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05x08 - Partners: Part 1

Posted: 10/08/23 05:41
by bunniefuu
( Loud disco music playing )

You said a minute, Todd.

Oh, I ran into, uh...

Well, some people.

We're going to a party.

We just got here,
I want to dance.

We can dance there.

Let's glide.

( Giggling )

( Snorting )


( Laughing )

Very tasty hookup,
my friend.

Do me a couple
of eight-balls.


Now I think I'd like
to do your luscious here.


Mi casa es su casa.


It's a party, love.


Shannon, we don't
need this.

Get away from me.

Let go of me.

Oh, hoo, whoa.

You want to take a picture?

Get out.

Now, relax, sugar,
just chill, okay?

Give me a chance
to explain.

No, I saw you.

You're dealing again.

You promised me
that you wouldn't use.

I love you.

Don't you dare
say that to me.

( Gasps )

That wasn't smart.

( Chuckles )


Not smart at all.

( Woman screaming )


What's up, Keaton?

Answer's right here
in the Porsche.

I was first on the scene.

One of the pickers found her.

He's over there giving
my partner a statement.

Looks like
natural causes.

No signs
of v*olence.

Thought she was
just sleeping off
a bender at first.

I mean, she looked
so peaceful there.

I wasn't even
going to roust her.

I was just going
to tell her to move on.

No bruises,
facial contusions,

defense wounds--
nothing like that.

Maybe a drug O.D.

But she doesn't
fit the profile.

But I guess when
your number's up,

it's up, huh?


Well, I'd say it could be O.D.

she's got
a fresh track mark here.

old ones
that have been scarred over.

and it looks like
she covered them with makeup.

I didn't even see that

and I looked pretty close.

You touch her?

Did you touch her?

Did you touch
anything in this car?

Hell, no, I didn't want
another O.J. thing here.

I just followed

Procedure is,
you secure the area.

You call it in, period.

Look, I was just
trying to do...

Your job is over there.

Yeah, right.

( Groaning )

car looks like
it's been wiped clean.

Pretty tough to do
when you're dead.

Yeah, there were tire marks
on the floor mat,

but none on the soles
of her shoe.

So, we've got
a Shannon Everett,

sea view place
palm beach, Florida.

Nice neighborhood.

even the gardeners
have gardeners up there.

registration's made out to an
Everglo cosmetics, incorporated.

Why does that sound familiar?

Uh, they have those,
uh, infomercials

that run night and day, right?

I wonder if she was
one of the models.

Sure fits the M.O.

She's only .

It's disgusting.

So she has credit cards,
$ cash in her wallet,

earrings, lots of jewelry.

Looks like she was
dressed for a party.

I would say

she hadn't used in a while

and she took a jolt
she couldn't handle.

her friends probably
freaked out, dumped her here,

which makes it
an accidental death,

which means
that we can get...

Out of this sun.

Donovan needs a favor.

Feel no obligation

to say yes.

Yeah, what's up?

That o.D. At the orange
grove this morning

was no garden variety junkie.

Her father is grant Everett, one
of the power brokers in town.

He's been on the phone
most of the day with the mayor

and now he's all over radio
and TV demanding justice.

I guess
if you have enough money,

you move right to the head
of the justice line.

Huh, George?

Spare me the polemics,

I have a headache.

The boss wants
a big push on this.

It's a narcotics case.

Why are you talking to us?

Why aren't you talking to them?

yeah. Why jam us
into an outside investigation?

Not "us," Lorenzo.


You'll be partnered
with Michael price.

He's the detective
from Chicago

here on the chief's officer's
exchange program.

Yeah, yeah, I've heard of him.

Yeah, the guy's a cross

between Serpico and dirty Harry.

He's a hot dog
with an attitude.

Sound like anybody
we know?

Yeah, I know.

Come on, let's talk
about this, Rita.

All right.


Just what I need.

You know what the cap said--
just say no.

And what? Give up the chance
to work with Batman?

You got to be kidding me.

Besides, um...

I think you and I
could use a break.


What do you mean by that?

Think about it.

You've been a bear
ever since Gillian

moved to Boston.

And it keeps
getting worse.

I'll talk to you later.


You Michael price?

Something I can
do for you?

I'm Rita Lance.

I'm a loan-out from homicide.

I guess we're going
to be working together.


Well, that's what
they tell me.

Rita Lance, huh?


Heard a lot about you.

Can't all be true.

Well, I guess that depends
on what you've heard.

Graduated first
in your class
at the academy,

youngest woman
to get her gold shield,

decorated for valor twice.

All true, so far.

You have big ears.

Yeah, well, you know
what they say.

Big ears... big g*n.

Oh, mm-hmm.

There's a virgin
down there for you.

( Clicks hammer )

Feels familiar.

my g*n's
about the same size as yours.

( Sighing )


So what you heard about me?

I don't think you want to know.

Fair enough.

never had
a woman partner before.


Is that going to be a problem
for you, Michael?

I don't know yet.

I haven't seen heroin
anywhere near this pure

since I've been in town.

No wonder
it took her under.

It's barely stepped on.

It's cut with baby laxative,
but at least % pure.

Yeah, a regular user
would have had a chance,

but it looked like she'd
been clean for a while.

She just had that one
track mark, you know?

But lots of dope
in her past.

She shot up
all over the place.

Arms, shoulders,
knees, toes.

It's like
in the nursery rhyme.

( Sighs ):

Anyone who sticks
a needle in their arm

is just playing
Russian roulette.

Sooner or later the b*llet
comes into the hammer.

HIV, overdose.

I've even seen dr*gs
cut with drain cleaner.

Michael, our girl was
strictly high society.

They don't usually let guys

who look like you through the
gates in her part of town.

A shave, change of clothes,
might be a good idea.

Well, you know, I've been
chasing a crank dealer

and I finally took
him down this morning.


But don't you worry,

I got my magic wand

and, presto, it just...

Gives me a shave,
it cuts my hair.

It puts me in a tuxedo

and turns into a country
club membership card.

Don't worry.

I'm sick of hearing
how the police

can't do anything
about the drug peddlers.

Our children are
dying, damn it!

Chief Matthews issued
a statement earlier.

We don't need

we need action.

now, I'm offering
a $ , reward to anyone

for information leading
to the arrest

and conviction
of the bastards

that sold my daughter
the dr*gs that k*lled her.

Great, just what we need--
a feeding frenzy.

Anyone with information

pertaining to the death
of Shannon Everett

should contact
the palm beach
police department.

Thank you.
Who are you people?

Who let you in here?

I'm Sergeant Lance,
palm beach police.

Put the camera on them.

Ask them why
the drug dealers

are on the streets
k*lling our children.

Sir, please don't jeopardize
our investigation.

Oh, keep it out of faces, pal.

maybe you haven't heard
of "freedom of the press"?

The public
has a right...

The public can kiss my ass!

Can everyone just calm down

for a second?

I would be glad to talk to you
when I get done here.

We cannot go on camera.

There is a lot of undercover
work done on a drug case.

You guys know that.


Let's go.

sir, could we please
just talk for a second?

I'll give you ten minutes.

Oh, you'll give us what we need
or we can do this downtown.

We'll make this as brief
as possible, Michael.

Sir, I know you're under a lot
of pressure and so are we.

If we could just talk,
just for a second.

I'll talk to you, not him.

You tell Ramon

that the next time you guys
tear up the zinnias out front,

it comes out of his paycheck.


Who's Ramon?

Who the hell are you?

Michael price,

palm beach

Oh, that tea looks good.

You're here
about my sister.

Do you mind?


Oh, that is nice.

Is this passion fruit,
something tropical?

Sorry about Shannon.

You don't look like a cop.


I look like a gardener.

What's your name?

Don't you know?

Gayla Everett.

Your sister, she, uh...
got herself straight

and then she fell
back into junk.

Any idea why?

She was an addict.

That's what they do.

she piled up
frequent flyer miles

going to rehab clinics.

This time, she'd been straight
almost six months.

Even I was starting
to believe it.

Were you close?

I couldn't take the pain.

I tried not to love her.

I thought it was working.


So, where have you been?

Stealing fruit.


I met her sister.

Look, uh, Michael,

I know you're
the primary on this

and I appreciate that,

but you can't go around
strong-arming men

like Everett, okay?

He's probably on
the phone right now

making trouble for you.

Look, I never met a man,
rich or poor,

that wouldn't tell a woman
more than he tells another man.

Wait a minute.

So, you intentionally
ticked him off

to give him to me?

Well, this is the story.

Shannon's mother died
when she was little.

I guess her father
never remarried.

They had lots
of falling outs.

The last one
was pretty heavy,

so he kicked her out.

She moved out of town.

They hadn't talked
in about a year.

She tried
to reconcile with him,

but he didn't trust her,
and just recently

he was allowing her
back into his life.

The guilt's eating him up now.

So he loses himself in anger.

Looks for someone to blame.




So, uh, what did
you find out
about the sister?


She's six years older.

She calls herself the son
the old man never had.

She works for him.

Looks like
she runs his business.

She wrote off Shannon
a long time ago.

This last time she rehabbed,

I thought
she was going to make it.

She was staying clean,

but she still had
a taste for sleaze.

What flavor?

We went to night sweats,
that dance club.

This bottom feeder
hits on us.

I blow him off.

But Shannon?
She started seeing him.

You remember what
this guy's name was?

Todd-- she never told me
his last name.

A real creep.

you remember
what this guy looked like, Tina?

A Kato clone.

Dirty blonde hair,

tan in a tube.

Maybe .

Look, this is me.

If there's

nothing else?

Well, if you think of anything
that might help us...

Give me a call, please.

Yeah. What if I just feel
like calling you?

You can leave a message
with my wife.


All right.

Have a great one.


I didn't know
you were married.

I'm not, it just
saves time.


Do you know anything
about this club

she's talking about?

No, actually,
I've never been there.

Late night for me lately

is watching David Letterman.

I guess this is
first date time, huh?

Mmm. Got anything
short and sexy?

You got anything that looks like

you didn't buy it
in a thrift shop?

You know, I might surprise you.


( Knocking at door )

I'm coming.

Rita, it's almost : !
open up!


I have got the chocolate
swirl ice cream.

I have double fudge brownies.

You grab the spoons
and the bowls,

because it is almost : .

Oh, Sam.

Come on, don't tell me
you forgot.

Maltese falcon

: p.m.

No, I would not have forgotten.

Okay, look, consider it
a peace offering.


I was a real jerk today.


Well, the last couple of days.

Maybe even the last week.

But I had a lot
on my mind

and I apologize.

So, are you going to...

Help me eat this stuff
before it melts?

Look, I would love to, really,

but I got to go
get ready.

You can stay and watch the movie
if you want. That's cool.

I'll just talk
to you from up there.


Who's the lucky guy?

It's work.

So, um, did you call her yet?

Sammy, do you know
any other tune except that one?

It was a relationship, it ended,
that's how it happens.

Come on, you were
in love with Derek.

Yeah, that's past tense,

You're still
in love with her.

( Dryer whirring )

( Knocking at door )

Who are you?



I heard a lot about you.


Chris, heard
a lot about you, too.

Good, come on in.

Chris ( Yelling ):
Hey, Sam!

Tell me, uh...

Tell me about
your new partner.


He's a little full of himself.

You know, a lot of that
could be posturing

because we're
new together, but...

you know,
he kind of comes across

as this hard-ass street cop.

That probably
works in Chicago,

but here it comes across
a little cartoony.

He's, um...

He's good-looking.

You know, actually...

A little sexy, if you
like that biker thing.

I don't.

I will k*ll you.


No, the blow dryer
was going nuts up there.

If my face isn't red,
it will be any second.

Oh, it is, it is.

Why don't you turn off
the lights

and lock the door
when you leave, okay?

I can do that.

uh, excuse me,
do I have to tell you

how much she means to me?



( Jazzy pop playing )

He could be our guy.

He looks hungry.


Let's set the table.


I'm not enjoying this.


I promise,
not even slightly.

You better not be.

( Loud disco music starts )

Two more,
for my friends.

You got it.
Coming right up.


I'm Todd.

Todd, I'm Rita.

Uh, where is your girlfriend?

She's powdering her nose.


That sounds lovely.

if the powder's nice.

actually, you know,
I have a taste for it myself.

That could be arranged.

Just the four of us?

Just the three of us.

Actually, I'm not into girls.

And I'm not into guys.

So where does that leave us?

That leaves us center stage.

You see, my husband,

he likes
to watch.

Especially when he's got
a good buzz going.

And when he's really happy,

he likes to see me
really happy.

Well, what
makes him happy?

China girl.

Very white.

( Clears throat )


I don't know her.

That's a shame.

Come on, love, I'm bored.

You know, Todd...

See, I think...

You could make me
very happy.

Don't make me wait, okay?

No, I just...

You stayed out
till : a.m.

I think that you
could have called.

Well, I'm
so sorry, dad.

You know what?

You didn't have to invite
the guy up for coffee.

Well, you
know what?

You didn't have
to sleep on my couch.

I can't believe this.

I feel like I'm dealing
with a jealous boyfriend.

Well, wait a...

We don't know
who this guy is.

We have been partners
for how long-- five years?

Five and a half.
Five and a half years.

And suddenly you think
I can't handle myself?

All right, maybe...

I am just
a little bit jealous.

But I-I'm in here
shuffling papers

and sitting around
with my thumb stuck up my...

Have you
thought about

what we talked
about last night?

I mean, I think
this would be a good time

for you to go and do

what we talked about
and when you get back,

Michael and I, we'll have
everything wrapped up.

( Sighs )

All right.

If I take a couple
of vacation days--

I go to Boston,
I visit Gillian--

will you take the spurs
out of my butt then?


somebody turn down
the damn air conditioner.

What are we, Eskimos?

Do you have any idea
what constant exposure

to refrigerated air
does to the mucous membranes?

( Blows nose loudly )

Good morning, captain.


What are you doing here?

What did you do, wrap
up the narcotics case?

No, actually, I'm going to meet
Michael later on.

Captain, are you trying

to give up caffeine
or something?

There's a monster in my house.

it stands about so high and
looks remarkably like my wife.

Dr. Jekyll
drank a potion

and Frannie
gets on a scale.

She's dieting.

this morning,
she is up one-half a pound.


I had to work her
with a chair and a whip

just to get out of there alive.

no, I am not
trying to give up caffeine.

I am desperately
in search of some!

Hey! Before you hurt somebody.

Captain, would now
be a bad time

to ask for some
vacation days?

Take me with you--
I'm begging.

Wake up, sleepy head.

Time to get up.

Come on, you can
get up, can't you?


Going to get up for Nikki?

It's hot in here.

( Clears throat )

Mmm... it's hotter in here.

( Phone rings )


I don't believe you.

Well, yeah.

Hell, yeah, I want it.

How much?

Oh, that's a little rich.

( Chuckles )

No, no, no, I'll take it.

Well, my dad was a cop.

My grandfather was a cop.

My great-grandfather was a cop.


I guess you could say there's

a little bit of pressure
on me to become a cop.

So you gave up
your dream

to become
a rock star, right?

Oh... close.

I dreamed
about playing pro hockey.

Might have been good enough--

at least I like to think I was.

You ever regret
the, the choice you made?

No, eating's a lot more fun
with your own teeth.

( Laughs )

I still love the game.

I play in the Chicago
fire/P.D. League back home.


It's one of the things
I miss about home.

Why did you volunteer
to transfer?

What are you, a cop?


It was a busted love affair.

I wanted to get married.

So did she--

to my brother.

Let me guess-- he was a cop.

yeah, but it was
a different precinct.

so it was easier for them
to get around behind my back.


Finally they couldn't live
with themselves anymore,

so they told me.

And then I couldn't
live with them...

I didn't want
to leave the force.

I just knew that I wanted out.

so you joined the palm beach
foreign legion to forget, right?

Yeah, it's like that.

Look, I wish them well.

I just wish
they would get out of town,

so I could play
some more hockey.

( Phone ringing )


Oh, do you feel lucky?

'cause I bet you five
that's our boy.

If it's not, I'm going
to get rid of that dress.

That's for sure.

You got a bet.


Hi, there... gorgeous Rita.

It's Todd...

Your candy man.

Hello, handsome.

The China girl's in town.

That's terrific.

Well, when can we get together?

Um... tonight would be good.

At the club.

We'll see you then.

She sh**t and...

... She scores.


( Chuckling )

( Disco music playing )

You treat me like
some piece of meat, Todd.

I'm getting tired of it.

You know, you want to walk away,
Nikki, you just go. Bye-bye.

Oh, Todd...


Got to go.


Well, I'm looking forward
to a long night.

Yeah? So are we.

Your girlfriend,

she looks, a little
jealous, wouldn't you say?

And delicious.


She loves to play.

She'll take you places
you've never been.

Now that was supposed to
be your job, wasn't it?


Whoa, hey...

Let's see the white first.

Then we'll take you home.

Whoa, hello, girls.

What's the tab?

$ .

I'd love to comp you, but
things have been a little thin.

No, no. We understand

( Clears throat )

There you go.

Are you ready
to party?

Oh, yeah.

I was born ready.

Good, 'cause this is
kind of a surprise party, see?

Right, Rita?


( Chuckling )



( Grunts )



Come on, this is your party.

you're not making things
any easier on yourself, Todd.

How many ways can I say it?

I hardly knew the girl.

We bucked a couple of times.

Over and out.

She got herself smacked up--
that's too bad.

It's not my problem.

Tell us where
you scored the heroin.

You swap the sale beef
for a simple possession.

Everybody wins.

No charges.


I talk--

I walk.

End of story.

So we talk to the prosecutor.

If she's willing
to sign off,

you wear a wire
and you buy some quantity.

Oh, yeah, absolutely.

( Laughing )

Oh... what have you
been smoking, girl?


She as good in bed
as she looks?

'cause I'm thinking
she's a real screamer.

( Choking )

It has taken every ounce
of restraint that I have got

to keep from pounding your head
into a stinking bloody pulp.

( Clears throat )

Here you go.


You know, I need
to know something.

Was that a part of
your technique in there

or did you just lose it?

What's the right
answer, Rita?

Why don't you
tell me, Michael?

Look, it happens, all right?


He got to me.

It happens sometimes.

Punks like that push my buttons.

We're the good guys, Michael.

we're not supposed
to get down in the mud

with these guys,


Look, I don't want to blow this
case on a brutality complaint.

Look, I'm not a rubber hose cop,
all right?

so you can just
save the lecture.

all right,
it won't happen again.

Let's go get some coffee, okay?

Read the headline, Harry.

"Arrest in Everett drug death."

And you're telling me
that all you got Barnett on

is sale
of a controlled substance?

We need at least
a manslaughter charge

or we all look like idiots.

We? Why, did I leak this
to the press?

Are you implying
that I did?

I don't have to,

You know it came
from your office,
it always does.

You can't tie this puke
to the girl's death

without a lot more
than we got now.

Are Lance and price
following up the leads

generated by Everett's
hundred grand reward?

Of course they are.

It should only take them

another what--
five or ten years?

I hope you're not hanging

your entire career
on making

the suit fit this clown.

Thanks. I feel
a lot better now.


Is Barnett still in custody?

Yeah. We got him
on a discretionary hold.

But we're running
out of time.

He's going
to bail this morning.

No comment!

Get that thing
out of my face.

I'll k*ll you!

I'll k*ll you!
You're a dead man!

You're crazy!

You're a dead man,
you son of a bitch!

I'll k*ll you!

I'll see you in court!

I'll k*ll you!
Chill out!

We know Todd Barnett
was seeing Shannon,

but so far, we can't put
them together that night.

How solid's
his alibi?

He says he was
at night sweats, but...

He's there every single night.

I'm sure we can find someone

to say they saw
him there,

but the crowd
that goes there,

they can't remember last night,
much less a week ago.

Heard from Chris?


actually, I think
that's a good sign.

you really think
those two belong together?

come on, they're
from different worlds.

I see nothing but problems.

you have no romance
left in your heart, captain.

Uh-uh, not true.

I merely maintain
a firm grasp on reality.


Hey, Rita.


Um, captain,

you guys haven't met.

Michael price,
Captain Lipschitz.

Pleasure, captain.


You and Lance here did
some good work on this.

Thanks, but we might be
chasing the wrong dog.

See, Shannon died from an o.D.

Of very pure China white.

And the heroin
we bought from Barnett

is low grade-- been stepped on
more than a doormat.

Traces of baby laxative?

Same as Shannon's, only...

This had lots
of Lidocaine.

Well, maybe his dealer didn't
know how pure his stuff was

until Shannon o.D.'d

then decided to cut it
and put it on the streets.

Yeah, maybe, but it's a stretch.

It fits easier if we assume

that Shannon got just what
she was supposed to: A hot shot.

Why would Barnett want her dead?

Maybe Barnett's clean
on this one.

maybe the dealer
with the pure dope did her.

Would've, could've,
should've, might've!

every investigation
is a series of choices.

You got to deal with

what's in front
of you.


( Exhales deeply )


Police officers.

We need to talk to you again.

Duh, like I'd forget.

I don't have to talk to you,
Todd said.

Oh, yeah, you do.

You can either do it here

or you can do it downtown.

It's your choice.

Tell me something.

now, Todd dumped you
for Shannon Everett, right?

( Chuckles )

She was just sport.

A skin toy, like you

were going to be.

It's just sex with all them.

He loves me.

Nice... you're with a man
that beats you,

treats you like a whore,

and you're still trying
to cover his ass.

We know you were at the party
the night Shannon died.

We know all about it.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

The party, Nikki.

All right?

Shannon Everett died
that night.

Now, Todd gave her
the dope, right?


Maybe you were

with them, huh?

Oh, man, you
must hate her.

Taking him
away from you.

Maybe you shot her up, too,

so you could keep
him all to yourself!

No! He ditched me to go
after the little rich bitch.

I ended up with Archie.

Do you think he cared?

Hell, no!

Who's Archie?

This Brit.

Some music scum, I don't know.

He leases a big place

on spinnaker way.

Who the bloody hell
are you?!


Why don't you find
someplace to be?

You sit still, Archie.

And I'm supposed to guess
why you're here?

save the attitude,
'cause you're in a jam here.

Could I get some coffee?

I'd appreciate it,
two sugars.

I'm calling my lawyer.

Was he at that party, too?

'cause I heard
it was a real k*ller.


I'd really like that coffee.

Todd had her pinned
against a wall.

What was I
supposed to do?

He was choking her.

I yelled at him.

He just told me
to piss off.

He let her go,
she ran out.

I thought
she'd left.

Did he go out after her?

He stayed.

It wasn't for another
couple of hours

until they... found her.

I want names, Archie.

Names? Give me a break.

There were so many people here.

Look, I swear to you,
she was already dead.

There was nothing to be done
for her, was there?

Look, I'm just here
on a bloody work visa.

I didn't want to go getting
myself deported, did I?

So you waited
till everybody had gone

you put her in her own car...

And you dump her
in an orange grove.

I'm not proud of what I did.

I was just frightened.

Did you see her using heroin
that night with Todd?

Heroin? No.

On the contrary.

She and Todd had
a little fight,

a stupid tiff 'cause
he had sold me some blow.

If he had heroin,
he never said anything.

And he would have.

Because I've got
a terrific taste for it.

Are they all gone?

Most of them.

They're our
friends, daddy,

please come inside.

No! My heart
is ripped out.

I'll smack the next fool

that says she's gone
to a better place.

Come and lie down.
This isn't helping you.

No! The best part
of me is dead!

Can't you understand that?

If I ever

get my hands on the one
that k*lled her...

She was my whole world.

My whole life.

Shannon k*lled
herself, daddy.

She was a junkie,
a drug addict.

You can't let her
k*ll us, too.

Don't ever say that.

She was your sister.

Your blood!

This is more than we hoped for.

Forget manslaughter.

if we can prove
Barnett hot-shotted her,

it's m*rder one.

Such an overachiever, George.

I think m*rder's
gonna be a reach.

What motive would he have?

He slapped her around.

He didn't want her
running to the cops.

That's kind of weak.

All right, Brad Everett's a
powerful man in this state.

He could've
destroyed him.

Ah, that's not much better.

reformed addicts fall off
the wagon all the time, right?

So I think after
the fight that night,

the heroin maybe
was a peace offering

that she couldn't handle.

Then we're back
to manslaughter.


Better than nothing.

Hold it, hold it.
We're not there yet.

Why don't you pick
him up again?

Sweat him a little.

Yeah. All right.

What are you sitting?
Go, go!

I'm going. Jeez.

See ya.

( Disco music playing loudly )

I didn't tell them
anything, Todd, I swear.

Let's keep it
that way, hmm?

Hey, Todd,
what's the rush, man?

Todd, you got a minute?

( Razzes kiss )

We talked to your friend,

Think you might find it really ?
Interesting what he had to say.

Oh, jeez.

Oh, jeez.

Oh, man.

Oh, jeez.

Hey, call !

Come on, Lorenzo,
answer, answer!

( Phone ringing )

Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.

This is Chris, leave
your name and number...

( Beeps )

Ah, hold on.

Hey, cap, what's up?

Yeah, listen.

The suspect Rita's been working
just went up in a car b*mb.

I think she's also hurt.

The paramedics are on the way.

where is she?
Where is she, cap?

It's a club called night sweats.
It's over...

We're live at club night sweats,
and a terrible scene...

( Siren blips )

( Screeches to halt )

Where is she?

Rita-- where is she?

In the car?

She's fine, she's fine.
Just shaken up.

Paramedics are
checking her out.

( Softly ):


Are you okay, Sam?


( Siren blaring )

( Siren dies down )

( Screeches to halt )

She's okay, cap.

Where's my detective?

She's over here
with your other detective.



That feels really good.

Right there, huh?

Listen, I just, um...

I wanted to thank you
for being there for me tonight.

I... ( Sighs )

I really didn't want
to be alone, you know?

You scared the hell out of me.

I can handle anything
except losing you.

well, that's
not going to happen.

I can promise you that.


Is there, um...

A particular reason that you're
not telling me about Boston?

Turn around and let me
do your shoulders.

I'm glad
that I went to Boston.


Helped me straighten
some things out.

My feelings have
been all scrambled

since Gillian left.

Mmm... this where I say
I told you so?

I went there to figure out
if I was in love.

And I am, but...

It's not with Gillian.

See, every woman that
I've ever been with

has always been
jealous of you.

And I always tell them,

"you just don't understand
the way it is between us."

But Gillian understood...

Better than... I did.

She said the reason

I couldn't commit
to anybody else

is because there
wasn't enough left.

"We love each other,
but we're not in love, see?"

That is what I always told
all the men in my life.

And that's what we've
always told each other.

And I think that
that was the truth, but...

Tonight, holding you,

so scared my knees
were shaking...

Thinking that I
was going to lose you...

I realized...

That I been lying to
myself for a long time.

( Sighs )

Look, I'm sorry,
that was a mistake.

I didn't mean to
dump this on you.

Uh... I'm going
to go upstairs

and make the bed

so if you want to get
some sleep, you, uh...

You can, you know?


Sam, I don't want to
lose your friendship.

You're the most important
thing in my life.


Sam, is this a mistake?

This is crazy.
We shouldn't do this.

Oh... we, we could stop.

Do you want to stop?

No, I don't want to stop.

We can't stop.

( Sighing and moaning )