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08x07 - Sins of the Mother

Posted: 10/08/23 06:21
by bunniefuu
Man: Yeah...

Uh, yeah.

Woman: Hungry?

Man: Oh, yeah...


Still hungry?

Oh, yeah.

You sure?

Oh, god...

Then close your eyes.

Open your mouth.



Woman: Don't die on me yet.

I don't know, I must be
doing something wrong.

Oh, you got to, you got
to push the thing up there.

What thing?

The, uh, the push-up thing.

I'll, I'll show you.


There you go.

Great, thanks.


Mmm... is that drakar noir?


I love that scent.

I used to work at the perfume counter.

Judging by the looks of this car

you and your husband
might have owned the store.

I'm not married.

I'm not disappointed.

I'm Tom.


Nice to meet you.

Well, this has been so stressful

I need a mocha latte.

Can I buy you one for being so heroic?

Yeah... no.

I've got to work, I'm sorry.

Oh, what do you do?

I'm a, I'm a cop.


I'm impressed.

Well, maybe some other time.


And, I should get your number.

Oh, here.

I have a pen.

I don't have any paper.

Paper is so impersonal.

Just like that.

Thank you.



Hey, sterling, how are you?

Great day to be alive, huh?

For some of us.

I got a John Doe in here.

Both wrists slashed.

Very deep.

He, uh, he cut ligament;

no one ever cuts ligament.

Hesitation cuts?

Oh, so now that my hair's thinning

I can't do my job, hmm?

I'm having a great day, sterling.

Don't ruin it for me.

Yeah, sure, you're having a good day.

You have hair.

I just had my yearly check-up.

It didn't go very well.

You had your hair examined?

Well, of course you don't have to, do you?

You know, people with hair

they feel so superior

as if we, the follicly
challenged, had a choice.

I didn't bring up hair.

Sterling: He went through

several small slashes
before he got up the nerve

to go deep and deadly.

So, uh, you were saying your doctor said

that you need plugs?

No, he didn't say I needed...

Do you think I need plugs?

No, no...

Why would you bring that up?

I wasn't thinking.

I appreciate that, Tom.

That's really nice of you.

Uh, I know, I'm late.

Forgot to set my alarm.

Forgot to set her alarm.

Yeah, I forgot.

So, what of it?

You know, you guys got to get

more sleep at night.

Yeah, but I never sleep on Wednesday night.

It's garbage night.

Right. Well, last night was Tuesday night.

Oh. What do we have?

Oh, got an apparent
su1c1de there in the bathroom.

Time of death, approximately

: P.M.

But I don't think you'll
be able to I.D. him

from what we found.

Wallet? Yeah, got one here.

But it's empty.

Either the body was robbed

or he flushed the contents himself.

Can we get a profile on his clothing?

No, no, it's pretty generic.

There aren't any dry cleaning
or laundry marks, either.

Doesn't look like the type of guy

to check into a $ -a-night hotel room.

How about prints?

Yeah, yeah.

Thumb and forefinger,
they're definitely his.

But the rest of the place
had been wiped clean.

I mean, door handles, the furniture

tile in the bathroom, everything.

What about the maid?

No, she came in, took one look
at the body and took a powder

so I, I don't think she's it.

It's got to be somebody else.

This bed's been remade.

Where's the bed sheet?

Could have been stripped off

and the comforter replaced.

But maybe there just weren't any.

This place is too clean.

Somebody didn't want
to leave their autograph.

Tom: Sterling?


Check the drain for hair, uh, skin.

Sue, let's have the bald guy

pull the plug, huh?

Forget it.

He uses a scalp massager, doesn't he?

And a conditioner, too.

Free samples; He gets them

in the mail.


Tom: Oh, geez.

My hands, they sweat in these gloves.

So take them off.

I can't take this glove off.

Cassy, you don't understand.

I can't take it off.

Never mind, I...

Cassy: Mort was right.

Somebody cleaned the place

and it sure wasn't the maid.

Looks like our victim had a mystery guest.

Hey, cassy!



How are you?

I'm great, how are you?

Good, good.

You know, you know me.

You must be Tom.

Cassy told me a lot about you.

Don't worry, most of it was good.


I have a bacteria thing.

No problem.

I've got a meeting and I'm late, as usual.

But I don't have to tell you that.

Some things never change.

I'll call you soon.


Nice meeting you.

Who was that?

I don't have a clue.

Cassy: Well, it's just

in the past few weeks.

I get in my car

and I can't remember where I'm going.

I pick up the phone and I don't know

who I'm going to call.

And you know my address book?

I live by that thing

and it's been lost for two days.

And this morning

I find it in the vegetable keeper.



Well, it's your mind.

It's on other things, that's all.

Like what?

I get up, I go to work

I come home.

And it's not like I have a social life.

What if it's Alzheimer's?

Oh, come on, cassy.

Don't be ridiculous.

Oh, yeah, that's what everybody says:

"It'll never happen to me."

And then it does.

You see, I think it's better

to assume that it will happen to you

and then be surprised if it doesn't.


That made absolutely no sense.

This from a man who's walking the streets

wearing a latex glove.

So what do you got on the su1c1de?

Uh, we have, uh...

Well, we have a no-name victim.

No su1c1de note.

No prints anywhere near the body

not even the dead man's.

The wallet, pockets, they're all empty.

And the bed was used,
so somebody knew enough

to remove the evidence.

I knew this guy once.

He went out for a great meal.

He, uh, treated himself to the opera,

came home

knocked off a bottle of cognac,
then put a g*n to his head.

Maybe this guy was doing the same thing.

Before he goes, he decides to order

himself a hooker.

Well, it could have
been a sexual encounter.

But without the bed sheets,
we have nothing to back that up.


Harry, what does this look like to you?


What does this look like to you?

A latex glove.

No, inside the glove.

Oh, ins... now, see, he's making it tough.


I'll say... your hand.

Harry, I met a girl, all right?

We were pumping.

What? At the... gas.

At the gas station.

She held my hand, Harry.

She wrote her phone number down on my hand.

I used to do that in grade school.

Like you'd remember.

Harry, I don't know what happened.

I should have gone into
that station immediately

and written that number
down on a piece of paper

but, I don't know... I locked up.

And I put this latex glove on my hand.

Let me get this straight.

An experienced cop like you

can't remember a lousy phone number?

It was seven, eight, something, something.

Oh, okay.

Now who's talking memory?

My hand, my story.

What do I do?

This is going

to sound drastic.

Try taking it off!

Okay, okay, I'm going to take it off.

Tom: Gather around,


I want to see.

Come on, give me a little room.

I don't want to smear it.

Take it off!

Lipschitz: And I thought opening

al Capone's vault was exciting.

I'll get the victim's
prints off to Washington.

Lipschitz: Oh, that reminds me

there's a new type of technology.

It's called a.F.I.S. Or
something like that.

I got the brochures in my office.

Oh, good.

Woman: A.F.I.S. Stands for

"automated fingerprint
identification system."

The f.B.I. Is hamstrung.

They're limited to people
who have been arrested

served in the armed forces

or worked for the government.

Our fingerprint database
throws a wider net...

The d.M.V., customs, the
I.N.S., voter registration, etc.

Our computers are faster
and our reach greater.

So, how good are you

at tracking down phone numbers?

I'm now identifying the reference points

that make this set of prints unique.

Oh, we're down to ten possibilities.

Cassy: So the computer

should be able to make

a positive I.D. fairly quickly?

The computer does not actually
make the final identification.

It kicks back to me and I do.

I've got an eight-point match.

This is it.


Cassy: No wonder he's dead.

He worked for the I.R.S.

Cream, no sugar.

There you are.

Mr. Daniels will be with you shortly.

And yours was tea with lemon.

Thank you.

Good morning.

Welcome to the internal revenue service.

Can I offer you something?

Uh, no, we have an appointment

with miss Rochester.

Of course.

Detectives Ryan and St. John.

You found us with no trouble?

It's usually the other
way around, isn't it?

Will you follow me, please?

And make sure to get

your parking ticket validated

on the way out.

Bill carswell was an investigator

for our criminal division.

Tom: What type of crimes?

Usually cases involving
non-payment of taxes.

Business or personal?

Either, but primarily individual.

Bill is an excellent digger.

How long has he been with the I.R.S.?

About years.

Working for us seems to fit his lifestyle.


Well, bill's a loner.

Very socially ill at ease.

But he is meticulous and thorough.

What has he done wrong?

We're trying to determine that.

Bill carswell's dead, miss Rochester.

Oh, good lord.

Tom: We're trying

to figure out

if bill's death was any way connected

to a case that he was working on

and we need to see his files.

Of course.

I'll do anything I can to help

but I.R.S. Files are
completely confidential.

Under the circumstances

can't you waive the regulations?

I wish I could, believe me.

But short of a congressional
edict, there's nothing I can do.

Ah, the drain catch.

Well, you got lucky.

We found soap particles, tissue samples

and most importantly
keratin-filled cuticle samples

in the terminal phase.

What's that?

Adult hair.


Most of them belonged to our John Doe.

But when we separated those out

that's when we struck gold.

One is blonde and three are auburn.

Right, the blonde one is
real, belongs to a female.

The others are synthetic.

Must have stuck to his sweat

and then washed down the drain.

She was wearing a wig?

Uh-huh, and there's more.

I found residue of toothpaste on his teeth.

Nobody brushes their teeth
before they k*ll themselves.

That's not even the bizarre part.

At the time of his death, his
windpipe was actually blocked

by a piece of fruit, a strawberry.

There wasn't any fruit
found in the bathroom.

There wasn't much in his stomach, either.

Did he die of asphyxiation

or blood loss?

I'd have to say blood loss.

But you said he choked.

The amount of blood

that drained into the tub
was consistent with a su1c1de.

But, of course, a choking
man isn't really capable of that.

But he might be significantly disarmed

so that someone else, let's
say our woman, was able

to m*rder him by slitting his wrists.

So the hesitation cuts were
designed to throw us off.

So, if she started at the bed

that means that she would
have to drag him to the tub.

Now, that's one strong lady.

Can you support this?

Not to a jury's satisfaction.

But this m*rder was thoroughly planned

and brilliantly ex*cuted.

Whoever did this was very careful

and highly, highly skilled.

Why would he be the target
of a professional hit-woman?

Bad luck in the audit draw.

Does that look like a two to you?

Mmm, no, more like a five.

Five? Yeah.

Harry, does that look like

a fi...?

You know.

Carswell may have been
conducting an intrusive

and even abusive audit.

Then would going to carswell's
apartment be a good idea?

Yes, it would.

That would be an excellent idea.

Cassy: Yeah.

He'll get right on it.

She'll... yes.

Right. Bye.

Both: There's something I have

to do first.

This is weird.

This is weird.

So I know for sure there's
a seven and an eight

and I think maybe a five.

Well, if there's any ink
left in the skin pigment

this should bring it to the surface.


Chemicals would be better

but you'd probably lose,
oh, six layers of skin.

I'll stick with the blacklight.

Right. So, don't tell me.

You just tossed your wavy locks

and she begged you for a date, right?

Morton, not all women are attracted

to a guy by his hair.

Some of them are actually very interested

in the guy's...


So you're saying that
when you look at a woman

the first thing that jumps
into your hirsute head is

"gee, I wonder what kind
of personality she has?"


I thought not.

Oh, yeah, here it comes.

Oh, yeah, I got a, a seven...

And an eight, and...

That's it.

I know that.

Now you know for sure.

Man: Steady now.

I'm going to push down on your arm

and I want you to meet my resistance.

What does this do?

If you're able to resist, it
means that area's strong.

Now, hold.

I don't know if it's stress or diet.

And I don't really forget major
things, just the little things.

Well, we'll get to the bottom of it.


Good. That's your
cerebellum reflex, it's strong.



I want you to try ginkgo biloba.

It's been a mainstay of Chinese medicine

for over , years.

It'll help maintain proper memory function.

Two pills, three times a day.

With water.

This is St. John's wort.

Warts? I don't have any of those.

It's an herb, no relation.


It provides support

for healthy mental and nervous system.

One capsule...

Two to three times a day.

I hope I can remember all that.


Oh, come on, cass.

You really think those roots and vegetables

are going to do any good?

Those roots and vegetables have been around

since the dinosaurs.

Exactly, and look what happened to them.

Yeah, but it's working already.

I feel energized and focused.

What number did the
manager say was carswell's?

, ha!

It wasn't a test.

Yeah, right.

Here it is.

Did you say seven, eight?


Seven, eight, something, something.

I'll check the bedroom.

Hey, Tom, this computer's still warm.

You okay?

Go, go, go...

Are you okay?


Was it a man or a woman?

It was a woman.

A woman who kicked like kwai Chang caine.

Like who?

Kw... oh, never mind.

So, why risk exposure by coming back here?

Ah, damn, this thing's been reformatted.

Is there a backup disk?


We got nothing here, cass.

Well, delores Rochester
said that carswell was a digger.

So whatever he had on
that computer had to come off

of some sort of hard copy.

Want to get a warrant
and search the office?

No. Because if this guy was
going to blackmail someone

he wouldn't leave the
evidence in the office.

Bedroom's clean. You?

Nothing in the fridge.

This guy has less in his fridge than I do.

What about the cupboards?


Glasses, plates, nothing.

No food? No chips?

Nothing, huh?

No. This guy didn't eat here.

He did, however, keep a receipt

for every restaurant that he ever ate at.

Sorted by date, and I might add

by breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Well, well, well.

This guy had more dirt
on people than Linda Tripp.

What or who is "e"?

With no names?

No. Nothing but "e."

What's underneath?

Three women's names with a list

of multiple violations of the I.R.S. Code.

Well, it seems our Mr. Carswell
was trying to nail some women

for back taxes and penalties.

Look, they all have the same birthday.

October , .

Same person, different identities.

That would explain a
lot about your behavior.

We think that carswell stumbled

across the false identities
while auditing her tax return.

A rich woman

she cheats on her taxes.

Carswell threatens her,
and so she hires a k*ller.

A professional k*ller?

Both: Yeah.

Uh-huh. There's a word in yiddish


I didn't know that was a yiddish word.

It's not but, it still is.

Harry, what if the person
is a professional k*ller?

Oh, of course.

I can see the form now.

"Name, Jane Smith. Occupation, assassin."

Look, there'd have to be a cover-up, right?

The person would have to live a normal life

like a normal person.

Have to be neighbors, housing, a dog.

A dog.

Yeah. You know, she leaves it in the kennel

while she's, uh, doing the k*lling.

Seriously. The point is, it's possible.

I am going to take away
every Robert ludlum novel

you two ever bought.

You got a better theory?

Yes. You're going to the end

to try to prove the middle.

The victim tells all.

You got to find out more about the victim.

Tom: One thing we know

for sure is

that the guy's got a receipt

for every meal that he ever ate.

Look at this, he's telling you

something already.

Tom: So it's a seven

and an eight.

That's in the number for sure.

So there's got to be , combinations

to the right phone number.

Well, if you could try ten a minute

it should only take
you a little over six days

to hit the right one.


It's hopeless.

Hi, I'm Karen.

You wanted to see me?

Yeah, we did.

Did you know this guy?

Sure, I know Billy.

Adam and Eve on a raft

side of hash browns crispy, and juice.

Did you spend much time talking to him?

Yeah, he's nice.

Not real cute, kind of shy.

Not the dating type.


Did he eat alone?

Until last week, yeah.

What happened last week?

Well, he came in with a woman.

Blew me away.


Only way a guy gets a woman like her is

if he looks like DiCaprio
or has gates's money.

And bill had neither.

Can you describe her?

She was a redhead, and she was pretty.

Did they arrive together?

I think so.

After the fight, Billy got

into the car with her.

He had a fight with the woman?

No, with Sarah.

Who's Sarah?

The local meter maid.

She was giving this
green car a parking ticket

and Billy started yelling at her.

This guy was mellow

even when I'd screw up his order.

Anyway, Sarah gave the driver a ticket

and Billy got into the car and peeled out.

When did this happen?

Some time last week.

Tuesday, Wednesday, I can't be sure.

Um, last Tuesday or Wednesday

palm boulevard.

Yeah, I can wait.

No, sorry, sorry, wrong number.


No, no, i'm, I'm just calling some numbers

to check something.



I mean, this carswell

he, he led about as active
a social life as a monk.

Every phone call the guy made was


Call the gas company,
carpet cleaners, office supplies.

Yeah, I'm here.

Oh, great.

Got a name?



I owe you, harv.


The car was a rental.

I got an address.

Hi, I'm Stuart collyer.

Sorry, my daughter's a bit
of an artist with ice cream.

She gets more on
everybody than in her mouth.

How can I help you?

It's about the car you rented last week.

In London?

You were in London?

Yes, for five days on business.

The car was paid for with your visa card.

Who else might have access to that card?

Perhaps you'd better...

Oh, honey, are we out?

I thought we bought two.

Oh, excuse me.

This is my wife, Eleanor.

Our daughter, Mary sue.

Detectives Ryan and St. John.

Oh, this must be about the donation.

But I got a call last week
from the benevolent fund

and they said that I could just mail it in.

No, we're not here about
a donation, Mrs. Collyer.

Something about a rent-a-car?

Oh, is there a problem?

Do you know anyone that might have rented

a car last week using
your husband's credit card?

Of course. I did.

For yourself. No, for a

charity event.

There were a lot of people.

We needed an extra vehicle.

Do you remember who drove the rental car?

I have no idea.

I was busy, I'm afraid

and I didn't pay that much attention.

Do you know bill carswell?

I don't think so, no.

Well, whoever drove the car

got a parking ticket.

Well, I'll be more than
happy to take care of that.

No, we'd like to know

where you were two nights ago.

Me? Why?

What is this all about?

Just answer the question.

Just a minute...

No, no, honey, it's okay.

At a charity ball for the art museum.

We're doing our big fundraising campaign.

Cassy: Were you there all night?

Of course.

You can ask anyone who was there.

I'm probably in dozens of photographs.

Tom: Okay, thanks.


Her alibi checks out.

She was there.

Photographers got dozens of prints.

She could have slipped out,
k*lled carswell and come back.

No, you saw her.

She doesn't look like a k*ller.

I think this thing's a dead end.

What's her name?


Hey, don't you remember
bill carswell's file?

"E" was the woman with
all the code violations.

I want to know more
about this "Eleanor collyer."

Using the name you provided,
Eleanor Anderson-collyer

I was able to secure her prints

from the Florida d.M.V.

That's her.

Actually, it's Larissa pavlik

a Russian national who immigrated

to this country in .

Can we try something?

Pull up her social security number

and see what comes back.

We got a data sheet for Larissa pavlik?

Yes, sir.


She requested asylum as a political refugee

and was granted a temporary visa

in April ' .

She never reported back to the I.N.S.

And she never requested an extension.

Very interesting.

Her social security number
matches Eleanor Anderson

born greenwich,
Connecticut, October , .

Died may , .

Who the hell is this woman?

So she was born in Russia. Big deal.

A lot of people change their names

when they come to america.

You didn't.

Yes, I did.

It was originally rothchild.

I didn't want people begging me for money.

Come on, Harry, she's got to be the link.

And it stands to reason that
the woman that met carswell

at the diner is the same one

that got him to climb into the bathtub.

We're not talking about lothario, here.

You check his phone records?


Every number is business-related.

Here's one he called twice.

You missed it.

No, I tried it.

I mean, I've tried that number.

Either I didn't or I'm losing it.

Seems to be a theme with you

these days, isn't it?

Who answers when you call?

It's a weird message. Try it.

Man: Drop seven, raven,

you're in play.


I think it's a code.

Man: Drop seven, raven,

you're in play.

Carswell is dead, call
lipschitz, palm beach P.D.

Harry, you think that's going to work?

It might.

Yeah, lipschitz.

Yes, I did.

Uh-huh. Wait a minute.

Wait, wait, wait. Pal, hold on.


Okay, got it.

There'll be three of us.


I'm frank salerno.


I'm the one who called.

Carswell approached me three weeks ago.

Wanted background on Larissa pavlik

on an audit he was conducting.

I gave it to him.

So we're dealing with a Russian spy?

Yes and no.

She could be a sleeper, but we doubt it.

But she is a foreign agent?

Colony three.

What is colony three?

What does that look like to you?


Try the vast Russian plain

miles outside of Moscow.

One of the smartest
things the Russians ever did

was build colony three
as a school for spies.

Everything in it was
American, including a - .

K.g.b. Agents were given
total cultural immersion.

They learned how to talk, think, act;

even have sex like Americans.

A graduate of colony three
would be indistinguishable

from someone born and raised here.

Why did you let her walk
around in our backyard?

As far as we are concerned, she's inactive.

Well, we think she k*lled bill carswell.

And that would be a shame.

He was an okay guy.

Lipschitz: Wait a minute.

You knew she was lethal
and you let him pursue her?

This agency is not concerned
with domestic affairs.

That's pretty callous.

I guess that's why they call us

the "cold warriors."

Tell us what you know about her.

Salerno: She was probably taken

from her parents

when she was five or
six, put into colony three

and trained as a saboteur and assassin.

She's smart and efficient.

When the communist
system began to disintegrate

these agents needed someplace
to go to evade exposure.

Many of them came here.

Within a couple of years they
were as yankee as any of us.

Tom: So, if carswell

had discovered who she was

he was blackmailing her to keep her quiet.

Cassy: And a mother would do anything

to protect her family.

If she thinks you guys have
made her, she's going to run.

You'll never find her.

Let's move, move!

Check that room out!

Go ahead.

Where the hell is she?

I don't know, keep looking.

She's on the run.

Yeah, but as what?

Even if we could recognize her,
there are five ways out of town

and we can't block all of them effectively.

Well, she'll take the least likely.

Buses, cabs, what?

Lipschitz: Still doesn't lessen the number

of Bridges we got to cover.

Palm transit is only allowed to use

the flagler and the royal park.

Pick one.

Royal's the closest.

Let's go.

Excuse me.

Could you take your glasses off,




She must be heading to flagler.

Harry, release the traffic!

We're heading to flagler!

Tom, she's on the bus!

You know who I am? What I am?

I know who you are.

Then you know I'll k*ll you if I have to.

You're never going to get out of this city.

Not alone.

You'll be my passport.

What about your daughter?

Does she know what you are?


You run, she's going to find out.

She's going to have to.



Okay, you win.

Hold it right there!

Put your w*apon down

and stand away from the officer!

Put your w*apon down now!

Give me the g*n, Larissa.

Give me the g*n, Larissa.

I'm not that other... woman anymore.

Oh, am I ever glad to see you!


So that's why

I haven't heard back from you.

No, no, no.


Who was that?

That was the girl whose number got smeared.

That was Lauren?

That was la...

How did you know her name?

You must have told me.

No, no, no.

That never came up.

Well, it must have, sometime.


What? All right.

She called the station yesterday
and left a message for you.

You forgot?

No, I was just choosing
the right time to tell you.

Give me this.

No, don't!

Tom, no!