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05x05 - Family Affairs

Posted: 10/08/23 05:39
by bunniefuu
Oh, yes, make it tighter.

I like to feel it.

( Groans )

Your car or mine?

Careful, you don't want
to start anything

that you can't finish.

Don't worry, I won't.


( Moaning )


( Heavy breathing )

Lots of room
in back.

Care to take me
for a test drive?

Lewd conduct
in a public place--

I could arrest you
for that.

Your handcuffs or mine?

I love it when you
talk like that.

( Screaming )

( Cries out )


You want
to take this indoors?

What for?

Uh, chance of showers?

I'll bring a towel.

police dispatcher:
All units, emergency call.

Reports possible homicide.

Bayshore drive.

suspect fleeing in a red
late-model Chevrolet corvette

traveling west on windward.

This is l-

on westward and bay.

( Tires squealing )

L- has a visual on suspect

north on bay

in pursuit, out.

Ah, rain check.

( Tires squealing,
siren blaring )

( Tires squealing )

( Rock music playing loudly )

( Tires squealing )

Come on, let's go.

"there is a tide
in the affairs of men

"which, taken at the flood

"leads on to fortune;

all the voyage of their life

is bound
in shallows and in miseries."

see, I think
what the bard meant

had to do
with the choices we make--

to boldly live our lives as
though they make a difference

whether or not they actually do

or to plunge into the darkness

and deception

of a world defined

only by its appetites.

Lust, greed, pride, envy...

And revenge.

Where the sins of fathers
are visited upon the sons

as mere players
in a scripted drama

with no beginning, no middle

and no end.

You all right?

( Chuckling ):
Compared to what?

( Sighs )
I wasn't scared,
not for a second.

No, me... either, not at all.

So what happened?

I was in pursuit.

Homicide suspect
in a red corvette

hung code two
through the
green light

and driver "B" came in,
blew the signal


( Sighs )

Yeah, some kid in a Firebird.

It was a kid?


What's his condition?

Hard to say, they're still
working with a can opener.

Chris, maybe you should
take it easy, huh?

No, I got to see this.


Where you guys taking him?

The nearest E.R.
is Edgewater hospital.

Let's go, you drive.

All right,
slow down.

Sergeant Lorenzo?

We're going to need you

to take a breathalyzer

just for the record.

yeah, okay,
I'll meet you at the car.

You all right?
You okay?


( Sighs )

Are you Mrs. Atkins?

Are you
the social worker?

No, I'm Sergeant Lance,
palm beach police.

Oh, it wasn't Ronnie's fault.

No, I know.

No one's pointing
the finger, ma'am.

We just actually just came
to see how he was doing.

Do you have a cigarette?

No, I'm sorry,
I don't smoke.

( Sighs )

Mrs. Atkins, this is my
partner, Sergeant Lorenzo.


Wouldn't have a cigarette
by any chance, would you?

No, no, I don't.

Oh, god, doesn't
anybody smoke


What is taking them so long?

They said he was hit by a cop

he was going too fast,
he was chasing somebody.

I was the driver
of that other car.

I was in pursuit
of a suspect and...

And you ran the light.

No, the light was green.

what is this,
the cover-your-ass time here?

Look, Mrs. Atkins...

We're just here to let you know

if there's anything you need,

Oh, thanks, thanks a lot.

I think you've
done enough for one day already.

if you could
try to understand, I was...

Oh, I understand

My son Ronnie's in there
fighting for his life

and you're the reason why.

Mrs. Atkins?


Hey, Chris...

( Indistinct conversation )

( Sobbing )

( Cries out )

( Sobbing )

You son of a bitch!

Do you know
what you've done?

You k*lled my son!

my son is dead,
you've k*lled him!

My beautiful son...

Oh, god, he's k*lled him,
he k*lled my son!

You okay?

I just keep playing it over
and over and over in my head

and I wish there was some way
that I could change it.

Chris, you cannot beat
yourself up over this.

But I can't stop.

I'm telling, Rita,
that light, it was green.

( Phone rings )
I'm going to drive you home.

Hang on, just a second.

All right?
I'll just drop you.

Yeah, Sergeant Lance.


Okay, I got it.
Yeah, thanks.

What's up?

That red corvette
you were chasing?

Whoever called it into
said they saw it leave

a house on Bayshore drive.

They just found a dead body.

Look, I'm gonna drop you
off at home on the way.

Not a chance.

Chris, you need
your rest.

Look, I'll do
the preliminary work

and then I'll call you
when you're ready...

I'm ready now.

No argument, Rita.

I owe him this.


No record, no warrants...

( People talking )




How're you doing?

Ooh, what happened
to you?

I cut myself

With what,
a meat hook?

Let's get down
to cases, shall we?

Touchy, touchy.

Testosterone running
a tad high...

Keshia, it's a bad day.

Well, it was a k*ller for her.

Meet Katherine Carmichael.

years old,
queen of the castle.

apparent cause of death,
single sharp forced trauma

skillfully penetrating between
the second and third ribs

and puncturing the aorta.

It's very nice, very clean--
a real pro.

Who're you
talking about?

The guy who did her.

How do you know
it was a guy?

Well, check it out.

Bound to the bedpost,
silk ropes, torn panties?

An a Richter scale
of coitus interruptus

this was a magnitude ten.

So, you're telling me it
couldn't have been a woman?

A woman would have been
more considerate.

Meaning what? She would
have given her a cigarette

before she slipped
her the knife?

Maybe, but more than likely
she wouldn't

have bothered with the
sexual stuff to begin with.

Well, thank you
very much, keshia,

but I don't remember
homicide detective

being in your
job description.

You'll excuse me.



Can I have a word with you?

Woman to woman?


You want to fill me in?

well, uh, the k*ller
left here in a red corvette

Chris was in pursuit

a kid blew
through a signal


Don't tell me he...

He didn't make it.

What about semen?

no calling card.

This guy was
entirely too
a**l for that.

all right, keshia, you supply
the dots, we connect the lines.

You copy that?

Loud and clear, sergeant.


You fix the time of death?

well, can't tell
till we crack her open for sure

but I'd say two hours, outside.

: , that coincides
with the call.

Anything else?

Just a couple of hairs
we found on the sheets.

Long and black, huh?

Short and blond.

That's interesting...

( Whispering )

Oh, the housekeeper
just showed up.

I'll talk to you later.


You Martina?

Martina Ingersoll.

Sergeant Lance.
This is Sergeant Lorenzo.

I keep house
for the Carmichaels.

You're not what I expected.

where were you
at : this afternoon?

Driving home from Daytona.

I was visiting my cousin.

how long have you
worked for Mrs. Carmichael?

I've worked for Dr. Carmichael
and his wife for almost a year.

Where is the good doctor?

Out of town, in The Bahamas.

I've called his hotel
and left word.

All right. Well, we may
need you to come in

and make a formal statement.

About what?

About your trip
to Daytona,

your cousin,
the whole bit.

and you're gonna
have to swear to it.

As you wish.

She certainly didn't
seem very ripped up

about the late
Mrs. Carmichael,
did she?

No, no, she didn't.


Ah, hey,
good morning.

Hey, Rita.

Good morning, Sam.

Get any sleep
last night?

Every time I shut my eyes

I see a red corvette

and Ronnie Atkins'

I did get this.

What's that?

It's a tape.

Have a listen.

He's k*lling her,
send the police!

All right, ma'am,
try and stay calm.

I need your name and address.

No, not me, her,
Mrs. Carmichael!

You must hurry!

Bayshore drive.

Ma'am, are you still there?

Martina Ingersoll.

The ice queen herself.


According to this

the victim's husband
is Dr. Everett Carmichael

surgeon to
the stars

founding member of the south
coast Polo and racquet club.

So, old money, young wife.

And according
to this, she was .

Her husband was
in his s.

What is a prime filly like that
doing with an old man?

Hey. Watch it.

Well, you know

I bet a seven-figure
bank account

could cut right through
a lot of gray hair.

Really? Maybe it could help
a little bald spot on top.

All right,
come on, guys

you know the drill.

Cap, what's up?

All night, huh?

Not over yet.
listen, uh,

I want you to take
a couple days off.

Let your partner
cover you.

No, I can't
do that, cap.

This is not a request, Lorenzo.

Your blood alcohol test
came back.

What'd I blow?

five ticks
below the legal limit.

Great, that proves
I wasn't D.W.I.

it also proves
you were drinking.

cap, I was off-duty,
I had one glass of wine.

Listen, this is just

an a*t*matic
internal affairs review.

Consider yourself
on paid leave

until the
is over.

You're kidding me, right?

This is like, the joke is on me?

You see me laughing, Chris?


Don't try to dodge this,
I got you on tape.

You want to hear it?

Not really.

Then give me the story,
chapter and verse.

Chris, can I talk
to you for a second?

You made that call,
didn't you?

Yes, I did, but...

but you said
you were out of town.

Please, I...

I was afraid, I thought I...

You know, I don't know,
a thing like this,

maybe they'd deport me.

You don't give me
the whole story

I'm gonna make deportation

seem like a trip
to Disney world for you.

It's just
as I said.

I went to my cousin's,
but I came home early.

The door
was open

and I heard
Mrs. Carmichael screaming.

I was so frightened I ran out

and drove to the pay phone.

I was just trying to help.

When you called , you said,
"he's trying to k*ll her."

Who was he?

I don't know.

Chris, wait a sec...

Hands behind your back.

Put your hands
behind your back.

Rita, read this piece of garbage
his rights.

Hey, hey, hey!

If one of my officers
makes a mistake

I take care of it, George.

so don't be turning
that big Irish voice on me

because I'm not
your whipping boy.



Apology accepted.

at your convenience, please.

Yeah, be right in,

You wanted to see me, cap?

No, I didn't.

As a mater of fact,

you are the last person on earth
I wanted to see today.

unfortunately, you've made
that completely unavoidable.

So I gather the returns are in
from the bust yesterday?

yeah, if you want
to call it that, yeah.

I was a little over the top.

What you did was to completely
ignore an I.A. Grounding

and to arrest
the heir apparent

to one of the founding
families of this city

with no due cause.

Captain, this kid was
driving a red corvette--

the same one that was reported
leaving the scene of the m*rder.

Then you should have
arrested the car.

Do you know how many
red corvettes there are

in south Florida?


You had
no driver description

no license number.
You had nothing.

Doesn't it strike you as more
than just a little coincidence?

I don't care if Moses
stepped off mount Sinai

and said, "thou shall arrest
Jason Carmichael."

We don't do that
without sufficient ground!

I was wrong!

You want blood?

Whoa-ho, don't tempt me,

If you had taken
the time out

to act more
like a detective

instead of a defensive lineman

you'd have discovered
that the kid had an alibi.

He said he was with a woman,
a Kimberly snow.

that was over in west palm.
I'm checking that out right now.

Checking her out?

You're missing
my drift here.

don't you understand that
Jason Carmichael is out of here

with an apology

from the commissioner no less?

Cap, I'm afraid

if I don't break this thing...

Then it's going to break me.

As a friend, I understand;
as your captain, uh-uh.

I cannot have you
exorcising your demons

at the public's expense.

you go home
and you ride this out.

But do not... repeat, do not

take any further action
on this case.

Is that clear?

I'm not hearing
your answer, Lorenzo.

Hey, you two
just go to w*r?


Out of here.

Excuse me,
I was told

I could find a Lorenzo
or a Lance here.

I'm Lorenzo.

I'm Dr. Everett Carmichael.


Wife was m*rder*d yesterday.

That's a fact.

you're the one
that arrested my son?

that's right.
While we're on the subject,

you want to tell me
what were you doing

while your wife was strapped

to the bedpost?
I don't care

I don't care...
For your attitude.

Get out of here!

( Door slams )

Dr.. Carmichael,
I'm Sergeant Lance.

well, somebody better put a
muzzle on that partner of yours.

Why don't we go over here
and sit down?

Why don't you
have a seat?

He's going through
some personal problems.

Really? Well,
whatever it is

I'm sure it doesn't
compare to mine.

I'm very sorry
about your wife, sir.

Why does that sound like

a recorded message?

Look, please, for... forgive me.

I'm just... I'm just not myself.

Everything just
seems so unreal.

No, I understand.

I'm sorry.

Your message said you had
some questions for me.

Yes, um...

Your housekeeper, uh...

she said
you were in The Bahamas?

I was fishing.
I try to take a week every year.

I'd ask her
to come along

but my wife has never been...

Much of a sailor.

Well, I guess we'll need copies
of the hotel bill

your flight information

and, uh...

Whenever you're ready
we need you to come in

and make a formal statement,
just for the record.

Of course. Is that all?

Yeah, I guess for now.

They, uh... wanted me
to come to the morgue

to identify the body.

Why don't I walk you down?

That's very kind
of you.

No problem.

Dr. Carmichael,
do you think

your wife could have
been having an affair?

I don't know, I've been
very busy with work lately.

I suppose she could have.

Do you know of anyone
who might have wanted her dead?

I wish I had an answer
to that question, sergeant.


Why don't we get you down?

Hey, Chris.

Dr. Smooth
have an alibi?

Yeah, he claims he
was in The Bahamas.

He can name the hotel?

Of course.

We need to check that out,
find out what time

he checked out
of the hotel

and what time
he left the airport.

I thought you were off
of this investigation.

I've been thinking
about that corvette.

It was a convertible,
brown top--

that ought
to narrow it down.

We run it through
the DMV Records again,

see what we can find out.

Chris, I can
handle this, okay?

I don't want you
to let this eat you up.

What do you want me to do?

Go to the beach?
Take a vacation?

No! I want you
to go home

and let me run
this investigation.

And I want you
to shake

these guys
until they fall apart.

I'm telling you, that
Carmichael kid is dirty

and his father
is so greasy

I could oil
my car with him.

You need to give yourself
some space.

No way.

Not on this one,
Sam, I can't.

I want you to put a team at
Kimberly snow's apartment.

She shows up,
let me know.

Yeah, whatever
you say, okay?


What are you doing here?

Jason, I asked you
a question.

Paying my last respects.

What, to the pool?

Can't we just
call a truce, dad?

I mean, at least
until after the funeral?

Why set a dangerous precedent?

You're a heartless bastard.

Yeah, you bring it out in me.

Since when did you
give a tinker's damn
about your stepmother?

Since when were you
ever here long enough

to notice anything
about anybody?

Were you here yesterday?

You sound like
one of those cops.

According to them,
she knew her k*ller.

He left in
a red corvette.

You know, I just did
this dance downtown, dad.

I don't need to do it again.

If you had anything to do with
this, I'll see you in hell.

I got news for you,
we're already there.

If it weren't for
your grandmother's trust

you'd be on the street.

Better there
than here.

Oh, such a sad day.

I thought you might like
to share your sorrows

over something cool.

There's nothing left

I want to share
with anybody here.

Such a difficult
time, hmm?

Let me take care of you.

Just relax.



I have to be at the hospital
in minutes.

Oh, don't go.

What's up?

Meat grinder, huh?

I've seen worse.

Yeah, we should talk.

I'm all talked out, cap.

Okay, then just listen.

I've been thinking
about your situation--

you know, the wine,
the accident.

And I just want you to know
that I've been there.

You don't drink.

There was a time
I could put it away

with the best of them.

Had a beer with lunch,
couple of cocktails.

Bottle of wine with dinner.

After a while that stuff
catches up with you.

Hey, I had one glass
of wine with lunch.

You're making it sound like
I got a drinking problem.

That's not up to me
to say.

What made you stop?

Garden shears.

Sounds dangerous.

We used to have a hedge.

Notice, the key word in
that sentence is "used to."

What happened?

It was a hot afternoon

I had a couple of beers.

Frannie says,
"go, trim the hedge."

So I get out the garden shears.

Drink a little,
I trim a little.

Another little drink,
another little trim. En shears.

Before you know it,
the woman

is screaming at me...


Does the word "bonsai"

mean anything to you?

( Giggles )
So right then and there

I knew I had a choice.

I could either drink
or I could work.

I couldn't do both.

The price of alcohol

is the complete loss
of control

sooner or later.

No amount of truth

is going to bring back
Ronnie Atkins.

Draw yourself a line
through the past.

Give yourself
a second chance.

I want you to know,
no matter what happens

I'm in your corner.

Thanks, cap.

( Knocks on door )


Ah, you again.

Well, I just can't seem
to leave a m*rder alone.

Dr. Carmichael's not home.

That's good.

Then we can
speak privately.

this is a very bad time.

The police have left
everything such a mess...

Look, we can talk here
or we can go downtown.

It's your choice.

Come in.

Thank you.

Can I get you something?


You can start with
your green card.

I don't understand.

When we were here
the other day

you seemed nervous
about being deported.

However, since then
I've been to the I.N.S.

You have
a permanent work visa.



So you obviously have
something else

on your mind, don't you?

I was just very upset here
about Mrs. Carmichael.

do me a favor--
why don't you cut the Heidi act?

It insults
my intelligence

and it makes you
look guilty as hell.

Guilty of what?

See, that I haven't figured out.

But you are hiding something,
aren't you?

I know it and
you know it.

So you can tell me now

or you can call your lawyer,
it's your choice.

It was just as I said.

I came in, I heard the screaming
and I called .


Mrs. Carmichael had, uh...

Unusual appetites.

There was only one lover
who could satisfy her.

Give me a name.

His name is Jason Carmichael.

Why are you here?

I came to pay
my respects, ma'am.

This is a wake for Ronnie's
family and friends.

Not for his k*ller.

Mrs. Atkins,
I would give anything

if I could make
this whole thing go away...

My son is dead.

You k*lled him.

Now you're here
looking for what?


( Rock music
leaking through headphones )

Ever heard
of knocking?

Yeah, I've been out front
doing just that

the past five minutes.

Well, you found me.

And what do you want?

I need you to answer
a few questions.

How did I know

you were going to say that?

( Clearing throat )

Drink, sergeant?

Of course not.

Cop on duty and all that.

That's right.

You know, it's too bad
your partner can't live

by the same code.

You know, you're a real charmer
for a drunk.

Ah, you think so, huh?

I always thought I was
kind of mean-spirited.

Tell me something,

Is there anything
that turns you on?

Yeah, you know
what I really get off on?

Busting mean drunks.

Why don't we
cut to the chase?

The housekeeper said

you were sleeping

with Mrs. Carmichael.


Yeah, well, the county
attorney's office

doesn't seem
to think so.

Well, here's a little
news flash for you:

Martina hated kitty, always did.

When dad said he's bringing
home something from Sweden

we thought he meant a Volvo.

Or maybe you
didn't pick up

on the fact
that she and dear old dad

were playing doctor--
don't you see?

She's pointing the finger at me
to take the heat off herself.

Or... vice versa.

You know, you're starting

to bring out my mean streak,

( Phone rings )

You hold that thought, will you?

Sergeant Lance.


Uh, no, actually

I would like
to tell him myself.


( Beeping off )

You were saying?

Nothing, nothing at all.

in fact,
if there's anything else

talk to my attorney.

You can count on it.

( Knocking at door )

Oh, thank you.

So you don't answer
the phone any more

you don't answer the bell,
and you look...

Actually, you
look pretty good.

You ought to see
the other guy.

What's going on?

Well... I'm consulting
my therapist.

( Pounding bag )

Would you like to talk?

No, I'm sorry, Sam,
I'm all talked out!

Why can't I get
a handle on this thing?

Talking about the death
of a -year-old boy

goes against
the natural order.

Old people die, kids don't die.

They're waking him today.

I stopped by
to pay my respects

but his mother
wouldn't let me in.

She still sees me as the cop
that m*rder*d her son.

Yeah, but you don't, right?


Look, the longer
you play judge

jury and executioner
with yourself

the longer it's going to take
to get past this.

I hear the words, Sam.

Look, it was an accident.

Was the light green
or wasn't it?

The light was green...
it was green.

So it wasn't your fault, Chris

you had the right of way.

Ronnie Atkins blew through
that intersection...

You could have been dead
instead of him.

You got to let yourself
off the hook.

I.a. Already has.

What do you mean?

That's why I've been
trying to reach you.

captain called,
he said Ronnie Atkins

was driving
with two prior D.W.I.S

he had
a suspended license

I.a. Cleared you this morning.

Welcome back.

I'm grabbing a shower...

All right.

Then you and me

we're going to kick
some butt.

Yeah, whose butt
would that be?

Ah, we'll start

with the guy
in the red corvette.




Well, wicked bitch
of the north.

How dare you?

It's easy, I open my mouth up,
the words come out.

Seems like yours has been
working a little overtime.

Get out of this house.

What is wrong
with this picture here?

We have the servant is giving
orders to the master.

I think that we ought to just

take and nip this one
in the bud!

You told the police
that I was swimming

in kitty's water...

Stop it!


Let her go.

Oh, big shot.

See what's in the old chamber?

Or course,
if kitty was right

it'd have to be a blank.

Don't you come any closer.

Don't worry, dad.

Kitty was a happy little girl

as long as she had me
to keep her that way.

You miserable little bastard.

I knew you
didn't have it in you.

( Door slams )

( Car engine starting )

( Tires squealing )

Oh, I've got
to get out of here.

Martina, don't
leave me now.

I don't need this.



We have to
stick together.

The ship is going
under, Everett

and I don't plan to be
on it when it does.

( Starts engine )

( Honking horn )


Where was she going
in such a hurry?


Must be a fire sale.

I assume
you're here

for more than just
snappy repartee.

A little
parry and thrust

before we drive
home the point, I think.

I don't have time for this.

So why don't
you try this?

You had an affair
with Martina

while your son
was sleeping with your wife.

I won't even dignify
that with an answer.

Don't have to.

We already have
the statements.

You got to admit, it gives you
and snow white

one hell of a good motive.

Not to mention
the surgical precision

to commit
the m*rder itself

which puts you, doctor,
right in the spotlight.

I was in The Bahamas.

Why don't you call the hotel?

Oh, we already did that.

they confirmed
you left the next day.

then why are we
having this conversation?

Because, good doctor,
that doesn't mean

you couldn't have
rented a jet

flown back here, done the deed
and been back in Nassau

in time for dinner and drinks.

sergeants, you are
reaching for the wind.

so why don't you give us
something else to reach for.

Someone, anyone, doctor,
who might have had

a motive to k*ll your wife.

Because it's not my job.

It's your job.

so I suggest you
get out of here and do it.

Think we ruffled
his feathers?

Yeah, I think we
rattled his cage.

Good to have
you back.

Thank you.

What are you doing?


( Gasping )

Why are you
doing this?

School's out, baby,
it's playtime.

This isn't funny, Jason.

For god's sake, will you stop?

Oh, god.

This isn't funny, Jason.

for god sakes,
will you stop, please?


Off that bed, pal.

You're under arrest.
Up against the wall.

What, again?

We haven't done
anything wrong.

Wasn't this guy

trying to put his cigarette
out in your navel?

This may be
a tough concept for you

but we're just playing
a game here.
We're not.

You Kimberly snow?
That's right.

Where were you
last Monday, : ?

Wait a second. What is this,
about checking my story?

Nobody told you
you could move.

Kimberly, tell them.

I was right here with him.

Case closed,
now, hit the bricks

before I call a real cop.

You gonna testify
to that in court?

Of course she is.

I'm gonna give you one
more chance to shut up.

Kimberly, don't say
a word to them.

You just earned yourself
a time-out.

Would you
please tell me

what this is
all about?

Well, we're trying to establish
Jason's whereabouts

at the time his stepmother
was k*lled.


What happened to her?

she was playing
a little game, Kimberly.

kind of like you
and Jason just were

with her wrists
tied to the bedpost

with a silk rope

just before
the k*ller stabbed her

through the heart.

Oh, and you think
Jason did that?

A car identical to his

was reported leaving
the m*rder scene.


What is it?

You're hiding something
from me, aren't you?

Um, nothing, no.

I was with him the whole time.

And when I find out what it is

you could be charged
with accessory to m*rder.

It's the truth.

He was here, only...

That, right there.

What was that?

It was supposed to be a joke.

A friend of mine paid me
to bring him here.

I picked him up at a bar,
I brought him home.

All I had to do was drop

the keys to the car
outside the door.

What for?

So when he got up

he'd think someone stole it.

It was supposed
to be funny.

It's very funny.

Anyway, when he got up to leave

the car was right
where he left it.

he just thought he left
the keys in the ignition.

Who paid you to do this,
his father?


Her name is Martina Ingersoll.

It is amazing how
fast they clam up

when their lawyers get
in on the act, isn't it?

Yeah, well, at least we got
enough to get a warrant.

Can you believe
how loudly

that Carmichael kid
was screaming?

He was busted and release
twice in one week.

I'd be screaming, too.

He ought to be arrested
for attitude alone.

oh, really?

If that were the case,
my friend,

you would have been a
jailbird a long time ago.

Oh, no, no, see
on me, it's...

It's subtly charming,
don't you think?

At times.

This happening to be
one of them.

All right, let's run
the whole thing.

This Carmichael kid,
he is playing house

with his stepmother.

The good doctor

he's digging in
at the smorgasbord

and Martina,
she hires her friend

to keep Jason busy.

And that's when the doc

hops a flying fish
out of Nassau.

We run this by Martina,
you think she'll sing?

I think she'll bring
the house down.

( Sirens wailing )

Look, why don't you make
a right up here on admiral?

We can head up that way.

No, I'm not going to let
this corner beat me

for the rest
of my life.

It's like it happened
a second ago.

It's all I can see.

( Tires screeching )

All I can hear.

( Tires screeching )

Metal on metal.

I know this is really hard
for you to hear

but this will go away.


I'll always see that kid's face.

All that blood.

Chris, it was a tragedy.

there's no denying
that it was a terrible tragedy

but it was not your fault.

I know.

and I'm not gonna
let this thing beat me.


( Exhaling )

( Exhaling )

Well done, Sam.

Thank you, Sam.

no, no, no, no,
I want the CDs broken up

and I want the funds transferred
to the Bahamian account.

no, I don't care about
the interest, just do it.

( Chuckles ):

I knew you'd come back.

Ah, there's no place
I'd rather be.

We're going to take a little
vacation, you and me.

What about the police?

Not enough room
on the plane.

( Both laughing )

When we're gone

they won't know
where to find us.

I have more than enough
invested offshore

to keep us in style for
the rest of our lives.

But why should I leave,

When I have everything
I need right here?

( Sirens wailing )

I wonder...

What would it be worth to you

to keep me from telling
the police

that you m*rder*d your wife?

Is that a threat?

Remember, you helped me.

Don't think I wouldn't
take you down with me.

Oh-ho, I don't think you can.

All I did was pay a girlfriend

to sleep with your son.

I had no idea you were going
to m*rder your wife

and frame poor Jason.

And since
it happened

I've been living in fear
that you will k*ll me, too.

Now, I can be very convincing.

So can I.

( Sirens wailing in distance )

( Screams )

He's got something
in his hand!

( Screams )

It's over, doc.

Thank god you came when you did.
He was going to k*ll me.

Save it
for your lawyer.

On your belly.

Let me
have your hands.

Do you want
to do the honors?
I would love to.

Listen up, I'm only going
to say this once.

You have the right
to remain silent

you have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say

can and will be
used against you

in a court of law.
Let's go, doc.

That's terrific.

Great, Bob.

Just do me a favor,
keep me posted.

Okay, thanks.

Hey, Sam.
Hey, guess what.

Martina is down
at Donovan's office

with her lawyer

and she
is singing so loud

they should book her
at the met.

Surprise, surprise.

also, I ran a check
with the private charters

out of Nassau
and guess what?

You found the pilot who flew
Carmichael in and out

the day
of the m*rder.

How did you know that?

What else could it be?

well, how 'bout this--
pilot's coming in right now

to give us a statement?

Chalk one up for the good guys.

Are you okay?


They buried Ronnie Atkins today.


I went to the cemetery, but...

I didn't go in.

I guess they don't all end
happily ever after, Sam.

I'm sorry.