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05x03 - Sweet Punishment

Posted: 10/08/23 05:38
by bunniefuu
( Slap )

That's for being
\Ha bad girl.

You know you've
been bad, huh, lovely?

I'll be good, I promise.

you always say that
and then you're bad again.

I am just trying to please you.

But you're not doing it.

( Slap )

Go to hell, Victor.

Good. Fight me.

I like it
when you fight back.

Don't you ever hit me again.

don't you ever
tell me what to do here.

I rule here.

This is my kingdom.

You are my subject.

Oh, and am I supposed
to bow now?

Yeah. Bow.

No way.

Oh, you are pretty.

But so undisciplined.

( Buckle clinking )

I think it's time we taught you

the lesson of your life.

love can be like
the flame of a candle--

illuminating, bright,
leading the way.

For a rare few,

the flame becomes
something else,

appealing in itself.

Some touch finger to fire
and are invigorated by it

and if they are,
any hint of love is gone.

Lines of decency blurred
until they're invisible.

The pain all-consuming.

Coming back is not easy.

( Police radio chatter )

What you got, Sam?

Well, the manager
found the body

about an hour ago.

Looks like he
took a dive

from right
about up there.

Maybe he was trying

to make a big splash.

Yeah, he did.

He didn't make
it to the water.

Neighbors see

No, we're still checking,
but nothing yet.

So, uh,
who's going to do

the honors, you or me?

You just ate, right?

Yes, I did.

I'll check.

Good. Good.

( Sighs )

Partially clothed.

Doesn't really fit
the M.O. Of a jumper.

He's got scrapes
on his knuckles.

well, it could
have happened in the fall.


Maybe not.

Got a name yet?


His name's Victor stone.

Let her through.

And who are you?

His neighbor.

Lois Griggs.

Sergeant Lance,
Sergeant Lorenzo, Miss Griggs.

So what can you tell us
about Mr. Stone?

I'll be honest.

I'm not sorry he's dead.

Really? Why is that?

He had all the charm
of a low-life pimp--

which is what he was.

How do you know
he was a pimp?

He tried to recruit me.

I would have told him
where to stick it

but there was something chilling
about the way he looked at you.

Chilling how?

Just evil.

I tried to steer

as clear of him as I could.

You see anybody
with stone last night?

Is this information
going anywhere?

This is just
a preliminary investigation.

yeah, well,
there's lots of big trials

on the tube nowadays.

what if I say something
and later I have to testify?

Something might
happen to me.

You watch too much
TV, Miss Griggs.

Who knows,
there could be

a book deal
in it for you.


Did you see anybody
with Mr. Stone

last night

or this morning?

last night, I saw
a tall blonde with him.

it was probably
around : , : .

Can you give us a better
description than that?

You know, short hair,
long hair, dirty blonde,


Hooker blonde.

Big and bleached.

All right.

Thank you very much,

you've been
a huge help.

Book deals.

tell you what,
this gets harder and
harder all the time!


That is one hell of a fall.



Check this out.

sign of a good
disciplinarian, huh?


Look at this.

Somebody forgot to duck.


No sign of a note.


Guess this, uh...

Rules out sensitivity training.


you know,
I'm thinking somebody...

Must've given Victor a nudge.

Yeah, but this guy's...

What, he's - , pounds?

would've taken a regiment
to throw him off that balcony.

Unless he was unconscious
before he took flight.

( Whistles )

What did
you find?

Love letters?

Daily planner.


Looks like
we got ourselves

a little
shopping list here.

And a photo gallery

...of Vic's girls.

some of these ladies
are drop-dead gorgeous.

I guess money'll buy
just about anything, huh?


( Whistles )

( Groans )

Hey, mister.


Anything turn up?

No, not really.

Although I did find
this one hooker

who can do this thing
with her thing...

No, that's... okay.

I will take
the abridged version

thank you very much.

Just... tell me
what the ladies said.

they didn't say much.
You know, it's amazing how

these hookers will not talk
about their pimps to cops.

Even a dead pimp?

I think that kind of fear
dies very slowly.

What about you?

You get anything
from the Johns?

Uh, besides
shocked denial--

no, no, nothing...

and it looks like
the next one on our list owns...

An Italian restaurant.

Fancy that.

A little pizza.

I like it,
I like it.

why don't you tell us
how you know Victor stone.

He came in and
ate and drank-- a lot.

You know what G
he did, right?

I hear rumors,

but to me,
he was a customer.

Just ate and drank.

we served,
he paid for it.

The question is...

Did he serve you?

I don't get what you mean.

That's interesting.

your name was all over his
appointment book, Mr. Simone.

They don't want it.

Get lost! Adios!

look, I got kids,
you understand what I'm saying?

We're homicide, not vice.

we're not obligated
to tell anybody about this.

but we'll be more
likely to sit on it

if we think
you're being helpful.

Sure, I got you.

Ask me some questions.

All right... what do you know
about a tall blonde woman?

I can help you there.

We got an understanding, right?

Keep talking.

there was a girl
in victor's stable.

Her name's Mattie pastor.

Sweet, fresh-looking.

Not like the others.

You know the others?


How many?

All of them.

I'm a bad boy,

I don't smoke, drink, do dr*gs,

steal, k*ll people,
none of that.

I just play with the whores.

( Boom box playing ):
♪ move that body ♪

♪ move that body,
work that body ♪

♪ make sure
you don't hurt nobody... ♪

Oh, I remember
being that age.


There she is.

You Mattie pastor?

Yeah, why?

Sergeant Lorenzo...

This is my partner,
Sergeant Lance.

We'd like to ask you
a couple of questions.

What's this about?

The paperback version?

Your name is
in the black book

of a pimp
named Victor stone.

Client listed you
as one of his girls.

Woman matching
your description

was seen leaving
his apartment

a couple hours before he took
a swan dive off his balcony.

well, I hated Victor
but I didn't k*ll him.

Did you get the licorice?

Yeah, two packs.

All right.

this is
my brother, Derek.

Hi, Derek.
how you doing, Derek?

So, uh, you a Shaq fan?

No, penny's my man.

Penny-- so I take it
you play the point.

I dish, I swish.

Derek's a
three-letter athlete.

Baseball, basketball
and football.

Who are you guys?

We're police officers.

We need to talk
to your sister.

What about?


About somebody
that I knew.

Look, did you finish
your homework?


Why don't you run on up
and do it, okay?

Go on, there's nothing
to worry about.

and pick up
your clothes!

Look, my brother thinks
I'm a cocktail waitress

and I'd like to keep it
that way, okay?

We don't have a problem
with that,

as long as we think you're
giving a straight story.

I've only been with Victor
for eight months.

He found me at a lounge
on the east side.

We were really struggling here.

I'm so far behind
on the rent;

it was so hard
to resist.

but, I mean,
as soon as I get enough saved,

I'm going to get out

and open
my own boutique downtown.

You already got a bust
on your record.

Look, it's not like
I walk the streets.

I mean,
strictly high-end clientele.

You're a prost*tute, Mattie.

We don't make
those distinctions.

What's with the kid?

Where are your parents?

they died...
Three years ago.

In a car accident.

I'm my brother's legal guardian.

you, um, were you
at stone's last night?

I stayed in and did laundry.

You can ask Derek;
he was with me.

A tall blonde was seen entering
his apartment last night.

Look, I'm not the only blonde
in victor's stable.

Have you talked
to prima?

Who's prima?

His ex-squeeze.

She has more of a reason
than anyone I know

to want to k*ll him.

Thank you.

All right.

Excuse me.

I'm Sergeant Lorenzo.

Freeze, police!


What, is the circus in town?

Who the hell is that
in my interrogation room?

Oh, just
some clown, cap.

oh, that's
very funny, Lance.

The last thing

I need today
is humorous repartee.

Lorenzo, why are you damp?

Fell in a fountain.

ah. Is that what
happened to your eye?

No, I took a punch
from a woman.


Both, actually.

( Rita chuckling )

well, I'm glad it didn't
affect your power of logic.

And why is that Amazon
sitting in there

without supervision?

Well, we're trying to get
a game plan together

and we're just
thinking... that...

Are you okay?

You don't look so hot.

What do you mean?

I look sick?

No. Well, not really sick.

You look kind of worried,
bothered-- you know.

So I don't look sick.

Are you sick?

I don't know.

All right, cap,
come on.

Talk to us.

( Sighs )

look, I've been
having some discomfort.

the doctor didn't like the
symptoms, so he took some tests.

What do you mean?
What didn't he like?

the whole--
it could be nothing.

but you don't
think it's nothing.

I don't know what to think.

( Sighing )

Where the hell is my hair?

That wig cost me bucks.

I would be more worried
about my face, if I were you.

I'm about three seconds
from getting in it.

ooh! Better take
a chill pill, big boy,

or I'll do the other eye.


Got a mirror, honey?


I was lookin'
so fine this morning.

Had that Claudia Schiffer
thing going.

why'd y'all have to go
and ruin my cool breeze?

Why don't you see
if this fits:

Solicitation, multiple offenses,

two counts of as*ault
on police officers

and resisting arrest.

You are a suspect

in the m*rder of Victor stone.


Are you crazy?

I loved his no-good self.

Why would I k*ll him?


is the number-one
motive for m*rder.



Was Victor gay?

Victor was... open-minded.

What was going on
between you two?

He liked to hurt me.

That's why you left him,
wasn't it?

See, I get the feeling

you couldn't stand
holding that inside,

so you went to
go see him--

maybe not so much
to get him back

but get a few things
off your chest,

only, when you got there,
he was with someone else, right?

I was with a John,
and I can prove it.

Give me a name.

Louis Simone.

Who turned you on to me?

Go home, prima.

Take your high heels
off and relax.

It was Mattie.

That little bitchlet.

She hates me.

She steals my man and does this.

Mattie was seeing stone?


you don't read
the society pages?

Derek, what's up?


Looking for Mattie?

Yeah, is she around?

um, no, but she's
going to be back soon.

you want to play
a little one-on-one?

No, I don't think so.

Why not?

Wouldn't want to see you lose.

Oh, come on, boy.

Come on.


I'm sorry, I'm getting
ready for a date.

No, it's okay.

I just need you to look
at these photographs for me.

Tell me if you recognize
the blonde with stone.

I can tell you already.

This one.

Take your time.

I don't have to.

That's her,
no question about it.


Thanks a lot.

( Groaning )

Come on, one away.

Old man is coming back.

One away.

Come on, let's see.

ready for this?
Coming back.
I'm ready for this.


He wins.

Good job.

Good job, good job.

Good game, man,
let's play again.

No, I, I got to get
something to drink.

We got some lemonade upstairs,
Mattie made from scratch.

Want some?

Definitely interested.

Let me get my stuff.
All right.

( Sighing )

Fresh lemonade, huh?

she must take
really good care of you.

Yeah, the best.

Our parents died, you know?

Mattie wasn't even yet.

she didn't complain,
she just dealt with it.

I mean, she's basically
like my mom, you know?

She cooks, she cleans,

she works really
late sometimes.

Makes me feel guilty.


Well, I'm out here having
this excellent life

and she's k*lling herself.

She loves you.


You know, I want to be able
to pay her back someday.

Buy her a house or something?

Maybe when you turn pro,

you can.


Hey, I kicked butt.

He won at the buzzer.

You got a minute?

Look, Derek, why don't you
practice your free throws

for a little bit,

Oh, I see how it is:
adults only.

And I'm not supposed
to worry, right?

When you start worrying
is when I stop smiling.

so I hear you got
some fresh lemonade.

In fact, I do.

How long you been here?

Uh, about an hour or so.

He likes you.

Don't look so surprised.

No, I'm happy, actually.

Derek doesn't take to most men.

And you'd be a good
role model for him.

not that you're
obligated or anything.

he's a good kid.
His heart's in the right place.

Yours seems to be, too.

( Phone ringing )

Uh, you mind if I get that?

No, go ahead.

Yeah, Lorenzo.

Stone's neighbor just matched
Mattie from a photo.

She was there the night he died.

How positive is this neighbor?

One hundred percent.


Uh, I'll be in soon.

Are you hungry?

I can warm up some,
uh, leftovers.

Why didn't you tell us you were

seeing stone
on the side?

where'd you get
that from? Prima?

A witness fingered you as being
there the night he checked out.

No more games,

I didn't do it.

What I'm going to tell you

is going to make it
look like I did,

and that's why I covered it up.

I'm all ears.

I hooked up with Victor
after prima left him.

and we had been
getting along fine,

until that night.

but then he accused me
of overcharging clients

and skimming
the extra cash.

So he beat the hell out of me

and told me
never to do it again.


No, that's too neat.

see if you think
this is neat, detective.

There's more.

No, no, that's not necessary.

When did this happen?

Around : .

I was back in half an hour
and Derek never knew.

did you go
back there that night?


Mattie, you got opportunity

and you have motive.

( Wry laugh )

Yeah, and I have the strength
to throw him off a balcony?


How you feeling?

Not great.

You hear from the doc?


And that's what's bothering me.

I hate the waiting.


You want me to get you
a pillow for that?

A pillow? Please.

my uncle Morty
has a rubber donut-- he's .


come on, give yourself
a little bit of a break.

I can't; I'm Jewish.

So what's new in the case
of the flying pimp?


We got ourselves
a pretty good prime suspect.

One of his girls:
Mattie pastor.

She's fresh off the farm.
she's too gentle
to be a k*ller.

she's a hooker, she's
not the girl next door.

She's had a couple
of bad breaks.

Look, why don't you
use your head?

prima is our
number-one suspect.

We have no way

to prove that
she was there.

Hey, hey, hey,
time out.

you might want
to reconsider that, Lance.

I'm pretty sure
about this one, cap.

Oh, yeah?

Tell it to the lab.

They found
short dark hairs

on stone's shirt.

( Gasping )

( Giggling ):
oh, Mattie,

you are one
stupid whore

for turning the
cops on to me.

( Gagging )

( Chris groans )

All right, Derek,
free throws.

a lot of guys
like to get into a rhythm.

They'll dribble


Go right into the shot.

All right,
you're up.

Derek, look out!


You all right?


What's up?

You're not,
you're not into this.

No, it's, it's just...

Come on, what's up?

Mattie didn't
come home last night.

Well, maybe she worked late,
stayed at a friend's house.

no, if she was
going to do that,

I mean, she would've
called, right?

Want me to check it out?

Can you?

I'm a cop; That's what I do.

There she is.

( Sighing )


What happened?

I don't think I can walk.

that's okay;
I got you.
Who did this?!

Derek, don't yell,
they can hear you in west palm.

Oh, Mattie.

come on,
let's get her inside.

Hold still.


it's okay,
I'm almost done.

I don't understand--

why didn't this mugger guy
just take your money?

I mean, if I was
going to mug someone,

I wouldn't beat 'em up,
you know?

Derek, calm down, all right?

look, why don't you
just go to your room.

Can you do that? Please?


You have to go now.


Because you just have to.
Okay? Please?

What's wrong?


Would you just go?

wait a minute,
you weren't mugged, were you?

No more questions.

If somebody did this
to you as a warning,

there's a great chance
they'll come back
and finish the job.

What if Derek is here
when they do?

Think about him.

( Crying )

I don't know what to do.

Just talk to me,
all right?

I'm on your side,

I can't talk to you.

She told me if I talk
to the police,

she's gonna come back
and k*ll me.

Who? Prima?

Did prima do this to you?

It's about time
I went and had

a little talk with
our friendly drag queen.


'Cause then she'll know
I talked to you.

I'll protect you.

You will?


I promise.

Come here.

It's going to be okay.

It's going to be all right.

You told her what?!

you're not
her personal bodyguard.

She was a wreck.

Yeah, she's also a suspect.

Not in my book, she's not.

Why? Because you honestly think
she didn't do it

or you're hoping

she didn't do it?

That would be the former.

I'm worried about you.

You're way too close on this.

Rita, she has been out there,
on her own,

herself for this kid,

getting the hell
kicked out of her.

I want to help.

not everybody would
make the same choices she made

in the situation, Chris.

She took the quick fix.

no matter how
you look at it, Chris,

she's a hooker.

She's different.

Mattie can
turn it around.

She can start a new life.

I know she can.

You need to get in touch
with reality.



My office.

In a second, cap.

It's going to be fine.

Hey, cap, what's going on?

Close the door.

look, we never really
talked about this, but...

if something
were to happen to me

you'd look after Frannie,
wouldn't you?

Yeah, it goes without saying.

why are you
asking me this now?

No, I was just thinking.

No way you drop a b*mb
like that on me

and not give me
an explanation.

What's going on?

I just got a call
from the doctor.

He wants me to come in
for another test.

He suspects prostate cancer.

Whatever happens, cap,
I want you to know

I'm with you all the way.

just feels like
I'm all alone in this.

Does Frannie know?

Of course not.

I don't want her to worry.

If the tables were turned,
wouldn't you want to know?

yes, I would,
but this is different.

You sure?

Yes, I'm sure,

I'm a man, I don't want
my wife worrying about me.

It's not the way it works.

Okay, if that's how
you want to play it.

Cap, if you
need anything...

I'm here for you.

Guys, come on,
I got a business to run here.

we just want to
settle one thing.

you confirmed
you were with prima

the night stone
took his dive, right?

that's right.
You want the unrated version?

No, thanks.

You wouldn't be lying to us,
would you, Louie?

No, I've been straight
from the beginning.

Then why didn't you
tell us you were trading

spaghetti for sex?

I checked stone's
credit card receipts

for the past year-- there wasn't
one from la Conde Venezia.

It's pretty odd,

considering he ate here
almost every night.

all right.
We had an arrangement.

I didn't say anything because
I didn't think it was relevant.

It would have been relevant

if one of his hookers--
let's say prima--

resented not getting paid

for her services.

They all know freebies
go with the territory.

Look, you were getting greedy,

You were dipping in there
three, four times a week.

see, this is
what I think.

prima was feeling resentment
towards stone for dumping her.

not only that,
but then he makes her have sex

with a client
who's not even paying.

So maybe she acts
on her emotions--

something we know
she does often--

she decides to give him
flying lessons.

then she
comes back to you

and she trades an alibi
for even more free sex.

very creative.
My story stands.

if we're right, that makes
you an accessory to m*rder.

you're wrong,
and I haven't seen prima

since this thing went down.

( Doorbell rings )



You look terrific.

Swelling's almost gone.

I'm good with makeup.

Not that you need it.

Sure I do.

Come in.

Uh, brought this for you.

What is it?

Chicken soup--
good for what ails you.

Thank you.

thank you;
That's so sweet.

I'm vegetarian.

it's okay,
I appreciate it.

And you know what?

Derek is going to love it
when he gets back.

all right.
Hey, where is Derek?

He went to meet some of
his friends at the gym.


It's all
he can talk about.

You had quite
an effect on him.


He's a good kid.

Thank you
for being there for us.


It's no problem.

What's wrong?

It's a little complicated.

It's because I'm a hooker.

No, it's because I'm a cop...

( Sighing )

...and you're a suspect.

That's not it.

Don't deny it.

You think I'm trash.


All men think I'm trash.

I don't.

you know, even someone
like me deserves to be loved.

I know.

Do you?

Hold me, then.


Who called this in?

He did-- over there.

( Police radio chatter )

You called this in?

I want to make sure
we're both in step.

I wouldn't have reported
this if I k*lled her.

I'm just trying to do
the right thing.

You're a model citizen,
Mr. Simone.

You don't like me,
do you, detective?

No, I don't.

I've got feelings.

I'm capable of
caring about people.

I was actually fond of prima.

She was my favorite.

Just tell me what happened.

She called, wanted to know

if we're still in business.

Victor's got rooms booked
at the palmetto.

So I go down there.

But, this time,
I paid.

And when was this?

Couple of hours ago.

Anyway, afterwards,

I see her leaning over
Mattie's car, and she gets in.

so I follow them,
they lose me at a light.

By the time I figured out
they pulled in here,

it was too late.

how'd you know
it was Mattie's car?

A couple of nights ago,
she picked me up.

My battery was dead.

You were with Mattie
two nights ago?

Yeah. Another regular.

Not a mark.

Let me see your hand.


Is this your thing?

You like beating up hookers?

No, it's her thing-- Mattie's.

It's her specialty.

That night, she
really wanted it.

Made me tie her up.

She wore me out.

We got a little carried away--

but she wanted it.

You can't book me
on this, right?

You know, Mr. Simone,

if there was
a creep hall of fame,

you just got nominated.

( Moans )

Feel better?

( Exhales deeply )

No more tears.

almost had to invest
in a sponge factory there.

Did my makeup run?


It must be waterproof.

Here, let me do you now.

You know what,
I'm okay.

No, look at
your shoulders

look how tense
they are.

Come on.

Ahh, all right.



You're really good
at this.

You mean
I've had practice?

Uh, that, that's not
what I meant.

No, it's okay,
it's all right.

It's part of the craft.


( Exhales deeply )

What are you doing?

What do you think?

Mattie, please.

Come on, it feels good,
admit it.

It feels great, but...


it's just
a friendly little massage.

Turn around.

Stick to the shoulders.

The shoulders, just...

Stick to the shoulders.


( Exhales deeply )

( Moans )

It's great.

See, that feels good.


I know
you want me, Chris.

I can feel it
when I touch you.

Stop, that's enough!

what, you want
something different,

is that it?

I want you to stop.

Do you want me
to grovel?

I mean it, get up.

Get up.


ever beat
a suspect, Chris?

I know there
had to be

a time or two when
you just pounded some guy

just 'cause you
couldn't stop yourself.

I got to go.

You know what you want--
all men want the same thing.

No, all men don't want
the same thing.

Where are your
handcuffs, Chris?

Enough, Mattie!

( Cell phone ringing )

now you're starting
to get the hang of it.

( Phone continues ringing )

Come on.

( Sighs )

( Turns siren on )

( Siren blaring )

( Tires squealing )

Do it again.

That's enough.

Come on, Chris,
do it again.

What is wrong
with you?!

( Panting )

I could hurt you, Mattie.

( Catching breath )

Then do it.

You've got to finish me.

Where are you going?

Finish me, damn it!

You need help, Mattie.


He's like the others!

He's just like the others.

I think you k*lled him.

Why do you let them do this?!

Would you be quiet?!
they'll hear you!

I don't care.

What are we
going to do now, huh?

How are we going
to explain this?

We'll take him
to the roof.

it'll look
like he fell off.


No, you can't
do that.

Mattie, we have to.

Oh, my god...

You k*lled Victor!

I'm not going to let anything

happen to you, Mattie.

How did you know about him?

I was following you.

Oh, Derek.

I know everything.

Oh! I'm sorry,
I am so sorry.

I even know about prima.

I heard you from the bedroom.

But, Mattie,
it's okay now.

You're safe.

She'll never attack you again,
I promise.

oh, baby,
what have I done to you?

You know, I don't care
what you do,

I just can't...

I can't handle
seeing you like this.

this has to stop right now.

If, if we stick to our story

they can't prove anything.

Our story?!

What story?

That Chris came over
and, and, what?

the two of you
were up there, and...

and he tried
to force himself on you.

And that's,

that's when I got home

and I saw him hitting you

and he...

And what?!

He fell!

Yeah, he fell, that's good.

That's good.

And, uh, I tried
to grab his shirt

but it ripped out of my hands.

Help me, Mattie, come on.



You've got to help me!
come on!

No! They will know.

It's too late now.

Help me, please.

( Derek grunting )

Palm beach police,
open up!

Sergeant Lance!
open up!

( Breathing heavily )

Palm beach police, open up!

( Knocks twice )

( Glass shattering )

Derek, no!

Throw it down!

Put it down, now.

Derek, please.

No more, baby.

No more.

You okay?

besides the splitting headache

and the double vision...

I can't get this ringing
out of my ears.

Yeah, well, that just means
someone's talking about you.

Yeah. That would be Derek.

Probably talking to his
court-appointed shrink.

I can't get his face
out of my head.

We're neck-deep
in piranhas

and this kid gets eaten alive
because he cares too much.

Sounds like somebody I know.

He's a good kid.

He just needs somebody to...

Watch over him.


I'm not going to let him
get flushed down the system.

Well, I tell you,

you are a much better man
than I am.

Well, I certainly hope so.

Donovan said you went to bat
for Mattie pastor.

Yeah, so to speak.

you know,
a lot of people

have tried to k*ll me.

And this lady's got a better
reason than anybody else--

just trying to protect
her little brother.

yeah, well, you know,
that'd be real comforting,

if they had succeeded.


based on your report,

the county attorney's office
has declined to press charges.

The way it should be.

Uh, Sam...

You hungry?


Hey, guys. They told me

I'd find you here.


Well, I got a prostate
the size of Nevada.

Uh, that's good?

That's fantastic!

It's typical
for men my age.

No cancer, nothing.

Just a temporary
pain in the ass.

Couldn't happen
to a nicer guy.

hey, you know
what I love most

about this job?

You're never really alone.

There's always a cop
when you need one.

Or two.