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01x11 - Amy's Playground - Exercise

Posted: 10/08/23 20:13
by bunniefuu
♪ So much to move about ♪

♪ It'll make you wanna shout ♪

♪ Blippi. ♪

(upbeat music)

Hey hey, it's me Blippi

and today we're at

Amy's playground

in South Pasadena, California

and I am so excited

because I'm gonna get up

and move my body

and there's some movements

and exercise,

let's go.

Woah this place is so cool

and I am so excited to move.

Let's go, come on.

Whoa, look its a gate

we have to take off our shoes

in order to go past

so here's one shoe

two shoes

I love wearing my shoes outside

when I play

but today I'm taking them off

cause I'm gonna play inside.

Here we go.

Come on in.

There's so much to do here

but the first thing I'm gonna do

is run around

because it's really important

to get warmed up.

So here I go.

(upbeat music)

Hey, if you're at home

and you have a little space

to run around in,

you can run around too.

Let's do it.

This time I'll just use

a little bit of a space.


(fast piano music)

Good job.

Doesn't it feel good

that your heart is pumping?

I am tired.

All right, time to play.

Look at me.

I'm bouncing.


Let's stretch together.

All right,

let's go right here

and at home

now that we're all warmed up

from our run

and our bounce,

we can stretch.

Oh, yup.

Do you feel your

legs stretching?

And your muscles

are really tight

and you can stretch them out.

That feels really good

on my legs

Okay, now my back.


you're doing this too

good job.



Now we can keep on playing.


Here we go,

here I come.

Hey while I was back there,

I saw something great.

Come on.

It's a big open area

for us to try

and do some pushups together.

Will you do some

pushups with me?


This is how you do a pushup.

First you get on your knees

and then we're gonna

push off the ground

with our hands and arms

and that will help build

a lot of muscle up here.


Oh yeah.


Did you do that?

Yeah, good job.

Okay this time

let's do it again,

but we're gonna not

rest on our knees.



Push up with your toes.

Good job.

Do you like exercising too?

I do too

it' so much fun

and it feels so good

and it makes us live

a very long happy life.

Hey, do you see what I'm doing?

Yeah, I am dancing.

Dancing is another great way

to exercise.

Do you like to dance?

You hear that music?

(slow saxophone music)

It's nice and slow.

Will you dance with me?

(fast upbeat music)

The music just changed

to fast music.

Good job dancing.

Now that I'm all done dancing,

I see something really cool.

Come on over here.

There's a slide

in a bounce house

and in bounce houses,

you jump.

Do you wanna jump with me?


Let's turn it on.

(upbeat music)

Once it's all up

we can start jumping

okay here we go.

(fast upbeat music)

Now we can go inside

and jump

like this.

So when I am inside jumping,

will you jump with me?

Hey, here we go.

It's like we're a frog.

What other animals jump

that you can think of?


I love acting like a kangaroo.

Okay, here I go.


There's so many frogs



look at 'em all.

These are called lunges.

See you take your front leg

till here.

You should try it

and then you dip down

your back leg

you touch the knee to the ground

and then bring your back leg

to the front

like that.

We just did one lunge.

Here we go.





Do you feel the

burn in your legs?

Okay now let's take

these fire trucks

and lunge with them.






I love lunging

I love dancing

and I love learning

with you.


Do you know what else I love?

I love crawling.


Here we go.

Crawling is another

form of exercise and movement.

Hello, here I come.

Can you see me?

I'm crawling like a bear.

What other animals crawl?

Yeah a lot of them do

like anteaters.

Do you know what they eat?


So silly.

(fast upbeat music)

Hey have you ever wanted

to pick something up

off the ground before,

but you just couldn't reach it?

Hey, I know

we could do what's

called a squat together.

It's where you bend your legs

keep your back straight

and then you can bend down

to grab something.

Okay, let's see.

Let me put this right here

and then do a squat.

Here we go.

Yeah, good job.

So now you can do

'em for exercise

without even something

in your hands

like this.


Are you doin 'em?

Okay let's do

of them together.


We're at zero.

Now that you know

how to do a squat.

Ready ?

It's gonna burn.

Here we go.











Do your legs hurt?

Yeah good job.

Let's go play some more.

Oh, that was so much fun

playing at Amy's playground

in South Pasadena, California

and it was such a good time

learning about movement

and exercising.



We're so strong now

good job.

Well, this is the

end of this video,

but if you wanna watch

more of my videos,

all you have to do

is search for my name.

Will you spell my name with me?





Good job .

Well, see you later.

Bye, bye.

♪Blippi, Blippi ♪

♪ Come on everyone ♪

♪ Let's make learning fun ♪

♪ Blippi, Blippi ♪

♪ So much to learn about ♪

♪ It'll make you wanna shout ♪

♪ Blippi. ♪