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01x08 - A Night in Boulogne

Posted: 10/08/23 16:24
by bunniefuu
When he steals into a mansion with a friend in order to help him win over his love,
...the young man witnesses a physical liaison between two adults.

My friend said to me, "He must know."

"Until the day his innocent soul is destroyed."

Act : A Night in Boulogne

This is bad...


W-What are you barging in here for?!

I'm sorry. I kept calling, but you didn't answer.

You have a visitor from the Champs Elysees.

The Count?

His Excellency says that he does not wish to see you today.

Did he give you a message or something?
No, Monsieur, nothing in particular.

I see...

What's this?

His Excellency wishes to unveil his new villa.

That is an invitation to a dinner party. By all means, bring your entire family.
With pleasure! Where is the villa?

The forest of Auteuil.

He has a villa in that gloomy place?

Yes. His Excellency insisted on this villa in particular.

If I'm not mistaken, Monsieur Villefort used to own this villa.

It's almost fallen to ruin.
While his first wife was still alive, it was a bright, cheerful place.

You mean Valentine's real mother?

She was still so young and beautiful when she died.

Thank you for coming.

My lord General.

Thank you for inviting us.

Well, well! The good Madame Villefort!

This is my husband, the...

The Crown Prosecutor, I presume?

I'm told that you did a great service for my wife and son.

I am honored that you have gone to all the trouble of coming here.
This manor is a little too dreary to invite guests over, don't you think?

Not at all, I have taken quite a liking to the silence here.

Now, I see that the three gentlemen who embody Paris are gathered here tonight.
Monsieur Danglars, the king of bankers.

General Morcerf, who commands the military.

And you, Monsieur, who administers the law.

There is a reason that I invited you here to this humble affair tonight.

Allow me to be frank and make a confession to you.

Travelers are insecure by their very nature.
I would like to forge bonds of friendship with you three gentlemen.

I am given to understand that you hope to win the presidency, General.

Where did you hear that?!

I would like to assist you to the best of my humble abilities.

Albert. Leave us for a moment.
What? But l...

We adults need to have a discussion.

Albert, what's the matter? You look a little out of it.
You don't look well.

No, I'm fine, Mother.

I'm sorry I forced you to come.

I wonder if the Count is avoiding me...
At Valentine's house, I saw something.

I saw the Count and Madame Villefort being... intimate.


While I was watching, the Count spotted me.

It seemed that way to me, anyway.
What about it?

I'm a terrible person...

I guess the Count has a lot on his plate.

It just means that he's a man like any other.

Anyway, weren't you supposed to go there to work out the whole Maximilien situation?

That's the least of my worries right now.

Would it be all right if I joined you?

Who is this?

I'm going outside for some fresh air.
Um, might l...

What the hell did you do?

And who might you be, boy?

M-Me, sir? I am...

This is Captain Maximilien Morrel, a most capable soldier.
How do you do, sir?

I'm Captain Maximilien Morrel, Canes Venatici Gamma Army.

My family operates a trading firm in Marseilles. As for me, l...

And what do you want?
Sir. I-I would like to ask for your daughter's hand in...

Yours is a noble profession, one which defends the state.

For that, I offer you my respects.

Nevertheless, you are a simple commoner.

And my daughter is already engaged.
I suggest that you bear those facts in mind.

How rude!

Bouillabaisse à la Marseilles.
So, how did the marriage proposal go?

Dead on arrival.

You know, maybe she really has feelings for you.

And what's this secret conversation about?

You've got guts, firing off a flash at the Crown Prosecutor like that.

When I see a guy who's full of himself, my rebellious streak takes over.

So, what's up? The sorrows of youth?
Geez, what a sad world we're living in. It's all "love" this and "affairs" that.

Look at that.

Rumor has it that those two were having an affair years ago, too.

The Crown Prosecutor and Eugenie's mother used to...
Forgive me for imposing on you.

It's all right. Don't worry about it.

I've paid a small fortune for her lessons.

It's only fair that she should put it to good use at times like this.

Please listen to what I have to say.

I'd like to apologize to you.

What I said the other day was terrible. I didn't give any thought to your feelings.

What did Valentine say?

She was crying.

I guess I made you do my dirty work for me. I'm sorry.

Valentine loves you.

You're kidding!

She does!

I'm sure of it.

Eugenie's gotten really good, hasn't she?

Hey, don't try to change the subject.

I talked to her the other day.

I bet she had a lot of bad things to say about me.

Pretty much.

What's that mean? Tell me! C'mon, tell me!

What do you want from me after all this time?

I'm frightened.

What if someone sees us?

But when we're here, I can't help but think of our child!


I see that music is truly your calling.

Her calling, huh? The Count must know a lot of talented people.

Thank you for the lovely performance, my lovely lady.

How do you do?

Now that one talented youth has made her debut, allow me to introduce another.

This is Marquis Andrea Cavalcanti.

Oh, my...

That family had an heir?

His father is an old friend of mine.

If you would welcome him as you have done me, nothing would make me happier.

I realize that I am an untested youth who only recently inherited his late father's estate,

...but I am honored to make your acquaintance.

Look at that brooch! It easily cost five million!
Who's that guy?

The Count's new favorite, I'd say.

I bet he has all kinds of talents!

Well, ladies and gentlemen.

I do hate to interrupt your conversation, but if I might have your attention please?

One of the reasons that I purchased this estate...

...was that I wished to escape from the noise of the city and spend time in quiet contemplation.

But on the contrary, once I arrived here,

...I found myself fascinated by a certain aura that pervades this old mansion.

And what might that be?

How might one best describe it?

Yes... In a word...

...a curse.

I found myself pondering certain questions.

What sorts of lives were led by the people who once lived here?

And what sad events occured here that were hidden away from the eyes of all?

When my mind toys with such thoughts, I am filled with inexpressible joy and tranquility.

No doubt about it...

It's him, I'm sure of it...

Preposterous! A curse, the very idea...

Monsieur Prosecutor, you suggest that you do not sense...

...the gloomy, malevolent aura that pervades this mansion?

That's CROWN Prosecutor.

Very well. I take it, then, that you must see it with your own two eyes.

In truth, there is one room deep inside this mansion that has been left exactly as it was.

Why would you do that?

I am convinced that it is that room...

...which is the source of the malevolent aura here.

How rude! We're leaving.


Now, now, now, don't be like that!

I for one say that we should indulge our host's eccentricities.

What do you say, everyone? Why don't we go see this "evil room" for ourselves?

Just a moment, please!

Going all at once would spoil the entertainment.

Monsieur Albert!


Monsieur Franz!

And Mademoiselle Eugenie.


I suggest that you split into three groups to search for the room.

We shall have these three youths lead the way.

I will offer a small gift to those who successfully reach...
...the innermost depths of this dark mansion.

Are we agreed?

I like it! This sounds like fun!

By all means, let's do it!

Monsieur Albert, if you would be so kind?

Yes, sir!

It's been a long time, Marquise.

You're looking well.

Keep your mind on the task at hand.

As they say, it's the early bird that gets the worm.

Incidentally, Marquis Andrea, where are you from?

Oh. Excuse me. I come from the far reaches of the eastern galaxy.

There is a beautiful planetary cluster there.

And on one of those planets can be found a bird...

...which eats ore and lays eggs of jewels.

Once every years, they build a colony for the purpose of mating, and...

We can finally speak privately now.

Pardon me.

Count. I need to say something to you.

Whatever is the matter, Madame Morcerf?

Please, call me Mercedes.

This heart of the malevolent aura that he mentioned...

What do you suppose its heart really is?

Why are you so fixated on Marseilles?

Whatever do you mean?
You served another dish from Marseilles for dinner tonight.

Was it not to your liking?

No. It's just that when I look at you, I am reminded of someone I once knew.

For many years, I have lived with the desire to see him once again.

But now, I'm filled with a terrible foreboding...


You are not alone. Never.

There is someone who is always thinking of you.

Please don't forget that.

This is my good luck charm. It was given to me by my late father.

I'd like you to have it.

It's a dead end...

I've had enough of this, Albert. Madame Danglars is tired, too.

We're turning back.

Monsieur Villefort!

There's a door inside!

T-This is...

Congratulations to you.

Your party is the first to arrive.

Did you enjoy the unique ambiance that this mansion has to offer?

I see that the master of this house doesn't know the proper way to entertain guests!

Monsieur Albert, might I ask for your assistance?

Yes, sir!

Thank you for playing along. It must have been difficult.

I'm sorry, Count.

Sorry? Whatever for?
The truth is, I... I saw you. In Madame Villefort's greenhouse.

Goodness, how awkward. You saw us, did you?

Madame would not take no for an answer, you see.

I simply assumed that you were angry with me!

Perish the thought!

Incidentally, it is I who should apologize to you.

I have been unable to speak with you properly until today.

The fact of the matter is that I suffer from an illness I contracted in distant space.

From time to time, I wish to rest without seeing anyone.

It is nothing serious. I do feel a numbness from time to time, however.

Albert. This is a secret known only to you and me.

A secret between you and me.

I understand. I give you my word.

In that case, let us carry this box through the door.

This is the room where I gave birth to the child!

The child... The child has summoned us here!

Pull yourself together!

But on that night years ago...

Congratulations! This is our gift from the Count!




Who the devil are you?!
A poisonous evil st*lks the lovers.

But I am still unaware that I am about to fall prey to it, as well.

Next time on Gankutsuou, The Count of Monte Cristo, Act :

Act : I Dreamed a Dark Dream

..."I Dreamed a Dark Dream."

Bide your time, and hold out hope!