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05x07 - k*ll Shot

Posted: 10/08/23 05:40
by bunniefuu
( Gulls cawing )

Oh, yes,
my whole body is on fire.


We don't want to let
the whole world know

about our little secret,
now, do we?

( Chuckles )
So many secrets,
so little time.


But it has
to be that way.

Don't you worry
about that, baby.

My lips are sealed.

Having fun?

Shouldn't you be out practicing
or something?

Oh, I'm supposed
to work on my spike

while she works on yours?

Listen, Stace...

No, you listen,
you little bitch.

( Chuckles )

You stay away from him,
or I will cut your heart out.

Get real.

( Grunting )

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
come on, come on.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Chill out, will you?

Both of you, just chill out.

Knock it off!

I mean it now,
knock it off!


You watch it.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

( Indistinct chatting )

( Grunts )

( Indistinct shouting )


( Grunts )

Good pitch, good job.

Bring it back,
all right.


( Grunts )

Come on, Claudine, huh?

Let's get it together,
all right?

She telegraphed that
from the next time zone.

Cut me some slack,
god, would you?!

Come on, sugar, shake it off,
shake it off.



Good job, Tia.

They call this
a sport, huh?

What do you mean by that?

Well, I mean, you know,
beautiful girls in bikinis

jumping up and down
in the sunshine...

Do you have a problem
with that, Sam?

It's not a sport,
it's a beer commercial.

No, you see girls
jumping up and down in bikinis.

See, I see

dedicated, conditioned,

Athletes jumping up
and down in bikinis.

I rest my case.

( Players shouting )


Tia looks good,
doesn't she?

Yeah, she does.

Hey, good job, Tia!

I remember her when she
was just a skinny kid

all arms and legs.

Yeah, well, it's not
her arms and legs

I see you
looking at, Sam.

Hey, wait a minute.

She is like
a little sister to me.


( Chuckles )


( Screams )
( Chuckles )

You did that
on purpose.

Hey, if she can't
take the heat

maybe she should
try croquet.

Keep your hand
on it, okay?

Get some ice,
will you, Stace?

Get it yourself.

( Gulls cawing )

Head back.

Sit down,
sweetie, come on.

Hat off, head up.
You all right?

Hey, is she okay?

She'll be fine.

Cost of doing

I would like you
to meet my partner

Tia, this is Rita Lance.


Wow, if all cops
were as beautiful as you two,

you'd have to beat off
the crooks with a stick.

Rita ( Laughing ):

we have to do that anyway.

So I, uh,

I hear you and Christopher
go way back, huh?

Chris used to be my sister's
steady in high school.

She'd come home
from their dates

and give me all
the graphic details.


So is there anything
I should know?

Mm, they skinny-dipped
in the reservoir,

and he's got
a birthmark

on his...

Popsicle, anyone?

( Laughing )
Uh, sure.


Oh, damn, doesn't
this guy have a life?

Yeah, and we're it.

Aw, damn.

Who is that guy?

I don't know-- he's been
following the tour for months.


Doesn't really look like
the sand-and-surf type, does he?

He's everywhere!

We check into a motel,
he's in the room next to us.

We sit down
in a restaurant,

he's at the table
next to us.

Kiki even spotted him
spying on her in D.C.

While she was buying a bra.

All right.

I'll go see what's on his mind.

How you doing?

I'd like to
talk to you.

What do you want?

I want to know what
you're doing here.

What's the big deal?

Rumor has it you're
making a major
pain of yourself.

I'm just sitting here.

We can do this the easy
way, or we can do this

the hard way,
your choice.

You forgot impossible.

Black Yamaha,

Virginia plates, no number...
Not even a partial?

Yeah, but aren't
you impressed

I got the state?


( Sighs )

Look, I know you're
concerned about Tia,

but following a tour
is not stalking, you know?

We need something
a little more active

like phone calls, letters.

Right now, all we can do
is shake our finger
in this guy's face.

Maybe we could,
you know, poke him
in the eye like that.

Like that?
( Beeping )
Like that.

Oop, here we go.

( Sighs )

Oh! See...

God, I was
afraid of that.

( Groans )

I hope this
clown realizes

what a lucky day
he's having.

You smell good.

Well, thank you.

( Meows )

( Clears throat )

Uh-huh. All right, yeah.
( Camera shutter clicking )


Good, good.

Oh yeah, okay,
what's our time frame like?

Oh, excellent, excellent.


Yeah, no problem,
no problem at all.

I can handle that,
I can handle that.
( Camera shutter clicking )


( Crowd clamoring for kiki )

It's good, it's good.

Kiki, will you
sign my ball?

Hey, look, look.

( Indistinct chatting )

Oh, please, I just
want you to sign it.

No, why can't you
just leave me alone?

I'm your biggest fan.

Get a clue,
ferret face

your presence
is requested elsewhere.

You know, it's not fair.

You guys are nice
to everybody else but me.

That's because everybody
else doesn't follow us around

like a homeless dog.

you got a choice.

You can walk out,

or you can be
dragged out.

I'll walk... for now.

But you'll be sorry you
treated me like this.

See you in my dreams,
sweet thing.
( Scoffs )


No, just let it go,
girls, let it go.

Freak of nature.

( Whistles )

Man, that's nice!


Definitely not.

Excuse me?
It's all wrong.

Wait, this car?

This car happens
to be a classic.

Yeah, if you're into
a retro kind of thing

but, uh...
You come across

as more of a cutting-
edge kind of guy.

Uh, why do I get the feeling
this is going to be expensive?

Do you want cheap,
or do you want good?

Do they have to be
mutually exclusive

of one another?
( Laughing )

Only in this lifetime.

Hi, I'm Jennifer.

Jennifer, Chris.

How you doing, Chris?

I'm doing good, um...

Chris, can I show
you something in
a men's large?

I would like that.

( Clears throat )

Now, this, this is
what we call...

A driver's car.

Care to try it on?

I'd like that.

V- so big, they still
measure it in cubic inches.

More horsepower than
a herd of wild mustangs.

( Chuckles )

What do you say
let's head 'em up
and herd 'em out?



Well... that's nice.

I'm liking it, Chris.

( Chuckles )

( Toots horn )


Is it true what they
say about cops

who drive trans-ams?

I don't know.

You want to find out?

Actually, yes.

No, I'm only kidding, sport.

Nobody's called me
that since I was .

I'm trying to remember
what you looked like

when you were years old.

Why live in the past?

( Bounces ball )

All right, ladies.

( Grunts )

Got it?


( Grunts )

That's all, kids.

Don't try this
at home.

Don't quit
your day job.

What are you, kidding?
It's safer.

Hey, Tia,

you got
a live one here.

Not bad
for an amateur.

Amateur... yeah.

Come on, I'll
buy you a soda.

Well, it's clear that
you have to work

on your serve,
that's the key.

Don't go.

No, I... I got to
get back to the shop.

I thought
you big detectives types

came and went
like the wind?

Well, we do, we do, but
then, we have to write

these big reports
about it.

See, that's my problem:
Too much coming and going,

not enough writing.

Well, you can shower here
if you want.

( Giggling )

Uh, uh...


No. No, all my stuff's
at the shop, so...

I got to get back.

Am I going to
see you again?

No, I'm joining the
monastery tomorrow,

so you'll never see
me again, and...


See ya.


( Softly ):


Hey! Police, stop.

Hold it!

Hey, I said, police!

That means do not pass go,
do not collect $ .

Spread 'em.

You scared me,
I didn't hear you.

I scared you, huh?

Craig P. Sikes

Richmond, Virginia.

I'm Sergeant Lorenzo

palm beach
police department.

You've got some
explaining to do.

About what?

Let's start
with yesterday.

You tried to run me
over with your bike:

That's as*ault
on a peace officer.

I didn't know you were a cop.

I thought you were some jerk
who was going to beat me up.

We haven't ruled
that out just yet.

Hey, I don't want any trouble.

( Panting )

I just like the tour.

You know, the girls.

I'm not going to hurt anybody.

You're scaring the women,

and you're making
a nuisance of yourself.

You stop now,
or I'm going

to make your life
a living hell

you got that?



Yes, sir.

All right.

Get out of here.

Guess what I need?

Uh, you know, kiki,

this isn't really a
good time right now.

Why, do you have
someone in there?

( Chuckling ):
No, I'm, I'm taking a
nap; I'm wiped out.

It's Stacy, isn't it?

( Laughing ):
Don't get paranoid
on me, kiki.

Then, let me in.
Hey, hey, hey.

Look, what's the
matter with you?

Don't you trust me?

We all know
what "trust me" means, don't we?

Yeah, but if we're
going to be partners,

it has to be
that way, right?

Listen, Judd, I'm no fool.

But do you know what happens
to little boys

who play with fire?

They get burned.

You know, kiki, that sounds
vaguely like a threat.

There ain't nothing vague
about it.

( Sighs )

That was that little
bitch, wasn't it?

I'd say there's some contention
for that role.

What's your trip?

Nothing, I'm just tired of all
the fur- fighting, is all.

Well, then, do
something about it.



Get out.

Bad choice.

( Sighs softly )

♪ ♪

( Curtain tearing )
( Screams )

( Camera shutter clicking )

Hi, Sam.

I found some athletic
shoe treads outside.

I'm guessing size ten.

I think the k*ller
was waiting for her and... boom.

Yeah? Same
thing out here.

There's no sign
of forced entry,

but there are shoe prints
leaving the scene.

( Sighs )

God, look at all
these s*ab wounds.


I would say...

This guy had
a real ax to grind.

Hold on a second.

How do you know
it was a guy?

I'm just talking

So, do you think
that it was revenge, jealousy,

or your basic
psychotic obsession?

I would pick
door number three.

What do you
make of this?

Huh... a trophy
hunter, maybe.

What, Craig sikes?

Or a fantastic simulation.

All right, guys, you can,
you can wrap her up.


We appreciate
you waiting, Mr. Hogan.

I didn't know
I had a choice.

Why don't you run us
through the steps?

Well, there's not much to tell.

We practice
every morning at : .

When she didn't show up,
I came over here,

knocked on her door,
and there was no answer.

So I went in,
and, uh...

Found her like that.

So you had the maid
let you in?

No, I have a key.

You have to all
the girls' rooms?

Only the ones I'm sleeping with.

Look, before you guys
get any ideas,

I was with Stacy last night.

Boy, you are just a giant
supermarket of revelations.

So, you're sleeping
with both girls?

Wouldn't you?

No, please!

It isn't true!

It is not true!

Tell me it's
not true!

Tia, you can't go in there.

( Weeping ):
He got her, didn't he?

That little bastard
got her!

We don't know
that for sure.

But she's dead,
Kiki's dead?

Come on, let's go.

He k*lled her,
didn't he?

Come on, sport.

Come on, let's go.

Come on.

( Tia crying )

( Police radio chatter )

Thanks, guys.

( Sighs )

We're gonna need
you to stick around,

in case we need to ask
you any more questions.

Where would I go?


It's like she knew
sikes was going to get her.

It's like she'd been looking
over her shoulder for weeks.

Well, I talked to sikes
a couple of days ago.

A little crazy, maybe,

but he doesn't seem
dangerous to me.

How would you know that?

Gut feeling.

What does your gut
tell you now?

That I might have
been wrong.

This just doesn't happen
to someone you love.

Where I come from, it
happens all the time.

( Sighs )

It's going to be okay.

Can you just stay with me
a little while?

Yeah, come on.

( Sighs )

Thing about the tour,
it's like you're in a fishbowl.

Always exposed.

I'm going
to arrange for you

to have some
police protection.

You think he'll be back?

I don't know,
but if he is...

We're going
to be on him.

I'm glad you're here.

I feel safe
as long as you're here.

Oh, hey...

So, how's Tia doing?

A little scared,
but other than that, she's okay.

That's too bad.

Listen, I just
want you to know

I ran a credit card
check on Craig sikes,

and Donovan's doing
everything he can

to get a warrant
to pick him up.

You know, I know
he's the primary on this,

but I got
to tell you...
You don't think
he did it.

No. I mean, there's a lot
of compelling evidence...

Maybe a little
too compelling?


If somebody else
wanted her dead,

wouldn't it be
such a good idea

to pin it
on the obvious suspect?

So, it would
have to be someone

who was close enough
to know the situation

and cool enough to make it
look like a crime of passion.


Well, listen, I'll...

( Engine starts, bangs )

( Air hissing )

All right, all right,
that's it, huh?

What next?

Stay tuned for
the real stories of triple-a.

( Sighs )

Sweeter than a canebrake
on a hot August night.

Should have been
a songwriter, Willie.

More money
in this stuff.

More fun, too.

You'd think with all the bread
you're making,

you'd at least fix your teeth.

Would you love me
if I did?

I'd sooner love
a silverback gorilla.

I'll knock a grand off
if you let me watch.

Why do I always feel
like taking a shower

after I see you?

Two grand if you
let me watch that.

How much for all five...
Without the discount?

For you, sugar
babe... a pop.

( Scoffs )
Get real.

I had some problems
getting it in.

Yeah? Well... you got
a bigger problem now.

Hey, hey,
where you going, babe?

( Switchblade clicks )

Call me babe again,

and you'll be breathing
through a pipe.



apiece, just
like last time.

Oh, man,
you're cutting my throat.

Don't tempt me, Willie.

Come on, I know
you're paying ,

. Max down there.

Now, don't
jerk me around!

I got expenses, girl!

, and we lock it in
for next time.

, or there won't
be a this time.


Do I have to count it?

Do I have to weigh it?

No and no.

Now, about that discount?

Dream on, Willie.

( Cawing )


( Clears throat )
Let me guess.

Your friendly
neighborhood saleslady.


Now it all makes sense.

I, um, sense something more
than a routine service here.

Well, my exhaust
sounds like hell.

I think I blew a seal.

Not to worry-- we'll take care
of everything.

You ever have a problem,

just come right back
and talk to Jennifer.

Remember that thing you said
about if anything goes wrong

I could come back...
What, one thing goes wrong

you're ready
to throw in the towel?

Seems out of character
for you, Chris.

Unless I pegged you wrong.

No, no, it's not that.

I know what it is.

You haven't made
the adjustment yet.

You know, things like this
take some time.

A car like this is like a woman.

You be good to her,
she'll be good to you.

Oh... well...
( Phone ringing )

... my luck hasn't been great
on that score, either.

Then you just haven't met
the right woman.

Hey, Chris!

I got to go now!


It'll be ready
this afternoon, Chris.

This afternoon?

Thank you.

Well, what's up?

Well, the credit card check
on Craig sikes worked out.

He's in a hotel
in west palm,

and Donovan came
through on the warrant.


( Banging on door )
Police, open up!

Welcome to your lady
of beach volleyball.

( Sighs )

Why does it always
have to be a shrine?

Check it out.

Subliminal advertising.


Looks like we got ourselves
a little bonus, too.

Blonde hair, bloody knife,

and thou.


Let me guess-- size ten?

Tread marks look like they match
the one in Kiki's room.

Looks like we
found our guy.

Yeah, I'll say.

( Sighs )

( Camera shutter clicks )

Well, a guy
hangs himself,

he usually leaves a note.

Maybe he didn't have
anybody to write to.

So, this guy
st*lks this girl

he stabs her to death
in the shower,

then he can't
live with himself,

so he hangs himself?

That, or somebody
went to a lot of trouble

to make it seem that way.

I would say
the same someone

k*lled both of them.

What do you got?

Check it out.


Hold on a second, guys.

The bruising
underneath his neck.

it runs horizontally.

Right. When somebody
hangs themself,

it goes from
under their chin,

up their ears...
An inverted V.

This guy was strangled.

That he was--
go ahead.

Hey, you guys

I'm going
to take five, okay?

why don't you come on in?

Okay, great.


You want to
warm up with me?

Sorry, can't think
about volleyball right now.

I know this is
hard to hear,

but kiki would want you
to get on with your life.

I think I'm going
to quit the tour.

Just go home,
go back to school maybe.

Don't throw
it away, Tia.

That's ridiculous--
you've got everything.

You've got quick hands,
perfect footwork,

incredible timing...
Yeah, but without kiki...

Without kiki what?

You might have to
change your game?

Try a few new moves?

Start all over
with a new partner?

Maybe I'm not ready
for that.

Yeah, you are.

You're one
of the most determined players

I've ever seen.

So who am I
supposed to play with?

What about me?

You play with Stacy.

Yeah, I know,
but we can change that.

I don't know;
We have different styles.

Yeah, with my touch and your
power, god, we'd be unbeatable.


Anyway, it's not up to us.

It's Judd's call.

Oh... don't worry about that.

I'll take care of him.

This is the kind of surprise
I could get used to.

Yeah, just
like old times.
( Chuckles )

You know what?


My game is
really coming back.

Take this off, will you?

Talk to me first.

Too much talk spoils
a good sport like this.

Judd, this is important.

What could be
more important than this?

The tour?

Our game plan?

How were going to take things
to the next level?

First things first.

We really need
to talk, Judd.

Okay, so tell me--

how are we going
to revolutionize

the sport
of beach volleyball?

Frontal nudity?

( Both chuckle )


I'm going to partner
up with Tia.

We'd be perfect

She's the new wave,
and I've got the experience.

Yeah, well,
that's kind of the problem.


Claudine, look,
you're one of the best.

The best there ever was,

There comes a time when, uh...

When what?

When the playing ends.

That time is not now,
not by a long shot.

Have you thought
about coaching?

Why don't you
go to hell?!

I am playing with Tia!

The circuit is about
hard bodies, all right?

Girls in their s,
not their s.

Yeah? Why don't you
just take this

to your school
of hard bodies?

And don't you ever forget
who was here first.

( Man shouting indistinctly
on TV )

Who stands
the most to gain

from kiki being
off the tour?

Well, she was the star.

A lot of people
were jealous of her.

So on the tour, is
there a lot of money?

( Chuckling ):
Oh, sure,
with the endorsements.

You don't think somebody
on the circuit k*lled her?


Money is the number one
motive for m*rder, sport.

( Laughing ):
I asked you
not to call me that.

I apologize; It's
hard to get past.

Well, please try.

Mmm... uh...

Did I get my signals crossed?

No, but I'm a
cop on a case,

and you're a
part of the case.

Is that all I am?

For now, that's
all you can be.

Somebody else, isn't there?

No, there's nobody else.

It's just a line
I can't cross.

( Chuckles )
Come on, it's your partner,
isn't it?

What? No, no, no...
Come on, Chris!
I'd have to be blind

not to see the way
you guys are with each other.
No, no, no.

We've been partners
a long time,

but there's nothing going
on, nothing like that.


Well, if you say so.

I say so.

Cool car.

You like it?

Yeah, I just,
I just bought it.

Love it.

Maybe we could
go for a ride sometime.

I would like that.

I'll check with
you later, okay?

( Engine sputtering )

( Sputtering continues )

( Groaning )

Oh, I am going to...

( Shouting ):
k*ll her!

( Laughs )

Relax, Chris, I'm sure
it's just a minor adjustment.

How many minor adjustments
do there have to be

before that...

That damn thing will start

and drive down the road

like any other car bought
from any of these lots?!

Have you tried
breathing exercises?

They do wonders for stress.

A refund
will do my stress wonders.

You don't look
like a quitter, Chris.

No, I'm not,
I am a realist.

That car is a lemon.

That car is the definition
of a lemon,

and it's getting too tart
for my tastes.

Why don't we go inside
and talk about it?

Come on, we'll
have a little chat,

and then you can do
whatever you want.

Well, I get a refund,
or I get a new car.

Don't worry
about a thing.

I'll take care of you.


Hey, Sam.

You return your car?

Yeah, kind of.

So what, did Jennifer
change your mind?

Hey, I handled it.

It's all taken care of.

Did you get anything
on the, uh, players?

Um, no, I didn't,

but I did get something
on Judd hogan.

Two years ago, he was
popped in New York City

for an a-and-b.

Did he beat up a ref?

No, he beat up
a guy named Craig P. Sikes.

Well, well, well.

Yeah, and
there's more.

He has an MBA from Harvard.

He worked in an investment
firm on wall street,

and then, suddenly,
five years ago,

he just disappears like that.

You know that's kind of strange

to go from the boardroom
to the beaches.

Well, I don't know,
I mean, you got the sand, surf,

beautiful women in bikinis.

Kind of makes sense to me.

Careful, partner, your
testosterone's showing.


( Grunts )

It's all
in your wrist, Stace,

now, loosen up, okay?

Loose and easy,
over the top.

( Grunts )

Hey, looks like an ace to me.

Hello, detective.

Mr. Morgan, how you doing?

Can I have a word with you?

Sure, absolutely.

Uh, loose and easy,
over the top, okay?

Be back in a minute.

I heard about the good news
on the case.


Uh, are they in order?

Well, you found
Kiki's k*ller, right?

Actually, there are a couple
of things that don't add up.

I was hoping that you could
help me with that.

Happy to help in any way I can.

Start with this:

How come you never told us
about your run-in with sikes?

You never asked.

Can't tell you
how often I hear that one.

Usually bothers me, too.

I've got nothing
to hide from you, lieutenant.

That's another one
that makes me nervous.

Oh, this is
the life.

Beautiful day, isn't it?

Blue sky, sunshine...

A couple of dead bodies.

You want to get
to the point?


If sikes wasn't the k*ller,

who else stands to gain the most
from Kiki's death?

I have no idea.


Uh, Claudine
called me this morning.

Asked me
to team her up with Tia.

I thought that was a little...
Mercenary, you know,

under the

Look, I got to
get back to work.


Appreciate it.


All right, Stace,
looking good.

Excuse me, miss,
I'm Sergeant Lorenzo

palm beach police

I need to have a
look in that room.


You get this
from in there?

Thank you.


You know, if they
paid us better,

we wouldn't have
to do this.

Hello, kiki.

Appreciate it.

So Claudine sets up
sikes as the k*ller, right?

Does the whole
shrine bit,

plants a lock of hair,

strangles him,
makes it look like a su1c1de,

and then tosses
a key piece of evidence

into her own

I know, if she's so smart,
then why so stupid?

Because she was
set up.

Yeah, had to be.

We pulled a partial
print off the torn photo.

Rita is running
it now.

Cap, there she is!

Ah, man,
what a machine.

Lorenzo, the women are going
to go crazy for this.

Yeah... I remember
my first sports car.

' t-bird.

Ah, what a set
of wheels.

What happened to it?

Thing was a royal pain
in the you-know-what.

Uh, did it
break down a lot?

No, it hardly ever
broke down.

Kept getting stolen.

Had the top off
all the time.

I should have put
a sign on the car

that said,
"take me, I'm yours."

Have a seat, cap,
come on.

Come on, have a seat,
try it out.
All right, all right.

All right.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

This baby is sweet-- ah!

And you know,
it looks brand new.

Like it just rolled off
the assem...





Son of a...



How are you at singing
a capella?

Sam, I want you to run
a check

on all known
car stereo thieves.


Because somebody
just ripped mine off.

You got to be kidding me.

Out of a police parking lot?

Don't smile
like that.

This gives new meaning
to the word "bold."

Did you get anything
on that partial print?

Yeah, a dead-on match.

Fugitive on a drug bust warrant.

The guy's been missing
for about five years.

( Sighs )
Get a name?

Jordan ray.
Should be him coming in now.

Check that out.

What do you know?

So, Judd-- Jordan ray--

he falls off the planet
five years ago.

And he steals
a dead man's identity.

That's not a bad idea
for somebody facing years

for drug trafficking.

It also explains
how a bank investor

becomes a
volleyball coach.

Yeah, you know this guy, he
never set foot on wall street.

You know
what I don't get.

Usually, those
big-time drug dealers,

they go out one of two ways:
Either they end up in jail...

Or they get k*lled.

Exactly, and this guy
did neither one.

Hey, wait.

He never left the business.

So the volleyball tour
provides a perfect cover-up.

Lots of money, lots of
traveling from place to place...

Lot of bags,
lot of possible mules.

And if someone like kiki
were to find out about it...

Perfect target.
We got to pick
this guy up.

( Screams )

I don't believe it.

Well, look at
it this way.

You were thinking
about getting rid
of it anyway, right?

( Sighs )

( Zipper whizzing )

Need help?

No, I'm okay.

What is with this thing?!

I can't even fit
my shoes in it.

Hey, let me; I'm
a great packer.

Hey, why don't you
just put those sneakers

in the other suitcase?

Stacy, this has been
the hardest week of my life.

The last thing I need is
you standing over my shoulder!

Hey, I was just
trying to help.

Fine, here.

Do it!

Don't touch that.

Do you want
to explain this?


It was in
your bag, Tia.

Don't give me that crap.

You know this isn't mine,

and you were a little bit
too helpful just now.

Give me that.

You idiot! Tia!
I'm calling the police.

Listen to me.

You were never
supposed to know this,

but now that you do,

there's a fortune in it
if you work with us.


You and Judd.

Kiki found out,
didn't she?

That's why you k*lled her.

Kiki is dead because
she was stupid.

She tried
to blackmail us.

Judd wasn't going
to stand for that.

( Door opens )

You bastard, I trusted you.

Tia, Tia.

Stacy, bring
the Van around.

Where are you taking her?

The boat house.



Tia, it's Chris,
open the door.

Chris, look.

Talk fast.

What are you doing here?

Nothing, I'm just
helping Tia pack.

Yeah, where are you going,

Put your hands
behind your head.

I don't even know
what that is, I swear.

What are you doing knee-deep
in it?

Where's Tia?
I don't know.

Answer the question--
where is Tia?

You're looking
at ten years right now.

You want life?

There's a fuel dock at
the end of spinnaker way.

You better hurry.

♪ ♪


Grab her arm.

She's not breathing,
but she has a pulse.

This guy's still around


Get out of the water.

Put your hands over your head.

( Grunting )

Lorenzo, by a T.K.O.

( Groaning )

Uh, this is Sergeant Lorenzo,
Palm Beach Police Department.

I have a near drowning,
the victim is unresponsive.

She has a pulse but is
not breathing-- please advise.

( Coughing )

Oh, there we go,
there we go.

( Gasping )

The victim is resuscitated,

and she's breathing
on her own.

She's going
to make it.
( Coughing )

I can never thank
you guys enough.

You being safe
and on top of your game

is enough thanks for us.
That's right.

So, uh, where you guys
going next on your tour?


movie stars.

Best players
in the world.


There's room for one more
on the bus if you want to go.

Well, I appreciate
the offer,

but I don't think I can
get the time off.

Well, we all know
the real reason.

Thanks again.

Uh, you're welcome.

Kick butt, huh?
'Bye, Rita.

Aw. Mmm!

Take care
of yourself, okay?

See you, sport,
uh, I mean Tia.

So, uh, what's
the real reason?

I'm dying to know.

Well, she has
this crazy idea

that the two of
us are together.


As in you
and me?

See you.

Yeah, what would give her
an idea like that?

Well, she says
it's something about

the way we look
at each other.

( Engine starts in distance )

( Laughs )
Yeah, ridiculous.


That's crazy.

Why don't I... give you a ride
back to the shop?

Uh-- oh, you
know what? No.

I got my car here,
see, look, that's...

That's it--
oh, isn't she beautiful?

( Chuckling ):

Oh, no.