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01x13 - Haydée

Posted: 10/08/23 16:32
by bunniefuu
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

Wishing to express his feelings, the young man ran to the opera house,

...where his former fiancée awaited him.

However, he is not yet aware.

Not yet aware of his father's sordid past, which lies concealed behind the broken engagement.

Act : Haidee
That man is a m*rder*r!

I am surprised to see you come all this way, Your Honor.

Is this spectacle being provided as a sideshow to the opera?

I take it that you recognize this?

As I recall, that is the ring that I gave to your wife.

It had poison hidden inside.

Goodness, what a fascinating contraption.

It would appear that you were trying to k*ll even my wife.

Surely you jest. Why would I do such a thing?
It's obvious!

Isn't this a simple case of that barbaric custom from Eastern Space known as the "thrill k*ll"?

The Count would never do such a thing!

You're being deceived by that man.

The Count was the one who told us about the threat to Valentine's life!

Even a foreigner such as myself can expect to receive a proper trial, I take it?

Of course. By law, you will receive an impartial trial.
Hearing that sets my mind at ease. I have a witness to offer in my defense.


Someone who knows the whole truth.


I have heard many fascinating things from Madame and your son.

Including things which touch upon certain family affairs.

Why, you!
What would you like to do? Will you arrest me?

What's the deal?

I thought they were gonna arrest him.

Not to worry, gentlemen.
It would seem that His Honor the Crown Prosecutor made a mistake.

Way to go, Count!

It's nice to see that hanging judge get some egg on his face!

It would be best for you to return to your home.

But l...
You needn't worry about me.

Don't think for an instant that this is over!

Monsieur Villefort...

That man wants to ruin me.
I can't believe it! You're still saying that nonsense?

I can sense it. I can feel an evil presence in that man's soul.

You're still worrying about your former fiancée?

Marquis Cavalcanti.

By all means, please call me Andrea.
I don't know what my father said to you,

...but I don't feel the least bit grateful to you, is that clear?

Now, now...
It's always been my dream to play at the opera house,

...but using money to make it come true was...

It was your own merit that won you the right to that concert.

The reason, of course, is that your talent has transformed me into your humble servant.

He left you there.

It would seem that he doesn't even have the courage to try to steal you away.
It's not here, huh?

There were no records matching the requested term... any of the volumes owned by this library.

I see.
The Royal Library prides itself on being the greatest repository of data in the universe.

It's hard to believe that there could be a word that isn't registered here.

It's possible that the word is on the General Security Directorate's banned list.
What do you mean?
Regulations are in place that prohibit general readers...

...from browsing classified topics.

What do you MEAN, you're cutting off my financial support?!
I've had a few sudden expenses.

What am I supposed to do about the presidential election?!

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to cut you loose.

Me... And you... And Villefort...

I thought it was our dream to climb hand in hand to the top of Paris!
Oh, was it?

Why pull out when we're a single step away from making that dream a reality?!
My, um... analysts are telling me to quit gambling on you, General.

Is this about those letters from Edmond?
Now, now, I'm just saying that we all need to watch our step.

If you win the election,

...feel free to give me a call.
Excellency, we've established a comm channel with the Seventh Eastern Space Fleet.

That was a shameful display last night, don't you think?

What insolence! Who are you?!
Lucien Debray, First Secretary. I'm hurt that you don't remember me.

Ah, the spoiled rich boy in the Ministry of the Interior.

The Count of Monte Cristo is the talk of Paris at the moment.
You won't be able to arrest him without good cause.

He's plotting something, I'm sure of it.
Can you prove it?

I'm the one who decides who is guilty or innocent.
The General Security Directorate is stepping in.

They suspect that you're trying to file false charges against him.
You've gone a little too far this time.

It's probably only a matter of time before you're suspended from duty.

They can't!

Oh, here you are.

I need your advice on a certain matter.

It's rare for YOU to need anybody's advice on anything.
I had no choice but to beg an elite member of the Ministry of the Interior for help.
Your best friend isn't with you today?

Where's Victoria?

Madame is resting in her room.

I have no idea what to do with your mother.
She's been acting like this ever since she was out in the night air... the party in Auteuil and caught a cold.
So anyway, that's why I can't offer you a suitable welcome,

...but perhaps you'd care to join us for dinner?

I'd love to!
I have a little work to finish up, so my daughter will keep you company until I'm done.

Why don't you play another little tune? For Andrea this time.

I would be honored if you did! Oh, that reminds me...

Black hole futures?!

Now, then, let's get down to business, Michelle!
General Morcerf has called and made an appointment.

Never mind about that! Show me the ultra-high density materials market!

Get to it!


Danglars has accessed the market.
Very well. Sell.


Let him eat his fill. We'll make sure that he's fattened up properly.

Wait until the time is right, and then leak intel that there are signs...

...of an impending massive lmperial Forces offensive in the Central Galaxy.

Still, the thought of lining that vulture's pockets is a little distasteful.
"Gankutsuou," huh?

Are you ready to start?

Here we go.

Welcome to the Mansion of State Secrets.

What IS this place?

A database that's under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior.
State search keyword.


Lucien Debray, First Secretary, class S. Access granted.

Where are we?!
Keep quiet.

Gankutsuou is the king of the shadows.

Which means what?

Nobody's ever seen what he looks like. His name should never be spoken.
Those who break that taboo meet a fate worse than death.

Is that an urban legend?

It's the truth. He appeared on the fringes of the galaxy a thousand years ago...

...and tried to gain control of the criminal underworld.
He's an invader?

Gankutsuou is invincible. He controls people by manipulating their desires.

However, he was defeated by fate.

In June of the year of the Louis Philippe calendar,

...he was apprehended and incarcerated.
Incarcerated where?

We can't answer that.

Where was he imprisoned?

We can't answer that.

I hereby issue lmperial Edict !

Gankutsuou was imprisoned in the Chateau d'lf.
What happened after that?

His death was confirmed on December , .
Ten years ago?!

He was in prison for more than a thousand years?!

What was that prisoner's name?

The Man in the Iron Mask.

What was his full name?!

Terminate access immediately.

We can't answer that.

I hereby issue special provision of Edict !
His name... His name was...

Illegal access!

Illegal access!
Enacting article , clause of the Secrets Preservation Code.

T-This isn't good...

I want to know who Gankutsuou really is!

No, I HAVE to know!

Old man Noirtier might know.
Who, him?

A long time ago, he used to be top dog in the Ministry of the Interior.

But he also had a lot of enemies, and he was brought down.

You mean the assassination of the Prince?
He was a proponent of peace with the Empire.

Apparently, that's made it difficult for his son, Villefort, to move up in the world.
Of course, all that work has been for nothing now.

Father... You must be laughing at me, a man who's lost both his status and his family.

You must think it's poetic justice for a man who's spent his career...

...sending innocent men to prison and presiding over merciless trials.
That this is my punishment for defying your wishes and supporting w*r against the Empire...
...and for doing away with your compatriots.

I've worked hard to surpass you!

To surpass you, who had the power to sway government policy!
Do you have the slightest idea how hard that was?!

Any idea how hard it was to be your son in a world dominated by hawks?!

"Suspended from duty," huh?

So what?! See if I care!

I won't let it end like this!
Just you watch! I'll come back from this stronger than ever!

She's been like that since we arrived.

It's as if she's regressed to childhood.
Excellency, are you certain that this is a wise idea?

We can still attack after seeing how the peace negotiations at Geneva go.
We must strike while we have the chance!

If we are to gain the upper hand at the negotiation table, there can be no hesitation!

A victory here will give your poll numbers a huge boost, Excellency!

His Excellency, the Viscount Morcerf.

Welcome to our humble home.
What may we do for you today?

Actually, I had hoped to meet with the Count.
The Count's illness has rendered him bedridden.

Yes, I'd heard.

Please, let me wish him a speedy recovery.

I ask that you allow him to remain undisturbed.
At times like this, he will see no one but me.

The Count has complete faith in you, doesn't he?

Please tell him to be on his guard against Monsieur Villefort.

He said that he'll make the Count pay for what he did. So he has to...

You care a great deal for the Count, don't you, Monsieur Albert?
Yes, I suppose...

I am glad that you are concerned for his well-being.

How long have you been with him?

It has been a long time now. A long time since the Count deigned to purchase me.
H-He bought you?!

I was born into the royal family of a certain frontier planet.
Our world is situated between this kingdom and Eastern Space,

...and had prospered from the trade between them.

However, our good fortune was not to last for long.

w*r broke out between the Empire and Earth,
...and my homeworld was engulfed in the flames of w*r.

My father chose to establish an alliance with Earth.

He did this because he had heard that the people of Earth valued freedom highly.

And so, reinforcements arrived from Earth.
My father told me that ten years ago was a time of great turmoil.

He said that he himself had fought in several wars of independence.
Those reinforcements from Earth betrayed my father!

They started a rebellion, leveling false charges against my father,

...claiming that he was working in collusion with the Empire.
My father was k*lled as a traitor,

...and my mother and I were stripped of our status and sold into the hands of our enemies.

My mother died soon thereafter, and I was left to fend for myself.

I was like a walking corpse.

Yes, until the day that I met the Count.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dredge up such painful memories.

I'm a fool, aren't I?

My girlfriend tells me the same thing all the time.

She says I never stop to think about other people's feelings.

Oh, I guess she's more like an old childhood friend than a girlfriend.
She gave a piano recital at the opera house the other day!

"It's a wonderful thing to be able to express yourself that way."

That's what I thought to myself when I heard her performance.

Mademoiselle Haidee, you yourself are good at the harp, right?

Please do my family the honor of paying us a visit sometime.

Allow me to introduce my friends to you.

The night we arrived in Paris, the Count said the following to me:

"Haidee, this is a land where freedom and human rights are appreciated."
"You should do as you wish, acting according to your own free will."

But this is the way that I see it...

If I remain here voluntarily, I am here because I freely choose to do so.

Our young Viscount is one lighthearted kid.

You know? In spite of the fact that there's a fire lit under his old man's ass.
Stop it.

"It's a wonderful thing to be able to express yourself that way."

I'm gonna puke! That's so damn pathetic!

You and I are two of a kind.

I can see what you really think, plain as day.

You're wrong. I don't...
You hate him, don't you?! You wanna rip him to pieces, don't you?!

Come on, let's have ourselves some fun.

Take your hands off her!

Leave us.

As you wish.

Monsieur Villefort?

I cast away all of the horrible feelings within myself after I met you.
Or so I believed.

And I thought that if I could only ease your cruel resolve...

But I... I was unable to forget.

I could not forget how I felt when I swore revenge that day.
Considering how I myself feel, it was wrong of me to hope to change how you feel.


I caused you a great disservice the other day by jumping to conclusions as I did.
As an apology for my impolite behavior, please... Eat this!


The person I was in the past is not the person that I am today.

Who we were in the past is not who we are today.

Next time on Gankutsuou, The Count of Monte Cristo act :
Act : Lost Souls

..."Lost Souls."

Bide your time, and hold out hope!