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08x02 - If the Shoe Fits

Posted: 10/08/23 06:18
by bunniefuu
Be gentle.

That's right, yeah...




You're late.

Come on, Hugh, meeting at : .

I have got some lovely footage

of the ten-car pileup on
the interstate last night.

Hugh, come on, man!

The cappuccino's...

Oh, god!

Only one?

Someone was in a hurry.

Okay, let's bag him.

Dead to hours

severe bruising on his chest and groin area

and, let's see

three, six, ten puncture
wounds, all shallow.

Looks like somebody
played darts on his chest.

Or hopscotch.

Stiletto heels, custom-made.

He's got, uh

scar tissue on his chest
and back from similar wounds.

I'd say this wasn't the first time.

Cause of death?


Over here.

See this curvature?

It matches the indentation of crushed bone

at the base of his skull.

So he starts to play a little too rough

she takes the award

and hits him in the back of the head.

Crime of passion?

Then washes it off

and places it back on the shelf?

And leaves one shoe behind.


Our friends the press.

Another five minutes, they're going

to be crawling in through the vents.

Okay, we're done.

Are you done?

Take the body out the back.

Woman: How many times

do I have to tell you?

Just let me in.

No press.

We're not just press.

We own the place.

Lady, move it or lose it.


let her in.

Where's Hugh?

Your relationship?

Jane chambers, wpdn.

We're coworkers.


Is there a cause of death?

I'm afraid you'll have to wait

for the m.E.'S report like everybody else.

Does the station own this place?

Hugh was one of the best

news directors in the country.

It was a perk.

If you're through

I'd like some footage of the room.

Nobody's cleaned it up yet, have they?

I suppose your boss would
have wanted it this way?

No, but he wouldn't have
wanted some other station

getting here first.


I can get this.

I'm fine.

One tough lady.

They were old friends.

Man: Everybody loved Hugh.

It's going to be tough around here.

What about his personal relationships?

Tried not to pry.


Maybe any port in a storm.

Did it rain a lot?

Maybe monsoons.

Anyone in the station?

Ah, that's jeanine, Susan

Barbara... Amy.

He went home with someone every night.

Jane chambers?

They were old friends.

Well, maybe you could make us a list...


Is Jane in?

Check with her assistant, glory.



I'm sorry.

Oh, it's okay.

I'm so sorry.

Are you all right?

Yeah. Ow!

God, I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

It's okay.

I'm sergeant St. John.

I'm looking for Jane chambers.

Oh, she's on assignment.

I'm glory, her assistant.

I can take a message.


No, wait, her cell phone.

I can call.

No, she's filming... I
know... her car phone.

I can leave a message.

You know what?

If you just tell me what
time she'll be back...

Tonight around : .

Here is her address.

You can catch her at home.

Thank you.

May I walk you to the door?

No, no, it's fine, great, thank you.

Tell me a story.

There was a young woman from Calcutta.

Not you, it.

That's a shoe, cass.

Yeah, I know

but it could still tell us things.

Well, it has... size eight
and a half, genuine leather

white carpet fibers on the sole

traces of red nail Polish

on the toe.

That's what Morton told us.

That's not what the shoe is telling us.

Oh, really?

What's that telling us?

Look at the wear marks

on the sole.

Whoever wore this shoe

rolls her foot out when she walks.


She's bowlegged.

Come on, that's kind of a stretch.

Give me your shoe.


Give me your shoe.

Ah, ferragamos, nice.


But you polished the scuffed toe

instead of re-dyeing them

which means you like expensive things

but you can't afford

to take care of them.

Let's see

the heel...

Yep, vinyl floor mats.

You know

you really should buy rugs.

I see you had cereal
this morning for breakfast

and you didn't use a napkin.

Ah... cheerios.

Toasted oats.

What this shoe is telling us...

It's owned

by a sloppy clotheshorse

with a healthy ego and bad driving habits.


They're not even my shoes.


They were gently used.

I got them half price. Ha!


Ah, and I suppose those
were gently used too?

No, these are heavily used

because my good ones keep disappearing.


Morning, Harry.


Can we get you something, Harry?

Like what?

Like coffee, soda.

Water wings?

God's going to punish you for that, Ryan.

Better yet, he should give you my feet.


No... ah...



years, you'd think she knows me.

She would never, ever buy me these.

Whoo, frannie did that?


But I'm a good husband.

I wear 'em.

I walk to the car

I get to the station, I'm
halfway up the stairs...

I thought I would need a
stretcher to get to the top.

Thank god she never cleans out the trunk.

If you want a pair

of tennis shoes or something,

Harry, I got...

I want you to do me a favor, Ryan.

Leave the "s" word out of your vocabulary

just for today, okay?

Fine. Sorry.

So what do we got?

Blunt-force trauma in palm heights.

News director at the local TV station.


That would be those.


Out, out.

Well, I guess a picture
does say a thousand words.

Well, we can agree on one thing:

This is no ordinary shoe.

No, but maybe our friends
at the passion emporium

can tell us where.

Looks like Hugh

was a regular customer there.






Ease up on the clutch, will you?


Man: It's a colorful place to work.

Every once in a while we get
a couple of live ones in here

but the fallacy about fetish shops...

Most of our customers

are just average people like you and me.

I mean, why not?

It's a perfectly natural urge.

What is that thing that's right...


Hmm, never mind.

Okay, here we go.

Hugh Danvers made...

Six purchases in the last year.

Paid with credit card.

What items did he purchase?

I'll have to check the sales receipts.



Okay, here we go.

Mostly hardware.

Any shoes?

Uh, yeah, a pair of black widows.

Like these?

Yeah, they're extremely popular.

I have a pair myself.

Cash and carry?

No, the shoes were a gift.

He had them delivered.

Could you give us that address?

I have to check the computer.



Can I get you something to drink?

Tom: No! Sit.

west palm.

west palm is Jane chambers.

Her secretary said she'd be home at : .

That's the first time I've seen you blush.


Oh, come on.

I wasn't embarrassed for
me, I was embarrassed for you.

For me? Why?

You've seen one, you've seen 'em all.

Exactly how many ha...

Man: Someone help me!

Police... open up.

Man: No!


Chambers: I'd known Hugh forever.

He gave me my first job.

We were very close for a time.

But it stopped being serious years ago.

I just think I'll...

If you don't mind.

Good night, Blake.

What size shoe do you wear?

Eight and a half.

Well, a pair of eight
and a half black heels

were bought at the passion emporium

six months ago and delivered

to this house.

They were charged to Hugh's credit card.

We still saw each other

occasionally outside of
work, for old time's sake.

You still have the shoes?

Yes, somewhere.

Woman: I'm sorry.

I heard screams.

My assistant, glory.

Sergeant Ryan.

Sergeant St. John.

We've met.

Glory rents the guest house in the back.

Rents? I barely pay for the utilities.

Some people are generous to a fault.

The shoes.


Hugh liked to give gifts
to his special friends.

Ugh. Glory!

God, I should have thrown half
of these shoes away years ago.

You never throw anything away.

Oh, then I must have left them at Hugh's.

Where were you between
: and : last night?

Oh, I don't know, Frederico's, wasn't it?

No, the press club.

What time did you get home?

Oh, elevenish.

: .

The headlights shine in
the guest house window.

Then I must have been drinking.

Oh, no more than usual.

Who were you with?

You can check my calendar in the morning.

Glory is very thorough.

Excuse me.

And so jimbo the baby whale has been given

another chance at life on the open sea

thanks to your donations

and the skilled
veterinarians at ocean world.

This is Jane chambers reporting.

Jimbo the whale.

Not what you'd call a career move.

She's been with the station for years.


The longer you stay at one station

the colder you get.

Look at me.

years at channel three.

If I were getting the hot interviews

would I be sitting here sipping martinis?

She must have had opportunities?

She did. Boston, New York.

Of course, Janie was in
her s then, quite a looker.

After a couple of face lifts

you end up back where you started.

See these?

No, you don't.

Eye tucks, chin tuck.

Should have gone for the liposuction.

At least I'm a guy.

It's tougher on women.

Janie's lucky to have
hung on as long as she has.

She and Hugh were old
friends, he was her boss.

Three weeks ago, she asked me
about openings at channel three.

Kind of offhand, not so you'd notice.

I don't know who she
thought she was fooling.


Thanks, George.

My pleasure.

My plastic surgeon.

Put it in a safe place.

You'll thank me when you're .



Jane chambers was here at : , not : .



She was with Hugh Danvers.

They were her shoes.

Had dinner with the victim, lied about it.

Tom: It could have

been a slip.

The bartender said there were other people

at the table

and she was seriously
putting back the vodka.

She's been looking around for another job.

Yeah, so much for old friends.

Probable cause?

Not probable enough.



Why are we watching a man fold his laundry?

Oh, it's a little side investigation.

What's the crime?


What was stolen?



My socks.

Oh, no.

Six pair.

Three weeks, same dryer, thin air.

You left your laundry alone

while it was drying.

Doesn't matter, cass.

All I got to do

is catch the guy red-handed.


The fluff and fold guy.


The guy with the cigar in...

He's gone.

He's gone, thank you. Thanks a lot.


I'm going to go in and check this out.

What are you doing?

He's in here.

Hmm. You think he's disguised as a maytag?

There's a closet in the back.

He probably sits back
there and watches people

fold their underwear from this peephole.


Oh, no, no, no.


Hey, don't do that.

You'll blow my cover.

You have a cover?

Yes. Yeah...

I'm a person doing laundry.

Yeah, you are a person doing laundry.

Just help me.

If this guy stole my tube socks

I don't know what I'm going
to do, I'm going to lose it.

I'm not responsible for my actions.

Am I hallucinating or
didn't I burn this thing

four years ago in the dumpster?

I stamped out the flames.

It's a rag.

You have no respect for memories.

I lost two teeth wearing that Jersey.

My brother broke his
nose wearing that Jersey.

My cousin, he dislocated his elbow

and the bone went
right through that Jersey.

Oh, please. There was less
blood shed over gettysburg.

Oh, man.


My socks are all here.

Whee, goody!

Not goody.

Oh, he's made me.

He knows I'm on to him.

You know, next time

you stay in the car, please.

Okay, but I'm not the one

who's peering over a pile
of Superbowl underwear.

Those were on sale.

You know what?

I'm going to find this guy.

I'm going to find this guy

and I'm going to hunt this guy down

if I have to go to the ends of the earth.

I'll be in the car.

Okay, I'll get you a dog sled.

Ms. Chamber's calendar...

She said it would verify
her dinner companion?


I... I don't know.

I think this is it.

We change books sometimes.

It's two days ago.

Glory, who changed this entry?

I'm sorry?

White out.

You know, forensics
might be able to lift that

in say, seconds.

Did you do it or did Jane?

Jane never touches her calendar.

It's my responsibility


You're not helping Jane by doing this.

Jane had a dinner appointment with Hugh.


What the... hell is going on?

Answer me, you idiot.

I think you better take a seat.

Cassy: Tom.


Thank you.

So, you and Hugh had dinner?

Hugh and I had had
a fight earlier that day.

It's just the way we were.

I'd start the fight, I'd buy dinner.

He'd start the fight, he'd buy dinner.



What's the difference?

We argued a lot.

Hugh loved to argue, it made him happy.

And what did you argue about?

Equipment, assignments, the usual.

So you left the club together?

He walked me to my car.


Around : .

Jane, please.

You got home at midnight.

I sat in the parking lot
for a while to sober up.

Why would I k*ll Hugh?

I adored him.

He kept me working when
a lot of other news directors

would have replaced me years ago.

And word at the press club was

that you were looking
around for another job.

That's because Hugh was thinking
of taking a job in Washington.

When his deal fell through...

I'm sorry, I was thrilled.

Hugh and I never loved
each other, not like that.

But I didn't have sex
with him because I had to.

I wanted to.

I was very grateful.

Does anyone besides you and
Hugh know about these shoes?

Probably everybody he slept with.

I presume you can make bail.

Tom: What?!

Pardon the pun, but if the shoe fits...

Shh, watch your language.

All right, so I got calls from every member

of the board of directors of wpdn.

What's the deal?

Jane chambers.

We found a, uh, certain
piece of evidence at her home

which links her to the crime scene.

Uh-huh, what evidence?

A, uh, a...

Uh, uh, piece of foot apparel.


It's okay, go ahead, go ahead.

Okay, well, it just doesn't make sense.

Why hide a, you know, in the pantry

and why not in the dumpster?

And why even bring
the... back into your house?

Jane's a smart cookie.

According to her, she was drunk.

Yeah, but she was sober the next morning.

And why leave the other, you know...

Conveniently placed beside the dead body...

A... that you know can
be traced back to you?

Yeah, but are we sure
that the... belongs to her?

Yes, positive.

Did you see that walk? It's perfect!

Oh, come on, not the bowlegged thing still.

What bowlegged?

Every... tells a story if
you know how to read it

and the... that we found at the crime scene

has a specific wear Mark on the outer sole.

And the second...

That we found at Jane's house
has the same marks, ergo...

Since both... had the exact same wear marks

on the outer edge of the soles

then of course the perp is bowlegged.

Very, very good.

Yes, I'll buy it, it works for me.

Keep looking.

Tom: From now on...

He wears orthopedics.

Jane's walk did not make these marks.

Then whose did?

Let's say Jane is telling the truth.

Hugh goes home, he's
alone, he wants some company

makes a phone call.

The house was leased by the
TV station, all expenses paid.


It was in his contract.

I mean, the station paid for everything.

The house, utilities, phone bills...

Talk about your sweet deals.


No problem.

Could I use your phone?


Man: Now let's go live to

glory Newman

who has a report on an
unusual volleyball game.

No skins and shirts here, folks.

It's bikinis versus bikinis

as the south beach
hammerheads play the key west...


In this year's spectacular

beach volleyball championship.

Jim kelley will have these
scores and more coming up

on wpdn sports news.

This is glory Newman

standing in for Jane
chambers, who's on vacation.

Cassy: You were wonderful.

This must be very exciting for you, huh?

I'm really just a rank beginner.

If it weren't for Jane recommending me

I wouldn't even be here.

So Jane arranged this?

She knew how much I wanted
a chance to prove myself.

She gave me modeling tips...
She used to be one, you know.

No, I didn't.

It must be hard to get
an opportunity like this.

When I got out of journalism
school, I applied everywhere.


But fortunately, Hugh had started

the internship program.

So Hugh arranged this?

At first. When the
assistant position opened up

I went to work for Jane.

Did you know Hugh well?

Yeah, he was very helpful, too.

Did he ever ask you out?

We had coffee together.

And after coffee?

Why are you asking?

Hugh made a call to your number at :

the night he was m*rder*d.

I know, the machine
picked it up, I was asleep.

Did you keep that recording?

No, I erased it the next
morning, before I knew.

So you were home?


All night?

Woman: Ready, glory?

I don't go out much.

Will you excuse me?



What size shoe do you wear?

Eight and a half.

Oh, yes, straight as a pin, both of them.

The woman has legs like bamboo trees.

Oh, cheer up, Sherlock.

You can always come over here

and help me track down

my lost socks.

Glory was definitely having

some kind of a fling with Hugh.

She had an opportunity to k*ll Hugh

and plant the shoe at Jane's house.

She had a beauty of a motive.

To frame Jane, but what about k*lling Hugh?

Well, all that was standing in the way

of glory's reporting career was Jane

and Hugh was protecting Jane's job.

There hasn't been an
opening for a reporter at wpdn

for six years, I checked.

Oh, and guess whose name
was at the top of the retirement list?

Yeah, but Jane wasn't retiring fast enough.


So, glory kills Hugh, frames Jane...

Broadcaster: We interrupt this game

for this special report.

Turn on channel six!


The tragic m*rder

of this station's former
news director, Hugh Danvers

left everyone at wpdn
stunned and heartbroken.

Now, tonight, a second painful blow

when this videotape was sent

to this reporter by an anonymous source.

The woman you are seeing

is glory Newman, an
employee of this station.

The time and date stamp
at the bottom of your screen

indicates that this video was
taken during the time window

in which police believe
Hugh Danvers was m*rder*d.

This tape was provided
to wpdn free of charge.

No reward was asked and none will be given.

On behalf of everyone at wpdn
we thank this concerned citizen

for his courage and desire
to see that justice is done.

This is Jane chambers, reporting.

It's called obstruction
of justice, withholding of


I'm not withholding anything.


Take it.

Where did you get this?

Amateur video jocks are
always calling the station.

He was asleep when I left.

So you decided not to
mention you were there?

I didn't see the point.

We'll need a name.

You're out of luck.

It was given to me

on the condition that his name

would not appear on the : news.

I can get a subpoena.

Please do.

I've always wanted to plead

my constitutional rights on CNN.

Jane was on her way out.

Hugh told her three weeks ago.

I was going to replace her.

Hugh didn't want to advertise it

for her sake.

But you knew?

Jane had to be replaced
in more ways than one.

When did you get this?

Yesterday, around : .

I see, when glory's doing your beach spot

you're doing her in.

Kind of you to recommend her.

I didn't recommend her.

She went to the station
manager over my head.

Jane, you won't believe it.

We've got the Washington post out here.

Sergeant St. John, our
news director Blake Thomas.



So, you replaced Hugh Danvers.

Yes, this morning.

Well, if you'll excuse us

some of the press would like an interview.

I knew what he liked.

So why hide your relationship?

I was still living in her house.

Jane's not that generous.

All I had to do was...

Be patient

and learn to walk lightly in
a pair of high-heeled shoes.

Reporter : So, Ms. Chambers!

Ms. Chambers!

Reporter : Ms. Chambers!

Reporter : Ms. Chambers, do you have any

idea who sent you this tape?

Reporter : What are the charges being

brought against you?

This time the shoe fits

and it fits well, toenails and all.

Reporter: What are the charges that are

being brought up against you?



So, Jane slept with Hugh?

No, glory slept with Hugh.

Well, when did Jane k*ll Hugh?

After glory left the house

Jane parked outside.

Oh, made the videotape, went inside

k*lled Hugh when he was asleep.


Jane snuggles up to Blake, keeps job

removes the competition.

What do you think?

You're asking me, or the D.A.?

The D.A.

Well, I think our sweet,
little glory is going to jail.

So what are we missing?

Hmm, a shred of evidence.

We got evidence.

We got shoes, we got the tapes.

There was a camcorder in the house.

Okay, now we got a camcorder

all of which have Jane's prints on them

and none of which are any use.

Well, that depends on
what you mean by "prints."

Woman: It's called an oscilloscope.

It measures the fm envelope.


You see this tape?


You see these little wavy lines?


You take the camera in
question, you make a second tape.

Then you measure the
fm envelopes of both tapes.

Scope pattern, measured by
intensity, measured by speed.

If the envelopes match

then the original tape in question

was recorded on the same camcorder.

Got it?


You bring me the camera,
I'll give you a match.

Thanks, belle.

We don't check our own oil, do we?

Cassy: I know how to check the oil

in my car, I do.

It's okay, cass, not everybody's
mechanically inclined.

I happen to own an extremely expensive car.

Stayed up nights reading that manual.

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you did.

Okay, that should do it.

You know, I don't change the oil in my car

because I choose not to change the oil.

Cass, I believe you.

What now?

We're going to need to take this camera in

for some tests.

What tests?

Well, it's called an oscilloscope

and you take the camera in question

and you make a second tape.

And then you measure the
fm envelope of both tapes.

Scope pattern measured by
intensity, measured by speed.

If the envelopes match

the original tape that was in question

was recorded on the same camcorder.

Got it?

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Hey, Tom!

Look at that; Bowlegged as a cowboy.

Modeling lessons.

You'll catch on.

Let's go.

You could buy new ones.

That's not the point.

It's petty theft.

Do you know why they call it that?

Because it's little, it's small, minor.

Unless we're talking about your clothes.

That's unfair.

Remember that little mohair sweater

with the pink hearts?

That was special, it
was a graduation present.

One entire drawer dedicated to

that sweater

but my football Jersey
could sleep on the floor.


It, it... crushes easily.

It needed the space.

No, it doesn't.

It needed the space 'cause you wrapped it

in five layers of tissue paper

sealed it in a ziplock bag

put it in its original box.

You went through my drawers?

I was looking for something.

For what?

I don't know, the lint brush.

It was my lint brush until you borrowed it.

You know, come to think of it I
haven't seen that mohair sweater

in about four years.

You didn't?

You threw out that sweater

because I burned your football Jersey.

Couldn't help it, crime of passion.

You'll get the chair for this one

if it's last thing I do.

Shh, sock thief.

Who cares?

Cassy, I care.

I hope he eats those socks
and swallows them whole.

All he has to do is walk
over to the dryer, open it

and we got him.

By the time you catch him

he's going to be back on the street

before your rinse cycle is through.

Shh! Shh!

He's on the move.

He's at the dryer.

He's checking the window.

He's putting money in your dryer.

That nice old man is
putting money in your dryer

so your clothes don't wrinkle.

Okay, honest mistake on my part.

It will be when you apologize.

I don't even know the guy.


Sock thief, : .

Oh, geez.

Do you want to cuff her, or shall I?