thanks to this spell,

One face-up monster with defense points or less gets vanquished!

So your cyber dark edge is no more!

I think you've suffered enough.

With only cards left in your deck,

There's not much you can do, anyway.

You'd be surprised, nightshroud.

I reveal my trap!

It's call of the haunted!

With this, I bring cyber dark edge back from the grave!

That was pointless.

It won't stand a chance against my darkness dargon.

I'm not done just yet!

I play cyber dark keel.

What?! You've got another monster?

And next, I think I'll play...


Now I can fuse my cyber dark keel,

Cyber dark horn, and cyber dark edge!


No way!

Say hello to cyber dark dragon!

Takes more than that to impress me!

That thing's too weak.

You're forgetting two important words:

Special effect!

When it's played,

It steals a monster from one of our graveyards.

After that, it absorbs every one of that monster's attack points!

So hand over your red-eyes!


Now your darkness dragon loses points.

All that work,

And my dragon's still stronger than yours.

But mine has one special ability left.

For every single card that's in my graveyard,

Cyber dark dragon gets a hundred points!

It what?

I have cards in my grave!

Go figure.

So that's why he trashed all his cards!

But still...

He didn't need all those points to beat atticus!

He's just showing off!

That's just...not like zane.

And so, with cards in my graveyard,

Cyber dark dragon gains , points!

It has over ,?


That's the power of the underworld deck!

Cyber dark dragon, destroy his darkness dragon!


It's over, nightshroud!

Your shadow magic is nothing compared to my power!

Zane, you did it!

You defeated the darkness.

Does this mean you're back!?

No! The zane you knew is long gone,

And he's never coming back!

Hold on.

So your mind is still under the control of the shadows?

I'm not being brainwashed!

I just figured out the truth, that's all.

Yeah? So what's the truth?

All that matters in life is victory!

Come on.

You don't really believe that, zane, do you?

I'm not playing games, atticus!



Zane! How did this happen to you?!


You all right, soldier!?

Jaden: hey, atticus!

Hassleberry: where'd your funny little mask go!?

You're not, um...?

Don't worry.

Nightshroud is gone for good.


[Thinking] something's gotta be messing with zane's head.

People don't just forget everything they believe in.

I'm not giving up on you, zane.

Hey, zane! Good job.

Guess this gx medal's yours.

Zane: I could care less about these worthless things.

You see, all that matters to me is victory.

So, then...

Does that mean I can keep the medal?

[Thinking] zane, I'm gonna duel you,

And I'm gonna win!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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