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05x09 - Partners: Part 2

Posted: 10/08/23 05:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on silk stalkings:

That O.D. At the
orange grove

this morning was no
garden variety junkie.

Her father
is grant Everett

one of the power brokers
in town.

Rita, you'll be

with Michael price.

So what have you heard
about me?

I don't think you want to know.

You're a dead man,
you son of a bitch!

I'll k*ll you!

I'll see you in court!

You're the most
important thing

in my life.


( Kettle whistling )

( Sighs )


You were, uh...

You were out
of real coffee

so, uh,
this'll have to do.


I, I thought
you left.

Yeah, well, I was

trying to sneak
out of here.

I felt a little bit
like a thief

that didn't
feel very good, so...


Hey, um...

This tastes terrible.


Listen, Rita...

About last night...

I mean, it was, uh...

It was a mistake.
it was


No, yeah.

It was a mistake.

If it wasn't a mistake,

we wouldn't feel like this.

Very weird.


You know, it's just not us.

You know?


So, uh...

Where do we go from here?

Well, I mean, it happened.

We'll have to deal
with that, right?


So, um...

Uh... it happened,
it shouldn't have

and, and, uh...
It won't happen again.

I mean, we both agree

on that, right?

Right, right.


So, we'll just, um,

we'll just move on.

I mean, we're the same
two people.

We haven't changed.


So nothing's changed, right?

Right, right.

Nothing has changed.


Of course, it's water weight,

well, honey, if you
can't fit into the dress,

just buy another dress.

( Knock at door )

No, I am not calling
you fat, Frannie.

Honey, you're k*lling me.

Let me call you back later,
all right?

Yeah, I promise.

What's up?

If she keeps this up,

she's going
to lose pounds-- me.

( Laughs )

Where are we on the car bombing?

We know it was
C plastique.

It was detonated with
the ignition switch, so...

Lab is still
checking it out.

( Phone rings )

did I change my policy
on interrupting briefings?

Michael price
wants to see us?

He's insistent?

Who are we to say no?

Send him in.


The insistent
detective price.

What couldn't wait?

I figured you were
talking about this case

and I should be here.

'cause I am the primary.

You were
when it was a narco case.

The b*mb made it
a homicide.

Have a nice life.

hmm, two young rams,
butting heads and locking horns.

just like on one
of those nature shows.

so why am I the one
getting the headache?

Tell you what,

we're gonna call this
a handoff.

Lorenzo, Lance
you run with this.

Actually, the homicide

is an extension
of the drug case,

which is very much
still open.

I think we can use all
the help we can get, right?

You okay with that, Chris?


Yeah, I'm okay
with that.

Consider yourself on loan
to homicide.

By the way, you're under dressed.

That look may work
for undercover vice,

for homicide-- no.

Here we wear coats

and shirts with collars
without holes.

Today, price. Problem?

You're the boss.

I like
the sound of that.

Now, where were we?

George, grant Everett
threatened to k*ll this guy.

He att*cked
him on TV.

Come on, suspects don't
get better than that.

he's bereaved,
in emotional shock.

He can't be held responsible

for wild statements
made in a fit of anger.


You sound more like

a defense attorney
than a prosecutor.

Everett must carry
a really big stick around here.

That has nothing to do with it.

The same argument could be made
if he were indigent.

Yeah, but he's not.

He's one of the richest men
in palm beach.

And he's very capable of doing
your career serious damage,

isn't he, George?

but that has nothing
to do with it, does it, George?

Hey, I'm the one at risk here.

All you got to do is tag him.

I'm the one that has to get
in the cage with him.

So don't put me in there
with an empty g*n.

Make sure
I got some b*ll*ts.

do you have any idea
what he's talking about?

None whatsoever.

Evidence, people.

It's a fairly
simple concept.

maybe you should
consider the possibility

that grant Everett had nothing
to do with Barnett's death.

A jury will.

They know drug dealers
get k*lled

all the time
and not by respected members

of this community.

penny ante drug dealers
don't go up in a puff of c .

That was
a professional hit.

And Everett can afford
the best talent.

Speculation and supposition
won't feed the bulldog, pal.

Find the hit man,

then you talk to me.

Would it make it any easier,

if I just
beat a confession out of him?

Price, you got a real attitude.


Is he all political
silly putty

or is there any
backbone in there?

Don't worry about George.

push comes to shove,
he does the right thing.

I know him a lot better
than I know you.

Oh, is it me

or is this food
getting worse, guys?

Oh, I think the food is
definitely getting worse.

Okay, which one
of us is going

to ride
in the back?

Oh, come on, look,
he's working on the case, too.

He has every right...

No, you're
right, okay.

You guys go ahead.

I got something
I got to take care of.

You know what they say
about threes, hmm?

I'll be fine.

Okay, fine.

Yeah, fine.

You're fine,
I'm fine.

I'm fine.

If you're fine, I'm ...

I'm okay.

( Engine starts )

Bye, Michael.

You son of a bitch.

Something going on with you two?


I'm glad to hear it,

'cause I've seen
some good partners

break up between the sheets.

you know, Michael,
let me tell you something.

My personal life is none
of your business, okay?


No, I don't need my lawyer.

I have nothing
to hide.

I pulled you off Todd Barnett

the morning he bailed

out of jail,

You were screaming about how
you were going to k*ll him.

I would say this would be
a good time to call your lawyer.

Am I under arrest?

not yet.
Where were you last night?

I was here all night.
My daughter will vouch for me.

I'm sure she will.

do you know anything
about expl*sives, sir?

Quite a lot actually.

I was in a demolition unit
in Vietnam.

And if you haven't already
pulled my service record,

I'm sure that you will.

I'm sorry to spoil
your surprise.

Barnett k*lled my daughter.

I wish I could take credit

for blowing
the little bastard to bits.

It was a good job.

And when you find the one
who rigged it,

I'll buy him a drink.

Well, I'm sure it cost you

a hell of a lot more
than a drink.

That sounds like
an accusation.

If you want
to make it official,

you better
back it up

or I'll
own your ass.

Worry about your own ass,

'cause all the money you've got
ain't gonna cover it.

Arrest me or get the hell
out of my house now.

Thank you for your time, sir.

Detective price?

Want to tell me

What were you trying
to prove in there?

Look, you like working
with rubber gloves?

I get down quicker
with bare knuckles.

Well, trading
insults with him

isn't going to make
the case, Michael.

Hey, I have done this before.

I don't need
a lesson from you.

Oh, really?

no, what you need
is some common sense.

Now, I extended myself
to get you on this case.

Oh, don't do me any favors,
all right?

I am on this case
because it's my case.

Oh. I'll drive,
it's my car.

Give me the keys.

Thank you
very much.

If it's such a big deal
to drive, drive.

( Muttering )

Excuse me.

Nothing, drive.

Are we going to fight
all day?

Well, I suppose that's up
to you, isn't it?

The top sheets
are the most recent

account records
for Everglo cosmetics.

The rest of them are
Everett's personal accounts.

You know, I would
feel better about this

if you, uh,
had a warrant.

Well, what, what is
a warrant between friends?

You know,

this $ , withdrawal

for Everglo cosmetics
on the th--

any idea who authorized that?

No, I'm afraid not.

As you can see by the code here,

it was an electronic transfer.

Anybody in the company
with the access code

could have done it.

Looks like
it was transferred

to a numbered account
in Switzerland

and I'm afraid those
are untraceable.

You know, can I take these?

When you come back
with a warrant,

they'll be here.

So, are you going
to tell me

what this is about
say... over dinner?


I tell you what,

you let me copy down
a few of these numbers,

dinner's a done deal.

You drive a hard bargain.

But I love bargains

and the hard ones
are usually the most fun.


You've been acting like
a jealous boyfriend.

That's a load.

I just don't like this guy
horning in on our case.




Okay, I just thought,
you know, maybe

there was a little
more to it.

I mean, after
what happened,

things have been a little weird.

I thought we agreed.

Yeah, we did, I know.

And we can't change it.

We should really
deal with it.

I mean, we're not

robots, right?

we're human beings,
and we have feelings.

But we're adults.

We should ta...

We should talk
about this.

( Sighs )

I just...

I don't want things
to change between us

and I feel like
they already have.

So do I.

I've been crazy
all day

trying to figure out

you know...

Where this thing's going.

( Sighs )

( Knock at door )

( Clears throat )

No, definitely not
the right place.

No, not
a good time either.

Bad time.

He was, uh,
parking the car.

I forgot.

Parking the car.

Be nice, okay?

( Knock )



come on in.

Hi, Chris.


Oh, this is
a great place.

Well, thanks.


Thank you.

Anchovies are
on my side.

Rita told me
you don't like them.

Perfect, perfect.

Heavy bag.

Do you box or is it
just for exercise?

No, I box
a little bit.

So do I.

We should go a couple of rounds.


Yeah, I'd like that.

Yeah, so would I.

You know, Everett's
got the experience

to have rigged
this b*mb himself.

Why go out and get
outside talent?

Then you wind up
with a hit man

that can finger you
if the hitter gets popped.

And a $ ,
wire transfer

to a Swiss bank the day
after the bombing.

That's definitely
not a coincidence.

Where does a guy
like Everett get c ?

I mean, he's
a businessman,

not a mercenary.

Okay, so he hires
a hitter, right?

Guy has to come up
with plastique.

If he's a local,
where would he get that?

Narcotics has been working
this crank outfit

that's been cooking
outside of west palm.


They got enough black speed

to fuel the next
space shuttle mission.

Dealing mostly with bikers,
militia types.

I hear that they're pushing

a little light iron
on the side.

Military ordnance.


I say we fall by
this place tomorrow.

Done deal.

You know, Michael,
you should tell your friend

to let his dog
out of the car

before it goes
to the bathroom.

Look, you sure they
didn't make you in here?

Don't worry.

When we busted Wolfman,
I went down with him.

Saved my cover.

We're old buds,
all right?

Oh, Wolfman.

We got
a theme going.

We should have
trick or treat bags.

Look, anything goes
weird in here,

we leave on my call,
you got it?

I already said yes.

How many times
you got to hear it?

I want to make sure
that you hear it.

Let's go.



My friend, Wolfman.

How you doing?

and tweedledumber.

( Groans )

( Grunting )


( Both yelling )

Drop it,
or I drop you.

They're cops.

That one set me up for a bust.

What you going to do?

Whoa, now.

Giving it over, boss.

Let's nobody
get k*lled.

Federal offense

to saw off
a shotgun.

I bet you
knew that.

What do you want from me?

Funny you
should ask.


Let's go.

I'm telling you,

I don't know nothing
about any c plastic.


We think
you do.

He don't
know nothing.

I guess
that makes him expendable.

I worked for
this Columbian dude undercover.

he showed me
something really cool

that they do
with their expendables.

Do you want to see?


Where you want him?

Stick him up against that wall,
right there.

Hey, stick this on his head.

real cute.

This is supposed
to scare me?

Ooh, I'm really shaking.

( Chuckling )

Here we go.


I broke my wrist earlier,
all right?

He's crazy, he's nuts.

He can't do that--
you're cops.

Oh, let me try it with this.

You... give us
a name.

I never got his name.

He came in a few days back
looking for plastic.

I didn't have the goods.

I sold him some names in Miami.

Give us
the description.

Oh, I don't know.

Give us
a description.

clean cut,
military type, s.

Very cold dude.

He was also good with knives,

like him.

You have been
a huge help.

I'll take this
for a souvenir.

Thank you.

That was very good.


I liked it.

I'm glad we talked it out.

My feelings have
been all mixed up

since this whole
thing happened.

Yeah, I've been
having feelings, too.

Warm, sexy feelings.

I'd like to make it
happen again.

This is crazy, Rita.

Oh, make love to me.

Make love to me.



Oh, yeah.

Hey, Chris.




you, you shouldn't
sneak up on people like that.

I've never seen anyone sleep
with their eyes open like that.

That's pretty good.

Listen, we got lucky

on those fingerprints
we pulled off the knives?

Michael put them
through the federal computer

and cross-checked them
with the military records.

Got a match.


Dallas pike.


Ex-special forces.

He's running an executive
security system downtown.

Listen, why don't we
go check it out?

Michael's going to
meet us over there.

Sam, you go ahead.

I'm going to stay here.

I have some things
I got to take care of.




never mind,
I'll talk to you later.

( Sighing )

Oh, look, I said we can do this
some other time.

We can do this
right now.

Sikes is lying.

Oh, yeah? So someone else
must be running around

out there
with your fingerprints, right?

I didn't say I wasn't there.

I said sikes is lying about why.

I was running down a lead
on a missing person's case.

so why don't you
tell us about that?

Sorry, no can do.


There's no privilege with P.I.S.

You know that.

If you can help yourself here,
why don't you just do it?

Confidentiality is a vital part
of my office's service.

Is grant Everett

one of your clients, Mr. Pike?

My client list is confidential.

Your five minutes is up.

well, you'll just have
to save some time for us later,

'cause we'll be back
with a warrant.

I doubt it.

Any judge is going
to laugh you

out of chambers with what you've
got, pal-- which is nothing.

I think we're done now.

You were a hell
of a soldier.

Too bad you ended up like this.

Dishonoring everything
the uniform stood for.

Another time.

You can count on that.

You betcha.

Everett and this clown
are joined at the hip.

They blew up that kid,
and they're laughing at us?

Well, even the smart
ones make mistakes.

They get careless.

You must get beat
once in a while.

How do you live with that,

knowing that some guy
is getting away with m*rder.

They'll get what's
coming to them.

They just won't
get it from me.

well, we pulled
pike's phone records.

No calls to Everett.

No calls to
Everglo cosmetics.

And Everett's
out of town,

but, of course,
when he gets back in,

he's going to claim

he's never even
seen pike before.

Well, he didn't get to be
a multimillionaire

by being stupid.

It won't be easy

connecting the dots
between them.

Chris is faxing pike's picture

to his buddies
in Miami P.D. Right now.

Along with

the names
of the arms dealer

sikes gave us.

Hopefully they can tie pike
to buying

the expl*sives
down there.

But even if we get lucky
in Miami,

can't put pike
and Everett together.

So close and yet so far.

We know

and we can prove

Welcome to homicide, price.

Whoa, I'm out
of here.

Frannie worries
if I'm late.

See you, captain.

Feel like some dinner?

I know this great
little Greek place.

I'm buying.

No, actually Chris and I
usually grab something.

Another time, then.


You know, actually,
it's usually not very fancy.

If you want to join us.
You're more than welcome.

Thanks, but Chris might
have a problem with that.

He's a little territorial,
that's all.

It's nothing personal.

Yeah, right.

I told you, we're partners
and we're best friends.

That's it, okay?

Cool. So why don't we
have dinner?

And he can join us
if he wants to.

we are partners
for now at least, right?


He's probably still down
in communications.

We'll grab him on the way out.


Ooh, hey, we were
just coming to see

if you wanted to go
get a bite to eat.

Did you ever hear from Miami?

No, not yet.

I just got
a delivery

from mo fat's.

That's no problem,
we'll eat here.

No, you guys
had plans.

You go ahead, it'll keep.

no, come on,
go with us, really.

No. You see, I'm beat.

You guys
go ahead.

That's too bad.


Yeah, actually I'm starved.

Talk to you later.

Yeah. Uh...

It better just be dinner.

Hey, whatever she wants.

( Groaning )

Well, I envy you

with all those brothers
and sisters.

I was an only child.

And it got
kind of lonely sometimes.

Your folks still here
in palm beach?

Um, no, they died
when I was really little

and, uh...
I was raised

in a foster home.

And my foster parents
died a few years back, so...

So the department's
your only family.

I guess most of us
just live the job anyway.


You know what's weird?

To be surrounded by people
and still feel alone.

( Laughing )

Yeah, I know how you feel.


but, if you're alone,
it's your own choice, Rita.

I'm just saying
that best friends

make the best lovers.

Ask anyone
who's been there.

you are not going
to let that go, are you?

I told you,
Chris and I are partners.

We work together every day.

We're on the line.

Our lives are in
each other's hands.

We're not going to chance
losing all that.

the right person comes
into your life only once

if you're lucky.

If you don't
take a chance,

maybe you don't
get it again.

Look, I don't even
know you guys.

but I see the way
you look at each other.

I see how you are

And he didn't

warn me off you tonight
protecting his partner.

I'm feeling a little tired.

We should probably go.

Yeah, you got the keys.

He, um, he warned you off of me?

Forget it, all right?

I shouldn't have
brought this up.

No, what did he say?

Ask him.

Give me a cup
of coffee.

Hey, sue.

Hey, cap.

Yeah, so what's
the emergency?

This fax just came in
from Miami.

Uh, Dallas pike, P.I.

Who's the other guy?

He's one of the g*n dealers
from sikes' list.

Turns out, Miami O.C.B.S

have been running surveillance
on this guy.

A photograph
was taken

two days before
Todd Barnett

went up
in a car b*mb.

so I guess we know
where pike's been getting

his plastic expl*sives.


we assume he got the plastic
from that guy.

We can't prove anything.

And we still can't tie him
to grant Everett.

Here you go.

Wow, you waiting

for four or five
friends, captain?

Listen, somebody
out there

saw those two

question everybody
in Everett's company.

that includes his maid,
his pool boy-- everybody.

Cover pike's end, too.

Everybody in his building--

the works.

Going to take some time.

Time, we got.

there's no statute
of limitations on m*rder.

( Grunts )




That's terrific.


We'll see you back
at the shop then.

Okay. Bye.

Chris got three employees
from Everglo cosmetics

who swear they saw
Everett and pike

together three months ago.

That connects them,
but the time frame's weak.

we need proof of contact
after the daughter was k*lled.

But it establishes
prior contact.

It's not such
a far reach

to assume Everett
went after pike

for revenge

and he was smart enough
not to leave any tracks.

Donovan can't
make a meal of that.

Everett's gonna have an
explanation for prior contact.

The defense is gonna sell it
as coincidence.

We need to establish

Everett better watch his back.

maybe we can't touch him,
but pike doesn't know that.

Loose ends get cut off.

That's right.

This is really getting tiresome.

My father asked me
to call the lawyers

if you people showed up again.

Just answer the question.

Have you ever seen the man on
the right side of this picture?

I've never seen either of them.

Now, are you leaving,
or do I have to make that call?

His name is Dallas pike,
he's a private investigator.

The other man
in the picture

is an arms dealer

down in Miami.

we believe pike
bought the expl*sives

that k*lled Todd Barnett
from this man.

all of which
means nothing to me.

Pike knows we're on to him
and the only person

he has to worry about
is the man who hired him.

This is nonsense.

Your father's testimony could
put him in the electric chair.

I can't help you.

I know you feel disloyal,

but you could
save your father's life.

He loved Shannon so much.

I guess he just went crazy;
I never thought he'd do it.

Have you ever seen your father
with this man?

No, but he told me

he was going to have
Todd Barnett taken care of.

An eye for an eye--

and he knew someone
who could do it.

He said Barnett was going to die
for what he did.


Did you have a nice trip?

You better have a warrant.

I'm just searching for answers.

you know a P.I.
Named Dallas pike?

Yeah, he designed a security
system for my company

when it expanded.

When was the last you saw him?

I don't know.

I'll have to look
at my calendar for the date.

It was months ago.

You're blocking my driveway.

All right, all right,
this has gone far enough.

You people have no right
to harass me like this.

Now this is the part where he
threatens to call his lawyer.

That would be a good idea.

you're under arrest
for conspiracy to commit m*rder.

Turn around and put your hands
on the car.

This is outrageous!

Turn around and put
your hands on the car.

I'll have your badges for this!
I want your names!

You forget already?

She's Lance, I'm price.

Just remember
the price is right.

You're under arrest.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say...

Hope your friend's
not selling us out in there.

I'm sure he's
doing his best,

but Everett's probably
got his own dream team
going on in there.

George, hey, how'd it go?

We haven't got enough.

His lawyers know it.

The city will be lucky

to dodge a civil suit
for false arrest.

Oh, great.

you should have
cleared it with me first.

You wanted evidence, we got it.

You got bupkes.

m*rder cases aren't made

on circumstantial evidence
and hearsay.

Chris is
picking up pike.

we'll sweat him, maybe
he'll roll over on Everett.

You're deluding yourself, Rita.

We got no leverage on him.

he bought
the damn plastic expl*sives.

we get Miami P.D.
To roust the dealer,

then we get a statement.

Talk to me then.

Right now, we're going
over the falls, people.

Fine, George,
how much time

can you buy us?

Not much.

( Phone ringing )


( Sighing ):
Yeah, Sergeant Lance.

Hi. Listen, make my day.

tell me you got pike
in the back seat, will you?

I wish I could.

I went by his apartment,
went by his office.

Even checked the boat.
no sign of him.

Without him,
we're sucking wind.

Everett's going
to walk in hours.

I tell you what.

I'll get his plates on the air
and we can paper the airport

but you know the odds.

listen, thanks,
I'll talk to you later.


You warned Michael
away from me?

Yeah, I might have said
something like that, yeah.

You think I belong to you
now that we've slept together?

You do belong to me, I can't
stand the thought of you

with another man...

You're mine, all mine.

Someone's going to come in.

I don't care.

Let somebody come in,
let somebody else see.

I want the whole world
to know that I love you.

You are my life.


You are...
My world.


Oh, Rita.

Oh, yes...



Oh, I belong to you, yes...

Oh, yes.

Oh, Rita.





You okay?

Yeah, um...

I was just, you know,
daydreaming, I guess.

Uh, I been doing a lot
of that lately myself.


So, anything on pike?

Uh, nothing.

Michael's out there driving
around hoping to spot him.

He's like a one-man posse.

He's getting a little crazy
behind this thing, you know?

I know how he feels.

My, my mind has
not been right since we...

Chris, we agreed that we
wouldn't discuss it, right?

Yeah, I know, I, I...

Look, I don't think
what happened between us

was wrong, Rita.

I can't go around

that what happened
didn't happen.

It was right.

I think it's something

we've both wanted
for a long time.



I kept thinking about you
out with price last night,

wondering if he was
trying anything with you

and I was going nuts.

Look, nothing happened, okay?

It's not about him.

I can't get you
out of my mind.

I can't stop
thinking about you.

Tell me you don't
feel the same way.

I would like to push you
down on the desk right now.

Excuse me.

( Loudly ):
Hey, cap.

Frannie is starving me.

I got to have another lunch

before I go home
and have dinner.

Come on, treat's on me.


You know, um,
I got to hang out.

Michael's going to come back

and, uh, I got
to watch shop, so...

Oh. All right.

That leaves you, Lorenzo.

we'll go to that
greasy spoon you like

with the, what
do you call 'em? Chili fries?

What about Frannie?

She smells the grease,

pow, she's going
to knock you out.

I'll gargle.

come on, can't you see
I'm wasting away as we speak?

Uh, you want us
to bring anything back?


I'm probably going
to call it a night

soon as Michael
gets back, so...

Okay. Yeah.


So, I'll
see you tomorrow.


women say they want the truth,
but they can't handle the truth.

When a woman says,
"do I look fat in this?"-- Lie.

I was thinking
about Jake burns the other day.

Old burnsie.

I ever tell you about him?

No, I don't think you did.

Great pal
and a great cop.

He was partnered

with the first female
gold shield in the precinct.

They were great together.

Till they crossed that line.

Once they started
playing bunk monkeys,

it was all over.

Yeah? So what happened?

How the hell should I know?

I made the whole thing up.

Come on, Chris.

Tell me I'm wrong here.

Wh-- about what?

Did I miss something here, cap?

Okay, good, hey, I'm wrong.

Being wrong
is a good thing here.

Wait, wait a minute.

You thought that Rita and--

come on,

give me a break, cap.

You're lying through your teeth.


I'm eating so much lettuce
and cottage cheese

I'm hallucinating, huh?

'cause for a minute there,

I thought
maybe you and Rita--

no, you'd have
to really be stupid

to make a mistake like that.

'cause once you
cross over that line,

there's no going back.

You know, pike's
probably on his way

to The Bahamas right now.

You know, something Donovan said
keeps running through my head.

Possibly grant Everett
had nothing to do

with Todd Barnett's death.

I think we better knock off

'cause you're
getting a bit woozy.

No, no, I'm serious.

We have been assuming

that Todd accidentally
O.D.'d Shannon, right?

Either that or he
smacked her around

because she gave him grief
about dealing.

Then he hot-shotted her

so she couldn't run home
and tell daddy.

Right, still works for me.


She O.D.'d on very pure heroin.

when we were undercover and
we asked Todd to get us some,

only thing he could get was
doormat trash brown, right?

So, maybe his connection
was tapped.

Yeah, check this out.

It's Archie's statement.



"Did you ever see her

"using heroin
that night with Todd.

"Answer: No,
quite the contrary.

"If he had heroin,
he never said anything.

If... he would have,
I have terrific taste for it."


So he didn't
have enough to share.

Or most likely
he didn't have any at all.

maybe Todd Barnett
was not pike's primary target,


Right. I mean, we knew
he was down in Miami

so scoring pure smack
is not a problem down there.

grant Everett's
not going to hire pike

to k*ll his own daughter.

Who wanted Shannon dead?

The son Everett never had.


She was jealous
of her sister.

She didn't want her
back in their lives.

And then the father

was going to accept
the prodigal daughter back.

She must have hated them
both for it.

and she knew
where she could find

the man to solve the problem.

I mean, she worked
for the company,

so she probably met him

when he was putting in the
security systems, right?

so Todd Barnett's
the primary suspect.

She has pike k*ll him.

Ends the investigation,
case closed.

And then we don't back off,
she gives us daddy dearest

to take the heat off herself.

It all fits.

And we can't prove
a damn bit of it.

( Sighing ):
all right.

so who has the most
exposure here? Pike, right?

If we could just get
a few witnesses

to say they saw him
at Archie's party that night,

then we could
put the squeeze to him.

We got to find him first.

Well, first things first, right?

You coming?

Right behind you.

Just where you like
all your partners.

A salty dog
without the salt

is called a "puppy" right?

This guy last night
calls it a greyhound

and then looks at me
funny when I correct him!

We got in this big fight.

I know cocktails--
that's one thing I know.

I could win big
on jeopardy

if there was just
a cocktail category.

So I asked this clown
if he likes sex on the beach

and he says,
"no, the sand itches."

And I'm the dumb one.

Yeah, right.

Hey, Nikki.

Ooh, where you going?

We just got here.

look, I'm still
shook up over Todd.

I can't talk about it.

Yeah. I can tell by the dress,
you're in mourning.

Black, white,

black, white...

Nikki, you ever

seen this man before?

No. Okay?

Can I resume my life now?

why don't you

show that picture around,
maybe somebody

can recognize it
from the party.


so, are you
with anybody special?


Not since Todd.

Yeah. I am sorry, I forgot.

You trying to pick up on me?

I don't know, maybe.

What do you think?

I think... you're a cop
who thinks he's cute working me.

That's more fun

than bashing your head
against the bar

and waiting for you
to cough up what I need.

That's some dress.

You know this guy, right?

Maybe. Who is he?

Hm-mmm. You first.

yeah, he was at
Archie's party that night.

Kind of...

A spook, scary, you know?

Was he scoping out Shannon?

Mmm... yeah, he could've been.

Listen, if we come back to you,
would you go to court with us?

What's in it for me?


He blew up your boyfriend.

Yeah. Okay.

I'm in it all the way.

For Todd.

( Phone rings )

( Beeps )

Yeah, Sergeant Lance.

Hey, Sam. It's me.

I thought you'd be home by now.

Actually, I think

Michael and I
are on to something.

It looks like we've been
chasing the wrong Everett.

Gayla is the one
who's been

pulling the strings
on this thing all along.

Good. You can stop being upset
with George

for letting grant Everett go.

Just got off the phone with him.

What's the sudden
change in focus?

Why don't you meet us
at the Everett house?

I'll explain everything.

It's, uh...

Seaview Place.

How soon could you
be there?

seaview place.

I'll see you
in about minutes.


Okay, I'll
see you then.


Grant Everett's
just been released.

We got to get to gayla

before daddy walls
her up in lawyers.

Maybe if we
shake her up enough,

we can get her
to give us pike

in exchange for a deal.

Good idea.

Yes, that's wonderful news,

I've been on the phone
all day

threatening to sue
anyone and everyone.

I'm so glad it worked.

I can't wait to see you.

We'll celebrate.

All right. Bye for now.

My father's just been released.

Mmm. My, my, my.

You do get what you want,
don't you, gayla?

Well, I've always
been goal oriented.

Daddy says
that's the key to success.

Get dressed.

He can't see you here.

so why is your father
being released such good news?

I thought you wanted him
put away

so you could take
complete control

of the company.

Oh, he'll pay
for what he did.

This is only temporary.

( Laughs )

What he did?

Poor sucker
didn't do anything.

Well, everyone knows
that he hired you

to k*ll Todd Barnett
to avenge Shannon's death.

The police might not
be able to prove it he did?

And he might
get away with it.

He has to be punished.

That's why you're here.

I mean, you don't honestly think
you're so great in bed

that I just
couldn't stay away from you?

What the hell is this?

It's a m*rder.

You came back to extort
more money from daddy.

He got his g*n
and he k*lled you.

he won't be able to explain
his fingerprints on this g*n.

Wait, wait...

( Cars approaching )

( g*nsh*t )

Drop the g*n.

He said he was daddy's friend.

He, he r*ped me, he tried to...

Gayla, drop the g*n now.

But he was hurting me...

( Thud )

It was her.

she paid me
to k*ll her sister...

And the Barnett kid.

And now she's...
( Coughs )

She's k*lled me.

Hey, Sam.

hey. You guys
finished in there?

Yeah, and we're off the clock.

Want to go grab a beer?


See you guys later, all right?

No, uh-uh, price,

this is your case, remember?

it's not over till
the paperwork's finished,

which means
we are still partners.

You buy
the second round.

Okay, my pleasure.

( Exhales deeply )

( Whistling )

I was afraid
that was a dream.

Mmm. Sure felt like one,
didn't it?


Good morning.


That's so sweet.
Where'd you get that?

I got that out of
my neighbor's yard.


( Chuckles )

( Sighs )

We have to
go back to work.

No, we still
have one hour.

Oh, Sam.


He knows.

Lipschitz knows?

He knows.

What did he say?


How do you know he knows?

That's how Lipschitz
says something

by not saying anything.

And... what did you say?

I didn't say anything.

He sat there
and he was looking at me

and I...
I knew that he knew.

I can't believe he knows.

We've been pretty careful.

I know. He's going to be
watching us like a hawk.

It's going to be weird

like, you know, like
we're sneaking around.

We are sneaking around.

That's a good point.

That's a... yeah.



What are we going
to do about this?

I think we both know.

( Laughs softly )

We should end it.


No, I don't want to...
End it.

If you want to end it,

tell me it's over.


I have never...

Felt more alive
in my life.

And... I don't want
to lose you.

Not now.

( Whispers ):
Hey. To lose you.

Do you think
I could talk you

into coming back
to bed with me?


Uh, maybe.


We only have an hour.

No, we have...

( Sighs deeply )

The rest of our lives.