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08x16 - Dance Fever

Posted: 10/08/23 06:27
by bunniefuu

You know the invisible line?

You just crossed it, baby.

I'm sorry.

Oh, no, no, no.

What I'm saying is, when you cross

the invisible line, all of a sudden

you start to dance with your emotions.

You know, you're no longer
dancing with just your feet.

Oh... that's good?

Are you kidding me?

That's incredible!

After lessons?

Listen, if you continue to dance like this

who knows where you're going to be.

Definitely poorer, that's for sure.

Ah, I don't think so.

So, I'll see you tonight.





All right. Nos vemos.


You're doing it wrong.

Like this.

You don't know the routine.

Just leave it.

Listen, yolanda, baby.

You're my partner, okay?

There's no two people in the world

that can dance like us.

Now, you know that.

Now just tell him you're going to stay

with me.

I'll see you at home.

Come here.

Why can't you separate

our personal lives from dancing?!

Yolanda, how can you
be so damn selfish, huh?

Don't do this.

Come here.

I want to win!

So, what are you saying?

That I'm not up to your standards?

What are you saying here?



No, you're not.

You're going to regret this, baby.

What are you going to do, Miguel?

Use your students to make me jealous

like you just did with cassy?

Who do you think you are?

Antonio banderas?

That is the last time

that you are ever going to hit me!

The very last time!

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

Man: Hey, nice moves,


Oh, my god, I forgot.

Where the hell were you?

I'm sorry.

Oh, I'm sorry.

So, how did it go?

How do you think it went, cass?

I mean, you were supposed
to be there to cushion the blow.

So you let her down gently, right?

You didn't upset her.

Yeah, I guess.

What's gently?

Well, to most people
it's just, "you're fired."

But, to Betty it would be, uh...

"Betty, you've done an amazing job

"cleaning my apartment

"for the past five years and

"well, I'm moving across town

"and here's a very large bonus check

and thank you very much."

I'm not moving.

And I'm not paying her off.

Oh, Tom.

She can't wash a floor

to save her life.

She's a -year-old woman.

She sends you birthday cards,

Christmas cakes.

It's, it's bucks a week.

It's bucks I'll save

and can pay this jacket off...

In three years.

I told you not to buy on credit.

The jacket's worth it, Betty's not.


So, what did you say to her?

I said what you said.

No, exactly what did you say?

I said...

"Betty, Betty, Betty...

You're fired, thank you very much."

Oh, Tom.

What? She'll get over it.

No, she won't.

And I recommended her.

She'll be sitting on my doorstep

crying her eyes out, the minute I get home.

Fine, teach her how to
mambo, that'll cheer her up.

Oh, it's salsa and you don't
have to be snarky about it

because you hate dancing.

I don't hate dancing.

You were the only one who wouldn't dance

with the bride at our wedding.

You know, there should be a support group

for this kind of thing.

You're sick with this.

Y-You just take one lesson

and next you're jonesing for the next one.

Life's short.

Ask Betty.

Lipschitz: What did you say to Betty?

Frannie says she's over at our house

crying her eyes out.

Oh, good. Good?

You know how hard it is

to get a clean pair of shorts

out of that woman

when she's on a crying jag?

Fire her, I did.

That sweet, little old lady?

I tried.

Have you ever tasted her kugel? Oh...!

Yeah, you eat.

I'll have a fully paid off jacket.

Yeah, well, see if you

and your fully paid off jacket

can handle this one.

An apparent homicide.

The victim is, uh, male, .

The name is, uh... lorca.

Miguel lorca.

Man: When you came in,

he was just laying there?

Did you see anything out of the ordinary?

Now who crossed the line?

No sign of forced entry.

Windows and doors were open.

Hey, Morton.

Howdy. Garden variety butcher's knife.

There's another one just
like it there in the kitchen.

Handle's been wiped clean

but we picked up a partial off the blade.

Anyone we know?


She washes dishes.

Yolanda said she came home

from looking at an apartment

and found him dead.

Did he, uh, know

that she was planning on moving out?

That could start an argument right there.

She said she didn't
have a chance to tell him.

She did admit to threatening him

a couple of times before today's blow-up.

And apparently she knew about

an apartment for rent

and she went directly from the club

to meet with the landlady.

Well, that should be easy enough to check.

It seems the landlady didn't show up.

You know, why would she come home

k*ll him, wipe the handle

and leave the m*rder
w*apon lying on the floor?

Maybe she panicked.

You know, these type of wounds

produce ample blood spray.

I mean, if it's on the floor here

it should have been on the perp.

Well, I checked her out
when I interviewed her.

She was clean.

No wet towels.

No blood in the drain.

There's not much to go on.

Miguel. No!

Come here, yolanda.

It's okay...

It's okay.

I'm so sorry.

You're going to be all right.

Tom: How long did

yolanda and Miguel live together?

For about a year, on and off.

Were you aware of any domestic v*olence

between them?

Well, we're artists.

We raise our voices.

I saw them raise their fists.

Oh, that was no big deal.

I mean, everybody
fights a little, you know?

You slap, he slaps...

There's some stormy weather

then the sun shines through.

He had a little bit of a temper, you know.

Is that why she was moving out?

I guess she'd finally had enough.

What did they fight about?

Lately, the regionals.

Competitions are held
in six different parts

of the country, and the winner

goes on to compete for the national title.


Well, there's a lot at stake.

Big prize money, commercial
endorsements, TV contracts.

Tom: So, yolanda

and Miguel entered this contest?

Woman: Yes...

But not together.

Miguel was my dance partner.

Miguel wasn't very happy that

yolanda had chosen to
dance with me, instead of him.

So you and yolanda were partners

and you and Miguel were partners.

So you, you competed against each other?

That's right.

Okay... so what do you do now?

Do you find a new partner?

No, it's not that easy to find someone.

I'm just going to have
to sit out for the season.

It's okay, I mean, Miguel and I

had only been dancing for a month.

We teamed up when yolanda
decided to dance with Brad.

Why would she do that?

Because Brad and his former partner, Elisa

are regional gold medalists.

And when, um, Elisa got pregnant

yolanda jumped at the chance

to be Brad's new dance partner.

And that upped her chances
at winning the regionals

and going on to the nationals.

Okay, let me get this straight:

Yolanda dumped a guy that
she was supposedly in love with

in order to win a contest?

This isn't a hobby

it's a highly competitive sport.

If you want to win, you
make tough decisions.

How badly did yolanda want to win?

No, listen.

Yolanda loved Miguel big-time.

She would never do anything to hurt him.

Even in self-defense?

Sorry, guys.

It just wasn't apparent till autopsy.

Severe contusions of the right kidney

uh, the spleen...

Major trauma to the deep muscle tissue...

Somebody worked him over pretty good.

So these injuries occurred
at the time of the m*rder?

No. My best guess would be, oh

say, , hours before his death.

Well, there's no way

yolanda could have done that.

She weighs less than pounds.

No woman could have.

You're right, it usually
takes a professional

to do this much damage

without leaving any visible signs.

So, maybe yolanda wasn't
Miguel's only problem.

Maybe somebody else wanted a piece of him.

Cass, you know these people.

What do you think?

Well, I don't know them that well.

But I'll know them tonight a little better.

Another salsa fix?

Whoa, whoa... salsa?

As in... salsa?

That's fabulous.

Where do you go?

The majorca.

Weekends, lunch hours...

Every chance I get.

You want to go sometime?

Absolutely, call me.

Great, great.

You know, I just bought

this really hot, red satin shirt?


Morton? You?

Yeah. At least I didn't buy it on credit.

Nice, uh, coat there, Tom.

Go dissect a spleen.

You know, dancers are night people.

Most of them hang out

at that club after it closes.

I've been invited

but I've never felt like going.

So is there one of these parties tonight?

Uh, I intend to find out.

You want to come?

Uh, no.

My, my red satin shirt's in the cleaners.

Way to go, baby.

Miguel would have been proud.

Come on, everybody.

Let's dance.

Oh...! I'm sorry.

Did I get you?

No problem.

It felt good.

No thanks.

Don't forget, you've got stuff

to show tonight.

So... I hear you
crossed the invisible line.

Yeah, well, first square inch

that opens up on the floor,

I'm yours.

Everybody seems to be

having a good time.

Is all this in honor of Miguel?

Yeah, I guess.

Tonight it's a wake.

Tomorrow night...

Something else.

The steam builds all day

and now I'm going to let it out.

I need a break. You?

It never felt like this with Miguel.

Miguel was good.

He had the passion.

Brad, two days ago, who beat up Miguel?

He was always fighting with somebody.

Jealous boyfriend, husband.

He was very, uh... popular at lobo.

Probably even more popular than me.

Was he into gambling? dr*gs?

No, just dancing.

He was a big draw for the club.

He never refused a dance.

He knew just when to
go over to some little thing

and pull her on to the floor

for the time of her life.

He was a genius that way.

Cesar knew it.

Cesar lobo, the owner of the club?

Miguel wanted a piece of the action.

He even threatened Cesar.

Told him he'd leave.

And that he'd take his following with him.

Where was he going, to the majorca?

It's lobo's biggest competitor.

Miguel told me they made him

a beautiful offer.

He was considering taking it.

I mean, hey, who can blame him, right?

Did Cesar know about this?


Glad you could make it.

Lobo: These kids...

They don't know what
it is to be a great dancer.

They want to be pampered, spoiled.

When Carmen and me
took the gold back in '

we were living in her uncle's trailer.

$ , was a fortune to us.

But I invested our winnings

didn't spend a nickel.

Five years later, that prize money

bought us this club.

Carmen is your wife?

Lobo: She couldn't wait to retire.

Why is that?

Lobo: In those days, we danced

because we loved it.

The rush, the high.

Today... today it's about
money, and only money.

I understand Miguel was one

of your biggest draws here at the club.

Top seeded dancers are all big draws.

That's why I sponsor them for competitions

and let them use the club in
the afternoons to give lessons.

So they won't leave?

People want to be where the winners are.

In fact, Miguel was

the biggest draw here, even though

he wasn't a gold medalist, correct?

Miguel had a way with the ladies... hmm?

I, uh...

Understand the majorca
offered Miguel more money.

The majorca's a sleaze hole.

Cassy: Maybe.

But the fact is, if Miguel did move on

chances are he'd take

a lot of your business with him.

Miguel was not going anywhere.

It's all rumors.

The club business snacks on rumors.

Mr. Lobo, where were you
the night that he was k*lled?

I was in Miami... all week.

I'm looking to buy into a big club there.

You know, expand my interests.

Can anyone corroborate that?

The shark club.

It's in the book.

Do you have any idea

who might want to beat Miguel up

bad enough to cause him

internal injuries?

When was this?

Two nights before he was k*lled.

Well, as I said, Miguel
was great with the ladies.

Not so popular with their boyfriends.

Cassy: Thanks, Mr. Rodriguez.


Caesar lobo.

No priors.

Take a look at that t.R.W.

Bank loan, second mortgage,

credit cards.

The guy was obviously
doing some fancy footwork.

It's called trying to pay the bills.

The owner of the shark club

said Caesar didn't go to Miami

to buy into the club... he was looking

for financing to cover his bank loans.

But he was there all week.

He could have... here you go,


Thank you.

Well, that doesn't mean

that he couldn't have had someone

k*ll Miguel for him.

His star attraction?

Aah... scissors?

He's not the star attraction for long.

No, if Miguel was moving

to the majorca two blocks away

why keep him alive to
benefit the competition?

Well, so far, all we have is

Brad's word against Cesar's on that.

And I'll bet you

ten bucks that yolanda

could break the tie.


You're going to hurt yourself.

Harry's got scissors.

No, no. No, frannie.

I do not consider this

an emergency. Scissors.

Huh? No!

I'm not going to give her

more money.

She hardly cleans the house as it is.


Shh. Yeah, uh-huh?

No. No.

I am not going to give her a raise

because Ryan hurt her feelings.

Harry, don't let her squeeze you.

Tell her to take her
little orthopedic shoes

right out the door.


He is not like a son to me

and I am not responsible
for his ingratitude.

That's it.

Solidarity, buddy.

That's the ticket.

Yeah! Yeah, you know what?

The next time she comes

you tell her to take her kugel... no!

No, no, no.

Don't tell her that

because it'll be ironing day.


Cassy: You won't believe this.

Frannie, I'll call you back.

Yeah. Yes, I love you.

Betty's pound cake.

With pennies baked inside.

You think she's hitting me up for a raise?


She's playing you, cassy.

Come on! She's a little old

con artist.

Wake up and smell the lemon pledge.

That's it.

Next Wednesday when she comes over

she's fired.


Aah! Wednesday's her birthday.

The week after.

No, too close to Christmas.


Ooh, Valentine's day.

And she always sends us heart cupcakes.

Everyone knew Cesar owed money.

But, he always made payroll, so...

Cesar claims it was only a rumor

that Miguel wanted to leave.

There wasn't any truth to it.

Oh, it was true.

Miguel knew what he was worth

to any club.

The majorca was willing to pay it.

Cesar wasn't.

So, they never talked

about it?

He took us to dinner last week

and tried to convince Miguel to stay.

Did he make him an offer?

With what?

Cesar couldn't match

the majorca offer.

He just kept talking

about friendship and loyalty.

Yoey, I have a class to teach.

But I'll take this to goodwill, okay?


Good-bye. See you.

Excuse me.

Yolanda... the autopsy revealed

Miguel had been beaten up recently.

Quite badly.

I knew he was in pain.

And when I asked him
about it, he brushed it off.

He didn't like to have
to explain himself to me.

Did Miguel mention who worked him over?


You think it was Cesar?

Not himself.

He wouldn't dirty that pretty white suit.

But there's this bouncer at the club.

Billy McCall.

If Cesar wanted to thr*aten anyone...

He'd use Billy.

Um, I got to shower.

No, Billy.

Not yet.

You're k*lling me.

Mi amore...

When I devour you, you will know.

Keaton, take the mouth of the alley

just in case he decides to run.


He's got a rap sheet, two warrants

both with deadly weapons.

Let me guess, a knife?

Harry's got a warrant.

Okay, let's go.

Just... let me get some water, okay?

Billy McCall.

Palm beach P.D.

We'd like a word with you.

Where are you going?


You can't leave me here, you coward.



Where's Billy?

Please... don't tell him.



Keaton: Freeze!

This is a new jacket, Billy.

Don't mess up my new jacket.

Cassy, I'm going down.

Come on, Billy.

You're making me sweat.

This fabric doesn't like that, Billy.

Now, if I have to make a
choice between taking you down

and ruining this fine garment...

Oh, hell.

Don't sh**t. Please.

Come on... don't sh**t.

Cuff him.

He was going to sh**t me.

Were you going to sh**t him?

No, I wasn't going to sh**t him.

He wasn't going to sh**t you.

Oh, come on!


Now he's going to sh**t you.

Billy: I didn't do nothing.

Anything, Billy.

"I didn't do anything."

Of course you didn't.

You just jumped out of a window

and ran half naked through a neighborhood.

That's a perfectly natural reaction.

I've done that... many times myself.

You're a cop, man. You got a g*n.

How did I know you weren't
going to get pissed and sh**t me?

You're blowing it.

You're blowing it.

'Cause if you really knew

the cops around here, Billy

you'd know that we only sh**t
innocent bystanders on Tuesdays.

On wednesdays we p*stol whip the elderly.

Familiarize yourself
with the local policies

of your friendly, neighborhood

police force, Billy.

This guy is k*lling me.

What happened to Miguel, Billy?

I just interviewed your girlfriend.

She said that you were bragging

about beating him up.


I work for Cesar. I'm a bouncer.

If Cesar says somebody steps out of line

I put them back in line.

By k*lling him.

It was a couple of love taps.

Yeah, with a butcher knife.

You people are nuts.

I wasn't anywhere near
Miguel when he got k*lled.

Let me guess.

You were naked, running around

some entirely different
neighborhood, right?


Come on, I'm on a roll.

Come here.

Cassy: Billy didn't k*ll Miguel.


His girlfriend isn't his girlfriend.

It's Carmen lobo, Cesar's wife.

The day Miguel was k*lled, Cesar was

out of town.

Carmen and Billy were shacked up in a hotel

from : to : in the afternoon.

How do you know she's not lying

to protect lover boy?

She's scared to death this will

end up in court.

The only reason she said anything was

because I threatened to call her husband.


Tom, your guy with the switchblade

which hand did he use?

I don't know... left?


The contusions there on the right side

of Miguel's chest

were the heaviest

which is pretty consistent

with a left-handed hitter.

So you're boy's left-handed

he probably beat him up.

But, um... I don't think

he wielded the knife.

You're losing me.

Here, look at the next one.

See how the, the knife wound

is on the opposite side of Miguel's chest?

I mean, whoever k*lled him...

Right handed.

That lets out Cesar and Billy.

So where does that leave us?

Right where we started.


She had motive

she had opportunity.

Not to mention a large
butcher knife with her prints on it.

One print.

And there was no blood on her.

Morton said the m*rder*r
would have been covered

with it.

Oh! Let me do that.

I can do this!

I can do this.


What was yolanda wearing

at the, uh, the dance class that day?

A dress. Red, I think.

She wasn't wearing red

at the crime scene.

She was in jeans.

So she went home and changed.

Because she got blood on the dress.

Yeah, but I searched the bedroom.

I don't remember a red dress.

'Cause you weren't looking for it.

I say we go back to the apartment

see if we missed anything.

Yeah, sure.

Like when, later?

No, now. Right now.

You haven't gotten the warrant.

Because now is better for me than later.

I can't do it now.

Why not?

Oh, cassy, come on.

Don't you think

this is getting

a little out of control?

Oh, Tom, Brad is going

to give me a private lesson.

And he's the best salsa
dancer in the country.

This is a fabulous opportunity for me.


Okay, so, uh, I'll meet
you over there later.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Give me that!

Oh, ow! Geez!

Give it to me!

So simple.

Thank you.


Where'd you learn to do that?

I, I don't know.

Frannie taught you.

No, she didn't.

Frannie taught you.

She did not!

My lieutenant in Korea.

Sometimes at night, we would...

Sit around and sew, that's all.

M-Mending, sewing.


You know, socks, shorts.

You know.

Oh yeah, I know.

No, you don't know.

You don't know.

The whole unit sewed.

W-W-We were bored.

There, there was nothing else to do.

So... we sewed.

Yeah, sure, Harry.

Just a couple of guys.

Sat around a camp stove and sewed.


Yes. I understand.

Hey, did you and the lieutenant ever, uh

do a tupperware party?

Brad: Good.

Feel the beat.


That's it.


We need a break.


You and yolanda been practicing much?

Well, she's not really into it now.

You know, it's kind of hard for her.

The regionals aren't that far away.

I know, I know.

We've talked about what to do.

Nothing's really definite yet.

I mean, she still doesn't know

what's going to happen.

You know, I mean, if she, uh...

Gets arrested?


So what would you do then?

Who would you dance with?

I'd probably ask marita.


Well, sure.

I mean, um...

She's top seeded

right below yolanda.

Hey, come on.

Let's go dance.

Red dress...

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Where were you the other day?

St. John.

No, I saw those receipts.

I checked them.


In a coin jar, you sure?

I'm positive.

That receipt was not there.

Um-hmm... no, and forensics

doesn't remember seeing a receipt?

Dry-cleaning receipt?


Here you go.

Is this, uh... you're sure

this belongs to yolanda ruiz?

Hey, there's the copy.

Yeah. Yolanda ruiz.

elm street.

One red dress.

Can I take this with me?


Sorry about the stains.

We did the best we could.

But as you can see...

There was just too much of it.


She said it was blood.


Yeah, I heard.

I don't understand this.

It is your dress, isn't it?

Yes, but I never took it to the cleaners.

Forensics said the blood

on the dress is Miguel's.

Why don't you tell us what happened?

I told you already.

Yeah, but you lied.

You didn't go apartment hunting.

You went straight home.

What happened with Miguel?

Did you catch him with somebody?

Did he hit you?

Do you really think that I couldn't

handle myself with him?

I knew what he was about.

The little games that
he played on the side.

He was weak.

So what?

Nothing happened.

I changed my dress

at the club.

I went to see the apartment.

And when I got home...

Cassy: You changed

at the club.

In the locker room?

This is a practice dress.

I hardly ever took it home.

I left it in my locker.

Was anyone there?

Did anyone see you change?

I don't think so. It was empty.

And this locker, do you keep it padlocked?

Nobody does. It's just a
place we keep our stuff

while we're teaching.

I never even realized
that this dress was missing.

So anyone could have
had access to your things?

Sure, but no one keeps
anything valuable in there...

Just outfits for teaching.

Besides, everyone
borrows from everybody else.

It's no big deal.

What about this apartment hunting?

Did you drive, take the bus, what?

I drove.

Nobody saw you, you didn't stop for gas?


I drove straight there, and...

When the landlady didn't show

I tried to call marita

but she was busy, and so i-i-i...

Why did you call marita?

The apartment was in her building.

She told me about it.

But marita was at the tanning salon

and I couldn't get through.

And who made the appointment

with the landlady?


She was trying to help.

So what is this?

Am I arrested?

For now, I'm afraid so.

Marita: I told yolanda :

not : .

She's been so confused lately

even before...

Before Miguel.

You talked to the landlady for her?

Yes, I did.

I spoke to Mrs. Garcia.

She doesn't live in the building, though.

She drives across town.

She waited minutes, and no yolanda.

So she left.

All I can think of is that
they missed each other.

I don't want to think anything else.

She said she tried to call you.

Yeah, she did.

I was here.

My usual appointment, twice a week.

They charge you a late
fee if you don't show.

Oh, I wish I would have
gone with her this time, though.

Thank you.

Cassy: Excuse me.

Woman: Yes?

Where's the parking lot?

Oh, try the back, it's quicker.

Thank you.

Lipschitz: Cassy, you got

an abused girlfriend...

You got a m*rder w*apon with prints...

Her own dress covered
with the victim's blood.

Come on. It doesn't

look good.

She didn't have any
blood on her skin, Harry.

How do you s*ab someone,
soak the front of your dress

and keep the rest of your body clean?

Tom: Maybe she cleaned up

got rid of the towels.

Well, why not get rid of the dress?

Why leave a dry cleaning ticket

lying around to convict yourself?

People don't plan a crime of passion, cass.

People make mistakes.

Well, that's it.

There's just too many mistakes.

m*rder w*apon at the scene.

She wipes the handle, but not the blade.

She saves the dress,
the dry cleaning ticket...

This girl couldn't make
herself look any more guilty.

Okay, so that's it.

She is guilty.

Yeah, but where's the motive?

She was almost free of him.

She was moving out.

What does she have to gain?

You got anything that
points to anybody else?


Get some photos over to the dry cleaners.

Get a formal I.D.

You, go file with the D.A.


You're looking for logic.

Sometimes... there isn't any.

Uh... no.

Cassy: Yolanda ruiz,

the woman

who brought in the red dress?

I know who you mean.

She's not here.

You sure you don't recognize

any of these women?

I know her.

She's a dancer at the club

down the street.

But that's not the one
who brought in the dress?

No. It was the other one.

What other one?

The other dancer.

Her friend.



Thank you.

You two are partners now?

Yeah, she's a fast study.

I was a little worried at first

but, if rehearsals keep going like this...

And they will.

See you downstairs.

See you.

Pretty sure of yourself

with only three weeks left to go.

Well... why shouldn't I be?

It's a very intricate routine.

Well, yolanda and Brad

have been practicing for a while.

Like, maybe about a month.

And if you watch hard enough,
you pick up on their routine.

Then, after that, it's just a matter

of picking up the style.

Yolanda's style?

Good dancers observe.

If you watch someone's moves

you can make them your own.

It's not hard.

And that's how you did it.

You studied yolanda's moves.

Isn't that what I just said?

Not the routine, marita.

I'm talking about Miguel's m*rder.

That's how you pulled it off.

You knew yolanda would be changing out

of that red dress

and leave it in the locker room.

You knew that if you used
a knife from the kitchen

chances are her prints

would be all over it.

So you sent her on a wild goose chase

you borrowed her dress, k*lled Miguel

before yolanda returned.

And you probably even
knew where she kept the key.

You know exactly where I was.

Tanning salon.

You signed in at : .


You can ask the girl at the front desk.

We always say hi.

Yeah, she told me.

You signed in, you put

the "do not disturb" sign on your door.

And then she didn't

see you again after that.

I don't always say good-bye.

I know that.

Sometimes you leave through the back door

like you did the day Miguel was k*lled.

But you didn't leave when you said you did.

You left earlier.

Right after you arrived.

You know what?

This is ridiculous.

The dry cleaner remembered you.

She's been to the club a couple of times

and apparently, she's a big fan of yours.

You brought in the dress,
you signed yolanda's name

and then you planted
the ticket in her bedroom.

Your best friend.

But I guess when you want to win

you learn how to make tough decisions.


It's got to stop, cass.

Beautiful woman like you, dancing alone.

Yeah, well, what are
you going to do about it?

How about this?


You're kidding.

I wish.

You know, at first I thought it'd be tough

but after a few lessons,
I got the hang of it.

So you did this for me?

No, I did this for Morton.

He wanted my jacket

so I traded him for a few dance lessons.

You and Morton?

Yeah. Yeah.

Well, then he dipped me

so, I had to slug him.

You ready?

Be gentle.