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08x05 - Forever

Posted: 10/08/23 06:20
by bunniefuu
So what are you saying?

- I'm saying that the district attorney

has enough to indict you.

- Well that's your opinion.

- No, it's fact.

- Twain, if you have
more than a pair of Jacks,

I swear I'm gonna
have little boy sh**t you.

- Little boy, you're my best friend.

- I'll get a new one.

- Viggo, I don't think you
comprehend the urgency of this.

- Did I talk to you, did I?

- No.

- Then shut up.

- Okay.

- I fold.

- Show me.

- Full boat, threes over queens.

- Spades, you taught her that?

- Queens.

- Who taught you to deal anyway?

All right, ferret, what's the real problem?

- The cop was an eyewitness

to your sh**ting of comente.

- So uh, buy him off,
k*ll his mother, whatever.

- This cop does not bend.

I think we should plea bargain,

get him down to manslaughter.

- Manslaughter?

- You'll do six years, eight Max.

- Manslaughter.

Ferret, what are those over there?

- They're women.

- That's right, they're women.

Now, have the prisons gone coed?

- No.

That's right!

I don't do guys, so
manslaughter is not an option.

- If there was any other way...

- now the world is a very violent place,

and people die every day, even cops, right?

Right, so what is this cop's name?

- Ryan, Tom Ryan.

- I thought shopping made me happy.

- Oh man, I love these
shoes, I love my shoes.

I can't wait to go on
a run in these things.

- Yeah, well given what you paid for them,

I figured they'd do the running for you.

- Very cute, so where'd you park?

- There.

- Where, right there?

- Yeah.

- Why is it that you always
get a spot right in front?

- It's the car, cool cars
get great spots, you?

- Oh, I'm over there.

- Where?

- Just over there.

- Where?

- Way, way over there.

Oh, nice spot.

- See you tomorrow.

- I'll see you.

- Go.

- Ryan!

Ryan, I've got your card.



Tom, Tom, it's okay, it's okay.

Oh god, you're bleeding so quick.

It's okay, come on, come on, stay with me.

This is sergeant St. John,
we have an officer down.

Come on, come on, come on.

Thank you.

- How's he?

- He's in a coma.

- Oh no, no no no.

- The b*llet entered the occipital bone

here at the back of the skull.

Most of it came out, but it splintered,

fragments are still inside him,

they're his biggest threat.

- Can you get them out?

- Right now no.

- What are the odds?

- Of?

- Of him coming out of it.

- Well, it's really difficult to say.

- No, it's not,

it's either good, it's
fair, or lousy, pick one.

- Lousy.

Excuse me.

- If anything changes,
anything, you call me.

My home number's on the back.

Cassy, cassy.

- It was Viggo, Harry, Viggo Kirby.

- Great, so what are you
gonna do, you gonna arrest him?

- Yeah, and hope the bastard resists

so I can sh**t him right in the heart.

- That's a great piece of thinking, cass.

- Don't play captain
with me now, lipschitz.

- Hey listen, you want
to k*ll him, fine, go ahead,

you k*ll him, I'll come visit
you every day in prison.

- What am I supposed to do?

- I'd rather see him there than you.

We go see Alexander.

- Oh, he's not gonna do anything.

- We find out that if we
arrest Kirby, he'll file, cassy.

It's the right way to do it.

Dr. Shannon , Dr. Shannon .

- He better not wimp out.

- We've got a leak-proof
case against Kirby.

- That's great, let's go.

- As long as we have Tom's testimony.

- No problem, Tom already gave a statement.

- Yeah, but he's not available
for cross by the defense.

- This isn't happening.

You're letting that wet
piece of slime k*ll Tom.

- You think I don't care?

- Gee, I don't know,
is it an election year?

- Why is it always me with you, St. John?

Huh, you want to tell me?

- I just follow the smell.

- What the hell is that supposed to mean?

- Exactly what you think it means.

- Stop it, this is not helping Tom.

What can you do, Craig?

- Best I can do is get a travel injunction

issued against him, keep him in town.

- That'll scare him.

- Viggo?


- What happened, Harper?

- What do you mean what happened?

I hit him.

- We're playing a word game here, right?

I told you to k*ll him.

- Look, I got one into his head.

I was moving in to Jack a second

when I saw his girlfriend coming.

Now if she'd ID'd me, it
could have led back to you.

- Twain.

It's light.

- The deal was for , Viggo.

- Was I the one who blew it?

- He ain't coming back.

- What, now you're god or
something, you know everything?

- This isn't right, Viggo.

- I know, but it's the way it's gonna be.

- Hey.


Can you hear me?


I didn't think we'd be playing this scene

for another years.

I was telling Harry that

there's so many things
that I wanted you to know.

Um, I love the way you
take the teasing, the joking.

I never stopped loving you,

And even though

I know I can't live with you,

I know I can't live without you.

They say that you're
gonna place last in this race,

but I don't guess they know
about those new shoes, do they?


You're my best friend,

and I need you.

- Hey, that was close, wasn't it?

I don't know why you're
crying, I didn't do anything.

I feel great.

What, did you forget something?



I'm dead.

- I love you.

- Me too, I'm sleeping.

- Hm, how can you be
asleep and still talking to me?

- You do.

- I do not.

- Uh huh, every night it's the same thing.

I'm the greatest, I'm the greatest.

That's what you say.

Must think you're the man himself, Ali.

- Oh, you think I'm not the greatest?

Show me what you got then, come on.

- You don't want any
of me, I'll drop you, son.

- Quit all that talkin', let
me just see it, come on now.

- That's your problem, you won't see it.

This isn't a legal clutch.

- Yeah well how about if
I give you a little Tyson?

Hey, you take your medicine today?

- I did, you?

- Yes.

Does it still hurt?

- A little.

Daddy, am I going to die?

- No, Kevin, no.

Why you're too young and
handsome and smart, come on now.

See, you're just too,

you're just too necessary
for god to take home too soon.

- Will you stay with me forever?

- Forever, I promise.

Now, you hungry?

- Not if you're cooking.

- Where did you get that mouth on you from?

- Got my brains and my looks from mommy,

the mouth is all yours, sweet and sour?

- Mm-hmm.

- Mine now.

- Ours.

Take that stuff on into the kitchen.

And hey, I'll heat it up.

- I just got off the phone with Martin.

That's all we got, no ballistics report

until the doctors decide to operate on Tom.

- I have been over every
photo we got of known hitters,

no match.

- As clean as the crime scene
was, it had to be a pro hit.

- Hello?


Oh this is so strange.

- There's only one way
to flip this thing, Harry.

- Look, if I was dead,
you guys would be crying.

- Don't even go there, cassy.

- Don't go where, cassy?

- Viggo Kirby has never met me.

- He makes you, bang bang,
you're lying right next to Tom.

- Harry's right, cassy, forget about it.

- This guy thinks with his hormones.

I can play that angle,
I'm the right package.

Harry, the risk is worth it.

- Yeah, okay, I'll think about it.

- Think about what, Harry?

The answer has to be no.

- To get Viggo Kirby,
the answer has to be yes.

- Oh she's got that look,
I know that look, Harry,

she's made up her mind.

- I'm not really asking
for your permission, Harry.

- How you gonna get inside?

- How are you gonna get inside?

- I'll need the keys to Tom's mustang.

- Okay, I'll bite, what are you doing here?

Cassy, we,

we've been here for about two hours,

what is this, some open air stakeout?

- Oh jeez Tom, how do
you listen to this stuff?

- You don't like my choices
on the radio, turn it off.

You heard me.

Cassy, I said "turn the radio off,"

you turned the radio off,
cass, you heard me, hey.

I guess not.

Show a little respect for my car, please.

Okay, all right, that's it, that's it,

I'm gonna remember everything you say

and everything you do,
and when I get better,

you're gonna have some
accounting to do, young lady.

I mean this.

, why do I know that license number?

It's Viggo Kirby.

I get it, you're tailing Viggo Kirby.

Okay, slow down, slow down.

See, this would be a good opportunity

for me to drive because I'm
good at tailing and you're not.

And of course, it's my car.

Watch what they're doing,
cass, don't get too close.

Don't get too close!

What have you done?

- Some woman ran into us.

- Make her go away.

- Lady, you got insurance?

- What do you mean, do I have insurance?

You hit me, you idiot.

I don't got no time for your crap,

just give me your driver's
license and insurance card.

- You ruined my car.

- No, I'm not gonna do
anything until I get a police report.

Hey, what do you think you're doing?

- She says we hit her,
wants to call the cops.

- Give me my phone back.

- We got a problem here?

- Only if you make one.

- Miss um?

- Gerard, cassy Gerard.

- Viggo Kirby, miss Gerard.

Now you know,

you know we didn't hit your car, don't you?

- You did.

- Then what's the problem,

your insurance covers my
car, covers your car, right?

- Look, I don't have insurance, all right?

This is not even my car.

I mean, how am I
supposed to pay for all this?

- Nothing on the limo.

Two, maybe three grand on the mustang.

- More like four, mighty mouse.

- Do you know how hard it is
for me to come up with $ , ?

- I don't know, what do you do?

- I'm not gonna tell
you, you'll make jokes.

- What jokes, it's a simple question.

- I'm a masseuse.

- Really?

- Yeah really.

- Wow, you know, actually I could use

a good rub-down every now and then.

- Yeah see, that's what I mean.

- No, why don't I hire you?

Forget about it.

- No, hey, I'm serious.

- No, I'm serious, all I do is massages.

- Well that's all I was talking about.

But hey, if it doesn't
work, it doesn't work.

- Yeah right Kirby.

- And you promise, just rub-downs?

- That's all I was talking about.

- Okay, can you lend me the
money now so I can fix this car?

- No problem, stop by the
house and I'll give it to you.

- My phone.

- Oh yeah.

- Cassy.

Think she's gonna make me break a sweat.


- It's not good, cassy.

- There's swelling in his brain.

If he doesn't respond to the medication,

we'll have no choice but to go inside

and try to find the b*llet fragments.

- And afterwards?

- It's a very invasive procedure.

Brain damage could occur.

- How long can you put the surgery off?

- If there's no reversal in
the swelling, maybe a day.

I think we ought to
go ahead with it, cassy.

- We promised,

In sickness and in health.

Are you still Ryan?

Come back to me.

Come back to me.

- This tape has a
-hour recording capacity.

Leave this in your room,
ask him the right questions,

we should get at what we need.

- You approve this?

- Believe it or not, cassy.

I want Kirby as badly as you do.

- All right, so how you gonna get Kirby

to talk about the hit?

- Just what I was thinking.

- I don't have a clue,
I'll just play it as it lays.

- What, no, I will not have you
compromising yourself, cass.

- I'll do what I have to.

- Cassy, we're not asking you to...

- good, then don't.

- Forget it, I'm gonna
call the whole thing off.

- You can't and you know it.

- She's right, Harry, let her do it.

- He shot Tom, Harry.

- All right.

All right, cassy, just please,

be smarter than he is, all right?

- I will.

- Go girl.

- What made you change your mind?

- I don't know.

I just got to thinking how
would Tom have called this,

and just knew I had to let her go.

- That's great, guys,

I gotta be half dead
before you listen to me.

- Got a lot of tension in your shoulders.

- Why is that?

- Well, most stress is job-related.

What do you do for a living?

- You couldn't handle knowing what I do.

- Is it so bad?

- Yeah, it is.

- I told you, Mr. Kirby.

I don't hook, I only do massages.

- And that's all that I'm paying for.

- Are you always so dangerous?

- Well, it kinda goes with my line of work,

and does that bother you or turn you on?

- It's mine to give,
Mr. Kirby, not yours to take.

- It's Viggo.

Answer the question.

- Viggo, you turn me on,

but I'm just not into one-night stands.

- Well,

this is kinda like Hollywood.

You gotta audition for
the part before you get it.

- Hm.

Then I guess I don't get the role.

- Aw.

All right, I do what you think I do.

- Nothing legal.

Nothing legal.


Ferret needs you.

Can it wait?

He says no.

- All right, I'll be there.

Are you gonna stay or go home?

- Well that depends on if
I have to audition or not.

- Well I haven't decided yet.

- I remember walking to my car.

I saw this guy, you know,

just another guy in the lot, I thought.

Then he did something,
an attack or something.

No no, that's it, that's it, Harry.

That's it, Harry.

He leaned against this post.

Harry, there's a print here, Harry!

Lipschitz, Harry, there's a print here.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

That's it, that's it,
right here, right here.


Look, look, look, look,
there, there, right there,

that's it, Harry, that's it.


Harry, that's it!

Good work Harry.

- Yeah hi, this is lipschitz, listen,

did you guys lift any
prints from the parking lot?

Well get down here, we got one.

- You're amazing, Harry.


Something's wrong, Harry.

- You've never met my son Kevin.

Here, I brought a picture of him.

You look at him and
you can't tell he's sick,

but he is.

It's a tumor.

They say they can get it out,

all it takes is the money to do it,

and with what I do,

well let's just say there
ain't no insurance plan.

I did it for the money, man.

I need the money.

I'm gonna die, but Kevin shouldn't have to.

He's my son,

my legacy.

He's my life.

I came here to tell you that

I'm gonna ask Kirby
for the rest of the money.

That means I'm gonna finish what I started

in the parking lot.

I guess I'm asking for forgiveness.

No matter.

I know I'll have to
settle with you one day.

You probably don't deserve to die,

but neither does my son,

and I love him.


I'm seeing too much of you, Harper.

- We need to talk.

- I'm sitting here.

- They're gonna operate on the cop.

- My office.

How do you know this?

- I was at the hospital,

it was on the surgery
report for tomorrow morning.

- So what, the jerk's head shot,

the guys probably gonna drool in his pants

the rest of his life.

- Yeah and what if he makes it, you idiot?

Now, can you do it?

- There's only one guard on the door,

he thinks I'm an orderly.

- Okay, finish it.

- I want my money first.

- After you k*ll him.

- No, I want my money now.

- Man, you heard Viggo.

- I'm the only one that can get in.

I'll do it right now.

- Why is everybody so tense?

Little boy, give him the
money, give it to him.

Now you call me when it's done.

Hey, what the hell are you doing here?

It's : , you said you
wanted a rub at two.

I can come back.

- The door was shut.

- Uh, no, stay.

Try and see him out of here.

Little boy, come here.

Now when he's done,

I don't want to see him anymore.


- There, you look like you could use this.

- Yeah well uh,

I want more than a rub down.

- Well I want you to be relaxed, okay?

So hop up here.

Why don't we just let this
heat soak in for a minute?

How's that feel?

I gotta make a call.

Who you calling?

- My service.

Use the phone here.

- You know what, I
can just wait until later.

- Know what I think when
I look up at the clouds?

- What?

- I think one of them is mama

and she's coming to visit us.

- Yeah, mama's around a lot.

- Almost every day.

- I have to go away for a while, son.

- How long?

- Well, it's gonna seem like forever.

- Every trip you take seems like forever.

- I know, I'm sorry.

Seems like mama's been
gone for a long time, doesn't it?

- It does.

- Do you think because she's gone,

that she stopped loving you?

- No.

- Do you think if I'm gone,

that I'll ever stop loving you?

- No.


That's good, son.

Come on, Mrs. Johnson's coming.

It's time for me to go.

- Does she know where you'll be?

- She knows.

You give her this.

- You gonna be home for supper?

- No, I'll um,

I'll be home late tonight.

Now you do what Mrs.
Johnson says, you hear?

- I will.

- I love you, son.

- Me too, daddy.

- For how long?

- Forever.

- Come on, come on.

- Got him.

- Let me see that.

- Get cassy out of Kirby's now.

I want an abp on this guy Harper.

- Oh, I'm getting that feeling again.

I'll do it right now.

- You don't need a service anymore.

I've decided.

- What's that?

- That you get the part.

- I don't think that I want to do this.

- Too bad, I do.

Don't you ever, ever hit me.

- Get out of here!

- Get out of here?

In my own house?

Who do you think you're talking to, bitch?

- Okay, all right, just calm down, okay?

All right, calm down Viggo.

You can have me, I want you to,

all right I just, I want
it to be forever, yeah?

Please, all right?

- Just don't ever hit me.

- I won't. - Again.

- I promise.

I'm the only one that can get in,

I'll do it right now.

- k*ll her!

- It's that time again.

- Harper, Harper no, don't do it.

- This is for my boy.

- Drop it.

Little boy.

- Get on your faces,
on your faces now, do it!

All right, cuff them.

- He's okay, he's okay.

- They're waiting for you.

- It's gonna be hard to explain.

Looks like you're gonna be okay.

- Yeah.

- Tell my son, tell him,

tell him that I'm waiting for him, forever.

I'll get everything.

- That's great.

- Did I just, did I pack this?

- You were in the process.

- I was?


- Did you find anything?

- No, like what?

- I don't know, just maybe

something you hadn't had in a while.

- I don't think so, cassy, why?

- No reason, you ready?

- Yes I am.


You coming?

- Yes.

- Hey cass?

Harry told me everything
that you did, thanks.

- You're my partner,

and you'd have done the same thing for me.

How about I take you home?

- Hey, are those my mustang keys?

- I guess Harry didn't tell you everything.

- Like what?

- Um, like uh,

I ruined your car.

You did what?