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01x04 - Mother's Secret

Posted: 10/08/23 16:16
by bunniefuu
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

On that stormy day that announced the end of spring, friend and I arrived in Paris, where the boy awaited us.

I tremble in silence at these emotions which leak out... the hour of reunion draws near.

This must be your guest.

Count, if you don't mind, I'd like you to join us for dinner after you've met my parents.


If it is not too much trouble.

Please do. After all, we owe you our son's life.

Welcome to our home, my good Count of Monte Cristo.

Act : A Mother's Secrets

To our new friend, the Count of Monte Cristo.

Oh, is that so?

I'm embarrassed that you know of the Janina campaign.

The people praise me as a hero,

...but to a soldier, such things mean little.

After all, nothing good ever results from destruction.

No, these idyllic times in which we live were built on the back of sacrifice.

Such is my opinion, at any rate.

I expect that the far corners of the galaxy are echoing...

...with the name of General Morcerf by now.

You honor me by saying so.

Oh, dear, the food wasn't to your liking?

Not at all. Please, think nothing of it.

I am in the habit of eating very little.

I can't say that I don't understand how you feel.

Having advanced in years, I find myself weary of extravagant meals such as this.

In my case, I find lately that I seldom sleep, either.

I'm amazed that you've managed to stay healthy.

It is because of these.

Are they some sort of space rations?

In the course of wandering the sea of stars for so long, body and soul have changed beyond recognition.

Even so, I hope that you would at least eat something...

The thought of neither sleeping nor eating is too sad to bear.

Too sad to bear?

Very well, then.

In that case, perhaps I shall sample this.

Please do.

This taste brings back memories...

Brings back memories?

I once experienced delightful cooking such as this in the south of France.

This is the dish that you've made for as long as I can remember, right, Mother?


By any chance, you wouldn't happen to be from Marseilles, would you?


My wife has nothing to do with such a barbaric province.

Isn't that right, Mercedes?


Oh, really?

What's the matter?

One of my friends is from there.

His name is Maximilien Morrel. He's a really nice person.


Forgive me if I misspoke. Please, do not take offense.

That's all right.

Our family traces its roots back to a powerful Catalan family.

This soup has been a specialty of my wife's ever since she was a young girl.

Oh, I see. So, you and the Countess were childhood friends, then?

Yes, that's right.

Which explains why you seem so close. I am jealous beyond words.

I had no idea that a man like you could be jealous of anyone, Count.

Yes, of course.

If that person is a man of your father's caliber.

Get the Count something to drink. His glass is empty.

Please stay for as long as time permits.

Sitting around the table like this, it almost feels as if you are a member of the family.

What a maddening scent this is...


It is from the muscat grapes.

Are you fatigued?

No, please forgive me for forcing you to eat earlier.

Not at all. I had always hoped to experience that delicious flavor again.

It was a sublime experience.

It was a simple rustic dish.

But it makes me happy to hear you say so.

Have you heard of this? There is a saying that goes,

"Those who share bread and salt under the same roof become eternal friends."

That is a tradition handed down in Eastern Space, is it not?


Which means that we are now friends. For all eternity.

However, this is not Eastern Space. It is Paris.

In Paris, everlasting friendship is impossible without the act of sharing bread and salt.

Your soup truly was delicious.

Warm, and yet evocative of past memories.

It is something which gives comfort.

Like a breeze blowing across the Mediterranean Sea.

Count, are you very familiar with Marseilles?

I could say that I am aware of it.

But perhaps I never truly knew it at all.

Infidelity. Adultery. Dalliances in the dead of night.

You aristocrats are as energetic as the rumors say.

Spare me your crude comments!

The Count is a friend of mine.

Honestly, you're such a child.

If people could become friends simply by sharing bread and salt, would be simpler.

What are you talking about?

You'll understand sooner or later, little boy.

I am most grateful to you for allowing me to experience a day such as today.

Not at all. I'm proud that I had the opportunity to introduce you to my parents.

To introduce a man I admire.

What say you?

I would like to invite you to my residence on the Champs-Elysees in the near future.

I'd love to come!

The Count of Monte Cristo was a mysterious man, don't you think?

Yes. There was a sternness somewhere in him that keeps people at arm's length.

That just means that compared to the Count, the people of Paris are dull.


You might not know this, Mother, but there's more to the world than Paris.

Out beyond the walls, there's a world that's endlessly captivating.

I think you've changed since your journey to Luna.

My journey is just beginning.

Don't go to worlds too far removed from our own.

You should exercise moderation in your association with the Count.

Oh, please, Mother... You sound just like Franz.

Well, even though he seems more than a little shady,

...having the Morcerf family establish ties with a man like him might not be a bad thing.

Not when this family is about to throw its hat into the political arena.

Good grief, why do aristocrats eat like this all the time?

Dinner parties, high tea, balls...

It's probably because they don't have anything else to do.

In other words, if you took away the gluttony, lust, and avarice,

...there wouldn't be anything left.

You need to watch your mouth.

Didn't you think that their guest today was rather elegant and handsome?

I'm not so sure. He wasn't very refined.
Maybe, but he had a pretty good vibe going with the mistress under the grapevine trellis.

What, really? I'd always thought that the master was the only man in the world for the mistress.

I think that any society lady would fall for that Count if he worked his mojo on her.

Give it a rest, already!

That was definitely the face of a woman in love.

If you don't stop that, I'm going to report you.

Oo, I'm so scared...

That's preposterous. Mother is the last person in the world who would be capable of...


Who's in that picture she's looking at?

Do you find me a horrible man?

No. I will stay at your side for as long as I live.
Even if that means walking down the path to ruin.

It is not we who will be ruined.
I have come home, Father.

What, you're still here?

Hey, don't touch those!

I hate to break it to you, but I've gotten into your father's good graces, I'll be staying here for a while.

His "good graces"?

It means that your father is a man like any other.

Give those bad jokes a rest.
Well, setting aside your father for the moment,

...the one that I'd be worried about is your mother, you know?

What's that supposed to mean?

I mean, she was staring so wistfully at that picture of a young man...

You saw that?

It was definitely a picture of a man.

A man who wasn't your father.

Oh, I can understand.

If my mother was staring at a picture of some strange man,

...l'd be depressed, too.

That's about enough! Get out!

Yes, sir!

Eugenie? I didn't know you were here.

Ever the late riser, I see.

Why are you dressed like that?

What's wrong with it?

Skirts just don't work on you.

I didn't come here to see you, Albert!

Then don't have me dragged out of bed!

I'm the one who had you woken up, Albert.

Is something the matter?

No, ma'am.

Eugenie is your fiancee, isn't she?

I think it's only natural that you should greet her when she's over.

Sure, I suppose. Um, are you going somewhere?

Oh, we're just going out to do a little shopping together.

Let's go, Madame!

Of course.

That reminds me. What's this I hear about the Count of Monte Cristo inviting you over?

How did you know that?

I heard about it from Franz.

He said that he and Maximilien were also invited.

They were invited, too?

What's he...

Peppo! What are you doing?

Oh, hi, Albert!

Don't you "Oh, hi!" me! Don't play around with Mother's jewelry!

But they're so pretty!

If my father sees you like that, there'll be hell to pay!

Fine, fine. I'll put them back, then.

You're dying to know what's in there, aren't you?

It's like your mother's secret treasure is hidden inside.


Oh, there's no such thing as a human being who doesn't have secrets.

Just like you and I share a certain secret night.

That only happened because I was tricked by you!

If you ever want that lock opened, come tell me anytime.

I specialize in getting into people's drawers.
Stop being crude, and get back to work!

Oh. Fine.

It can't be...

Why would Mother have a picture of the Count?

This is ridiculous. What am I so worried about?

His Excellency General Morcerf! Ten-hut!

All high and mighty...

How do I look? Not too strange, I hope?

It looks wonderful on you.


Thank goodness. You're more upbeat than I expected.

Gee, thanks.

For a visit to the Count's place, that outfit isn't quite flamboyant enough, don't you think?

Not flamboyant enough?

Albert? What in the world are you wearing?

What's wrong with it?

Where do I even begin?

I'll never understand the ways of you aristocrats.

Why are you dressed like a pirate?!

Uh, what are you even doing here, Beauchamp?

You don't expect me to miss my chance to get photos of the Count's mansion, do you?

Oh, brother. And here I had hoped to go there by myself, if at all possible.

That day when I first met you, you made me realize that there is always hope,

...regardless of the circumstances you might find yourself in.
I will never forget that lesson.


When I was flung out of the Chateau d'lf into the black void of space,

...hope was the one thing that I had in my possession.

You're sure this is it?

Yep. number thirty, Champs-Elysees. No doubt about it.

It's a lot more austere than I expected it to be, considering the Count.

I was expecting the sort of place that would drive a commoner into a rage if he saw it.

Welcome, messieurs. We have been expecting you.

Early Rococo, huh? And not Revival, either.

Isn't this amazing?
Well, it's a bit too far removed from my world...

Please pardon the delay. Allow me to show you to the Count.

What the...?

We're going down!

Baptistin, where are we going?

We've stopped!

Welcome, messieurs. The Count awaits.


Even the floor and columns are gold... The man has expensive tastes.

Where could he have gotten this much gold?

That's why I think there's something fishy about him.

At this rate, I bet his bed and pillows are gonna be solid gold, too.

I'd never be able to fall asleep with all this glare.

Hey! Look at that!


The sea?

No, wait. Look at that sky!

It's artificial?

I can't believe it...

This alone would make one hell of a story.

This is so beautiful...

Wait, I know this view!

That look suits you quite well, Sir Pirate.



If you don't mind, I would like you to have this, Sir Pirate.

I was given this blade by a certain ship's navigator.

Perhaps it will serve to protect you, as well as to carve a path for you.

When we meet someone,

...the selfless, considerate part of us clashes with the selfish love of our emotions.

Next time on Gankutsuou, The Count of Monte Cristo, act ,

Act : Do You Love Your Fiancee?

..."Do You Love Your Fiancee?"

Bide your time, and hold out hope!