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08x06 - Hidden Agenda

Posted: 10/08/23 06:21
by bunniefuu
Good morning, Mrs. Beinhorn.

How are you?

Hello, Mr. Petry.

Good morning.

I'd like to go to my box right away.

Cer-certainly. Sure.

Thank you.

I believe your new box
location is down here.

Uh, here's your new key.

Why would the bank
switch my box, Mr. Petry?

It was at the request of
your husband, Mrs. Beinhorn.

My husband?

Mm-hmm, yes.

So, will there be anything
else then, ma'am?



No, you can't have done this.

I just can't believe this... sitting here

across from you.

It's been what?




Long time.


You look great, just like I remember.

You remember that summer?

I sure do.

You don't forget so easy.

I was in love.

So why did you call?

Like you said, it's been a long time.

It's Saul...

Fosse, Harry.

Saul fosse, from back home?


He lives out here now.

I've been seeing him.

Sort of working for him.

For crying out loud, Dorothy, why fosse?

Why Saul?

He's been okay to me.

I've been stealing from him, Harry.


Not much, just...

D-D-Don't, hold it.

Let's take a walk.

It's not that much, Harry

just enough so I can go out on my own.

How much?

All together, about grand.

So does he know?

I think so, but that's not the problem.

What is the problem?

Someone is framing me...

Setting it up to make it look

like I'm stealing a lot more than I have.

Tell me who.

I can't.

Harry, I can handle this.

I just need you to talk to Saul.

Tell him I can square everything

if he just gives me the time.

Oh, come on, dot.

This is way out of my limits.

You know, I'm a cop, come on.

I know, I know.

That's why I need it to come from you.

Please, Harry.

For me.

You don't worry about Saul fosse.

I'll talk to him.

Thank you.

Take my number.

Maybe when this is all
over, we can get together

talk about old times.

Maybe new ones.

Frannie: Oh, and Mrs. Levinson

wanted to know

if we wanted to come over there

Saturday night for bridge.

Do you remember her son David?

He's a big macher now out on the coast

writing for Hollywood.


You know, frannie

you ought to get some kind of kickback

from the vitamin pill companies.

What is this?

Saw palmetto oil.

Good for prostate problems.

I don't have prostate problems.

Prevention, Harry, prevention.

Just take it.

Oh, boy, I'm telling
you, Harry, it's your diet.

Frannie, could we not talk
right now about my diet?

I got to go.

Now? Tonight?

Yeah, now.

What is this? Business or what?

Yeah. Don't wait up.

I told you to bet on number five.

Why didn't you do what I told you?

Man : Come on, baby.

Man : Come on, come on.

Come on, let's go, let's go.

Come on, baby.

Come on, come on, seven.


It's the changing of the guard, dad.

The changing of the guard.

Hey, solly.

Oy vey iz mir, sergeant Harry lipschitz.

Captain now.

Palm beach P.D.

So how long you been here in palm beach?

Three years, I guess.

Sit down, come on.

It was too cold back there.

I couldn't take it anymore.

Hey, how's that wife of yours?

Frannie's terrific.

You? Your family?

Everybody's okay?

I lost Helen, the big "c."

It'll be five years in may.

I'm sorry, Saul.

Yeah. What are you going to do.

Hey, I want you to meet my son David.


this is captain Harry lipschitz

palm beach P.D.


Is there something wrong?


I just want to talk to your
dad in private, that's all.

Well, my dad's retired.

Why don't you talk to me?

'Cause if I wanted to talk to you

I would have called for you, wouldn't I?

Jerry, call kimble.

Have him meet us down here...

No, no, Jerry. Hold on, hold on.

Is it "captain" today

or just plain Harry who
wants to talk to me?

Unofficial, Saul.

You never change.

Always so serious

like the old days.

It's okay.

Harry and I, we go way back.

I don't need a lawyer.

Go ahead, go cash in your winning tickets.


He's a good kid.

He's still learning.

So, Harry, what do you
want to see me about?

Dorothy came to see me, Saul.

She's scared.

Why would Dorothy be scared of me, Harry?

I think you know the
answer to that, don't you?

Yeah, well, if that's true

then maybe this is none of your business.

I got no problem with you.

I'm just asking you

man to man, make sure
nothing happens to her

that's all.

All right.

Dorothy walked out on me three days ago.

I haven't seen or heard from her since.

I know why

and I know what she's doing.

It's okay.

It's not like my business
provides retirement plans.

She's got nothing to worry about.

Thank you for that, Saul.

So it's true

what the kid said... you're retired?

They want advice, I give them advice.

That's all.

I got to get back home to frannie.

Good to see you, solly.

Me too, Harry, me too.

You want to talk to me?

So, where are you

with the ein case?

Oh, the autopsy report came back.

The tox screen was clear.

There was no blunt-force trauma,

so we're going

to re-interview the widow.

We think we'll file it as natural cause.

Uh, Tom, when you were married

did you ever think about other women?

Is this a trick question?

Hey, fine.

You don't want to talk about it,
you don't want to talk about it.


You've been married a long time, Harry.

Yeah, I have.

Looking's perfectly natural, Harry.

It's doing that has the consequences.

You know, when cassy and I were together

I looked, but I never did,
so if you're thinking of...

Cassy: Good morning.

Filing that under
"missing persons," I...

Liar. What were you really talking about?

Happily married men

having affairs.

Yeah, right.

Ein's widow called.

I told her we were on our way.

Okay. I'm on it.


You know, I'm not going to pay you

unless you go back today.

Yes, Edward, I am threatening you.

Today! Not tomorrow or
the next day, but today!

You got it? Good!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

What's the matter with you!

God, don't you hate it when people don't

pay attention to their driving?


Fresh out of the oven.

Something's wrong?

I don't know, Harry.

Is there?

I don't think so.

Oh, great.

Then have a cookie.

Ay, frannie...

What's wrong, Harry?


I'm sorry. I...

I'm just not in the mood
for cookies, that's all.

See you tonight.

Yeah, I'll... see you tonight.





I know that tin.

Chocolate chips, just out of the oven.

I shouldn't.

Take a cookie, Ryan.

Well, if you're

going to beg...



You got a minute?


And what does Harry think about it?

What, are you kidding?

He'll be thrilled.

That Harry, he's a...

He's a real tiger.

Harry? Really?

Yeah... really.

Frannie, what's wrong?

I don't know, cass.

See, honey, the thing is...

Do you like me?

I mean... the way I look?

From the bottom of my heart.


Well, the thing is, uh...

I want to look like you.

But let's face it, with all the...

Working out in the world, I know I can't.


You know what?

I love the way you look.

Really, cass?


I hope someday that somebody tells me

that I remind them of frannie lipschitz.

I mean that.

Tom: So, what have we got?

There's a bruising pattern

petechial hemorrhaging...

Definitely strangulation.

Anything else?

Prints galore.

Open briefcase, -millimeter


Other than that

it looks like your garden-variety


Sterling, can you run a
chemical on this for dr*gs?

Sure, anything specific?

Try for cocaine.

If it tests positive

then we know either dr*gs
or money were involved.

Cassy, over here...


Gladys pembroke, Anita
greenspan, Norma Bernstein,

dotty dierdorf, Teresa Finn.

Yeah, which name is the one attached

to the d.B.?

Sterling, did you get a room key?

Not so far.

Why would the k*ller keep her room key?

That's not the purse she came in with.

Look at her shoes.

What color are they?


And this purse is brown.

There's not a chance in the world

this woman would mismatch

shoes and purse.

Here we go... look at this.

Yeah... key, lipstick,
blush, mascara, kleenex...

Everyday items.

So, which one of these fine women

is our unlucky lady?

Since when did cops start looking like you?

I'm, uh... sergeant Tom Ryan, palm beach

police department.

This is sergeant...

Are you married?

No, I'm not.

We'd like to ask you a couple of questions

about the m*rder, ma'am.

Miss divine t. Beauregard.

Want to get married?

Uh, no, no, I don't.

I did. Uh...

I have a nice little
nest egg of investments

which I'm willing to share

and I, uh... don't snore.

Your turn.

Who did you rent the room to?

She checked in under the
name of Norma Bernstein.

I require a security
deposit from all my guests.

Give me a second, I'll check.

Let's see... here it is.

Her credit card receipt.

Did you have any
contact with miss Bernstein

after she checked in?

Mmm, said hello to her a
couple times on her way...

In and out.

My guests tend to keep to themselves.

You know, we could
live together for a while

if that will help.

That's a... that's a good idea.

Actually... I'm think of a career change

I'm becoming a priest.

Yes... thank you for your time.


Cassy: Ten different picture I.D.S.

A g*n, some shaved serials.

So, what have we got?

A scammer.

A hitter, a grifter, what?


Thank you.

Bingo on Norma Bernstein.

Local address.

Let's get on it.

Right here.

Tom: Norma Bernstein?

I am.

I'm sergeant St. John.

This is sergeant Ryan.

Do you have a visa card, Mrs. Bernstein?

I do for emergencies.

I usually pay cash for everything.

Why do you ask?

Uh, your credit card was used

to check into a residence
hotel on ocean way.

I've never been there.

That's odd.

Well... maybe I...

You're probably not going to find

anything, ma'am.

Your card's been stolen.

You'll need to call the card company

to cancel it.


Thank you.



Are we interrupting something?

No, what do you want?

Tom: Norma Bernstein

is alive.

Her credit card was stolen.

Our d.B. Is now a Jane Doe.

That's par for the course.

You try cross-referencing the other I.D.S?

Yeah, that's next.

Figure this is not a first-timer.

Probably got a record like a shopping list.

Cassy: You all right?

Yeah, I'm all right.

Why do you keep asking?

It just seemed like you
were somewhere else.

I'm fine, sergeant, thanks.

You sure?

That's it.

Out, you two out of my office now.

Go, go.

Another round, Harry?

Yeah, I'll have one more.

So, what is it this time?

Come on, Harry, every
time it's the same thing.

You come in here looking
like your world's ending.

We have a real nice chat

and then I don't see
you again for another...

Well, until the next cataclysm.

It's not like that, Betty.

Oh, sure it is. Besides...

I miss serving up club sodas with a twist.

It's good for a laugh.

What is it?

It's funny how things turn out, isn't it?

Choices you make in your life.

What if a choice you made

a long time ago...

What if you had the
opportunity to throw it all away

and make that choice again?

All I.D.S accounted for.

Texas, Louisiana, Florida.

Some of these people weren't too pleased.

And Morton confirmed that
there were traces of cocaine

found in the briefcase.

Modern motive for m*rder.

So, n.C.I.C. Got a hit.

Dorothy beinhorn.

Insurance fraud, petty larceny.

This list goes on.

Cocaine would fit.

Her record goes back for years.

It looks like she spent
a lot of time in Jersey.

Yeah, port Jeff, Elizabeth.

All the earlier arrests are
centered around the Newark area.

This rap sheet ends in .

Just sealed juvie junk.

Who do we know in Jersey

that would break the seal on her record?

Who's that guy that Harry knows?

Tom, cass?

Oh, hi, frannie.

Harry's not here right now.

Good. I came to talk to the two of you.

Does frannie know about her?


Come on, Harry.

Every day I stand behind this bar

listening to guys like you
spout out their tales of woe.

Now, I don't mean to offend

but who is she?

What the hell's going on with Harry?

He's acting so strange.

I don't know what to think, you know?

He knows how much I love him.

I know how much she loves me

and I love her.

And he loves me.

I wish I could tell her what's going on.

I wish he would just
tell me what's going on.

It's not regret, exactly, it's just...

What might have been, you know?

What might have been.


You don't know how good you've got it.

Tom: Harry knows

how good he's got it.

You've got nothing to fear.

Yeah, frannie, don't worry.

Really? Shut up.

You cannot fool with nuns, remember that.

Fosse: Harry?

Two times in one week?

And I thought I was running out of friends.

Let me buy you a drink.

I asked you to lay off her
and you said you would.

Captain, back off.

Shut up, David!

Dorothy beinhorn is dead!

And you, you... you nothing...

You paskudnyak, you did it.

It was dr*gs, you...

David, check it!

Harry, all the things I've done

I never sold the poison

and you know that.

Now, I give you my word, I didn't hurt her.

So, what did you do?

You get the pride of your
loins here to do it for you?

What a great way to train

in the family business

strangle a woman.

She get some licks in

before you put your hands...

Don't ever insult me or
my family again, lipschitz.

Get him out of my face.

Come on.

Oh, Harry.

Shh, go back to sleep, frannie.

Where've you been?



My god, what happened to your lip?

Did someone hit you?

I don't want to talk about
it tonight, okay, frannie?

No, it's not okay.

My husband comes home
with his first busted lip

since he's a patrolman

I'm supposed to forget about it?

Okay... you want to know what happened?

I'll tell you.

I blew it.

I totally lost my cool

and I feel like a
complete ass for doing it.

What made you do this, Harry?

Saul fosse.

Saul fosse. The mobster?

Alleged mobster.


So why did this alleged mobster hit you?

Because I gave him a reason to.

It happens, cass.

Oh, please.

Harry involved with a woman

who had seven different aliases

a grifter... I don't think so.

I mean, if Harry was having

a mid-life crisis, where's
the younger woman?

The red corvette.

The hair plugs.

Okay, then why would Harry

after learning that Dorothy
beinhorn was the victim

immediately go after Saul fosse?

It's got to be this New Jersey connection.

Look, Saul, Dorothy, Harry,
they're all from New Jersey.

It's a big state, cass.

We have no proof that he even knew her.

New Jersey's big, essex county isn't.

And if Harry grew up with Saul fosse

how big a leap is it to think

he knew Dorothy beinhorn, too?

I don't buy it, I know Harry

better than anybody knows Harry.

I know he would have said something.

Not if he's hiding it.

I don't know, I just think

he would have mentioned it.

I mean... I consider him a friend.

But, aside from that, the guy's a pro.

If he knew information
that was relevant to the case

and withheld it, I...

I don't see it.

Want to ask him?


Fosse's on his way in for questioning.

He's coming in voluntarily?

He's from the old school.

I asked; He's coming.

These are Mr. Fosse's medical records.

He has degenerative
arthritis in both hands.

Fosse: And gout.

And gout.

Stealing from the poor
makes for a good life, huh?

Lawyer: Miss beinhorn was strangled.

My client's medical condi...

Didn't stop him from throwing
one hell of a punch at me.

Yeah, and look what it did.

He couldn't have k*lled her

even if he had wanted to.

How did he know she was dead?

My client travels in a circle
that allows him access to...

It was the dr*gs, Harry, dr*gs...

Don't start with me,
solly, because I swear to...

Listen, I thought she was
nicking me for small change.

Then David told me we
were missing over k.

And you assumed miss
beinhorn was responsible?

I didn't want to.

David went over to ask
Dorothy what was going on.

He walked in on a deal.

There were five of them including Dorothy.

They beat my son and gave him a black eye.

He came to, Dorothy was
dead and the money was gone.

I would also like to remind
you of my client's alibi.

Your client's alibi can only be
substantiated by other felons.

Rehabilitated citizens.

Give me a break.

The only thing rehabilitated

about those guys are their prostates.

Mr. Fosse, would you appear in a lineup?

No, you don't have to do that, Saul.

No, but it would be the
honorable thing to do, solly.

Especially for an innocentman.

How dare you question my honor?

Cassy: I tell you what.

You pass this lineup we'll let you go, now.

I object.

Shut up, counselor.

I'll do this thing.

I'll do this

because in the old days

I respected you.

Cassy: Take your time.

Geez, it's bright in there.

Hmm, I'm a little nervous.

Do you think I could hold your hand?

Hey, uh... uh, just tell us

if you recognize anybody.


Him, number three.

I've seen him before.

Lawyer: My client does not deny

that he knew miss beinhorn.

When did you see him last?

It's hard to say.

I'm sorry, sergeants.

Thank you anyway, miss beauregard.

I feel like I've let you down.

Tom: Uh, thank you.

Thank you very much.

My client is free to go.

They teach you to gloat
like that in law school?

Temper, temper, sergeant St. John.

Your witness is either
mistaken or she's lying.

Look, we'll just keep digging.

If he k*lled her, we'll get him.

Oh, he k*lled her.


Go ahead, do your work.

He's not telling us everything.

Boy, you do know this guy.

All right, here it is.

We're not going to find
anything new, cassy.

I know this guy.

Hey, did you know Harry trained

as a medic in the army?

I did.

And he volunteered for the peace corps?

I did.

Did you know he went to high school

in verona, New Jersey?

I, I didn't.

He had to have known Dorothy beinhorn.

The only thing we know for sure

is that beinhorn was strangled

and fosse's lawyer claims
degenerative arthritis.

Maybe it's not that advanced.

Morton: Whoever did this

had a very steady hand.

These bruises are small and deep.

Once he got ahold of
her, he didn't hesitate to...


This was relatively clean

and relatively quick.

Could someone with degenerative
arthritis have done this?

Well, this person's knuckles

the finger joints, are they oversized?

Yeah, sort of.

Well, then it sounds advanced.

I doubt it.

So Saul fosse couldn't have done it.

We're going to have to tell Harry.

Lipschitz: Innocent?!

We've ruled him out, he's not a suspect.

Fundamental police procedure.

Don't talk to me about procedure.

We've got no evidence against the guy.

Then get some.

I know this guy.

He did it.

And you also knew Dorothy beinhorn.

Verona high school, class of ' .

I accept you have the right
to bring me up on charges

of withholding pertinent information

and interfering with an ongoing


The truth, Harry, we just want the truth.

Yes, I know her.

Knew her.

Did you knew she was living in palm beach?

She called me a few days ago.

She was working for Saul fosse.

She was afraid of him.

So, how does a hometown girl like Dorothy

get involved with a rat like fosse?

Lipschitz: I've been working on that one

for years.

Free will, I guess.

Dorothy, she was pure heat.

She was exciting,
dangerous, very, very sexy.

Other girls just wanted husbands.


She wanted adventure.

You know, in many ways

she was the most amazing
woman I had ever met.

Until frannie, of course.

You were in love with her.

She was my first.

You never quite get over that, do you?

Think it's time I tell frannie?

We're going to get whoever did this, Harry.

I didn't get every sordid detail

about what was going on
between Saul and Dorothy.

And I just didn't want to know.

Cassy: But you agreed to help her.

I just asked him to leave her alone.

Was she stealing dr*gs from him?

Dorothy? No, no, never.

Tell you the truth, I don't
think Saul ever dealt them.

He's too old-school.

You know what's been
bothering me about Saul's story?

He said David fosse walked
in on a deal in Dorothy's room

and all he gets is a black eye.

And why wouldn't a drug dealer just

not sh**t somebody?

Dorothy was strangled.

You know, Dorothy told me

that what she was stealing was pennies...

, , maybe , .

Saul said he had over grand missing.

Somebody raised the stakes?

Always comes down to the money, doesn't it?

Where'd she put the money?

Of course, her black purse.

All those keys.

Safe deposit boxes?

That'd be my guess.

You two follow the money line.

I'm going to Dorothy's
room and check it out.

What about frannie?

Well, she hasn't known
anything for years.

Another couple of hours
isn't going to matter.

Is it?

Okay, four aliases, four banks.

Smart lady.

What's the tally so far?

About , .

It's a long way to go to reach .

How many more on the list?

Just one.

Must be a big box.

This is Mrs. Beinhorn's box.

Did she remove anything from this?

I wouldn't know.

It's a bank policy to observe
a client's privacy concerning

a safe deposit box's contents.

Hey, Tom, why this box?

The others were much smaller.

Was this box always here?

She recently requested a change.

Can we see the paperwork?

Actually, it was her husband

who requested a change in box location.

Cassy: Her husband?

She wasn't married, Mr. Petry.

Well, he claimed to be...

Who authorized this?

I did.

How much did he pay you, Mr. Petry?

Are you suggesting that...

No, I think we're flat-out accusing you

of taking the money

and changing the account.

You ever seen a movie called
the Shawshank redemption?


Cassy: You might want

to rent it.

It's a great study guide
for a banker's life in prison.

A man came in claiming to be her husband.

He didn't have proper identification.

When I said I couldn't change the box...

He offered you a bribe.

And I took it.

I hope it was worth it.

Frannie: Now I want the truth.

Lipschitz: We need to talk.

Frannie: Who is she?

Sit down, frannie.

You're not going to be happy about this.

The truth, Harry, now.

There was this one
girl, when I was young...

I don't want to hear about that.

I want to know what's going on now.

This is about what's going on now, frannie.

This was my first real love.

My first physical commitment.

This was the kind of a day

where the air was so crisp

that when you put your
arms around each other

you just savored the heat.

We drove out to Walker's point.

Lit a beach fire and drank some wine

that I swiped from my uncle's cellar.

It was magic.

And she's back in your life again.

I saw her again, a
couple of days ago and...

I did fantasize about what it would be like

to be on the beach with her again.

Well, if you're asking me for
my blessing on this, Harry, i'm...

No, no, no, frannie, no... the opposite.

I realize now that I was trying
to recapture a time that's gone.

It's in the past.

And what I Cherish now, frannie

is you and only you.

I didn't do anything, and I never will.

Well... guess I should meet this woman

who has a piece of my Harry's heart.

That's not going to happen, honey.

She's dead.

Tom: Well, knowing that

David fosse pretended

to be Dorothy's husband
is not going to result

in a m*rder conviction.

One last key, but to what?

If there was $ ,
in that safe deposit box

where you going to hide it quickly?

U.S. postal service?

I think we got a winner.

Let's call Harry.

The U.S. mail is federal property.

Uh, we're all public servants here.

You work for the city.

I answer to a higher power.

This is hopeless, cassy,
there's boxes here.

Yeah, and we got to
get the one postal worker

who isn't a loose Cannon.

Great news.

Dorothy kept a p.O. Box.

Well, this we know.

Yeah, the only problem is

we don't know what the box number is.

I think I do.

Show me the list

of the places you've already been.

Try .

Found these betting stubs in her apartment.

She used dead tickets to
keep track of her box numbers.

Right here.

It's from David fosse.

He was the one framing
Dorothy and stealing from Saul.

No wonder she was scared.

Well, why didn't she just go to Saul

and tell him the truth?

You have a son, cassy?

Neither do I.

Lipschitz: It came to David.

Was he stealing from you?

I loved her, Harry.

So did I, Saul.

God, she was smart.

And that laugh, oh...

She made you feel so young.

I don't know why David
felt so threatened by her.

She didn't do anything to him.

Maybe he felt that she was
taking you away from him.


I wanted to k*ll him after I found out.

He's my son, Harry, you know?

Now he's gone.

She's gone.

Now what have I got, huh?

I got this, Harry.

I got all this.

It's empty.

A lot of things were buried
for me this week, solly.

I guess this is it, dot.

I did all I could, kiddo.

I just hope you're in a nice place.

Ani mekave shenipagesh shuv.

I hope we'll meet again.

We've got to find her family.

She deserves better than this.

You're a good man, Harry.

I only hope when I'm gone

there's someone who cares this much.

The Dorothy I loved died a long time ago.

I think it's time I stopped mourning.