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05x11 - Till Death Do Us Part

Posted: 10/08/23 05:43
by bunniefuu
( Laughs )

Slow down, Max.

Where's the fire?

Do I have to answer that?

I want to talk to you
about something.


you always say that
and then we never talk.

( Catching breath ):
okay, okay.

Let's talk.

But make it quick, okay?

Um, all right.

Here's the cliff notes.

I want a seat on the board
of Reynolds communications.

( Laughs )

Sure, I'll...

I'll arrange that
first thing tomorrow morning.

Um, will there be anything else,

your majesty?

Yeah, actually, um...

I think I'll take five percent
of last year's net profits,

as a starting bonus.

okay, that's about
$ million there, baby.

. .

why would I make
a ridiculous deal

like that?


Because I got you, pal.

( Laughing )

It's me and the girl.

( Continues
laughing )

except this is
no big deal, honey.

I'm sorry, this is hardly news.

Oh, I don't know, Max.

I can think of someone who might
be very interested in these.

If you mean my wife,
she already knows

all about
my extracurricular activities.


No, Max, I mean the cops.

Take a good look.


uh, I don't even
remember her name.

Just some one-night stand,
that's all.

Wrong, Max.

She was .

( Sighs )

You were just

a lousy little ink-stain
copy girl when I found you.

And I made you!

This is the thanks
I get, huh?

I take my style from
a master, sweetheart.

( Sighs )

It's only business, hon.

That's all.

You win all the time.

Let me win
just this once, hmm?

Why set
a dangerous precedent?

Well, you know
what they say.

It's not whether
you win or lose

but how
you play the game.

( Clock ticking )

You awake?

( Chris grunts )


I've, uh...

I've been thinking
about us getting married.


and I'm not sure
it's such a good idea.

You at least want
to tell me why not?


I just think it's something

we should think about,
you know...?

A lot.

( Softly ):

What is it? You think

that I'm not
responsible enough

to be a good husband?


You know,
you're really not one

for long-term relationships.

When was the last time
you stuck around

for more than a sandwich
and a cup of coffee?

This isn't about me,
it's about you.

No, no,
this is about us.

And it's about our baby.

I just...

I want to make sure
you've had time

to really think
about it, you know?

I have.

I'm not going to let
you down, Rita.

And... I don't want us
to get married

because I'm pregnant.


We're getting married
because we love each other.

I love you.

I love you.

( Phone ringing )

( Sighs )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

Hey, cap.


No, I got court
today, I can't.

Can you handle it?


Yeah, yeah, I'll call
Rita and tell her.

All right.

Yeah, bye.

( Groans )


Hold that thought, hmm?

Hold that thought, too.

well, the ME Said
he caught two b*ll*ts

in the back of the head
from a . .

Bad way
to end a day.

I'll say.

He obviously knew the k*ller.

yeah, look at him--
his feet back on the desk,

all kicked back
and comfortable like that.

Wouldn't do that with
a stranger in the room.

Unless it was somebody
he felt superior to.

Which could be
just about anybody.

max Reynolds was
at the top of the heap

in the multimedia world.

He owned TV stations,

telecommunications systems,

you name it, this guy owned it.

if he was having
a business meeting,

he would not let somebody
stand behind him.

would have to be someone you
felt really comfortable with.


Yeah, good guess.

his last appointment was
at : with Callie Callahan.

She's that obnoxious
gossip columnist,

the one that writes
for the daily beach.

All the news that's fit
to be manufactured.

He's all yours.

you're not bad
in the field, cap.

stick close, Lance,
you might learn something.

Yeah, you know,
me on the inside,

you on the outside...

That's enough with
the fantasy, sergeant.

I like the view from
my power desk just fine.

All right.

Thank you.

We're very sorry for your loss,
Mrs. Reynolds.

What time
did you find

your husband's body?

: this

I had come in early to make
some calls to the London office.

do you know anyone
who might have wanted

your husband

Only about a million people.

My husband took no prisoners.

that's how he built
this business-- ruthlessly.

his last appointment
was with a Callie Callahan.

What can you
tell us about her?

Other than the fact

that Max was sleeping
with her?

Are you positive about that?

Oh, yes.

My husband's lust for the deal

was only surpassed by
his appetite for women.

Callie fit the profile
of many of his conquests:

Beautiful, sexy...

And on
the payroll.

You had an unusual marriage.

I had no choice, detective.

Where were you last night?

max was supposed
to come home for dinner.

and when he didn't,
I decided to go for a drive...

A long drive.

I figured he was probably
with one of his women.

Anyone see you along the way?

no-- no, I just drove up
the coast for a few hours...

To be alone.

Which means, in laymen's terms,
that you have

no alibi.

Or motive, for that matter.

yeah, well, I guess
that's for us to decide.

Excuse me, detectives,

but I believe
this conversation is over.

For now.

I suggest you pick it up
with your lawyer.

( Doorbell chimes )


We're looking for
Callie Callahan. Chimes )

do you have
an appointment?

Yeah, you might
say that.


oh, I don't know
if I can be there.

I have seven invites tonight.

Hugs and kisses.

Ring me later.

Well, what
have we here?

Beauty and
the dude?

They're police officers.

They're too cute
to be cops.

I'll go
and work on
those proofs.

Thank you.

Well, what's the deal, guys?

Is, um, is it policemen's ball
time again?

No, actually, it's homicide
investigation time.

And you are our next contestant.

oh, here's
a new spin on the day.

Let's start with last night.

You had a meeting
with Max Reynolds?

Whoa! Back up a second.

do you mind if I ask
what business that is of yours?

sure, yeah, someone put
two b*ll*ts through his head.

Max is... is dead?

It's a natural progression
of things, yes.

But... he was going
to give me air time

on his television stations.

I was going to have a
gossip show of my own.

We met to close
the deal.

Did you?

Not exactly.

max is, um, kind of
hard to pin down, you know.

Full of charm and
equally full of B.S.

His wife said the two of you
were having an affair.

speak of someone
who'd like to see him dead.

I wouldn't say
what Max and I were having

was an affair.

Um, a little sex
now and then, maybe.

Max always got what he wanted.

And I got
what I wanted.

I bet you have
a rock-solid alibi

for last night around : .

Yeah, I do, I do.

I was at the Anderson bash...

Or was it the millers'?

Then I had
a gallery opening.

or did I go
to the Millers first?

( Laughs )

I don't know.

I was positively
swimming in champagne.

You know, this would be
a real good time

to get your story straight.

right, I'll do that
and I'll get back to you.

you know, I could do
a hell of a spread on you guys:

"Glamour town,

glamour cops."

You stick to the society page,

we'll stick
to the Metro section.

Hey, cap, want to see us?

Great news.

I just came from a meeting
with the commissioner.

He'll let you continue
being partners

as long as you keep
your relationship quiet.


Yeah, it's good.

"Good"? "Great"?

could we be a little
more overwhelmed here?

I just used up

a decade's worth of
favors on you guys.

Thanks, cap,
we knew you could do it.

Yeah, don't think we
don't appreciate it.

I mean...
Uh, uh, uh.

I'm getting that
bad feeling in my gut,

that kind of sour thing
that happens when you know

somebody's not being
straight with you?

Tell me I'm wrong
to have this feeling.

( Phone rings )

Yeah, what? What?


Oh, yeah,
they're right here now,

I'll tell them.

State records have a g*n

registered to Callie Callahan--

a . -caliber

We're going to get
on that, right now.

Yeah, we'll
check it out.
Thanks, cap.

What are we doing here?

We are going to
the beach, come on.

Going to the beach?

Just like that,
in the middle of the day?

Yes, it'll only
take minutes.

I don't think
they'll dock your pay.

Come on, gal!

Isn't it great?

Ah, man.


Do you have any idea
how lucky we are?

Yeah. We're pretty lucky.

You know, we, uh...

We should still talk
to the captain

about, you know,
the baby.

I know, I just...
I couldn't say anything

after how considerate
he had been.

I know.

But you know what?

I think he'll understand.

I mean, that's
the kind of guy he is.

You know, I have
never walked away

from a responsibility
in my entire life.

I know.

That is part of your charm.

See, I think...

That's why I've never had
a long-term commitment.

I've never found anybody
that I was sure was right...

Until now.

( Sighs )

You know, with our histories,

you know, neither one of us
are really cut out for this...

Marriage thing.

Hundred-to-one shot
at best.

But, that's why we should do it.

We're perfect for each other.




( Shutter clicking )

( Shutter
clicking )


What are you doing?

( Tires squealing )

That guy's
taking pictures of us.

I hope he got his thrills.


Mmm, nice work, Nick.

I think that cop
got a look at me.

Ah, don't
worry about him.

I always worry
about cops.

They have a habit
of arresting me.

Oh, you bad, bad boy, you.

So when does
bad boy get paid?

How about I make the first
installment right now?

Now, isn't that better
than a little ol' check?

Oh, yeah.

This is
the kind of payday

I could get
really used to.

Tell me something.

Think everyone in this town
has a mistress?

Oh, yeah.

it's on the sign
when you enter town:

"Abandon fidelity,
all ye who enter here."

( Doorbell rings )

Well, well,
cops 'R' us.

Come in, the house could use
some brightening up.

We have a warrant
for your g*n.

You didn't need
a search warrant.

I'd have let you turn
the place upside down

if you'd just given me a jingle.

A jingle doesn't
really hold up
in court, you know?

Well, let's see...

Where did I toss
that little g*n?

Oh, here it is.

Don't touch it.
Don't touch it.

When was the last time
this was fired?

I don't think it ever has been.

Smells like it has been.


I swear I've never touched
the trigger on that g*n.

So, who has then?

you look at me
like I know something.

we think
you do know.

These two b*ll*ts match...
we think you'll tell us.


Did you k*ll Max?

no. But it was pretty weird--
two b*ll*ts missing from my g*n.

They're running
those tests on them--

what do you call it?

Ballistics tests.

Yeah. If they come back

I'm not going to have to worry

about what parties
I'm not getting invited to.

I'll be in jail.

So who could've gotten your g*n?
I don't know.

somebody who's been
hanging around my place lately.


Somebody like you,
for instance.

Oh, Callie, really,

you're insulting
your own intelligence.

For a woman whose husband's
just been m*rder*d,

you look awfully comfy
in his chair.

Oh, I am.

But if you think that I would
k*ll him to get here...

The long-suffering

All of the garbage,
none of the glory.

The stiff upper lip

while the old man
flaunts his indiscretions.

let's face it, Victoria,
you're practically a cartoon.

Callie, go slap some makeup on.

your catty side
is shining through.

Speaking of my husband's

max told me
you were on that list--

just not very high.

oh, I'll pretend
I didn't hear that.

You were in love with him,
weren't you?

We used each other.

I wanted air time,
and he wanted

what he wasn't
getting at home.

You were the one who was in love
with him, Victoria.

That's right, that's it,

Maybe, uh, you got fed up with
all the lipstick on his shirts

and the long, lonely nights...

and maybe you got tired
of being his sexual doormat

and never getting promoted.

you were the one who had the
most to gain by Max being dead.

That's right.

So, I don't have
to remind you...

That I'm your boss now.

Careful, Victoria.

I know where
all the bodies are buried.

So tell me how much
you liked it.

It was awful.

It's a good thing
you're so purty.

( Rita laughing )

Well, a good meal,
a hard day at work...


Only thing missing is a few
rounds on the heavy bag.

I can't help you there.

After we get married,
we can move into my place

and then the heavy bag
will be...

Wait, your place?

Since when did we decide
we were moving to your place?

Well, I just
assumed that...

You assumed.

It's close
to downtown and...

Don't you think
that's something

that we should discuss,
decide together?

Sure, let's
discuss it.


Would we rather
move into my loft

which is spacey...

Cold and drafty...

And very nice or...


Or would you rather
move into this...



Warm apartment.




We'll get
a new place.

A new place.


We could get an ocean view?

Sure, as long as it's
close to downtown.

So we get a downtown loft
with an ocean view.

Parfait. Right?

Look, we're good
at this.

we got this compromise
thing happening.

it's going to be
a great marriage.

You sound like
you're already decided.

I am.

I guess I have cold feet.

No, I would say
that you, my friend,

have got frostbitten feet.



I mean, you know, I came from
basically no home at all,

you came from a broken home.

Half the marriages in the
country end up in divorce.

It's pretty scary.
Which means that half
of them last forever.

We just got to make sure
we're on the right half.

You're a pretty confident guy,
you know that?


About this I am.

( Phone rings )



Let the machine
pick it up.

Let the machine
get it.

It might be work, though.

One second, okay?



You're sure about that?

Okay, great.


Well, Callie Callahan's g*n
was a match.

Should have let
the machine get it.


Absolutely % not guilty.

Funny how the guilty ones
always say that.

I didn't do it.
Maybe not.

But whoever k*lled Max Reynolds
used your g*n.

Whose fingerprints were on it?

Which just means

the k*ller wiped the g*n down.

Who else had access to that g*n
besides you?

Lots of people came in and out
of my place--

I don't know.

Unless... maybe Victoria.

Victoria... when?

She hangs around a lot.

We're old friends.


Weren't you having an affair
with her husband?

Which she knew about.

Did she tell you
about hiring me?

To do what?

To snoop around,
what else?

She was thinking of divorcing
max and...

Well, she needed some amm*nit*on
for the coming battle.

Did you find any?

Just the usual stable of women.

Which in max's case made Hialeah
look like a merry-go-round.

There could have been

any number of scratches
on that field.

Hmm. But how many of them could
have shot him with your g*n?

Wait a second.

I was screwing around with Max,

And I was trying
to track down es
the dish on him,


I didn't k*ll him.

You know, the
Reynolds, they, uh...

They had a pretty weird
marriage, huh?

The word sham
comes to mind.

You know,
Chris, I, uh...

I've been thinking
about you and me...

Yeah, that's all I think about
is you and me.

It's like I have
your face in my head,

it's imprinted or...

I get up in the morning
and I see you.

I go to bed at night...

I hear a song,
I think of you.

I have a thought...

I want to share it
with you.

So you feel as sappy as I do?


But then when
we're not together,

I sit there
and watch the clock

and the moments
just tick slowly by.

The seconds go by.

The seconds.

I love you, Rita.

I love you.

I love you with everything...

I love you.

...that I have.




Are we waiting for, hmm?

What are we waiting for?

Uh, well, there must be
something, right?

I've loved you
from the moment I saw you.

I've been
completely lost in it.

I know. Me, too.

I didn't know
what to do with it.

I didn't know how
to approach it.

From the minute I met you,
I just knew, I just knew.

I just knew.

So, then, we just do it.

Just, uh, uh...

Follow our hearts.


We do it before our mind
blows the whistle.

But you should...

Shh, say no more.

No buts.

Come on.

You and me, no buts.
No buts.

You and me, now.
No buts, no buts.

Leave it, let's go.

Do you take this woman to be
your lawfully wedded wife?

Do you promise to love
and comfort Rita,

to honor her,

and keep her
in sickness and in health,

in prosperity and adversity

and forsaking all others,

be faithful to her as long
as you both shall live?

I do.

Do you take this man

to be your lawfully wedded

Yes, I do.

( Shutter clicks )

place the ring
on the bride's finger.

Uh, can you hold that?


Now you may place your ring
on the groom's finger.

By virtue of the authority
vested in me,

I now pronounce you

husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

( Shutter clicks )


And that's how I have to hear
about it, in a newspaper?

It just kind of happened.
We were...

No excuse.

None whatsoever!

Cap, we were planning...

hep, hep. Lorenzo,
when I want to hear from you,

I'll pull
your cord, okay?

Let me get this straight:

I did just went
to the commissioner

on your behalf, didn't I?

That was me who promised him

you'd keep your relationship
low-key, wasn't it?

If you would listen
for a second...

I didn't pull, Lorenzo.

After all we've been through,

I got to read about it
in a newspaper.

I know, cap. Look,
I'm truly sorry.

well, sometimes sorry
just doesn't cut it, sergeant.

Lorenzo, you got a new partner

effective immediately.
Name's Holly Rawlins.

What? I don't get
a vote in this?

There's your say, right there.

So what about me?

I'll team you up
with detective price.

You seemed to get along

when you worked that
homicide-narco case.

And what should I do

until then?

Until then?

Why don't you go home

and try to set up

Come on, Lorenzo.

I'll introduce you
to your future.

( Tires squealing )

Lorenzo, meet
your new partner,

Holly Rawlins.

Holly, a pleasure.
It's a real

So, you always
drive like that?

Only in pursuit.

And... when
I'm running late.

Remind me never
to hang you up.

I got to get back
to the store.

You guys play nice.

I will if you will.

Yeah, I think we can

handle it from here.


What's it like
being married to a cop?

It's a trip.

My wife is amazing.

My wife... wow.

You've been partners
a long time?

partners about
four and a half years.


well... she has
the respect of every woman

in this department.


Most of the guys, too.

She's a good cop.

I'd say she's
our best.

not to mention
a hard act to follow.

Hey, you'll do fine.


But if I start twitching,

just slap me in the face.

( Laughs )

Oh, you know that
picture of you guys

in the paper?

I might know the guy

who took it.

His name's
Nick Becker.

A complete sleaze.

I know him from my days in vice.

He works
the porno trades

and does a little

freelance work
for the daily beach.

He drive an old Cadillac?

I don't know,
want me to check DMV?

Yeah, hold on a second,
you know...

If we're going
to work together,

you've got to learn
to stop and...

( Breathes deeply )

Just take a breath
now and again.

Fair enough.

( Breathes deeply )

( Both exhale )

Done, let's go.



( Slaps paper )

Are you out
of your mind,

you stupid
little bitch?

What, it's a hot story.

You did a piece
on the two cops

who took me in
for questioning.

What are you?

Hopelessly incompetent
or totally insane?

Mrs. Reynolds approved
the story.

In fact, she insisted
we print it.

Oh, really?

Did she know
I was in jail?


( Laughs ironically )

So much for honor
among thieves.

Fasten your seat belts,

This is going to be
a bumpy ride.

I don't care what kind of deal
you cut with my husband.

As of tomorrow, I will no longer
honor the terms.

Warren, Warren, please,
please calm down.

You're still going to make
barrels of money...

Just smaller barrels.

Oh, Warren, I'll
have to call you back.

I'm with palm beach P.D.

It's all right, Jane.

Just hold my calls.

What happened to that attractive
officer Lorenzo?

he's in court,
I'm his new partner.

Ah... he got the beautiful woman
as his wife,

and you as a new partner.

That man is doing

something right.

well, you know,
he wasn't pleased

with that spread you ran on him.

In fact, he was mad.

He was really mad.

well, we have a saying
in the newspaper business.

even bad publicity
is better than no publicity.

which explains
why I'm not a journalist.

Um, could you step out
on the balcony with me

just for a second?

What for?

oh, I just want
to show you something.



You see that building

at the end
of admiral way?

The mirrored one
with the helipad on top?


That's police headquarters.

I'm aware of that.

We are about to go there,
Mrs. Reynolds,

and you won't like it.

It's no place for a woman
like you.

There are
some girls there

who would love
to turn a woman like you

into confetti.

How can I help you, detective?

Just play it straight with me.

Now, Callie Callahan told us

that you had access to the g*n
that k*lled your husband.

Did she?

You seem very calm for a woman

who is a prime suspect
in a m*rder case.

that's because
I have nothing to hide.

Are you sure?

Because if my partner

has to come in here
and question you,

it'll go a lot differently.

He has a very, very short fuse.

All right.

I will tell you this.

Callie knew my husband
was involved with a girl,

a very young girl, years old.

And Callie...

And I...

Were going to use that
against him,

but that's it.

I didn't k*ll him.

Wait a minute.

You were blackmailing
your own husband?

Not blackmail. Business.

He wouldn't let go of
control over anything
that really mattered,

and I was prepared to do
anything for more authority,

for more respect.


Almost anything.

You what?

I interrogated
Victoria Reynolds.

I don't want you
to act alone ever again.

look, I didn't
exactly act alone.

That's exactly
what you did.

You were in court.

Yeah, I was.

All right, I talked
to her alone.

You interrogated her
by yourself.

But I did everything...

No, there are no buts,

you interrogated her
by yourself.

She could have said something
you missed...

could have blinked,
reacted funny, flinched,

anything at all.

She could claim you got her
statement under duress.

I can't back you up,
I wasn't there.

You're right.

You're right, I'm sorry.

I guess
I was just a little too eager.

A little.

Look, Holly, I know

you want to make
a good impression.

I'm impressed,
you're good.


Guess I just have
to remember that.


I need to buy you a beer.

No, no...

This one is on me.


So, what is your new partner
like, Mr. Lorenzo?

She's aggressive.


She's... smart.


She's very green.

Is she pretty?

( Swallowing words ):
well, you know...


So she is pretty.

Well, some people
might find her attractive.

I guess.

What kind of people?

Ah, the male kind of people.

( Laughing )

Come on.

so... what else
did you learn about her?

Well, she never stops,

and will probably be head
of the department someday.

Oh, so we should be
nice to her, huh?

( Sighing )

That was a good dinner,
wasn't it?


So what do we do now?

Well, why do we have
to do anything?


It seems like something
should be different...

We're married.

Yeah, yeah.

So this is it?

Nothing's different?

Well... it's legal now.

Well, there's that.

Why don't you, um...

Work out on your heavy bag?

Nah, no.

Nah? What happened to

"I want to work out,
where's my heavy bag?"

Remember that?

I-I said that?

Yeah, you said that
the other day.


You... you do realize that...

That we're on our honeymoon,
don't you?


This doesn't look like Hawaii.

No, no, no, this is...

This is much better
than Hawaii.


We don't have to do
the luau thing.

Or hula lessons.

No, I hate hula lessons.



Why don't you say

we just skip right
to the honeymoon?

Oh, I like that.

You like that?

Yeah. Maybe we'll have
a mirror on the ceiling.

Or a little
room service.

( Chuckles )

Why don't we go see?


( Phone rings )


Holly, hi, it's Rita Lance.

Chris, it's Holly.


Yeah, know what

he's told me so much right
about you, too, yeah.

well, listen,
I look forward to meeting you.


Here he is.



Thank you very much.

Hey, Chris.

Hey, what's up?

We found that red Cadillac.

Yeah, and Becker's
in the driver's seat.

Only he's not going to be
taking any pictures anymore.

ME Fix the cause of death?

Probable drowning--
his lungs are full of water--

but I think
he had some help.
Because of what?

Check out the bruise.

Looks like
somebody whacked him

in the back of the head.

And then drove his car
into the ocean.

Good catch.

Got a time of death?

Preliminary puts it between
midnight and : a.m.

Anything from the locals?

I got three teams working on it.


I'm taking you there now.

Very nice.

I will follow your lead.

Wow, whoever did this guy
was a slob.

Well, ransackers have
a way of being messy.

Well, you can bet
the ranch

it has to do
with the blackmail scam.

You got a ranch?

I have
a one-bedroom apartment.

It's kind of like a ranch...

Without the sweeping
vistas or the cows.

Well, I live
in the same neighborhood.

Look, it figures
that Becker was working

for either Victoria
or Callie.

or both. Maybe he's
blackmailing the blackmailers.

Yeah, but something doesn't
lay right with me.

I mean, if they're soaking Max
for money and power-- hmm?--

why k*ll him?

or conversely,
why blackmail him?

Why not just k*ll him?

A means
to the same end.

Exactly. And if they are
in on this together,

why would the g*n

be in evidence?

Why not hide it?

You got a screwdriver?

I'm sorry,
I left my tool belt at home.

somebody's got
this much equipment,

they usually leave
a lot of stuff

on their PC.

Chris, this computer's ready
for the scrap heap.

Yeah, it is, but there could be
something on his hard disk.

Oh, um... how about a nail file?


Uh, captain, hi.


I don't like seeing
the two of you together.

It gives me that bad
feeling in my stomach.

we have something

we need to talk
to you about.

I don't like the way
this is starting.

You have something else
to tell me?

yes, yes, we...
Yeah, we do. Um...

Should I, uh, what--
meditate first?

Take some of those--

what do you
call them--

cleansing breaths?

What is it? Spit it out!

Well, um...

We're, um...


I knew that.

( Laughs )

You did? How?

Come on.

( Laughs )

Nothing goes on
in this department

that I don't know
everything about.

Absolutely nothing.

We wanted to tell you first

'cause we messed up
the marriage thing, so...

come on,
that was yesterday's news.

So, how pregnant are you?

All the way.

What do you mean?

Lorenzo, I am really starting
to worry about you.


I'm, uh, first trimester,

Morning sickness,
sore breasts...

The whole works.

That's a little more information

than I needed, Rita.

I am so,
so happy for you.

Oh... thank you, captain.

Thank you, captain.

You are going
to make

the world's
greatest mother,

bar none.

You, I'm not sure about.

yeah, well,
thank you very much, cap.


( Silently )

( Beeps )

All right.


the power
of a nail file.


Now, let's punch

some of these files up.

See what we get.

( Computer beeps )

Look at that.

man, he's got
everything in there.

Names, dates, phone numbers.

Look here.

Name comes up six times:
Paige forest.

That's Callahan's assistant.

Oh, my gosh.

Becker met with her last night.

You think she k*lled
max Reynolds?

Why would she do it?

Maybe they were lovers,
he dumped her.

okay, okay,
she comes up behind Becker,

similar to
the Reynolds homicide.

She knocks him out,

drags him to his car
and drives it

in the ocean.

that's very good--
means and opportunity.

And access to the g*n.

Oh, wait a minute,
wait a minute,
what about motive?

Well, if she did it,

we'll find one.

I don't know, Shelley.

I have the ballet,
the cast party

and then cocktails somewhere.

I'm all spun around
over max's m*rder.

And now my assistant's

I know...

I know,
good help's an oxymoron.

Ooh, there she is.

Kisses to Edgar...
Got to dash.

Where the hell have you been?

The hospital.


Well... how is your sister?


She'll get better.

Shouldn't have used her
like that.

She's too young.

I'm sorry, Paige.

Truly sorry.

I didn't know
she was so fragile.

You're not really sorry.

you just used her
like you use everyone.

I don't know
what else to tell you.

I made a mistake, okay?

If I had to do it again,
I wouldn't put Max

in that hotel room
with her.

It's too late for that now,
isn't it?

Yeah... yeah.

I am paying
her hospital bill, though.

that makes you
some kind of hero?

What do you want?

What am I going to do?

Do you want your own column?

I can fix it for you.

You might have to leave
palm beach...

Everything is
a tradeoff for you.

A deal...

An arrangement.

I know you're upset
about your sister, but...

sometimes it's
about other things.

Like decency and honor.

Let me get you a drink.

What are you doing?

What does it look
like I'm doing?

You k*lled Max,
didn't you?

He was garbage.

So was that photographer.

Nick? Where is Nick?

He took the pictures.

He's as much to blame
as you are.

Paige, Paige, this isn't
going to help your sister.

Please, just put down
the g*n, okay?

Just relax.

Could you try and relax?

All right.

We'll question her
together this time.

We'll play it cool,

( g*nshots )

Go around back.

( Both grunting )

( Panting )

Throw the g*n down, Paige.

Put the g*n down.

Put it down.

She doesn't deserve to live!

( Both grunting )

( Yells )

Good job, partner.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything that you say...

Did you turn in
your report card

on your new partner?

Straight "a"s.

This girl's got the makings
of a first-rate homicide cop.


better than me, huh?
Yeah... no.

Come on, I'm biased,
you're my wife.

Yeah, you better be.


What the...

( Cheering and applause )

You didn't have to go
to all this trouble, cap.

Believe me, I know.

Frannie put me up to this.

I hate parties... at least
the ones that aren't for me.

( Laughter )

You must be Chris's new partner.

Guilty as charged.

Holly, this is Rita.
Rita, this is Holly.

It's really nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

And you're right, she's
absolutely gorgeous.

Good, that's enough with
the small talk already, please.

Huh... cut the cake?

What is this,
hurry up and have fun?

No, Lorenzo, this is hurry up
and get back to work.

Because if you people
would've had a normal wedding,

like everybody else,
on the weekends,

then we would have had
all day and night to celebrate.

Let me have that.

All right...
Hey, I got you something.

Oh, cap, you shouldn't.

Let your wife...
Let the wife take it.

Didn't you learn
anything from me?
Yes, yes, yes.

You didn't have to do that,

Come on, Rita,
open it up.

you don't like it,
hey, we throw it out.

I'm just kidding.

What is it?

All right.

( Laughs )


Huh? Huh?

( Laughter and applause )