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06x10 - Executive Order

Posted: 10/08/23 12:47
by bunniefuu
That is the last time, I let you
talk me into a burrito grande.

You've got such a delicate stomach.

Well, you're the one who has
to live with the consequences.

Gross. Great.

Update on man in distress.

We found the patient on Stadium Way
and Elysian Park.

Copy that, 35.


How you doing tonight, sir?

- Sir?
- I don't know where I am.

- Okay. What's your name?
- Where am I?

- Can you tell me how old you are?
- 47.

Alert and oriented times one,
good radial pulse, profusing normally.

Am I gonna be okay?

You're gonna be fine, sir. Just relax.

You wanna G.S. him?

- I'm dizzy.
- On three.

One, two, three.

Respiration 12, decreased tidal volume
100 percent on 0-2 Sat.

- Am I having a stroke?
- I don't think so...

...but the doctors will know exactly
what's going on after they examine you.

What's that noise? Where are we?

Just getting off the freeway.
We're really close to the hospital.

Sir. Silva.
Sir, you need to calm down.

Silva, this guy's out of control.
Pull over. I need your help.

Rescue 35, we need backup.


Sir! Sir, you need to calm down.

Calm down, sir. Sir, relax. Relax.

Evening, chief.

Paramedics responding to a 911 call
were on their way to the hospital...

...when the guy became combative.

Four minutes later, backup arrives
and found them both dead.

- Multiple g*nsh*t wounds.
- Any witnesses?

None. Air support was overhead
in five minutes...

...didn't see anyone.
The guy just disappeared.

Fire battalion chief told me...

...the paramedics use only one route
from Elysian Park to the ER.

If the k*ller wasn't some transient
and he planned this out...'s possible he had an accomplice
here waiting to drive him.

- Accomplice might've been our 911 caller.
- We're looking.

- Anything taken from the ambulance?
- No, victims had their wallets.

I inventoried the vehicle with an EMT,
the only thing missing were towels...

...that the k*ller
used to wipe down the scene.

Someone posing as a homeless man,
kills two paramedics...

...takes nothing, cleans up and vanishes?
- Chief.

SID couldn't pick up any good prints,
but I found six casings.

- Would you run those over to NIBIN?
- Yes.

This is a run sheet the paramedics
used to record everything...

...before they pulled over.

It says here they performed a G.S.
A Georgia Street lift.

A what?


- David, could you get her legs?
- Her legs.

Turn around
and just lean back on me. Go.

- Oh.
- Oh!

Oh, for heaven sakes. Okay, thank you.

Chief, there's something
I need to tell you. Chief?

Before you... Ugh.

Who removed the bodies?

That's what I was trying to tell you.

The fire department
took them before we arrived.

L.A.F.D. won't let their people
lie out dead, same as us, out of respect.

That may have cost
us the investigation.

Okay. Bodies are at Good Samaritan.
Where do you want them?

Taken immediately to our morgue.

And I'll let you know exactly
how I want them brought in. Detective.

Just as you asked.

Oh, God. Oh, God. Anna Vargas.

You knew her?

We're friends.

- Good friends.
- Oh, I'm so sorry, doctor.

- Who did this?
- I don't know.

You don't need to do the autopsy now.
I'm only interested in fingerprints.

- Should I take the gloves off?
- No, no, no.

I want the gloves left exactly
as they are, please, thank you.


Thank you.

See? The k*ller's fingerprints
were on her glove.

This is why we don't move bodies.

k*ller's name is Kevin Mason
and those are the prints he submitted...

...when he applied to the L.A.F.D.

- I hope he was rejected.
- He was. Four times.

The last time in 2007, which is when
he seems to have fallen off the map.

Okay. Thank you, detective.

Run down all of Mr. Mason's known
addresses. Let's see if we can find him.

Chief. The 911 cell phone?

Turns out it's a prepaid job,
used for the first time tonight.

It's got an FBI flag on it.
It was purchased...

...with another phone that was used
in an unsolved bombing attempt... in L.A. two years back.

A few years ago, a b*mb was left
outside an IRS office on Olympic.

L.A.P.D. Counter Terrorism investigated,
Tommy Delk turned it over to the FBI.


911, what's your emergency?

I'm in Elysian Park...

...and this guy's having
an epileptic fit or something.

You should send somebody right away.

He's up on Stadium Way.

He's having trouble catching his breath.
Like the guy the paramedics picked up.

The 911 caller could be our k*ller.

So how are these murders connected
to an attempted bombing...

...of an IRS building?

Brenda, if these were typical homicides,
I'd be happy to have you pursue them.

You're not suggesting I hand
this case over.

These murders are now connected
to an ongoing investigation...

...between the FBI and our own
Counter Terrorism Bureau led by Delk.

Please note the use of the words
"terrorism" and "Tommy Delk."

What kind of a middle-aged man
calls himself "Tommy"?

Oh. He's on the short list for chief.
That's why you want me to deal with him.

No, this is good police work.

The FBI's already flagged that number,
which means they're showing up here.

My advice,
is to put out the welcome mat.

I'd rather wait
until I have something to trade.

You have prints and a name.
I'll arrange a sit-down with Delk...

...and he's got a bit of an ego,
but he's not unreasonable.

Only if he understands...

...that until I talk to him,
he is not to speak with the FBI.

Believe me, if these cases are connected,
he's gonna be a huge help.

If I find this 911 caller,
I won't need anyone's help.

I've been trying to triangulate
the cell phone, chief. It's not pinging.

Once the 911 caller gets back online,
it will show up right here.

I get how someone pretends to be
disoriented or mimics a seizure.

But everything else recorded,
accelerated heartbeat...

...dilated pupils,
how do you fake those?

- You can't.
- According to the run sheet...

...these are the symptoms
he presented.

While I'm waiting, I'll look into it.

An exciting day yesterday
for a group of children with cancer...

How is it you're half my age...

...and spend twice as much time
as me in the bathroom?

I guess I'm just a slower reader
than you.


- Ready?
- Yeah.

Here we go.

Okay. Ready? One, two, three.

Here's my question:
Where is Kevin Mason hiding...

...for three years
without being noticed?

- Let's go.
- And we're off.

I don't know, lieutenant.

But we better find him
before he disappears again.

- Oh. Good morning, commander.
- Morning.

Just thought you should know
because the paramedics' memorial... now scheduled for Monday,
the announcement for chief, heh...

...will be delayed until Tuesday.

- Also... I got it.
- Oh, thank you.

- Chief Pope has Delk
in his office waiting for you and...

- Very good. Thank you.
- Yes, uh, yes.

- What is it, commander?
- Well. Ahem.

Look, Delk will probably have
his own ideas for investigating...

...the deaths of Silva and Vargas.

And you might wanna keep that
in mind when collaborating with him.

You want me to play nicely with Delk
in case he becomes chief of police.

All I'm saying is that in addition
to your two victims...

...there are several still living.
People counting on you.

Well, thank you for the vote
of confidence, commander.

- Good morning. Chief Johnson.
- Morning.

Come in.

Chief Johnson, I believe you've met.

- Tommy Delk. Good to see you again.
- And you.

Let's get started, shall we?


Two years ago today,
September 24th...

...a stolen pickup was left outside
a federal office on West Olympic.

Its flatbed contained
a small expl*sive...

...and a barrel filled
with fertilizer and diesel fuel.

The expl*sive ignited,
but failed to set off the larger b*mb.

And a phone wired to the barrel
as a backup detonator also failed...

...because the battery lost its charge.
- That's lucky.

Yeah. For everyone.

If that had exploded, it would've
taken down half the IRS building.

Unfortunately, as far
as evidence went...

...everything was untraceable
including the truck.

We did recover footage of the suspect
buying two prepaid phones... was the backup detonator...

...but the video's poor quality
made it impossible for us...

...or the FBI to identify him.
- I'd very much like to view that footage.

The FBI has made it available to you,
along with the rest of its findings.

I'm sorry,
you've already contacted the FBI?

I specifically requested that
you not discuss anything with them...

...until we had spoken.
- Chief Pope mentioned that.

I'm in constant communication
with the feds...

...and couldn't consider doing anything
that would make me less trustworthy.

As you know, I'm somewhat connected
to the FBI myself.

- Yeah, if I could...
- I don't know...

...what you've shared,
but I need to examine the materials...

...connected to that previous bombing.
- Sure. I'll tell you what you'll find: jack.

We had three months
and we found jack.

The FBI had it for 21 months
and they found jack.

You and the FBI may not have found
jack, but I did. And his name isn't Jack.

Really? You've found him?

Which means that I've had this case...

...for less than eight hours and I'm
farther along than you and the FBI.

To be fair, you did have
the benefit of new prints.

I'd be curious how much
farther you get... three hours.
- Three hours?

That's how long the FBI has agreed
to share before they take over.

- That's what's been arranged.
- I did not agree to that.

Good thing
I'm not taking orders from you.

Yeah, believe it or not,
I'm actually in charge here.

At least for the next few days.

And since this case seems to be
more serious than we first imagined...

...I'm sure you would like the FBI
to have the benefit of your analysis.

And I would like the two of you
to work together amicably.

You'll inform the FBI
about Kevin Mason...

...and we will proceed as arranged
with Chief Delk present...

...while Major Crimes examines
the files. Three hours from now...'s the FBI's ball game.
Is that clear?

- Sir.
- Yes.

Thank you.

And why'd I buy some fancy
damn electric wheelchair...

...if it's always out for repair?

Told you I'd have your chair
in three days.

- Yeah.
- You should be enjoying...

...the world's most
overqualified chauffeur.

- Yeah.
- Here, hold this.

- All right.
- Ready?

- Yeah. Here we go.
- One, two, three.

All right, easy now.

- This...
- Whew.

- Give me the remote.
- I got it.

Given the recent budget cuts,
it's expected that the programs...

...will be phased out
over the next three months...

...unless emergency funding
is approved in Sacramento.

The entire Southern California
community is in mourning... two paramedics lay dead.

Anna Vargas, 35,
and Anthony Silva, 39, father of three...

You wanted to work
for the fire department.

Park area at approximately 1 a.m...

That could've been you.

...believed to be a man in his 40s,
allegedly pulled a firearm...

...and shot both paramedics
several times, k*lling them instantly.

You said when the small expl*sive
ignited in front of the IRS building...

...the responding firemen
came from a nearby station?

Firehouse number 59. It's right there.

That's not nearby.
That's practically across the street.

Which is why the fire
was extinguished so quickly.

Okay, and this happened at 6:33 a. m?

Okay, so the FBI thinks some guy
is smart enough to build a b*mb...

...from untraceable parts,
but then sloppy enough to leave it...

...across the street
from a fire house?

- Maybe he didn't notice that.
- I'm thinking he notices everything.

All L.A.F.D. stations
change shifts at 6:30 a.m.

Thirty firefighters.

Two full crews could've responded
to that first expl*sive.


Well, wait a minute.

Are you suggesting that whoever
left the truck wasn't aiming at the IRS?

No, he wasn't.

I don't believe that the small expl*si*n
was a detonator for a larger b*mb.

It was bait to attract first responders.

So you think the failed cell phone
was the primary, not the backup.

This person was looking
to k*ll as many firemen as possible.

So assuming
that Kevin Mason engineered...

...the first September 24th attack,
why would he resurface... k*ll only two firemen
when he previously aimed to k*ll dozens?

Maybe sh**ting Silva and Vargas
was the inciting incident...

...the small expl*si*n
leading to a larger one.

Brenda, Chief Delk.
Good to see you both.

And you, Agent Howard.

As agreed, our people are here to take
this investigation off your hands.

Chief Delk and I have been re-evaluating
the case and we both think that...

That we should keep our arrangement
with the FBI and our end of the bargain.

Your files.

There were b*llet casings.

NIBIN's got them, but it's taking
six hours for every year...

...they go back in their database.
As soon as they record a hit...

...I'll forward the findings.
- Thank you.


I'm sorry,
I thought we were on the same page.

Two years the FBI has been investigating
a federal attack on an IRS office.

Even if you're right and
Mason was aiming at the firemen...

...they'd be too embarrassed to admit
they were on the wrong track for so long.

So we give the case back to them?

We couldn't have said anything
to change what happened. But now...

...the FBI can do what they do best:
find a missing fugitive...

...while we use the resources
of our combined divisions... investigate your crazy idea
that the m*rder*d paramedics...

...were just the first casualties
of a larger as*ault.

So you don't wanna...

...tell the FBI that Mason
was aiming for the fire department?

It's an untested hypothesis.
It would just confuse them.

I don't think we'd wanna send
the FBI on a wild goose chase, now?

Oh, no, we wouldn't wanna do that.

I think we should consider
that this Mason guy... going underground for a while.

But Tao, or someone, has been staring
at that grid since Friday.

Just waiting for our 911 caller
to show up online.

If someone had been given this
assignment after the first incident...

...they'd been sitting there now
for two years.

Chief, the shrink who performed
Mason's last evaluation... in Interview 2.

Mind if I join you?

Of course.

It's right this way.

Do me a favor, will you, huh?

Explain why it's been three days and
I still don't have my damn wheelchair.

You have a wheelchair, Russ.

- It works fine.
- I want my electric wheelchair.

If you're not gonna give it back,
I'll do something about it.

Mrs. Whitley will get
to the bottom of this.

And if not, I'll call the police.

You're just crazy enough to do it,
aren't you?

Forgive this child
of darkness, we beseech...

Did you just call me crazy?

- What are you doing? What?
- Just relax. Only what I have to.

- Just relax. Relax.
- What?


- Thank you.
- What...?

Dr. Wexler, I understand you
performed a psychiatric evaluation...

...for a Mr. Kevin Mason...

...when he applied to the L.A.F.D.
in 2005 and 2007.

Does this picture
jog your memory any?

I remember my sessions
with him, yes.

As you realize,
public safety trumps confidentiality.

What do you need to know?

Anything that could help us
understand his psyche.

Let your light shine upon
and console this, our departed sister.

There's a standard set of
questions that we ask all applicants...

...and the inappropriateness
of Mason's responses...

...was immediately apparent.
- Can you be more specific?

When I ask someone,
"What's your idea of the perfect day?"

Most people say going to the beach
with their girlfriend, that sort of thing.

And Mr. Mason's perfect day?

It involved discovering
a threat to a local suspension bridge...

...and his showing up
to save thousands of lives.

No doubt the state-controlled
media are proclaiming...

...that the thousands
of dead police officers and firemen...

...are innocent victims.

My diagnosis was
narcissistic personality disorder.

But they are not blameless.
But they are not blameless.

The pathology is determined
by numerous criteria.

Does this person have excessive
feelings of entitlement?

They embodied the perversion
of the natural order.

Are they preoccupied
with fantasies of power?

They were defenders
of a corrupt system.

I was merely an object... a system he felt was stacked
against him because he's white.

Mr. Mason was convinced...

...that's why he was repeatedly
rejected by the fire department.

And how would you handle
someone with this pathology?

Carefully. This is a man
who doesn't think he makes mistakes.

They embodied the...

And contradiction
can trigger a violent reaction.

He imagines himself
top of the food chain.

- I am the first wave.
- Without peer.

- I am the first wave.
- Delusions of grandeur.

I am the first wave. I am the first wave.
First wave...

...of the new flood
that washes it all away.

Meaning, whatever you're thinking
Mason might do...

...think bigger.

Chief, I just did an Internet search...

...and on September 24th was the day
in 1965 when President Johnson...

...signed his executive order...

...directing government contractors
to enforce affirmative action.

September 24th,
affirmative action day.

So Mr. Mason is a man with a gripe.

Chief, we got a hit on the casings.

Fourteen years ago, a Russell Owens...

...took a shot at an intruder
with his.45.

- Where is Mr. Owens today?
- He was 71 years old then.

We don't even know if he's still alive.

Neighbors said he was kind of a crank,
moved away 10 years ago.

If Owens collects social security, we
can find where he's getting his checks.

Good idea.

Excuse me, who are you calling?

We have to let the FBI know
about the casings.

I happen to know
the FBI is asleep now...

...and there's no point in calling
until we verify this.

Remember, you said you didn't wanna
send them on a wild goose chase.

Mr. Owens? Mr. Owens?

All right, open it up.

Mr. Owens, it's time for breakfast.

Are you up?

Mr. Owens?



- And cold.
- How convenient.

Okay, there's an attendant that spends
most of his time with Mr. Owens...

...and he was here last night.
Bob Gill. Look familiar?

Lieutenant Flynn.

Chief, we're at the assisted living
center and we found Russell Owens.

He's dead. And you'll never guess who
the attendant taking care of him was.

Kevin Mason. Have you found him yet?
Did you make an arrest?

No, not yet.
But we have a recent ID photo of him.

Yeah. Hold on.

Chief? Yeah. I've got an M1911,
Colt.45, semi-a*t*matic.

Pretty sure it was used
to sh**t the paramedics.

And tell her I found
an anticholinergic, oxybutynin.

Tao says he's got some,
well, he's got some...

He's got cholera.

- What'd you say?
- Anticholinergic...

Tch-tch-tch! Tut-tut.

Chief, I found about 20 bottles
of oxybutynin.

- It's a bladder control medication.
- And that's important because?

In high doses, the side affects
of oxybutynin are increased heart rate...

...depressed respiration,
dilated pupils.

All the symptoms Mason had
when our victims picked him up.

Why would Mason need 20 bottles
of oxy-whatever to fool the paramedics?

Don't know. Seems like he stole a bottle
from every patient. And you know what?

There seems to be a couple
of missing oxygen tanks.

Wait. Is Kevin Mason there or not?

Chief, Kevin Mason,
a.k.a. Bob Gill clocked out of work...

...about two hours
before we got here.

Yeah, chief, but Mason has access
to a van that's currently missing.

Scan and release his ID.
Run the plates on the vehicle he stole...

...and let's get everyone we can
looking for that van.

Kevin Mason's up to something.

Chief, the nurses are asking
if we have any idea...

...when we'll be done
with this guy's body.

I guess they're already thinking
about his funeral.

His funeral?

The memorial for the paramedics.
When is it?

It's about four hours from now. Why?

That's the bigger event.

He k*lled the paramedics
in order to b*mb the funeral.

Chief, we've got flyers of the van
and Mason in every patrol car.

The status of the road blocks?

Well, they're already up on Jefferson,
Figueroa and West Adams.

They're going up now
on Hoover and Flower.

What about the b*mb sweeps?

Techs just finished inside
the cathedral. Nothing.

- That ought to ease your mind a little.
- The fact that we can't find Mason...

...or his van or the b*mb makes me
wanna cancel this memorial altogether.

You're overreacting.

When Mason shot those two paramedics,
he wiped the ambulance clean...

...despite knowing that police backup
was seconds away.

Chief, we all know
how methodical Mason is...

No, how methodical he was.
This morning he left out everything...

...including the g*n he used
to k*ll Vargas and Silva.

He no longer cares
about what evidence we have.

He is on a su1c1de mission
and he is out to b*mb that church.

All right, and how would
he accomplish that?

Even if he has turned his van
into a car b*mb...

...there's a perimeter of primary barriers
covering more than an eight square...

No doubt Mason has already found
some way around that.

And then he will be stopped
by our road blocks.

And if he's not stopped there
we'll get his van in a grid search.

- We can defend ourselves.
- There's no metal detectors in church.

We don't need metal detectors.
Besides, we can't use them...

...not with thousands of armed officers
in attendance...

Thousands of potential victims.

Not only are there 3000 fire
department employees on that line...

...but we've got hundreds of police,
the mayor and the governor.

Chief Johnson,
the memorial begins in 40 minutes.

If you really wanna call this off,
it's now or never.

Can I have a moment?

Two years ago, Mason failed
because of a dead cell phone.

This time he's better prepared
and it's going to be a catastrophe.

If you cancel this funeral
and no b*mb is found... will embarrass the department
and you will never be chief.

I'll risk it.

No, you won't.

I'm canceling this memorial
until further notice.

My decision.

I'm sorry to interrupt,
but Flynn's with the grid search.

He's found something
you need to know.

Lieutenant Flynn?

Chief, you can nix the idea that Mason
was using the van as a b*mb.

- I'm looking at it, it's empty.
- Nothing in it at all?

There's an envelope on the front
seat with the words "To The Media"...

...and a DVD inside.

What? I can't hear you. You're
breaking up. We're on our way down.

Thank you. Detective Sanchez,
Detective Gabriel, with me, please.

Go ahead.

Morning. This way, please.

This way, please.

This way.

- Excuse me, sir, what's going on?
- The memorial's been canceled.

You okay? Can I give you a hand?

Oh, man.

P5, please.

- God bless you for your service.
- Thank you very much.

You're very welcome.

Here you go, chief.

"Beyond Wrath and Tears." Oh, my.

They're sending a laptop so we can
watch it. Should be here in a minute.

Yes, and detain anyone
traveling in a wheelchair.

Hang on. Chief Johnson.

Chief, I think I know why Mason
kept the stockpile of oxybutynin.

Quickly, I'm underground,
could lose you any second.

Oxybutynin works like atropine.
It's an antidote to nerve poison.

Mason used the bladder meds to
protect himself while making nerve gas.

Oxygen... I'm guessing he filled them
with something like sarin.

You're breaking up.
The tanks are filled with what?

I think the tanks are filled with sarin.
Nerve gas. The Nazis invented it.

Do I need to say anything more?

A tiny amount
in an enclosed space... Chief?

Lieutenant, I can't hear you.

- Get up.
- Oh, stay back.

- He's got a b*mb. Wearing a b*mb.
- Know what a dead-man switch is?

- I let go, we all die.
- Mason?

Kevin Mason?

- You know who I am?
- Of course I do.

You're the fugitive who's
outsmarted the L.A.P. D...

...the FBI and God knows who else over
the last two years.

Now you're the most wanted
man in the world.

I seen you on TV?

Yeah. That's it. You're up to be
the next chief of police.

I've been offered the job.

So here we are: The next chief
of the country's largest police force...

...face to face
with America's leading dissident.

N.Y.P.D. is America's
largest police force.

Maybe we should keep our egos
in check.

No, no, no, don't sh**t. Don't sh**t.
I want him alive.

Why do you want me alive?

Law enforcement has so much
to learn from a mind like yours.

And judging from this.

- You watched my manifesto?
- I did.

What part did you like the most?

The articulate way you described... the events of September 24th
affect our everyday lives.

And I agree entirely about how badly...

...the quota system
has undermined our values.

But what I don't understand is why you
felt the need to k*ll those paramedics.

If you'd have been paying attention,
you'd have heard...

...they were part of a corrupt structure.
- Oh, right. Right.

But what about Russell Owens?
He was an invalid.

- He threatened my mission.
- And all the people at the memorial?

- Is it really necessary to k*ll them?
- Well, I'm sorry if it seems so brutal.

But I'm holding our society's hand
to the stove.

Sometimes v*olence is the only way
to teach people how wrong they are.

What, you don't think
I see you running?

There goes another one
of your cowardly Hispanic quota hires.

It's okay, don't worry about him.

As for the record, I am not r*cist.
The system is r*cist.

A system I will change as chief.

You saying that to save yourself?
Because you're expendable.

Hey, you know what?
Why don't you just let them go.

All right? Just let them go.
You can hold onto me. Okay?

No, what about your manifesto?

If you k*ll us,
you destroy your manifesto.

If you let these
men deactivate your b*mb...

...not only will your powerful speech
survive, but you can give it yourself.

You've already accomplished
your mission.

People are listening. Journalists will
be begging for interviews.

You'll be studied in history classes
and the quota system will change.

I will end it.

You really gonna
be the next chief of police?

Yes, I am.

And you're telling me that
you're gonna be against quotas.

Give me that! Give it!

Give me. Give me.


Holy crap!

Does someone wanna give me
a hand with this, please?

- What did you do?
- He's right.

Sometimes v*olence is the only way
to teach people how wrong they are.

- I ain't mad.
- On the day before they announce...

...who's gonna be
next chief of police... should've let me take the shot.
- Can we get a b*mb tech here?

Maybe two.

Or three.

Or as many as you wanna bring.
Just hurry.

In the scheme of things,
this isn't so important, but...

...we inventoried evidence gathered
at the parking structure yesterday...

...and Mason's manifesto
seems to be missing.

Well, I know in all the confusion
that led to Mason's death...

...I accidentally dropped it.
I'm sure it'll turn up eventually.

Might be just as well
that it's missing.

Otherwise it'd be running 24/7,
giving that maniac credibility.

No joke. According to our guys,
those tanks filled with sarin...

...could've k*lled thousands of people.

Yes, commander?

Excuse me, chief?
The mayor would like to see you.

I'm sorry, Chief Johnson.

It's Chief Delk the mayor requested.


Yet another example, as if
we needed one, that life is not fair.


I like the way that sounds.

Los Angeles chief of police,
Thomas Delk.

Well done.

- You all right?
- Yeah, I think so.

You know,
if you hadn't shot that guy...

...and you weren't facing
an FIB investigation...

...and a Behavioral Sciences inquiry,
the mayor might've appointed you.

Wasn't worth the risk.

You mind
if I have a moment to myself?

- Sure.
- Thanks.

As mayor of Los Angeles...

...I have made reform
the cornerstone of my agenda...

...and choosing from among
the qualified candidates...

...who have offered themselves
for this position...

...I was determined
to choose an individual...

...who would carry the momentum that
outgoing Chief Thompson established.

- Choosing the leader...
- Here you go.

- of L.A.P.D.'s
Counter Terrorism Bureau... be the next chief of police, was a
decision that quite frankly made itself.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

I can think of no better way
to convey this city's appreciation...

...and no finer person to choose
for this job than Chief Thomas Delk.

Well, the old bastard's out
and the new bastard's in.

Thank you, mayor.

I'm honored, humbled and deeply
grateful to be standing with you.

You'd think k*lling one of the most
wanted criminals would be a good thing.

You'd think. But you don't get ahead
by sh**ting dirt bags.

I, for one, am glad she took the shot.
Although my ears are still ringing.

- You okay, chief?
- Me?

Well, maybe
I'm a little disappointed.

Maybe I'm a little relieved.
I never know.

And I'll be announcing
the head of that team in a few days.

Well, whatever else happens,
yesterday was a hell of a day.

And if anybody needs me after this,
I'll be in my office typing up my r?sum?.

And I will say now...

Think they're gonna shut down
Major Crimes?

After what you guys did
for him yesterday?

- We'll have to see, won't we.
- evaluate the strength...

...and weaknesses of our department.

And make the changes necessary
to this vital agency.