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01x11 - An Engagement Broken

Posted: 10/08/23 16:28
by bunniefuu
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

Poison has taken a beautiful girl and turned her into a sleeping beauty.

A letter from a dead man led three men back to loathsome memories.

I can hear it, the beautiful melody entitled "Nightmare" that my friend is playing...
Act : An Engagement Broken

Papa's here. Now you guys are gonna get it.

Please step aside, Madame.

I think not.

I beg you!

What's the matter? Madame?

Mama! Mama, what's wrong?

What's the matter with me? I don't understand...
Renaud! Get the car!




Get after them! They've taken my daughter!

Catch them!

C'mon, cut it out!

Here they come!

Damn it! All right, watch this!


Albert! Block the road!

Okay, that should do it.

You're lucky that it wasn't anything serious.

I wish that you wouldn't worry me so...

Cut that out!

For one thing, what you guys did is usually referred to as "kidnapping"!
Like you're one to talk!

Once people know why we did it, I'm sure they'll understand.

But it's gonna be Monsieur Villefort who tries the case. Right?


The dead man has come back to us!

He would never forget what we did, not in a million years.

You can't sleep?

No. Today was a terrible day.
Where did you go this morning?

The funeral of someone I know.

Don't try to hide it from me. A letter from Edmond came this morning, right?

How did you know about that?

Tell me what this is all about.
It was just a tasteless prank.

Why would anyone use that name for a prank?

I have no idea!

Edmond was accused of treason and died in the far reaches of space, didn't he?

Isn't that what happened?

Do you know anything else?

Please, Fernand, tell me.

He's dead and gone.
You're hiding something from me.

The man is dead! I'm not hiding anything.

He died in prison!

You still can't forget what happened years ago?!
Am I right?! Have you been thinking about that man every day for the past years?!

Are you still in love with him?!

It was only because I was told that he was dead that l...

You only did what because you were told he was dead?

You were told he was dead, so you gave up on him and married me instead?
Did you?!

Stop it.



The crime lab determined that the cause was a poison.
It's a botanical toxin of some sort. We're working as fast as we can to identify it.

I see.

Your Honor, I suggest that you exercise extreme caution.

The culprit might still be in this house.
I've already dismissed all the servants.

You don't need to worry about me.

But sir...
There are two things that you must do.

The first is to prevent news of this from leaking out to the public.

The second is my daughter. Find out where my daughter is without delay!
The search team arrived in Marseilles this morning.

They will probably locate her by the end of the day.

Notify me when you find her.
An arrest warrant is standing by.

No, just pinpoint where they are.

Leave them at large for the time being.
Yes, sir.


What's the matter?
I wasn't expecting you to be here, either.

Is there a reason that you don't want to go home?

Not really.
Want to read this letter?

Who's it from?

The guy sure has neat handwriting.

Yeah, as opposed to you.

You're pushing it.

So I guess he made it to Marseilles safely.
Right about now, I bet he's freaking out over what he's done.

That's very possible.


What kind of person is Valentine's current mother? What's Madame Heloise like?
What do you mean? She's young, and beautiful, and intelligent.

Yeah, she is, isn't she? That's what I thought, too.

Albert, mind if I ask you something?

Like what?

You said that you saw Madame Villefort and the Count in the greenhouse, right?
What about it?

Ever since you told me about it back at Auteuil, it's been nagging at me. That means...

What're you getting at?

Why did the Count happen to pick her to have an affair with?
I have to think he targeted her specifically and made his move on her.

And anyway, how is it that he could take one look at your symptoms...

...and know right away that it was poison?

Wait a minute, are you implying that the Count is the one behind all this?!
I can't believe that, not for a minute!

If it weren't for the Count, I might not be standing here today!

Listen, Albert. Even if you looked all over Paris, wouldn't find many people who just happen to have antidotes on them.
Not even doctors would!

Were you able to save me, then? You couldn't do a thing to help, am I right?!

The only reason I survived was because the Count was there!

What would the Count hope to gain by trying to poison people? Tell me!

I don't know. But I can sense it in him.

Sense what?

A deep darkness...
Sorry I bothered you.
Albert! Take a good look at him! Look at the real Count!

I have faith in him.

The only one who knows the real Count... is me!

Encyclopedia of Toxicology
So, here you are.

You've come around?

What happened to me? My memories are a jumble...


I can't seem to shake off this lethargy...

That's because of the poison, don't you think?

There's a good amount of poison coursing through your body.

When did you get that ring from the Count?

What's this about? What are you implying?

Allow me to change my line of questioning, then.

Have you ever seen this before?
I... have no idea what that is.

I got it out of your jewelry box. Does that mean that this is perfume?

I have no idea. It isn't mine.

Are you trying to ruin me?

What you've done can never be set to rights.
If it gets out that my wife is a poisoner,

...what do you think will happen to all that I've built?!
Your plans haven't run their course yet, have they?

Who else is there? Valentine?

Answer me! How many more do you plan to k*ll?!
Is my name on your list, too?

That's right! I had intended to k*ll you, too!

I only need my darling Edouard!

Look at you, acting like some high and mighty saint!
I won't stand for these insults!

I dare you to speak to me in that tone again!

I'll k*ll myself right here!

To the mighty Crown Prosecutor, the man who values appearances more than anything,
...there could be no greater scandal, could there?!

You... you don't mean to suggest that l...

What's the matter? Aren't you going to drink it?

What kind of man are you?
Are you only capable of k*lling other people?

Tomorrow morning, you will be transferred to a hospital.

I've had a private room with barred windows prepared for you.
The quarters won't be very spacious, but you will spend the rest of your days there.

Along with your poisons.

Albert! Take a good look at him! Look at the real Count!

I know the real Count better than anyone.

Hello, Monsieur Albert. How are you feeling?

You seem to be in rather high spirits today, Count

So, I take it that Mademoiselle Valentine was saved, then?

Right. She's recuperating in Marseilles now with Maximilien watching over her.
That is wonderful news.

Yes, but we got there too late, and Valois, their butler, died...

You were able to save the life of your dear friend. You needn't feel sad.
And Madame Villefort has had a mental breakdown...

Count, why do you think those horrible things happened to the Villeforts?

It was inevitable.

There are no coincidences in this world.
It all comes down to karma.

What do you mean by that?
Are you saying that the Villeforts deserved what happened to them?

You and I met that day on Luna.

Perhaps you feel that our meeting was a chance encounter.

But in fate, there are no coincidences.
Just as that setting sun does so according to the laws of the universe,

...fate, too, is composed of unyielding necessity.

There's no such thing as coincidence in your life?
No. There is not.

What I have is the power of a strong will.
Even if other people accept coincidences and are tossed about by them, I do not.

For you see, I have forged my own destiny through the power of my own will.

Forge your own destiny through the power of your will...
That is why we met, and that is why we are here now.

Count, I want to change.

I want to be a strong man like you.
In that case, allow me to offer you these words of advice.

Bide your time. And hold out hope.

Bide your time... And hold out hope.

Why are you sitting there with that idiotic expression on your face?

Eugenie? How's your mother?

It doesn't seem to be anything serious. She's been in a bad mood ever since, though.


But enough about that, listen to this!
I'm going to be playing the piano at the concert hall along with the orchestra!

At the opera house?

Yeah. My dream is finally coming true. I just got the news!

They've recognized my talent on the piano!

Make sure you come hear me play, okay?

You bet.

That's so amazing!

Well, I should get back and practice some more.
Um, Eugenie.

Your playing that night at Auteuil...

It was... How can I put it? It was really great.
You could really tell?

I'm glad. Thank you.

Flowers for you, Mademoiselle.

Andrea Cavalcanti?
I'm home!

What's the matter?

Look at this.
Danglars says that he wants to break off your engagement to Eugenie.

But why?

I have to know how she really feels. I run to the opera house.
I have to know how I really feel.

Next time on Gankutsuou, The Count of Monte Cristo act :

Act : Encore

Bide your time, and hold out hope!