Exorcist, The: Believer (2023)

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Exorcist, The: Believer (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

I show you its love, it's special.
And let's look for your baby.

Thank you very much.

Bye bye.

Bye bye.


Let's go.

Let this woman, today at the market,
who gave me

the most beautiful
blessing of protection for him.

So you're actually very young.


Jesus, come into this place.

What do you love?

I think I'll let it go.

I think I'll take a shower and we'll see.


What'd you think?

I'll score.

No, baby.

My feet hurt.

You should go back.

No, you don't get the shot.

You should go back.

I'll have to go.

My father is here to go.

I'm speaking
to you that your wife has serious dangers.

Anything we took to keep her
life with, danger your child, your baby.

I understand.

I don't sweat it if you're not me.

It's a difficult choice.

You cannot save them for me.

We are so sorry.


Maybe move on.

And minutes.

All right.

Finish the breakfast.

Let's just left and pass my life.

You can have it.

You even are not eating anymore.

Talking about it.

I always say documentation too much, right?

Are you bad dreams?

I'd have told you it wouldn't.

I'm a little picky.

Can you think about it?

You're just enjoying your
day, chilling out of my bath bed and then,

and then,

I'll get some fun with
us to give you help me.

So, I've been for breakfast.

I don't live.

You've got that math
thing in your day, right?

Not to chat, child.

It's tomorrow.

Don't bite your nail.

I was wondering if
I could do home or get cabins today.

I'd go home with her
or not to bring me home.

Well, I was thinking that
we could just do what we always do now.

I come to you after school.

You come
to the studio and do your homework.

That's what I'm saying.

I mean, if you're friends, you know.

I love your friends.

You know, what
I'm saying is like...

Well, I'm thinking.

I'm thinking.

It's going to be my time for this.

I'm going to bring you home.

You know, it's great.

It's yours.



I'm going to go home.

we're doing the field in.

It's not a game.

It's time to go now.

Right now.



Alright, come here these few things.
Enjoy the taste of your poor defenses.

Put it on, please.

Cool, look, this is a little bono.

You don't have to drop it.

You know how to miss them all.

Tell them to yourself.

Hey, what's up?




Did you get this?

Oh, I'm a guy who stores their lives.

No lighting.

That was nice stuff.

That was nice.

I'm a stuff for being dead.

Hey, Mr. Fielding.

Mr. Fielding, you're gonna
leave your trash cans out here all week.

She just take the cans
and you drag them down your driveway.

I need to see.

You got the brand man.

I'm just gonna try.

I'll do first and third cheese.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

You guys brought it out all the time.

Can't suck.

One second.

One second.

One, two, three.

You're gonna be the best.

You're the best.

You're the best.

You're the best.

You're the best.

You're the best.

Don't tell your sister to the show.

I'm on the bed.

She's got some more than a face.

You're the best one.

Clearly I'm gonna stay down the condition.

You're the best one.

What's the number I saw in the best place?


Do you know the number?

Let me let's say it, okay?

Look at us, yes.


You're the best one.

Thank you.

I'm not so much one.

I'm not so much one.

It's so much one.

Good luck!

Thank you.

Yes, thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

A couple
of times later we'll see you next week.

Yes you're a good guy.

I also love you, too.

Thank you.

- .

One, two, one, two.

One, two.

One, two.

Got a second area, gee.

Something, right?

One, two.

One, two.

What you got going on this weekend?

Age is going to sound good.

I think all of these sadder than you.

My church is
out with a pancake lunch on Sunday.

You get more problems.

So let's get them freaked out.

Google star speed and tell them.

OK, Bill.

I hope to peddle up.

And ask them, sir.

Yes, no questions.

And those angels and demons and devils,

pastors and saints, minds and hyphens
and manners.

So I said,
oh, OK, what are you going to say?

You feel?

You can like your own candles.

What else do you guys like to do?

Oh, God.



It's not bad at all, guys.

It's supposed to be good.

It's supposed to be good.

Oh, I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I'm going to come to the tree.

I'm going to go upside down.

I'm going to sit down.

I'm going to sit down.

I'm going to sit down.

I'm going to sit down.

I'm going to come to the tree.



You want to candle?

And just clear your mind.

It just starts speaking
when she says to you.


And, uh, that's what I'm talking about.

Yes, sir.


Let's see.



Hey, this is,
uh, this has been to building Angela.

She said she was coming
over Catherine's house to do homework.

This afternoon, I was just listening.

Are they still?

I'm sorry.

Who's that?

She's not a young, a friend of Catherine.

She told me they were
going to go over there.

That's me here.

The rules around the song is house.


Maybe they're studying together.

Let me give her mom a try.

OK, give me a call back.

If you don't mind.


And then just say it's the genre.

Do you know where they were going?

I don't know where they were going.

What did you see them together?

Or did you see where they went?

This is, uh, this is Tony.

I'm Catherine's father.

Did you seem getting a car with anybody?

They were just walking, walking away.

I'm walking in a way.

I'm getting a call.




Where are the police?

They'd be here soon.


And you're not.


Why, Catherine?

Oh, no, no, no, I see.

That's the other thing here.

I'm just going to go.

And you're up.




And here are your daughters.

Angela and Catherine.

They did park campus after school.

They've receded to
, about seven hours ago.

And that's the last information we have.

We found their shoes.

No, we found their shoes.

But no footprints.

What about their homeless camp out there?


Somebody is living out there.

There are people about there.

got to be somebody that I understand.

There is a transient community.

Transient community.


That we call a bunch of f*cking bulbs.

So far, the interviews
with them do not indicate any connection.

They're shocking.


Is there anything else going on with
your daughter?

Every option.

There we should know.

Pardon me.

But you haven't told us.

To be honest with
you, sir, I didn't even know our concerns.

Catherine is the first spirit with you.

She is a popular kid.

If I did, she is no artist.

Have we?

She is a youth group
leader at our church, ma'am.

No, it's because what I'm saying is,
my daughter and I are connected.


She will do all activities
like the three-spirit.

So I don't know.

I'm just saying sometimes
things we don't know.

Well, I don't know you.

Sometimes there's things.

There's parents.

We don't know.

We don't know you.

She know about me is that the only thing
that's ever mattered is protecting my kid.

That's what she knows about me.

Well, then where are the old kids?


It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Hey, listen up.

That's what we need to worry about.

I know you're all upset.

I know you're all stressed.

The good news is they left together.

Statistically, it's likely
you're all just out being girls.

We need to recognize
that we all have a common goal here.

Let's get you cross home safe.

Let's do that right now.

I'll try the area.

You don't know nothing.

You don't know nothing.

We'll jump that by the class that catch.

Be where the Jupyter
and she will refer me as Bandr snatch.

He took his fourth or sore him hand.

No time to mat some folk he sought.

So rest his he by the attention.

during acetylalanine
thought. In those who thought

he stood, the jabber
was with eyes of flame,

he was with me,
he was told he looked and burbled as

it came. One,
two, one, two, and through and through.

The vocal
glade went slipper snapped. He left

the dead with his head.
He went galloping back.

I'm joined now by the pastor of the church
and the mother of one of the missing girls.

How are you holding up? If she's out there
and she can hear this, please come home.

We're pretty sure, Catherine. And her
friend Angel.

And Angel
is father. He's suffering a long story.

Can you see any other kids out there?
Can you hear them? Yes, that's what I mean.

Kids come out
there and one's got them placed to be.

There's other kids,
too. Kids don't want to be

told what
you do. Kids don't want to go home.

You've never got good ones. Run off
looking for things.

During things
all night be done. No, no, that's not.

That's not my kid. Maybe a kid like that.
She don't buy them mama.

Mummy. Mummy.
Mummy. Maybe a band's over there, instead.


Hello. Hey, Richard. Oh, good. You're home.
This is my friend, Dr. Beehide.

How are you, Angel?
Oh, boy. By the same. It's okay.

It's okay. This is a
good thing. This is a

good thing. Is Angel
right here? No, she's not.

Is Angel right here?
She's not here. She's not

here. This is my thing
that's less than high.

We are bringing her back.
He's bringing her back. It's okay.

We want her
to, she's doing a blessing on the real

lives. That's all just
just to be Angela's sake.

I need you to get everybody out.
Come on fast, just do it. Come on.

Hey, pal, who's just trying to help?
Get the f*ck out. Okay.

What am I saying?
Can we get all good, good?

For her to find relief,
she had to go outside

of her belief system
outside my belief.

We're your neighbors. Then we just want
to be here for you and do anything we can.

She doesn't have a raincoat.

Yes, she has
to do it. I think the flowers do it now.

Hurry, get
the key. I don't know how to go there.

Let's go ahead with you.


How are we?

Hey, what's your name?

I'm here.

What's your hat?


Hey, Matt, what's your name?

No, I'm not mad at you.

I'm sorry. I was trying to tell you.

Angela, what's my name?

Hey, tell your dad.
How long you been going?

How long?

Why do you keep asking me that?
It's important. Why are you keep asking?

It sounds like she missed it. Angela,

tell your father the
same thing you told me.

How long do you think you were gone?
I don't know.

A few hours?

Maybe you've been going three days.

Can you tell us anything that you remember?

I just walked in.

I'm going to start raining.

I'm going to do that far ahead.

If you don't remember too much.

But her feet are feeling really good.

Oh, and it worked for us to kind of get
a better idea

of what has been going on over the
past three days.

We need to examine you.

Sometimes when children deal with

significant psychological
or traumatic injuries,

they can maybe have
some retrograde on each of

them, but they may
not remember events in Manhattan.

How are you feeling, honey?
Are you in pain?

I don't know.

Has she ever been treated with hypnosis?


I see the family have
any psychiatric illnesses.

No, she's healthy, she's real strong.

Take care of the buttons, okay?

Yeah, if you
have any questions at any time, just

so she has to
have some medication in the house.

What's going on here?

This is directly low.

Why don't you wait on me?

Okay, let's start. Again, from the top.

I'm going to touch you right here, okay?

She's not complaining of any pain, but
she's disoriented.

Which can happen with head trauma.

We're just going to take a look over here.

Thank you, Joe.

Now we have to do
more and less portion of the exams.

A little too uncomfortable.

These are called serums.

If you're okay, this
is the more sensitive part.

It's going to be changed.

I'll see you a few minutes, okay.

If at any point you've
failed this comfort, please let me know.

I'm going to feel a
little bit of cold jelly

and lots of pressure,
but no pain, okay?

It's a little bit of pressure, okay?

I'm just going to be taking a few samples.

I'm looking to
see if your hormonal ring is still intact.

Sometimes when people are touched
inappropriately, those things can be damaged.

We are all done.

Here you go.

Yeah, you got it.

You can go.

We conducted rigorous physical exams.

I think how you're doing
it because there's no sign of distress.

There's no evidence of
sexual as*ault, toxicology, so don't talk.

Their stories are consistent.

They both say
they just went to hang out in the woods.

They got lost
on the way back, and they were afraid

to get in trouble, so
they just kept walking.

Three days later, they had a miles
down the road and

some farmers barn
with no concept of time having passed.

They're about someone.

There has
to be something they're not telling us.

Your head's got a complicated basis
when we're faced with undefined anomalies.

You guys should consider yourselves lucky.

You sure have crossed the
same secrets, but every test is illegal.

Everything is perfectly legal.

Can I go home?

I mean, I think it's like someone
I know turns up here, but I can tell you.

I missed about that happiness when
I saw your name on the intake board.

I don't know if you're worried.

I am out of here, and no time out.

I know I'm afraid for you.

Can I go home now?

You know that I love you, right?

You tell me anything.

What you've cared for doing out there
in the woods?

I don't know.

I want to find...

I want to talk to mom.

Sometimes I hear her voice.

She talks to me.


Maybe sometimes I hear her voice too.

She doesn't want to be cathered here.

She meets the Bible.

She goes to church.

One still smells crazy.

It was really hard.

You're not crazy.

You might a candle.

Clear your mind.

Stand in the trees, holding something
that you love.

That gives you connection.

You're just
start speaking with the Spirit of Sustain.

My Spirit of Sain.

She wasn't there.

No one must.

He took the scarf.

That was my connection.

Leave me alone now.

Good evening.

Go ahead and brush.

Do you've got church tomorrow?

Hey, mama.

Do you want to face it in your bed tonight?

Of course you can.

Get brushed up.

Come snuggly in.


Can you scratch it?

Let's just scratch it.

What did you say?

Where did you say something?

I actually know something.


f*ck it.

What was ready for breakfast?

There you got it.

Yeah, it's famous pancakes.

We got a rocky road.

Because why the hell not?

The rocky road didn't get you up.

I don't know.

Breakfast is in bed.


Everybody thinks the rocky road.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey.

As I think you want to wipe the bed.

Oh, that's up.

Yeah, let's get you cleaned up.

All right.

I think.


Let's, uh... Let's, uh...

You can do this.

And I'm going to put it in.

Now I'll do that, uh...

Sit and sit down.


That's it.


Hey, Joe.

Where is it?

Where is it?

Where is it?

Oh, Jesus, they're
a little bit Come on.

Come on, go on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on, honey.

Do you want to feel that?

Be careful there, sir.

You're clear.

Let's go, honey, do you want to go?

You want to go.

You gonna go for the steep city.

You want to go to the steep city.

Got him down, got him down, got him down.

Got him down, got him down, got him.

Got him down, got him down, got him down.

Let's go ahead and
get a full set of finals.

So I need the full out
pressure to my raise.

Let's be done ready.

I'll zoom them up, okay.

No, I think we're ready for the medical
exam already, so I want to get cold.

When we turn out of the room.

Have you ever seen any of him like this?

Lord, let your word fill our hearts.

May all we do here today glorify your name.

Brothers and sisters in Christ.

A glorious good morning
to you here on this blessed day of worship.

It is a very special day of worship
and celebration here on this Sunday.

God has given us a miracle.

You've seen it fit to
return to us our lost sheep.

Our beloved Catherine West is home
safe and sound.

All right.

And the love of your father
that you went to the cross and from there.

Your blood was spilled
and has flowed through the ages of time.

But we know
that Father, Father, because of that blood.

We were saved one
day and claimed heaven as our home.

So in Christ, he is not in Jesus name.

The body is in the light.

The body is in the light.

What about the neurologists?

Did he say that foremost stressed that
you can bring on a trance-like state.

Maybe that's why they're not
talking and they're not making any sense.

They take off their shoes.

They walk miles.

Do you think that's hormones?



No, I don't.

Your hand up, please, not that.

Catherine was supposed
to be baptized and we didn't understand.

And I'm not supposed to.

Because I wanted a grandma to be there.

It's not fault.

In our church, we don't
baptize him as infants.

We wait until they're older.

That's to understand Christian discipline.

Something they did out there opened
them up for an unholy spirit to enter.

That's how demonic possession works.

Do you know where Jesus
went after he died on the cross winter?

He went to hell
to declare his authority over the devil.

And he reappeared three days later.

Three days, just like our girls.

Do you think they went to hell?

Burn their feet in hell.

God possess by the devil.

I'm a pagan activity
or talking to the dead.

Wherever those girls went,
they brought something back with them.

You don't need to get some sleep.

That's great.

That's what she was like a rotten puppy.


You asked me if I've
ever seen anything like this before?


But there are people out there who have.

I read this in college.

I think it might have some
answers that Angela's doctors don't have.

Spiritual text.

Thanks, Scott.

You don't believe in God?

I don't believe in the question.

You religious types
all alike, you know what?

Some bad happens.

It must be the devil.

Some good happens.

It must be God.

It is a myth made up by people to
explain things they will never understand.

I already did this.

I know that no one's prayer.

I know that any apostles create what I get.

I know that what's my wife died.

Why some cotton,
I'm being girl out of stomach and I don't.

Mr. Fielding, the way I see it,

but I gotta go check
my miracle into the mental institution.

Now you'll excuse me.

Before you slam
the door, can you give me a minute?

When I was younger, I was going
to become a nun if you can believe it.

I thought I was ready
to give my life to the Lord, but I wasn't.

And I broke my personal commitment.

Right before I took my vows,

I got pregnant,

and I just wanted to keep it.

All of this is choose
a new name before they enter the convent.

They change their name to Mark
the transformation from their old life.

I never got to
use my name, but your daughter just did.

Sister Mary Xavier, she said,

and she knew what happened to my baby.

I never told anyone with me my head chosen,

or about my pregnancy.

Not then.

Not since. Not a single living soul.

I guess she's someone
of an expert in demonic possession.

Is that correct?

I guess you can say that.

But if you're just walking
to the Catholic church one day and saying,

I'll leave that to the professionals.

Now my journey began.

There's a mother
trying to understand the phenomena,

and also to help other parents who are
going to high church in the end explained.

You've had the chance to be in lectures
all over the world.

You've even had
a chance to speak at the bathroom.

I have, but you know,

the connection isn't
a Catholic intervention.

Was an actress,

turned educator, kind of education,

an expert of exorcists, not an exorcist.

Hi, hi, my name is Ann Brooks.

I was just calling
about a client of yours for Christmas.

You know, the right of exorcism is one
of the oldest human rituals.

Every culture and every country, as
far as the history has been included,

there's a ceremony to dispel negative
energies and journey toward hearing.

From the Muslim rights to
the human ethics to the Zoroastrian text,

there are even some incantations for
exorcism in the Dead Sea squirrels.

So I think I know that the answer to this,

but it is demonic possession.


I think the right question is,

are the people that I visit?

Is this suffering real?


someone I know is suffering,

and he's helped me.

And then his stuff is actually real?

Decivos are real.

Power suggest St.W.

and Israel.

I think what you're asking me is

if I believe in that this stuff will really
help your daughter.

But what you
should be asking is if you believe it.

It's skeptic.

That's good.

But that only gets you so far.

After that, it got
to come up with some real answers.

I know some special
counselors that are not willing to do.

I want to talk about radio.

But I access it.

I didn't actually witness it.

I know the exorcism.

They wouldn't let me.

Why not?

My opinion?

I'm not a member of the damn patriarchy.

I'm in honor of witness the exorcism,

but I sure
as all hell witnessed the possession of it.

I spent the next years trying
to understand what I saw with my own eyes.

I studied every culture, every
religion, every ritual for it I could find.

I just learned so much
about all this stuff.

I want
people to understand that it's possible

to survive the most
traumatic experiences.

And not only survived, but thrived.

Is this her?

Is this Raven?


That's her.

It hadn't been the boat came up.

It was such a huge success.

She hated it.

She never forgave me for writing it.

I never forgave myself.

She brought in the hiding.

She moved away, even now.

I don't know where she is.

So tell me.

There are many
dark forces in this world, Mr. Fielding.

Not all of them are supernatural.

I wake up every morning wondering
where my daughter is.

Praying them up.

They're a
sweet face to get one of these days.

There's something I saw
in your book that made me come here today.

It took some photos in the hospital.

I want to help my daughter.

I give help yours.

I give help to her again.

Oh, thank God.

Father Maddox.

Victor and her
mother's father, that Christmas meal.

The woman I told you about.

Thank you so much for joining us.

I assume you're
familiar with our section procedures.

I am.

Where is she?

She knows who I am.

Where is she at the girl?

I take care of her home.

That's not a good idea.

There's no one home.

This is Toni.


Hey Toni.


What's she doing?

I'm a good first-year-old.

I'm a good first-year-old.

I'm here to help.



It's my friend Chris.

She's going to do everything she can now.

My daughter's on Zoom.

We've all fallen short.

But my son, as we
can be, God is punishing us.

Come on.

You're not here yet.

Let's get you out of your eye.

I know who you are.

And you know who I am.

We've met before.

And I'm not talking to you now.

Are you looking for rain?

Looking for rain?

Are you looking for rain?

Don't be scared.

Where can you help you?

We can tell you where she is.

All you have to do is ask.

I ask nothing of you.

I renounce you.

I come here to return life to this child.

From whom it is, I'm willingly taken.


No, it happened.

What did you do?

Two hours ago.

So who did you say that she was living in?

He lived in theched heap,
where she used her tongue and reaction.

So how can we try out your old inheritance?

Oh, you can do it.

Oh, I was doing this here.

There's no fellas here.

I wanna try one day,
and can she fly past me?

I hope she indirectly can.

There is none.

You have
to seal but love it and contain daughter.

Open your eyes.

So ready.

So ready.

What did you do?

Most reverend fathers have
the consideration of all of the evidence

and possible outcomes.

And what I have seen with my own eyes,

we ask her to support an approach.

Father, we are here to support you.

We want to
be here for you in any circumstance.

This is a very dangerous situation.

Dangerous for you, Father.

Dangerous for the Catholic Church.

Please understand.

I have prayed with us.

When I rest, when I rest in my hand,

I'll pot her head.

I feel nothing but pain.

There is a
spirit that is present alongside of them.

We must move forward as soon as possible
with this ritual,

with the help of all of you.

Let's the lives of two of them.

Who is that?

Who is that?

Who is that?

That's my fault.

You know what that thing
said to me when I was in a room with it?

Trying to convince me that Reagan is dead.

What do you believe?

Oh, well, I don't think that will tell you.

Hope is what keeps me alive.

And that's what
you're going to have to find to do this.

What happened in there wasn't your fault.

Something inside our
girls cooled out for help.

It brought you to me.

It put me in that room.

Those girls are connected now.

Their families are connected.

I have studied the right of exorcism in
every culture that I could find.

They all have different ceremonies,

but the one thing they all have in common,

the most important thing of all, is people.

We go to church in times of trouble,

because we believe it's the house of God.

We also, there are painful, there are
other people.

Whether it's family
or neighbors or strangers.

Yes, they're all there
to affirm their faith in God,

but they're also
there to affirm their faith in each other.

It's not over.

Maybe Reagan is gone,

but you can bring your daughter back.

You've got to bring everyone together.

That's what will make this world.

There's something I need to get
in touch with the woman that you've had.

Come over the house and do the blessing.

What was that?

Is your family?


Just ask him to borrow some earth.

When you take something,

you have to give something in return.

How much do you
know about what I do, Mr. Fielding?

About root work.

Not enough.

I'm enslaved people that will draw here.

They relied on traditional beliefs,

about spirit brought from Africa.

They could find that
with native tools to protect themselves.

They balanced it with the earth and
some roots that are growing in the earth,

but they're forced to
tell or the shells of

the ocean that carry
them from their homes.

When I had my oncology practice,

I didn't put much
credence and traditional healing rituals,

but I learned that sometimes to go forward,

you have to go back,

which way are you headed?

The beginning and the end.

This is the internal space.

This is the ancestral space.

The rolling mysteries.

What we want to do
is open up a channel to this

realm and to
give us what we need here on earth.

And that's what we're going to do tonight.

We need to break through this watery
realm that is separating these two of them.

We want them to come through.

We want them to come through.





Where am I going?


We're all coming.

We're all coming.

We're all coming.

We need to take her from the inside.

I don't know what I'm saying.

It's growing.

It has to work.

Hello, Father.

We're almost ready.

Everyone is gathering inside.

And I spoke to the diocese.

and they have determined that

even the circumstances,

the well-being of these girls, could best
be helped through psychiatric intervention.

But you know it's more than that.

I am sorry.

But it doesn't matter.

I cannot be a part of this.

Please understand.

People have died on
both sides of possession.

What you're doing here is dangerous.

And it is religious interference.

We're doing it.

We're not without you, Father.

I'm with you without you.

I'm sorry.

And I just, I cannot.

We've all do respect, Father.

What do you expect us to do?

Sit there and watch those children suffer.



Hold on tight.

You keep your distance from them.

You follow the rule of St. Benedict

and you stand up to
the scripture of a deprecatory prayer.

Do you understand
when Jesus called this together?

He granted them the power

and authority to cast out all demons.

to cure all diseases.

And then he sent them out into the world

to proclaim
the kingdom of God and to heal and.

to heal the sick.

The power of Christ

works through all of us.

My name is Nichelle Caston Devils.

They shall speak with you tongues.

They shall take out sermons.

They shall lay hands on the sick.

And they shall recover.

The girls are sleeping.

They're in.

My Father, man, he's right.

He's not going to be joining us.

What do you mean?

What are you talking about?

He's not coming.

He's with the entire church.

Some are on the church.

We met him.

This isn't what we talked about.

What are you talking about?

I live.

In the name of Jesus,

here we are asking God.

to free these children from infestation.

We are asking God to intervene.

I'm not denying the grace of a holy priest.

But I can give it everything I've got.

I am meant to do it.

I can do it.

I can perform the Roman right.

I see now why
the Lord took me out of the convent.

I see now why
he put me in the house and its door.

To be here with you tonight.

It's going to take all of us.

I like it.

It takes all kinds.

We're here.

We're together.

This can work.

It'll work.

I hope you're sure.

I'm sure.

You better
be too before you step in that room.

Be all there to be.

Anybody else want to leave me now?

Once we start, we not stop them.

That's it.

After you.

Smoke outwards.

Is that Catherine's heartbeat?

They're breathing in sick.

Shall we be gay?

Their vibrations are strong.

They're calling you to put
your hands on us that we might keep safe.

The heart of these dear children.

It's really, really, really hard for me.

Once we get
started, try not to touch the children.

May the Holy Cross be my light, may
the dragon never, never be my guide.

Vade retro satana, but God will sing.

Never tempt me with your vanities.

What you offer me is evil.

Drink the poison yourself.

Vade retro satana,
holy Lord, all men of God,

everlasting God,
and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Don't ask and for all consign that fallen
and a hostile tyrant to the flames of hell

who sent her only begotten
son into the world to crush that glory lie.

Asian, to our call for
help and snatch from

romanation and from the clutches of
the new day devil,

these human beings may in
your image and likeness fill your servants.

Fill them with courage
to fight against that retro-baked dragon.

Let your mighty man cast him out of your
servants that he may no longer look c*ptive

through your son who lives and reigns
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God,

forever, and ever. Amen.

How old are you tonight?
You're going to die.

You're all going to die.

You're so good.

David, your voice must be silent.

He's a good to God.

Resist the devil.

And he will flee from you.

That command will
be your true baby to the letter.

I am the minister of God.

Oh, God, O God, O Lord, O God.

O Lord, O
Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord.

No! No! No! No! No!

Honor your mother and child and her name.

What the hell?

They did the power of Christ, God, Bill.

We need to try something else for the
difference of the name.

All things are passing away.

God never changes all your life.

All of my refuge, all
of you, I mean, God can't overcome.

Can't become a bird.

Say, give me my life, Mother!

This is a good thing.

Give us this thing.

We're here to pray.

Say, you shall be here.

Because God, God, we're here to be here.

We're here to be here,
we're here to be here.

We're here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be
here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to

be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here
to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to.

here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here
to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be

here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to
be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here to be here

what is how a sprinkle clean water on you and you will
be clean and I will clean you from all impurities and

from all idols is it you know when they cut the flesh of
the land it was water and blood that poured to the earth

oh my god This is
your home, don't touch her.



This is your home.




Don't touch her.

Don't touch her.




I'm kind of a lacer.




I just want to know.

Do they should be there?

What is it? It's made
from from inside. They're

the critical
temperature of the start of an orange.

This is pure trick.

No, it's a start in the name of Jesus.

In the name of Jesus, Lord, help us
keep these connections to each other.

Take this ball,
cover to the east, away from the house.

In the name of Jesus,
the name of Jesus, the name of Jesus,

the name of Jesus,
the name of Jesus, the name of Jesus.

You'll burn to God. You'll burn to God.

I can't go. I will be done.

You may you,
of course, when I'm not there, was dying!

Your wife has serious
injuries. Anything we

need to give her life
and then she will try it.

We cannot save them both.

You see my wife has saved my wife.

Don't have to do it better. Don't forget.

Better k*ll the child you want it, mother!


God, lead and drink of you.

The baby lives in STEM.

Don't you never want it.

You can serve from
the belly of dying crying.

No, you have to make another choice.

One girl lives, one girl dies.

The silver!

But all of them sort of belongs to God.

You and Father made
a choice you should try and make day.

Choose me!

Now, Mother, choose me!

Choose me!

Choose me!

Choose me!

You can't be asking us to do this.

Understand with your fond tongue, please.

Choose me!

Choose me!

Please make money.

Just let him know.

Be me for my big boy.

He must choose all about your God's time.

I won't choose.

I can't choose.

James, who's gonna hate you?

Even able to father,
and have the son, and have the Holy Ghost.

I'll make the most glorious Prince.

I have me
on the same angle of the archangel.

The film does not
battle against principalities and powers.

At least the moon,
of this world of darkness,

against the
spirits of wickedness in the high places.

Come to the assistance
of maybe God's community with his life.

And only he has redeemed any
great grace from the tyranny of the devil.

I charge you Satan.

I charge you Satan.

I charge you Satan.

I deliver some power in which
the devil will fight against the weak bow.

As dammit your fire and your enemy,

the heart probably surface of God.

And the rowinger's spaning his own enemies.

Your is, which is a key of sight.

I charge you Satan.

of this world, acknowledged the power and
the strength of Jesus Christ, who defeated

the desert, overcame even the garden, the
spoils of the cross, and rising from the

school, transformed the spoils into the
kingdom of the palm of the sun, of the whole

earth's earth's
earth's earth's earth's

earth's earth's earth's
earth's earth's earth's

earth's earth's
earth's earth's earth's

earth's earth's earth's
earth's earth's earth's

earth's earth's
earth's earth's earth's

earth's earth's earth's
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that's in the front of the shore and there should come home is where you come and you
can hear me. There are two heartbeams, these are working, these are working. I know you

can hear me. I will get through this. If you don't make it out of bed. Don't worry. What
about me? I choose you, Catherine. I choose you, Catherine. I choose you, Catherine.

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