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05x17 - Exit Dying

Posted: 10/08/23 05:46
by bunniefuu
Let me look at you.

I'm dying to love you.

I'm just so afraid.

Your wife will k*ll us
if she finds out.


She's not going to find out.

She's gone.


What have you done?

Only what had to be done
for us to be together.

( Gasps )

We love, we suffer.

In the end, we exit dying.


You k*lled her!

After you went

so much trouble

to k*ll me.

Bravo, darlings.


You can't be serious.

It was god awful!

Don't worry, Susan.

Bad dress rehearsal

great opening night, right?

we don't open
until Friday, so...

We will open on Friday

if we're ready
to open on Friday!


Calm down, Susan.


Thank you, Susan.

I'm going
to k*ll that woman.

Good night, Susan.

"So k*lling me turned you on."

"So... k*lling me
turned you on."

Oh, damn it.

A flat statement.

That's it.

"so k*lling me
turned you on."


( Cries out )

( Whimpering )

( Siren wailing )

Woman ( On police radio ):
all units should be back
on main frequency.


The meter maid found
the body around : .

Oh, my god.

What? Did you know her?

I-I-I grew up
with her, didn't you?

It's Carrie Carson.

you know,
from the Carson crowd, remember?

It was on television
for years.

Well, her real name is Susan...



But she was just Carrie,

the perfect little kid
to her public.

Guess she wasn't so
perfect as an adult.

she must have had
some really big problems.

Or somebody
gave her some.

Ever seen signs of a struggle
in a su1c1de victim?

Oh, yeah, these bruises
are fresh.

They couldn't be more
than a few hours old.

And right where they would
have hit the dash

and the steering wheel.

Struggling to get away while
someone slashed her wrists?

the struggle first,
then the slash. Come here.

I found this in the back seat.

Some kind of press kit
or something.

I haven't been all the way
through it yet.

She had a contract to act
at the old grove playhouse.

Back to the big time.

Looks like she just became

a legend.

of the employer.

It's up on Seacrest Drive.
you want to start there?


( Laughing ) Holly...

Come on.

Eastwood is a classic.

Tough but fair.

The squint.

The brutal good looks.

The really big g*n.

Yeah, right. All that.

That's when I knew
I really wanted to be a cop.

You mean,
if you ever grew up.

No, please.

( Woman screaming )

( Frightened ):
No... oh, no, no.

"Please, put the g*n down."

Oh, darn.



( Softly ):
"Put down that g*n.

"No, no, please.

Please put down that g*n."

Oh, darn.

Mrs. Bayliss?

Oh, I'm not on book.

It's just a prop, I promise.

Mrs. Bayliss, I...


That's my husband's
dear old mother.

Please, call me Connie.


Uh, Detective Rawlins.

Detective price.

palm beach P.D.
Homicide division.


Oh, you're part

of Harry Lipschitz'

Well, uh, Captain Lipschitz
is our superior, yes.

Yes, well, not as
a hunk he isn't, honey.

You ever think of
an acting career?

Uh, no, uh...

You know, that never
crossed my mind.

( Laughs )

You and your husband

are producing a play
called exit dying?

That depends
on opening night.


Oh, Harry and Fran
want comps.


Um, have you
ever employed

a Susan Amsterdam?


What hell is she raising now?

It was just a bad rehearsal.

Susan's dead.



I didn't think
it was that bad.

Oh... I can't
believe it.

I am really,
really sorry.

You're sorry?

Do you realize the play
may have to go dark?

Could we just focus on
the questions, Mrs. Bayliss?

I know, I know, "is Dana
up on Susan's role?"

Oh, and "who is going
to play the model?"

I don't know if that's really
that important right now.

We need to talk about Susan.

Susan and the play
were one soul.

If she wants to k*ll off
the first half, fine.

But I will not let
the best half die.

But why would you think
it was su1c1de?

( Surprised ): Oh.

Well, I just assumed.

I suppose because
she is so unstable.

Oh, but of course.

Harry's people
only do murders.

Well, we haven't

ruled out su1c1de,
but, uh...

Was she having any problems
with anyone at the theater?

( Laughing theatrically )

Yes, with the entire company.

She was a first-class bitch
on wheels.

But a talented one.

So we suffered
through it.

Oh, everyone loathed her.

Myself included.


Uh, see, the point is

did anyone hate her enough
there to want to k*ll her?


Well, you know the theater--

fantasy, reality,

Back and forth
across the lines.

Somebody's bound
to end up dead

sooner or later.

That's not much of
a health plan, is it?

( Hits Michael )

We'd like to talk
to the company.

But after
you go undercover.


It's perfect;
You're perfect.

You take over
the model's role

and investigate the m*rder
at the same time.

I think it's a fabulous idea.

Oh, captain, you've got
to be kidding me!

No, hey, come on.

How often do you get invited
to go undercover?

How do we even know

that someone at
the theater was involved?

Who else did Susan know
in palm beach? Come on.

She's only down here
to do the play.

Uh, captain.

I know she's a friend
of yours, but, uh...

I mean, she talked
about mixing fantasy

and reality and...
She might get in the way.

Yeah, she even said

she was playing an
undercover cop in the show.

Yeah. She came to me
for some pointers.

come on, guys,
I've known her for years.

She directs plays for
the amateur group
Frannie is in.

give it a shot.
What have you got to lose?

Just my self-respect.

Check that at the stage door.

You can pick it up
on your way out.

Go, go.

I'm dying to love you.

But I'm so afraid.

If your wife finds out
she'll k*ll us.


She's not going
to find out-- she's gone.


What are you doing?

That's not
the line.

That's not the line.

It's... ( Laughs )
"What have you done?"

No, I mean,
what are you doing?

Uh, just, you know,
playing the moment.

Well, play the moment
with your hands off my butt.

Thank you, Tom.

That'll do.

I'd like you to meet

Denise Darrow,
our new model.

Is she a k*ller,
or what?

I mean that figuratively,
of course.

Connie, what about
the end of the scene?

In the run-through,

I'm sure Denise
knows how to kiss.






The new girl,
I'm sure she's fine.

I can't work with her now.

Getting Dana ready
comes first.

I'm only human, Connie!

Relax, Jerry.

Connie can rehearse her,
can't you, darling?

Of course, darling.

Thank you so much
for being such a rock.

Denise Darrow, I would
like to introduce you

to my husband, Joel,
our co-producer.

Mr.. Bayliss,
this is such an honor.

thank you so much
for this opportunity.

No, no, thank you
for bailing us out.

Michael price.

Palm beach homicide.

detective price,
palm beach homicide.




we're in kind
of a panic here, sir.

Can we do this next week
after opening?

If I don't get some answers...

Mr. Price.

Detective price.

Detective, right.

Denise Darrow.

Look, I don't know anything.

This is my first day

so can I please
be excused?

She just came an hour ago,
detective, really.

I'm one of her producers

I can vouch for her.

Uh, yeah, okay, you can go.

I guess you must be cold, huh?

You lost, Denise?


No, um, Connie said

that there might be
some body makeup in here.


Well, do me a favor.

Don't wear that stuff

because what
will happen is

it'll just
get all over me.

And, besides,
you don't need any.

You've got
a really nice tan.

So, listen, uh, anyway,
that cop is done with me

so maybe
we could do our business

while we have the chance.


Our knife business.

I have to put this on you
in the dark.

And, uh, I mean, we don't
want to miss, right?


So it just sort of
goes right in here...

Like that.

How does that feel?

It, it's fine.


So, could we, um,
work on the kiss now?

Because I really need
that for my character.

And then we'll go
get a cappuccino.

A cappuccino?


We hardly know each other.

I certainly was hoping
to change that.

I haven't even
learned my lines.


so, you know,
first things first.

Yeah. I get the point.

But I'll be back.

God... I'm in hell.

We love,
we suffer.

And in the end,
we exit dying.

That's it,
you bastard.

Get off me!

( Bell rings )

What the hell is going on?

Our writer is dead.

No more rewrites.

Let me tell you

I'm the star here now,
you understand me?

And you don't ever...

That's it. anything to make
the star look bad.

The star-- me--

always wins.

And I will, bitch.

I'm going to
get you for this.

You count on it.

He's right, darling.

You have to learn

this is a world
of fragile egos.

But he was just...

Mellow out.

Go with the flow.

You know what I mean.



Now, he is a bit of a...
A bastard.

But such
a talented bast...

Look out!

( Connie gasps )

Are you okay?

All things considered

I'd rather be
in Philadelphia.

What was
that ungodly noise?

Are you trying to k*ll
my leading man now?

How long have you been here?


I just ran
in from my office

when I heard the noise.

Have you seen
someone else?

No, everybody else
is at lunch. Why?


Jerry, darling,
someone tried to k*ll me.

Right here,
with a sandbag.

Be serious

nobody actually
does that.

I know.

Isn't it a hoot?

Impromptu Agatha Christie
right here on our stage.

She's right

but it's no joke.

Someone's taking their cliches
way too seriously.

( Footsteps approaching )

( Footsteps fading )


Are you serious?

Do you have any idea how many
roses we sell here in one day?

They're on special right now.

$ a dozen.

You got a girl to send some to?

Well, you know, for bucks

a girl should come with them.

um, maybe
this card request is on file

and you could trace
an order with it.

Nobody here at the shop
wrote this.


Listen, could you...

Check deliveries

to the old grove playhouse
for last week?


Not allowed to
unless you have a warrant.

You free for lunch?

Will that get me

into your files?

no... but it might
get you my phone number.

( Bell ringing )

Is that
on special, too, dear?



What's all the mystery?

What are you
doing here?

More than you, I hope.

Uh, Vanessa,
I don't have a warrant.

But I can tell your boss

about your copious sex life
amongst the flowers.

Uh, Mrs. Bayliss,
I do believe

that the investigating
is my job.

Yes, and we saw how far
you were getting, didn't we?

Got it!

Red roses sent

to Miss Amsterdam
last Wednesday.

yes, yes, but who
ordered them, dear?


You did, Connie.

There must be a mistake.

Well, it's charged
to your account.

Right here,
Mr. and Mrs. Joel...


Then, I guess...

Maybe your husband?

Don't you have a name?

You must have one
for authorization.

Here it is.


Jerry Manning.

Jerry bought flowers
for Susan

and charged them
to me.

Uh, could you
explain to me

how you knew
about the roses?

Might have been
a peace offering

after one
of her tantrums.

The message
on the card

could be
interpreted that way.


You knew
about the card?

Oh, of course,
days ago.

But, um, I only knew
it must be important

when Holly took it

so I decided
to follow up on it.

It's a good thing
I did, huh?

Yeah, I really

What you did there

but you shouldn't
follow up our leads

on your own.

Well, I didn't
do it alone.

We were together

side by side
in the trenches

like Batman and Robin,
Starsky and Hutch

smokey and the bandit.

Uh, weren't they
mortal enemies?

Oh, well, whatever.

You've got the general idea.

Yeah, I do.

Uh, the idea is
that I am a cop

and you just play one,
you see?

And, and once
we understand that

we're going
to get along great.

Fine, but when you
nail Jerry for m*rder

I want my commendation.


( Both moaning )

There's so much
work to do.

Are you sure
we have time

for this?

You're on a break.

Equity rules.

Ah, it was never this good
with Susan.

Damn, she wouldn't even
take direction in bed.

And now that I don't have her
fighting my every idea

now... I can turn this show
into a minor classic.

Hmm, Broadway,
here we come.

Forget Broadway...

Think Hollywood.

Are we talking...

Movie deal?

It's in the works, baby.

And I'm set to direct.

And, uh, of course

I'll have to reprise
my leading role.

Oh, well, we're talking
a major film here.

We need a real... name.

You son of a bitch!

Famous for it.

And you love that
about me, don't you?


I do.


( Door closes )

Susan barely cold

and you're already
at it with this one.

Don't you ever stop?

Only for naps.

Actually, Joel

there's, uh,
room for one more.

Want to join
the party?

Why do you keep pitching, Dana,
you got the part.

I need to talk to Jerry.

( Softly ):
Get out.

Get out!

( Door closes )

The deal for the film is set.




So, when do I start


They won't accept you
as director.

No movie credits.

So, you told them where to go?

I told them

to go to Woody Allen.

this deal is
my retirement, Jerry.


It's my life!

And we've got a contract,
you bastard.

I'm willing to buy you out

for a reasonable
amount of money.

( Slamming fist )

This is my deal!

My idea!

it was my contact
you sent the script to!

And I appreciate
it all.


I own the rights.

Live with it, Jerry.

You're off the picture.

You want to bet?

I'll see you in court.

( Slams fist on desk )

you were right
about the bruises.

Autopsy says they're
less than hours old.

So, Susan

was struggling for her life

while someone slit her wrists?

Maybe, maybe not.

I mean, she did bleed to death.

but she'd been injected with
a non-lethal dose of seconal.

See, the k*ller probably
had her under

before he set up
the fake su1c1de.

He-- could have been a woman.

I meant it
in the generic, non-sexist way.

No offense.

None taken.

Running a background check

on the entire company,
anything that might get us

a medical history
for the seconal.

Yeah, and I'll nose
around the theater.

See if I can find
any dr*gs or paraphernalia.

Huh! Of course

in that asylum
everyone's probably high

on something.

Oh, I got to go.

Where are you going?

I... got a date

with the flower girl.

Ooh, playing professor Higgins
to her Eliza Doolittle?

By jove,
I think she's got it.

Well, have a good time
with flower woman.

Have a nice night, babe.

Don't do anything
I wouldn't do.

( Knocking on door )

Michael, is that you?

It's me, Tom.

What is it?

Ah, please,
I got to talk to you.

It's, it's important.


Why was that cop here?


There were
a few questions

that he still
had to ask me.

Yeah, I'll bet.

So, what was he
asking you, basically?

uh, how your
undercover work was going?


Look, I thought

he was cute, okay?

So I asked him over.

Ooh, that was a big date.

Was he here
all of six minutes?

Nice guys get to me real fast.

You didn't make the cut, so why
don't you get out of here?

I got a better idea.

Why don't you be nice?

Tom, look, please,
I'm really tired.

You're had, baby.

I said I was going to get you...

And I did.


You got me.

now, what are you
going to do about it?

That's up to you.

I can blow your cover

or we can slide on out

for that cappuccino.

Yeah, I love
the rough stuff, baby

just, don't
bruise the face

or anything.

You ever been
to the real world, Tom?


We got laws here

and you just broke
two big ones:

Obstructing justice

and trying to extort
a police officer.

What makes you think so?

Motive, maybe.

Jerry and Susan were always
at each other's throats

over the play.

And then she broke off

their affair.


you just said
they hate each other's guts.

They did-- the old love-hate
thing, what can I tell you?

Something more
than that

or it's just theory.

Mr. Bayliss,
I appreciate you

coming down, but we need proof.

I wanted
to talk business

with Jerry
the night of the m*rder.

I ran by his hotel

he wasn't in.

Maybe he was just asleep.

He said
he was going home

and right to bed.

Jerry, Mr. Insomniac workaholic.

It would be a first

if he went
to bed that early.

Detective, I banged on the door.

I yelled.

He was not there.

Didn't you say that you went
home that night also?


I stopped by
to see him on my way home.

Connie was with me

she'll tell you.

By the way...

He's planning
to fly out Friday

right after the show.

Haven't got much time
to get your proof.

Cast members, on stage, please.

Cast members,
on stage, please.

what the hell
are you doing here?

Close the door.

uh, I didn't mean
to open it, Mr. Manning.

I'm a diabetic,

You're the only one who knows.

Make sure it stays that way.

I can't look like

I have a weakness.

It's not a weakness

it's an illness.

In this business

anything you can't control
is a weakness.

Please, Denise.

Our secret?


Fine, I won't say a word.

Hang on.

Sit down.

I'm sorry
I haven't had time

to work with you.

But you're damn good
on your own.

Nice quality.



Um, aren't they waiting
for you to give notes?

That's what actors do best:
Wait on guys like me.

You know, your quality
is more than nice.

It's a real
star quality.

You're natural,


Are you serious?

Serious enough

to ask you to test

for the film version
of exit dying.

a movie?
Deal's nearly set.

There's a little
legal conflict

but once I get it
worked out...

What do you say?

B-But, I-I-I don't have
a lot of experience.

I know.

But that's just what I want.

A fresh new face and talent
that I can mold.

Still interested?

Oh, what actress wouldn't be?

We'll talk
about it later.

We can grab a cappuccino.

What is up
with the cappuccino?

Jerry, are you...

Coming out for notes

or... are you
working again?

Oh, yes! Yes!

Oh, don't stop!

You can do it!

( Pants )


( Bored ):
Oh, damn.

Oh, I'm so sorry, lover.

Please forgive me.

It's all my fault.

I have so much on my mind.


Me, too.

In fact, I'm really tense.

Dr. Connie says
take two vodkas.

Sorry it's not chilled.

Why are you upset, lover?

Did you have a complex thought?

I confronted

about being a cop today.

Did you tell her I told you?


she thinks
I figured it out myself.

You figured it out?

she'll never buy it,
it's too out of character.

I had to find out
if I was a suspect.

I'm still not even sure.

Why, you could have asked me.

Jerry is their number one
suspect, with my help.

But if they arrest Jerry, what's
gonna happen to the movie?

It flies.

Hollywood kissed him off.

Where does that leave me?

I am this role, Connie.

Is that what this is all about?

A part in a movie?

Come on,
what kind of a guy

do you think I am?

an actor.
And you're acting now.

Is it that obvious?

Darling, I always know
when you're acting

your lips move.

( Door opens )

Excuse me, I'm just going
to grab a shower.

Don't be coy, Joel.

You're furious.

I told you I might
cut out my "casuals"

if you'd be
a tad more attentive.

I might be
a tad more attentive

if you were
a tad more attractive.

I am more attractive.

You weren't
more attentive.

Did I just walk
in on the third act

of Virginia Woolf?

Similar motivations,
different dialogue.

How was my reading, darling?

A little theatrical.

See... I knew

I should have
gone to law school.


Just the cop
I was looking for.

Researching a role?

Yeah, I wish.

Listen, I, uh...

I heard you guys
found seconal

in Susan Amsterdam's

Where'd you hear that?

In the theater, man

the only secret is
when the show's closing.

the other day I, uh...

I copped some reds
for someone.

Someone, huh?


What do you think this is

some off-Broadway
m*rder mystery?

You know
a real person is dead?

Look, I got them for Jerry,
but I had no idea

he was going
to use them on Susan.

He told me specifically
that they were for his insomnia.

Where did you get them?

I went to college
down here, all right?

I mean, I know a guy...

So what, are you going
to take me downtown?

No, not yet.


Why not?

You want me
to take you downtown

so you can use this moment
to play later on.

Hey, man, I'm an artist,
you know?

Basically, I'm made up
of my experiences.

And I should arrest you for
being a first class jerk.

Why didn't you come say
something to me

about the dr*gs before now?

Look, I just found out about it
today, all right?

I didn't think
it was such a big deal

to get a director
some downers.

Except that it's illegal.

Hey, look, man,
in this business

you learn how
to kiss the right asses.

Which is why I'm glad
I'm staying in the audience.

Don't you know this can make
you an accessory to m*rder?

That's exactly why
I'm talking to you.

I came forward as soon
as I made the connection.

I don't want there
to be any confusion.

Now, you'll testify
to what you just told me?

If I get immunity, yeah.

You should have gone
to law school.

Well, maybe it's not too late.

All right.

Go tell Holly I need
to speak to her.

But, Tom...

Just try and keep your mouth
shut this time, all right?

All right.

I'm dying to love you.

But I'm so afraid.

If your wife finds out
she'll k*ll us.


She's not
going to find out.

She's gone...

What have you done?

Only what had to be done
for us to be together.

( Gasps )

We love, we suffer.

And in the end,
we exit dying.

Jerry Manning.

I arrest you

for the m*rder
of Susan Amsterdam.

what kind of
an improv is that?

The motivations
are pretty clear

don't you think?


You're arresting me?

You see that?

You're right
with the story.

This is a mistake.

A big mistake!

This is when I get
to do my lines.

You have the right
to remain silent...

But I didn't do anything.

I'm an innocent man.

A word of advice.

Use that right to remain
silent and shut up.

now, if you give up that
right to remain silent...

Joel said you were
taking the redeye

to New York on opening night.


He could have told you why.

I'm suing him.

I had to fly to New York
to see my lawyer.

this is the legal problem
with the play's film version?


He's trying to get me dumped
from the film, and I'm ...

My contract says he can't.

That's what you discussed
the night of the m*rder?

One more time!

He did not...


I was alone in my room.

The hotel guests

heard him at your door.

He even had the desk clerk
phone your room.

I turned the ringer off.

Look, I really needed

some sleep.

So, you took some seconal.

What? I don't
take any dr*gs.

I told you that in my office.

So, why did you have

Tom Salvadore get you some
last week?

( Whispering ):
he told...

Well, that's a bald-faced lie!

( Throws bag on desk )




we got a warrant
to search your room.

We found those on the washbasin
next to a bag of syringes.

well, you know
what they're for, detective.

My Insulin.

Why did we find seconal residue
in one of them?


isn't it pretty obvious
that I'm being set up here?


Sure, you're saying
that everyone

independently came up
with an idea to hang you.

Who said it was independently?

Joel and Connie both
need me out of the way.

My lawsuit could hold up
that movie for years.

and the whole cast
would k*ll to be in it.

( Sighs )

You know, Michael

this case,
it's too neat.

It's, it's just
too clean.

Clean is good.

That means
we got our guy

and we move along
to the next case.

No, I don't like it.

Tom suddenly comes forward
at the last minute

with the final nails
in Jerry's coffin.

He found out
about the seconal

just recently, right?

Besides, why would he lie
about getting the dr*gs

if he didn't do it?

Because someone
put him up to it.

Tom's a good actor,
you know?

He's a good-looking guy.

But his elevator doesn't
go all the way to the top.

All right,
so, give me a motive.

I mean, why would Tommy
make this up?

Why does any actor
do anything?

To get a part in a movie.

You know, I'm glad I'm a cop.

We could get shot
any minute of the day

but at least we don't
have to grovel for a part.

So, who do you think
put him up to it?

Who could give him a part?

Some sleazy producer, I guess.

Joel or Connie?

Let's find out.

Just a minute, I'm coming.


All right, Tommy boy

you are under arrest
for accessory to m*rder.

Oh, come on, man

I helped you guys
nail Jerry.

Thanks for that.

Who put you
up to it, huh?

What are you
talking about?

Who told you to lie

about getting
reds for Jerry?

Nobody told me to lie.

I really
got them for him.

( Laughing )

That was a really
bad reading, Tom.

You're lying
through your teeth.

The reading
wasn't bad at all.

Just not a lot of fact
behind it.

( Grunting )

Was Joel
in love with Susan?

What does that
have to do with anything?

Possible motive.

Yeah, it was pretty heavy,
for Joel, anyway.

Did Connie
know about it?

I don't know, man.

You trying

to make this
worse on yourself, Tom?

Yeah, okay,
all right-- she knew.

Hey, remember you told me
that the name of the game

is kissing up
to the right people?

Yeah, so?

so, who promised you
the lead in the film?

Joel or Connie?

( Sighing )

oh! We haven't
done that since, uh...

Oh, the fox's door.

Ooh, and, uh...

Almost four hours

until we're due back
at the theater.

( Laughing )

( Breathing heavily
and groaning )

Oh, it's so good
to have you back like this.


Mmm... did I get
more attractive?

( Chuckling )

Or are you
just, uh, home

now that your little
playwright bitch
is gone, hmm?

I just thought we were due
for a little celebration.

Mmm, yes?


Oh, Joel...

It is so wonderful

how everything's
turned out.

I'm so proud of myself.

we need a bottle
of Dom right now.

Proud of yourself?

Are we being coy again, darling?

Yes, very proud of myself.

Jerry and Susan
are both out of the way

and the movie deal is ours,
free and clear.

Susan sold her rights to us
to get this run.

She was never a problem.

But she was locked in
as the lead.

She would have been
twice the hell

that she's been on the play.

sh**ting would have been
behind by months, years.


Now, it
is just us

off to Hollywood
to film our brains out.

You k*lled her, didn't you?

Was there ever any doubt?

I was in love with her!

Yes, and about to run off

and film your brains out
with her.

My part was being written out.

I didn't care
about the damn movie!

I wanted to be with her!

She was different.


I recall your saying that
about the last two.

But they were
too dull to hate.

Oh, by the way, Joel

we need to set up
a screen test

for Tom and Dana.

They've been real loves
and I want them

in the picture.

You've stepped over the line
this time, Connie.

I'm calling the police.

Well, you can't.

Well, it's all so perfect!

I mean, the police
have that insufferable
Jerry locked up

and you and I are ready
to take Hollywood by storm.

It's not going to work out
like that, love.

Yes, it is, it's perfect,
the perfect denouement.

everyone lives
happily ever after.

Except Susan.

Oh, to hell with Susan.

the palm beach
police department, please.

Put the phone down, Joel.

That is a prop g*n, darling.

Put it away.

Is it?

What scene are you playing now?

It's not a scene.

( Cocks g*n )

It's real.

Not bad.

I almost believed you.

Yes, I am here

with the k*ller...

It's not a prop g*n, Joel.

Drop it, Connie!

Drop the g*n.

Hands behind your back.

Don't worry.

We have super lawyers.

( Handcuffs fastening )

It was a crime of passion--
oh, Connie...

it's all right,
we'll always have palm beach.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Let's get you to a hospital.


Okay, we're cutting it
too close.

I'm going to miss
half-hour call.

sorry, I just want
to close this case and move on.

( Slamming books shut )


All right.

Let's go.

You know,
I can't believe

you're actually
going on stage tonight.

Well, I don't want to let down
the rest of the cast.

All right, all right.

So maybe I'd like
to hear some applause.

Now can we
go to the movies?


So what are they doing
about Connie's part?

Frannie's taking it.

Oh, she was up all night,
driving me nuts.

"The k*ller
had to have a g*n."

"The k*ller
had to have a g*n."

"The k*ller
had to have a g*n."

I like
the second way.

I like the old way,
before my wife was on the stage.

Can you believe Connie's nerve?

Asking you to go undercover

and the whole time
she was the k*ller.

I guess she figured

she could control
the investigation better.

Which she did--
for a while.

Yeah. So now, I'm about
to watch Frannie be Connie

and Holly gets m*rder*d.

This is crazy, isn't it?

Oh, you have no idea.

We should go out afterwards.

I could tell you
some theater stories.

We should grab a cappuccino.
