01x19 - Hand-to-Hand

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
Post Reply

01x19 - Hand-to-Hand

Post by bunniefuu »


MAN 1: Now we're talking.

That's her. Hey, right here.

Yo, right here. Yeah.

Now we're talking. Yeah, please.

Right here, baby.

Over here.

MAN 2: Over here. Yeah, yeah.

MAN 1: Over here, Kelli.

Kelli, you're beautiful.

Smile at the camera.

Over here, you look beautiful.

Right here.

Right here, right here.

Beautiful, beautiful. Thank you.


Hey, Eddie, where are you going?

Snooki from Jersey Shore is pulling up.

Hey, somebody call 911! Over here!

What the hell?

Okay, shot caller, call your shot.

I'm thinking of new and innovative ways to expose your weaknesses.

I have an H. You have an H-O.

sh**t, ho.

Top of the key, off-hand, glass.

SAM: That's the same shot as before.

No, this is a bank shot now, with the off hand.

The key is not to over-think it.

It's a concept I'm sure you'll have no problem embracing fully.

Same shot twice.

Hey, I don't break the rules.

I just bend them.

Listen, I love the rules.

The letter and the spirit.

They're the foundation of civil society.


Knock yourself out.

Guarantee I'll make this shot.

Oh, the humanity!


Hey, Hetty, wanna take a shot?

I prefer the attaque au fer.

When the tip of my foil scores a direct hit against the unguarded chest of my opponent.

Come on, Hetty, one shot.

Save the planet.

Boys' games can wait.

A dead marine can't.


Upstairs. We get it.

That better be waste paper you're using.

Of course.



ERIC: Lance Corporal Daniel Zuna, stationed without incident at Camp Pendleton until last night.

Taken by a member of the paparazzi.

That'd be "paparazzo" then, wouldn't it?

Because "paparazzi" with an I is plural, so "paparazzo."

HETTY: Ahem.

These were taken last night near an alley outside of a nightclub called Four-Twenty on Hollywood Boulevard.

Four-Twenty has an incredible DJ.

What? A girl's gotta get her freak on now and then.

ERIC: Preliminary autopsy indicates Lance Corporal Zuna died from massive blood loss.


No, no signs of physical trauma.

But here's the freaky part.

He bled out through his eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

Lance Corporal Zuna was on two-week leave.

Spends a lot of his off time at an MMA gym called the Blood & Guts Warriors.

MMA. Mixed martial arts.

Well, the victim has been on leave after coming off a guard duty rotation at a bio-lab facility, so assume he may have been exposed to a biohazard.

HAZMAT assured me there's no contagion.

But due caution is advised.

We need to track Zuna's movements while he was on leave.

Kensi, sniff around Zuna's gym.

See what you can find out from his buddies.

We can always bring them in later if we have to.

Meanwhile, Sam and I will be wearing gloves in an alley outside of Hollywood Boulevard.

SAM: Substantial pooling.

It's more like a lake.

Don't go too close.

You don't have to say biohazard twice.

It's close to the front door of the club.

You think he was waiting to meet somebody?

He didn't have a stamp on his hands.

He never even went inside.

He was worried enough to come armed.

The average body holds six quarts of blood.

Looks like Zuna lost every last drop.

And then some.



Does Zuna's preliminary autopsy report estimate blood loss?

ERIC: Let's see.

Yeah, it estimates the victim lost half his blood supply.

This is more than three quarts of blood.

Call the pathologist. See if Zuna's toxicology report's in yet.

All right, hold on. I'm checking now.

Before fights, some fighters like to boost their blood supply.

It adds red blood cells and increases endurance, so they store up their own blood and they reinject it.

It's called blood packing.

So Zuna gained a tactical advantage by bending the rules.

Yeah, and it cost him.


It does explain the excess blood in the body and on the ground.

So do you have a theory on why a healthy guy with no signs of trauma would bleed out in an alley?

ERIC: Hey, guys, toxicology is back.

Zuna had high levels of heparin in his system.

It's a blood thinner.

Pathologist says that amount of heparin would have caused unstoppable haemorrhaging.

It made the blood seep out the most porous membranes in the body.

Eyes, nose, ears.

But nobody packs their body with blood and willingly takes blood thinners.

Looks like Hetty can stop worrying that he was exposed to a biohazard.

And we can start worrying about who the m*rder*r is.


MAN: There you go. Don't wait.

Don't wait. Don't wait.

Gil, Gil, Gil. Don't wait.

When he gives you his back, get those hooks in.

You're gonna make a choke.

Yes, sir, sure.

Let's go and see it again.

There you go.

You wanna train, it's 60 bucks a month.

You bring your own gear.

We got no women's locker room, change in your car.

No. I mean, hi.

I'm not here to train. I'm a fr...

Was a friend of Daniel's.

You heard what happened?

I still can't believe it.

I just thought I'd come see this place.

He was always talking about it.

Well, Danny was a hell of a fighter.

Even better man.

I'm Victor Janklow.


You his girl?

I guess.

We only just started dating, but it was intense.

So how can you guys keep training if, you know?

We're Marines. It's how we do it.

I was Danny's platoon sergeant.

He talked about you a lot.

Yeah, probably only half of what he told you was true.

Bad half.

I thought maybe if I saw where he trained, it would help me stay connected.

You know any of the guys?

No, never met them.

JANKLOW: Hey, hey, hey.

Guys, guys, guys, come here.

Come here.

This is Corporal Craig Mangold, retired.

This is Corporal Dale Johnson.

Corporal Nelson Shabazz.

And that's Jason Wyler.

This is Tracy, Danny's girl.

Yeah? How did you find out?

Police called me.

My number's in his cell phone.

Danny had a lot of girls' numbers in his cell phone.

Well, I guess mine was just the last one dialled.

Come on, Jason, we're all feeling bad.

Maybe it was a mistake coming here.

JANKLOW: No, no. Hey, hey, hey.

You come by here any time, okay?

Thank you.

Thanks for stopping by.


Sorry about Jason.

He's wound a little tight.

KENSl: That's okay.

Listen, if you wanna talk, there's some things I...

Maybe a drink sometime.

Sure. Um...

One for Danny?

NATE: Pathologist says the heparin was injected in the body about an hour before he died.

Means he lost a lot of blood very quickly.

I'm surprised he didn't lose consciousness sooner.

Well, his staff NCO said he was one hell of a fighter.

Which is especially interesting given his slight stature.

But Daniel Zuna was essentially the runt of the Warriors' litter.

Not physically strong, more of a scrapper.

Which is why you never turn your back on a small guy.

You know, when I was surfing in Vietnam, they called me khong Io, "the giant."

Well, this giant was forced to develop the ability to take a lot of physical punishment and still keep on fighting.

That explains the blood packing.

Look, Zuna was desperate to prove himself.

In my experience, relentless behaviour like Zuna's is almost always driven by some major league personal demons.

Does major league personal demons actually appear in the DSM IV?

Well, sometimes I feel like I'm getting too technical, so I like to throw in the occasional colloquial term.

Okay, Blood & Guts Warriors.

Or in layman's terms, the badass kickboxers.

The Warriors fight as a team, mostly taking on other gyms in the area.

Victor Janklow and Craig Mangold are former Marines.

Janklow was their platoon sergeant when they all served together in Iraq.

He lost an eye, left the Marine Corps.

Now he owns the gym and all the other guys train there.

Dale Johnson and Nelson Shabazz are active-duty Marines, both served with Zuna.

Well, what about Jason Wyler?

He strikes me as kind of a wannabe.

Wannabe Wyler is the only one who wasn't a Marine.

I got nothing on him yet.

KENSl: Keep looking, khong Io.

Something about him set off a warning bell.

Maybe it was his baby blues.

Or his fluffy hair.

What about Zuna's phone records?

Um... Let's see.

In the last few days, he called several of the Warriors and his former commanding officer, guy by the name of Scott Davis.

What about the last call he made?

ERIC: That was it. To Davis.

He left the Marine Corps as a lieutenant.

Talk to Davis.

Find out why Zuna called.

Kensi and I will hit Zuna's crib.

That's colloquial for house.

I knew that.

Zuna wanted to meet this week.

I told him I was too busy.

SAM: Were you?

The truth is I resented the call.

Dan Zuna was nothing but trouble when he was in my command.

Trouble how?

When I was his lieutenant, it was my duty to mentor him.

But as a civilian, it's a different story.

What about the others?

Mangold, Shabazz, Johnson.

Every man in Staff Sergeant Janklow's platoon was a fine Marine.

Except Lance Corporal Zuna.

If you have to know, Zuna had a drug problem.

It never appeared on his record.

I never reported it.

We were taking casualties every day.

There was not let-up in sight.

Those were the dog days.

You needed all the Marines you could muster.

I gave him a warning.

I told him to get it together or take an Other Than Honourable Discharge.

Did your platoon sergeant know about this?

If Staff Sergeant Janklow knew, he never let on.

Maybe Zuna kept it from him, but I don't know how.

It's amazing what you overlook in w*r.

The platoon was tight.

Still are from what I hear.

You know, I lost two men in a firefight in Fallujah.

It's a miracle I didn't lose more.

What does this have to do with Zuna?

Zuna was driving the Humvee.

I don't know if he was high or not, but somehow he got lost in the backstreets and he drove us straight into an enemy strong point.

We got pinned down. We had to fight our way out, and after that the unit was never the same.

Thanks for coming.

You never told me.

How Zuna died. Was it the dr*gs?

Someone pumped him full of blood thinner.

He died in an alley.

Bled out all over the pavement.

I know what you're gonna ask me.

Did anyone in the squad blame him for what happened in Fallujah?

Blame him enough to k*ll him?

It's been a long time.

Long enough to forgive in my book, but...

It's a fair question.

CALLEN: This is Zuna's place.

Do you wanna do the honour?

What? No key?

Well, what's the challenge in that?

KENSl: Why does everything have to be a challenge for you guys?

The lock has a double-sided cylinder.

You saw it coming up the walk.

Pain in the ass, aren't they?

For some.

Crappy furniture, brand-new TV.

The man had his priorities.

KENSl: Laptop.

Left on and not password protected.

This is going to be easy.

Maybe he's got nothing to hide.

It's like a pharmacy in here.


KENSl: Oh, my God, you scared me.

How'd you get in here?

Danny gave me a key.

What are you doing here?

I live here.

Spare room.

Danny's laptop?

KENSl: I e-mailed him some photos.

Private photos.

Like the two of you watching the sunset at Santa Monica Pier?

Or the kind where you're not wearing anything but a smile?

Certain kind of person finds private photos like that, they end up on the Internet.

Wow, so definitely X-rated then, huh?

Nobody under 17 admitted.


Yeah, Danny said he met a girl.

Said that she was hot.

KENSl: You think he meant me?

I sort of assumed he had others.

Oh, no, no, no. He...

He definitely meant you.

Talked about how you two used to party pretty hard together.

One thing leads to another.

The next thing you know out comes the camera.


Except for he said your name was Kate.

So who the hell are you?

I met him at a party.

Paid him for some stuff.

He never delivered.

I came to pick it up myself.

Is that why you're here?

No, because I don't do dr*gs.

So maybe Danny's connection never came through.

You know who his supplier is?

Well, I was hoping it was you.

Or maybe you found what you were looking for before I got here.

Maybe you found some cash.

Maybe you should empty those pockets.


Did you call for a cab?

That would be me.

Thanks for stopping by.

Nice save with the cab.

Dirty pictures. Nice touch.

Yeah, except it didn't work.

I had to switch up to a drug buy.

And he was interested.

You should consider investing in some of those little green-tree air fresheners.

I'm just saying.


That's my snitch money for the entire month.


Hetty's gonna blow a gasket.

Yeah, Eric.

Whoever Kensi's been talking with, it's not Jason Wyler.

I've checked every known database.

There's only a driver's licence.

No social security number, school records, immunization.

Not even a library card.

Your Jason Wyler doesn't exist.

Anything new on Wyler?

Still tracking his alias.

KENSl: Maybe he k*lled Zuna.

He shared his house.

He must've known he was blood packing.

He could have easily introduced the heparin.

Lieutenant Davis says Zuna had a drug problem in Iraq.

Maybe it was a drug deal gone wrong between him and Wyler.

We can't answer the why until we know who Wyler is.

Nate, check for any recent drug-related activity at the gym or involving MMA fighters.

These guys are all looking to get an edge.

Methamphetamine, ephedrine, cocaine, all likely stimulants to appear in that environment.

Not to mention performance-enhancing dr*gs.

Check it anyways.

How are we doing on the paparazzi footage?

Literally thousands of sh*ts.

I'm still sifting through it.

I'm still stuck on Wyler.


Smitten. Whatever.

He's hiding behind an alias.

He's carrying a w*apon.

From the first moment I saw him, he seemed hinky.

Warriors are down a fighter.

You might wanna try out.

I'm gonna need to backstop you.

Better hurry up, Eric.

I gotta get that open spot before somebody else does.

Sounds like you're headed for the gym.

DeMarko Williams. Striker.

Stand-up fighters tend to get their asses handed to them around here.

I've got ground game too.


Is that right?

The word is you guys are looking for a new man.

I'd like to show you what I've got.

Ever fight outside North Carolina?

Not yet.

I'm looking forward to giving the West Coast a little taste of home cooking.


Well, you know, we got a spot open on tonight's card.

Let's see how you do.

Cool. I appreciate it.

Did I just hear that right?

DeMarko Williams, Jason Wyler.


I thought I was getting Zuna's spot.

You're still a little green, Jason.

So this guy just walks in off the street and takes my place?

Williams has a lot of fights under his belt.

He's got 27 bouts, 26 KOs.

What happened in that last fight?


The guy never showed up.

All right, listen, I kept my head down.

I did my training. I deserve my shot.


You wanna fight your way in?

You and Williams, tonight.

Winner joins the Warriors.

Have fun, gentlemen.

Wyler's seen me, so I'm gonna be watching from the Op Centre.

Kensi will be in the crowd.

This guy doesn't stand a chance going toe-to-toe with you, so he's gonna wanna grapple, get you on the ground.

That's okay, I'll sprawl and brawl.

Stay on my feet and outlast him.

Outlast? This isn't Survivor.

Look, he tries an arm bar, slam his head, don't wait.

In the SEALs, we learn combat techniques from a variety of martial arts.

I know my counter moves.

Sam, take him out.

Take him out fast.

The longer this thing goes, the better chance he has of getting lucky.

Do you hear what I'm telling you?

G, I'm gonna be okay.

Trust me.

Troubled, Mr. Callen?

He's not ready.

I beg to differ, but Sam's technique is splendid.

I'm not talking about his technique, Hetty.

He's reluctant.

Because he has nothing to prove.

There's no joy in a blood sport for a man like Sam who has been tested so many times in battle.

Wyler's not gonna hold back.

But you think Sam will.

Sam doesn't wanna hurt him, and I think that makes him vulnerable.

Sam knows what he has to do.

I just hope he does it.

The body versus the mind.

There's a fight indeed.


ANNOUNCER: Introducing first from the red corner, weighing in at 185 pounds, he hails from Los Angeles, California, with 19 wins, 15 by the way of KO, and only four defeats.

It's Jason Wyler.

His opponent from the blue corner...

Full 1080p resolution on the security cam.

We got a great angle.

On the big screen.

ANNOUNCER: Twenty-six KOs and one forfeit.

He hails from Raleigh, North Carolina.

Please welcome DeMarko Williams.

Janklow, I need to talk to you now.

All right, gentlemen.

It's the first round, step back.

Are you ready? Are you ready?

Let's get it on.


Not good.

Sam, don't hold back.

No spiking.

You need to take care of this.

Stay down. Stay down.

REFEREE: That's it, that's it. He's done.

That's the end of round one.

Fight's over, Hetty.

But it's the first round for us.

Sam's in.

REFEREE: Winner by knock-out.

DeMarko Williams.


ANNOUNCER: DeMarko Williams!

MANGOLD: I'm done, Janklow.

ANNOUNCER: Thanks for coming out.

Come back tomorrow night for another night of hard-hitting action.

JANKLOW: Mangold, wait.

It's gotta stop, you hear me?

Why? Because you say so?

I didn't take orders from you in the corps, and I sure as hell ain't taking orders from you now, corporal.

Are you okay?

Hotheaded son of a bitch.

What happened?


It was nothing.

Janklow and Mangold just had it out in the office.

I couldn't tell what it was about.

Kensi, where's Sam?

You did North Carolina proud.

A little rusty, but I felt good.

Looked like you pulled a couple punches out there tonight.

Don't wanna show my A game until I have to.

Always keep a little in reserves.

That's a good strategy.

He's coming out now.

Janklow's with him.

Look, make sure you alternate heat and ice on those bruises tonight.

We'll see you first thing in the morning for training.

Welcome to the Warriors.


All right.

All right.

I worked hard for that spot.

I guess not hard enough.

KENSl: Oh, trouble.

Janklow just went back inside.

Wyler came out.

CALLEN: Stand by. Let Sam handle it.

So how much? Huh?

How much for you to walk away right now?

Nobody buys me.


If you stick around here, you'll be looking over your shoulder every minute.

Is that supposed to scare me?

I already kicked your ass.

Stop it.

They're fighting.

KENSl: Uh-oh. Bigger problem.

L. A. P. D.'s on scene.

L. A. P. D?

How'd they get there?

Who called them?

KENSl: I don't know, but they're taking them in.

We cannot risk blowing Sam's cover.

Eric, call Parker Centre.

Get me the chief of police.

L. A. P. D. Is screwing up our undercover.

COP: All right, let's go.

Watch your head.

SAM: You might need a stitch.

Come on, Wyler.

What's your angle?

Why do you want in the Warriors so bad?

Hang out with Marines? Ooo-rah.

Is that it?

GUARD: Wyler, on your feet.

WYLER: Well, well, well.

I'll tell you what.

It's been nice meeting you, Williams.

But I think I'm gonna take off.

GUARD: Williams, you're sprung too.

Wait. What?

Who are you?

I was gonna ask you the same thing.

COP: Right this way.

So let me introduce you.

Special Agent Sam Hanna, NCIS, meet Detective Marty Deeks, L. A. P. D., who's undercover.

Ain't that a kick in the head?

So I put a call into the West L. A. Station, had them hide two black and whites around the corner.

I needed you off the street, so I picked a fight in the alley.

L. A. P. D. Swooped in and arrested us both.

Figured they wouldn't release you for 24 hours, and that might buy me the time I needed back at the gym.

Now, you guys...

You guys are some serious operators, huh?


Ahh. Because when I go in deep, I'm on my own.

But now you guys, well...

I'll tell you what, our safe house doesn't have a view of the water.

Except for, of course, when the plumbing backs up.

But I bet you got some sort of a situation room too.


Lots of technical support.

Lots of cool hardware. Plasma TVs.

Maybe a guy at a keyboard, typing in some logistics.

I mean, not right next door, but close. Am I right?

Monterey Park.

Culver City.

That is adorable.

Both talking at once.

And you.

Well, at first I wasn't too sure about you, but that Internet photo thing really sold me.

So riddle me this.

Did you pre-plan that?

Or maybe...

Maybe that happened in real life?

Crashing in his spare bedroom?

Is that the best you can do?

You were lucky I didn't sh**t you.

I was vamping.

CALLEN: You in the mood to share, Deeks?

That depends on if the mood's reciprocated.

I gotta be honest, I'm not feeling a lot of love now.

Sorry for the left hook.

Oh, no, it's okay.

You aren't the only one that pulled their punches.


L. A. P. D.'s been getting intel on the gym for about six months.

We think it's a possible distribution point for the Juarez Cartel.

So heroin, coke, meth, it's essentially a mini-mart for dr*gs.

It's what you want when you want it.

The Warriors, it's a tightknit group, but I managed to work my way in through Danny Zuna.

Zuna's autopsy turned up negative for illegal dr*gs.

That's because Zuna's jones were steroids and prescription painkillers.

Zuna was literally two days away from introducing me to his supplier when he died.

When he was m*rder*d.

He was acting pretty paranoid those last few days.

Something was eating at him.

We're working a homicide.

And all you have is possible drug distribution and loose connections south of the border?

These past 24 hours have been tense, okay?

This thing's coming to a head, I can feel that.

Thanks for all your help, Deeks.

Thanks for...?

Are you kidding me?

I was undercover on this thing first.

If anything, you guys should be backing me up, all right?

This is a Los Angeles Police Department investigation.

Because the case involves serving Marines, it falls under NCIS jurisdiction.

That said, let's call this a joint operation and you'll both stay undercover.

Gonna have to run this by my boss.

I already have. Ruben says, "Hi."

Mr. Callen?

Pull up the unit's service records.

Logs, reports, anything you can find from their deployment in Fallujah.

You ready for round two, detective?

Ring that bell.

The conquering hero.

What's up, Williams?

The newest Warrior.



What's up, Devil Dogs?

You a Marine?

Second regiment, Lejeune.

I knew it, man.

I could tell how you carried yourself.

What was your MOS?

Three-three-eight-one, food service.

You were a cook?

Heh. Oh-three-eleven infantry.


Although I did cook up a pretty good ass-whopping for Wyler last night.

Whoa, whoa, I'm sorry, Wyler.

Except for the ass-whopping part.


Laid him out like Sunday's supper.

KENSl: We might have something.

It turns out Lieutenant Davis was disciplined after the Fallujah ambush.

The incident he blamed on Zuna.

KENSl: Yes.

But the investigation was shelved because a week later, Davis was wounded by a sn*per and repatriated home.

From weak in the knees to a Purple Heart. Go figure.

If you read in between the lines, Davis was not the most popular leader.

Buried deep in one of the reports is a disciplinary reprimand by Davis to one of his men who "verbally att*cked him and accused him of being a widowmaker."

What's the Marine's name?

Corporal Craig Mangold.

I've searched through all the photos leading up to discovery of Zuna's body.

A whole lot of nada.

What about after they found his body?

Paparazzi went on a feeding frenzy until the cops shut down the alley.

All these were taken after that.


KENSl: Lieutenant Scott Davis.

I'm gonna need his current address.

KENSl: It's a pretty nice house for a 28-year-old former Marine lieutenant.

Daddy's money or something else?

Our drug connection?


KENSl: NCIS. Federal agents.

MAN 1: Over here.

MAN 2: Stand clear.

Do you think Mangold beat us here?

Took Davis out?

You know this guy?

Yeah, his name's...


Eric, find Davis.

Looks like L. A. P. D.

Has already got a BOLO on him.

I'll try using his cell as a GPS.

KENSl: Word travels fast.

Chief of detectives called me as soon as you ID'd Mangold's body.

So how's it laying out?

Zuna and Mangold both suspected that Davis was responsible for their friends dying in Iraq.

So Mangold's upset over Zuna's m*rder, right?

Thinks that Davis k*lled him.

When Mangold gets here, Davis spots him.

sh**t him first.



ERIC: Callen, I'm tracking Davis.

He's pulling up to the house.

Davis is here.

CALLEN: Federal agents.

Out of the car.

What the hell?

CALLEN: Hands behind your head.

I didn't do anything.

CALLEN: Turn around.

Put your hands behind your head.

DAVIS: Are you people crazy?

Behind your head.

So your place or mine?

We can manage okay.

Oh, come on, Callen.

At least, let me hear his story.

We'll take it from here.

DAVIS: What story? What have I done?

Thanks, Deeks. For everything.

What? No hug?

I didn't k*ll Daniel Zuna.

CALLEN: He was waiting for you outside the nightclub.

That's right.

We know you were there.

And by the length of the miniskirt on your lady friend, I'm guessing she wasn't your wife.

If you got anything you wanna say, now would be a real good time to say it.

Zuna called, said he needed to see me.

So did Mangold.

Didn't know what they wanted.

Didn't care.

Yeah, the problem is they're both dead.

Craig Mangold's dead?

Found him at the side of your house.

That's two murders with premeditation.

Suddenly, this becomes a death penalty case.

I'm not saying anything else.

CALLEN: You were an officer, not a grunt.

If Zuna and Mangold came after you and you k*lled them in self-defence, there's a good chance you walk away from this.

But you've gotta get out in front of it now.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

Not even in Fallujah?

Officer said you led them into an ambush.

Called you the widowmaker.

DAVIS: I made some mistakes.

I was 24 years old, for God's sake.

I got over there and saw things you couldn't imagine.

Those were bad days.

Very bad days.

Hard to tell the friendlies from the insurgents.

Somebody had to make the decision.

But you didn't always make the right one, did you?

We were driving, I got to this intersection and...

I got confused.

The streets all looked the same.

I told Corporal Zuna to turn, but he said he didn't want to.

He said it was the wrong way.

I ordered him to turn down that backstreet, and I got those men k*lled.

A week later, I got shot.

And I'll tell you something, I felt lucky.

It got me the hell out of there.

I think if I'd have stayed, my men would have k*lled me.


Pretty big admission that he thought he was gonna get fragged by his own men.



Well, when you told him Mangold was dead, his reaction appeared to be totally honest.

His brow never furrowed.

He never looked away, not even for a moment.

When he talked about his fears of being k*lled by his own men, it not only felt genuine, but it seems as if it was the first time he'd ever even admitted it.

To anyone.



Bring up Janklow's service records.

We're on our way back.

I'm on it.

Keep him company. Let's go.

ERIC: Janklow wasn't wounded in the Fallujah ambush.

That means he was still in Iraq when Davis was shot by the sn*per.

If his men thought Davis was a widowmaker, you can bet Janklow did too.

And a week after Fallujah, Davis is shot by a sn*per while on patrol.

CALLEN: Who else was with him on that patrol?

Zuna, Mangold, Johnson and Shabazz.

Everybody but Janklow.

Warn Sam.


Mom, I told you not to call me at the gym.

Fallujah was Davis' fault.

Now Mangold's dead.

Janklow k*lled him and Zuna.

Get out of there now.

Mom, I'll call you when I'm done, okay?

So I got a buddy in personnel at Camp Lejeune.

My mom gave me that phone, don't break it.

ERIC: Sam's phone's been shut off.

The battery's disconnected.

CALLEN: Eric, pull up the camera in the gym.

JANKLOW: There's something about you didn't sit right with me.

You were too good to be a grunt.

So you had your buddy check me out.

So what?

Your records show you were there, exactly when you said.

All right, then.

Then I called some men I know from the Second Marine Regiment.

They never heard of you.

Nobody else down there has either.

Looks like you only exist on paper, Williams.

We got a problem.

Eric, find Deeks.

JANKLOW: I don't know what you did in the service.

Watch the door.

So let's start with your name.

Your real name.

Why don't you tell me about Fallujah, platoon sergeant?

So that's what you're here about?

That and Lieutenant Davis.

Lieutenant Davis was an amateur.

If I hadn't done something, he'd have k*lled us all.

There's no clock on the battle.

It's a waiting game.

You have two, three days.

Your adrenaline's pumping.

It's only a matter of time before your body betrays your mind.

You don't want your men falling asleep out there.

You're damn right, I didn't.

Every man's at risk.

You had to do something.

Keep them awake.

Keep your men sharp.

It's the only way to give them an edge for that long.

But the dr*gs didn't stop coming when you got home.

You think because you're home, everything just goes back to the way it was?

You kept the supply coming.

Painkillers, uppers, downers, steroids.

Whatever they needed.

Yo, I wanna cancel my membership.

Turn in my key.

SAM: Janklow.


SAM: Deeks!

I'm good.

SAM: You timed that pretty well, Deeks.

Good job.

DEEKS: Yeah, you're not so bad yourself.

Janklow injected Zuna with heparin, told him it was steroids to stop him confessing to Davis.

Mangold tried to warn Davis that he may be next, but Janklow followed him and k*lled him.

Which is just about the time that Deeks showed up to save your butt at the gym.


That's exactly how it happened.

He's not a bad operator, Deeks.

He's all right.

Where are you going?

A little light workout.

Iron out some of the soreness.

I don't think so.

We've got unfinished business.

What are you talking about?

I believe you had H-O. I had H.

Have fun.

No, no, no.

No, I have H and you have H-O.

CALLEN: No, no, no.

Call your shot.

Strong hand. Straight in.

Nothing but net.

Let me see.

SAM: Oh, the humanity!

MAN 1: Are you guys good?

MAN 2: Yeah, yeah.

HETTY: Detective Deeks?


Who doesn't have a last name.

Lange. Hetty Lange.

Can I get you anything, Ms. Lange?

I've already had tea.


Thank you. And it's "Miss."

And I prefer Hetty.

Hetty it is.

I imagine you're still smarting from where the chief of police just ripped you a new one.

How'd you know that?

Because I just experienced something similar from my director.

It seems we need to coordinate our operations a little better.

My boss wants to assign a liaison officer from L. A. P. D., and your boss thinks it's a good idea.

You guys don't need a liaison officer.

I agree.

I told him we already have one.


Who are you guys?

And, I mean, how did you get all this information?

I mean, the only thing missing here is...

HETTY: No need to date it.
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