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08x15 - k*ller App

Posted: 10/08/23 06:26
by bunniefuu
Never seen the tide this high.

Or this warm.

You can thank El nino for that.

Who do I have to thank for this?

Think anybody knows?

I stopped caring about two minutes ago.

Hey, come on.

Didn't you ever see from here to eternity?

Moving a little slow this morning?

Hiding under the covers
seemed like a good idea.

Do you want to talk about this?

No. You know, just one of those nights.

Nice guy, but I had to say no,
which means good-bye, good luck

I'll see you in another life.

You know.

So no chance of being friends, huh?

Men don't particularly want to be friends.

Not with me, at least.

Well, cass, you got to take that

as a compliment.

No, I don't.

Hopefully I'm more complex than that.

Don't you think?

Well, yeah.

You've baffled me many times.

Well, so what happened here?

We got an unidentified victim

here in a shallow grave.

He's a Caucasian male

oh, about six feet

almost pounds.

He's wearing Armani slacks
and keds with no socks.

Who k*lled him...

The fashion police?

Anyway, he's got

no jacket, no I.D.

Hey, Morton.

What do you got?

I got a really big boy, strangled to death

with more broken bones than evil knievel.

And they practically folded him up

like a gumby doll before they dumped him.

Did you find anything in his pockets?

Just this.

Looks like the key
card to a parking garage.

Here, Aladdin.

See what this opens.

What are those last three numbers?

Six, eight, six.

So, uh, tell me about this date.

Just a sec.

Six, eight, six.

Sea breeze suites?

Yeah, I know where that is.


Wow, whoever this guy
was, he was living large.

Tell me about your date.

Okay. Ph.D. in mathematics.

He's very sharp.

I mean, he's all brains.

Then, of course, after dinner

he was all hands.

Guys are such pigs.

I apologize for our entire gender.

That's not the point.

I just hate the way, you
know, it's so black and white.

And once it's over,
everybody's got to pretend

like they never met.

There's no friendly cup of coffee.

There's no phone calls, you know.

Some guys just can't handle it.

At least guys don't cry when you tell them.

They do when I say no.


Sure, Freddie Larkin,
moved in two months ago.

Nice guy.

Kind of a computer nerd.

Get many of those around here?

Yeah, right.

We're a virtual silicon valley here.

Here you go.

Thanks. Thank you.

You think somebody was here first?

I think he liked it this way.


This guy's entire life
was within three steps.

You know, there's something off here.

What's a silicon valley
refugee doing in palm beach?

Kissing the green.

Take a look at these.

, .

, .



What's ilac?

You may begin speaking.

What do you want me to say?


I do not recognize "sheesh."

Please spell.

What is this?

This is voice recognition.

You know, like hal in .

So we arrest the computer?

No. No, no, no.

Just watch.

What time is it?

Death and destruction.

What did you do?

I think I just got us in
way over our heads.

You could lose your job for
a bad haircut around here.

Yeah, but spooky eyeballs

are all the rage.

Welcome home, little zombie.

Man: Good afternoon.

Louis sendahl.

My sister, rana.

We'd like to ask you two a few questions.

Didn't Freddie work for you, Ms. Sendahl?

We invested heavily

in Freddie's voice recognition program.

We brought him down to Florida to finish

set him up with a studio.

He is so brilliant.

Fame and wealth are just
around the corner for Freddie.

For both of you too, I assume.

I hope so, considering what we invested

in the project.

Can I offer you guys a drink?

Cassy: No, thank you.

Could you tell us about Freddie?

When did you last see him?

Oh, um, three nights ago.

Yeah, he's, um, been keeping
the most impossible hours.

I thought I'd see if he wanted a break.

My brother here tends to drive people

a little too hard.

We had a crucial deadline.

That's ironic.

Freddie died this morning.

Oh, my god.

What was it, a heart attack?


What's I.L.A.C.?

Venture capital.

We identify the best and the brightest

in the software industry,
we offer platform funding

we broker third party deals.

If necessary, we help
them complete the project.

We think our R&D team on the third floor

has everything

that San Jose or redmond has to offer.

Well, can you tell us what this is?

Well, I recognize the eye, of course

but this is nothing I commissioned.

Did you find it on the web?

On Freddie's computer.

What an interesting fellow.

Making little things like
that on his spare time.

Software, huh?


Where do they keep the nerds?

Not a bad question.

Supposing Freddie Larkin was m*rder*d

over a batch of computer code.

I think we better talk to somebody

who speaks the local language.

You read my mind.

So, you two think that I am
hopelessly old-fashioned, huh?

Just take a look at this.

This is a p.D.A., a
personal digital assistant.

Where'd you get that?

My brother-in-law gave it to me.

He told me I can put
my entire rolodex in here.

Every appointment I have
through the next millennium

and this is going to remind me of birthdays

I ordinarily would forget.

That's great, Harry.

Let's see it work.

So far the best I can do is turn it on.

Other than that, the
whole thing is a mystery.

So basically it's a glorified paperweight?


This thing is supposed to save my life

shave minutes off my day.

Hey, somebody said you wanted to see me.

Come in, come in.

All right, cassy, Tom

I want you to meet Jeremy reeve.

You need a trail guide

through cyberspace, here he is.

He's the new oops man for the department.






Operations, procedures, systems.


Harry said that you

had a hard drive that might be corrupted?

Well, we're not really sure.

Well, did you get a diagnostic screen?


Were you hitting a bad block

or did something bleed
in your x-tree catalog?

Definitely the right guy.



Meet us there in half an hour.

Try and stop me.

Not since the telegram has a
communications breakthrough

been so important or life-changing.

People will never use their
computers in the same way again.

We're making history here, gentlemen.

Of course, you can't spend history.

But, happily, we're also making millions

and millions of dollars.

Print that.


My god, Louis, you've done it.

So, where's Freddie?

I was hoping to congratulate him.

Oh, you know how programmers are.

He's been up three nights straight, so...

Mind if I drive?

What time is it?

Death and destruction.

What the hell is this?

It's nothing.

Just a little bug in the system.

I'll call down to R&D right now.

That fat, prepubescent little rodent.

He screwed us to the wall.

Relax, sit down.

Blaming the dead is such a waste of energy.

This is all your fault.

You wanted to keep him close.

Keep him close.

You told him too much.

Louis, little brother, we've
seen much worse than this.

It's a bug.

Just a little bug.

So, all we really need is a
good, cheap exterminator.

By rights, this fellow
should have been found

inside a trash compactor.

I may have missed one or two

but I count different broken bones.

I'm talking clean breaks.

Take a look at these.

Looks like some sort of ritualized k*lling.

Three, four people working together?

The victim died of strangulation.

Clean and tight around the windpipe.

Probably some sort of a cloth

or a handkerchief.

A rope would have left more abrasions.

But after that, given enough time

one person could snap,
crackle, pop, all by themselves.

Someone's been playing.

On your knees!

Hands behind your back now!


Emil tassler.

San Jose, California.

Oh, let me guess, another whiz kid.

I'm here to see Freddie, okay?

He owes me some money.

It's no big deal.

Well, it is a big deal, whiz kid.

Freddie's dead.

Since when?

This morning.

And when did you get in to town?

Oh, hey, hey, hey.

It's not like that.

Freddie's my partner.

We're building a business together.

This program is our k*ller app.

Everybody says so.



Makes heaps of money.

No, no.

Heaps does not even begin to describe

the amount of cash we
were going to rake in.

This things take time, right?

We were running out of seed funding.

Enter Freddie's knight
in shining silver dollars.

Louis sendahl.

You guys are really cops?



A babe cop.

What do the cheerleaders
look like down here?

What about the sendahls?

Well, they go right to Freddie.

They didn't want to deal with me.

The next thing I know,
he's their fair-haired boy.

It's their k*ller app.

And I'm sitting in San
Jose with a pasty face

Freddie's soaking up the rays,
and he never sends me a dime.

Well, sounds like a motive, Emil.

Sure, I thought about
breaking the guy's neck

but I was down here right
now to pick a big, bloody fight.

You know, there's this
little thing called my alibi.

I flew in from San Jose

on the red eye, um, this morning.

We'll have to corroborate
that you were on that flight.


Check with people in the first eight rows.

I get torqued with motion sickness.

So, did Freddie have any enemies?

Come on, we're gear-heads, not fighters.

What about the sendhals?


No, Freddie was in way tight with them.

He was their golden goose, man.

You haven't told us why you
were hacking into his code.

Please, I wasn't hacking.

I was reading.

I'm a proud papa.

Our little girl is all grown up.

Hmm, what time is it?

Death and destruction.


Looks like your little girl

has a secret.

Yes, she does.

Now, you tell me

why Freddie would use
that eye and those words

and the I.L.A.C. Logo.

Beats me.

What's that for?

It reminds me to eat dinner.

Is there anything else?

Yeah, two questions.

Where do we find you?

I'm booked at the Sheraton. And?

And how do I set the alarm on that thing?

This button displays the clock.

This button sets the alarm.

That's on. That's off.

This is awesome.

I'm sorry, just, someone
left the door open there.

No way!

You c... you cannot find

this copy of silver surfer anywhere!

Jeremy reeve, Emil tassler.

We looking at a y k issue here?

No, the app gets cranky sitting on dos.

Looks like we got the right guy.

Emil's here.

I don't have time for that snotty boy.

Oh yes, you do.


I'll get right to the point.

Somebody owes me a fat check.

So, either you cough it up

or I drag your collective butts

through the courts.

Sit down.

Nice try.

Emil, Freddie is dead.

I know.

I heard.

I just had a little quality time

with sergeant babe cop.

Freddie's dead.

And that means you're...

You're up... up... up a creek.

All right, what would it
take to fix the program?

Ah... hmm?

My big brain.

Your big bag of money.

I will not be blackmailed.

Louis, Freddie double-crossed

all three of us.


We work together here

or we walk away with nothing.

Suddenly I feel very thirsty.

We never doubted the
importance of your contributions.

We simply made an agreement with Freddie

that he would pay you directly.

Well, it never happened.

Well, what did he tell you?

Rana, for the last three weeks

I can't even get the guy on the phone.

Okay, then let's help each other out here.

You rip that bug out of the program

and we will assign Freddie's
share of the profits to you.


Wow, you must think I'm a real chump, huh?


You and your brother
have been screwing me over

from the start, okay?

Look, never me.

If you believe one thing, believe that.

All this double-dealing,
that has been Louis.

He and Freddie have
tried to squeeze us both out

from the beginning.

Who k*lled Freddie?

Who do you think?

He used to get so
jealous of me and Freddie.

I mean, he was absolutely
crazy; He was dangerous.

Sometimes I think I'm the next target.

Shouldn't we go to the cops?

I can't go to the cops until
I get some proof on him.

Then I will get him once and for all.

Hey, why'd you pick Freddie, hmm?

Why not me?

Because Louis wanted him.

Because he's weak.

That's the way he likes it.

Fortunately, I have...

Very different taste.

Both: Hey!

Are you nuts?

What are you doing?

Are you trying to k*ll me?

You don't sneak up on a person like that.

Yeah, how rude of me to not let you know

I'm here while you were
rummaging through my rolodex.

I wasn't rummaging; I was looking.

For what?

A phone number.

Hey, be careful with that, okay?

It's a fragile piece of equipment there.

I'm just checking the battery.

You know I got my entire rolodex in here.

So keep your hands off.

You have your entire rolodex on there?

Yes. Jeremy helped me put it on it.

I don't want you to erase anything.

Show me my number.

Or mine.

In fact, show us anything.


Any useful piece of information from that.

What am I, a class clown here?

Birthday clown?

Get out of here!

You got things to dig up.

You got a body busted up

in a million pieces out there.

So go ahead, start digging
around the sendahls, go!

You'll get your demonstration later.

He's like a little kid with a toy g*n.

Except a little kid could pull the trigger.

Oh, I've been waiting
to show you something.

Oh, yeah?

I found this in Louis's car.

I think he may have
used it to, um, k*ll Freddie.

Let's call the police right now.

No, no, there's a sequence to everything.

There's a certain program that
has been sold for $ million.

And % of the gross.

In hours, if it's working properly.

It will be.

You see, Louis has to broker the deal.

But once that money is in the bank

we can dump him, avenge Freddie.

And we watch that little
brat squirm in his cell.

While we can live the rest of
our lives in total decadence.

How's it going?


Everything I ever wanted,
right here in this room.

You're a cheap date, Jeremy.

You can always find out.

What do you got?

This guy, I mean, he is... he is superfine.

I mean, he was planting these
easter eggs all over the code.

And this little dude right here

boy he had this one
buried way in the deep end.

Totally on purpose.

Why would he do that?

I mean, he's just sabotaging his own work.

Or protecting it.

Programmers make these

little fail-safe bugs all the time.

That way, no one can sell it or steal it

without keeping them in the loop.

So the sendahls would
never dream of k*lling Freddie.

You wouldn't think so.

You think they sent Emil
up here to fix that thing?

I can find out.

So, how difficult would
it be to yank this out?

Well, this, uh, code string
is like a house of cards.

One bad yank and it'd all go boom.

Why this bug, Freddie?

Emil never checked into his hotel.

Then where is he?

Stop distracting him.

He'll get it done.

Not with you crawling all over him

every seconds.

You know, your whining is so unattractive.

Why don't you stop playing

the black widow spider
and just let him do...

You think I can't find a
shallow grave for you,

too, little brother?


That's fine. Just keep me informed.

Okay. Thank you.

Good morning.

One man's opinion.

Oh... more man trouble.

Hmm... sleep trouble.

Some guy with little green eyes

telling me that death
and destruction was near.

Hope you were dressed for it.

Please, bad coffee first.

Bad jokes come later.


For you.


Thank you, they're...

Want to have dinner?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Will you... I've just been
rehearsing that way too long.

You were going to say something there.

I can't remember anymore.

Good, 'cause there is a dinner special

at the purple plum.

. , comes with a little green salad

choice of potato or pilaf.

They've got great rice pilaf.

And the dessert is, is included.

Thank you, that's very sweet.

I, I just make it a blanket policy

not to date anybody from work.

It just keeps the lines clean.


Oh, hey. Oh, no.

Okay. Right, yeah.

'Cause nobody, you
know, likes smudgy lines.


But thank you.

What, don't thank me.

What are you thanking me for?

For the flowers.

Oh... no, right.

Those are yours, you keep those.

That's, um, you know...
be fruitful, pollinate.

So, if Freddie booby-trapped the program

these two had motive to keep him alive.

Unless they jumped the g*n.

Maybe Freddie provoked them

and they need someone
else to fix his program.

Like the ex-partner, what's
his name... schlemiel?


Who's been missing since last night.

What is that beeping sound?


I hear a beeping.

There's no beeping sound.

No, I hear it.

You don't hear any beeping sound.

There's no beeping sound.

There's beeping, Harry.

You don't hear a beeping sound...

I hear a beeping.

It won't stop.

It hates me.

How'd you do that?

I'm a cybercop, Harry.

"I'm a cybercop, Harry."

You say there's dirt out there.

Dig it up for me.

Go ahead, get out of here. Both of you.

Go ahead.




Oh, whoa, no.

No, uh...

No, I don't need any more motivation.

I just like to pamper you.

I need quiet, okay?

I got to think like Freddie.

That's too bad, because Freddie

never touched me like you do.

Oh, but you're right.

You do need quiet.

I know just the spot.

Come on.

But Emil's not here, not since yesterday.

Is he with rana?

Rana's a big girl.

I don't keep track of
her extracurricular life.

I'll take your word on that.

You sure you don't know what this is?

When you showed it to me yesterday

I'd never actually seen it in action.

But, of course I know what it is.

I told Freddie, keep us protected.

Put something in the
program only we could control.

And I assume you have.

Well, that's the hell of it.

He died with the key to unlock it.

Me and the boys on the third floor

have been working around the clock on it.

If anyone can crack it, we can.

So you're a programmer?

I speak many languages.

What kind of algorithm
string was Freddie using?

Well, it's not easy to describe.

He was, um...

It's a Mozart of a c-plus-plus.

It's very cutting edge.


And why does the bug
say "death and destruction?"

When it came to programming,
Freddie was a genius.

When it came to a sense of humor

he was stuck around years old.

I expect he got that from one of those

silly comic books

he liked to read.

The program's useless
with the gremlin, isn't it?

We'll find someone.


We already have a buyer.

Oh? Who?

Oh, you'll have to wait
for the announcement

just like everybody else.


I'll tell you who bought it.

Zoemen international.

They posted an online
press release two days ago

and then withdrew it.

"Zoemen international

"announces the acquisition of voicemode

"a state of the art voice
recognition program

developed by ilac."

Well, it looks like Louis

was under the g*n more than he let on.

Yeah, until Freddie
Larkin washed up on shore.

Jay Krieger wasn't so lucky.


Missing in Austin, Texas since

and guess what he did for a living?

Computer programmer.

And guess who did business in the same area

around the same time?




In San Jose they were c.L.I.A.

In New York, they were l.A.C.I.

Same four letters.

It seems that Louis and rana

were moving around the past five years.

They'd make a big sale
on some technical property

that they had "developed" and then move on.

That guy couldn't develop
steam if he was boiling water.

I asked him what kind of algorithm string

Freddie was using.

And he did a bunch of fast talk

which meant nothing.

He's all flash, no follow-through.

You just pulled "algorithm
string" out of your pocket?

Courtesy of Mr. Mathematician.

He threw those words
around like it was foreplay.

You know, I think there's
more to this than just a logo.

Knock, knock.

I was going to give this back.

I, I didn't think it was
evidence or anything.

Oh, no, that's not why I'm here.

I wanted to find out about this;

see if you have any history

where it's from... and as fast as possible.

Don't you surf the web?

It's more like I play in
the dive pools than surf.

And it takes me half an hour to get a wave

so, I thought I would come to the master.



You don't, you don't really
have a blanket policy, do you?

About dating in the workplace.


I probably should

but... no.

Then why blow smoke?

I guess I didn't want
to hurt your feelings.

Come on.

I'm not a teenager, despite the
comic books and the junk food.

Well, I was assuming that
you were like other guys

looking past the flowers, past dinner.

Cassy, I, I just like you.

You don't have to mace me for it.

I got an idea.

How about we meet in the middle.

Coffee breaks, frozen yogurt?

Two for one, chilly Willie's.

Okay, now you're talking.

All right.

Well, then, uh... let's, uh...

Take a look here at Mr. Death

and destruction.


Okay, I think we found
a connection to the m.O.

Try me.

They befriend you.

They make themselves
indispensable in your life.

And just when you least
expect it, they strangle you;

take all your worldly possessions

but not before breaking
every bone in your body

and dumping you into a shallow grave.

That sounds vaguely familiar.

Could this be the sendahl family?

No, they're called thuggies.

It's a th century
cult that worships Kali:

Hindu goddess of death and destruction.

How long did this take you?

About minutes.

You're not the only cybercop around here.

These thuggies, they would
glom on to rich colonial travelers

making their way through India.

They would translate for them;

show you shortcuts

become your new best friend

until they put the lethal move on.

And then, when they would k*ll

they would offer the victim up to Kali.

Could be a coincidence.


Then why these four letters?

You found the acronyms.

This is what it means.

Sounds like the Internet conspiracy hour.

Next thing you'll tell
me is that Princess di

was abducted by aliens.

No... the sendahls, they
are thuggies of the ' s.

They find software developers.

They dazzle them, k*ll them

swipe their intellectual property.

You showed me the trail.

I'm not buying a cult thing.

It's not a cult.

It's their game.

They are Kali-chic, Kali-corporate.

And these gearheads

they're hanging out in their garages

they're eating junk food,
looking at girlie magazines.

The sendahls, they offer
them money, glamour

and the one thing that
we all want down deep.


Real friends.

Friends that protect you

care for you...

And then strangle you and snap your bones.

I would... I'd bring them in.

Well, it looks like
Freddie was catching on.

He figured out the game.

He took that face, then he made a bug.

Now, he could blackmail the
sendahls and protect himself.

They still k*lled him.

Yeah, but I don't think they ever saw it.

The sendahls figured that

Freddie was done with the program.

Well, they needed Emil to fix it

or else the deal with zoemen was off.

Yeah, but the moment Emil fixes it...

He's toast.

If he's here

I bet they've got him
in the R&D department.

We got to find that kid.

Yeah, anything you can find.

Now, look... listen,
listen. Write this down.

Rentals, uh, real estate
transactions of any kind.

Try i-l-a-c.

Try, try c-i-a-l.

Try, try a-c-i-l.

Yeah, go back about months.

I don't care how long it
takes, we need it now.

These two have enough
bogus names and corporations

to fill a small city!

We're getting partial lists
of real estate transactions

that are a year and a half old.

It's going to take us
all day to get this stuff.

Keep digging.

If you found the body

you can find more mistakes.

We're running out of time, Harry.

To death.

To destruction.

Why not have both?

The zoemen people are
going to be here in half an hour.

Emil's almost done.

You watch.

We'll pull this one out of the fire.

Such a shame about Freddie's body.

We were so close to another perfect


That is the last time

we talk about Freddie's body, okay?


It's all about Emil now.

He'll fix it.

They'll buy it.

I'll take him out to look at the sunset.

Pink clouds, white foam...

And all that sand.

Right where I need it.

St. John.

Look at this.

Harry, can I do it later?

No. I just want you
to look at it, that's all.

My brother-in-law

he keeps sending me messages

and I have no idea how to get them.

Look, he told me

that I can send a wireless e-mail

anywhere in the world.

Now, you two know that
I'll probably die of old age

before I send anybody I know

an e-anything.

However, if that kid has
the same kind of gizmo...

I have his card.

And we can find him right now.


Good call, Harry.

No hugging.

I want to keep pace with my cybercops

but never hugging.




We're there.

Lamplighter's cove.


What time is it?

Computer: : P.M.

Oh, my brilliant, brilliant boy!

You know, I think we should go

for a private celebration, hmm?

Come on.

Cassy: What do you got, Harry?

jetty way.

Rented out to a rana zakaris.

Same billing address as I.L.A.C.

We're on our way.

When do we get a demo?

Oh, whenever you'd like.

Here's to making a k*lling.

Just a figure of speech, of course.

Of course.

Okay, you crash the party.

I'll cover Emil's back.

Just sit down here.

Oh, this is so much better.

God, I hate parties.

Actually, i'm, i'm... I'm kind of hungry.

Yeah? Mmm... me, too.

Rana, rana.

I just have to say good-bye.


Me, too.

I liked you, Emil.

I really did.

Okay, in case you don't know your rights

I'll read them to you.

Would you like some champagne, miss?

Can I get you something?

Want to dance?

Want a drink?


What's your name?

Is there anything

we can do for you?

Yeah, you can get out of the way

and don't think too long about it, okay?

Drop it... now!

You're already going
down for m*rder, Louis.

You sure you want this on your resume?

Don't move!

Oh, yeah, you're real slick.

You give great meeting.

But you're all flash, no follow-through.

There's no way

that you could be the k*ller.

Don't be so sure.

You don't have the nerve.

Not like big sister rana.

What are you going to do now, Louis?

Now that we're taking her away?


I don't suppose you can be bought?

This is not the beginning of
a beautiful friendship, Louis.

Like I said, all flash, no follow-through.

Emil headed straight
back to silicon valley.

And he thought the corporate sharks

back home were bad.

Want to grab a bite?

No, thanks, I have plans.

You hungry?


Well now, that sounds like...

All-you-can-eat shrimp at the saber cove.


Just friends, for a change.