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08x10 - Dead Again... And Again

Posted: 10/08/23 06:23
by bunniefuu
This is it; It's the home stretch.

, screaming olympic
fans are on their feet.

Ryan's a Colt. He breaks the tape!

He fumbles...

He's an amazing athlete;
He's a little clumsy.

It's a new world record, folks.

Seven miles... in way too much time.

I'm an idiot.

And everyone saw me.

Nobody saw me.

Get some sleep.

Maybe not...


So, beaten and spurned

the fallen hero crawls home
to his pathetic apartment.

Thank you.


Watch out!

Cassy: I'm not saying you imagined

the whole thing.

Yes, you are.

No, I'm just pointing out

if this woman was the target

of a k*ller...

If? Cassy, he was swinging a crowbar

at her head.

If she was the target

and you raced all the way over there

to save her life

wouldn't she at least say thanks?

I don't know. Let's go ask her.

Tell me about the b.M.W.


Plate? Florida.

The motorcycle?


It was an older model.

I'd know it if I saw it.

We got off work four hours ago.

Why didn't you go home and go to bed?

Why didn't you?

I had four hours of restful sleep.

It's all I need.

In three days?

I catnapped during the stakeout.

Your eyes were open.

Occasionally I went back to sleep.

How do you know you're seeing anything now?

You could be asleep.

No, she's awake.

No, you don't know that; She catnaps.

No, he knows. He taught me.

Learned it on stakeout.

Next day, my partner, Duffy

would be half asleep.

Me? Fresh, like a Daisy.

Why not teach me this?

You never asked.

What about forensics?

Couple of yards of rubber.

Not to worry, though.

I mean, we do pay these guys

about bucks an hour

but if you say you saw something...

Harry, I know what I saw, okay?

I've been on lots of stakeouts.

I wasn't hallucinating.

How often do you run on the beach?

Every day, you know that.

Every day... same time, same route

same pace.

I'm not talking to you.


What, what?

It's, uh, boredom with the same old run.

Endorphin high, lack of sleep.

It happens, you lost it.

Sometimes it happens to triathletes.

I saw what I saw.

Take a few vacation days.

Get some rest. That's an order.

I'm not losing it.

Cute legs.

Make sure you get inside
the windshield this time, ray.



No, we do the wheels outside.


Man: Thanks a lot.



Hey, hey, hey.

Whoa, whoa!

Man: Yeah?

Yeah, palm beach police department.

I'm here to speak to a Mr. Casper Burke.

Do you have an appointment?

Well, it's not an official visit.

Uh... if you'd like to make it one...



You Casper Burke?


He's sick

and doesn't want to be disturbed.

Get him anyway.


Guess your foot's bigger than mine, huh?

Dad, this guy's a cop

says he has to talk to you

and he won't say why.

Really? Mm-hmm.

Perhaps he'll tell me.

I'm sergeant Tom Ryan,
palm beach police department.

I'm looking for a woman named Sheila Burke.

I saw her car at a car wash.

I ran the plate.

I saw the b.M.W. Out in the driveway.

I just thought she might be related.

Your daughter or something.

My wife.

What do you want with her?

Well, I thought that

she might be a witness

to an attempted homicide.

That's ridiculous.

Well, we can ask her.

That's her.

Mrs. Burke?

Mrs. Burke.



What's wrong?

Sergeant Ryan thinks

you're a witness to a homicide.

Tom: An attempted


Yesterday morning, : A.M.

The sabal palm beach parking lot.

Does that ring a bell?


I'm talking about yesterday.

I don't understand.

I've never been there

yesterday or any other day.

Okay, so, so you're saying that you...

My wife has answered
your question, sergeant.

Unless there's something else

I'd like you to go.


Oh, and, uh, next time, use the phone.

Sheila: Sergeant Ryan.

What is it?

What happened back there?

You were in that lot.

Somebody tried to k*ll you.

Look, I can't talk now.

Can you meet me later on tonight?

Sure, where?

Reno's, on the beach. : .

If I'm late, wait for me.


What are you doing here?

I thought Harry gave you the week off.

Who's Casper Burke?

w*r hero, business tycoon

high society fund-raiser, take your pick.

He's been in the news dozens of times

over the last years.

Mmm, doing what?

Well, he was awarded

the medal of honor in ' .

He got it for bravery
as a p.O.W. In Vietnam.

And shortly after, he left the Navy

built a small tourist cruise line.

He retired two weeks
before he married, uh...

Sheila walton. She was

an entertainment director
on one of his cruise lines.

Oh, sweet. A may-November romance.

Well, it's more like December-January.

Who's the kid?

That is Chet Burke

the old man's son

from his first wife, who is now deceased.

Seems that the society columnists figure

that Chet and Sheila Burke
don't get along very well.

Poor boy must not like having a
stepmother younger than he is.

So what's your interest in all this?

Well, Chet's got a dangerous hobby.

He's into motocross racing.

Six months ago, he won a... I don't know...

The Miami regional amateurs or something.


Ah, this is about your mystery woman.

You know, Harry gave
you your vacation days early

so you could relax.

I am relaxing. No, you're not.

You're running around making

me wrong and you right.

Well, I'm right.

'Cause you have to be right.

I don't always have to be right, cassy.

Oh? When was the last
time that you were wrong?

There you go.

At least get out of your rut.

Do something different once in a while.

I hated this argument when we were married.

It's even less fun now.

Like tomorrow, don't read the Sunday paper

over coffee on your balcony.

Why don't you take it to
musso's on the beach?

Yeah, right, and wait in line

an hour for a table? Fat chance.

Well, okay, that's a bad example.

I know, I know.

Why don't you come boxing with me?


Yeah, it's a total aerobic workout.

I thought you were
doing the spinning thing.

Well, yeah, I am.

But vary your routine

and you never get bored.

Come on.

Come on.

Be your only chance

to take a swing at me.


I got a date.

With who?

With my mystery woman.


The girl that doesn't exist.

Sheila: I know what everyone thinks

but I didn't marry cas for his money.

I have papers to prove it.

You signed a pre-nup?

If we ever get divorced, I get a
few thousand dollars and my car.

I didn't even want that
much, but cas insisted.

People say chivalry is dead.

I love my husband, sergeant.

It's my stepson.

He's doing his best to make sure

that cas doesn't love me.

By stepson you mean Chet Burke?

Chet came to live with his father

about five years ago after his mother died.

She was an alcoholic; She hated cas.

And Chet was deeply loyal to her.

For some reason, he forgave his father

but he's resented me from
the moment I moved in.

Would Chet try to turn
his father against you?

No, I think Chet saw me

as a threat to his inheritance.

You know he told his father

that I filed a lawsuit to have him declared

legally incompetent?

Did you?

Of course not.

Well, it would be a neat
way around the pre-nup.

Seeing that you were your
husband's court-appointed


you'd control all the money.

I know cas loves me.

But if he ever had to make a choice

he'd never risk losing his son again.

That's why he wouldn't talk to me

about the attempt on your life

if I accuse Chet without any proof...

My marriage is over.

Maybe it's over anyway.

Well, not necessarily.

I don't think Chet's going to try anything

now that the police are involved.

Though, we can't be sure of
that, so I, I want you to stay

at the hotel for another few nights

while I look into this, okay?

Here's my card.

It's got my home number on it.

You give me a call any time.

Thank you, sergeant.

It's Tom.

Thank you, Tom.


Cassy: It's me.

Listen, weren't you researching

a guy named Casper Burke?

Yeah, what about him?

I'm at the causeway.

You better get down here right away.

A b.M.W. Registered in Burke's name

went off the bridge last night.

Divers have been searching all morning.

So far they've found no survivors.

No survivors?

No bodies, either.

But that's no surprise.

Current's pretty strong here.

Whoever was inside
when it went off the bridge

is probably halfway to Havana by now.

What do you think did that?

Well, it could have happened

when the car went through the guardrail.

Or by somebody on a
motorcycle swinging a crowbar.

And I thought that it was a product

of my over-stressed imagination.

The car swerved badly
before it went off the bridge.

Or it was forced off.

Say it.

Don't be infantile.

I want to hear it.

Tom. Come on.

Okay. I was wrong, you were right.

We were both wrong.

If I'd have put her in protective custody

instead of sending her to a hotel

Sheila Burke would still be alive.

But we don't even know that she's dead.

Don't we?

We also know who k*lled her.

Nice bike.


That's it.

That's the bike I saw.

Friend of yours?

One thing at a time.

I'm sergeant St. John.

This is sergeant Ryan.

I think you already know him.

Where's your stepmother?

How should I know?

I'm not her keeper.

Chet doesn't care

where she is, do you, Chet?

None of your damn business, big foot.

I saw a bike like this in the parking lot.

It left some pretty bad skid marks.

Is it okay if our people check

your tire treads

to make sure that they match?

Oh, yeah, go ahead; These are new.

I just put them on this morning

after I threw

the old ones away.

Tom! Tom!

What is up with you, man?

Tom, Tom!

Where were you last night?

Casper: My son was at home

last night with me.

If you have questions
for anyone in my family

you ask them of me.

Do you know where your wife is, Mr. Burke?

Come outside.

It's dark in here.

We need to look around your home.

Not unless you have a warrant.

I'll talk to judge Finley
and we'll get a warrant.

Young lady?

I don't know where my wife is, detective.

Sheila left me last night.

I assume for good.

Chet must be happy.

Now, why would you say that?

According to society
pages, they hated each other.

Gossip columns.


My wife and my son got along very well.

Didn't Chet tell you

that Sheila wanted to have
you declared incompetent

so she could control the estate?

Of course not.

And I wouldn't believe him if he had.

Sheila and I love each other very much.

But she left you.

My wife is an active young woman.

She wanted...

She deserved a f-fully functioning husband.

I'm not the man I was

years ago...

Or even the man I was five years ago.

I see.

When we realized that I couldn't be the man

that Sheila needed me to be,
she decided it was time to move on.

So she left, just like that?

Just like that.

Is there anything else?

We'll be in touch.

Okay, good. Thanks.

The warrant will be here in about an hour.

How'd it go with Mr. Energy?

We know one thing:

He hasn't been riding
any motorcycles lately.

They're going to be back with a warrant.

We got to move the body.

What body?

Oh, my god.


In the shed.


I ran her car off the road like we planned

but she fell out before
it hit the guardrail.

I had to chase her down with a crowbar.

It was a mess.

I couldn't risk her being found like that.

And you brought her here?

Yeah, only until I could find someplace

more permanent.

How can you be so stupid?

I did this for you!

Remember? Chet, Chet...


Sheila would have put you in an institution

caged you like an animal.

You know what that would have done to you.

This is a nightmare.


I know I made a mistake

but I've never k*lled anybody before.

I'm not a, I'm not a soldier like you.

I'm going to need your help digging her up.

You all right?

Let's just get it done.

It's hot in here.

Yeah, well, it's a lot hotter in jail.

Can, can we...?

They're going to be back any minute.

Where did you get a body bag?

Does it matter?


Okay, I'm going to go get the car.

You stay here.


Chet, open the door.

Sorry, Finley was late
getting back from lunch.

Would it have k*lled you to get a warrant

from a different judge?

I always use Finley.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

You're the guy who hates
to break in a new toothbrush.

Chet, I'm locked in!

I'm locked in!


I love you, cas.

You guys are fast.

We just called the m.E.'S office.

What's going on?

got the call about half an hour ago.

Old guy was dead when we got here.

Casper Burke?

Let's see, uh...

Burke, Casper.

Yeah, that's him.

How'd he die?

It was a heart attack.

Paramedic: Like he said.

Heart attack.

You k*lled him.


My father had a bad heart.

All that... crap you told him about Sheila.

It is your fault he's dead.

You trying to be funny?

Funny! You son of a...


Hey, hey, just knock it off.

I don't give a damn whose
foot is bigger than whose.

Tom: You're a very lucky guy.

Your father, your stepmother are dead.

You inherit everything.

You know, that kind of luck

could make a cynical man suspicious.

My stepmother isn't dead, man.

You can go check it out for yourself.

Show me.

I took your advice and
I, I checked into a hotel.

Which one?

Starlight, on the strip.


Go on.

Well, that's...

Pretty much it.

I... I went to pick up my car this morning

and it wasn't there.

Hotel security thinks it was stolen.

They file a police report?

I guess so.

How'd you end up back here?

It's stupid, I know.

But I wanted to let
cas know I was all right.

I called...

And, and Chet...

He told me, uh...

You know.

That Burke was dead.

You know, I just couldn't
help thinking all the way here

that I did this... I mean...

Maybe if I hadn't
left, he'd still be alive.

Wh-what was the name of the cab company?


You took a taxi.

Was it a private cab?
Freelance? Part of a company?

Was there a company logo on the door?

I, I don't know.

Is it important?


Well, you're right, you
shouldn't stay here tonight.

I mean, Chet has more reason
than ever to want you dead.

I just wish that I could
have told Casper, you know?

No matter what he thought

I loved him so much.

Stay there.

What do you think happened?

Gosh, I don't know.

He was getting some tools for the garden.

Damn Rose bushes, I told
him to leave them alone.

Did your father like to garden?


He won a prize last year

at some show.

When the paramedics came, did they move him

or is that the way you found him?

That's how I found him.

You didn't try c.P.R.?

No. Are you kidding me?

I never even learned how to swim.


Was that shed door opened or closed?

Uh... closed, I think.


Why would it be locked?

Well, I'm just trying to
see the whole picture.

What about you, do you like gardening?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, petunias, they're my favorite.

Right, the motorcycle man.


You keep your bikes in that shed?

No, I keep them in the garage.

Well, then how did you find him?

You don't garden

and you don't keep your bikes in the shed.

The door was shut, you don't
have any reason to go in there.

So how come you found him?

Uh, he was gone, you
know, for over an hour...

So... so I got worried.

I, so I looked everywhere.

That explains it.


I'm just trying to see the whole picture.


Well, no question about it.

The bastard k*lled him.

M.e. Says death by natural causes.

Burke had a bad heart.

Bad? He would have been better off

with a hamster in a wheel.

Wood splinters found
under Burke's fingernails

match the samples we
found off the shed door.

So? The man's ticker

misses a tock, he goes to get help.

Before he can get his hands on the door

bingo, his lights go out.

Finis, end of report...
Where is the homicide?

Burke took heart medication.

Nitroglycerin tablets.

When I searched the body

the pill box was lying open in his hand

the pills were spilled all around

indicating that he tried to
take one before he died.

The problem was, the pills were spilled

all around and on top of the body.

There were none under it.

Somebody would have
had to place them there.

Blind alley. Nitroglycerin
detects a heart attack.

It can't save you if you're having one.

We know that, and I suspect
that Casper Burke knew it, too.

But whoever planted those
pills in the shed didn't know.

Look at page two.

During the autopsy, a
partially dissolved pill

was found under Burke's tongue.

He knew that it wouldn't save him.

But somebody who
didn't have a heart problem

wouldn't know that.

So they removed the Nitroglycerin

from Burke's pocket

to make sure he wouldn't save himself

and then put it back

as soon as he was dead.

This I like.

Prime suspect?

Chet Burke, the dead man's son.

We also think that he was behind

a m*rder attempt on his stepmother.

What, she's in the clear?

We can't find the cab that dropped her off

but otherwise, her story checks out.

And not only that

Tom saw Chet try to k*ll her.

Oh, so now you believe me.

So, you know the drill.

Get search warrants if you can.

Run background checks on all principals.

Nail down the timeline.

You know, just what we always do.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, the whole routine.

Yeah, what I just said.

Well, I say pizza at your place

because this whole
routine could take hours.

What's wrong?

Oh, nothing.

Well, as long as it's not anchovies.

Yeah, okay, fine.

Are you sure, because you always...

Did you notice the only tools in the shed

were these shovels?

Yeah, I checked, Burke kept his tools

in the storage box on the outside wall.

If they were brand-new,
what were they doing

in there?

Wonder who bought them.

I'll flip you to see who finds out.

Yeah, tomorrow, fine.

Okay. I'll see.


No, I don't think she needs to attend.

Okay, just have the papers ready.


Who was that?

Dad's lawyers think I should
improve your settlement.

They don't want to risk
you contesting the will.

And you said?

Oh, well, absolutely.

Cut it out.

Sorry, did I get you wet?

We talked about this, okay?

Not in public, not
until things settle down.

Just wait until things settle down.

We're not in public.

Look, I said we wait.


For how long are we supposed to wait?

I mean, it's been a year already.

God, you know, stealing moments with you.

And then sharing that old man's bed.

It made me crazy.

Come on...

I want us to be together all the time.

Isn't that why we did it?

So we could be together?

The cop's too suspicious.

Okay? If he figures out
how we used him, then...

Then what?

Well, then we'll k*ll him.

Come here.

Why was a man with Casper Burke's history

ever in the shed in the first place?

Tom: What history?

If you're going to check
somebody's background

on the Internet, go deep.

Mr. Brand? Yes.

Yeah, I know it's almost after : .

Yeah. I'm hungry too, sir.

Listen, if you could just check
one more time for me, please.

Yeah. Two of them.

Mm-hmm. Green handles, heavy aluminum.

Yes, I'll wait.

I need pizza.

Just five minutes, will you?

Casper Burke was in the Navy
during the Vietnam w*r, right?

Yeah, I told you that.

But you didn't tell me

Burke's patrol boat was
caught by the Vietcong

and he spent the rest of the w*r

in a Hanoi prison camp.

Where'd you get that?

Abstract of an article

from the naval times, dated .

Burke tried to escape three times.

Guess where the cong put
him after he was recaptured?

A tiger cage?

Yay! And for that, I get
one entire pizza to myself.

You said no anchovies, right?

Yeah, no anchovies.

You know... hey, I know a Vietnam vet

who spent two weeks in
one of those tiger cage things.

The guy said it's no bigger

than a suitcase.

Thank you.

Yeah, too short to stand
up in, too small to lie down.

years later, this guy

he's still got nightmares.

Burke was in a tiger cage three times.

After that, for six years he was a p.O.W.

No wonder he wouldn't
talk to me in his garage.

Afraid of being inside.

That's why he kept

his garden tools

in a storage box outside the shed.

Strange that we would find him dead inside.

You did it again!

You ordered anchovies!

That's right.

In eight years, have you ever
known me not to order anchovies?

No, not once.

Not even when I was in the hospital.

You were in the hospital?

Cass, you were in there to remove a mole.

Why are you complaining?

You knew I was going to do it

and I knew you would whine about it.

Then why'd you lie to me?

Cassy, a lie's not a lie
when you know I'm lying.

Besides, it just saved
me minutes of whining.

Yes, Mr. Brand.


Can you give me a description?

Thank, thank you very much, sir.

Right. Bye.

What? Guess who bought

two shovels

at maximum hardware eight days ago

for bucks plus tax and paid cash?

A beautiful brunette with green eyes.


Do you have your sweats in the car?


We're going for a run.

Yeah, this is much better.

I mean, why eat when you can jog

till you faint and suffocate
face-down in the sand?

I take the streets to the beach.

Same beach, same streets, every day. Right?

Do you know how many little anchovies died

to make that pizza?

I counted... .

See, I'm a creature of habit.

You said it, Harry said
it, the pizza delivery guy.

And a guy wearing a paper hat

wouldn't be wrong.

If I was running along
the beach... me, right?

Yeah. What's the first thing

you'd notice about me?

Um, besides your handsome good looks?

Cassy, I'm going to order anchovies again.

I don't know, your clothes.

Oh, jeez.


It's kind of hard to miss, isn't it?


So Chet set you up to meet Sheila.

Why would he want to involve a cop?

They set me up.

Sheila and Chet.

They needed me to investigate

so that they could convince
Casper that she was dead.

If Chet and Casper

were digging something up out of that shed

Chet wanted to make
sure that it was something

that would scare the old man to death.

Sheila's body.

So they planned to k*ll him

and split the inheritance.

Did your mother decorate it

or did Sheila?

My mother never lived here.

My parents didn't have much back then.

So you grew up in...

An apartment in Miami.

And your father lived here?

You know, I, I never cared

much about money.

Well, that's good.

Why is that?


Because Sheila filed papers

in the district court this
morning contesting the will.

Gold diggers like her
really can't be trusted.

But I'm sure you know that.


Sorry. Hope I didn't scare you.

It's okay.

I'm glad it's you.

I'm glad I found you.

I've been trying to thank you

for trying to help out.

Oh, well, hey.

You were lucky I was at the beach

that day when you needed me.

So maybe we were both lucky.

Well, that's very sweet.

Uh, why don't I help you with these?

Well, thank you.

When? This morning.

I got a friend

that works down at the courthouse

who keeps me posted.

Just 'cause Chet is changing attorneys

doesn't mean he's going
to cut you off entirely.

I mean, he can with a prenuptial agreement

but, you know, you're prepared for that.

Think about it.

Why would he want to share all that money?

I mean, he is out to get you, right?

Worked like a charm.

Great. When will you be there?

In about six minutes.

Here, let me get that for you.

Wow, what have you been digging up?


Don't move a pinky.


And drop it.

Drop it!

Well, there better not be a scratch on it.

You know how Harry hates
borrowing from vendors.

It's not the shovel I'm worried about

it's the body bag.

Morton made me sign a voucher for it.

He wouldn't make you do
that if you were more reliable.

Oh, I see.

Now I'm unreliable.

First I'm too predicable.

You know, cass, I happen to think

I'm all right just the way I am.

You are.

Except for the anchovies.

Here we go.

Tom, those little creatures are dragged

from the deep blue sea.

They're plants with eyes.

Have you ever looked
into those little eyes?

What a sad story they tell.


From the majestic creature of the ocean

to a garnish on your pizza!

Okay, fine.

We'll have sausages.

Sausages have eyes!

I'm going to just forget you said that.