02x32 - Generation neXt

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x32 - Generation neXt

Post by bunniefuu »

Crowler? Crowler!

Our biggest fear just came true, monsieur.

Don't tell me.

The faculty kitchen has run out of fondue?

It's worse than that.

Actually, it's kind of a toss-up.

Chancellor sheppard is back, and he's headed this way.

Oh, dear, and if he stays,

That means I'll be demoted to vice chancellor.

Wait, but I'm the vice chancellor.

You can't bid me adieu just like that.

Watch me, little man.

Then I'll tell sheppard everything you've done.

You wouldn't dare,

Or I'll tell him about all of your shenanigans,

Like the new white dorm.

Sheppard: what white dorm?

The chancellor!the chancellor!

Thanks for keeping my seat warm while I've been away, crowler,

But now I'm back, and there's important business to discuss.

Ohh... Ohh...

What can I do to assist you, sir?

I'm helpful.

Gather all the students.

I have an important announcement to make,

And it affects everyone.

It's going to change our lives.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

Captioned by the national captioning institute --www.ncicap.org--

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

So, what's the big secret?

Does this mean crowler is fired?

I hope so.

Yeah. I heard sheppard is back.

No way. Way.

Here he is. It's true.

First of all, it's good to be back.

Judging by your clothes,

We've got a popular new white dorm on campus.

Sorry. Sorry.

Well, despite these changes, I'm still in charge,

And I have a special gift to offer all of you.

Cool. Free stuff. I bet it's a car.

A gift?

Man, it's good to have sheppard back, isn't it?

Sure is, jay. He's the best.

Well, anything's better than crowler, right?

Sheppard: ahem!

Let the poor man speak!

Why, thank you, little man.

And now...

I give you the "gx dueling tournament,"

A competition for the next generation of master duelists.

It's like nothing you've ever experienced before,

And it starts right now.

Duelists from around the globe will converge here.

Students and professionals are welcome,

And when the dust settles and only one duelist remains,

He will be known as the world's greatest.

That's me.

I'll beat all the pros.

[Thinking] pros? Like my brother?

The entire island is your field.

To start, you'll each get a gx medallion.

The rules are simple.

You must accept the first duel you're challenged to,

And you must participate in at least one duel each day.

If you win, you get all of your opponent's medals.

The final winner will be easy to spot.

They'll have all the medallions.

During my travels,

I've met some of the world's most talented duelists.

They have all been invited

Because I truly believe you are as good as they are.

Now get out there and make your chancellor proud, will ya?

All right. What're we waitin' for?

I've got a tournament to win.

Don't forget last year.

The grand prize was a kiss.

Dorothy: that's right.


Ugh, think I'll pass.

So, tell me, who's gonna be your first victim?

I'm just gonna go find the worst duelist in the school.

No doubt.

I got my sights set on that short kid with the blue hair.

Syrus: I hate tournaments. How'm I sp'osta do this?

Well, my plan is to let someone else

Gather up all the medallions.

Hey, that's not a bad strategy.

Then you can beat them and take all their medals, right?

That's the basic idea.

Gimme a break, son.

That plan is downright wimpy.

All right, guys. Who wants ta get their game on?

Think I'll check out the competition.

Well, looks like it's down to the of us.

So, who's game?

No way I'm duelin' you first.

I'm lookin' for someone more--

Well, someone I know I can easily defeat.

And who would that be?

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Um...

Just great.

Truesdale, whatta ya say?

That's easy. Heeeeelp!

Come back here!

I'm gonna take the fight outta you!

The greatest duelists in the world are gonna be right here,

So there's just one thing to do--

Get my game on.

Chazz: don't worry, master sartorius.

You can count on the chazz

To kick some major tournament butt

And make these losers see the light.

If you'll excuse me...


Alexis: master, are you all right?

Is there anything we can do for you, sir?

He's fine.

There's one thing we can do, and that's win.

This is our chance to prove our power.

All hail the society of light.

All: all hail the society of light.

All hail the society of light.

[Thinking] and this is a chance for me

To finally prove my power, as well,

No matter who gets in my way.

[Door opens] hmm?

Sartorius. Well, at last we meet.

Welcome. Thank you.

I've been most impressed with your students, chancellor.

Hmm... What's wrong?

Do I sense a slight tone of mistrust?

There's no need for you to fear me.

I saved the world from evil shadow riders.

Why would I fear a scrawny misfit like you?

That's not to say I won't keep my eye on you,

But you seem harmless,

So I've invited that duelist you asked for.


Lindo: we're approaching duel academy, my prince.

I'm well-aware,

And you're sure those destiny heroes are there?

According to my sources, they will be present.

I'm told the cards are in the possession

Of "someone on the island."

Well, this "someone" best be watching their back.

Now I summon my jetroid.

How 'bout that?

Please. That flying rust pile

Doesn't have enough points to hurt me or my monster,

So you're outta luck.

[Thinking] that's what he thinks,

But thanks to jetroid's special ability,

As soon as it's att*cked,

I can use any trap card in my hand,

And with my magic cylinder,

His gorilla's attack will backfire,

Leaving me one gx medal richer.


Mr. Show-off, ya know what?

I might look kinda small,

But I duel big.

Whatever. Watch this.

I sacrifice my berserk gorilla

To summon jinzo.

[Thinking] with jinzo out there, I can't use traps.

Jinzo, attack.


[Thinking] maybe I don't duel so big.

Guess you don't duel so big.

My thoughts exactly.

I play the spell pot of greed.

Gimme something.

Yes! Now check this out.

I play expressroid.

And he picks up some passengers,

So two monsters move from my grave to my hand.

Then I play this--

The spell vehicroid connection zone.

So, now I can fuse expressroid, drilloid,

Stealthroid, and truckroid to create

Super vehicroid stealth union.

Wait. I take it back.

I don't wanna duel against you anymore.

It's too late for that now.


Maybe next time,

You'll try pickin' on someone your own size.

But you are my size.

Play all the dinosaurs you want.

See if I care.

They're never gonna get past my front line.

[Thinking] this guy is a few soldiers shy of a platoon.

He forgot one of the cardinal rules of duelin'--

Never, and I mean never,

Get between a hungry dino and his next meal.

All right, boys. Chowtime.

I sacrifice giant rex and element saurus

In order to summon black tyranno...

And as the saying goes,

When offense monsters you be lackin',

Black tryanno 'a-comes attackin'...


Oh! Black tyranno, forward march.

[Roar] waah!


Yah hah!

Bastion: playing that field spell

Was more of a detriment than a help.


I activate the magic card litmus doom,

So by sacrificing my water dragon,

I'm able to summon litmus doom swordsman,

And since there's a trap card on the field,

His power goes up to ,.

Should I be impressed?

It may be strong, but I've got a trap--


So, if your monster att*cks me,

It'll bounce back.

[Thinking] he's right.

I can't attack his fire charmer.

I'll lose my life points.

Besides, she's too cute to attack.

Ohh... Ahem.

I sacrifice my doom swordsman

So now I can summon plasma warrior eitom...

And by dividing it's attack points in half,

It can bypass your monster

And strike your life points directly.

Aah! Aah! Aah!



So where are all these "professional duelists" sheppard promised?

Shouldn't they be here by now?

Syrus: jaden!

Hey, sarge!

We won.we won.

Sweet. I knew you would.

You shoulda seen me back there,

And look, jay.

Maybe now I'll get a little respect.

Nuthin' like the spoils of battle.

That's great. You got two metals.

Me, too.

Aw, who am I trying to fool here?

I still haven't dueled.

I was waiting for the pros to show up,

But no luck.

I knew it was too good to be true.

[Helicopter approaching]

Huh? Huh? Huh?

I think you spoke too soon.

Oh. Oh.

A private heli-craft?

Looks like someone knows how to travel in style.

Hey, d'you see that?

It's the royal crest of the mizgarth kingdom.

Royal crest? Yeah.

It's all over the news.

Don't you guys read the newspaper?

You're kidding, right?

Well, basically, there's a small kingdom

That just launched a satellite into space,

But there's a problem.

No one knows what this satellite does

Or why it was sent up,

But the article did mention

That the prince is a duelist.

Never trust royalty.

Oh, come on.

This is the duel I've been waitin' for.


Uh... Hmm...

Wait. He looks harmless.

Mr. Prince, I challenge--

Sartorius: greetings, prince ojin,

And welcome to duel academy.

My apologies.

You haven't traveled all this way for children,

So allow me to be your first opponent.

Hey, I'm dueling him.

That's quite enough.

Why don't you run along before you anger me?

What? Who, me?

Should you accept my challenge,

I would be honored, your highness.

Don't listen to a word he says.

I was here first, prince.

Who holds the destiny deck?

Is it you?

Hold on. According to the rules, you hafta--

I have the destiny cards you speak of.

Then my opponent is you.

Glad to hear it.

Huh? That's not fair.

I called dibs on the prince.

Ojin: if the interruptions are over, let's duel.

Sartorius: with pleasure.

Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.

Bastion: wait! Challenge me, master.

Oh, get a life.

Sartorius doesn't wanna duel against you.

Get it through your thick skull.

But look at all the medalions I've already won.

Isn't he impressed?

Chazz: any loser could win a bunch 'a medals from some slackers.

Yeah, but look at sartorius.

He's dueling a pro.

Oh, I just want to be noticed.

I'm not here to win a cheap trinket,

So let's play for your destiny heroes.

As you wish,

And what'll you be wagering?

What about that satellite I've heard so much about?

What would he want with that thing?

Whatever it is, it can't be good.

No sweat. The prince'll whoop his tail.

Sartorius can't lose.

He won't.

We just hafta trust him.

He must have a plan.

I can see the future,

And I predict this duel will end before my turn.

Of course.

It doesn't take a fortuneteller to see that.

I'll go first, of course.

Of course.

I'll start by activating this--

My pot of greed spell card,

So two more cards for me.

Nicely done.

Next, I'll play cost down,

And it works as follows.

I discard one card to lower the level of a monster in my hand,

And I choose satellite cannon.

This gives me ultimate power,

Just like my real satellite does,

And when I unleash this power upon the world,

I will be the most powerful monarch

Ever to walk the earth,

For I possess the latest in mind-control technology.

Very dramatic,

A brainwashing probe.

I can't wait until it belongs to me.

Ha ha ha! But you said it yourself.

I shall win, thanks to this.

It's called charge and gives my cannon , points.

Not bad. He will win.

Yeah, but do ya really think

He'll do it before sartorius's first turn?

Bastion: it's highly unlikely

Since the prince's turn is about to end.

Ojin: not necessarily,

For I activate my mischief of the time goddess.

Jaden: but bastion said--

Remember, I said it was unlikely,

Not impossible, and this move

By the prince just changed everything.

Bastion's right. Sartorius's turn was skipped.

You're kidding.

Now I can attack again,

But first, I play this-- limiter removal.

It doubles my satellite's attack points to ,.

He can wipe sartorius out with one blast.

This is unprecedented.

What a move. He'll win in one turn.

Master sartorius can't lose.

He promised the prince cards he doesn't have.

That's right. He was bluffing.

Ha ha ha!

Don't take this too personally.

I'm just better than you.

Satellite cannon, attack.

Aah! Aah! Aah!

I'll take those destiny cards.

Huh? You survived?

That's impossible.

You're cheating me.

Certainly not.

I simply removed a card--

My arcana force ,

And thanks to its special ability,

My damage from battle becomes zero.

I told you this duel would end before my turn.

I know.

What I didn't tell you is who would win.

Now then, the turn is still yours,

But I've taken up enough of your time already,

So why don't I move things along and end this duel?

You speak out of turn, master sartorius.

I'm not finished yet.

I play my satellite base in defense mode.


Not only does it gain , defense points every round,

But it can't be destroyed by anything

Less than a level- monster,

So you'll never get through to my life points now.

By the way,

It looks like your prediction was wrong.

I disagree, for whenever you play a monster,

I can send this spell to my graveyard.

It's called intervention of fate,

And when it's sent to the graveyard,

It allows me to activate a spell card from my hand.

Remember, technically, this is still your turn.

I play ace of sword.

This spell card will decide your destiny.

Simply choose when it should stop.

Stop that card.

The blade is pointing downward, my prince.

I'm afraid you lose life points

Equal to a monster that I choose.

I pick that satellite cannon you love so much,

The one that has , points.

Ha ha ha!



Aah! Aah! Aah!

He won in just one turn.

Bastion: not quite.

Sartorius never had a turn,

So he won in zero turns.

Now, that's impressive.

Nice win, sartorius.

Jaden! Jaden!

My prize, if you please.

A bargain is a bargain.

It's all yours now.

Hmm. Good luck.

I will not let you.

The satellite is far too dangerous.

My prince, I think you're making a huge mistake, your highness.

Stop! He defeated me fair and square,

And I've always been a man of my word.

Your prize.

Within it are the satellite's controls.

Thank you, your excellence.


What a day, doncha think, guys?

Princes, dangerous satellites--

Now, that's the way you kick off a dueling tournament.

Can't wait till tomorrow.

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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