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01x21 - The True Identity of the Nobleman

Posted: 10/08/23 16:44
by bunniefuu
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

Those who forge their own destiny. Those who balk at their own destiny.

Time visits all men equally and imposes on them a choice for the future.

When the final letter entrusted to the young man is read,

...what future will that bring about for us?

Act : The Golden Boy's True Identity

Count! There's something that I have to talk to you about!

Could he have left Paris already?

As the price of Danglars Bank stocks hits trading limit lows day after day,

...customers are swarming the teller windows to withdraw their savings.
At this time, the whereabouts of the bank management,

...including Monsieur Danglars, are unknown.

You bunch of idiots.

I have your precious treasure right here.

I'll make a profit off of any situation, even bad ones.

All I need is this stake money, and I'll be good as gold.
With five trillion francs at my disposal, I can win any speculation w*r.

Now, then, which stock should I start with?

Damn it, I can't stand how inefficient this is without Michelle!

Good afternoon to you, Monsieur Danglars.

Monte Cristo!

I-I was under the impression that I had bought out all the seats on this special flight.
I have come from Paris. I was forced to chase you.

Oh, that wasn't necessary.

I had hoped to have you accommodate me with funds.

Five trillion francs. In cash, right now.
F-Five trillion?!

According to my contract with you, there is no upper limit to my line of credit.
Surely you haven't forgotten.

I haven't. Believe me, I haven't forgotten.

But you've caught me at a bad time. I'm traveling, so I'm not carrying any...

But surely you are carrying cash in that case, are you not?

This is...

Come, now. Give it to me.
I couldn't possibly! This is...



If you'd turned around and gone home quietly, you wouldn't have had to die.

You fool.

I'm gonna have to do something about the body...

B-But you're...
You are as full of avarice as you ever were.

You haven't changed one iota from the old days.

Why aren't you...?
Look closely at my face.

Think back.

Think back and remember the face of the man that you consigned to oblivion years ago.

Remember the face of your friend,

...whom you incriminated with your false accusations against him!

E-Edmond Dantes?!

Edmond... Take good care of this.
You will be the next captain of the ship.

Yes, sir.

You wanted to see me, Acting Captain?

Danglars, these figures in the trade ledgers just don't add up.

Oh, um... When we were docked at Alpha Centauri last month, they...
Listen! This is embezzlement!

I'll overlook it this one time. But if I ever see it happen again, I'll...

You think you're Captain already, huh?

Three cheers for Edmond!
Mercedes is head over heels for that boy, too!

Compared to him, all the other guys who hit on her are no better than garbage! Garbage!

So, Edmond and Mercedes are finally having their engagement party next week, huh?


I'll be praying for those two to live happily ever after!
I'll be...


There's no such thing as a perfect man.

Know what I mean, Fernand?
Every man ought to have a flaw or two. Right?

What're you getting at?

When Captain Leclere died, he entrusted Edmond with a letter.

What do you suppose was in it?

Word has it that it was a secret document addressed to the dissident faction in Paris.
Well? Pretty interesting, isn't it?

Now, if we were to humbly bring it to the government's attention,
...what do you suppose would happen to Edmond?


Mercedes! This is all some kind of mistake!

Don't worry about me!

Y-You're still alive?

This sure brings back memories...
Of those days aboard the Pharaon, when we all sailed the sea of stars together...

And then...

What are you going to do to me?!

If you think that I was the one who set you up, you've got it all wrong!
I-It was Fernand! He did it to get your woman!

I only told him about the letter because he was so depressed.

That it would be funny if we reported the letter...
I only meant it as a joke!

Out of jealousy and unjustified resentment, you sent an innocent young man to prison.

Is that not the case?
You're wrong! It wasn't like that!

You were nothing but an irritation to me!

It made me sick to look at you!
I didn't have any reason! I just wanted to get Edmond Dantes out of my sight!

Those are...!

Amazing! This is amazing!
I appreciate your candor.

Now, accept my humble way of repaying you for your b*ll*ts.

P-Please, wait!
Wait, Edmond!

Rejoice. Everything that you touch turns to gold.
Hey, wait a minute!

Take it.

Hey! Wait a minute! Don't leave me here!

Please! Come back!

And that is one...
Find somewhere else to sleep!

Where's the Count?

You've been waiting for him all this time? Gee, what a tenacious young man you are.

Don't mock me! I'm...
"I simply must speak with the Count!" Is that it?

Lay off! You're just his lackey, so this is none of your business!

Gosh, and here I was about to tell you where the Count is...

Come on, wipe that look off your face.

The Count's in space. Right about now, I bet Danglars is...

You're kidding!
You can try to put up a fight all you want, but it won't do you any good at this point.

You're the Count's right-hand man, aren't you?!

Why? Why don't you stop him?!

Why can't you understand how the Count really feels?!

Don't talk like you know everything!

Why can't YOU understand?

That he has to get revenge in spite of everything.

That he can't forget the past in spite of everything.
He has to do all that in spite of how he feels.

Maybe so, but there's something that I have to tell the Count before he loses everything!

They say that Villefort's first trial hearing is gonna be tomorrow.
Now, it's time for little boys to be in bed! Go on home!

Count, this kid might be tougher than you think he is.

This trial in the cases of the poisoning in the Villefort household, well as the attempted m*rder of the Count of Monte Cristo, will now come to order.
I would like to make a statement before we begin.

My actions were not out of self-interest.

I did what I did in order to protect the peace and public order of Paris.

As such, I plead not guilty with no shame or remorse for my actions,
...and will be acting as my own attorney.

You can't come in if you don't have a permit! Go away!

This poisoning was the result of the attempt by Héloïse, Monsieur Villefort's second wife, poison her stepdaughter Valentine in order to get at her inheritance.

In addition to falsely accusing the Count of Monte Cristo for these murders,
...Monsieur Villefort also attempted to k*ll him.

Rather than being motivated by love for his wife,
...these acts were an attempt by Crown Prosecutor Villefort to protect his...

How dare you?!

Monte Cristo is a disruptive element who is throwing Paris into turmoil!
Another possibility is that he is a spy sent here by the Empire.

As a faithful officer of the court, I call for the immediate arrest of the Count of Monte Cristo!

Is that really the case, I wonder?

What are you implying?!

I would like to call a witness who can shed some light on the defendant's past.
Order in the courtroom! Witness, state your name.

My name is Andrea Cavalcanti.

Admittedly, it is an alias.

The witness will answer the question truthfully.

In the orphanage, I was called Benedetto.

But I don't know my real name.
I see here that you were known to the public as the head of a notable aristocratic family?

Please, stop that. I'm not an aristocrat. I'm nothing of the sort.

I was abandoned as an infant, raised in an orphanage,
...and once I got out, I did everything under the sun.

Larceny. Arson. And even m*rder.

And what does this have to do with the case at hand?

A great deal. I've come here today to tell the story of the secret behind my birth.

Quit your joking!
Order in the courtroom! Continue with your testimony.

I was born in Auteuil. In the estate that the Count of Monte Cristo now uses as his villa.

I was buried alive immediately after I was born.

I was placed in a tiny coffin.
My father must have been in a complete panic.

A judge with a promising future having a child by his lover?

That sort of thing is frowned upon.

So he sheltered my mother in the mansion at Auteuil, and he then took me and...
Your Honor! Perhaps we should adjourn for the day.

The defendant will remain silent!

He's obviously nothing but a blackmailer who was hired by someone!

Who hired you?!

Is this any way to treat me? After all, we haven't seen one another for years.
The people enter into evidence the results of DNA testing on the defendant and the witness.

What is this?

The coffin. The coffin that my parents gave to me instead of a crib.
Please, stop this!

I beg of you! Please, no more!

What wonderful timing. Allow me to introduce my mother.
This is Baroness Victoria Danglars.

Come now, Mother, isn't that true?

Father shoved me into this box and then buried me...

...the garden behind the mansion, didn't he?
My boy... My darling baby!

Forgive me... Please, forgive your mother!

Be quiet! Shut up this instant!

She's out of her mind!
Father! Don't say such things about Mother.

What a terrible thing to say.

It's him! He must be the one who put you up to this!

Your Honor, he made up this entire preposterous story!

How could it be otherwise? I mean, that baby is dead and buried.
He couldn't possibly turn up and...

Your Honor, please enter the defendant's statement just now into the record.

No! I only meant that...


You have to listen to me! This is a trap!

You lousy con artist!
The servant who saved my life left this scrap of cloth with me.

He must have wrapped me in this so that I wouldn't freeze.

For my whole life, this has been the most important thing in the world to me.

After all, this is the one thing that connects me to you.
You... Are you really?

I'm sorry, Father.

But if I hadn't resorted to this, you never would have accepted that I really was your son, right?

I wanted to meet you so badly, Father...

Why, son?


Oh, you can kiss my ass!

Just looking at those haughty faces of yours makes me want to throw up!
In the end, you bastards are animals no different from him and me!

You hide your filthy true natures behind those clean masks!

You do! And you! And so do you!

I seem to recall a certain Monsieur Dantes living here long ago.
I wouldn't really know. This place has stood empty for a long time.


You're still young... And something tells me that my boy isn't coming back.

You shouldn't spend your whole life looking after a doddering old man like me.

Please, you should go...

Summer is almost over.
No! I won't!

He'll come back! I know it!

You bastard!

And how are we feeling? Better, I hope?

W-Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?
Oh, have you forgotten?

Have you forgotten the innocent man you convicted years ago... the district judge for Marseilles?

The instant you discovered your own name in that letter, decided to secretly eliminate that man.

Edmond Dantes!

Is that really you?!

The man who was once known by that name died in the prison of the Chateau d'lf...
...and returned to life as Gankutsuou.

That letter you were carrying was too dangerous!

If I hadn't done something, the government would have fallen into chaos!

I had no choice!
You are indeed a patriot, Monsieur Villefort!

However, the real motive for your actions was to protect yourself, was it not?

It was to maintain law and order.

And that meritorious deed made you the man you are right now.

It was all for nothing.
By the way, that needle was coated with poison.


That poison will be a blessing.
It will rot your brain and will send you to a world where no one can convict you.

No, wait!

No! Not that!!

Villefort, poor servant of the law...
The wings of the law will gently cradle you until the very end.

And that makes two.

Start walking.

Eastern Fleet flagship has crossed Rubicon Line!

Be advised. According to Article of the Military Code, this is considered an act of...
In spite of everything, the past will not let go of the men.

Vengeance gives rise to v*olence, and the cycle of sorrow continues.

Next time on Gankutsuou, The Count of Monte Cristo act :

Act : Counterattack

Bide your time, and hold out hope!