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05x15 - Uncivil Wars

Posted: 10/08/23 05:45
by bunniefuu
( Woman chuckling )

( Kissing )

( Woman moaning )

( Kissing )

This is crazy.

What if somebody comes in?

They can join us.

Honey, I just...

Let me just lock the door.

No. No, no, no, no.

Come on, honey, let me...

Let me just
lock the door.


You lying,
cheating bastard!

I knew it!

Wait a minute, Bobbie.

Let me explain.

Back off, Bobbie.

Shut up,
you little whore.

Wives get diamonds.

Whores get empty promises.

Bobbie, Bobbie.

We're getting a divorce.

Oh, yeah.

I see that.

Irreconcilable differences.

Don't push me, mack.

If you don't get
rid of her, I will.

( Sighs )


Late night?

You could say that.

Anyone I know?

You have any aspirin?

So are you going
to tell me

or do I have to nag it
out of you?

Tell you what?

I want a name.

You haven't been on a date
since I met you.

You're like the monk
of palm beach

and you come
dragging in here this morning

and I'm not supposed to ask?

All right. Okay.

I was up all night with Brian.

He's my brother.

His fiancee dumped him.

He needed a shoulder to cry on.

Brian... isn't he the brother

that your fiancee
dumped you for?

Same brother. Same fiancee.

Wait a minute,

wait a minute.

Let me get this picture.

He slips around with your
intended behind your back,

he steals her
away from you,

and then
he calls you

to blubber
because she dumped him

and you talked
to him?

At least he didn't call collect.

( Laughs )

( Groans softly )

Hello, Michael.


I'm Holly Rawlins.

I'm... Michael's partner.

Kate masters.

My fiancee.


Still a friend, I hope.

Have you got a few minutes,

I really need to talk.

oh, I am...
I'm really swamped here.

Oh, no, no, no.

No, you guys go ahead.

No, I'll let you know if the,
the bodies start piling up.


Yeah. Thanks.

Aren't you dying

to hear her side of the story?

No. But I know you are.

Hello, Warren.


warren, this is my
soon to be ex-husband

mack Shepherd.

Mr. Shepherd.

How do you do?

everything looks

very civil around here.

Well, it has been

till now.

I'm sure it will continue
to be the case--

as long as we have
your cooperation.

that has
an expensive ring to it.

( Laughing )

I like you, mack.

We're going to get along
just fine.

Just fine.

Now, I will need

your signature
on a couple of things,

so I can do
a quick assets search.

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, slow down.

Look, I'm prepared

to give my wife
half of everything.

No need to start
any assets searches.

I like the cooperation
I'm hearing.

Only problem:

What defines half?

The house

two cars,
and a little bit of savings.

Sorry, my hearing.

I didn't hear you say anything
about your record company.

There's nothing there,
except debt.

I'll need to look
into it, mack.

Please, don't.

Look, it's only going

to drive everybody nuts.

Hey, guy, my hands-- tied.

You know, tell him.

Mack, he's my lawyer.

I have to listen to him.


Here we go.

See you.

Look, Michael,

I'm not asking you

to take my side in this

just to hear me out.

Come on, why should I?

Come on, this is weird.

I mean... you lied to me.

You cheated on me
with my brother

and I'm supposed
to care

about why you broke his heart.

I was in love with you.

Do you think I drove
all the way down here

from Chicago to apologize
for breaking up with Brian?


Look, I, uh...

I got to get back to work.

I can't marry Brian,

Because I'm still
in love with you.

( Muffled screaming )

( Siren fading )

Any fix on time of death?

Preliminary tests fix it between
: and : this afternoon.

Probable cause:

One lipstick-smeared
champagne flute.

Guy who called it in
is over there.

Who is he?

Some divorce attorney.

Dead woman in a bikini,

who's been drinking champagne

and a divorce attorney

calls it in.

Yep. Almost makes me miss
the winters of Chicago.

No, no, bill.

I said the primary residence

and the condo in Aspen.

( Clears throat )

Buddy, I've got to run.

Bigger names here.

I'm Detective Rawlins.

We understand you
made the call?

Yes, I did.

Terrible tragedy.

Kelly was
a lovely woman.

You were handling the divorce?

That's right.

Was it contentious?

Aren't they all?

we have a saying
in the divorce business:

You never really get to know
your spouse

until you
divorce them.

You represented Mrs. Shepherd?

Yes. I prefer

working with wives.

They need the protection.

How much protection
were you providing?

And what might that mean?

it means,
were you sleeping with her?

That's an outrageous accusation,

And still waiting for
an answer, counselor.

We were friends.

Good friends.

So you were
sleeping with her.

I'll be right back.

( Car pulling away )

( Tuning instruments )

She's two hours late!

This is a complete waste
of time and money.

Well, I don't see
any other acts lined up

to cut records here.

what the hell
is that supposed to mean?

It means we don't have
any other choice.

what? We sink or float based
on the talents of Bobbie Bodine?

She can't hold her liquor,

let alone a tune.

Her talents may be limited,

but her father's bank account
certainly isn't.

this business is full
of stars who can't sing.

Good afternoon,

How you all are?

Where's my little

She's a tad late,
Mr. Boudreau.

Uh, two hours and counting.

Well, down in New Orleans,

two hours is barely
a blink, man.

Like you'd be setting

waiting for
the crawdaddies to show...

...nothing at all.

you know, this isn't
a little pond down in Louisiana.

Up here, time is money.

I think I bought
all the time

that Bobbie needs.

Ain't that right, boy?

woman ( Over intercom ):
Mack, please come to reception.

Excuse me.

Would you care for
a little something

to drink, Mr. Boudreau?


Make that
a big something.

And put some of that

brown mule kick
in there, huh?

( Slaps his back )

it's a good thing
somebody got some manners, eh?

( Phone ringing )

You see,
the way I figure it,

if I wait patiently,

you'll tell me
what Kate had to say.

I'm not a patient woman.

Can't you just leave it alone?


You know me better than that.

You wanted to see me?

Mr. Shepherd?

Palm beach homicide.

What do you want with me?

I'm sorry to have
to tell you this.

Your wife is dead.


She's been m*rder*d, sir.

Um, could we ask you...

where you were
between : and :

this afternoon,
Mr.. Shepherd?

I went for a walk on the beach.

Can anyone verify that?

No, I was... alone.

I had some problems to work out.

We understand

you were going
through a divorce.

yeah, we were,
but we still loved each other.

Um, look, I can see this...

This might take
a little while.

Is there somewhere
we could go and talk?


Do you believe him?

He seemed sincere.

But then,
so did Ted Bundy.

Come on.


Would you step

out of the car, miss?


You fled the scene
of a homicide.

We'd like to know why.

why did you run
from the shepherds'?

I was scared, I didn't
know what was going on.

When I don't know
what's going on,

I stick around.

I ask questions.
I don't take off.

There were so many people there
and I didn't know any of them.

You're a performer

and you're afraid of strangers?


why didn't you go
to your recording session?

Stage fright.

Fear of failure, fear
of success-- pick one.

Bobbie, look, you know,

most of what you're
telling us just doesn't add up.

Now, help us
out here.

Where were you

between : and : ?

I told you, I was at the hotel.

And no one saw you.

I was in my room at the hotel.

Just me and the minibar.

I was trying to get up
enough nerve

to go in
and record.

And then what happened?

And then
I went

to look for mack.

He's my producer.

He arranges

Did you know
about his divorce?

Yeah, but I never believed

he'd really go
through with it.

Was your relationship

more than

Well, yeah, it was.

Well, that gives you

what we around here
call a "motive", Bobbie.

Fine. But I didn't do it,

Are you going to arrest me?

Not at this time.

Then I want to call my daddy
to come get me.

Kate masters has
called you three times.

You're going to have
to talk to her.

I did, and she has nothing
to say that I want to hear.

Well, hush my mouth.

When she said
she was calling her daddy,

I didn't know
she was calling her sugar daddy.

That's bayou boudreau.

What is he, some kind
of country singer?

you Chicago guys
think you invented gangsters.

No, no, he is

the southern fried Al Capone
of Baton Rouge.

( Laughs )

I wonder if all he's doing
in palm beach

is Bobbie Bodine?

Yeah, I bet
she's worth the trip.

Maybe he's
just a music fan.

( Snickers ):
Yeah, I bet Bobbie
sings like a mink.

You know, Holly, I want
to make boudreau our priority.

I want to know
why he is here.

Why didn't you tell me

Kate masters is still
in love with you?

You scare me sometimes.

You know, you
really do.

Feel the same way about her?

No, no way, absolutely not.

And she is ancient history.

Well, history has a way
of repeating itself.

Not this time.

So call her back.

I don't think so.

aha. You are
still in love with her.

You're afraid
to talk to her.

I mean, you know,
what else could it be?

You really ought
to work this out.

Now-- you know, save yourself
a lot of pain down the line.


I left Chicago
to get away from her.

But I'm still in love with her.

That makes sense.

Since when does love make sense?

You're giving me a headache.

well, you've
still got my aspirin.

Why don't you take a couple?

But don't wait till morning
to talk to Kate.

It is scary

how right I am, isn't it?



Don't do that.

I was just playing.

Why are you so jumpy?

Oh, gee, I don't know.

Maybe 'cause
my wife was m*rder*d

and I'm the prime suspect?

I'm on that list,
same as you.

Don't make out
like I'm stupid.

You know I hate that.

Did you, darling?

Did you do her?

I loved her.

How could you think
something like that?

I never loved her.

Not one damn little bit.

No, I didn't k*ll her.

But it crossed my mind
you might have...

For us.

You sure, baby?

You can tell me.

You are one sick
twist, Bobbie.

Not... I can't do this,
not here, not now.

You sure never
said that before.

You are so bad.

Not any badder
than you, Bubba.

Oh, yes.

Please hold.

Hi. We're looking
for Mr. Shepherd.

Oh, yes.

Oh, yes.


Oh, yes.

( Music starts )

( Music playing,
Bobbie moaning )

Oh, yes...

Sounds like
a hit to me.

Mmm, yeah.

I'm sure it'll sh**t

straight to the top
of the charts.

So, how's my
demo tape coming?


It needs work?

so lay some more
piano tracks on it

or drums,

Man, we'd have to lay

drum tracks
on to fix it.

let's put a hold
on the sarcasm, lover.

It's not sarcasm,
it's the truth.

You can't sing.


as a friend,
I've got to be honest.

I mean, even
if it hurts both of us.

Bobbie, you're beautiful.

But the lord did not give
to you with both hands.

You got short-changed on talent.

I mean, I can't
release that album.

embarrass yourself.

Oh, yeah?

Well, we'll see what my daddy

has to say about that.



Bobbie, wait.


Yeah. Miss boudreau
has no talent.

She sounded
pretty talented to me.

Boudreau? She told us her
name was Bobbie Bodine.

Stage name.

She wants to make it on her own.

She doesn't want people to think

that her father
paid for her career.

Which is exactly
what he's doing.

So, he really
is her father.


Well, I guess talent

isn't very important

when you come from
a family like hers, huh?

The cajun clowns?

Clowns with an attitude.

Do you know
who this guy is?

Mr. Lucien boudreau.

he owns a string
of fast-food restaurants.

He's also the head
of a major crime family.

With a real violent streak.

You're kidding, right?


Oh, great.


And I just fired
his daughter.

Wait till my Oxford-educated
partner hears this one.

Who's that?

Nigel Buckley.

he's a big fan
of Bobbie and her daddy.

Maybe this'll change his tune.

You're sure?

The cops are sure.

What the hell
are we going to do?

Well, we can't panic,
so stop darting back and forth

like a wind-up toy.

all right. First of all, we
put Bobbie back on the label.

look, I don't want
to end up in the bayou.

Relax. Why don't you
go back to work?

I'll take care
of everything.

If her CD is a flop--
and it will be--

he's going to k*ll us...

Look, I only have
one word for you:


Now, get out of here.

I'll call you later.

All right.

Did he listen?


Don't worry, everything
is under control.

I knew
you'd come through.

Come with me.

Mack Shepherd?



( Groaning )

Wait a min...

( Grunting )

Bayou boudreau

says Bobbie stays on the label.

( Groaning )

Palm beach?

Oh, man,
it's a lovely place.

the food's a little bland,
but the women are nonpareil.

Thank you, darling.

So listen, Pauly.

Just for fun,

give me $ ,
on Bon Boy

in the ninth
at Hialeah.

Mr. Boudreau?

I got to go, buddy.

Love to the family.

( Beeps )

Now, little missy,
what can I do for you?

That's detective missy.

My, my.

You can imagine
my disappointment.

look, why don't you
save the mush-mouth gumbo

for the little cocktail girls?

Fine. We'll just dispense
with all the pleasantries

and you tell me

why I shouldn't run your
tight backside out my face.

I'm investigating
the m*rder of Kelly Shepherd.

Didn't know her, cheri.

Yeah, well,

your daughter did.

In fact, Kelly was married
to Bobbie's lover.

So I've been told.

I mean, that's why you had her

down there
for the questioning, eh?

You can't stick it on her,
now it's my turn?

( Laughs )

You tell me why on earth
would I bother myself

in my little girl's love life?

for the same reason you're
buying her career, Mr. Boudreau.

Because you can.

Kelly was making

little Bobbie unhappy,
so daddy made Kelly disappear.

It's too bad
you couldn't find

a bayou around here
to dump the body in.

( Chuckles gently )

You know,
little detective missy...

You become less attractive

with each insult.


And I bet you have a solid
alibi for yesterday

between : and : ,
don't you?

Well, at least one, cheri.

Now, my lawyer, he'll be happy

to call and tell it to you,
but right now,

you're blocking my sun.

And you're turning my stomach.

Just keep me posted,
will you?

Thanks a lot, Eddie.


Hey, yourself.

Did you turn up anything
on boudreau?

Hmm... had a nice
little heart-to-heart

with the cajun crawdaddy.

He brushed me off
like a blue-bottle fly.

But I'm telling
you, Michael,

he is not here
for the sun.

You know, I can't fit
him in this picture.

Now, I know he
wants to do nice

for his little girl,

but to k*ll off
the wife's lover?

It's a bit extreme.

Boudreau wants his daughter
to cut a record.

Why here? Why not Nashville?

Sounds like one of the questions
you already know an answer to.

I have been on the phone
with Baton Rouge O.C.B.

Their information has boudreau
scouting palm beach

for legitimate businesses
to launder his dirty money.

you mean, like a small
record label, for instance?


Equipment, musicians,
studio time--

it's like a regular black hole
of big bucks.

Not to mention a sweet plaything
for his little magnolia.

Yeah. That's right.

But it still doesn't
prove m*rder.

no, but it gives us
a paper trail to follow.

I'll set up an assets search.

( Quietly ):

( Phone rings )

Price, homicide.


There's nothing left to say.

I know how badly I hurt you.

You'll never know
how sorry I am.

Okay, you apologized.

Thanks. Have a nice trip home.

I'm not going anywhere thing
until we settle things.

I'm right outside in a rental.

Either you come out,
or I'll come in.

You choose.

What is it
going to take?!

Do you think this is
easy for me, Michael?

I can't go until I know.

Well, let me make it easy
for you, all right?

It's over--
no more mysteries.


You wanted to hurt me.

You did.

Do you want me to cry, too?

Now can I talk to you?

I made the mistake of my life
with you, Michael.

Maybe I have to pay for it
forever, I-I don't know...

But I hope... oh, gee,

I don't know what I hope.

But I know what I want.

What I'd give anything for.

Another chance.

It's too late.

I broke your heart.

But I broke mine, too.

I got scared.

Can you understand that?

My life with you was perfect.

It was quiet.

And it was real.

And I couldn't handle it.

( Sighs )

I got too comfortable

and it scared me.

So you went behind my back
with Brian?


But it wasn't about you.

It was about me.

I hated myself

for the sneaking around
and the lying.

You're the love of my life,

I always knew that.

But I threw it all away.

Come to me tonight.

Feel my body against yours
one last time.

And then you tell me
it's over.

I'm not going
to be there, Kate.

Yes, you will.

( Birds chirping )

Mr. Shepherd.

Can we talk to you
for a minute?

Why not?

You're here.
Damage is already done.

Rang the doorbell,
nobody answered.

I wasn't in the mood
for company.

I'm still not.

Whoa! What happened to you?

I don't know.

I was just lying on the tracks
and a train ran over me.

You know, I would think twice
about playing it like that

if I were you.

well, I'm new to this.
How should I play it then?

Try it this way.

There's this m*rder mystery,
you see.

And you're the prime suspect.

So what you need to do
is make us think

that someone else is the k*ller.

So you still think
I k*lled my wife?

Well, it's almost always
the lover or the spouse.


Except... when
it's the Butler.

You don't have
a Butler, do you?

You see, there was this
really ugly divorce

and she's hassling
you for money.

Now you've got the house.

You're sunning yourself
where she died.

you could see
how it would look bad.

So I guess I beat myself up
then, huh?

Well, since you
bring it up,

we could start there.

I was leaving the studio.

I was walking to my car
and I got jumped.

He beat the crap out of me
and he says

"bayou boudreau says Bobbie

stays on the label."

Boudreau, huh?

Uh, did you get a look
at this guy?

Big hillbilly.

About pounds, six-two,
black hair.

Took off on a black Harley.

Did you get the license number?


I didn't see anything.

I think it was an "a"...

And then maybe a one or a seven.

I'm not sure.

I was really too busy

kissing concrete
at the time.

Okay. Let's talk business.

how much money
is this cajun gangster

running through
your record label?

I'd have to check.

It all adds up.

I mean, studio
time, musicians.

Bobbie's deal's
just a blip in the screen.

Yeah. We heard bayou
is washing big money

through legitimate businesses
here in town.

We think your company's
one of them.

I wouldn't know about that.

I only handle the artistic side.

Nigel handles the money.

We'd like to talk to him.

He's in New York.

He'll be back tomorrow.

( Sighs )

So, I wonder if mack's
as mushroomed as he lets on.


Yeah, kept in the dark
and fed bull manure.

Ah, southern thing.

No, not the manure part.

So, I guess we're stymied
till tomorrow.

You want to go
grab some dinner?

Um, you know, I'll
take a rain check,

'cause something came up.

Oh... okay.

Don't ask.

( Laughing )


I'll be right out.

I knew you'd come.

You feel so good.

Look. I came
to say good-bye, Kate.

I don't think so.

I think you came here
to make love to me.

Isn't that what you want?

I've been thinking about this
all day.

I was imagining
what you'd be like.

how you feel.

Remembering what it's like
to be with you.


A feeling of doing
something dangerous

and, and absolutely wrong.

( Sighs )

You're hot,
aren't you?

I can almost taste it.

I can't live
with how I'll feel...

Being with you the next day.

Oh, baby.

Let's not worry
about tomorrow.

Man, I hope Brian
is smart enough

not to take you back.

Because this isn't
about me.

No, this is about you.

I mean, you don't even
get turned on

unless you're cheating
on somebody.


You holier than thou...

You know you want me!

You know, I have never
wanted anybody less

than I want you
right now.

( Sighs )

The assets search
on breeze records

is pretty much
a dead end.

All roads lead
to secret accounts

in The Bahamas.

That would track

with the money laundering angle.


any word
on Nigel Buckley?

Due in on the noon flight.

we should talk
to Kelly's lawyer.

see if he knows
about these assets.

Because if there's been
a sudden infusion of cash--

we're gonna know exactly
where that came from.

you know, whoever went to so
much trouble to hide that money

might get real sensitive

about keeping it
out of a divorce proceeding.

My thought exactly.

I thought it was my thought.

I'll give you the credit.

So, how did it go
with Kate last night?

Oh, it was

You didn't.

Yeah, I did.

It was better than
anything I ever dreamed of.

It was?

Oh, yeah.

She's your brother's fiancee.

Well, wait a minute.

You're the one that pushed me
into bed with her.

I was not.

I just said you
had to find out

if you were still
in love with her.

And I did.

I can't believe you.

Yeah, it kind of caught me
by surprise, too.

Oh, gah...!

Oh, look. Here it is--
number nine.

Mr. Richards?

It's still early.
He's probably not here yet.

Oh, he's here,
all right.

Thanks a lot.

One shot,
point blank to the head.

Smells like a professional hit.

maybe, but a pro would
usually pop an insurance cap.

No forced entry.

The door was locked
from the inside

meaning, the victim
opened the door for the k*ller.

maybe the sh**t
was just being considerate.

what a guy.
So, have you seen enough?



You dust and catalog
all that for me?


So, try this on.

The lawyer
finds out boudreau

is laundering money
through shelter records

so boudreau
has him taken out.

I thought about that.

But he wouldn't have
a motive to k*ll the wife.

Unless the daughter's

going through some
jealousy fit or something.

It doesn't
fit his profile.

Now, maybe mack k*lled
both of them, all right?

He kills the wife
out of passion

and then he
kills the lawyer

because he's about
to blow the whistle

on the bayou connection.

No, mack's the creative
type, he doesn't...

He doesn't handle the deals
or make the money.

Nigel Buckley.

( Phone ringing )

Maybe he didn't
go to New York.

He could be in the
Caribbean someplace

cleaning out
secret accounts.

That's true.



You got an address?

Thanks, Eddie,
I got it.


They got a hit on
a motorcycle plate.

The guy's name
is Willie Barrett.

Occupation: Musician.

Well, let's find out
if he can sing.


Hey how you
doing there, buddy?

( Motorcycle revving )

( Shouting ):
Willie Barrett?

( Motorcycle revving )

( Shouting ):
What's it to you?

( Engine stops )


Now I'm pissed.

( Yelling )

Come on, pig!


Can you hear me?

You got ringing in your ears?

Hey, it can get worse.

I seen it happen.

All right,
what's this about?

You promise to behave yourself,
we'll talk about that.

Yeah. Yeah.
Just let me go.

All right.

First the ground rules.

From the top, straight up.

And, you know, be careful.

'cause we're not gonna
ask any questions

we don't already
know the answer to.

Yeah, you did a little, uh...

Flamenco number on a guy
named mack Shepherd. Why?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

You see, you forgot
the rules already.

as*ault and battery

is a felony, Willie.

But, hey... we don't care.

We're homicide.

Hey, man, that guy was alive
when I left him.

Yeah, well, fortunately
for you, he still is.

But there are two other
people that aren't.

And I see you as a weak link
in a short chain.

I don't know anything.

As close as
that might be

to the truth,
you do know who set you up.

You told mack it was
bayou boudreau.

That's what he told me to say.

You mean boudreau.

I don't know even know
who the hell that is.

I'm talking about the limey
who runs the label.

Nigel Buckley?

Buckley, right.

Hey, look, I'm hungry.

He promised me
a gig if I did
him a favor.

That's good, 'cause you're going
to do us one now-- testify.

I don't know, man.

I'm not real big
on that whole court thing.

Oh, no, no, no.

You're going to court.

It's just whether as a witness
or defendant, that's up to you.

Oh, man.

my daddy says that,
when my record comes out,

I'll be a big star.

We'll go to Nashville

and we'll get one of
those big super-liner buses

to go on tour with my band

and before you know it

I'll be center stage
at the Grand Ole Opry.

can we talk
about this later, baby?

You know what

I always dreamed of?

singing a duet
with Willie Nelson.

Just him and me up there
in the spotlight

and he's playing his guitar

and we're looking
in each other's eyes

and it's just like...

It's just like lovemaking
is what it is.

Yes, and speaking of that...

How can you think of anything
besides my career?

I just don't want to think
about it right now, darling.

I'm sorry, Nigel.

I'm just so excited!

You and me both.

( Knocking
at door )

Mr. Buckley!

Open the door!

It's those cops, Nigel.

What are they doing here?

Don't worry, just wait here.

And don't open your mouth.

Nigel, wait!

Untie me!

Nigel Buckley.

That's right.

and you must be
price and Rawlins.

I've heard all about you.

Great. Then you
must know you've moved

into the prime suspect slot
in two murders.

Can we come in?


Oh, how was New York?

Look, um, unless
I woke up in ,

you need a warrant
to come in here.

Not since you

invited us in.

I didn't.
Sure you did.

We both heard you.

Are you trying
to deny it now?


are they gone?

Oh... Miss Bodine.

Sorry to spoil the party.

Could somebody untie me please?

you don't have
to say anything, Bobbie.

I want both of you
to leave, right now.

Not until we get
some answers.

I'm not saying anything

until I speak
with an attorney.

That's too bad for him.

The last one
you talked to

wound up
with a b*llet

in his head.

Nigel, what are they
talking about?

I have no idea.

Warren Rickman?

Divorce attorney?

Worked for
your partner's wife.

You remember her, don't you?

smothered her
with a plastic bag, in fact.

I've had about
enough of this.

Where were you between
midnight and : a.m.?

Right here with Bobbie.

Tell him, baby.

Come on, sweet thing.

Tell the nice detectives.

that's right,
we were together all night.

do you understand what's
involved if you lie to us?

Not another word.

If you had a leg to stand on,
you'd have arrested me by now.

It's just a matter of time,
Mr.. Buckley.

Get out.

Can do, but
we'll be back.

I think these are yours.

You know, Bobbie
didn't seem any too sure

about that alibi.

Yeah, but I didn't
get the feeling

she was lying

He could have slipped out
while she was asleep.

He's our guy.
There's no doubt about it.

now comes that irritating
business of having to prove it.

But I know
that you have a plan.

I certainly do.

( Car starting )

( Piano playing )


You wanted to see me?

You know, Nigel,

part of the reason
I hooked up with you

was I knew that you were
an unscrupulous bastard.

( Chuckling ):
Thank you very much.

I love you, too.

I guess I just never realized
how deep the well ran.

Could someone please tell me
what key we're in here?

( Slams piano lid )

First off, if I wanted
to kick your ass,

I would have done it myself,

not hired some dumb musician
to do it for me.

You've got it
all wrong, mack.

Don't insult both of us.

You were getting
ready to blow

Bobbie off the label.

I couldn't allow
that to happen--

for both of us.

Oh, I get it, okay.

so you had me beat up
for my own good, is that it?

Something like that.

You used this label

to wash Boudreau's money.

Secret accounts in The Bahamas.

I never knew about

till Warren dug them up
in the divorce.

That's why you k*lled him.

That's why you k*lled my wife.

No, mack. I swear it!

save it! Warren had you
under surveillance for months.

He told me everything.

I know where all
your skeletons are buried

and I'm taking
it all to the police.

Look, mack. Hear me out!

Boudreau's a scary guy.

I never dreamed

I was going to get in
that close with him.

But suddenly I was in
over my head

and the whole thing
was about to explode in my face.

I never meant to k*ll Kelly.

it's just all the walls were
closing in around me, and I...

I just
freaked out!

You could sell anything, Nigel,

but you're not gonna sell this.

Then buy this.

There's almost $ million
in those accounts.

We can have it all, you and me!

It's just a short
plane trip away.

that's the difference
between you and me, Nigel.

You're in this business
for the money.

I'm in it
because I love it.

I'm afraid we've come
to a parting of the ways.

( g*n cocking )

Sorry about
this, mack.

You and me both.

Drop the g*n, Nigel.

Son of a bitch!

The man said, "drop it!"

Hands against the wall,
feet apart!

Do it.

Nice work, partner.

Nigel Buckley agreed to testify

against bayou in a
money laundering rap.

What did Donovan
trade for that?

Life, instead of
the death penalty,

which is more
than he deserves.

He's going away
for a long time.

Yeah, but it doesn't
make it right.

You know, this guy
k*lled two people.

Case closed. We move on.

Want me
to buy you lunch?

No, I'm dieting.
I'll just have

some of yours.

So, you didn't sleep with her?



uh-uh, you'd feel
too bad if you did.

You're just that
kind of guy.

And what kind of guy is that?


and decent.

You sure you don't want
something to eat?

Hmm, no thank you.

So, you're not in love
with her, right?


patch things up
with your brother?


So... there's really no reason
for you to stay here.

You could go home,
back to Chicago.

I wouldn't say that.

This place is starting
to grow on me.