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01x14 - Lost Souls

Posted: 10/08/23 16:34
by bunniefuu
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

There are men who sniff around the mystery that surrounds myself and my friend.
Little by little, their search brings them closer to our secret.

Hear me, young man and young lady. Hear me, noble souls acting in unison.

Be on your guard,

...and know that there are some things in this world that one is better off not knowing.

You miserable brat!


Act : Lost Souls

You sons of...

Count! Are you all right?!
You needn't worry about me.


Why is this happening to me?!

Hasn't my record always been perfect?!

You should know that! Right?

I've always been above reproach, with no blemish on my record!

This is all your fault! It's all because you brought that accursed Count to Paris!

What lies did you fill his head with?! Tell me!

Mark my words! Don't get cocky! You'll be next!
Disaster will come calling at your house, too!

Give it a rest!

Hey, let go of me!

Do you have any idea who I am?! Let go! Get your hands off me!

You should go home now.

Let us meet again some other time.

Are you really okay?
This ain't good...

Hey, Ali! Do your thing.

Your abilities are as impressive as ever...
Albert! This is all your fault!

You'll be next! Disaster will come calling at your house, too!


You've been in there for ages. Did something happen?

No, I'm fine. What is it?

Maximilien is here to see you.

Monsieur Albert.

You're looking well!

It's good to see you again.

Why the sudden return to Paris?
I've come here to fetch Monsieur Noirtier.

I thought that he should be at Valentine's side.

I guess you're right.

I came here expecting to have another quarrel with Monsieur Villefort,
...but I heard the news of his arrest the instant I arrived in Paris.

It came as quite a shock to hear what had become of him.

I wanted to come pay you a visit and express my gratitude.

Thank you for all you have done for us.

Still as upright and formal as ever, huh?
It was because you were there for me...

...that I was able to save those who are dearest to me.

If nothing else, please don't forget that one thing.

I am glad that I met you.

Take good care of Valentine.

I will.
See you around, Maximilien.

Thanks to you, my stocks have hit the trading limit for several days in a row.

These various tidbits of information find their way to me, that's all.

I don't really ask for them.
Oh, how I envy you...

It's a waste of one's life to tie one's happiness to the fluctuations of numbers.

More importantly, though...
"Dramatic Arrest of Crown Prosecutor Villefort in Public Spectacle."

This is most shocking, isn't it?
Yes, it is...

One never can tell what will happen next in life.

By the way, Baron, what's this I hear about you and the Crown Prosecutor being old friends?

Not at all, not at all! We're just acquaintances, we're not what you'd call friends.

Oh, is that true? You, General Morcerf, and the Crown Prosecutor here are old friends,
...and you've used each other's influence to expand your own power bases.

I've heard stories along those lines, so I was curious.

T-That must be a rumor spread by jealous people, no doubt.
Well, if you say so.

Still, people can be brought low by the most unexpected things.

I suggest that you exercise the utmost caution in the company you choose to keep, Baron.


I'm quite serious about your daughter.

I'd like to receive your blessing as soon as possible.
What a mess...

I'm sorry to keep you waiting. My name is Beauchamp.

Y-You're a reporter?

Then this is your lucky day!

You're gonna have a scoop that's gonna be splashed across the front page!

What do you want in return?

How much will your company pay for a big scoop?

I'm really busy, so if you'll excuse me...
W-Wait! I'm talkin' about a huge scandal involving General Morcerf!

This is gonna knock even YOUR socks off.

Hey, sorry to bother you.

Why did you need to see me so suddenly?
Well, we're doing a special feature on General Morcerf's presidential bid.

I figured I should use my personal connections, so I was hoping to ask you a few questions.

Sure, if it's something I can answer.


By the way, why do you think your father has managed to achieve such success?
I'd like to hear your frank opinion as one of the people closest to him.

Well, let me think...

I guess it would be his sincerity.
My father loves and worries about the country in the same way that he loves my mother deeply.

Have you heard about how my father became a hero... defending Janina's citadel to the bitter end?

After he returned to Paris, he used that as a springboard and shot up through the ranks,
...even making it to the rank of general in spite of his young age.

And now he's making a bid for the presidency, huh?

Yes. My father's enthusiasm for politics is the real deal.
I see...

I'm rooting for your father, too.

It's times like these when a man makes a lot of enemies. You should watch your back, too.

Did something happen?
Nah, it's nothing serious.

But when you deal in gossip like you do in my line of work, you get all kinds of crazy tips.

Tales of bribery, kickbacks, illicit affairs... You get sick of it.

That's hilarious! My father isn't involved with any of that stuff.

Frankly, I'm more worried that he might be a little too straight-laced to be a politician.
You don't say...

I'd be relieved if he ever did something like that.

"He's a lot more shrewd than I gave him credit for."
Yeah, I guess you're right. Sorry to worry you over nothing.

The fact of the matter is, a fishy guy paid me a visit today.

He was this creepy, sleazy old man. What did he say his name was?

"Caderousse," or something like that.
What did he...

What did that man say about my father?

Oh, some stupid story.

Something about how the stories of your father's exploits at Janina are all a lie.

I told him he was full of crap and chased him away.

Open flames are strictly prohibited in this building.

Please extinguish your lighter immediately.

Smoking is prohibited in this room.

Please smoke only in designated areas.

I guess I'd better look into this...

Step right up! Pay our establishment a visit tonight, my good gentlemen!

The dead man has come back to us!
Edmond would never forget what we did, not in a million years.

Something about how the stories of your father's exploits at Janina are all a lie.

Disaster will come calling at your house, too!

No, that's not possible. It couldn't be.
Thank you for agreeing to speak with us.

First of all, Marquis Cavalcanti,

...there has been an announcement that you are making a huge investment in the Danglars Bank.

What was it that made you decide on that particular bank?
I leave all investment matters to my advisory analysts.

I abide by their decisions and follow their advice. That is the only reason.

There are also rumors that you have been seeing Baron Danglars' daughter.
Oh, are there?

I realize that it is a personal question, but if you would care to make a comment...

All right, just a brief one, then.
The fact is, Eugenie de Danglars and I were formally engaged this morning.

My goodness! It's like a fairy tale!

Is that true? Congratulations on your engagement!

This is big news, everyone!

He has to be lying...
Idiot. If I'd known you were here, I would've been able to play even better.

I would've been playing for you.

Yes. Naturally, she's overjoyed about this, too.
Step right up!

Watch it!

Please, I have to speak with Eugenie. Let me see her.

Mademoiselle has said that she doesn't wish to speak with you.

I want to see her in person and ask her how she feels about this.

Please, I'm begging you!

I am sorry, Monsieur.
Please! At least tell her that I'm here!

Was someone at the door just now?

No, Mademoiselle. Just a deliveryman.


What are all these flowers for?
What's the meaning of this?!

How could you arrange an engagement for me without asking me about it?!

I told you that your happiness is my main concern, didn't I?

But I'M the one who's going to have to marry him!

You're still young.
It's too soon for you to make important decisions on your own.

Do you really mean what you're saying, Father?

Of course I do.

I wish you'd stop doing this!
Where are you going? I invited Marquis Cavalcanti to dinner tonight.

Don't be late!

If you're looking for Albert, he's out right now.

Out where?
Beats me.


Ow! I didn't throw mine that hard!

You bastard! Jerk!
Now you're gonna get it!

It's all over between me and Eugenie.

I hear that she got engaged to Cavalcanti.

This isn't what Eugenie wants. There's something behind it.

Come on, you know Eugenie would never voluntarily get engaged to a guy like that.
I'm not so sure...

I don't know anymore.

I can't tell what's true, and what's a lie.
I just don't know anymore.


Franz... I'm still me, aren't I?

Whatever happens, I'll still be...
Please, Franz, tell me! I won't change, right?!

No matter what happens, I'm still gonna be me, right?!

"Death is certain, its hour uncertain," huh? Talk about a sinister expression...

As far as I'm concerned, I think I'd rather know the truth.

Even if learning the truth changed who I am.


I'm thinking of leaving Paris for a while.
You're going back to Luna or something?

That's a good idea! At a time like this, a trip is the best thing to...

I'm sorry, but I can't take you with me.

Why the hell not?! What's the big idea?!
I'm sorry.

You, too, huh?

Now I get it. We've all grown up.

We're supposed to keep secrets from each other.

You and I should call it quits, too, Franz.

I mean, a secret hideout? What are we, kids?


Wait for me, Albert. Trust me, I'll get to the truth.



You weren't hurt!

Yes, I am right as rain.

Is something the matter? You're out without an umbrella.

Oh, I thought that getting soaked for a change wouldn't be such a bad thing.

So I see.

That reminds me, I'm on my way to go off into space again.
What do you say? Would you care to join me?

Um... Today isn't a good time.

Oh, I see.

I'm sorry.

Oh, there is no need to apologize. I hope that you will accept my offer some other time, then.

I cannot bring myself to leave you here; not with that look on your face.

Come, let us go together.

Welcome home.

We waited for you, but dinner has ended.

I was out looking for Albert.

I see that there is still room in your heart for no one but him.

Monsieur Albert has gone off into deep space.

Apparently, he is going to spend time with the Count at his summer retreat.

Oh... He is?

Oh, that's right. There's been a steady stream of flowers to congratulate you.

This one is from me.

Why? Why do these things keep happening to me?
Why do you suppose that is?

Count, I'm afraid...

What's the truth? What is a lie?

That is something that you must decide for yourself.

Do you have the resolve to overcome your limitations and press ever onward?

If you possess a powerful will that bends to no one, I can say this with certainty:

You will be all right.


The first public speech by presidential race forerunner General Fernand de Morcerf... about to begin in the National Assembly building.

Numerous public figures have also rushed here to show their support,

...and the crowd inside the hall is already at a fever pitch!

General Morcerf, it's time.

Please take your place on the stage, sir.

I only made it this far because I had you at my side.

I'm so proud of you.

Get the car ready! I'm going to the National Assembly!

Away from the worlds of men, I find myself alone with the Count.

But there is no escaping from the truth.

Next time on Gankutsuou, The Count of Monte Cristo act :

..."The End of Happiness, The Beginning of Truth."

Act : The End of Happiness, The Beginning of Truth

Bide your time, and hold out hope!