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08x18 - Where & When

Posted: 10/08/23 06:28
by bunniefuu

Talk to me first.

Mmm, let me hear you say it.

There she is.

I just put the finishing touches on her.

Pulling miles an hour at darlington

shouldn't be a problem.

Rusty, eight years as chief mechanic

for one of the greatest
drivers on the circuit

and what have you learned?

It's the trophies, not the
horsepower that counts.

You don't get one
without the other, darling.

Oh, really?

What says the driver?

The driver says...

All the horsepower in
the world doesn't matter

if the damn engine won't start, rusty.

It was a bad starter, you know that, Craig.


And who was supposed to have tested it

prior to the race?

I was.

Yes, you were.

It cost me a win.

But tonight's not about racing.

It's about celebrating teamwork.

And, uh, marriage.

Just say it.

Okay... I want to...


I want to...

File the papers.


We should wait.

We have guests.

Later, okay?


Yeah, you're right.

Left something in my coat.

Here's to my colleagues...

My brother...

And finally, my lovely wife.

Here's to our ten years.

Thank you, darling.

To ten more.

Oh, god, the air conditioning.

Huh, huh.

Brand new, fully
automated, climate control.

Could be a little cooler, you think?

Absolutely perfect.


Cassy: Hey.

Hey. What's up?

What's up? I don't know, what's up?


You just look kind of...

I thought the new air conditioning

was supposed to be online by now.

I did, too.

We, uh, we got a d.B.

Is the, uh, is the air conditioner off?

I don't know, is it?

Well, it was on when
we walked in, remember?

Was it?

This, uh, this d.B.

This is...

Huh? Oh, it's, um...

ocean drive.

It's, uh, Jarvis.

Ah, the fortress Jarvis.

Yeah, I guess so.

I'm wondering if somebody fiddled around

with the control unit there.

Did you see anybody
go near that thermostat?

It's probably recycling itself.

It's not supposed to have to;

it's a*t*matic.

Yeah, or something... you know, it's...

We should go...

Go ahead!

Get on this.

Hey, hey!

Did you go near this thermostat?

I'm talking to you!


Victim is Jennifer Jarvis.

Been dead seven, maybe eight hours.

Position of the body,
the bump on the head...

I think we're talking, um,
cervical trauma as cause of


Rough sex?

That I'm not going to
know till after the exam.

You find the other garter snap?

Not yet.

Tom, there's two wine glasses here.

Looks like she was expecting someone.

Tom, the crystal glasses
don't match any that are in...

I thought you'd never get here.

Tom: Cassy.

I couldn't stand it if you didn't come.

Tom: No sign of forced entry.

Somebody, uh, was given a key

or, or someone had a key... cass.

Yeah, yeah. Uh, I got it.

The crystal glasses must have come

from the main house.

It's up the hill.



You all right?


I just had the strangest feeling there.

As soon as I hit the front door

I felt like I'd been
inside the place before.

Have you been?

No, never.

Then when I went into the living room...

It's called deja vu, cass.

We all experience it.

No, no.

It was more than that.

Tom: Mr. Jarvis, how long have

you owned your beach cottage?

About three years.

Do you do much entertaining there?

Jennifer had her friends
over when I was on the circuit

but I didn't use it much.

Did you go down to the
cottage with your wife last night?


No, last night we had a small dinner party

to celebrate our anniversary.

After getting our friends
settled in the guest room

Jennifer asked me if I
wanted to take a swim.

I wasn't interested.

I went to bed.

Your wife go swimming often late at night?

Yeah, very often.

What time did she finally turn in?

: .

Why did your wife bring two of your glasses

down to the cottage?

I have no idea.

Having marital troubles, Mr. Jarvis?

Just stop!

Stop what?

I don't rattle that easily.

And questions about my
wife and I are out of bounds.

Well, Mr. Jarvis, these questions...

Are bull.

Are procedure.

Draft behind the k*ller, not me.

Okay, I want names and addresses

of all your guests from last night.

Oh, good: Jarvis's guest list.

Uh, his mechanic, rusty
marlin, Jarvis's brother, Phil

the gerritys, friends from out of town.

Nothing hot.

Yeah, except this room.

I'll find out and if it was
somebody on my shift

you're all going to pay for it!

What's that about, Harry?

I'm questioning everybody
who was on roll call this morning.

Somebody fiddled around with the thermostat

on the new air conditioning system.

Well, it couldn't have been
me, I came in after you guys did.

Yeah... that's right, you did.

You I left alone for one moment.

What, you don't think...

I'm having Morton dust
the control unit for prints.

I barely touched it.

I knew it.

You'll pay for this, Ryan.

You'll pay for this!

Okay, Harry, I'll pay for it.

Here's your estimate.

Whoa! Ho!

$ , ?!

Where am I going to get $ , ?

I don't care if you have to sell your car

your body or your soul.

You have the money here in two days

or it will not be pleasant.

Yeah, but... hot in here, isn't it?

Both: Not a word!

I'll make this quick.

Yeah, I think that would be wise.

She died of a broken neck.

She also had some bruises along her arms

like someone picked her
up, tossed her onto the bed

with enough force to snap her neck.

Did you find the torn garter snap?

Negative, but there were
prints all over that cottage.

Specifically on those wine glasses.

The first set belonged to the victim.

The other prints, her husband.

Oh, interesting.

Thank you.



Except for the gerritys,
we all left about the same

around midnight.

I dropped my date at her
place, then I went home to bed.

I can't believe this happened.

Did the three of you get along?

Jenny has been with us from the start.

Since our first race.

She helped us build Jarvis
into a recognizable name.

You were very fond of her.

Jennifer was a remarkable woman.

Yeah, I have thought
about quitting on Craig

but I just finished building this beauty.

Need to see if she's a winner.

Is Jarvis still a winner?

He could be again.

He was once.

He and Phil were both winners.

But racers get in accidents and...

In Phil's case, after his accident

he kind of lost the edge
you need to continue.

What about Craig?

Couple, few years ago...

He got knocked into the front wall stretch

at sears point.

Flipped his car and got t-boned.

He had a broken shoulder blade

bruised sternum, his
leg was all mangled and...

But to answer your question, no.

He did not lose his edge.

There's no denying he's
a pain in the ass, but...

He can be brilliant behind the wheel.

Is it true Jarvis motor sports

has sponsor problems

and that Craig was spending a
sizable amount of his own money?

It's Jennifer's money, really.

I mean, he can't spend
the money without her okay.

It's her trust.

You just won't listen to me, will you?

These plans show a restrictor plate.

I'm not running with it

you hear me?

And I told you not to install it!

So change it out now

or I'll fire your sorry ass.

You want to win

you leave it in.

You want to lose

take it out.

You think I can't?

You think I care?

What the hell are you doing?

We need him!

You can't treat people like this

and expect them to
continue working for you.

Don't ever tell me what to do.

You're as incompetent as he is.

If I didn't have to carry you

on a payroll, I'd be able
to afford a real mechanic.

Either of you have a warrant?

We don't need a warrant.

Hell if you don't!

Get out of here

before I kick your butt!

I'm standing right here, Jarvis.

Why don't you try?

Don't try me on, son.

You won't like the fit.

Okay. All right.

Come on, Tom.

I don't know.

See, I give up, I...

What do you think?

I think Craig's our man,
he did it... cop's instincts.

No, no, no, not the case

the air conditioning thing.

How am I going to pay for this?

Oh. Borrow it.

Man: Hey, look,

there's the jerk

that broke the air conditioner.

What do you mean, "there's the jerk

who broke the air conditioner"?

You guys ever forgive anybody?

You forgave the president.

I didn't.

Oh, never mind.

So most homicides are committed

by someone in the immediate family, right?


Okay, try this on.

What if Jarvis lied to us

about going to the cottage?

Jennifer pours herself a glass
of wine to relax her nerves.

Thus, one used wine glass.

Craig comes down later.

And before they can get comfortable

she confronts him about spending her money.

They argue, his temper grows

he gets vicious, he kills her.

Circumstantial at best

impossible to prove.

But his fingerprints are on the glass.

Which came from his house.

The D.A. will never buy it.

Hey, hey, who wrote...

Who gave me this?

What is it?

This... it's exploitive

that's what it is.

Someone wants me

to pose for something.

It's a calendar... "the cops of Florida.

"A pictorial tribute to those hardbodies

and brave souls who protect and serve us."

I like it, when's it coming out?

That is exploitation

in its worst form, cassy.

And women posing

for tool companies and beer commercials

that's perfectly all right?

$ , , right?

That's the prize money?

lucky guys.

Ah, listen, uh, according to your report

Jarvis claims to have gone to bed at : .

According to the guests

they saw him in his den
watching TV at : .

Then why don't the both of you

go back down to the beach...

Where it's cool...

And talk to

some of the neighbors.

Somebody has to have
seen or heard something.

So this is how you're going to pay

for the air conditioning

having your butt plastered

all over the month of November?

Unless you come up with

an alternative idea.

Like you'll lend me the money.

Then again, I've always loved

the month of November.

Meet me back here in a half.


I'm sergeant St. John, palm beach police

and I was hoping you could answer

some questions about the Jarvis incident.

Oh, yes, of course, sit down.

Thank you.

Oh, these are beautiful.

Thank you.

How well did you know the jarvises?

Not very well.

Just the occasional hello.

Did they go down to the cottage often?

Oh, yes, they took swims
together on many occasions.

Are there any other roads

that access this area?

Oh, no, just the main road.

Late Thursday night, did you see any cars

arrive at the Jarvis residence?

Not that I can recall.

It was their argument that woke me up.

So, you heard Craig Jarvis?

The voices were muffled.

I'm sure it was him.

You've been a great help.

Well, thank you.

Thank you.

I know this is going to sound strange

but I do have one more question.

Do you make your own preserves?

Why, yes, I do.

I keep them on...

The top shelf of the pantry.

I'll get you some.

Thank you.

I started this album...

The day we moved into this cottage.

There are plenty of pictures

of the neighborhood.

You might enjoy them.

Thank you.

It's me.

Man: Sarah, you here?

I thought you'd never get here.

I couldn't stand it if you didn't come.

I had to wait for

the right time.

You didn't tell him?

Your father?

Not yet.

He hates me, doesn't he?

It's not that.

But you were careful coming here?

You didn't let the neighbors see you?

Are you all right?

It's okay, i'm...

I'm fine.

Really, I'm fine.

Cassy: I know it sounds weird

but I was looking in the mirror

and it was me, but it wasn't me.

Then who was it?


This isn't just the first time.

Okay, fine, believe what you want.

Oh, don't do that.

I mean, why shouldn't I believe?

There's people all over Asia

who believe it.

Oh, cassy. Come on

you getting enough sleep?

Taking new herbs or something?

Well, do you have an explanation?

I don't know...

Maybe you just saw something

that's kicking this off...

A TV program, a magazine article.

Something that fits in

with a vision of reality

that you want to believe exists.

No. No, I know what I saw.

Something happened there.

Something wonderful... and sad.

Okay. I believe you.

What'd the neighbor say?

She says she was awakened by an argument.

Who was arguing?

Did she hear Jarvis?

Well, she didn't hear him clearly

but she only heard, um, muffled arguing.

But she said, and I quote

she did see them take swims
together on many occasions.

Means and opportunity.

Nobody saw them.

I talked to everybody on this street.

He didn't drive down here

he didn't walk down here.


Yeah, Harry.

Okay, thanks.

Harry got McCall to sign
Jarvis's search warrant.

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Oh, we're conducting a legal search.

We'd like to start with the clothes

you were wearing

the night of your wife's death.

Well, you can either show me

where the clothes are

or I can take the entire contents

of your closet downtown.

Well, it would have been better

if it were at the m*rder scene.

Let's see if Morton
can get anything off that.

Um... what were you doing in the bedroom?

I needed something from my coat,

you saw that.

What the hell are you getting at, Craig?

You were in there with her!

Now tell me what was going on

before I break your neck.

Back off, all right?!

She wanted to discuss divorce procedures.

She was planning to leave you.


Come on, come on, come on.

You didn't mention this before.

It was a conscious decision.

A family matter.

I chose to protect my brother's feelings.

What does it matter now?

Man: Okay. Yeah,

that's nice.

Very nice.

Let's see a little more of a smile.


Okay, very nice.


Uh, Ryan.

Yeah. That's me.

Would you take off your shirt

and step around the screen, please?

Who are they?

They're the reason you
want to save someone.

Well, I-I can't

take my shirt off in front of them.

Why not? I thought you wanted this gig.

Well, I want... I do.

I want the..., I do.

I want it, I just...

Well I've never done

this kind of thing before.

Okay, look, there are other guys here

who have already made up their minds.

So suit, you know... or in your case

unsuit... yourself.

It was great.


Yeah, I just wrapped.


Yeah, I...

Made a lot of new friends.

Yeah, I'll be right there.

I had to wait for the right time.

You didn't tell him?

Your father?

Not yet.

He hates me, doesn't he?

It's not that.

But you were careful coming here?

You didn't let the neighbors see you?

No, of course not.

I went around the back way.

I took the stairs.

He took the stairs.



We got to find the stairs, Tom.

Wait, hey... wait

wait a second, what stairs?

What are you talking about?

The woman I interviewed

lent me her photo album.

That woman in the mirror was me, Tom.

There was a photo of her

and someone else and it was dated .

I lived in this cottage in .

I know it sounds weird, but it's happening.

And I also know that there's a way down

from the Jarvis's estate besides the road.

The police are trying
to put you in a corner.

Why should I worry?

I got my brother to protect me.

Will you please slow down?

You're a race car driver, Phil.

I thought you liked speed.

All I'm saying is that, as a lawyer

I see how these things go down.

Yeah. Glad you got your
degree to fall back on.

Okay, the treasure hunt
has got to end, okay?

I'm not saying I don't believe you

I'm just saying that
visions only go so far, cassy

and we've been wandering
around here for an hour.

No, they're here.

I know it.

We just haven't found them yet.

How do you know that they still exist?

You just got to believe me.

I'm not saying I don't.

I'm just saying that if they do exist

and they were built in the ' s

what makes you think

they're still going to be standing?

I don't know.

It's just...

They're over there.

I don't believe it.

I do.


Walking under ladders, black cats

throwing salt over my shoulder

the number ...

What are you mumbling about?


Superstitions I now believe in.


I guess you and I are just different, huh?

We always have been, and we always will be.

I guess it's that difference

that probably brought us together

in the first place.

And the same difference keeps us apart.

Thank you.

Come on, let's go.



No, it's just a flashlight.

Yeah, but it... could be used

for going down the trail in the dark.

The Jarvis estate is over there.

The beach cottage is below.

Ha... means and opportunity.

What's Jarvis's motive?

Well... his racing career was at stake.

He needed her money.

She controlled the assets.

Yeah, but if she's not around

guess who gets it?


You're telling me that
he climbed down a cliff

with his flashlight in
his hand, kills his wife

and then climbs back up the cliff?

Yeah. That's how I
think it happened, exactly.

Well, if we get his prints

off the flashlight, maybe.

That flashlight bothers me.

Well, Craig could have stumbled

and dropped it where we found it.

It just feels too pat.

If it was a crime of passion

why wouldn't he just
drive down to the cottage?

Well, then it was premeditated.

He used the trail so not to be seen.

The motive still holds.

How far is it from the Jarvis estate

to the cottage?

Uh, driving a few minutes.

Using the trail, I don't know.

Find out.

I did some digging.

Now, there is no record

of Jennifer Jarvis

having filed for divorce

in any court in Florida.

And her will still lists
Craig Jarvis as beneficiary.

Well, when I was get...

If I was getting a divorce

I would have changed my beneficiary

even if it was only temporary.

Sorry to barge in, but I thought

you'd want to know as soon as possible.


I know.

We pulled a perfect set of prints

from off that flashlight.

They belong to Craig Jarvis, no question.

Let me see this.

Announcer: Twisting, turning,

this ///// -mile road race

in its last lap, a duel to the finish.

Craig Jarvis maintaining his lead.

Oh, my gosh, what a terrible accident!

The safety crew is racing to the track.

Yellow flags are out.



He didn't do it.

I just remembered something.

Jarvis had a bad accident.

His leg got mangled.

He never fully recovered.

I mean, he can race, but...

There's no way that

he could have gone down that cliff

and hiked back up again.

Well then if not Jarvis, then who?


Hey, the air conditioning's back on, huh?

Yeah, feels great which is probably why

Harry's been asking for you.

Gee, I wonder what about.

He missed his calling.

He should have been
a collector for the mob.

Did you get the money?


Signed the contract this morning.

It's like getting a tattoo
or something, you know.

This is going to be with me my whole life.

Oh, Tom, people don't save old calendars.

But they're going to see me.

That's the problem.

How bad could it be?

Well, it certainly doesn't
leave much to the imagination.

Is that girl's hand on your...

Yes, it is.


Good morning, sergeant.

Good morning, Harry.

Do you have the money?

Yes, I do, monsieur de sade.

I'm going to frame this for my desk.

In your dreams.


So what's with the Jarvis case?

If we can't prove Jarvis
went up and down those stairs

in that time frame

this could go unsolved.

Well then, I suggest

that you and the pin-up boy here get on it.


Well, yeah, well.

Next time you can do it.

minutes, ten seconds

from the cottage door to the estate.

Times two.

That's under minutes.

He could have done it.

Still a stretch, cass.

Time of death was approximately midnight.

He was seen watching TV at : A.M.

But he could have.

It doesn't fit.

That woman that you interviewed

she said she saw them swimming together.


A man with an injured
leg swimming in that surf.

She said she saw them all the time.

How good's her vision?

She's not blind.

Jennifer was swimming with somebody.

The worst thing that a cop can do

is try to prove a theory...


Tire tracks.

I'm having my own deja vu here.

I've seen these tracks before.

You can recognize tire treads in the dirt?

You can recognize a
knock-off designer dress

at yards.

I know cars; I've seen these treads before.

These belong to a car
I saw in Craig's garage.

I say we call Morton

and get a plaster cast.

Same tread.

Tom: Mind if we come in?

No, uh, come on in.

You going somewhere?

I got a race in darlington.

You people got a problem
with me pursuing my career...

We're advising you not to
leave the palm beach area.

I'm sick and tired of this whole ordeal.

You got something, let's hear it.

Otherwise, we're finished.

Well, let's talk about the flashlight.

The gerritys said you used a flashlight

to show them to their car.

Do you still have it?

I don't.

Officers, I'm going to have to...

We're here on official police business.

If you're here on official business

representing your brother, that's fine.

If not, keep quiet.

I'm standing in for the time being.

You said that you were watching TV

the night your wife was m*rder*d.

What were you watching?

A movie or something.

What was it about?

His memory of what was
on television that night

has no bearing on his innocence.

What time did you go to bed?

Look, we've been over this.

I went to bed after the party.

I couldn't sleep.

After I saw Jennifer's note, I watched TV.

How'd your rehab go after you
mangled your leg at sears point?

I don't need to run to drive.

Officers, again...

Detectives, we're detectives.


If you continue on this wild goose chase

I'll be forced

to advise my brother

not to answer your questions.

Is that cobra in the driveway yours?


What time did you say
you left the party the night

of Jennifer Jarvis's death?

The same time as the other guests.

And what time was that exactly?

Around midnight.

Where were you at : A.M.?

I was home, alone.

Oh, and before you ask

no, no one can corroborate that.

Tell me about the divorce papers.

I'm not sure what you're asking, detective.

Well, were you preparing the divorce papers

or did you have help?

I was having them drawn up.

Can you produce those papers?

No, not right this second, no.

We found some interesting
tracks on the cliff above the cottage.

And odds are

they're going to belong
to that cobra outside.

The neighbors down at
the cottage are pretty nosy?

What does that...

Well, a cobra's exhaust system sounds great

but it's a little loud.

Might arouse suspicions
from nosy neighbors.

And then there's the flashlight,

with your brother's prints all over it.

Did you take the flashlight

drive over, plant it on the trail?

Just to make sure there would
be enough physical evidence

to convict him.

You know, I, you know, I
don't what you're talking about.

I never used that trail.

When I went to the cottage, I drove.

What trail?

That's right.

You wouldn't know about it.

It wasn't you who took swims with Jennifer

was it?

It was you.

Jennifer was having an affair with you?

That's what the midnight swims were about?

She was meeting you?

You betrayed me, your own brother?

She never should have married you.

She was miserable with
you; She deserved better.

Yeah, then why didn't
she file the divorce papers?

She just didn't have the strength.

She wasn't thinking clearly.

She was wasting her time with you.

She should have been with me.

Maybe she was thinking clearly.

Maybe she decided not
to leave Craig after all

and that's what she
told you at the cottage.

But you couldn't accept it.

And you got angry.

So angry things got out of hand.

It's was a, it was a mistake.

It was a stupid, unforgivable mistake.

I, I never meant to hurt her.

She was all I ever loved.

Marry me.



I can't.

It's your father, isn't it?


Not really.

He was just an excuse.

It's me.

James, we're such different people.

If something's keeping us apart

it's that.

It's just that.

You and I are just different.

We always have been and we always will be.

Will I ever see you again?





Ready to go?


Hmm, sometime.



Nothing at all.